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Author: Leeanne88

[Idea] Tag Questions

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Post time 1-2-2020 03:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Where did you grow up?

2. What is the earliest memory you have?
My growing up years

3. What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?

4. What could you have done to make today more productive?
Volunteer work

5. Would you rather have flying Reindeer or a Unicorn?

6. Do you need to be tucked into sleep or can you fall asleep anyhow?
Can sleep anyhow

7. If you had to wear one item forever what would it be?
Long Dress

8. If you had to Kiss, Marry and Kill YouTubers, who would you choose and what would you do with to them?
Nothing. I didnt follow any YouTubers

9. What is a question you want to answer but nobody asks?
Anything about IT

10. Which cartoons do you still watch?

11. What show do you watch that isn’t targeted for your age group?
All show are watchable to me

12. What show do you wish could come back from your childhood?
The Twilight Saga

13. What song do you not know the lyrics of but you like to sing anyways?
Too many songs

14. If you could have one talent what would it be?
Hip Hop dancing

15. Would you rather the world remain peaceful forever or no one on earth ever goes hungry?
World remain peaceful forever

16. What is a weird food combination that you do?
Asam pedas with cheese

17. Would you rather eat or drink your calories?

18. 5 things that make your average day better?
1) Sleep
2) Eat
3) Supper
4) Workout
5) Watch Movies

19. Would you rather someone go through your phone (text messages and all) or go through your internet history?
Go through my internet history

20. What are 3 things you would do if you were stranded in a rainforest to ensure your survival?
1) Find drinking water
2) Build a shelter before nightfall
3) Find a source of food

21. If only you and one other person were the last human beings alive, who would, you want the other person to be?
My sibling

22. If you had to choose never to use Twitter, Instagram or YouTube again, which one would you let go?

23. If you had to choose, how would you want to get famous?
Dance wearing skimpy clothes in public

24. Which Languages do you speak?
English & Malay

25. Which languages do you wish you could speak?
Mandarin & Spanish

26. What country do you wish you were from?

27. What is your favorite moment in history?
Ive had many favourite moments

28. If you could choose, which time would you go back to?
Year 2009

29. If you had a time machine would you rather go back in time or into the future?
Go back in time

30. Pet Koala or Pet Panda?
Pet Koala

31. The power to communicate with animals or the power to communicate with plants?
The power to communicate with animals

32. What is your usual bedtime?

33. What do you remember to be the worst day you’ve ever had?
diarrhoea while on public transport

34. What is an irrational fear you had as a child?
The lion dance will be real lion and will come after human to eat them

35. Have you ever conquered a fear of yours?

36. What is something silly you believed as a child?
Santa Claus is real

37. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A teacher

38. If the kid version of you were to meet you now, how would they react?
Curious, approachable

39. What is your favorite fictional world?
Alice in Wonderland

40. Which teacher left the most impact on your life?

41. What was the most significant event of your life?
Graduation Day

42. Would you say you have more of an English brain than a math brain?

43. Will you want to be remembered after you die?

44. What was the last movie you watched?
IP Man 4 - The Finale

45. What was the last movie that made you cry?
IP Man 4 - The Finale

46. Have you ever been so happy that you cried?

47. Have you ever won anything, of so, what?
Lucky draw 1st prize,  return tickets to Paris for 2

48. If you had to get married to the last friend you texted, how would it go?
Not going to happen. Both of us are woman. We are not lesbian.

49. Would you ever go on a blind date?

50. Do you mind getting famous even if it’s from bad publicity?
Maybe yes, maybe not.  Depends if i will gained anything from the bad publicity.



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Post time 1-2-2020 05:06 PM | Show all posts
1. Where did you grow up?  TAIPING AND KL


3. What would you do with the money if you won the lottery? TRAVEL SATU DUNIA

4. What could you have done to make today more productive? MY FAMILY..

5. Would you rather have flying Reindeer or a Unicorn? UNICORN

6. Do you need to be tucked into sleep or can you fall asleep anyhow? CAN FALL ASLEEP ANYHOW

7. If you had to wear one item forever what would it be? WEDDING RING

8. If you had to Kiss, Marry and Kill YouTubers, who would you choose and what would you do with to them? NO IDEA

9. What is a question you want to answer but nobody asks? KO INGAT SENANG JADI AKU?

10. Which cartoons do you still watch? SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS

11. What show do you watch that isn’t targeted for your age group? EJEN ALI, FROZEN

12. What show do you wish could come back from your childhood? JEANNIE IN THE BOTTLE

13. What song do you not know the lyrics of but you like to sing anyways? ERRR..

14. If you could have one talent what would it be? RUN A BUSINESS

15. Would you rather the world remain peaceful forever or no one on earth ever goes hungry? PEACEFUL FOREVER

16. What is a weird food combination that you do? HMMM, TAKDE KUT

17. Would you rather eat or drink your calories? DRINK

18. 5 things that make your average day better? FAMILY, HOLIDAY, CUKUP TIDO, MONEY, GOOD FOOD

19. Would you rather someone go through your phone (text messages and all) or go through your internet history? PHONE

20. What are 3 things you would do if you were stranded in a rainforest to ensure your survival?   FOOD.KNIFE.WATER

21. If only you and one other person were the last human beings alive, who would, you want the other person to be? MY HUBBY

22. If you had to choose never to use Twitter, Instagram or YouTube again, which one would you let go? TWITTER

23. If you had to choose, how would you want to get famous? BEAUTIFUL WITH BRAIN

24. Which Languages do you speak? MELAYU. ENGLIS

25. Which languages do you wish you could speak? FRANCE . MANDARIN. ARABIC

26. What country do you wish you were from? SWISS

27. What is your favorite moment in history? CHILDHOOD

28. If you could choose, which time would you go back to? TEENAGER

29. If you had a time machine would you rather go back in time or into the future? GO BACK

30. Pet Koala or Pet Panda? PANDA

31. The power to communicate with animals or the power to communicate with plants?ANIMALS

32. What is your usual bedtime? 11 PM

33. What do you remember to be the worst day you’ve ever had? 28 OCT 2019

34. What is an irrational fear you had as a child? TAKUT HANTU

35. Have you ever conquered a fear of yours? NOT REALLY

36. What is something silly you believed as a child? TAKUT KAWEN

37. What did you want to be when you were a kid? DOKTOR HAHAH

38. If the kid version of you were to meet you now, how would they react? DUNNO, MESTI KIUT

39. What is your favorite fictional world? JADI PRINCESS

40. Which teacher left the most impact on your life? TAKDE

41. What was the most significant event of your life? BEING A MOTHER

42. Would you say you have more of an English brain than a math brain?  MORE TO MATH

43. Will you want to be remembered after you die? YUP

44. What was the last movie you watched? JUMANJI

45. What was the last movie that made you cry? XDE

46. Have you ever been so happy that you cried? BYK KALI

47. Have you ever won anything, of so, what? NOT LUCKY ENOUGH HAHAH

48. If you had to get married to the last friend you texted, how would it go? HAPPYY LA.. MY EX BF

49. Would you ever go on a blind date? YUP..

50. Do you mind getting famous even if it’s from bad publicity? NOPE



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Post time 2-2-2020 09:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Where did you grow up?
Johor. Takleh bitau lagi tepat drp itu.

2. What is the earliest memory you have?
Mkn bubur ayam. Kat sebelah tu abg2 main badminton. Mkn nasik dgn daging and potato, mkn kat swing depan umah pun iols ingat. Ni kecik2 sblm masuk alam persekolahan.

3. What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?
Bayar cukai dulu. Pastu bayar sume hutang. Selebihnya simpan utk retirement. Kalau terlampau byk, sedekah skit kat charity.

4. What could you have done to make today more productive?
Bangun awal, mandi, terus buat keje.

5. Would you rather have flying Reindeer or a Unicorn?
Unicorn la. Reindeer tu nampak biase.

6. Do you need to be tucked into sleep or can you fall asleep anyhow?
I can fall asleep anywhere when i am tired. Apehal nak kena tuck in? Iols bknnya budak2 lagi.

7. If you had to wear one item forever what would it be?
Dress panjang. Mcm citer zaman dolu2.

8. If you had to Kiss, Marry and Kill YouTubers, who would you choose and what would you do with to them?
I watch youtube but not to the extent of wanting to meet any of them youtubers.

9. What is a question you want to answer but nobody asks?
Do you want all this money?

10. Which cartoons do you still watch?
Tak tgk sgt dah. Iols dah tua at heart. Kalau ada pun, it's not the cartoons from my childhood.

11. What show do you watch that isn’t targeted for your age group?
Kekadang tu tgk movies utk bebudak muda mcm charlie's angels, etc. Chick flicks meant for young people. Feel so out of place in the cinema when this happens.

12. What show do you wish could come back from your childhood?
All the cartoons I loved watching as a child or young adult: transformers, jem, thundercats, my little pony and frens, martin mystery, etc.

13. What song do you not know the lyrics of but you like to sing anyways?
Sumer iols tak tau lyrics daa... bukak radio mase driving, sume iols taram nyanyi.

14. If you could have one talent what would it be?
To be able to travel just by opening the door. Best woo.. jimat duit travel. Bukak pintu je dah sampai jepun.

15. Would you rather the world remain peaceful forever or no one on earth ever goes hungry?
Peaceful. Sbb kalau peaceful, org dah tak gado2 psl mkn, kuasa, etc.

16. What is a weird food combination that you do?
Iols mkn buah dgn nasik. Ni kalau amik makanan buffet, nasi, lauk, buah sume taram satu pinggan sbb malas nak ulang alik byk kali.
Pastu sbb buah dlm pinggan sama dgn nasi, mkn je la.
Another weird combination is waffle peanut butter and chocolate.
Toasted bread with banana and chocolate filling pun rasenya pelik utk org lain.

17. Would you rather eat or drink your calories?
Eat la. Baru kenyang.

18. 5 things that make your average day better?
Nobody. Screws. Up. My. Day.
5, kan?

19. Would you rather someone go through your phone (text messages and all) or go through your internet history?
Baca la tepon aku. No secrets in there.
Internet history tak voley. Nnt org tau sapa nick iols kat porem cari.

20. What are 3 things you would do if you were stranded in a rainforest to ensure your survival?
Cari makan. Bina or cari tmpt tinggal. Cari air.

21. If only you and one other person were the last human beings alive, who would, you want the other person to be?
I'd rather be dead like the rest of the world. But if I had to choose, I'd choose a good fren who is reliable. Takleh ckp sape sbb ada beberapa org utk dipilih.

22. If you had to choose never to use Twitter, Instagram or YouTube again, which one would you let go?

23. If you had to choose, how would you want to get famous?
For discovering anti-cancer treatment. Voley buat byk duit woo...

24. Which Languages do you speak?
BM, english.

25. Which languages do you wish you could speak?
All other languages. Fluently.

26. What country do you wish you were from?
Actually, sbb iols dpt scholarship dari mesia, iols dah kira cukup bersyukur dah. Kat negara lain, belum tentu dpt sambung blaja tinggi2 or dpt scholarship.

27. What is your favorite moment in history?
When it was peaceful times.

28. If you could choose, which time would you go back to?
I wouldn't go back in time. I like the facilities from this era. Zaman dolu2 rase geli plak nak pakai toilet depa.

29. If you had a time machine would you rather go back in time or into the future?

30. Pet Koala or Pet Panda?
Koala. Depa kecik boleh nak peluk2.

31. The power to communicate with animals or the power to communicate with plants?
Animals la. Animals membawang musti lagik power drp manusia. Kita je tak tau.

32. What is your usual bedtime?

33. What do you remember to be the worst day you’ve ever had?
Tanak ckp. Happened one day after my birthday. Previously was my dad passing away. New records are being made every time.

34. What is an irrational fear you had as a child?
Scared of the dark. Sampai skang.

35. Have you ever conquered a fear of yours?
Tak. Ingatkan dah tak scared of the dark.. fikiranku meleset.

36. What is something silly you believed as a child?
Everybody can become einstein. Later I changed my mind that not all are einsteins.

37. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Fashion designer. Scientist. Doctor.

38. If the kid version of you were to meet you now, how would they react?
"Couldn't find a life partner? Why?"

39. What is your favorite fictional world?
A place where everybody is good.

40. Which teacher left the most impact on your life?
Ada sorang, she taught us for 3 years. Tgk2 aku pun single seumo idup mcm dia.

41. What was the most significant event of your life?
Still waiting for it. InsyaAllah planning to do it next year. Doa2kanlah yek. Pastu forget about making history..

42. Would you say you have more of an English brain than a math brain?
Both. Kekadang one is better than the other.

43. Will you want to be remembered after you die?
I'm ok not to be remembered. Iols tak mcm citer "Remember me", nak kena ada org ingat iols sepjg masa. People have to move on. I'd encourage that.

44. What was the last movie you watched?
Underwater rasanya. Kerr citer queen of spades?

45. What was the last movie that made you cry?
Cite pasal bapak. Tak ingat namanya.

46. Have you ever been so happy that you cried?

47. Have you ever won anything, of so, what?
Mase skolah rendah dpt cabutan bertuah, menang cap.
Masuk pertandingan menang dari peringkat skolah, daerah sampai 3rd peringkat negeri skolah rendah dan menengah rendah. 2 pertandingan yg berbeza ok.
Masuk pertandingan bodo2 dlm sotkabor, menang hadiah bodo2 mcm cassette lagu enrique iglesias, raincoat dockers.
Masuk pertandingan bodo2 cinema, menang brg2 i-robot iaitu baju t-shirt, buku, coklat. Ni mmg iols suke sgt. I was extremely happy to win this.
Amik elektif module mase undergrad, tetibe dpt markah tertinggi, menang 100 pounds sterling. Ni pun iols suke sgt.
Masuk larian2 semata2 nak dptkan finisher medals. Haha.. ni pun rase mcm bodo je buat. Nak dpt top prizes mmg tak mampu la sbb iols ni bknnya african.
Masuk larian dan dpt cabutan bertuah, dpt fire extinguisher. Larian lain kena jawab soklan, menang hamper. Iols suke sgt hamper tu. Tengkiu bebudak medik UM. Hehehe...
Departmental party cabutan bertuah, menang bekas makanan, etc. Tengkiu department, walopon ada org jaki tgk aku dpt hadiah.
Group iols dlm kursus menang sekotak coklat sbb cepat dan betul jawapan mase main kahoot. Kitorang gumbira sbb kitorang underdogs kalahkan org lain yg dah lama buat keje biosafety. Akibatnya, tak dijemput utk bg training kat group seterusnya. Hahaha.
Clearly this is the wrong question to ask me. Kalah menang tu lumrah pertandingan. Kalau tak menang pun, it's ok sbb there is always a next time. Everybody is a winner. Saje bg ayat2 nak gumbirakan ati korang sumer...

48. If you had to get married to the last friend you texted, how would it go?
Pompan.. not gonna happen la.

49. Would you ever go on a blind date?
I'm a very boring person. Baik tak payah pi blind date.

50. Do you mind getting famous even if it’s from bad publicity?
No. But people just love giving me bad publicity. Jeles kot...



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