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Author: emeira

[Buku] Enid blyton n agatha christie- Murder on the Orient Express (2017) in cinema

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Post time 1-11-2006 01:07 AM | Show all posts
How She WroteTravel and Archaeology
Agatha Christie is the world's best-known mystery writer. The Guinness Book of Records listed her as the best-selling fiction author of all time with an estimated two billion copies of her works sold; a billion copies in the English language and another billion in over 45 foreign languages. It is often said that she is outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare.

Agatha Miller was born in Torquay, England on September 15, 1890. In 1914 she married Colonel Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. The couple had one daughter, Rosalind, before their divorce in 1928.

In a writing career that spanned more than half a century, Agatha Christie wrote 80 novels and short story collections. She also wrote over a dozen plays, including The Mousetrap, which opened in London on November 25, 1952, and is now the longest continuously running play in theatrical history and And Then There Were None, which is opening in the West End in a new adaptation by Kevin Elyot in 2005.

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Post time 1-11-2006 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Christie's first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920), was also the first to feature her eccentric Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. Surely one of the most famous fictional creations of all time, Poirot's 'little grey cells' triumphed over devious criminals in 33 novels and 54 short stories. Christie? last published novel, Sleeping Murder (1976), featured her other world-famous sleuth, the shrewdly inquisitive Miss Jane Marple of St. Mary Mead. Miss Marple was created 75 years ago, and has appeared in twelve novels, and 20 short stories, since her debut in The Murder at the Vicarage in 1930.

Both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple have been widely dramatized in feature films and made-for-TV movies. Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Witness for the Prosecution (1957), And Then There Were None (1945), and Death on the Nile (1978) are a few of the successful films based on her works.  

Agatha Christie also wrote six romantic novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. She wrote nonfiction as well - four books including Agatha Christie an Autobiography and an entertaining account of the many archeological expeditions she shared with her second husband, Sir Max Mallowan. In 1971, she achieved her country's highest honor when she received the Order of Dame Commander of the British Empire.  Agatha Christie died peacefully at home on January 12, 1976 after a short cold.

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Post time 1-11-2006 01:10 AM | Show all posts
quotes from agatha

I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't luckily have to bother about that.

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Post time 1-11-2006 01:14 AM | Show all posts
About The Author
Agatha Christie was born in Torquay in 1890 and became, quite simply, the best-selling novelist in history. She wrote 80 crime mysteries and collections, and saw her work translated into more languages than Shakespeare. Her enduring success, enhanced by many film and TV adaptations, is a tribute to the timeless appeal of her characters and the unequalled ingenuity of her plots.
Agatha Christie says: 'I was born in Devonshire, and had a very happy childhood with practically no lessons and lots of time to roam about the garden and imagine things. It was my mother who told me to write. She was a woman of great charm and great character, and was always convinced that her children could do anything! I was in bed with a bad cold and she said, "You'd better write a short story. Nonsense, don't say you can't! Of course you can!"
'For some years I enjoyed myself very much writing stories of unrelieved gloom where most of the characters died. Also a good deal of poetry and a novel with an impossible number of characters in it. Then I thought it would be fun to try and write a detective story. It was an exciting day when The Mysterious Affair at Styles was accepted and published. I was working as a dispenser at a Red Cross Hospital during the First World War when I wrote it.
'As for my tastes, I enjoy my food, hate the taste of any kind of alcohol, have tried and tried to like smoking, but can't manage it. I adore flowers, am crazy about the sea, love the theatre, but am bored to death by the talkies (and am very stupid at following them), loathe wireless and all loud noises, dislike living in cities. I do a lot of travelling, mostly in the Near East, and have a great love of the desert.'
In 1950 Agatha Christie celebrated the publication of her fiftieth detective novel. Messages of congratulation came to her from many eminent people, including Mr C. R. Attlee, then Prime Minister, who wrote: "I admire and delight in the ingenuity of Agatha Christie's mind and in her capacity to keep a secret until she is ready to divulge it. And I admire, also, another of her qualities, one that is not always possessed by those who produce detective stories, her ability clearly and simply to write the English language."
Born in Torquay, she was encouraged to write by Eden Phillpotts, the famous Devonshire playwright; her first book was rejected by several publishers before it was published in 1920. The wife of a distinguished archaeologist (Professor Max Mallowan of Lodon University), she assisted him in his excavations in Iraq, where he made remarkable discoveries. They lived in a Georgian house overlooking the River Dart.



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 Author| Post time 10-11-2006 02:33 PM | Show all posts
wahh..pjg lebar penerangan ttg agatha christie...tq again..

i pun nak buat collection all her books...but i prefer hercules poirot punye series lagi..maybe yg miss maple tu i have only read 2 of the series aje...

ni yg buat bersemangat nak ngumpul enid blyton's n agatha chrities's ni....ada yg nak menjual those books..tak kisahlah second hand pun..i'm interested



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Post time 10-11-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts
enid blyton mmg fox nyer all time fave author... dari tecit up to now, i still love reading her books... i have a huge collection of her books, dari masa fox tecit (my parents loved buying me books whenever they went travelling) and sampai now (which i buy from time to time to add to my collection)...

agatha christie pun fox minat... yep, siri hercule poirot mmg best... dulu penah dijadikan siri tv kan?

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Post time 10-11-2006 11:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 emeira's post

glad to found someone that appreciate those books

and yup agreed i loves all hercule poirot series :love: :love:

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2006 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by emeira at 10-11-2006 02:33 PM
wahh..pjg lebar penerangan ttg agatha christie...tq again..

i pun nak buat collection all her books...but i prefer hercules poirot punye series lagi..maybe yg miss maple tu i have only rea ...

just to update u just happened that one of my collegue collected the hercule poirots series..and he just wanted to sell the collections after finished reading most of the books...and me being the lucky one at the rite moment (i luv hercule poirot's series),managed to grab the offer and OMG..i'm so happy to add in another 25 books to my collections...soooooooooo happpppppppppppy...

alhamdullilah..and i managed to get them at a very good price indeed.

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Post time 13-12-2006 07:16 PM | Show all posts
oh my, sure brings back the good memories. Ada whole set of famous five ngan malory towers series.:love: siapa kat sini yg minat baca nancy drew mesti suka main nancy drew mystery games.

[ Last edited by  sultana at 13-12-2006 07:18 PM ]

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Post time 13-12-2006 07:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sultana at 13-12-2006 07:16 PM
oh my, sure brings back the good memories. Ada whole set of famous five ngan malory towers series.:love: siapa kat sini yg minat baca nancy drew mesti suka main nancy drew mystery games.

teringat masa umur 11 tahun
baca mallory towers and  all nancy drews and hardy boyz --

eons ago
but great books for early teenagers
and an excellent way to learn english -

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Post time 14-12-2006 08:32 AM | Show all posts
this is some of my enid blyton's collection....



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 Author| Post time 14-12-2006 01:08 PM | Show all posts
wow capt..bestnya..

yeah..agreed with u guys..enid blyton's collections are superbs..memang membesar dgn karya2 beliau. walaupun dah jadi mak orang..i'm still so excited bila nampak books by enid blyton esp yg those about boarding schools tu..woweeee..rasa macam kita sendiri yg berada dalam ceta  tu bila baca...bila baca je buku dia, I naturally could imagine the environment that was decribed in the books.

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Post time 14-12-2006 03:13 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by captain_scubby at 14-12-2006 08:32 AM
this is some of my enid blyton's collection....

byk yg dah missing.....huhuhu...tgh collect balik siri2 yg takde...especially noody...

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Post time 14-12-2006 04:34 PM | Show all posts
Ni buku2 yg aku baca zaman aku sekolah luks. Tp mostly takde dalam simpanan, mostly aku pinjam. Tapi ade a few enid blythons for my daugther...hopefully die akan ikut jejak aku yg suke membace nih....

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Post time 26-12-2008 06:24 PM | Show all posts

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie

Archie Christie

Apabila pengarang buku misteri didapati hilang selama 3 minggu pada 1926, suaminya telah menjadi suspek utama ekoran kehilangan beliau.
Agatha Christie merupakan penulis buku misteri paling sensasi sepanjang zaman, dengan jumlah jualan melebihi 2 billion buah buku. Bagaimanapun,pada usia 36 thn. Agatha tiba-tiba di dapati hilang dan akhirnya menjadi watak utama dalam penyiasatan jenayah sebenar.

Pada pagi 4 Dec, 1926 kereta Agatha Christie telah ditemui ditinggalkan di Newlands Corner, England hanya satu jam jarak dari rumahnya. Kelihatans seperti Agatha hilang begitu sahaja. Ada juga yang membuat andaian lebih buruk  - suami Agatha; Archie yang telah menamatkan riwayat Agatha. Kejadian ini menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi. Bagaimana salah seorang wanita yang paling terkenal di England hilang begitu sahaja?

Beliau dilahirkan pada 1890 sebagai Agatha Miller dan dibesarkan dikalangan golongan pertengahan yang mewah. pada usia 24 tahun, Agatha mengahwini Kolonel Archibald Christie, seorang juruterbang kacak dari unit Royal Fyling Corps. Walaupun mendapat bantahan dari banyak pihak, Agatha dan Archie selamat melansungkan perkahwinan pada hari natal tahun1914. Tetapi Archie dikerah ke medan perang sejurus selepas itu.

Sewaktu Archie menyabung nyawa di medan perang Perancis, Agatha memulakan kareer penulisannya. Beliau mencipta watak penyiasat bangsa Belgium yang terkenal iaitu detektif H. Hercule Poirot. Buku-buku yang diterbitkans seterusnya semakin mendapat perhatian ramai. Buku ke 5 Agatha, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd merupakan buku yang paling popular.

Pada tahun 1926, setelah 12 tahun berkahwin, Agatha dan Archie serta anak perempuan mereka berpindah ke sebuah rumah agam. Rumah agam itu di namakan Styles, nama yang diambil dari novel pertama Agatha. Pada masa itu, Archie merupakan pelabur bank yang berjaya.
Pada tahun yang sama, Clara, ibu Agatha meninggal dunia. Agatha terlalu sedih dengan kematian ibunya dan hilang sesuatu yang amat penting dalam hidupnya. Dia membawa Rosalind berpindah sementara ke rumah tempat dia dibesarkan untuk mengemas barang-barang ibunya. Tetapi tempoh Agatha berpisah dari suaminya semakin lama semakin berlanjutan tanpa kunjungan dari suaminya. pada masa yang sama Agatha mengalami tekanan perasaan yang semakin teruk. Apabila Archie akhirnya datang mengunjungi Agatha, dia membawa bersama berita yang buruk. Archie mahu bercerai dengan Agatha kerana telah mempunyai kekasih baru bernama Nancy Neal.

Sebagai usaha terakhir untuk menyelamatkan rumah tangganya, Agatha membawa Rosalind pulang ke rumah agam mereka. Tetapi pada 3 December 1926, Archie keluar dari rumah untuk menghadiri parti hujung minggu dan  juga menemui perempuan simpanannya.
Menurur laporan yang lain pula, sekitar pukul 9.30 malam atau 11 malam yang sama, Agatha juga meninggalkan rumah dengan perasaan marah. Ornag gajinya merasa bimbang apabila mereka melihat Agatha meninggalkan rumah dengan membawa sebuah beg pakaian kecil dan kot bulu. Agatha meninggalkan nota kepada setiausahanya yang meminta supaya semua temujanjinya sepanjang minggu itu di batalkan. Sekeping nota lagi yang tidak diketahui isi kandungannya di tujukan kepada Archie. Pada pagi keesokannya, kereta Agatha di temui ditinggalkan di tepi jalan berhampiran rumah nya.

Pihak berkuasa menyiasat sehingga ke rumah tempat Archie berparti. Keadaan Archie pada masa itu menyebabkan pihak berkuasa mengsyakki adanya perbuatan khianat. Pencarian kehilangan Agatha Christie bermula dan Archie adalah suspek utama nya. Sebuam kolam berdekatan yang di panggil Silent Pool yang pernah digunakan Agatha dalam ceritanya telah diselongkar sekurang-kurangnya dua kali. Orang awam bersama-sama dengan pihak tentera berganding tenaga mencari di kawasan sekitar. Dengan pantas, pihak media menerbitkan cerita tentang kehilangan Agatha berserta teori pembunuhan, bunuh diri dan juga kecurangan.

Secara beransur-ansur, ramai saksi tampil memberitahu mereka pernah melihat Agatha sebelum kehilangan beliau. Yang pertama adalah Earnest Cross yang sedang berjalan ke tempat kerja pada pagi kehilangan Agatha. Menururt Cross, Agatha kelihatan marah. Dia hanya memakai pakaian nipis walaupun cuaca sejuk. Menurut Cross lagi, Agatha memandu ke arah bertentangan dari dari Newlands Corner, tempat kereta Agatha di temui. Dua orang porter keretapi juga turut bercakap dengan aAgatha di luar stesen keretapi dan menyangka Agatha telah menaiki keretapi.
11 hari selepas Agatha dilaporkan hilang, dia akhirnya dilihat di sebuah spa mewah, 200 batu dari rumahnya. Dia mendaftar masuk menggunakan nama Neal, nama keluarga yang sama dengan peremuan simpanan suaminya. Ketua polis tanpa membuang masa telah membawa Archie ke spa itu.
Atas alasan yang hanya diketahui oleh Agatha, pada mulanya beliau memberitahu Archie adalah abangnya, bukan sebagai suami. Tidak lama selepas itu, Archie dan Agatha meninggalkan tempat itu. Mereka tidak memberikan sebarang komen tentang kehilangan misteri Agatha sebelum ini. Pihak akhbar membuat kesimpulan Agatha mengalami amnesia.

Tetapi pakar seperti penulis Gillian Gill mempunyai teori yang tersendiri.

Saya percaya Christie telah berperang besar dengan suaminya. Dia mengalami tekanan perasaan dan ada sedikit gangguan jiwa. Dia akhirnya mengunakan identiti orang lain dan berjalan tanpa arah. Dia naik keretapi dan tukar namanya. Dia masuk ke hotel itu dan menjalani kehidupan yang baru. Perkara ini jarang berlaku tetapi memang wujud. kes ini pernah diterbitkan dalam jurnal psikologi. Dan kita semua tahu Agatha Christie adalah wanita yang luar biasa.”

Namun, penulis lain seperti Gwen Robyns berpendapat ia adalah gimik publisiti.

“Saya rasa dia telah merancang dan mengatur perkara ini dari awal lagi. Agatha menguna kuasa media untuk mengawal perkara yang menjadi kemahirannya iaitu; balas dendam, misteri dan kemungkinan pembunuhan. Dia daftar masuk ke hotel mengunakan nama Neal, nama keluarga kekasih suaminya. Saya rasa perkara ini memang lucu. Saya rasa Agatha betul-betul puas hati kerana polis mengsyaki Archie. Archie tidak boleh kemana-mana kerana polis sentiasa mengawasinya kerana Archie suspek pembunuhan. Archie benar-benar kesusahan. Saya rasa Agatha memang berseronok sambail membaca berita ini dalam akhbar. Hal ini sebenarnya ada unsur balas dendam dan pada masa yang sama, Agatha rasa perkara ini lucu dan menghiburkan.”

Selepas kejadian itu, Agatha dan Archie berpisah. Agatha mengahwini ahli arkeologi Max Mallowan pada 1930 dan dua tahun kemudian Archie mengahwini Nancy Neal. Kedua-dua pasangan ini dikatakan mempunyai perkahwianan yang kekal dan bahagia.



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Post time 26-12-2008 08:34 PM | Show all posts
wow  menarik....dasat

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Post time 27-12-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts
best ar, kenakan orang.. orang lain menggelabah disebabkan kita..   kita hanya memerhatikan orang dari jauh sedang semuanya bergerak melalui perancangan..

bunyi macam kroit ni orang jahat mastermind je..   jenis kawal orang berdasarkan pandangan buah catur..

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Post time 28-12-2008 12:45 PM | Show all posts
peh...memang info yang lengkap dan hebat....
aku sebagai peminat agatha pun x tahu cite ni..

bravo kepada penulis...

mod...kasi kredit lebih skit pada chrysalis  

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Post time 31-12-2008 05:59 PM | Show all posts
aku pon minat giler enid blyton nih............sampai masa kecik2 dulu aku nye lailatulqada wish is to wake up the next day with all enid byton, nancy drew, hardy boys book all over my bedroom

alu dulu pon berkoyan2 buku citer nih sume....tapi tu ler masa masuk boarding school (ni pon pengaruh mallory towers) .........mak aku gi sedekah merata kat cousin2 and jiran2 sume..........nangis taw biler aku dapat taw

skang nih pon tgh pikir2 nak wat collection enid blyton nih balik........ i hope the books are still as cheap as they used to be

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Post time 3-1-2009 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 10-9-2006 04:31 PM

there u go  --
anjing dia -- timmy   

thanks sixret ...
georgina tu  - tomboy  - kena panggil george  ...
but good book..

ada series kat TV juga saya rasa  dari UK --

teringat masa sek rendah dulu, mia duk ingat george tu laki2 sehingga baca buku pd siri yg lain, baru tau dia ppuan

BTW... kedua2 penulis ni mmg mengagumkan...

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