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Author: Arissa_Sofea

The Science of Teleporting...Fuhhh

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Post time 25-4-2009 07:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 Kilokahn's post

elaborate please?

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Post time 25-4-2009 07:59 PM | Show all posts
itu cuma just one to one teleportation....if there many entities to be teleported how would the "apparatus" confer the specificity for each of the molecules/atoms etc etc of a person, yer?

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Post time 25-4-2009 08:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 aku_EnSeM's post

what' s that Ensem?

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Post time 26-4-2009 01:07 AM | Show all posts
sungguh menarik sekali... cuma musykil mcm mana nak teleport atom tu?.... kalu electron tu mmg bleh transport dengan sedikit tenaga, nanti e tu excite dari dia punya orbit...
belum masuk bab teleport roh lagi tu... silap2 teleport, ke batu 2 peginya.......

Originally posted by paparock at 25-4-2009 07:33

Badan kita ni dibina dari atom yang tersusun. Teleporting ni rekodkan susunan tu kemudian pecahkan kemudian antar atom by atom ke satu tempat lain dan kemudian susun semula jadi badan kita se ...

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 07:29 AM | Show all posts
there's a famous saying in quantum physics kan?

"each quantum particle can be at one place in space, at one time but be at other places in space at the same time...."

ini ke yg diorang exploit aku_Ensem or sesapa yg ade ilmu psl quantum mechanics ke leh explain sket tak?

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 07:32 AM | Show all posts
ha ni ha quote wikipedia:

"a single subatomic particle can occupy numerous areas of space at one time"

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 26-4-2009 07:32 AM
ha ni ha quote wikipedia:

"a single subatomic particle can occupy numerous areas of space at one time"

That is certainly true. However, it cannot be exploited to create teleporting mechanism or machine. This is because as the mass of a body increases, the area to which that mass can occupy at one time decreases very rapidly. To illustrate, one could find a quark in a lab at this moment, and suddenly the quark disappears and reappears outside the lab at another moment. However, to repeat the process using a book is very unlikely, since one requires every single quark that build up the book to repeat the same previous process with their bonding retained from one moment to another. Every one knows that this is statistically impossible.

What we meant by entangled particle is a little bit different from this 'numerous places in one time' concept. Also by quantum mechanics, it has been proven that a pair of particle which initially in contact to each other, when separated, seem to have some sort of link that connecting them together. Einstein really disagreed with this, because this allows communication faster than light between the particles.

Lets take an example. Let's take 2 protons in a nucleus, 1 with 'up' spin and the other with 'down' spin. However before we observe what their spins are, they, by quantum theory, do not have a definite spins, which means that they seem to have both 'up' and 'down' spin at the same time.

Here comes the action. Give the nucleus energy so that both protons are excited and leave the nucleus in an unknown direction. So, just as before, 1 proton would have an 'up' spin and the other with 'down' spin, but since we don't observe what their spins are yet, they resides in their 'up' and 'down' spin at the same time state.

Say that around our galaxy is a shell of spin detectors. One day, 1 proton from the above reaches the detector and its spin is 'up'. Then mysteriously, the other proton will be detected on the opposite side of the galaxy and its spin is 'down'!

I bet there is a simple explanation to this. The first proton must have 'up' spin all along and the other 'down'. But if you say this, then you violate quantum theory because before observation, a single proton must have both 'up' and 'down' spin at a time! And quantum theory has been proven to be valid such as in the double slit experiment using electron! So what makes the other proton at the other end of the galaxy to know that his twin proton is observed to have 'up' spin? Did the other proton contact his twin proton in some sort of mechanism?

This is the general idea of entangled particle. In this case, both protons are entangled and whatever happens to the first proton will affect the second one, even if they are millions of light year away apart.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #27 aku_EnSeM's post

and how does this 'entangled' concept relate to teleportation?

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Sorry for the lengthy post. So entangled particle is proven to exist, and it can be exploited to build a teleport machine.

Now imagine this! Instead of having POS MALAYSIA, we now have POS SISTEM SURIA.

Dlm pejabat pos diorg, ade banyak kotak yg dlm die ade banyak proton dan electron yang x diketahui quantum state diorg. Setiap kotak ni, ade kotak pasangan diorg, yang mana setiap proton dalam kotak pertama ada entangled particle die dalam kotak kedua. Jom namekan kotak pertama kotak A dan yg kedua kotak B.

Mase akan datang, kilang xde dah kt Bumi. Sumenye kt Marikh, psl nk gune tenage matahari untuk operate kilang tu.

So kerje POS SISTEM SURIA ni adelah letak kotak A kt Marikh n kotak B kt bumi. Banyak r kotak cmtu yg diagihkan, bukan 2 je.

So andaikan aku nk beli sabun..... So aku amik kotak B kt cawangan POS SISTEM SURIA d KL. And then aku call office kt Marikh, 'aku nk sabun dettol 1 paket. No. kotak aku adelah 99956, tolong siapkan secepat mungkin'.

So kilang tu amik kotak A nombor 99956, iaitu pasangan kotak B, and buat sume jenis chemical reaction dalam tu. Pastu siaplah 1 paket sabun dettol dlm kotak A. Pastu kilang tu call la aku balik 'OK encik Ali, sabun dh siap. Encik boleh bukak kotak tu sekarang'. Jeng Jeng Jeng!!!!! Ade 1 paket sabun dettol!!!!!

Tapi ingat! Selagi kilang tu x suruh bukak kotak tu, jangan bukak!!! Kalau x, yg aku dpt hanyelah sabun yg x jadi n sume entangled particle to dah collapse jd particle sebenar, so xdpt r sabun tu balik. So dlm bisnes ni, pay before you buy...

Teleporting is extremely interesting.

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #28 Arissa_Sofea's post

Sorry, nk taip lame sangat... Dh ade dh relationship die...

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:27 AM | Show all posts
so then hmm what would be the main component that makes up a teleporting machine/ apparatus?

and when i read yours i would say the novelist - angels and demons was right- that there is such thing as bio-entanglement physicist - they are researching the connection between the entities...

one of the character is a bio-entanglement physicist and it is connected with CERN ekekkee

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #31 mbhcsf's post

and what is that? producing a man-teleporting machine?

I'd be afraid to do it, because there is more than just chemicals in our body... I think.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 10:33 PM | Show all posts
so konsep entangled particle ni interesting....dah try baca in depth

essentially, dgn konsep ni boleh teleport the twin particle yg entangled tu kan?

cth: particle A and particle B katala entangled in their quantum state....

A dkt KL...B kat sabah....kita nak teleport A ke sabah...

so just tgk quantum state B...kita boleh create particle baru yang quantum state dier matching B...dapatla particle kiranyer particle A dah teleport ke sabah la kan? sbb kita dapat particle yg quantum state sebijik dgn A kat KL nun....

tapi....tu kirenyer 'replication' of the particle essentially bukanla teleportation kan?? I know that particle A kat KL tu ceased to exist....

but's a replication....not a physical transfer

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:47 PM | Show all posts
in each of the case mentioned above - seolah olah macam duality kind of concept jer.  but then mesti confers specificty ker like the sabun analogy ?

kalau teleportation in JUMPER tu, he does not need to have his "other clone" in order to be teleportable....

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2009 07:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #34 mbhcsf's post

jumper tu lain pulak konsep nyer

yg jumper tu is teleportation by jumping through a rift/tear in space....kinda wormhole laaa

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Post time 27-4-2009 03:58 PM | Show all posts
teori yg tak dpt dibuktikan....

secara tepatnya...semuanya adalah konsep yg boleh diterima sehingga ada 1 cara yg boleh diguna pakai utk teleport...

uhuhu...kena start baca dari dah teleport ke page last...

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Post time 27-4-2009 09:20 PM | Show all posts
well, it is true that teleportation via quantum entanglement is a little bit like replication.

However, if you want to teleport something as in the movie 'Jumpers', as Arissa said, needs to consider the structure of space-time itself! One need to get out of this 3space+1time dimension to get to other places instantly.

Teleportation via higher spatial dimension or something like wormhole is really difficult to put in practice. In large scale, such as to teleport a car via 'wormhole', the disruption in space-time would cause massive disastrous phenomenon around the wormhole. Such disruption is inevitable since wormhole requires infinite curvature of space-time and hence it extends really far into space, unless you could build an artificial event horizon that could insulate the wormhole from us. ??

[ Last edited by  aku_EnSeM at 27-4-2009 21:33 ]

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Post time 28-4-2009 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Dalam citer Stargate tu... sama lah kan teleport ke planet lain. Dulu2 ada gak movie2 yang guna konsep nie.

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Post time 28-4-2009 07:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #38 LanoG's post

Stargate tu ada org kta USA pny kajian..  Tpi x tau la... Tu org kta... Klau konsep wormhole tu klau nak info cuba check dkat bulan April ni pny...

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Post time 29-4-2009 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Balas #39 danialarif\ catat

konsep wormhole lebih praktikal rasanya.....

so konsep ni byk digunakan dlm2 movie...
tak kira la, stargate, star trek....battlestar...

selain wormhole....hyper drive juga konsep yg menarik....

tp teori2 yg jauh dari kefahaman org2 biasa cam aku ni....
so sbg permulaan...mari belajr string theory...

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