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Author: Sephiroth

Gaia Theory - 1960s

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Post time 9-10-2006 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Nih mcm spam ajer!

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2006 11:38 AM | Show all posts
by sedondon   

Nih mcm spam ajer!   

Go and inform adlismel, then. What are you waiting for?
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Post time 9-10-2006 03:24 PM | Show all posts
ooooooo.......inilah yg dikatakan puppet.......i see

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2006 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... alia_climate_change

By ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press Writer
Wed Oct 25, 6:00 PM ET

CANBERRA, Australia - The Australian government pledged $95 million in funding Wednesday for two projects as part of its new strategy to combat global warming, including the construction of the world's largest solar power plant.

The projects are the first to be funded under a $379 million package announced earlier this week to prevent global warming. Australia has been criticized over its refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"The project aims to build the biggest photovoltaic project in the world," Costello told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

The government also announced $38 million in funding toward a $274 million project to reduce carbon emissions from an existing coal-fired power house in Victoria. The project aims to reduce pollution in part by capturing and storing emissions from the burning coal.

"This will make a major contribution to emission reduction in Australia and it just shows practical, considered, financially viable, workable technologies which will help us on our way to reduce global warming," Costello said.

Environmental groups and opposition lawmakers have urged the government to do more to address Australia's reputation as the world's worst greenhouse gas polluter per capita. Greenpeace spokesman Danny Kennedy suspected the announcements could be a strategy to neutralize concerns about climate change ahead of elections next year.

"If the federal government's strategy is to lay out a series of ... announcements from now to the election, it is a thinly disguised attempt to avoid the real action that is needed ? moving Australia away from polluting coal," he said.

The Australian Conservation Foundation said the solar power plant would be a small step toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"If we really want to get serious about cutting our greenhouse emissions in Australia, the most effective way is to ensure that we're setting national targets that require greenhouse pollution to be cut and that we put a price on that greenhouse pollution, that is, make the polluters pay," the group's executive director, Don Henry, told The Sydney Morning Herald.

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Post time 26-10-2006 09:08 PM | Show all posts
this reminds me of a film called The Day After Tomorrow....

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2006 08:20 AM | Show all posts
by sherrina   

this reminds me of a film called The Day After Tomorrow....  

Actually, that movie was based on Scientific facts, much more scarier than people could imagine. :hmm:

Facts are The Gulf Stream carries warm water upward to Atlantic and the Northern Current brings cold waters. Intermingling of both currents produce a suitable atmosphere for planktons to breed and at same time, prevents Europe from freezing to death. This is called an Atlantic Belt (if not mistaken).

IF polar caps were to melt one day, it will introduce more icy waters into the Gulf Stream, the cold water will reduce the warm water levels and this will switch off the Belt. Result - a serious drop in climates and a new ice age across Atlantic and Europe could be the result.

That doesn't mean Asia and South Pacific is not effected either. While storms and snow will be abundant on one side, Asia and South Pacific could suffer serious droughts, famine and lack of rainfalls due to drop of water levels in the sea. In some areas like Bangladesh Delta and low-level islands in South Pacific, serious floods and destruction will follow due to their location near the sea.

So, when one side of the Planet freeze to death, the otherside will get the other blunt of the Sword due to their lack of proper Environment Management. God is fair to all, no?

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2006 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... onment_061029153022

by Katherine Haddon
Sun Oct 29, 10:30 AM ET

LONDON (AFP) - Global warming will cost the world up to seven trillion dollars in the next decade unless governments take drastic action soon, a major report will warn.

Former World Bank chief economist Sir Nicholas Stern was commissioned last year by Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown to lead a review into the economics of climate change and will deliver his findings Monday.

But the Observer newspaper published Sunday excerpts from his 700-page report, which adds that unchecked global warming could make 200 million people refugees from drought or flood.



Source :

Sun Oct 29, 6:06 PM ET

NEW YORK - Thousands of homes and businesses had no electricity Sunday from Maryland to Maine as a storm system blasted the region with winds gusting to more than 50 mph, knocking over trees and a construction crane. The storm was blamed for at least two deaths.

Gusts of 70 mph were possible Sunday in northern New York state, the        National Weather Service said.

A falling tree killed a motorcyclist in Massachusetts, police said. In New Hampshire, one man was missing after falling off a cruise ship on Lake Winnipesaukee during the storm late Saturday, and one man drowned when his kayak overturned on a rain-swollen river, state officials said.

In hard-hit Maine, a 165-foot crane with a wrecking ball attached toppled in one of the most populous neighborhoods of Portland, falling on three houses. No injuries were reported.


What does the above two reports have in COMMON?

Answer - both speaks of Damage and Cost of Damage.

If the World continues to ignores Global Warming, many countries in the World will have to deal with millions/billions of dollars of damage in properties and not to mention possible lost of Lives.

USA already starting to feel the blunt of Global Warming by the freaky storms and Hurricanes which have been banging onto its East Coast since the last two years. :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts
And Speaking of Waste of Millions of Dollars. Here's something reported on New Straits Times today (Oct. 30, 2006)

13 years and millions of ringgits later - the Government's "Love Our River" campaign is a failure.

Malaysia's dirties rivers are :

Sungai Juru, Penang
Sungai Pinang, Penang
Sungai Jejawi, Penang
Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Sungai Klang, Selangor
Sungai Segget, Johor
Sungai Kempas, Johor
Sungai Danga, Johor
Sungai Tukang Batu, Johor

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2006 09:35 AM | Show all posts
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By ANTHONY MITCHELL, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 49 minutes ago

NAIROBI, Kenya - The world's oceans are becoming more acidic, which poses a threat to sea life and Earth's fragile food chain, a climate expert said Thursday.

Oceans have already absorbed a third of the world's emissions of carbon dioxide, one of the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming, leading to acidification that prevents vital sea life from forming properly.

"The oceans are rapidly changing," said professor Stefan Rahmstorf on the sidelines of a U.N. conference on climate change that has drawn delegates from more than 100 countries to Kenya. "Ocean acidification is a major threat to marine organisms."

Fish stocks and the world's coral reefs could also be hit while acidification risks "fundamentally altering" the food chain, he said.

In a study titled "The Future Oceans ? Warming Up, Rising High, Turning Sour," Rahmstorf and eight other scientists warned that the world is witnessing, on a global scale, problems similar to the acid rain phenomenon of the 1970s and 1980s.

Rahmstorf also reiterated warnings of rising sea levels caused by global warming, saying that in 70 years, temperature increases will lead more frequent storms with 200 million people threatened by floods.

Scientists blame the past century's one-degree rise in average global temperatures at least in part for the accumulation of carbon dioxide, methane and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ? byproducts of power plants, automobiles and other fossil fuel burners.

The 1997 Kyoto accord requires 35 industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2012. The Kyoto countries meeting in Nairobi are continuing talks on what kind of emissions targets and timetables should follow 2012.

Things looks hectic, time is running short and Humans still playing "Time-table" <_<

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Post time 18-11-2006 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 7-8-2006 08:51 AM
by sedondon   


Kalau tak ada apa2 yg berguna itu nak keluar dr mulut kamu itu, belajar utk DIAM. FAHAM?

Jangan dilayan org org yg cetek pengetahuan ppl Seph , btw , great post! its a shame America and Australia is continuing their stubbornity to reduce gas emissions, i guess its another reason why Australia is suffering from drought nowadays..

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 18-11-2006 07:43 PM

Jangan dilayan org org yg cetek pengetahuan ppl Seph , btw , great post! its a shame America and Australia is continuing their stubbornity to reduce gas emissions, i guess its another reason  ...

And Americans in the East Coast better learn how to swim because the hurricane coming their way will be worse.
Also, Europe already experiencing weird weather in form of severe storms, including cold weathers, irregular snowfalls and long winter.

Bad news is ... Asia is not unaffected also. There will be effects here as well, especially to those who lives in coastal areas like in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, East Malaysia Coast, Indonesia and so many more. :hmm:

When one area is effected, other areas will get effected as well.

And the most idiotic thing about this ... USA, Australia and so many European countries don't want to sign Kyoto Treaty because they fear it will reduce monetary gains and profits for them (because industries are the ones which heavily effected by the need to cut the emission). But now, with this more and more storms coming their way, it is easy to say that the money they fear will be lost by the cut WILL BE LOST as well by all this damages due to Natural phenemona.

And sad thing is ... Humans suffers when they don't need to if their governments had some common sense. :geram:

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 Author| Post time 4-12-2006 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Source : ... lwarming_monsoon_dc

Thu Nov 30, 3:03 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - India's monsoon rains have intensified over the last half-century as average temperatures have risen, and more severe weather could be in store if global warming continues, scientists reported on Thursday.

Heavy rains come more frequently and are more severe now than they were in 1951, the researchers wrote in the journal Science. At the same time, moderate rains -- the kind that are more easily absorbed -- decreased, leaving the mean rainfall record about the same as it was five decades ago.

"The extreme events are so damaging because they pour in a large amount of rainfall over a small area in a very short time, leading to flash floods and landslides," B.N. Goswami of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology wrote in answer to e-mailed questions.

"On the other hand weak and moderate events do not cause such damage and help recharge the ground water," Goswami wrote.

If this trend continues, the number of extreme rain events could reach 100 per year, more than double the 45 or so such events common in the 1950s in central India, he wrote.

The researchers defined an extreme rain event as one where at least 3.9 inches (100 mm) of rain fell.

The average temperature increase in India between 1950 and 2000 is about .9 degree Fahrenheit (0.5 degree Celsius), Goswami said. That corresponds with the global rise in temperature.

Asian Countries stated to show increase in temperature and high probability of Flash Floods in near future. :hmm:

While in some countries, Flash Flood may not be a great problem, but in countries like Bangladesh and India, it could mean millions could be homeless. :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2006 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Source ... mingkillsmarinelife


Sara Goudarzi
LiveScience Staff Writer
Wed Dec 6, 1:10 PM ET

Satellite data revealed for the first time that global warming could devastate key marine life, scientists announced today.

The decade-long analysis showed that as the surface water of the oceans warmed up, phytoplankton biomass declined.

Tiny marine plants, called phytoplankton, impact the network of organisms that directly or indirectly depend on them for food. Changes in ocean color--a measure of phytoplankton mass--detected from space allowed researchers to calculate their photosynthetic rates and correlate these changes to the climate.

As rising air temperatures heat up the ocean's surface, this water becomes less dense and separates from the cold dense layer below, which is full of nutrients. Since phytoplankton need light for photosynthesis, these floating plants are restricted to the surface layer--now separated from nutrients needed for growth.

When phytoplankton is abundant, the color of the water shifts from blue to green. These marine plants remove carbon dioxide and convert it to organic carbon, accounting for almost half of the Earth's photosynthesis.

During periods of cooler temperatures, there is a flowering of these marine plants. Such was the case in late 1999 when the oceans were recovering from a strong El Nino and the globe was cooling.

As the carbon dioxide levels rise, phytoplankton production is reduced. This means that there will be less ocean plants to uptake this greenhouse gas, which worsens the overall problem, Behrenfeld said.

The study is detailed in the Dec. 7 issue of the journal Nature.

First the Lush Green forest of Africa and South America been cut away, reducing trees needed for Photosynthesis.
Now it's the Phytonplankton from the seas which sucks up Carbon Dioxide. If they are gone, the Cycle of Life could collapse from the lower section upward.

Less Plankton --> less fish --> Human and birds which feed by it will suffer --> Bird population will drop, Economic in some regions which rely heavily on Fishing will be effected also.



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 Author| Post time 15-12-2006 08:19 AM | Show all posts
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By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
Thu Dec 14, 2:04 PM ET

OSLO (Reuters) - The world's oceans may rise up to 140 cms (4 ft 7 in) by 2100 due to global warming, a faster than expected increase that could threaten low-lying coasts from Florida to Bangladesh, a researcher said on Thursday.

"The possibility of a faster sea level rise needs to be considered when planning adaptation measures such as coastal defenses," Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research wrote in the journal Science.

His study, based on air temperatures and past sea level changes rather than computer models, suggested seas could rise by 50-140 cms by 2100, well above the 9-88 cms projected by the scientific panel that advises the United Nations.

"The computer models underestimate the sea level rise that has already occurred," Rahmstorf told Reuters of a rise of about 20 cms since 1900. "There are aspects of the physics we don't understand very well."

Sea level changes hinge on poorly understood factors such as the pace of the melt of glaciers and of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. Water also expands as it gets warmer but the rate of penetration of heat to the depths is uncertain.

"My main conclusion is not that my forecast is better but that the uncertainty is much larger because of the different results you get with reasonable methods," he said.

Hmm ... 4 feet rise in sea level means most of the coastal area in Malaysia is effected ... which also means that hundreds (if not thousands) have to be reestablished somewhere else, same way the Banda Acheh people have been taken away after the Tsunami Event. :hmm:

But one thing is certain ... Swimming lessons most likely be a regular subject in Schools in near future.

Source :

By Adam Tanner
Mon Dec 11, 4:56 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Human increases in carbon dioxide emissions are thinning the Earth's outer atmosphere, making it easier to keep the space station aloft but prolonging the life of dangerous space debris, scientists said on Monday.

"It's a bit of a two-edge sword," said Stanley Solomon, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. "In the future, it will be a little bit easier to keep the space station, for instance, in orbit. It will need a little bit less fuel."

"On the other hand, it will give space junk a much longer lifetime," he told the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

A steady stream of space launches since Sputnik has left about 10,000 objects bigger than the size of a grapefruit, and 100,000 larger than a centimeter, said Kent Tobiska, president and chief scientist of Space Environment Technologies in Pacific Palisades, California.

"It's a more complex, more difficult and a more dangerous area for them," Tobiska said of modern-day spacecraft.

Sigh ... Space junks. :geram:
Not enough that Man throw junks on the World, they proceed to throw junks outside the World also.

[ Last edited by  Sephiroth at 15-12-2006 08:22 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2006 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Read STAR newspaper this morning? (21 December 2006).

Most of Johor have been submerged. Town of Muar, Kluang, Batu Pahat, Pontian, Johor Bahru, Kota Tinggi, Mersing and Segamat have been submerged since last Sunday - total evacuated from their homes - 48, 466 (based on STAR newspaper).

Newly flood areas - Gemencheh, Gemas, Alor Gajah, Ayer Molek Jasin and Rompin - total evacuated from their homes - unknown.

In short, we can say that over 50,000 in Johor alone have been evacuated due to a SINGLE week of rain. :hmm:


The World is a Fair place - You treat the World Fairly and with Respect, She will treat you back the same way. You abuse Mother Nature, She will take back what She have had loan to you.

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2007 08:44 AM | Show all posts
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By Deborah Zabarenko,
Environment Correspondent
Tue Jan 9, 8:29 AM ET


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fast-growing weeds have evolved over a few generations to adapt to climate change, which could signal the start of an "evolution explosion" in response to global warming, scientists reported on Monday.
This means that the weeds will likely keep up with any attempts to develop crops that can adapt to global warming, said Arthur Weis, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Irvine.

But some long-lived species -- like the venerated California redwood tree, with a life-span of hundreds of years -- will not have the capacity to adapt so quickly, because their life cycles are so long, Weis said in a telephone interview.

The quick-growing weedy plant known as field mustard showed the ability to change reproductive patterns over a period of just seven years, Weis said.

In another word, if the climate continued to become hotter in most regions (like in Africa), a lot of people will be eating weeds for food. :hmm:

Back in 2004 (if not mistaken), there was a severe draught in Korea Penisula and people actually ate weeds and plants for food. I could see the same thing happening in Africa, and some nations in Asia.

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2007 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Is America Experiencing the Failure in the Atlantic Sea Belt?   :hmm:

Source :

Ice storm lashes much of U.S.; 19 dead
By SEAN MURPHY, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 33 minutes ago

OKLAHOMA CITY - The ice storms that have been blamed for at least 19 deaths continued to lash much of the nation Sunday, as crews tried to restore power to hundreds of thousands and slick roads spawned accidents.
Waves of freezing rain, sleet and snow since Friday have caused at least 10 deaths in Oklahoma, six in Missouri, two in Texas and one in New York.

Seven adults were killed early Sunday near Elk City, Okla., when the minivan they were in hit a slick spot on Interstate 40, crossed the median and hit a tractor-trailer, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol reported.

Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt said about 300,000 households there remained without power on Sunday. About 350 National Guardsmen were going door to door checking on residents in the hardest-hit areas and were helping to clear slick roads of tree limbs and power lines.

It maybe a Science Fiction from movie like "The Day After Tomorrow" but it does seems to be realistic to people in Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas and New York today.

[ Last edited by  Sephiroth at 23-1-2007 09:14 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-1-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts
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By BEN DOBBIN, Associated Press Writer
Mon Jan 15, 6:54 PM ET

ROCHESTER, N.Y. - A storm blamed for at least 39 deaths in six states spread into the Northeast on Monday, coating trees, power lines and roads with a shell of ice up to a half-inch thick and knocking out power to more than half a million homes and businesses.
Ice-covered roads cut into Martin Luther King Jr. holiday observances from Albany, N.Y., to Fort Worth and Austin, Texas, where officials also canceled Gov. Rick Perry's inauguration parade on Tuesday because another round of ice was expected during the night.

The weight of the ice snapped tree limbs and took down power lines, knocking out electricity to about 135,000 customers in New York state and New Hampshire.

Even in Maine, a state well-accustomed to winter weather, a layer of sleet and snow on roads shut down businesses, day care centers and schools.

Source :

By MARCUS WOHLSEN, Associated Press Writer
Mon Jan 15, 7:59 PM ET


SAN FRANCISCO - Three nights of freezing temperatures have destroyed up to three-quarters of California's $1 billion citrus crop, according to an estimate issued Monday as forecasters warned the weather could continue.
Other crops, including avocados and strawberries, also have suffered damage in the cold snap, agricultural officials said.
"This is one of those freezes that, unfortunately, we'll all remember," said A.G. Kawamura, secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

You know, America couldn't have to suffer like this if Bush Administration could just agree to reduce their Greenhouse gases like what asked of them in Kyoto Treaty. :hmm:

Thing with Mother Nature ... She always get what you owe her back, and with interest.

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Post time 23-1-2007 09:12 AM | Show all posts
i dont know if youre still on this topic Seph, but i've watched a trailer on the movie about the sinking of Japan, was just wondering if that movie was also based on scientific facts ..

Btw, what a year 2007 was Europe was ravaged by typhoons with wind speeds up to 336 km per hour, i  really fouind that most extraordinary

and soon we are bakal to face another lonnng el nino..horrid year for agriculture..

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 23-1-2007 09:15 AM ]

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Post time 23-1-2007 09:19 AM | Show all posts

Reply #55 Sephiroth's post

haha youre absolutely right~ in sabah everyone is itching to tebang all the rainforest all for the sake of more projects and now certain areas that have never experienced floods before are experiencing it. Padan muka to the greed of contractors, politicians,  and those who are negligent to the importance of the environment but my sympathy goes to the people who live in that area

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