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Author: cre8tive

Merentas masa , Taming Time Travel pg#3

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Post time 11-6-2010 10:53 PM | Show all posts

Use magic Report


Post time 11-6-2010 11:28 PM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 12-6-2010 08:52 AM | Show all posts
This man traveled through time.. and he has proof!
kertasputih Post at 11-6-2010 22:42

i'm skeptical with this video

Use magic Report

Post time 22-6-2010 11:37 AM | Show all posts
merentas masa hanya boleh utk Tuhan (Allah) sahaja.. masa Isra' dan MikRaj bukannya Rasullah digambarkan dgn apa yg akan berlaku pd masa akan dtg.. tentang penghuni neraka semua.. sedangkan benda itu masih belum berlaku..

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 24-7-2010 10:33

Taming time travel

New work solves paradoxes by making the impossible impossible
                    By Laura Sanders


Novelists and screenwriters know that time travel can be accomplished in all sorts of ways: a supercharged DeLorean, Hermione’s small watch and, most recently, a spacetime-bending hot tub have allowed fictional heroes to jump between past and future.
But physicists know that time travel is more than just a compelling plot device — it’s a serious prediction of Einstein’s general relativity equations. In a new study posted online July 15, researchers led by Seth Lloyd at MIT analyze how some of the quirks and peculiarities of real-life time travel might play out. This particular kind of time travel evades some of its most paradoxical predictions, Lloyd says.

Any theory of time travel has to confront the devastating “grandfather paradox,” in which a traveler jumps back in time and kills his grandfather, which prevents his own existence, which then prevents the murder in the first place, and so on.

One model, put forth in the early 1990s by Oxford physicist David Deutsch, can allow inconsistencies between the past a traveler remembers and the past he experiences. So a person could remember killing his grandfather without ever having done it. “It has some weird features that don’t square with what we thought time travel might work out as,” Lloyd says.

In contrast, Lloyd prefers a model of time travel that explicitly forbids these inconsistencies. This version, posted at, is called a post-selected model. By going back and outlawing any events that would later prove paradoxical in the future, this theory gets rid of the uncomfortable idea that a time traveler could prevent his own existence. “In our version of time travel, paradoxical situations are censored,” Lloyd says.

But this dictum against paradoxical events causes possible but unlikely events to happen more frequently. “If you make a slight change in the initial conditions, the paradoxical situation won’t happen. That looks like a good thing, but what it means is that if you’re very near the paradoxical condition, then slight differences will be extremely amplified,” says Charles Bennett of IBM’s Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

For instance, a bullet-maker would be inordinately more likely to produce a defective bullet if that very bullet was going to be used later to kill a time traveler’s grandfather, or the gun would misfire, or “some little quantum fluctuation has to whisk the bullet away at the last moment,” Lloyd says. In this version of time travel, the grandfather, he says, is “a tough guy to kill.”

This distorted probability close to the paradoxical situation is still strange, says physicist Daniel Gottesman of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada. “The thing is, that when we modify physics in this way, weird things end up happening. And that’s kind of unavoidable,” he says. “You’re dealing with time travel. Maybe you should expect it to be weird.”

In an earlier paper posted in May at, Lloyd and his team present an experiment designed to simulate this post-selection model using photons. Though the team couldn’t send the photons into the past, they could put them in quantum situations similar to those that might be encountered by a time traveler. As the photons got closer and closer to being in self-inconsistent, paradoxical situations, the experiment succeeded with less and less frequency, the team found, hinting that true time travel might work the same way.

The experiments were meant to simulate freaky paths through spacetime called closed timelike curves, which carry anything traveling along them into the past and then back to the future. Einstein’s equations predicted that travelers on a closed timelike curve would eventually end up back where they started. Although predicted to exist on paper, no such paths have been observed in the wild. Some physicists predict that these loops might exist in exotic regions where spacetime is drastically different, such as in the depths of black holes.

Despite its strange predictions, the new model forms “a nice, consistent loop,” says theoretical physicist Todd Brun of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The new papers make up “a really interesting body of work.”
These days, deciding which theory of time travel is best is largely a matter of taste. Until someone discovers a closed timelike curve in the wild, or figures out how to build a time machine, no one will know the answer, says Brun. “I don’t expect these will be tested anytime soon. These are ideas. They’re fun to play with.”

*Credit to ScienceNews

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
seronoknya dpt balik ke zaman dulu & ubah apa yg patut

Use magic Report

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Post time 24-7-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
ada ke?? dulu suka tgk pilem mikel j fox tu...

back to the future...

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
seronoknya dpt balik ke zaman dulu & ubah apa yg patut
dauswq Post at 24-7-2010 10:34

    batul2...yg buruk2 harus dinyahkan dr idop

Use magic Report


Post time 24-7-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 67# limau

belum lagi possible ngan teknologi skrg
it is just theory

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:37 AM | Show all posts
batul2...yg buruk2 harus dinyahkan dr idop
limau Post at 24-7-2010 10:35

jom padamkn teky dr kamus idup

p/s: ampun teky

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:42 AM | Show all posts

aku nk tanyalah adakah manusia boleh merentas masa seperti filem back to the future. bole  ...
cre8tive Post at 5-4-2010 19:46

    pinta sukahati doraemon ker~~

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:45 AM | Show all posts
jom padamkn teky dr kamus idup

p/s: ampun teky
dauswq Post at 24-7-2010 10:37

    kekkeek....ko mmg kan...

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply  limau

belum lagi possible ngan teknologi skrg
it is just theory
dauswq Post at 24-7-2010 10:36

    harap akan ada....ada ke??

@ antena ~ kalo doremon ada, dah lama limau pakai dia..kekekke

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:48 AM | Show all posts
ok aku nak merepek lagi ni...hehe , terfikir aku, ruang dan masa ni seolah-olah mcm satu hardisk yan ...
animaniac Post at 26-5-2010 14:33

    mm... bilaa bacaaa nihh... iolss tetibaa terfikirrr... yg kitaa nih actually sumaaaaa dah mati... iols dah mati... yu dah mati... sumalh dah mati....

dan apa yg berlaku di depann kita skang nih... adalah satu keaadaan playback video kehidupan duniaa kita di satu padangg yg luass dan dilihat oleh sume orangg iaitu di padang mashar...

apa yg kita buat skarang ini sebenarnya telah berlaku...  dan sekarang ini kita sedang disaksikan apa yg kita telah lakukan di kehidupan duniawi nih....

dan pada akhirnyaa.. satu ketikanya apabila kita tayangan sudah habis dan kita membukaa mata... kita hanya menunggu hukuman

neraka atau syurga~~

hanya terlintas dari dulu lagi... hbs

Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:49 AM | Show all posts
mm... bilaa bacaaa nihh... iolss tetibaa terfikirrr... yg kitaa nih actually sumaaaaa dah  ...
naikAntena Post at 24-7-2010 10:48


Use magic Report

Post time 24-7-2010 10:54 AM | Show all posts
limau Post at 24-7-2010 10:49

    web cam paling canggih.. iaitu mata manusia~~
xboleh nak tipu... mouse paling canggih tangan manusiaa...
keyboard paling canggihh kaki manusiaaa~~~.

so semuanya telah tercatatt~~~

Use magic Report


Post time 25-7-2010 09:24 PM | Show all posts
mm... bilaa bacaaa nihh... iolss tetibaa terfikirrr... yg kitaa nih actually sumaaaaa dah  ...
naikAntena Post at 24-7-2010 10:48

iskk...mana boleh camtu , sbb kita skrg ni dalam keadaan sedar dgn apa yg kita lakukan,kita pilih untuk  berbuat jahat dan baik ... dan masih boleh bertaubat , jauh sgt la pemikiran tu..jgn fikir sgt macam tu, tak baik...

Use magic Report

Post time 25-7-2010 09:54 PM | Show all posts
iskk...mana boleh camtu , sbb kita skrg ni dalam keadaan sedar dgn apa yg kita lakukan,kita pili ...
animaniac Post at 25-7-2010 21:24

Allah Maha Mengetahui...

terima kasih!! just terlintas!! tp itu lah pengetahuan manusia sangat2 lah terbatas....
ini lah baru namanya "Tak tercapai dek akal"

Use magic Report

Post time 2-8-2010 09:16 AM | Show all posts
kawan rasa dalam peristiwa......... israk mikraj dan ashabulkahfi.......tersiratnya ilmu pengetahuan pasal wormhole dan taming time travel ni ....ilmu tu memang wujud sbnrnya cuma tahap pemikiran kita masih belum sampai ke tahap tersebut

Use magic Report

Post time 5-8-2010 12:27 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dellpro at 5-8-2010 00:50
Klu kita terlalu fikirkan dunia nak kiamat, dunia nak kiamat, smp bila pun manusia takkan maju. Manu ...
cmf_cluesan Post at 5-4-2010 22:39

    bagaimana dgn memikirkan hal kiamat boleh menghalang kemajuan?    ..

    kemudian dari segi sains, bagaimana dgn mengembara ke masa hadapan boleh membantu manusia sejagat ye? sbb bila sy baca thread ini, kita most probably tak boleh kembali ke masa silam, maknanya, kita belong tu masa yg mana kita travel tu (masa kita mendarat  setelah time travel ke future)   ..  melainkan kita nak lari dari pemerintah zalim ke zaman seterusnya yg kita rasa lebih baik... atau ke  tahun yg mana kita nak tgk cucu kita dah jadi besar .  

but jika ilmu ini ada, dan kita boleh membeli tiketnya laksana menaiki kenderaan, maka  it is possible kita mencari zaman turunNya Nabi Isa A.S dan Imam Mahdi lah kan?  ( niat bertanya  prinsip teori) .......  cumanya jika kita jumpa kita kena stay pada zaman itu.... betul tak? maka dgn itu, info masa hadapan akan terpelihara dan tetap rahsia untuk mereka di zaman kini, but for guys yg ke masa future tu...

Use magic Report

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