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Charles Darwin: Evolution (theory that shook the world)

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Post time 15-2-2009 09:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sunday February 15, 2009
Theory that shook the world

How did the man who single-handedly shapeshifted the way in which we look at the natural world come up with his controversial ideas about evolution?

Charles Darwin (1811 - 1882)

A HUNDRED and fifty years ago, Charles Darwin抯

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2009 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Battle of the ages

TWO hundred years after the birth of British naturalist Charles Darwin, the debate between scientists and the Christian religious right over the origins of man remains as heated as ever in the United States.

The controversy has even gained momentum in that country in recent decades as creationists, who believe that God created man in His own image, have fought against only teaching evolution in the nation抯 classrooms.

Just last month the Texas education board adopted a resolution narrowly voting to drop references in the curriculum requiring teachers to discuss the 搒trengths and weaknesses

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2009 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Sunday February 15, 2009
The two sides

THE theory of evolution claims:

    * Organisms compete for limited resources to survive.

    * Those with features adapted to their environment are most likely to live long enough to reproduce

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Post time 22-2-2009 09:27 AM | Show all posts
apa pandangan Islam terhadap teori Darwin ?

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Post time 22-2-2009 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by stormyrain at 22-2-2009 09:27 AM
apa pandangan Islam terhadap teori Darwin ?

ada pro ada kontra

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Post time 22-2-2009 08:43 PM | Show all posts
teori ni menarik.. the problem nyer macam mana nak linkkan dia dengan agama

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Post time 23-2-2009 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Teori memang menarik di baca, dan kononya terbukti, tapi Darwin lupa jika teori elolusinya betul, mengapa spesis asal masih ada tetapi spesisi pertengahan tak ada...
Sebagai contoh kepada susurgalur evolusi manusia dari monyet, tentu semua faham maksudnya iaitu asal monyet kemudian secara perlahan-lahan berubah menjadi manusia dalam jarak masa yang lama.  

Spesis asal monyet!.. = walaupun berubah setelah berjuta tahun, namun spesis ini masih ada..
Spesis peralihan! = tentulah spesis ini berupa campuran antara monyet dan manusia, tapi bukti keujudannya tak ada, tiada spesisi ini sekarang.
Manusia = hasil evolusi dari meori Darwin, memang ada sekarang.

Jadi, persoalannya mengapa spesis pertengahan tiada, jika spesis asal masih kekal sehingga sekarang (monyet) walaupun ada yang mengalami perubahan mengikut teori evolusi, mengapa pulak sepesis pertengahan lenyap tanpa bukti... kalau benar sudah tentu sekarang kita akan dapat lihat masih ada lagi spesis yang terlalu lambat menjalani peroses evolusi di mana fizikalnya menyerupai seakan-akan monyet dan manusia.  

Lihat spesis asal monyet masih ada... spesis manusia (sekarang) memang ada juga, tapi spesis perantaran lenyap? itulah buktinya pembohongan teori evolusi.

Pandapat sekupang aku!..

[ Last edited by  paler kembang at 23-2-2009 12:23 PM ]

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Post time 23-2-2009 01:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 paler kembang's post

homo erectus bukan the missing link ke?

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Post time 24-2-2009 04:45 PM | Show all posts
aku suka isu yang di bincangkan di thread ni , InsyaAllah nanti aku respon bila ada masa .

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 Author| Post time 24-2-2009 05:54 PM | Show all posts

islamic stance on darwinism's a plain fact that what the Darwin theory wants to prove runs in sharp contrast to the divine teachings of Islam, and even to all the teachings of all heavenly revealed religion. Thus, it's totally a sign of disbelief for one to claim that the origin of man is a non-human creature because; this negates the facts imbedded in Allah's words about the creation of Adam, and the creation of man in general.

This point is further clarified in the following:

"As far as the creation of humankind is concerned, Darwin believed that "probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from one primordial form, into which life was first breathed" (The Origin of Species, 455).

This is incompatible with the Qur'anic account of creation. Our first ancestor was Prophet Adam, peace and blessings upon him, who was created by Allah in Paradise and not on earth. Adam was also created in a particular way that Allah describes to us, saying: "And (mention) when your Lord said to the angels, 'Truly, I will create a man from clay. So when I have completed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down prostrate to him.' And the angels prostrated, one and all. Save for Satan, who was too proud to, and disbelieved. He said to him, 'O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating to what I have created with My two hands? Are you arrogant, or too exalted?' He said, 'I am better than he; You created me from fire and created him from clay.' " (Sad: 71-76).

The God of Islam is transcendently above any suggestion of anthropomorphism, and Qur'anic exegetes like Fakhrud-Deen Ar-Razi explain the above words "created with My two hands" as a figurative expression of Allah's Special Concern for this particular creation, the first human, since a sovereign of immense majesty does not undertake any work "with his two hands" unless it is of the greatest importance. (Tafsir Al-Fakhr Ar-Razi, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut. 1405/1985 (26) 231-32)

I say "the first human," because the Arabic term bashar used in the verse "Truly, I will create a man from clay" means precisely a human being and has no other lexical significance.

The same interpretive considerations (of Allah's transcendence above the attributes of created things) apply to the words and "breathed into him of My spirit". The Qur'an unequivocally establishes that Allah is Ahad or "One," and not an entity divisible into parts. Exegetes say this "spirit" was a created one, and that its attribution to Allah ("My spirit") is what is called in Arabic idafat al-tashreef, "an attribution of honor," showing that the ruh or "spirit" within this first human being and his descendants was "a sacred, exalted, and noble substance". (ibid. 228) A "part of Allah" as such could not enter into Adam's body, and this surmounts to unbelief.

Similar attributions are frequent in Arabic, just as the Ka`bah is called bayt Allah, or the 揌ouse of Allah

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Post time 24-2-2009 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Pasal haiwan berevolusi tuu betol laa..Tp die kate manusia nii
berasal drpd beruk..Kenape dia tak tukar jee name die kpd
Darwin bin Beruk!!
       Tp sekurangnyee die berjase jugak pd kite sekarang..
nak tanye die nii beragama yahudi kee??

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Post time 25-2-2009 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 indah_iman's post

jadikan kalau ada soalan esei lah yg you kena tulis  bukan macam  di atas , apakah sumbangan Darwin dalam evolitionary biology ?

apakah jawapan anda

adakah ia tak betul....mmglah tak betul tapi dalam tak betul tu apa  iktibar yg kita boleh perolehi daripadanya???

ni  no wright or wrong ....anda boleh hentam tapi berfakta atau anda boleh menyokong tapi apa back  ups...

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Post time 25-2-2009 03:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 indah_iman's post

uik, yang lain boleh evolusi tapi manusia tak bleh? camne tuh? hehehe

tak salah aku, sebelom darwin cipta teori ni pon ramai dah buat teori yang lebih kurang serupa, salah satu yang terawal adalah pemikir islam sendiri..

ada pendapat, kita badan manusia ni umpama hardware.. tapi akal dan roh manusia itu adalah software yang dicipta oleh tuhan..

macam mana nak terangkan kewujudan homo neanderthalis ngan homo sapiens? 2 spesies manusia yang berbeza tapi hidup pada masa yang sama.. tetapi homo sapien yang survive sampai sekarang.. adakah sbb tuhan tiupkan ruh dan akal pade homo sapien dan tidak kepada neandethal?

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Post time 25-2-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 indah_iman's post

oo, luper lak, dia kristian katolik tak salah aku bukan yahudi..

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2009 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Buku Darwin dijangka dijual RM336,154

LONDON – Sebuah rumah lelongan menyatakan ia menjual sebuah buku edisi pertama yang dihasilkan oleh saintis terkenal, Charles Darwin berjudul On the Origin of Species.

Rumah lelongan Christie menyatakan semalam, buku itu merupakan antara 1,250 naskhah awal yang diterbitkan pada 1859.

Buku itu ditemui dalam sebuah tandas di sebuah rumah di Oxford.

Menurut rumah lelongan itu, buku tersebut dijangka dilelong pada harga AS$99,000 (RM336,154). – AP

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Post time 24-11-2009 07:35 AM | Show all posts
ak laja antrophology quarter ni....mcm2 la ak laja

td nye lecturer psl
spesies homo erectus, hobbit, autropthecus, Australopithecus, homo habilis
mcm mane homo habilis species hominid pertama yg dtg dr Africa bergerak ke Europe & Asia
dn kononnye homo habilis ni evolute to become homo erectus


yg peliknye Homo floresiensis (Hobbit), species homonid yg kecil tggl jauh dr Africa, iaitu d kepulauan Flores, Indon merupakan species homonid plg kecil sekali bila dicompare
dr species homo erectus
...sbb mengikut teori, species hominid ni akn menjadi smkn besar (body weight), tp bdn hobbit ni lak kecik

sume tu kerja tuhan....wallahulam

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Post time 24-11-2009 07:39 AM | Show all posts
Sunday February 15, 2009
Theory that shook the world

How did the man who single-handedly shapeshifted the way in which we look at the natural world come up with his controversial  ...
amazed Post at 15-2-2009 21:16

Darwin popular ngan natural selection theory di mana species yg mempunyai keupayaan utuk berzuriat akan dipilih utk kekal dlm generasi akn dtg, manakala yg tak fitness will be selected against

lamakelamaan evolusi terhasilnya pelbagai species ngan cmprn pelbagi traits....

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Post time 11-3-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Semua orang asyik mengatakan yg manusia itu evolusi dr species seakan beruk. Yg species itu boleh berkembang menjadi species yg intellectual kalau ianya diberikan masa yg mencukupi.

Akan tetapi, pernah kah sesiapa tanya mereka2 yg menyokong Teori Evolusi ini, KENAPA Dinosaur tidak berkembang dan menjadi bijak sana spt manusia, walaupun mereka sudah hidup lebig 50 juta tahun?

Kalau manusia boleh berkembang dr species seakan beruk dlm masa 3.5 juta tahun (tengorak yg tertua yg dijumpai adalah Lucy, 3.5 juta tahun yg lalu di Africa), KENAPA Dinosaurs tidak menjadi maju dlm masa lebih dr 50 juta tahun yg lalu?

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Post time 14-2-2011 11:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 18# Sephiroth

    betul betul!!!

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Post time 14-2-2011 11:37 PM | Show all posts
dengar nya haiwan berasal dari air ,manusia sememangnya dari tanah..tapi manusia ada adam hawa..haiwan mesti ada "adam" "hawa"mereka sendiri kan...

mamalia biasanya YANG berevolusi dalam ekosistem pokok tinggi tinggi akan menyerupai haiwan seperti manusia(contoh monyet, kelawar,Keluang ) kalau dalam ekosistem air akan menyerupai ikan (contoh paus  ikan ,lumba lumba) kalau atas tanah mesti berkaki empat..kan?

yang penting  jika makluk makluk nie melalui evolusi di kawasan yang LEBIH KURANG SAMA
(kecuali manusia dah memang rupa cam tue) akan memiliki bentuk tubuh yang lebih kurang sama.

CONTOH: kelawar asal keturunan roden (tikus) keluang (bukan keluang man tau) asal keturunan primat(monyet)



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