intanpayung85 Publish time 27-3-2018 01:47 PM

airisa replied at 27-3-2018 01:41 PM
for me, bila nak start new product, i introduce 1 by 1 .. bukan all at once .. kulit i jenis sensiti ...

Micellar water kena pakai cotton pad kan? Actually it’s almost like a toner la ye in term of application tu.
I did introduce bit by bit beginning wit cleanser then moisturizer, then serum. And then oil. I think my breakouts are caused by the serum. Tp susah nak kata sebab serum one week gap je dengan detox oil and I’m sceptical of almond oil in the detox oil. Kan almond oil not suitable for acne prone skin.. hmm takpela Nanti skin dah stable I try satu2 balik. Nak habiskan juga.. sayang. (Eventho oil tu rasanya Mau 6-8 bulan nk habis)..

airisa Publish time 27-3-2018 02:38 PM

intanpayung85 replied at 27-3-2018 01:47 PM
Micellar water kena pakai cotton pad kan? Actually it’s almost like a toner la ye in term of appl ...

micellar water ni mcm cleanser - yes, kena guna cotton utk wipekan whatever on the face.. then followed by foam cleanser , kadang2 i just wash dgn water je sebab i tak pakai foundation or tinted moisturizer .. just to wipe off sunblock

daiya Publish time 29-3-2018 08:47 PM

intanpayung85 replied at 27-3-2018 01:47 PM
Micellar water kena pakai cotton pad kan? Actually it’s almost like a toner la ye in term of appl ...

Same with me..I pun breakout after using detox oil

intanpayung85 Publish time 31-3-2018 04:30 PM

daiya replied at 29-3-2018 08:47 PM
Same with me..I pun breakout after using detox oil

Ye ke.. I hope my breakout is not because of the oil sebab I suka giler oil dia (the scent, the moisturizing effect).. Harap breakout ni sebab radiance serum tu la (serum 10ml sampel dah nak habis, but oil tu i beli full size, tak gerak pun dalam botol )

smurfetz Publish time 4-4-2018 11:18 AM

Ada sesapa boleh kongsi esperience pakai grape water & beauty exilir?

dinadamia Publish time 6-4-2018 01:55 PM

smurfetz replied at 4-4-2018 11:18 AM
Ada sesapa boleh kongsi esperience pakai grape water & beauty exilir?

i pakai grape water.. so far ok je. time rs muka kering mmg sembur je.. guna tk kira ms:lol:

intanpayung85 Publish time 7-4-2018 10:23 PM

smurfetz replied at 4-4-2018 11:18 AM
Ada sesapa boleh kongsi esperience pakai grape water & beauty exilir?

Grape water tu for me so-so je. Tak suka spray dia mcm luas sgt, kena kat mana2 je rambut tudung habis, tk mcm spray lain.. Kalau nk include dlm skincare step I think not worth it, tp kalau nk masuk bag bawa utk refresh kat mana2 lebih berbaloi..
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