Kacip_Fatimah Publish time 13-8-2006 01:14 PM


1.5 liter aiskrim vanila
1 tin koktail (boleh juga guna kan buah dalam tin yang lain)

[*] koktail dibuang airnya kemudian masukkan kedalam bekas setelah itu masukkan aiskrim vanilla dan gaul rata lalu dihidangkan.

Kacip_Fatimah Publish time 10-10-2006 08:33 AM

sumber : rakan internet

1 (16 ounce) package phyllo dough
1 pound chopped nuts
1 cup butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup water
1 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup honey

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F(175 degrees C).
Butter the bottoms and sides of a 9x13 inch pan.
Chop nuts and toss with cinnamon. Set aside.
Unroll phyllo dough. Cut whole stack in half to fit pan.
Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work.
Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly.
Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered. Sprinkle 2 - 3 tablespoons of nut mixture on top.
Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6 - 8 sheets deep.
Using a sharp knife cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan.
You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp.
Make sauce while baklava is baking. Boil sugar and water until sugar is melted. Add vanilla and honey. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
Remove baklava from oven and immediately spoon sauce over it. Let cool. Serve in cupcake papers. This freezes well. Leave it uncovered as it gets soggy if it is wrapped up.


Makes 24

450 g walnut pieces, finely chopped
100g caster sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
450g frozen (thawed) phyllo pastry
225 g butter, melted
350g honey

1.Mix chopped walnuts, sugar dan cinnamon, set aside
2.Cut sheets of phyllo pastry into 33x23 cm. In greased 33x23cm baking dish, place 1 phyllo pastry sheet, brush with some melted butter.Repeat with more phyllo sheet and butter until there are 6 rectangular sheets of phyllo in dish
3. Over pyhllo pastry in baking dish, sprinkle one-quarter of chopped walnut mixture
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 to make 3 more layers (4 layers in total) Place remaining phyllo on top of last amount of walnuts: brush with butter
5. Preheat oven to 150扖/300扚/gas 2 With sharp knife, cut just halfway through layers in triangle pattern to make 24 servings
6. Bake for 1 hour and 25 minutes or until top is golden brown
7. In small saucepan over medium-low heat, heta honey until hot but not boiling. Evenly spoon hot honey oev hot baklava
8. Cool baklava in dish on wire rack for at least 1 hour


12 sheet Phyllo pastry

3/4 cup pistachio nuts
3/4 cup pecan nuts
3/4 cup walnuts
6Tb brown sugar (nak kurangkan manis bubuh 4Tb sahaja)
1tsp cinnamon powder
1/2tsp cloves powder
1/2 orange rind (dari satu orange parut ?

1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup orange juice
2/3 cup sugar (boleh kurangkan pada 1/2 cup)
1/2 orange rind (balance another 1/2)

250gm melted butter

1. Chop ketiga2 jenis nuts, not too coarse and not too fine.
2. Masukkan bahan2 B lain dan gaul rata.
3. Masak bahan2 C (syrup) hingga didih. Tuang 1/3 daripada syrup kedalam kacang tadi sekadar cukup untuk bindkan kacang.. Tepikan.
4. Potong kertas grislebih besar saiz dari phyllo sheet tadi. Susun 1 layer atas grease paper dan sapu melted butter atas sheet tadi. Ulang hingga layer yang ke 12.
5. Potong2 seperti dalam gambar sekali dengan grease paper dibawah.
6. Tolakkan separuh phyllo sheet ke dalam tin 7

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:42 AM



1 cawan fresh cream sejuk
1 cawan air sejuk
3 s/b gula halus/kastor
3 s/b susu tepung
1 s/b serbuk koko
2 s/b coklat rice

Bahan hiasan
manik warna warni
hirisan pisang

1. Pukulkan fresh cream, gula dan air sejuk sehingga gebu.
2. Masukkan susu tepung dan koko perlahan sambil memukul sehingga gebu lagi.
3. Masukkan coklat rice dan gaulkan rata.
4. Masukkan adunan dalam bekas dan simpan dalam peti sejuk semalaman.
5. Sudukan ice-cream yg telah beku kedalam mangkuk dan hiaskan mengikut citarasa sendiri

Aiskerim Coklat

1 Cawan whipped cream (Non Dairy)
1 kotak kecil (250 ml) susu berperisa coklat
3 sudu besargula halus
serbuk koko -anggaran 3 sudu besar
(milo pun leh gak)

pukul cream, susu dan gula hingga gebu. masukkan serbuk koko dan pukul lagi. simpan dalm peti sejuk.





Ice Cream

1 egg
3 egg yolks
90g tbsp caster sugar
300 ml full cream milk
250g dark chocolate
300 ml double (heavy) cream

Trellis Cups

100g dark chocolate


Beat together the egg, egg yolks and caster sugar in a mixing bowl until well combined. Heat the milk until almost boiling

Gradually pour the hot milk on to the eggs, whisking as you do so. Place the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and cook, stirring until the mixture thickens sufficiently to thinly coat the back of a wooden spoon.

Break the dark chocolate into small pieces and add to the hot custard. Stir until the chocolate has melted. Cover with a sheet of dampened baking parchment and leave to cool.

Whip the cream until just holding its shape, the fold into the cooled chocolate custard. Transfer to a freezer container and freeze for 1-2 hours until the mixture is frozen 1 inci from the sides.

Scrape the ice cream into a chilled bowl and beat again until smooth. Re-freeze until firm.

To make the rellis cups, invert a muffin tray (pan) and cover 6 alternate mounds with cling film. Mlet the chocolate, place it in a paper piping bag dan snip off the end.

Pipe a circle around the base of the mound then pipe chocolate back and forth over it to form a trellis; carefully pipe a double thickness. Pipe around the base again. Chill until set, then lift from the tray (pan) and remove the cling film. Serve the ice cream in the trellis cups


4 oz gula
10 oz tepung susu (carnation creamer)
2 kotak susu chocolate
2 sudu besar chocolate emulco
2 sudu besar cocoa
Peraturan :
Tepung susu, gula dan susu kotak dikacau hingga rata.
Setelah rata masukkan chocolate emulco & cocoa.
Masukkan adunan dalam satu bekas lalu disejukkan dalam peti sejuk sehingga keras (satu hari atau satu malam).
Setelah cukup kerasnya, pukul adunan itu dengan mesin pemukul telur hingga kembang (kira-kira 5 minit).Setelah itu masukkan semula dalam peti sejuk hingga keras.Boleh dihidangkan beserta chocolate cair atau kekacang.
Jika ingin membuat ice-cream strawberry, substitute susu chocolate dengan susu strawberry dan gunakan 1? sudu teh strawberry emulco.
* Cuma perlu guna susu kotak size kecil lebih kurang 150 ml


Aiskrim Coklat

2 cawan susu cokelat Dutch Lady
2 cawan whipped cream
gula pasir (agak2 jelah, sebb susu cokelat dah manis so gula ni kita kurangkan camtu)
telur kuning (coki guna 6 kuning telur)
1 s/teh esen vanilla

Cara buat:
-gula pasir, susu dan w/cream disatukan lam periuk.. panaskan tp jgn sampai menggelegak.
-bila dekat2 nak menggelegak taruk tepi. pukulkan telur kuning tadi
-bila susu dah suam2 tu masokkan telur kuning dan esen vanilla.panaskan atas api sederhana sampai dpt konsistensi pekat
-bila dah ready masukkan dlm tab eskrem dan freezekan.lps 3-4 jam bila dah setengah beku, keluarkan dan pukul guna mixer electric sampai gebu dan smoothy.
-masuk balik lam tab dan freeze kan .besoknya boleh tibai terus!!

[ Last edited byNoorMasri at 4-11-2006 01:09 AM ]

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:43 AM

Aruah mak Ngah saya dedulu meniaga aikrim mesia ni..macam2 perasa ada..
Sukatan main campak2 ajer ye...org dolu2 tak pakai sukat2 ni. zaman sekarang aiskrim ni nak mudah pakai kordial yg sedia dijual tu jer. My peberet..ais krim koko, kacang dan jagung..yummy!!

Ais krim Malaysia

Ais Krim Koko

Serbuk koko.(kalau nak sedap jenama Van Houten la)
Susu manis.

Bancuh macam nak bancuh air tu tapi kasi manis sikit la.

Ais Krim Kacang

Kacang merah ,gula dan air, pewarna merah dan perisa pisang

Rebus kacang sampai empuk.Tapis ketepikan airnya. Dlm periuk yg sama, masakkan gula sesedap rasa bersama kacang yg direbus tadi sampaii kering dan gula larut (awas..jgn kasi hangit)jangan bubuh air. Biarkan sejuk. Air kacang yg direbus tadi kalau ditambah secubit garam dan sedikit gula, boleh dibuat jus minuman..sodapp!
Untuk menyediakan air gula..larut gula dlm air mendidih. Masukkan pewarna merah dan sedikit perasa pisang. test manis nyer sendiri2 yek.
Kacang yg dah sejuk tadi disudukan masuk dlm plastik aiskrim. kemudian tuang air sirap tadi. Ikat. Basuh hujung plastik yg bersememeh dan simpan dlm esbok

Ais krim Jagung

1 tin jagung tin (lebih elok yg creamy)
Gula dan air
Pewrana hijau


Masakkan gula sampai larut dan mendidih. Kemudian masukkanjagung tadi. Biar sampaisebati. Rasakan manisnyer. Kalau dah puas hati tutup api, bubuh pewarna hijau dan biar sejuk.. Then teruskan projek anda.

Ais krim asam Boi

Asam Boi Biji ( warna merah atau oren )
Gula dan air. Pewarna oren

Masak air gula.. masukkan pewarna oren. Bila nak ikat aiskrim tu, masukkan sebiji asam dlm plastik , kemudian tuang air gula tadi. Ikat hujungnya dan simpan dlm esbok

Ais Krim nenas

1 tin nenas dln tin
Gula dan air. Pewarna kuning


Masakkan gula sampai larut dan mendidih. Kemudian tuangkan nenas dalam tin tadi. Rasakan manisnya. Bila dah puas hati,matikan api , bubuh pewarna kuning dan biar sejuk. Kemudian tuang dlm plastik aiskrim. Sejukkan dlm esbok. Kalau nak maintain originaliti..boleh guna nenas ranum, potong kiub, then rebus . Buh gula bila nenas dah lembut..lagi best

saya lak kalau buat aiskrim mesia tu pakai perisa dalam botol cap double lion..
mcm2 perisa ada, asam boi, keladi, jagung,strawberi, pandan,anggur,sirap..dll
kalau cara saya lak mcm ni..

Ais krim Malaysia

1kg gula
perasa asam boi dua senduk
air - agak2 tenggelam gula tu

masak semua kat atas dlm periuk..
biar mendidih.. pas tu tutup api..
dah sejuk campur lah air..
kalau 1kg gula boleh buat 2 jug besar..
dapat dalam 70 batang aiskrim..
saya buat jual... satu 20 sen .. kali 70pcs.. dapat RM14..
gula 1kg rm1.50 je... untung gak sket..
boleh buat belanje dapur...
sape2 dok kat umah flet ke kg ke boleh buat jual..
kekadang tu sronok2 je,.. bukan nak utg sangat..
ops lupa lak plastik aiskrim tu harga rm1.70 ada 250 pcs lebih kurang lah..
kat kedai runcit boleh cari..yg cap king kong tu..

[ Last edited byNoorMasri at 4-11-2006 12:44 AM ]

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:45 AM

Aiskrim Mocha Kopi

1 cawan susu cair - didinginkan
1/2 cawan susu pekat - didinginkan
1 camca besar koko                   }
1 camca sedang kopi instant   } 3 bahan ni dibancuh sebati dan didinginkan
1/4 cawan air                            }
1 camca teh esen vanilla

1.Putar susu cair seketika, masukkan susu pekat, adunan koko-kopi dan esen vanilla. Putar sehingga sebati.
2.Tuangkan ke dalam dulang yg sudah didinginkan dan bekukan sehingga separuh beku (about 1 jam )
3.Pindahkan adunan separuh beku ke dalam mangkuk yg sudah didinginkan dan pukul sehingga licin
4.Masukkan balik kedalam dulang tadi dan dinginkan hingga beku.

Maisya guna milo sebab tak de nescaffe and koko so rasa dia jadik agak berlemak( my hubby punya komen ni ) dan manis. Kalau buat macam original recipe sure ok.
Utk tunggu dia jadik separuh beku tu, ambik masa lebih dari satu jam....lama ler jugak maybe dekat 2 jam kot baru jadik separuh beku.
Yg dia suruh pindahkan ke mangkuk utk pukul tu Maisya tak buat pun ...just pukul je dalam bekas bubuh ais krim tu( Maisya tak guna dulang, guna bekas plastik ice cream yg 1.5 liter tu je).
Anyway, menjadik ler jugak ice cream ni ... yummy!



NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:49 AM


Anyway tadi try buat Mango ice cream pulak sebab beli mango banyak hari tu kat pasar tani..heheheh

Mango Ice Cream

Recipe dia :

300gm mango - pureed
200ml skimmed milk
100 ml double cream
100gm caster sugar

Mix everything in..ni rupanya.


Lepas tu pour the mixture into the iCM


Switch on the ICM for 30-45 mins.

After 30 mins dah nampak ice cream tu gebu..so kalau nak stop pun boleh tapi lagi lama lagi gebu..lepas tu boleh la switch off the machine and serve.

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:49 AM

Double Honey Ice-Cream

3 eggs, di asingkan
1/3 cawan madu (suka brand McMahon)
1 1/4 cawan cream (dairy cream/whipping macam brand President)
2 x 50g bars chocolate coated honeycomb (ada brand Nestle)

1.Pukul telur kuning hingga light dan fluffy.Masukkan madu dan pukul hingga campuran tadi jadi thick dan pale.
2.Beat cream hingga stiff peaks form.
3.Beat putih telur hingga stiff peaks form.Dengan sudu besi, fold cream ke dalam telur putih tadi.Fold into campuran madu tadi.
4. Chop 1 bar honeycomb into small pieces dan stir ke dalam ice-cream.
5.Tuang ke dalam container.Freeze 4 - 5 jam atau hingga firm.
6. Garnish dengan 1 bar honeycomb yang di chop juga.

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:50 AM


Corn Ice Cream
sumber : murni (RN)

2 1/2 cwn coffeemate
2 cwn susu segar (maklang guna susu tepung+air skit)
1/2 cwn gula
1/2 tin jagung krim
*maklang letak skit pewarna kuning

- masukkan semua bhn coffeemate+susu+gula = kacau hingga larut
- masukkan jagung krim dan kacau rata
- masukkan ke dlm bekas dan bekukan sedikit
- bila separuh beku, keluarkan dan pukul lagi hingga double in volume
- masukkan ke dlm bekas dan bekukan

p/s - better kurangkan gula sbb jagung krim tu dah manis..

Maklang bekukan ice cream semalaman..dan hasilnya wallaaaaa....sebijon macam kat kedai.http://www.clicksmilies.com/auswahl/huepfen024.gif

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:54 AM



Sweetcorn Ice Cream


90g tbsp caster sugar - akak buh 60 g aje dah cukup manis rasanya
300 ml full cream milk - akak guna susu segar penuh krim
1 tin jagung krim
300 ml double (heavy) cream
pewarna kuning skit (optional)


Campurkan gula & susu kacau hingga larut kemudian masukkan jagung (A)
Dlm mangkuk lain, pukul double krim hingga kental (B)
Campurkan A , B & pewarna, kacau sehingga sebati
Bekukan selama 1-2 jam iaitu sehingga 1 inci beku dr bahagian tepi
Kuarkan dr freezer, pukul sehingga gebu
Masukkan semula ke dlm freezer sehingga betul2 beku

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:55 AM


Source: Your Family magazine, Jan 2006
Serves 6
Prep time: 20 mins + freezing


900 ml milk
30 ml skimmed milk powder
1 vanilla pod or 10 ml vanilla essence
3 egg yolks
75 ml sugar

1)   Put milk and milk powder in a pan, add the vanilla pod or essence and gently heat to just below boiling point.Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a heat-proof bowl and pour the milk slowly over the eggs, whisking constantly.Return to the washed out pan and heat very gently, stirring for 10 minutes.Remove vanilla pod if using and scrape seeds into custard.

2)   Pour the cooled mixture into a freezer-proof container.Freeze for 1 hour until icy at the edges.Whisk, and return to the freezer.Repeat twice more, every 2 hours, until the ice cream is thick, then leave to freeze for at least 2 hours more.

Serves 6
Prep time: 20 minutes + freezing

1)   Follow instructions for the vanilla ice cream (using vanilla essence instead of the pod) until you have the warm custard.
2)   Melt 75g dark chocolate and stir into the warm custard before cooling.

** For an even lower low kilojoule option, substitute the sugar with 75ml granular low kilojoule sweetener or fructose.

NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:56 AM


2 auns gula kaster
5 auns susu tepung
150 ml susu UHT penuh krim
3/4 sudu teh esen vanilla

...special for my doter....vanila eksrem.. maklang buat 2 adunan, habis.....malam tadi buat eksrem jagung plak atas permintaan anak dara tu...


NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 12:58 AM


NoorMasri Publish time 4-11-2006 01:00 AM

Raspberry Ice Cream

1 cawan fresh cream
250 ml susu segar perisa strawberry
4 budu besar gula icing/halus
2 sudu perasa raspberry

Pukul2 je bahan2 tu sampai gebu,bekukan...
masa nk makan, hiaskan la ngan apa2 yg patut.

Huhu....senang banget style ni, boleh la cuba..


Kacip_Fatimah Publish time 13-2-2007 05:30 PM


180 gm putih telur
Secubit garam
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
100 gm caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp tepung jagung

1-2 tub thickened cream

Topping-any fruits ie strawberry, grapes, kiwi,plum, etc

Strawberry/Raspberry Coulis
Caster sugar
Perahan lemon
Air sikit

1. Pukul putih telur,garam dan cream of tartar untuk 30 saat, masukkan gula sikit2 (dalam 1Tb), beat sekejap, masuk lagi sikit2sampai gula habis. Make sure gula betul2hancur. Texture licin dan berkilat.
2. Masukkan esen vanilla, vinegar dan tepung jagung dan gaul rata.
3. Lukiskan bulatan 10inci atas kertas silicon atau boleh guna mana2 tin rendah (non stick better), kalau tak non stick tolong alas dgn silicon paper pasal ia akan melekat pada tin.
4. Bakar pada 140C untuk 1 1/2 jam. JANGAN SESEKALI BUKA PINTU OVEN. Sebaik2nya untuk makan esok hari, buat malam, tutup oven dan tinggalkan dalam oven.
5. Untuk coulis/sauce, blend empat2 tu till hancur, sukatan selalunya agak2 coz strawberry tak tentu masamnya, jadi kena testlah manis masam (gula dan lemon). Air pun jangan banyak, coulis sepatutnya pekat bukan cair, pekat tapi still boleh dituang. Tak paham tanya yg penah makan aritu. Simpan dalm peti, boleh buat awal, biar sejuk.
6. Sebelum makan, beat cream (my favorite is Bulla atau Cool Whip tp Cool whip ni susah giler nak dapat tapi kalau takde Rich pon bolehlah) sampai gebu.
7. Bubuh cream atas meringue (base tu actually sejenis meringue) dan susun fruits kat atas. Strawberry coulis tu sama ada pour terus atau pour kemudian sebelum makan.
8. Cream dan fruits tu paling elok di letak b4 makan atau jangan terlalu awal, nanti jadi soggy.

- base boleh tahan dalam 2-3 hari diluar provided simpan dalam airtight container.

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i47/NabilAriffin/topofpavlova2.jpg http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i47/NabilAriffin/closeupdees.jpg


kalau meringue base tu kita campo dgn serbuk koko pun sedap tau...jadikChocolate Meringue Base
then taruk double cream..whip cream pun bleh gak..pastu taruk strawberry/raspberry...then taruk choc shaves..perghhhhhh
sodapppppp :D

kita punya version utk meringue base tu sempoi jek

6 egg whites
300g caster sugar
3 tbsp tepung jagung/cocoa powder
1 tsp balsamic vinegar/vinegar

teknik sama jek mcm resepi di atas..
api kene pandai jaga eh..once dah siap jgn biar tertutup dlm oven...sure soggy punya lah

Sumber: Alex Goh


2 biji putih telur

130 gram gula
secubit rasa garam
1/2 sudu teh jus limau

1/2 sudu besar tepung jagung

1.Pukul (A) sehingga kembang dan berbintil-bintil.Campurkan (B) secara perlahan-lahan dan pukul lagi sehingga pekat.
2.Kaup balikkan (C) dan gaul rata.
3.Tuangkan adunan ke atas kertas pembakar sebanyak 5 sm bergaris pusat.Ini akan menghasilkan bentuk yang tidak rata.Kemudian lekukkan bahagian tengahnya.
4.Bakar pada suhu 120 darjah C selama 1 jam atau sehingga ranggup.Ketepikan ia sehingga sejuk.
5.Bubuh sos coklat ditengah dan paipkan sedikit krim putar .Susun buah-buahan diatsdan glis dengan jem aprikot.

Nota: Anda juga boleh paip atau ratakan adunan putih telur dalam bentuk bulat dan tangkup 2 keping bersama selepas membakar lalu hiaskan dengan buah-buahan diatas.

by Nigella's

For the chocolate meringue base:
6 egg whites
One and a half cups superfine sugar
3 tablespoons best quality cocoa powder, sieved
1 teaspoon balsamic or red wine vinegar
( I substitute the sbove with lemon juice, plain vinegar can be used also.)
2 oz bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

For the topping:
2 cups heavy cream
4 cups raspberries (I used strwberries)
2-3 tablespoons coarsely grated bittersweet chocolate

Method :
Preheat the oven to 350 and line a baking tray with baking paper.

Beat the egg whites until satiny peaks form, and then beat in the sugar a spoonful at a time until the meringue is stiff and shiny. Sprinkle over the cocoa and vinegar, and the chopped chocolate. Then gently fold everything until the cocoa is thoroughly mixed in. Mound on to a baking sheet in a fat circle approximately 9 inches in diameter, smoothing the sides and top. Place in the oven, then immediately turn the temperature down to 300 and cook for about one to one and a quarter hours. When it's ready it should look crisp around the edges and on the sides and be dry on top, but when you prod the centre you should feel the promise of squidginess beneath your fingers. Turn off the oven and open the door slightly, and let the chocolate meringue disc cool completely.

When you're ready to serve, invert on to a big, flat-bottomed plate. Whisk the cream till thick but still soft and pile it on top of the meringue, then scatter over the raspberries. Coarsely grate the chocolate so that you get curls rather than rubble, as you don't want the raspberries' luscious colour and form to be obscured, and sprinkle haphazardly over the top, letting some fall, as it will, on the plate's rim.


nhuda Publish time 13-4-2007 03:49 PM


5 biji telur kuning
3-4 sudu besar gula
2 kotak whipping cream (200ml each)
vanila essense or vanilla seed.

pukul kuning telur dgn gula sampai creamy, lepas tu masukkan cream dan pukul sampai sebati dan masukkan vanilla essense or vanilla seed kalau ada.
masukkan dlm bekas then steam kan (recipe asal baked guna waterbath but leceh la).

lepas masak di kukus,
tabur gula secukup rasa kat bahagian atas dan bakar guna api atas saja dan dekat kan creme vrulee itu kat bahagian atas oven (guna broiler or soemthing like that)...bakar sehingga gula keperangan. then sejukkan
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