Gravedigger Publish time 29-6-2005 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Linglu at 29-6-2005 10:41 AM:

Ulamak camner tu?

Lepasan FPI UKM ker atau Pengajian Islam UIAM? Yang dah ada degree, master atau Phd? Yang ngaji kat Guru Yahudi tu ker?

Tu bukan ulamak. Tu ular dalam se ...

Itulah dia konon ulama yang mengaku ulama besar tapi bahasa Arab dia sendiri pun lintang pukang. Ulama yang kononnya tasauf tapi meleleh air liur tergiur dek keghairahan wanita-wanita muda cantik tapi beri alasan sunnah.

Itulah dia kononnya ulama yang mentarbiah anak buah sehingga menjadi jumud sehingga tak kenal mana yang haram dan mana yang halal. Yang halal dikatakan haram manakala yang haram dikatakan halal.

Itulah dia juga kononnya ulama tapi sebenarnya ahli bidaah yang memesongkan pemikiran anak buahnya sehingga lahirlah orang seperti Linglu ni.

hammam Publish time 29-6-2005 01:14 PM


Susah macam nih, perkara berkaitan pakaian pun nak bertelagah.

Tapi hukum tak tertegak lagi macam mana nih? Ajaran2 Islam masih tidak diguna pakai? Islam masih dihina atau dalam erti kata lain, Islam masih kalah dan dibawah? Al Quran dan Sunnah tak dimartabatkan?

Kalau inilah keadaannya, agaknya bagaimanakah kita semua ini dipandang oleh Allah?

Rasanya apakah status kita disisi Allah, bilamana kita tidak mahu atau gagal memenagkan dan memartabatkan ajaran2Nya yg termaktub didalam Al Quran?

Sedangkan kita tahu status dan keadaan Islam yg amat menyedihkan? Sedangkan kita tahu yg kita hidup bernaungkan hukum jahiliah?
Sedangkan kita tahu bahawasanya Islam itu dipijak-pijak dan diperhinakan?
Sedangkan kita sedar yang Agama Allah diperlekehkan di atas muka bumi yang diciptakan Allah?

Apakah status kita? Lagi-lagi sibuk nak bertegang urat sesama sendiri. Memalukan.

syeikhbelalang Publish time 29-6-2005 02:26 PM

Pemimpin Penunjuk Jalan

Slogandan istilah yang indah sahaja tidak akan
membuat apa-apa perubahan pada Umat Islam,
Lebih dahulu hala tujuan perjuangan hendaklah dibetulkan,
Didikan untuk membangunkan insan hendaklah dilakukan,

Agar Tuhan dibesarkan, perubahan fikiran membesarkan
agama, bangsa dan negara menjadi amalan,
Supaya setiap peribadi sanggup berkorban,
Demi agama, bangsa dan negaranya,

Kepentingan peribadi tidak ada,
Kecuali kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara sahaja,
Semangat ini bukan boleh setakat slogan-slogan,
Bangsa memerlukan didikan kesedaran dan pengorbanan,

Didahului oleh pemimpin menunjuk jalan,
Rakyat akan ikut kemudian setelah pemimpin menjadi
seri tauladan,
Rakyat adalah pengikut, pemimpin adalah seri tauladan,
Pemimpin adalah imam, pengikut adalah makmum,
Pemimpin mendahului makmum di dalam perbuatan,

Haraplah diambil ingatan oleh semua pemimpin setiap

syeikhbelalang Publish time 29-6-2005 02:33 PM

Watak Pemimpin Islam Zaman Ini

Ada pemimpin kerana ingin ramai pengikut,
Pengikutlah yang memimpin,
Apa kehendak pengikut dibenarkan saja,
Yang penting ramai pengikut,

Walaupun ramai tapi tidak dapat digunakan tenaga mereka,
Hendak melindungkan kelemahan pemimpin,
Apa orang lain buat serba tidak kena,
Apa orang lain buat ditentang dan dikata,

Timbullah kegelisahan didalam kehidupan bermasyarakat,
Padahal mereka ramai, tidak buat apa-apa,
Mereka tidak boleh jadi role model kepada manusia,
Hanya mengaku hendak membuat baik tapi reality tidak ada,

Baik didalam percakapan, jelek didalam perbuatan,
Berpuluh-puluh tahun berjuang hasilnya mengecewakan,
tidak ada kemajuan,
Ada satu kelompok ingin berkuasa perlu pengikut ramai,
Walaupun pengikut tidak buat apa-apa,

Hanya buat sibuk-sibuk seolah-olah ada kerja,
Semuanya inginkan upah dan bayaran sekalipun menghabiskan duit Negara,
Pemimpin faham sikap pengikut, mereka tidak buat apa-apa,
Semuanya kerana upah dan bayaran menghabiskan harta sahaja,

Tapi mereka dapat untung, dapat sokongan mereka,
Maka rugi wang Negara pun tidak apa,
Yang penting dengan tenaga pengikut, pemimpin dapat kuasa Negara,
Ada kuasa dapat harta,

Itulah yang berlaku kepada dunia Islam hari ini,
Inilah penyakit masyarakat umat Islam sedunia secara global dimasa kini,
Penyakit inilah membuat umat Islam semakin jauh berjuang semakin hina,
Semakin lama berjuang semakin dikuasai oleh musuh-musuhnya,

Makin gigih berjuang semakin berpecah belah sesama sendiri,
Bila terjadi tuduh menuduh sesama seagama menyalahkan satu sama lain,
Yang sebenarnya penyakit ini adalah datang dari para pemimpin,
Tapi pemimpin mendapat untung maka kesalahan itu dibiarkan sahaja,

Sambung menyambung generasi ke generasi,
Waktu kini perlu seorang pemimpin yang membawa kebenaran,
Menunjuk jalan yang benar menuju kebaikan dan kebenaran,
Moga-moga kemenangan dapat diperolehi dari Tuhan,

Kalau tidak umat Islam sedunia menyambung kehinaan,
Didalam kehidupan sepanjang zaman,

PakMalau Publish time 29-6-2005 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Sufism at 29-6-2005 09:48 AM:
Pak malau ingat, umat Islam tu nak maju setakat berjaya buat kapal terbang dan boat aje...taqwa yg bertitik tolak dari tasauf tolak ke mana?

Yg PakMalau heran tu.. ulama tasauf sekarang ni nak pergi Mekah pun naik kapalterbang, apasal tak terbang mcm Rabiah tu...guna juga ILMU org barat, buat malu je:)

Ulama tasauf asyik bersuluk je, mana sempat nak fikir dunia... yg ada kerajaan mcm Ibrahim Adham tu, lari masuk hutan...

Macamana ulama tasauf sekarang ikut ulama tasauf dulu? Ibrahim Adham tinggalkan kerajaan, yg ada sekarang asyik bodek kerajaan, kejar utk jadi pemerintah lak..hisss tak Paham PakMalau.. adakah ulama tasauf ni dua muka, sekejap tolak kerajaan, sekejap kejar kerajaan?

antiQue Publish time 29-6-2005 07:59 PM

The point is really.... yang mana yang nak dikira sebagai sunnah? the substance, or the form?

PakMalau Publish time 29-6-2005 10:09 PM

Originally posted by serihartatie at 29-6-2005 10:12 AM:
setuju dengan sufism....dan palong...

memang ler ALAT dan MATLAMAT penting..tapi yg lebih penting MATLAMAT tu...

kalau ulamak sekarang ni pak malau kata lebih senang beri fatwa sebb boleh guna komunikasi satelit utk perbincangan dan segala kemudahan elektronik yg ada, tapi itu setakat boleh mempercepatkan dan memudahkan diskusi pasal FATWA sahaja.

tapi nak beri fatwapun depa rujuk kat kitab lama gak...kalau kat malaysia ni, nak beri fatwa pasal soal fekah, kena berpandukan kitab Imam Syafei gak...

Itulah sukar nak berkembang sebab masih terikat dgn fatwa ulama lama spt Shafie.. macamana nak maju (dari segi fekah).. sepatutnya ulama baru melihat fatwa shafie sebab sample, kemudian perbaharui semua fatwa2 tu kalau perlu, bukan sahaja masalah baru, masalah lama juga perlu revision (buat ijtihad baru) supaya sejajar dgn kehendak budaya, masa, teknologi, pengetahuan, etc yg baru yg bersifat global.

Imam Shafie mungkin tak pernah datang Malaysia, asyik tengok Mekah, Madinah (semua tu padang pasir, pokok kurma, budaya arab saja).. bila dia pergi Mesir (tempat lain sket) pun dah berubah fatwa. Kalau dia datang Malaysialah, tentu berubah fatwa. Imam Shafie memberi fatwa yg sesuai dgn kehendak zamannya setakat pengetahuan yg dialaminya, tidak secara global. Elok dirombak fatwa2nya.

Lihat masalah jamak solat pun dah cukup, masa berubah, pengangkatan dah advance, masih nak pakai 2 marhalah lagi ke? atau nak kira letih perjalanan?
Bab batal wuduk pun dah ciplak Hanafi punya sebab tahu tak praktikal kat Mekah sekarang nie. Rombak je semua tu, ikut fatwa baru semuanya. Elok suruh syeikh Tantawi buat islamic rule beliau sendiri, senang ikut dan sejajar dgn budaya, etc semasa.

Macam keta jugak, keta lama kita letakkan kat musium. Perbaiki teknologi pastu hasilkan model2 yg baru. Itulah R&D. Perlu develop.

pak malau ni kategori yg kena culture shock teknologi terkini..sampaikan begitu taksub dengan teknologi terkini....dah kabur mata nak bezakan antara ALAT dan MATLAMAT....

tatie bagi contoh kat sini...

ALAT tu ibarat microprocesor PC

MATLAMAT tu ibarat programming instruction yg ada input, process dan outputnya.

Tulis ler apa saja programming/aturcara mesti microprocessor akan compute punya...tak kiralah program nak buat bom ker, nak hack server NASA ker, ..bergantung pada MATLAMAT programmer ler...

SEbab itu tatie kata MATLAMAT tu penting...lebih dari ALAT...

saja bawak cth pasal PC sebb pak malau taksub kat teknologi terkini....heheheh...

Masalahnya ALAT tu processor 8086, zaman tok kaduk lagi.... nak install perisian programmming pun tak leh..pastu yg serabutnya, tak ada ulama yg tahu machine languange... kalau tahupun, dengan alat yg ada, boleh le buat aturcara campur tolak je... nak buat aturcara supaya MATLAMAT tambah isteri boleh le... matematik 1 hingga 4 je.. sesuai le dgn ALAT tu.

Kalau nak semua MATLAMAT yg tatie sebut tu, kena ALAT yg powerful, Pentium 4 zaman sekarang nie...baru ikut budaya, teknologi semasa... buat apa duduk tengok teknologi lama, letak kat STOR je, rasanya nak UPGRADE pun tak boleh, motherboard lain.. pastu masih pakai FLOPPY DISK 5", elok hantar CENTRAL MARKET disk camtu, tulis ayat-ayat Quran sket, bagi budak ARQAM pegi kutip derma..

Penting ALAT tu seperti pentingnya MATLAMAT. Semua org tahu, kalau nak guna pedang (ALAT) lawan musuh Islam sekarang (MATLAMAT). Tak pegi kemana.. elok yg ada kat Sg Pechala tu belajar rajin2, mengaji teknologi senjata terkini, jangan asyik bersajak je..

syeikhbelalang Publish time 30-6-2005 09:35 AM

Originally posted by PakMalau at 29-6-2005 05:05 PM:

Macamana ulama tasauf sekarang ikut ulama tasauf dulu? Ibrahim Adham tinggalkan kerajaan, yg ada sekarang asyik bodek kerajaan, kejar utk jadi pemerintah lak..hisss tak Paham PakMalau.. adakah ulama tasauf ni dua muka, sekejap tolak kerajaan, sekejap kejar kerajaan?

Ulamak ahlul Sunnah mana ada tolak kerajaan? Mereka sentiasa berdampingan dengan kerajaan. Cuma kebanyakkan mereka menolak jawatan dalam Kerajaan . Tidak seperti Ulamak jakim dan Pusat Islam tu.

Kerjaya Ulamak jadi buruan!! Ulamak Ahlul Sunnah sentiasa menasihati kerajaan , baik pada kerja2 yang mungkar atau makruf. Menasihati secara hikmah sebagimana Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun berjumpa Firaun.

Mereka tak tegak negara secara revolusi atau demontrasi sebagaimana Revolusi Iran tu. Kaedah mereka penuh lunak dan lemah lembut. Lebih lembut lagi dari syarahan Pak Malau. tapi takler sekeras Snake tu!!!

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 10:06 AM

Originally posted by PakMalau at 29-6-2005 10:09 PM:

Itulah sukar nak berkembang sebab masih terikat dgn fatwa ulama lama spt Shafie.. macamana nak maju (dari segi fekah).. sepatutnya ulama baru melihat fatwa shafie sebab sample, kemudian perb ...

PATHETIC.......:(...( pinjam jap ayat favourite sniper...)

pak malau..pak malau...ilmu pak malau dapatl ni dah bercampuraduk..macam rojak dah....sekejap pak malau bawa fahaman orientalis, sekejap fahaman wahabi, sekejap fahaman syiah...tapi asalusulnya satu itu juga..sebab AGUNGKAN AKAL dan letak AKAL sebagai RAJA...

bila AKAL diletakkan sebg RAJA lebih dari HATI maka yg jadi panduan dan yg menguasai AKAL adalah nafsu....sebab itu org yg bercakap ikut NAFSU selalu rasa diri lebih tahu dari orang lain, bila belajar banyak ilmu, rasa diri dah pandai tak perlu pimpinan orang lain lagi...macam pak malau kata sebelum ni...tak perlu berguru dengan manusia dah..berguru dengan buku lagi baik...

fahaman seperti pak malau ni bukan baru...ia kesinambungan dari zaman berzaman lagik...

tapi kat sini..tatie nak kongsi dgn forumners semua satu kuliah dari seorg Sheikh (Sheykh Abdul Karim al-Haqqani alKubrisi) yg menyentuh mengenai fahaman-fahaman terkini umat islam. Beliau menyatakan :

There are two kinds of knowledge. One is coming through scholarship and the other is coming through spiritual connection. That scholarly knowledge is disappearing now, it is finishing. Everything is mixing up and nobody really knows which side to take anymore.


Tarikat is bringing people together. Tarikat is making people to understand the Sunnah way, the Prophet's way of how to live. If you do not have Tarikat, if you are not following a Sheykh, your Sheykh must be Syaitan.
If anyone says otherwise, let him come here, and with two words I will prove it to him. If you have no Sheykh, if you have no guide, your guide must be Syaitan.

tatie akan paste keseluruhan artikel beliau di bawah ini.........

[ Last edited by serihartatie on 30-6-2005 at 02:44 PM ]

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 10:16 AM

Sheykh Abdul Karim al-Haqqani alKubrisi
February 2005, Manhattan Dergah, New York City.


Tarikatuna Sohbet wa khayru fil Jamiat.

Our way is based on association. Through Sohbet (through association) people learn, they find their way, they know the reason of their creation and they live according to the Lord of the Heavens. Mosques are
official places.

When you go to a mosque you go there to worship. You already know that. You cannot even learn how to worship in the mosques these days. You cannot approach the imams because they have official titles. When
imams have official titles a distance emerges between them and the followers who come to the mosque. They are holding themselves like this (Sheykh imitating a proud posture), and so they are becoming far distant
from the people.

Tarikat is bringing people together. Tarikat is making people to understand the Sunnah way, the Prophet's way of how to live. If you do not have Tarikat, if you are not following a Sheykh, your Sheykh must be Syaitan.
If anyone says otherwise, let him come here, and with two words I will prove it to him. If you have no Sheykh, if you have no guide, your guide must be Syaitan.

Holy Prophet (saw) did not need a guide. Holy Prophet (SAW) was the one who knew the beginning and the end. Allah taught him. And angel Jibreel (as) was coming to him. Look where the Prophet (saw) went. He went beyond where Jibreel (as) ever went. If Jibreel (as) did not go, then he does not know what is beyond that point (Sidratul Muntaha) but Prophet (saw) knew. Prophet (saw) knows. But in order to teach us, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) sent His Prophet down to earth and He was sending Jibreel (as)
to him.

Jibreel (as) was coming and giving the Ayats of Allah to Holy Prophet (saw). And Holy Prophet (saw) was always saying, "Jibreel came to me with this Ayat." He never said, "I know". In order to humble himself he would always say, "Jibreel came to me and he gave me this Ayat."

Holy Prophet (saw) is the teacher of the Quran. He taught the Quran. Then (after him) when the Sahaba-e Ikram were speaking, they never said, "We know." They said, "Holy Prophet said and we heard. He said
this and we heard." When the Sahaba-e Ikram passed away then the Tabiyeen (the generation after the companions) came and they said, "I heard this from this Sahabi. I learned from a Sahabi." The Tabiyeen
did not say, "I have a Quran. I am reading it and I am learning it." The Sahaba were witnessing angel Jibreel (as) coming down. They were witnessing that the Ayats were being given to the Prophet (saw), because Holy Prophet (saw) was entering into different stations when he was receiving the Ayats.

Depending on the level of the Sahabis (they were witnessing the descending of revelations). (For example) Abu Bekr Siddiq (ra) was capable to see Jibreel (as) when he was coming. And the lowest level Sahaba said, "When we were in the presence of Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam) and the Ayats were coming from Allah, we were seeing Prophet (saw) closing his eyes. He was sweating and there was a sound coming from in front of him which resembled the sound of a bee. That is what the lowest level Sahaba were hearing and they knew that something is
happening. So when Prophet (saw) said, "This is the Ayat" they did not become disobedient. They accepted it.

So transmission was coming in this manner and the Holy Prophet (saw) was saying, "Jibreel came to me." And the Sahaba-e Ikram were saying, "The Holy Prophet (saw) said." The Tabiyeen were saying, "We heard from
the Sahaba." Those people who continued to carry that chain and that transmission which continued to come down said, "My Sheykh said, (my Sheykh's lineage is reaching to that) and I heard." We are saying, Alhamdulillah, our Sheykh said this and we are hearing. We are seeing." But so many people today, twenty years old, thirty years old (who are trying to
represent Islam), the majority of them do not even know how to enter into the toilet.

When they are entering into the toilet, ask them, "What are the obligations and the Sunnets of making wudu." They don't know. They cannot say, "According to this Mazhab this, this and this." I can even ask here (among the audience). If anybody wants to challenge, then I can ask right now, tell me according to your Mazhab. They don't know. But when it
comes to the Quran they know everything. They don't need any teachers. They say, "Brother, I am reading from the Quran." Which Quran?

Now you have another big problem. The Americans are printing the Quran using some Islamic scholars and they are spreading that Quran in the Muslim countries. They are giving it away in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and everywhere and they are changing so many words in it saying, "We don't like the word here. We have to change this. We don't like this and we have to change
that. We don't like that about Jesus so we have to put Jesus to a little higher station. Muhammad is praised too much so we have to bring him a little bit down."

This is what they are doing today. So now we are in bigger trouble than ever before. How are you going to come out? The generation that is living now who are reciting that Quran, within ten years (if I am alive) they are going to come to me and say, "Sheykh, you know nothing. We know this." Of course. That knowledge that you learned is coming from Sheytan, not
from Rahman.

There are two kinds of knowledge. One is coming through scholarship and the other is coming through spiritual connection. That scholarly knowledge is
disappearing now, it is finishing. Everything ismixingup and nobody really knows which side to take anymore.

Since the time of the passing of Holy Prophet (saw) they have put some wrong hadiths into the hadith of Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam).

In the time of Harun al-Rashid (when he was the Khalifah), he called all his scholars and he said to them, "Sit down and correct. Come to me and say to me that these hadiths are Sahih and these hadiths are not
Sahih." So his scholars went, checked, came back to Harun al-Rashid and said, "Ya Khalifah, we have found four thousand Gharib hadith, weak hadith that we do not know. We are not saying that Holy Prophet (saw) did not say these hadiths because Holy Prophet (saw) is saying, "If there is one hadith that I said and you say that I did not say it, prepare yourself for the
hellfire. And if there is one hadith that I did not say which you say that I did, prepare yourself for the hellfire also." They said, "Because of this hadith,
which is very strong, we are not saying and we cannotsay that those are not good hadith."

So how did it come to be this way? One of them who was sitting in the presence of the Holy Prophet (saw) was Ibne Sab'a who came out with the idea of Ali (ra) being god or the Alawi ideas. He put so many things in

They came and said, "Prophet in this time said this, this, this and this word." They took one word out and they replaced it with another word and they
changed the meaning of the hadith. So the Sahabi that came and (the people that came after them), the Tabiyeen and Tabi Tabiyeen, they checked and said, "Although it is questionable to us but we are not saying that it is wrong or right." This is what they said to the Khalifah.

So the Khalifah said, "Then you must put these into one book saying "These are the hadith that are Gharib and we do not know one hundred percent if they are authentic."

The Sahih hadiths, Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are very high. Because Imam Bukhari never wrote a hadith unless he went and he verified it by the
witness of so many people, and then he would make two rakat prayer, go to Holy Prophet's tomb, he would go to sleep and Holy Prophet (saw) would come to him saying, "This is Sahih and that is not."

To be continued...

Wassalam, arief hamdani

Gravedigger Publish time 30-6-2005 10:34 AM

Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 10:16 AM:

Sheykh Abdul Karim al-Haqqani alKubrisi
February 2005, Manhattan Dergah, New York City.


Tarikatuna Sohbet wa kha ...

Baguslah...apabila makcik sudah dapat menerima pandangan Tariqat yang lebih luas pengalamannya serta telah pun established dalam dunia Islam. Buangkan saja fahaman Tariqat bidaah Asaari Muhammad dan terimalah Tariqat Naqshabandi (al-Haqqani kalau di Amerika) dalam cuba memahami persoalan tasauf. Pergilah ke Pekan Kajang tu dan makcik pasti ketemui seorang guru Tariqat Naqshabandi di sana.

syeikhbelalang Publish time 30-6-2005 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Gravedigger at 30-6-2005 10:34 AM:

Baguslah...apabila makcik sudah dapat menerima pandangan Tariqat yang lebih luas pengalamannya serta telah pun established dalam dunia Islam. Buangkan saja fahaman Tariqat bidaa ...

Analisa akan fahaman Tarekat dahulu sebelum menuduh sesat atau bidaah.

Kalau Tarekat tu tak mencabar, dia takkan dicabar!

Ini berlainan kalau tarekat tu mencabar!

Awak ni fahaman tarekat Naqshabandi ker atau setakat simpati jer atau takat Pak Turut jer?

Kalau berfahaman tarekat naqshabandi, sudah tentu dah arif bab aurat lelaki yang aurat dia dari pusat sampai kelutut. Dan bukan takat pakaian underwear jer seperti dalam fahaman syaih tu.

Sebab tu awak menghalalkan pakaian sukan pemain bola sepak. Apa nak heran? Cuma tak seteruk macam Ulamak Bengali yang menghalalkan pakaian sukan tersebut sambil berserban.

Sebab awak tak berserban, songkok atau kopiah rasa2 lagi wallahualam!!

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Gravedigger at 30-6-2005 10:34 AM:

Baguslah...apabila makcik sudah dapat menerima pandangan Tariqat yang lebih luas pengalamannya serta telah pun established dalam dunia Islam. Buangkan saja fahaman Tariqat bidaa ...

lepas pak malau kata tatie lebih senior..sekrg ada org panggil makcik pulak..hehehhe...kenapa ingat umur tua aje ker yg boleh berbincang kat sini?....hehehe....tak perlah....suka hati ler nak panggil apapun...yg penting INFO kesampaian....

hahaha...pakcik grave...tatie ni penganut fahaman ASWJ....tak kiralah apa tarekat sekalipun, asalkan sumbernya ASWJ memang akan berkongsi ilmu dan pengamalan yg sama. Naqsyabandiah ker, Muhammadiah dua-duanya berfahaman ASWJ..bersumberkan Al Quran dan Hadis Rasulullah SAW...itulah SATU-SATUnya firqah yg berada dijalan kebenaran....jadik, tak der persoalan nak buang dan tukar tarekat ker.....apa kena mengena pulak...

ni satu lagi khutbah tatie nak paste kat sini..

Who are we, Ahl as-Sunna wal-Jama`at?

A Talk by As-Sayyid Hisham Muhammad Kabbani, Chairman of As-Sunna Foundation of America

Respected brothers and `ulama and honorable sisters, I want to say that besides the `ulama who are here we also have Imam Senad, who is responsible for the Bosnian community in America and their Imam. We welcome him because he came recently from a trip to Bosnia and some other countries. May Allah give him help and support.

It is an honor and a pleasure that tonight we are here for Sayyidina Abdul-Qadir Jilani, Ghawth Azam. Ghawth Azam in the English languge means Arch-Intercessor. He is an intercessor for people in the presence of Muhammad (s) who is in his turn an intercessor in the presence of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) said in one hadith that there are some "who can intercede in His presence, by His permission." Nowadays we have to say for every hadith that it is "authentic," because today there is so much ignorance. Before, we didnꊰ have to say "authentic." As soon as you say the hadith, everyone would understand, "This is a hadith." We are Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama`ah and we must believe according to what Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama`ah have taught us and given to us. Not like the pseudo-`ulama of today who think so highly of themselves. May Allah protect Islam from ignorant people.

I am very happy that I am here today in a place, a Muslim center , where people come together to worship Allah (swt). Allah alone is to be worshipped, and Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is the one to be praised. Unfortunately some people confuse, nowadays, worshipping and praising. If we say we are praising Muhammad (s), they are saying we are worshipping him. If we praise a shaykh, they say we are worshiping him. If you ask a Muslim child a small question , "Who is Allah? Who is your Creator?" he will say "Allah." "Whom do you worship?" He will say "Allah" We never tell the child, "Say Muhammad (s)." We never saw a child say "I worship Muhammad (s)." From where are they bringing these new ideologies, that that if you praise Sayyidina Muhammad (s) "too much" you are guilty of shirk? Allah ordered us to praise Muhammad (saw)!

In Islam there are no elections. From where do you bring this democracy? There is no democracy in Islam! Islam is bay`a to an amir. When you give your hand to the amir, he takes care of you. From where do you get this "board of trusties!?" And these "directors" and these other flashy names? But you are nothing but small children

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 11:00 AM

The followers of the Salafi school say that the Prophet (s) is sitting in a grave, 6 feet by 3. No. It is a Paradise, and it is so wide that no one knows its limit. It might be wider than universes. So if he is being given the observance of the actions of his ummah and he is in continuous action, it means that he is in continuous light. And he said on the Night of `Isra and Mi`raj, "I saw Musa (as) praying in his grave." How did he see Musa

Gravedigger Publish time 30-6-2005 11:05 AM

Originally posted by syeikhbelalang at 30-6-2005 10:46 AM:

Analisa akan fahaman Tarekat dahulu sebelum menuduh sesat atau bidaah.

Kalau Tarekat tu tak mencabar, dia takkan dicabar!

Ini berlainan kalau tarekat tu mencabar!

Awak n ...

Maka sudah analisalah aku berani buat kesimpulan bahawa Tariqat Naqshabandiah sudah diterima oleh ASWJ apabila ia sudah melalui proses pematangan yang panjang mengikut jalurnya yang benar.
Menjadi ahli atau tidak...itu bukan persoalan kerana itu haq individu dan kebebasan mengkaji dan mengamal tak perlu digembargemburkan.
...maka dari itulah ia masih lagi banyak mempunyai ruang untuk dinilai.

Bab-bab pakai seluar tu...aku dah cabar hang sila kemukan bukti hujjah dan dalil-dalilnya dari pendapat pelbagai Imam mazhab ASWJ dan jangan jadi Pak Turut saja berkokok macam ayam.....tahi penuh di ekoq.

Tok Guru kau orang tu pun pengikut Pak Mat Kelang yang suatu masa dulu ada juga bawa naqib-naqib Al-Arqam berjumpa beliau. Semasa berjumpa Pak Mat tu pakai seluar pendek saja.....dan pesan Asaari, tengok saja dia tapi jangan komen apa-apa. Cheh !

[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 1-7-2005 at 11:31 PM ]

Gravedigger Publish time 30-6-2005 11:53 AM

Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 10:56 AM:

hahaha...pakcik grave...tatie ni penganut fahaman ASWJ....tak kiralah apa tarekat sekalipun, asalkan sumbernya ASWJ memang akan berkongsi ilmu dan pengamalan yg sama. Naqsyabandiah ker, Muhammadiah dua-duanya berfahaman ASWJ..bersumberkan Al Quran dan Hadis Rasulullah SAW...itulah SATU-SATUnya firqah yg berada dijalan kebenaran....jadik, tak der persoalan nak buang dan tukar tarekat ker.....apa kena mengena pulak...

Baguslah kalau sudah mula terbuka pemikiran makcik Tatie ni. Cuba-cubalah buat perbandingan dan setelah itu ikutilah jalan yangbenar yang sudahpun diiktiraf.
Tapi nasihat saya hati-hati sedikit dengan puak-puak jumud dalam jemaah tu, ditakuti nanti kena tendang pula keluar macam Ustaz Mokhtar Naqshabandi serta ahli-ahli pengamal Tariqat yang lain yang tersingkir. Makcik Tatie ni amat diperlukan untuk merubah pemikiran puak-puak yang jumud tu.

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 01:04 PM


Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 10:16 AM:

Sheykh Abdul Karim al-Haqqani alKubrisi
February 2005, Manhattan Dergah, New York City.


From that time until now there are two kinds of
knowledge that is coming.

Ilm-e Ladin [ Ilmu Laduni]

the secret knowledge that is coming to the hearts of the people and the scholarly knowledge. There are some who need to do all those performances to know from the Holy Prophet (saw) whereas, there are some (other ones) who just meditate and it comes to them enabling
them to know whether it is Sahih.

This is a matter of faith now. You may take the books you find here and there (you would be running and going crazy for books that are poisoned inside) and you may learn from those books. And your knowledge will be accordingto that book that you do not even know who its author
is. You do not even know if he is a Muslim or if he is a Christian.

You do not know if he is a believer or if he is an unbeliever. So many unbelievers today are writing books and they are spreading them in the Muslim countries; but they are unbelievers. Go to the universities here. From Columbia to Harvard, any university. They are teaching you hadith and Quran. The teachers that are teaching there are not Muslims. Of course, so many things they are teaching are right. But can you take them as a guide?

If they have found the way then first they will say the Shahadat. They did not find the way.

You have to know what you are reading, from where you are learning and who is it that is teaching you. What is his intention? (You may say) "He looks like a nice guy. He is okay."

I know so many Imams today who are on the payroll of the CIA. They can hide themselves here but they cannot hide from the Divine Presence.
You don't need to go to find them in order to see. Those ones who are connected already know. They (Awliya) just watch the book up there (in the Divine Presence) and they see the names.

They (the Imams) are working for the CIA and the FBI. There are so many today in Pakistan, Turkey and in different parts of the world.

They (the secret service agencies) are openly saying,

"You can come and you can register with us and if you see any terrorist
activities in your mosques then come and tell us."

If they (the Imams) can do that, do you think that the next time when the money is a little bigger, they will not do something else? Sit and think again.

America has a lot of money. Of course. Sucking from our countries, bringing it here and then buying our leaders saying, "We will never let the Muslims have leaders. When the Muslims have one leader then it is finished. We let them have it once and they came to the doors of Vienna. There is no borderline to these people when they have one leader.

So now we have to give them that poison into their roots, into their veins saying, `Democracy' and saying, "Elect and select your leaders'." The leadership does not come from the feet to the head. The feet cannot elect the leaders.

America elects their leaders. They have two nominees for presidency. No? They have two nominees

PakMalau Publish time 30-6-2005 05:01 PM

Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 10:06 AM:
PATHETIC..........( pinjam jap ayat favourite sniper...)

pak malau..pak malau...ilmu pak malau dapatl ni dah bercampuraduk..macam rojak dah....sekejap pak malau bawa fahaman orientalis, sekejap fahaman wahabi, sekejap fahaman syiah...tapi asalusulnya satu itu juga..sebab AGUNGKAN AKAL dan letak AKAL sebagai RAJA...

Welcome to GIFT (Golongan Islam Fikiran Terbuka)! We can talk, discuss, etc. but never IMPOSE and CLAIM that our idea is the best. Let others think and decide. :). Apasal takleh masuk akal ke apa yg PakMalau cakap tu?

Tak kira le fahaman mana, kalau betul dan baik kita perlu benarkan. Alah macam pergi dusun, ada mcm2 pokok, pilih buah yg baik je, tinggal yg buruk. Kalau asyik makan buah dari satu pokok, mana tahu sedap buah dari pokok lain.

Bab ALAT dan MATLAMAT tu kira settlelah kan... :) tak payah susah mcm contoh PC tu, PakMalau bagi cakap2 org lama je..
Kalau Kail Panjang sejengkal (ALAT), Laut Dalam Jangan di Duga (MATLAMAT)
Niat hati nak peluk gunung (MATLAMAT), Apakan daya tangan tak sampai (ALAT)
Penting ALAT, Kalau ALAT tak OK, ada MAKLAMAT pun tak guna :)

bila AKAL diletakkan sebg RAJA lebih dari HATI maka yg jadi panduan dan yg menguasai AKAL adalah nafsu....sebab itu org yg bercakap ikut NAFSU selalu rasa diri lebih tahu dari orang lain, bila belajar banyak ilmu, rasa diri dah pandai tak perlu pimpinan orang lain lagi...macam pak malau kata sebelum ni...tak perlu berguru dengan manusia dah..berguru dengan buku lagi baik...

PakMalau pun berguru disamping belajar sendiri2. Itu kena lihat keadaan, infrastuktur, jenis buku, jenis ILMU, etc samada sesuai nak berguru atau tidak. Apasal ILMU yg dapat dari HOME LEARNING tu tak terpakai ke, sebab takder guru.

PakMalau dah service banyak PC sejak zaman processor 80386 lagi sampai karang, belajar buku je.. takder tok guru pun... menjadi gak. Kalau ilmu dah established dan dibukukan, kadang2 baca buku lebih faham dari dengar ceramah guru. Alah tatie tahu kan, setengah note guru tu tak terpakai, kena rujuk buku gak..

fahaman seperti pak malau ni bukan baru...ia kesinambungan dari zaman berzaman lagik...

tapi kat sini..tatie nak kongsi dgn forumners semua satu kuliah dari seorg Sheikh (Sheykh Abdul Karim al-Haqqani alKubrisi) yg menyentuh mengenai fahaman-fahaman terkini umat islam. Beliau menyatakan :

There are two kinds of knowledge. One is coming through scholarship and the other is coming through spiritual connection. That scholarly knowledge is disappearing now, it is finishing. Everything is mixing up and nobody really knows which side to take anymore.

Iyalah, itu fahaman dari guru tarekat gak... satu wave length dgn pendapat tatie...ulama pun kena tengok gak.. lagipula diorang ni bukannya maksum, lebih kurang kita jugak... ada bab yg dia tahu ada bab yg dia tak tahu (cuba tanya apa itu Darcy's Law, sure ternganga2)... diaorang nak terima pendapat pun pakai AKAL gak.. PakMalau expect ada ayat-ayat quran atau hadis shahih yg dikeluarkan, rupanya ceramah AKAL beliau je.. baik baca buku RESEPI memasak, at least boleh buat PIZZA sendiri, PERUT kenyang, AKAL sihat. :)

serihartatie Publish time 30-6-2005 05:39 PM


Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 01:04 PM:

From that time until now there are two kinds of
knowledge that is coming.

Ilm-e Ladin [ Ilmu Laduni]

the secret knowledge that is coming to the hearts of the people and the scholarly ...

The leader, the head has to have authority on you in every way. My leader, my head must have some power over me to make me speechless when I am in his presence. He must have authority on me or otherwise I don't accept that leader. I cannot accept that leadership. Because as long as I know I am stronger than that leader I will not accept that leader. The kind of leader (that I am talking about) is he who has been given heavenly power coming from up to down, not from this (Sheykh pointing at his feet) to up.

So this is what happened to Islam today and the Muslims lost their direction. And that is why the Muslims became headless. And they are running for democracy to elect their leaders in their own countries. Who are these leaders? (They think to themselves) "I like this kind of ways for my nation."
Then they call all the Imams and say, "You are under my authority." If the government is leaning towards Communism then they teach you that kind of
religion. If the government is leaning towards fascism then they teach you that kind of religion. So the religion is never free.

Allah has sent prophets to us saying, "Follow them and those ones who are following the footsteps of the prophets. Follow those who found
the way."

Living in Dunya is difficult but entering into Paradise is a little more difficult than that. So you have to work on it. Don't think,

"I am just going to go to sleep tonight and if I die tomorrow

I will be accepted and I am entering into Paradise." You know in your heart what you are doing, why you are doing, what are you trying to learn and what are you trying for the sake of Allah. Everyone knows themselves. If you
are sincere then you have nothing to worry. If the angel of death comes to you, you have nothing to worry also.

You should have nothing to say (on the contrary) because every word that I am saying is to you and to me. It is not only to you but it is to me too. You
have no problem and I have no problem. We have no problem with it. I have no problem with these words that I am saying. I am under the obligation of these words that I am saying. And you should make yourself

Our Grandsheykh (Sheykh Abdullah Daghestaniqas) is saying,
"Think, while I am speaking to myself.
Then you are listening. If you are finding something good then take it for yourself. If you are not findingthen leave it to me.

I am speaking to myself." The ones who have no Sheykh, their Sheykh is Sheytan and their ego. Their ego is controlled by Sheytan. Sheytan is going to direct them left and right (Sheykh smiles).

Wa min Allahu taufiq, Bihurmatil Habib
Bihuramatil Fatiha.

arief hamdani

PakMalau Publish time 30-6-2005 08:01 PM

Originally posted by serihartatie at 30-6-2005 05:32 PM:
ermm...tak kisah...ikut sukahati masing-masing nak sokong pendapat mana-mana...betul tak pak malau...

Elok balik berkemas pergi surau baca Yassin, PakMalau pun malam karang insyaallah pegi masjid syiah, baca Dua Kumail
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