
Title: Suasana Jepun Pada Era Perang Dunia Pertama (50pics) [Print this page]

Author: abgsedapmalam    Time: 15-3-2014 04:28 PM
Title: Suasana Jepun Pada Era Perang Dunia Pertama (50pics)
Japan early twentieth century in pictures (1910-1930)

1910. Tokyo street

1910. Tokyo

1910. Troupe of geishas in the teahouse

1911.06.07 General Roques and General Nogi Maresuke

1912. In Japanese kimono

1912. In the Japanese school

1912. Two Japanese during prayer

1912. Japanese unknown

1912. Common Prayer

1912. Common Prayer

1912. Turn

1912. Tokyo, funeral Maresuke Legs, General Japanese empire and the third Governor-General of Taiwan, committed seppuku with his wife after the death of Emperor Meiji

1912. Tokyo, funeral Maresuke Legs, General Japanese empire and the third Governor-General of Taiwan, committed seppuku with his wife after the death of Emperor Meiji

1912. Man kneeling in prayer

1913,02.13. Tokyo, the fire in Tokyo

1913. 01.10. Group of geishas

1913. 31.10 Entrance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1913. 31.10, the Emperor leaves the palace

1913. 31.10, Tram decorated election campaigning

1913. 31.10, Tram decorated election campaigning

1913. 31.10. Outdoor theater

1913. A group of old women and men waiting to greet the emperor car

1913. Japanese Emperor Yoshihito in the form of the Taisho period

1913. Koji poisons Japanese champion billiards

1913. Japanese military maneuvers

1913. Maneuvers of the Japanese army, flag before entering the village

1913. Torchlight procession

1913.02 Tokyo funeral

1913.13.02 Fire in Tokyo, burned 4,000 buildings

1913.13.02 Fire in Tokyo, burned 4,000 buildings

1913.13.02 Fire in Tokyo, burned 4,000 buildings (fire hose connection)

1913.13.02. Fire in Tokyo, crowds of homeless

1913.13.02. Fire in Tokyo, crowds of homeless people roaming the streets

Author: abgsedapmalam    Time: 15-3-2014 04:28 PM
1913.31.10. In Ueno Park

1913.31.10. Military parade on the field Mr. Noyama

1913.31.10. Bridge Ginza and march with flags

1914. Empress Dowager Haruko

1914. Mr. Reno, French Ambassador to Japan

1914. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima. Kagoshima, women wear veils to protect from ash

1914. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima. Kagoshima, covered their heads from the ashes

1914. Scandal in the Japanese navy, fiery orator before the Japanese parliament

1914. Scandal in the Japanese navy, police disperse the crowd to clear the passage to the door of the parliament building in Japan

1914.02.02 The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima (thick layer of ash on the ground)

1914.02.02. The earthquake and the eruption of the volcano Sakurajima

1914.02.02. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima

1914.02.02. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima (a thick layer of ash on the ground)

1914.02.02. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima, the islanders watching shrouded ashes Kagoshima

1914.02.02. The eruption of the volcano Sakurajima, a family of Kagoshima took refuge in the forest

1917. In the Grand Palace, Ambassador of Japan Mr. Matsui gets to Mikado sword, a gift of the city of Verdun. November 29, 1917

1917. In the Grand Palace, Ambassador of Japan Mr. Matsui gets to Mikado sword, a gift of the city of Verdun. November 29, 1917

1917. In the Grand Palace, Ambassador of Japan Mr. Matsui gets to Mikado sword, a gift of the city of Verdun. November 29, 1917

1918. British tanks in Japan

Author: abgsedapmalam    Time: 15-3-2014 04:29 PM
1918. Aero Club of the French mission in Japan

1918. Japanese occupation troops sent to Russia

1919. Vladivostok, rewarding distinguished soldiers and officers

1919. Vladivostok, rewarding distinguished soldiers and officers

1919. Fire in Yokohama, 3000 burned buildings

1919. Soccer match in Tokyo

1920. Japanese artillery

1920. Japanese cavalry

1921. Crown Prince of Japan

1921. Crown Prince of Japan

1923. Officers on parade

1923. Fishing carp

1925. Earthquake in Japan

1925. Earthquake in Japan

1925. Earthquake in Japan

1930. Empress of Japan

Author: day2    Time: 15-3-2014 04:46 PM
sedih nye tgk gamar2 yg homeless citizen tu
Author: doubleA    Time: 15-3-2014 08:17 PM
sakurajima, gunung berapi yg meletup hampir setiap hari
Author: Artemesiaa    Time: 15-3-2014 11:17 PM
Dah agak modern juga time tu
Author: fealefea    Time: 15-3-2014 11:49 PM
perempuan jepon sebelum revelusi pemakanan eh. skrg semua da tinggi2 dan  cantik
Author: HangPC2    Time: 6-11-2018 12:14 PM


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