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Kat mana korang bela kucing korang.Indoor cats vs Outdoor cats?

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Post time 21-2-2007 12:33 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Aritu gi MPH. Then terbaca satu buku nie pasal indoor cats. My cats pun indoor jugak sebenarnya.

Tulisan buku nie sedikit sebanyak mengecam mereka yg bela cats secara indoor.dgn hujah2 yg bernas dan nota kaki yg sempurna,penulis menyatakan bahawa indoor cats nie adalah tindakan kejam ke atas haiwan tersebut.ayat buku nie mmg pedas dan ganas la.

Pada masa yg sama,wira belek2 terjumpa satu buku yg bincangkan tajuk yg serupa.tapi lebih liberal dan ada pro and cons masing-masing.dia kata tak kesah kalo kucing tue indoor asalkan diberi 'cukup perhatian' utk happykan kucing tue.'cukup perhatian' dia takrifkan sebagai sehinggakan kucing tue rasa taknak kuar dari rumah tue lagi.dgn syarat kucing tue tau apa yg ada diluar rumah tue.mcm susah je kan. dia jugak kata di united state skang nie,ada kempen besaran utk galakkan pet owner utk bela haiwan nie secara indoor.treat as a family katanya.

so,nak tanya kawan2 kat sini,u all letak kucing katne?mcm mana korang tahu kucing korang dah cukup puas hati dgn apa yg korang berikan itu?lepas wira baca buku nie,wira rasa tak tau nak bertindak mcm mana. hope mmy cyra and sparkle happy bertuankan wira:pray:
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Post time 21-2-2007 12:36 PM | Show all posts
kat luar rumah,tapi memang ada kot lapik kain untuk tempat tidur dia..


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Post time 21-2-2007 12:40 PM | Show all posts
aku simpan dia dalam kandang...sebab aku ikut buku 'Pemeliharaan Kucing Parsi'...kalau aku biarkan kucing aku berkeliaran, nanti kena culik plak...sebab kucing aku kucing parsi...which is very cute...nanti orang curi is for his sake...memang dalam buku ni kata kucing parsi memang perlukan kandang...

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 01:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 Urban_Iz's post

kalo dah case dia gitu..better ko kandangkan dia
so,utk elak dari dia rasa mcm stress atau rasa xbest,i'm sure u mesti ada kaedah tertentu,mainan tertentu atau apa saya utk wat dia happy.
owez dlm kandang ke?

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 pinatbate's post

melihat kepada gambar kucing tue,i would say ianya berpotensi utk kena curi
baik ko tutup pintu pagar rumah ko selalu..sayang wehhh

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Post time 21-2-2007 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Dulu my cats strictly indoors..mmg tak kasi kuar coz takut hilang like my Nea..skali je kuar, then hilang terus,tak tau pe citer..tapi setelah diperhatikan, terpaksa lepaskan memain kat luar gak coz nampak diorang ni terlampau penakut, clueless and dependent coz asik berkurung dlm umah..

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Post time 21-2-2007 02:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 wiranordin's post

aku rase ape aku buat untuk kekucing ku dengan mengindoorkan dorang adalah yang terbaik...ewahh ewahh ..bukan ape..aku serik meekee kena kurap ngan kutu sbb pi kasik die 'beramah mesra' ngan kucing luar umah...even kalo anak2 aku pi main kucing kat luar pon balek tu aku soh dorang pi mandi dan tuka baju sbb takot depa pelok2 kekucing tuh pastu pelok pulak yang kat rumah..sesuaii lah jangketan berlaku tanpa diduga...

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 02:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 rubi_perez's post

tapi kalo bole buat tempat yg bagi diaorg tempat scenary utk tgk
at least berkembang minda
tapi my taman tak sesuai utk lepaskan la
hmm...mungkin muda lagi kot

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 02:55 PM | Show all posts

one of the needs - perches

I need to know what is going on around me. I am curious. I am a cat. I can hear sounds coming from outside and smell lots of strange things but I need to see what is happening out there. I want to know that I am safe. If I can hear and smell but can't see it, it might frighten me.

I need something that allows me to elevate my self from ground level. I like to climb. A perch will provide me with a safe and private place to watch the action from above. A perch is anything that allows me to lie, sit, sleep or look outside from above A perch is a must have for me. Perches come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. You can get perches that attach to the windowsill, or you could custom build a perch for me. I would like more than one perch so I can look outside at different angles.

You can place a couch, sofa, chair, or sturdy table in front of a window, so I can look outside. To make the scenery more attractive for me, you could hang a bird feeder in the yard, plant pretty flowers to attract bees, butterflies, and other insects. This will keep me interested. I may sit on my perch for hours and look outside.

I may feel safer if I can sleep somewhere high. So please provide me with places to climb up on that I feel safe and where no other animal or human could sneak up on me. If you are having a problem with finding a suitable area for a perch, watch me and I will show you where I feel comfortable, usually by curling up in a ball and falling asleep. If you prefer that I use a different area than I chose, you will need to offer me treats and kind words as you place me in the area you would like for me to use. Entice me. Make this area more enticing. If I refuse to stay there, then allow me to approach it on my own. Put my favorite treat or toy on the perch so I will investigate. I may just use the couch, the end table, on top of the dresser to make my own perch. Please consider this, when rearranging the furniture, or moving. Can I still see outside?

dari hati seekor indoor cat.

[ Last edited by  wiranordin at 21-2-2007 02:58 PM ]

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Post time 21-2-2007 03:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 wiranordin's post

ade satu pagi tuh..nak g keja pagi suboh..aku dengo kucing mengiaw2 mcm ilang anak...pastu aku intai tengok ade sekor kucing comel tabby mackerel  (mate bulat cumill) tengah ketakutan sambel duduk tak begerak kat rumput...on the way nak g ke kete me n hubby singgah kat kucing tu sbb die tengah ngiao lagik..pastu baru kami pasan tuan die tengah usha die dari buaian yang berhampiran..pastu kami tanye nape ni bang...abg tu kate ni le pestaim die jejak tanah..die takot..walhal abg tu tak le jawoh sangat dari tempat die letak kucing dia...kucing tu tak begerak2 dari situ... cute sangattt...mengigil2 badan die...

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Post time 21-2-2007 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 wiranordin's post

isk...nak kate aku sediakan tempat spesial untuk dorang kat umah tu idak lahh...tapi adalah tempat2 yang memudahkan dorang nak melihat dunia dan tido lena tanpa gangguan..alahaiii

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Post time 21-2-2007 03:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 wiranordin's post

patut ar budak2 tu suka btul melepak kat depan sliding door..

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 03:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 hatemetoday's post

aku rasa nie spesies kucing aku la nie
masa first time aritu mak ai,mcm rumput tue paku je kot dia rasa
punya la malu2 nak langkah
kesian tgk
kalo kena kejar anjing pun tak lari gamaknya

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 03:43 PM | Show all posts


aku rasa penting utk kucing melihat dunia luar.
mcm satu hak asasi plak utk kucing even for indoor cat

[ Last edited by  wiranordin at 21-2-2007 03:45 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 03:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 rubi_perez's post

now u know.....

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2007 03:48 PM | Show all posts

untuk indoor cat owner..gimme toys..a lot of toys

My ancestors had to hunt insects, birds, mice and other small animals to survive. Since they had to catch 10 or 20 of these morsels every day, they had to be ready to pounce at a moments notice. I don't have to hunt anymore, but I still like to pounce. Having things to stalk and pounce on also makes me happy, and helps keep me healthy and active.

There are many different kinds of toys; you could buy me some of these, or make some yourself. Because of my heritage, I like toys that do something. Toys that squeak, chirp, jitter, swing or vibrate remind me of moving meals, enticing me to interact with it. The first toy you might try is a furry mouse that makes noise and moves. Some even have catnip in them! You can just roll it past me on the floor to catch my attention; I'll let you know if it looks like lunch. Since we're each individuals, some of us like some toys better than others. Just offer us a few and we'll show you what we like!

I also like toys such as a wand or stick with a toy dangling from the end of a string.

They make me feel like I'm using my natural quickness and agility to catch something, and they let me interact with you. Just let the toy dangle in front me, then slowly drag it away. Sometimes I can get carried away attacking it, so please be sure I can't bite or chew off a piece I could choke on.

Balls are another great item to use, because they let me "chase and capture". I am very good at swatting balls. Things that move on their own also fascinate me, so balls (like ping pong balls) and furry little mice toys that move are great.

I also like toys I can catch, pick up, and toss in the air so I can catch them again. These are excellent to pass the time while you are away. You can fill balls with food or treats to encourage me to play

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Post time 21-2-2007 04:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 wiranordin's post

jgn risoooo...memang dorang kena kuar jugak..tak fair rase nye dok di dalam sajork

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Post time 21-2-2007 06:01 PM | Show all posts
indoor sahaja sebab tinggal dekat dengan nepalese and vietnamese ...takut depa ni jadi hidangan lunch or dinner lak nanti

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Post time 21-2-2007 06:05 PM | Show all posts
My cat is free to roam indoors & outdoors.

Daytime, sometimes dia main kat disebabkan dia ni penakut..Takut tikus dan petir/kilat mcm tuannya..she's always indoors.

Malam memang confirm dia sendiri akan ada kat rumah. Either mengiau nak masuk bilik, atau dia tido atas almari..

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Post time 21-2-2007 07:00 PM | Show all posts
kucing aku, indoor masa siang jer coz kat luar panas masa siang.. bagi la diorang lepak dlm rumah.. malam nanti diorang kuarla clubbing . tp kalau mlm tu diorang nampak mcm letih, kita dah tolak2 badan pun dia berat2kan badan.. tido je dlm rumah. makan pun outdoor gak.. bebeh pun outdoor gak..
but anak kucing aku yg sekor tu, 80% indoor.. sekarang nak biasakan dia outdoor.. tp risau gak takut dia melintas jalan.. tu yg asyik dlm rumah..

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