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Author: minahsaudi


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 Author| Post time 14-7-2010 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply  minahsaudi

Kak min, one of the ingredients dalam sunscreen ACE B5 + UV Complex tu ialah ...
red_kebaya Post at 13-7-2010 21:18

m so sorry has been in n out since morning n tenet arini mmg slow giler   baru petang nie lega cket rasanya.  i have emailed yr enquiry to my partner who is also a chemist.  i guess only he could answer technically question like this without errorneous infos.  i got his reply just now cos dia pun bz sangat kat kilang tu!

About DIMETHICONE: Dimethicone is a mixture of fully methylated linear siloxane polymers end blocked withtrimethylsiloxy units. It conforms generally to the formula: In the United States, Dimethicone may be used as an active ingredient in OTC drug products. When used as an active drug ingredient, the established name is Dimethicone.

In cosmetics and personal care products Dimethicone and related ingredients are used in the formulation of a wide range of cosmetic and personal care products including cosmetic creams and lotions, bath soaps, shampoo and hair care products. The most widely used ingredient in this group is Dimethicone.

Safety Information

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed the safety of Dimethicone and approved its use as a skin protectant active ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC)drug products.

Dry Skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin. Emollients/moisturizers work by forming an oily layer on the top of the skin that traps water in the skin. Petrolatum, lanolin, mineral oil and dimethicone are common emollients. Humectants, including glycerin, lecithin, and propylene glycol, draw water into the outer layer of skin. Many products also have ingredients that soften the horny substance (keratin) that holds the top layer of skin cells together (e.g., urea, alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic/citric/glycolic acid, and allantoin). This helps the dead skin cells fall off, helps the skin keep in more water, and leaves the skin feeling smoother and softer.
A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including:
itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat)
severe dizziness
trouble breathing
However dimethicone used in our formulation is only 0.50 - 1.00 % max. The reason to use the Dimethicone is not for treatment but for ease of cream application, in order to control the use of oil. The possibility of an allergic reaction to a cream, gөl or lotion containing dimethicone is rаre, but as with all medicatiοns, userѕ sһould be aωare of tһe symptοms. If you experience а гash oг hiveѕ, use the acne and pimple cream immediately. But so far there is no evidence to prove that dimethicone can cause acne or pimple even if it does the dose we use is so negligeble that it is not possible to cause any problem.

Thank you.
Company: Cosmeteq Skincare Ventures Sdn Bhd
Address: 2008 Kaw Perind Ringan Asas Jaya, 14100 Simpang Ampat, Penang.
Country/Region: Malaysia
Business Email:
Mobile:012 4389081
Telephone: 6-04-5682008,04 5682009
Fax: 6-04-5682007

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Post time 15-7-2010 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Kak min,
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry for asking extra sensitive acne-prone skin ni memang sensitif betul ngan skincare & cosmetic ingredients.
Sometimes I notice that the acne yang tumbuh kat muka ni is not because of healing crisis, but more to skincare or cosmetic acne..pakai sikit pun akan tumbuh rashes & acne...huhuuu

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Post time 15-7-2010 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Salam to all cosmeteqicians
Can anyone kasi tepek kat sini full ingredients of Revitiliser & Timeless Serum..dok belek2 tak jumpe pulak!
Thanks a million!

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Post time 15-7-2010 11:18 AM | Show all posts

Super anti-oxidants miraculously works on your skin to stay young and good looking.  Tightens, smoothens, Glows and corrects Wrinkles leading to a significantly smoother skin and younger look.

Made under license from:
Deionized Water, Dimethyl MEA,  Acmella Oleracea Extract, Glycerin, Xanthan gum, Glutamyl Amido Ethyl Imidazole and water, Fragrance, Phenoxyethanol Ethylhexylgyycerin.
Keep away from children / Jauhi daripada kanak-kanak .
Manufactured in Malaysia

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Post time 15-7-2010 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Kak min,
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry for asking extra sensitive acne-prone skin ni memang  ...
red_kebaya Post at 15-7-2010 09:34


nowadays u drink more water tak and jaga tak ur food intake due tuu ur sensitive skin. Nie pun mempengaruhi juga. Bukan setakat pakai aje. whatever yg kita makan itu lah yang akan kuar kat muka kita. Hormonal change also bley juga naik jerawat and tido yg cukup baru bley dpt skin yg superb.  Like Adeila after 1 yr baru dpt skin yg flawless.

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Post time 15-7-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts



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Post time 15-7-2010 04:38 PM | Show all posts
kak zana & kmila,
Oraittt thank u very much for the details!
Saya memang menjaga sgt2 apa yg saya makan..minum air tu jgn katalah..bergelas2..senaman tu almost everyday pi gym..tido pulak memang tak penah kurang..heheee
I believe, sKin masing2 kan the degree of irritation towards certain ingredients also differs.

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2010 05:14 PM | Show all posts
kak zana & kmila,
Oraittt thank u very much for the details!
Saya memang menjaga sgt2 apa yg sa ...
red_kebaya Post at 15-7-2010 16:38

salam red

talk abt sensitive n allergy skin rasa nya ramai tak bleh nak challenge akak hah.  siap dgn antihistamines segala.  most skin care products yg betul2 ada R&D n mendapat kelulusan pihak berkuasa are made for the most sensitive of skins.  tu sbb nyer kita selalu advise our customer to check for sensitivity normally kat neck for a nite.  we just sapu the cream before tidor n next morning kalo takder reactions shud be ok.

or else kita mintak doctor's advise n find out what are the ingredients tt we might be sensitive with.  kadang2 it is not bcos of the product's faults but due to our body sensitivity.  mcm kakmin jugak lah there are certain herbs jugak yg tak sesuai dgn kulit cos bila herbs n natural products bila diprocess will reach chemical levels too secara natural. mcm tapai, grapes etc.  jadi fermentation!

mcm akak reactions to dust, pollen, certain kinds of chemicals n shellfoods.  last year pernah akak post my pixs kat sini n org ingat akak kena tumbuk!  mcm tu tahap my allergy n sensitivity!  even bad BO n plaster pun kakmin kena hati2.

so at the end of the day like red n kakmin kita kena ambek precaution for ourselves.  i know my products has been made with the outmost care n cautious, very2 thoroughly well research n we used the best ingredients money can buy.  

as a manufacturer n producer of skincare, we have abide to the rules n regulations set by the government of malaysia, with submission of SOP, GMP, ISO n permission from the health authority before our products are sold n marketed.  fyi our products went through regimented tests in our lab n professionally tested before we submit to MOH where it is independently tested for approval.

as a human being, i can categorically said my conscious are clear regarding my products knowing tt i have not used anything that cud be harmful n hazardous for the skin.

the rest is up to you!

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Post time 15-7-2010 05:17 PM | Show all posts
yupe.. setiap org have different skin.
maybe u have allergy...better be cautious

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Post time 16-7-2010 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2108# minahsaudi

yes kak min, no doubt the products are excellent!
what matter most is how to choose the correct creams/serums/ etc for your skin type, which therefore contributes to the perfection of your skin.

As for me, i love the product, i just need to know the ingredients so that i know which to use at night, which to us during the day, which i can apply more, which i should apply less & so on.

Paling penting >>> Understand & analyse your own skin! - utk dapat hasil yang excellent!

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply  minahsaudi

yes kak min, no doubt the products are excellent!
what matter most is ho ...
red_kebaya Post at 16-7-2010 09:28

betul red, mcm akak dulu apa yg tak cuba.  dari semurah products sehingga kepaling mahal akak pakai, kdg2 bertahun2 pakai.  kena trial n error lah!  dari tak tau apa yg tak boleh pakai smpi jadi expert gara2 sensitive skin!  glad tt u have done yr homework on what is good n not good for yr skin.  

but then mmg my skin jadi bertambah sihat sejak menggunakan cosmeteq lantas akak tak hesitate utk melabur n jadikan products ni dikenali n menjadi kesukaan ramai, insyaallah!

maju cosmeteq utk semua

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Post time 16-7-2010 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Note: Thread has been banned by manager

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2010 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minahsaudi at 16-7-2010 11:17
.......balik2 muka sama yang gigih promote......

Sampai big bos pun kena turun padang....... ...
stinger_attack Post at 16-7-2010 10:44

Salam Buat Senah Stinger_Attack...

Ahkak sebagai mod BFT ingin memberi sedikit pesanan manja untuk senah stinger...memandangkan senah stinger sekarang semakin menjadi2 sakit angau itu...maka dengan ini ahkak mod bft melarang dengan keras terhadap kamu memasuki BOARD BFT bermula 11.7.2010 selama 6 bulan....Jikalau kamu masih membuat onar di BFT ahkak tak teragak2 akan BAN terus...apa yg ahkak lakukan ini sudah mendapat kebenaran dari pihak yg sepatutnya.....

Diharap forumer yg suka suki menuduh mod bft tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap senah stinger ....sekarang di harap berpuas hati lah yer...dan boleh lah bersenang lenang di bft...Pesanan Keras di sini juga di tujukan kepada semua forumer...kepada sesiapa yg pernah kena warning tapi masih buat lagi kat topik masing2..ahkak tidak akan teragak2 jugak akan terus BAN kamu dari BFT...Kepada Forumer yg suka sgt menuduh mod BFT lambat ambik tindakan...mod pilih kasih..harap kamu buka lah mata sedikit...Mod bft pun mcm kamu manusia jugak..punyai 2 tangan..dan keje lain...semua tindakan akan di ambik secara berperingkat..Kamu bukan mod jadi kamu boleh cakap apa sahaja pada mod BFT....

Akhir kata...ADA AKU KISAH kalau korang nak meroyan lepas nie bila kamu sudah kena cop BAN[/quote]

tapi memandang mod lala hanya kasi pesanan manja diatas larangan ini aku tak mau komens apa2 lah.  lagi pun komens kat atas nie atas persetujuan super mod n mod lala jugak.

terperasan jugak aku betapa manja nyer posting nko kat sini dgn lala.  kat FD sana mmg mod parin tak bagi muka pun.

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Post time 16-7-2010 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Post divorce stress.........

(ayat ini pun akan buat orang sentap...korang tengok lah nanti)

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Post time 18-7-2010 03:26 AM | Show all posts
Post divorce stress.........

(ayat ini pun akan buat orang sentap...korang tengok lah nanti)
stinger_attack Post at 16-7-2010 11:48

aku sokong..

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Post time 18-7-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2115# memot32


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Post time 18-7-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2115# memot32

aduuuiiiii..ada juga ke muka org yang rosak sebab pakai cosmeteq ni?

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Post time 18-7-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts
product ni banyak dah threadnya ...perhaps pasal banyak pengguna dan feedback..certain thread tu...1 ajer...jika baru first time nak try product..better try sample dahulu...muka ni...sensitive pasal kulit muka ni nipis...

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Post time 19-7-2010 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Salam Kak Min & all cosmetiqicians,

I've came to notice that "Revitaliser" ada kandungan "Isopropyl Myristate" which can also causes skin irritation, clogged pores and acne inflammation. Some dermatologists say that people with ACNE-PRONE SKIN should avoid using products with this ingredient.

Please give advice on this.
My skin is acne-prone type..

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Post time 19-7-2010 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Boleh sape2 kasi ingredients for radiance cream & whitening cream?

I suggest cosmeteq letak ingredients for each product dalam official website. Ingredients of the skincare products are the most important information that users should and want to know. Tak taulah org lain..but I am very particular on that.


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