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Author: deaf4ever


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 Author| Post time 10-12-2003 01:36 AM | Show all posts


makin suka la aku kat ni band. Nak kena pegi carik semua katalog dia...

Ni aku dah jumpa video mereka main live kat USA di
ProgPower USA IV
September 5-6, 2003
Earthlink Live
Atlanta, Georgia

Ni footage video mereka main lagu walking in the air.
sila ke link
hah- yang ni kena download dulu.

highly rekemended.

ni liriks dia, korang bleh paham apa dia tengah nyanyi.
We're walking in the air
We're floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly

I'm holding very tight
I'm riding in the midnight blue
I'm finding I can fly so high above with you

Far across the world
The villages go by like trees
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams

Children gaze open mouth
Taken by surprise
Nobody down below believes their eyes

We're surfing in the air
We're swimming in the frozen sky
We're drifting over icy
Mountains floating by

Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
Arousing of a mighty monster from its sleep

We're walking in the air
We're floating in the midnight sky
And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly

Use magic Report


Post time 10-12-2003 02:04 AM | Show all posts
rajin ko deaf...
time kasih byk2...senang keje aku

Use magic Report

Post time 10-12-2003 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Ace, kena kasi kredit sikit kat deaf ni...
aku cuma boleh bagi ni je kat deaf...nah ambik ni deaf...hehehe..

Anyway, band gamma ray tu memang aku minat selepas Kai Hansen keluar Helloween tapi aku cuma dengar first ngan second album diorang...lepas tu lost contact sebab album diorang dah tak masuk market kat sini...

First album diorang memang best...Heading For Tomorrow...
In fact..instrumental masa pembukaan konsert tu dari first album...kalo tak silap 'Welcome' tajuknya..ok....chow...

[ Last edited by valkries on 10-12-2003 at 08:16 AM ]

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Post time 10-12-2003 02:52 PM | Show all posts



Use magic Report

Post time 10-12-2003 04:18 PM | Show all posts

camne dengan HAMMERFALL, ICED EARTH, IN FLAMES...selalu gak dengar dalam LAUNCH CAST RADIO kat Yahoo...

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hand^cuff This user has been deleted
Post time 10-12-2003 11:14 PM | Show all posts
nirvana tu metal ker?

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Post time 10-12-2003 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hand^cuff at 10-12-2003 11:14 PM:
nirvana tu metal ker?

my dear hand^cuff,
nirvana tu grunge.....and grunge that's it,nothing more .. nothing less

right guys?
kalo salah..sori..

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Post time 10-12-2003 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 10-12-2003 04:18 PM:

camne dengan HAMMERFALL, ICED EARTH, IN FLAMES...selalu gak dengar dalam LAUNCH CAST RADIO kat Yahoo...

yeah deaf..
anything on in flames?
and darkwell too....

aku ader soalan...
penyanyi iced earth tu ex judas priest ker?

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2003 02:36 AM | Show all posts

Metal Church

Originally posted by DewaGanaZ at 10-12-2003 02:52 PM:



Album covers

Band ni, aku tak pernah dengar.
Mungkin pasal nama Church pun dah kasi aku 'seram sejuk'

Tapi untuk sebagai perkenalan, sila ke

Kat sini, boleh download lagu2 dibawah ni secara percuma.

Battalions Demo (5:26)
From the "Four Hymns" Demo, 1982 2.18 mb

Big Guns (3:18)
Only available on the European version of "Metal Church" 1.32 mb

Deathwish Demo (4:53)
From the "Four Hymns" Demo, 1982 1.95 mb

Gods Of Wrath Demo (6:49)
From the "Four Hymns" Demo, 1982 2.73 mb

Hitman Demo (4:24) (Instrumental)
From Kurdt Vanderhoof's early days, circa 1981 1.76 mb

Low To Overdrive (4:26)
Only available on the Japanese version of "Hanging In The Balance" 5.09 mb

Put The Chains On Demo (6:07) (Instrumental)
From Kurdt Vanderhoof's early days, circa 1981 2.45 mb

The Brave (3:45)
Live, October 2, 1984 5.17 mb

Band ni rupa nye masih hidup dan akan keluarkan album baru tahun 2004.
Ni berita dia.

Long-running Seattle metallers METAL CHURCH have entered the studio to begin recording the follow-up to 1999's "Masterpeace", tentatively due in early 2004.

The group's current lineup includes original members Kurdt Vanderhoof (guitar) and Kirk Arrington (drums) alongside three new members, including vocalist Ronny Munroe, who had most recently spent time in the Seattle metal band ROTTWEILLER

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2003 03:15 AM | Show all posts

Iced Earth

Ni band Amerika. First sekali, aku suka tengok artwork mereka. Ni ialah antara contoh artwork yang aku suka.

Erm..aku sendiri ada dalam koleksi aku
Days of Purgatory - Ni koleksi lagu2 mereka masa memula dulu.
Alive in Athens - Ni mereka main live kat Greece. Aku respek la, masa nak rekod ni show, mereka main 2 malam ngan setlist yang completely different. Lepas tu album ni mengandungi hampir 3 jam muzik.
Tribute to the Gods - ni aku paling suka, Iced Earth buat cover versions. Lagu Iron Maiden, ACDC, Kiss dan sebagainya.

sapa minat sila pm aku.

Yep, ori punya vokalis si Matt Barlow dah keluar, pasal dia nak sambung belajar jadi security specialist ke apa.
Dia diganti oleh Tim Owens. ( ex Judas Priest yang kena tendang dari JP bila Rob Halford rejoin JP ).
Tapi kepala Iced Earth ni ialah Jon Schaffer. Dia la ketua, gitaris dan songwriter band ni.

Sekarang ni, Iced Earth sedang siap sedia nak launch album baru, yang pertama ngan vokalis baru.
Kat internet radio semua asyik main lagu2 dari single mereka The Reckoning.

Punyalah sama artwork ni ngan gambar Trooper Iron Maiden.

Awal tahun depan akan keluar album The Glorious Burden.
Lawa betul lukisan album ni.

Kalau korang ada acess kazaa ke apa ke, aku rekemen satu lagu yang paling aku suka ' Question of Heaven'.

Ermm..sapa nak dengar lagu Iced Earth baru, boleh dengar siaran radio kat sini -

Tak silap aku, lagu Iced Earth ialah yang kedua.
( Valkries, King Diamond punya lagu baru pun ada kat progrem ni).

[ Last edited by deaf4ever on 11-12-2003 at 12:17 PM ]

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Post time 11-12-2003 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Tak silap aku, lagu Iced Earth ialah yang kedua.
( Valkries, King Diamond punya lagu baru pun ada kat progrem ni).

tima kasey deaf....:2cool:

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2003 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 11-12-2003 02:36 AM:
Album covers

[img] ...





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WARCHIEF This user has been deleted
Post time 14-12-2003 02:45 AM | Show all posts
aku pun salute pasal effort kau ni.Kalau ada satu bod atau at least sub-board pasal metal ni kan bagus......dan kau pulak jadi moderatornya, mesti aku sokong punya

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WARCHIEF This user has been deleted
Post time 14-12-2003 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Freedom call,nightwish ,gamma ray,hammerfall dsb mmg best.sekarang pun aku banyak dengar group-group power metal dari europe ni pasal aku rasa european metal masih mengekalkan originality metal diaorang.
Satu lagi group Power Metal dari europe yg mmg gempak ialah rhapsody.lagu diarong ni agak unik pasal menggabungkan muzik metal dgn symphony.Lirik dalam lagu diaorang banyak berkisar tentang dragon,castle,king dsb kira ala-ala lord of the rings la.stratovarius dari finland(kalau tak salah aku la) pun gempak jugak.
uihhh..mmg banyak la kalau nak cerita pasal power metal ni tu belum masuk aliran lain mcm thrash.death,grindcore,doom dan macam-macam lagilah..:bg:

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WARCHIEF This user has been deleted
Post time 14-12-2003 03:23 AM | Show all posts
i m not a metal head.. but i think the most talented musicians in the world are in the metal do Classical music....

really good guitar works with the thundering bass and pounding drums....

you're right baby....but for the true metal....NU METAL is not included

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2003 06:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WARCHIEF at 14-12-2003 02:45 AM:
aku pun salute pasal effort kau ni.Kalau ada satu bod atau at least sub-board pasal metal ni kan bagus......dan kau pulak jadi moderatornya, mesti aku sokong punya

ala, ni dah memang hobi aku.
lagipun zaman internet ni, kat komputer bleh buat macam2.
Berita2 rock / metal ni susah nak carik. Nak beli majalah 'import' pun mahal.
Lagipun takkan nak beli semua kaset, cd, video, dvd.

Cam aku, aku pakai program Direct Connect Hub untuk dapatkan semua ni. Jadi kira ok la. Kalo korang semua nak carik apa2, just inform aku la.

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2003 05:28 PM | Show all posts

Classic Rock Revisited's Top 20 New Releases of 2003
http://www.classicrockrevisited. ... 020%20of%202003.htm

Here are Classic Rock Revisited's
Top 20 New Releases of 2003

All albums feature new songs and are not greatest hits, remasters or live albums.

1  The Allman Brothers- Hittin' The Note (Sanctuary Records)
Gregg Allman & Warren Haynes deliver a monster of an album.  This is the most Allman sounding album since Duane was in the band.  Yes, it is that good.  There are plenty of blues/rock solos to keep you foaming at the mouth time and time again.  This album bring excitement and hope for the band as they continue to hit all the notes!

2  Styx - Cyclorama (Sanctuary Records)
Styx returned with a bang and without Dennis DeYoung.  Sure, there is only Tommy Shaw and James Young left from the glory days but that should not keep you from checking this album out.  "Waiting For Our Time" was the closest thing classic music has had to a hit in years.  This is the best Styx album in over a decade and makes one wonder how they will follow this gem up.  Solid album throughout.  

3  Iron Maiden - Dance of Death (Sanctuary Records)
"No More Lies" will have fists-a- pumping and heads-a-banging.  Maiden fans hated the cover but loved the music.  This is true, classic sounding Maiden.  The band knows where they came from and they understand what Iron Maiden should sound like.  There was no real stretching out into uncharted territory but there was a return to power metal the likes had not been seen since Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

4  Cheap Trick - Special One (Big 3 Records)
Scent of a Woman" is the best Cheap Trick song in at least 15 years.  The entire album is well written and well produced.  There are no weak songs and the strongest songs will have you grinning from ear-to-ear.  This is another example of a classic rock band being comfortable enough in their own skin to stay true to the music styling they love and not worry about keeping up with current trends of today.  

5  Alice Cooper - The Eyes of Alice Cooper (Spitfire Records)
Alice returns with a very interesting album.  Cooper nuts are thrilled that Alice has taken some of the brashness  out of his new music and instead returned to a much more classic sound.  "Novocain" should have been a hit. This song has it all and is a classic waiting to be discovered.   "Man of the Year" is a standout track as well.  "This House Is Haunted" will bring to mind "Welcome To My Nightmare."  All in all, a fine effort.

6  Jethro Tull - The Jethro Tull Christmas Album (Fuel 2000 Records)
Tull fans rejoice!  This is the most classic sounding Tull album in years.  Most tracks are original Anderson songs and the others are Christmas songs given the Tull treatment.  We have electrics, acoustics, flutes and the classic Tull rumbling rhythms and hum-able melodies.  This is a holiday album worthy of cranking up in July.   There are shades of Songs From The Wood and Thick As A Brick all over this classic.  

7  Lynyrd Skynyrd - Vicious Cycle (Sanctuary Records)
This is simply a great sounding southern rock album.  "Red, White & Blue" was a big song for the band.  While this will still have Skynyrd purists rolling their eyes, the album is good.  Rickey Medlocke, Hughie Thommason and Gary Rossington make a hell of a triple guitar attack.

8  Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride (Spitfire Records)
Zakk Wylde delivers the best BLS album to date.  He even coaxed his day job boss Ozzy Osbourne to sing on the track "Still Born."  Zakk is the only real guitar hero we have left today and this album will only strengthen his rep.  This is heaving M.F-ing music and Zakk is a heavy M.F-ing axe player.  This is the best heavy metal album released this year.  

9  David Lee Roth - Diamond Dave (Magna Carta Records)
Dave remakes some tunes, writes some tunes and even delivers a blues version of a Van Halen classic.  Dave gives a middle finger gesture to trends, modern music and everything that is expected of him and instead creates a very strange but very groove-able album.  There are some very odd moments but there are many of really cool moments as well.  

10  Meatloaf - Couldn't Have Said It Better (Sanctuary Records)
Meat makes a great comeback with an album that is very Bat Out of Hell sounding.  The title track, co-written by Nikki Sixx, is one of the strongest Mea Loaf tracks bar none.  Meat gives a very spirited performance.  The usual Meat Loaf traits are all here; over the top, grandiose and just plain big.  Not all songs are winners but the good ones are great.  


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 Author| Post time 14-12-2003 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 14-12-2003 05:28 PM:
http://www.classicrockrevisited. ... 020%20of%202003.htm

Here are Classic Rock Revisited's
Top ...

11  Skid Row - Thickskin
Who would have thought that Skid Row without Sebastian Bach would even be worth the time of day let alone be among the top albums of the year?  This collection of songs sees Skid Row leaving behind the hair band tag as well.  Gone are sugar coated love songs and sweet sounding metal.  The band rocks hard and heavy and captures the spirit of today's music as well.  Most times new bands try to keep up with the times it comes off terrible but in this albums case Skid Row kicks major ass.  Hard, heavy and addictive.  You will find yourself coming back to this one.  

12  Bret Michaels - Songs of Life
Bret sings his heart out and his solo backing band dwarfs Poison in terms of sheer talent.  The standout track is "Raine" written about his daughter.  Michaels captures a sound that is both classic and modern day.  The band plays with fire and passion and while this is a long way from a real hard rocker, it does fit Bret and his personality.  This is an album that will surprise people in many ways.  Michaels is playing for a love of music and it shows.  He is more than the one-dimensional pretty boy that we all know.  This is the surprise of the year for sure.  

13  Blackmore's Night - Ghost of a Rose (SPV)
Ritchie Blackmore has released a damn good record that stays pretty true to his new wandering minstrel persona that he has been developing over the past several years.  Candice Night delivers vocally better than ever before.  There are a couple of really cool remakes and Ritchie straps on the electric on a few tracks.  This is a very interesting sounding disc that will have those who have been making fun of him take note and listen.  Pretty cool stuff.  

14  Deep Purple - Bananas (Sanctuary Records)
Ian Gillan sings his ass off on this album.  The entire collection of music shifts stylistically from classic DP to more straight ahead pop rock to Steve Morse instrumental mellow stuff.  In the end, Deep Purple has succeeded in keeping things interesting.  This is not Machine Head but it is a solid effort.  The tracks tend to grow on you.  The standout track is "House of Pain."  

15  Martin Barre - Stage Left (Fuel 2000 Records)
Jethro Tull's longtime guitar player finally steps outside the shadows of Ian Anderson and delivers a solo album that is full of melodic hooks and fret board pyrotechnics.  Mighty Martin has long been overlooked in the guitar world but Stage Left should do a lot to correct that.  All but one song is instrumental allowing Barre to fully express himself without having to worry about showing up the band leader.  

16  Marty Friedman - Music For Speeding (Favored Nations Records)
Ex-Megadeth axeslinger Marty Friedman comes out swinging on his debut on Steve Vai's Favored Nations record label.  Marty goes from metal riffing to classical to jazz to blues, showing off the many facets of his talent.  His composition skills are also remarkable - this is much more than a guy jamming over a rhythm track.  Marty has thought out every move and elicited every emotion on the human pallet.  This is a fine piece of work.  

17  Derek Sherinian - Black Utopia
Derek is the hardest rocking keyboard player around.  I swear this guy wants to be a guitar player!  Guests include Zakk Wylde, Al Dimeola, Steve Lukathur and Yngwie.  Every song is a masterpiece.  The music is very intense all the way through.  This is one instrumental album that you will crank up and bang your head to.  

18  Ian Anderson - Rupi's Dance (Fuel 2000 Records)
This is as good as anything Ian's other band has done in years (sans the Christmas Album).  Without Martin Barre, Ian is a bit more of a gentleman in his music.  Plenty of acoustic guitar and flute and plenty of wild themes including a song about a penguin.  

19  George Thorogood - Ride Till I Die (Spitfire Records)
Thorogood made a return to the studio and put together a solid album of blues rock.  The album is exactly what one would expect from him and there are no weak tracks.  There may not be anything as good as "Bad To The Bone" but George is still delivering his signature sound and rocking out in the way that only he can.  A solid effort.  

20  Glenn Hughes - Songs in the Key of Rock (Frontiers Records)
Hughes released several albums in 2003.  His work with Joe Lynn Turner is good but it is this solo effort that is his best.  Glenn mixes rock and funk perfectly and still sounds awesome.  Long underrated, Hughes is bound and determined to keep creating music and putting his all into it.

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Post time 16-12-2003 10:50 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-12-2003 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DewaGanaZ at 16-12-2003 10:50 AM:

mod tak baca le thread ni DG...ko pm je le...

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