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Author: katt

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Post time 1-2-2004 03:23 PM | Show all posts
bestlah.aku suka yang 10 peraturan tu.
kalau kaki dia sakit,tukar kasut ngan dier.
kalau dia pukul sakit,buat2 tak sakit.
kalau dia pukul tak sakit,buat2 sakit.
part yang katt cakap tu.

cha tae hyun cute gilerlah.macam boyish.citer dia pun lawak.

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Post time 1-2-2004 09:52 PM | Show all posts
hmm...apa kata ramai2 mohon ch8 tayang balik dengan subtitle yg sempurna...aku pong miss gak film nie ari tuh coz balik kg n kg tarak ch8.......negara korea agak bersinar dalam peta filem sedunia....naper ? tak percaya ke ? percayalah....

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 Author| Post time 1-2-2004 10:53 PM | Show all posts

JOM! Minta 8TV ulang My Sassy Girl

Originally posted by GAIA at 2004-2-1 09:52 PM:
hmm...apa kata ramai2 mohon ch8 tayang balik dengan subtitle yg sempurna...aku pong miss gak film nie ari tuh coz balik kg n kg tarak ch8.......


Alamat & nombor telefon serta e-mail 8TV dah pun disediakan. Sila, marilah ramai-ramai hantar request untuk MSG ni.

negara korea agak bersinar dalam peta filem sedunia....naper ? tak percaya ke ? percayalah....

Percaya, siapa kata tak percaya?  

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zacky This user has been deleted
Post time 4-2-2004 03:44 PM | Show all posts
tak tau pun..

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Post time 4-2-2004 05:08 PM | Show all posts
8TV tak sampai ke kat pantai timur GAIA? Kat selatan dah sampai dah.

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Post time 5-2-2004 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SPACE COP GABAN at 4-2-2004 05:08 PM:
8TV tak sampai ke kat pantai timur GAIA? Kat selatan dah sampai dah.

belum...dengar cerita bulan 4 baru sampai pantai timur...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 14-2-2004 05:59 AM | Show all posts
Okay, probably I'm a bit late but both movies are among my favourites! Baru je berkesempatan tgk Il Mare lepas dok suruh member beli (sbb dah xde modal nak beli sendiri. Asyik Takki jek support, kering la! ). My Sassy Girl dah tgk lama dah. Suka sgt dgn ending nyer. Sweet kan? ;) Too bad 8TV punya subs cam biskut, kejap ada kejap takde. Susah la sikit kot nak menghayati.

Reviews... takleh nak buat lagi. Sorry. Tapi nak recommend. Sape

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Post time 16-2-2004 04:03 PM | Show all posts
tuh ar.. baru cadang nak beli My tutor friend !! best betuii ke nih Takki Aniki ???

komen sket pasal jalan citer dia ...ekkk

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Post time 23-2-2004 02:03 PM | Show all posts
erkk..ader sape2 dh tgk citer The Classic..bleh kasi review tak??..

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Post time 27-2-2004 11:59 AM | Show all posts

The Classic

Cast: Son Ye Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jo In Sung
My Rating: ***1/2

Another movie from Kwak Jae-yong, the director of My Sassy Girl, this is a tale of mother and daughter in their quest of finding their perfect true love, where one failed and the other succeeded...

Ji-hae (Son Ye Jin) bertemu dengan Sang-min (Jo In Sung) melalui teman baiknya, Soo-kyung yang sangat meminati Sang-min. Kebolehan Ji-hae mengarang puisi dan surat dengan baik digunakan sebaik-baiknya oleh Soo-kyung dengan meminta Ji-hae menulis e-mel kepada Sang-min bagi pihaknya. Sedikit demi sedikit, Ji-hae mula sukakan Sang-min tetapi dipendamkan saja kerana Soo-kyung, malahan dia cuba sedaya upaya menjauhi Sang-min. Namun, takdir sering menemukannya dengan Sang-min. Ji-hae terbaca surat2 ibunya, Joo-hee (Son Ye Jin) dan mula mengetahui rahsia hidup ibu dan ayahnya dan kaitan mereka dengan seorang lelaki bernama Joon-ha (Cho Seung Woo), dan dia mula faham tentang takdirnya & apa yg dikatakan a timeless true love...

Untuk orang yang dah biasa dengan drama2 dan filem2 Korea yg melodramatik, pasti akan suka filem ini kerana ini adalah satu filem yg 'sophisticated & passionate'. 'Sophisticated' kerana cara filem ini memaparkan situasi dua generasi secara berselang-seli boleh dipuji, dan 'passionate' kerana kisah cinta Ji-hae yg walaupun simple tapi sweet, dan kisah cinta Joo-hee yg 'cute' tetapi tragis...Theirs truly are classic love stories, maybe that's why tajuk filem ini ialah The Classic...

Elemen melodramatik memang sangat kuat dalam filem ini terutamanya semasa bercerita tentang Joo-hee, apatah lagi kisah cinta Joo-hee berlatar-belakangkan perang Korea...lakonan SYJ sebagai Ji-hae/Joo-hee memang berkesan, dan mampu membuatkan kita beberapa kali mengalirkan air mata...she's really one talented actress...lakonan JIS sebagai Sang-min biasa je, dah sebenarnya watak Sang-min takdelah berkembang sangat dalam filem ni...tapi yg paling menyerlah sudah pasti the very very talented and charming Cho Seung Woo sebagai Joon-ha yg penyayang, baik hati dan sangat setia...takde bad guys/girls dalam filem ni, cuma mungkin kita akan rasa annoyed dengan Soo-kyung yg selfish & tak hiraukan perasaan kawan dia...

Overall, this is a pretty good & touching movie, teary even for the sensitive hearts...paling best kalau tengok filem ni sorang2, boleh menghayati jalan ceritanya betul2...bagi kite, memang kite recommend movie ni...

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Post time 27-2-2004 12:03 PM | Show all posts

Il Mare

Cast: Jeon Ji Hyun, Lee Jung Jae
My Rating: ****

This is the story of Eun Joo (Jeon Ji Hyun) & Seung Hyun (Lee Jung Jae) whose lost souls connect with each other through a magic mailbox at "il mare" (a house by the sea), where they exchange letters dated 1999 & 1997 respectively. Through these letters, they've learnt a lot from each other, know about each other's cause of happiness & problems, each other's desire & ambition, consoling & comforting each other, and simply be each other's best friend. But also with time, their lost souls surface, and confusion started to arise in their 'special' relationship, leading to a tough, final decision from Seung Hyun...

Kelebihan filem ini ialah jalan cerita yang agak berlainan dari filem/drama Korea yg lain, shot2 & scenery yg cantik (memaparkan keindahan laut & pantainya), dan lakonan pelakon2 yg mantap....walaupun sebenarnya filem ni melodramatik, tapi sequence scene2nya tak keterlaluan atau berlebih2...pace filem ni agak slow, tapi every scene sangat significant dengan jalan cerita...kita akan bersimpati dengan nasib Eun Joo & identify dengan perasaan Seung Hyun...bila Seung Hyun ucap selamat tinggal kat Eun Joo, kita akan rasa sedih sebab kita tau kedua2 Seung Hyun & Eun Joo takkan ingat apa2 lagi lepas tu...dan bila Eun Joo menangis kat tepi mailbox sebab ingat Seung Hyun tak dapat surat dia, kita akan menangis bersamanya...

Lakonan JJH sebagai Eun Joo ada sedikit persamaan dengan My Sassy Girl, tapi cuma pada awalnya...lepas dia mula jadi lebih serius, kita akan mula nampak Eun Joo dalam dirinya...tapi lakonan yg paling menyerlah dalam filem ni ialah Lee Jung Jae...this guy is totally underrated...what strikes me the most is his very charming smile...walaupun tak se'hensem' hero2 lain yg lebih glamour, tapi lepas tengok filem ni, I keep hoping of seeing him even more...maybe lepas ni, kite akan beli VCD filem2 dia yg lain pulak...his expressive eyes totally make us 'feel' with the loneliness & the dilemma faced by Seung Hyun...

Overall, a really really nice & poignant movie, totally moved you to tears...I highly recommend this!

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2004 01:43 AM | Show all posts

The Classic ~ Il Mare

Thanks whitedove. Great reviews as always, appreciate it! ;) I'll probably watch The Classic next.

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 28-2-2004 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Meteor^Girl at 2004-2-16 04:03 PM:
tuh ar.. baru cadang nak beli My tutor friend !! best betuii ke nih Takki Aniki ???

komen sket pasal jalan citer dia ...ekkk

Oops! Sori bebyk yek, Meteor^Girl. Akhir

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Post time 29-2-2004 01:35 PM | Show all posts tutor fren...
paling kelakar masa nak dekat ending cerita ni...masa KSW bertumbuk dgn gangster tu..tak boleh tahan betul tengok KHN berlari bersungguh-sungguh lalu menendang mamat gangster tuh...pastu pandai pulak dia buat muka kontrol...anyway movie ni so far ok laa...tak rugi nye tengok!

BTW, just nak tanya, ada yg dah tgk 'my wife is a gangster'? citer ni citer baru atau dah lama released?coz sy br je tgk... cerita nya mmg kelakar but i think it should be  categorized as 18SG...kalau ade yg dah tgk dan ade info pasal pelakon2 nya harap sudi2lah share..

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 Author| Post time 29-2-2004 11:10 PM | Show all posts

My Tutor Friend

Terima kasih Takki for the review of MTF. Appreciate it very much, knowing that you're going to be so busy with your finals. Walaupun ringkas, sangat2 menarik.....siap dengan goodies, ada downloads & stuff!

So see you later with more reviews, ok. ;)

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2004 12:56 AM | Show all posts

Just for FUN ^_^

And the Moshi Oscar winners are...

AS Hollywood waits, with bated breath, for the Oscar winners' roll call this morning at the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium, we decided that Asia shouldn't miss out.

So here's our very own Moshi Oscars that go out to the most deserving Korean and Japanese movies and actors of the past year:

Best Picture: The Twilight Samurai

How can this critically-acclaimed film not win? An elegant and deep piece on the changing of the samurai era, it has already bagged 12 awards at the Japanese Academy Awards last year, including Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress.

We also hope the Oscar's Best Foreign Language Film nominee wins today.

Biggest Sleeper Hit: Wishing Stairs

It quietly opened in cinemas here to mixed reviews, but Wishing Stairs emerged the biggest Korean box-office hit here, raking in more than $800,000.
The horror flick about two ballerinas who make wishes on a spooky flight of stairs now holds the record for Korean films here. The previous record was held by My Sassy Girl which made about $500,000.

Best Tear-jerking Performance: Son Ye Jin (The Classic)

When Son Ye Jin turns on the tap, she also turns on male sympathies.
This is one girl who knows the power of tears. By sobbing so gently, with beads of tears trickling down her face, she's won over the majority of the male race.
In the romantic film, The Classic, she even cries in two roles - as both the mother and the daughter.

Best Soundtrack: The Classic

This romantic film wins hands down for its hauntingly beautiful music scores that play a vital role in moving the audience.
Some melodies are wonderfully groovy, some delightfully carefree, and others, heart-achingly sad.

You can't resist spinning the CD over and over and over again.

Most Teasing Performance: Bae Yong Jun (Untold Scandal)

A newbie he is not, but TV veteran Yong Jun filmed his first movie, Untold Scandal, only last year.
And what a debut he made! Shedding his gentleman lover image - and an amazing 10kg - to play a playboy in ancient times, the consummate pro convincingly made eyes pop and saliva drip.
We can't wait for the film to open here, more so when the hunk himself is slated to drop in for promotions middle of this month.

Best Actor: Jang Dong Jun (The Coast Guard)

Jang Dong Gun's gripping portrayal of a coast guard who becomes insane after shooting a man is so convincing, you're compelled to watch him.
His expressive eyes speak volumes - from angst to confusion and hatred. That's not counting his months of training in preparation for his military role.
His next film, Taegukgi, is a highly-anticipated war flick about two soldier-brothers. In barely a month, it has attracted over 6.5 million cinema-goers in Korea.

Biggest Leap To Hollywood: Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai)

Out of all those Hollywood wannabes from Japan, Ken Watanabe proves that one good role can lead to another.
Not only is the charismatic veteran nominated for Best Supporting Actor for The Last Samurai in today's Academy Awards, but he's also won the villain role in the new untitled Batman movie.

Most Dazzling Supporting Actress: Chiaki Kuriyama (Kill Bill)

She may be Lucy Liu's sidekick in Kill Bill, but frosty Chiaki Kuriyama stole the show with her icy stares, super-short schoolgirl uniform, and deadly ball and chain weapon.
The guys drooled, while women applauded her men-bashing ways. In short, she's dazzling!

Most Uglified Performance: Jang Nara (Oh! Happy Day)

Pretty Jang Nara deserves this award for going out of her way to act uncouth.
She picks her nose, painfully cups her piles-battered buttocks, and sits on guys, wringing their arms. How un-ladylike!

Most Coincidental Films: Brother vs Oh! Brothers

Great minds must think alike, as both Japan and Korea came up with their own versions of a brotherhood film.

Japan has Brother, while Korea, Oh! Brothers.

The two story lines are somewhat similar - both about one brother looking for another. It's just that Takeshi Kitano's Brother is packed with yakuza-style fighting, while Kim Yong Hwa's Oh! Brothers is more warm, fuzzy and funny.

Source: The Electric New Paper SG - MARCH 2, 2004 TUE

Click HERE for direct link to the webpage.

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Post time 2-3-2004 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 28-2-2004 01:43 AM:
Thanks whitedove. Great reviews as always, appreciate it! ;) I'll probably watch The Classic next.

Best Tear-jerking Performance: Son Ye Jin (The Classic)

mesti dah terpengaruh dengan Moshi Awards nih...memang terer betul Son Ye Jin menangis dalam citer ni, especially dalam satu scene tu...tak payahlah cakap, tengok jelah nanti...apa yg interestingnya, scene tu simple je & takde dialog, ekspresi muka semata2, tapi still boleh buat org sedih...sampai kadang2 tu terasa dia ni lagi terer dalam scene2 menangis dari Chae Rim...

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2004 01:28 AM | Show all posts

My Wife is a Gangster

Originally posted by mareenie at 2004-2-29 01:35 PM:
BTW, just nak tanya, ada yg dah tgk 'my wife is a gangster'? citer ni citer baru atau dah lama released?coz sy br je tgk... cerita nya mmg kelakar but i think it should be  categorized as 18SG...kalau ade yg dah tgk dan ade info pasal pelakon2 nya harap sudi2lah share..

Hi mareenie

Filem My wife is a Gangster ni terbitan tahun 2001. Saya belum tengok lagi but have read so much about it. Here are the links to the film's review. Kalau mareenie tak keberatan, kongsilah di sini pendapat peribadi dan review mengenai filem MWIAG ni dan berapa bintang yang boleh diberikan kepadanya. ;)

Film review 1

Film review 2

Park Sang-myun & Shin Eun-kyung

Review credits to &

[ Last edited by katt on 16-3-2004 at 12:48 AM ]

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Post time 8-3-2004 03:13 PM | Show all posts

Starring: Im Su-Jeong, Kim Rae-Won, Lee Mi-Suk
Director: Lee Eon-Hee
Genre: Romance
Certification: 12
Runtime: 102mins
Production: Dreammax
Distribution: Tube Entertainment
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea

"" narrates a romantic love story in sorrow and in joy.
Min-ah (Yim Soo-jung) is a typical high school girl dreaming of her romantic first love. She meets Young-jae (Kim Rae-won), a college student living next door, and begins dating with him.

As Min-ah goes out with Young-jae, she worries that he is not that devoted to her. Driven by her insecurity, she then tracks Young-jae to peek his female friends. Although Young-jae gradually gains her trust, Min-ah still hesitates to convince herself that her real love has arrived when she unveils her feeling to her mother Mi-sook (Lee Mi-sook).

[ Last edited by kEk_KeL@d| on 8-3-2004 at 11:20 PM ]

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Post time 8-3-2004 11:46 PM | Show all posts


[size=-2]ni review yg di ambil dr soompi forum. saya tak reti nak buat review sendiri, tapi ni review yg saya rasa paling best.

my favourite scene. hehe


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