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Author: chemist_UTM

Blusher yg paling best...tarte cheek stain ke??..MAC ke?..BB ke?..

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Post time 18-5-2006 06:00 PM | Show all posts
me suka
sheertone blushes from mac ,
bobbi brown ..
tarte ..
maybelline mouse blush.
bourjois macam mrs cakap.. me have one.. memang best..bau dia sedapp

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Post time 18-5-2006 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 18-5-2006 05:59 PM
mrs rasa putri ni suka kumpul semua kot...dulu igtkan suka kumpul lipgloss je...hihihi
ruginye buanggg

Kantoi....kuang kuang kuang.....putri suka kumpul sumer barang2 make up sebenarnya.....lepas tu buang....skrang ni baru nak jadik pembeli yang bijak....he he he

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Post time 18-5-2006 11:36 PM | Show all posts
Baru jek ingat nak berehat dr berforum malam ni chem..Hajat di hati nak view jer..Maleh nak login..Sekali nampak topic best daaa...Ice kalau mekap, minat 3 benda jer iaitu pertama lipgloss, kedua foundation & bases, ketiga blush..Yg lenlain cam mascara, eyeliner semua tu pakai wat cukup syarat je..Tak kumpul pun..asalkan ada sebatang sudah..

So nak tak nak 'terpaksa' la login utk menjawab..Sat na..Nak memerot dulu!

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Post time 18-5-2006 11:43 PM | Show all posts
blusher2 nie mmg pink far ada brand loreal, mk & red earth...lagi satu auntie kasi present brand ape ntah...semua kaler x ingta la nama..main pakai jek...belasah jek..asalkan sesuai ngan kulit....

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Post time 18-5-2006 11:46 PM | Show all posts
takde sape penah pakai stila push-up ke? bg la review.. rasa dpt efek tarte cheek stain tak? since both pun blush dlm bentuk gel stick kan...

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Post time 19-5-2006 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 18-5-2006 05:54 PM
USD22 tu kira murah ke utk terte cheekstain?huhuhu
yela jual baper?

Ok lah tu..but can get cheaper..Try bidding la mrs..

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Post time 19-5-2006 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 19-5-2006 12:09 AM

Ok lah tu..but can get cheaper..Try bidding la mrs..

ok eh?:hmm:
tu buy it now product:bgrin:

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Post time 19-5-2006 12:33 AM | Show all posts
peach suka warna coral, peachy pink..i love

1)Bodyshop Golden Pink
2)Mac cheekhue gogh gogh
3)Mac blush duo Golden Kitty/Primpin (kena mix dua kaler nie)

now eyeing mac springsheen

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:52 AM | Show all posts

missy ske..

1) elianto in desert rose
-tatau la pesal,suke sgt ngan blusher ni..wpun murah tapi bkualiti..kaler ni cantek sgt,masuk ngan kulit ni..tahan lame jugak wpun rm10 je.n yg paling penting,tak menyebabkan jerawat..wpun pakai lame2.

2) lancome blush subtil in pink splash..
-blusher ni bes,kaler cantik..kalau pakai nampak fresh..tapi color die agak pekat,aritu missy telebih apply,mcm badut pulak rasenye..n bile pakai dengan brush yg die bagi,mcm tak elok..sbb brush tu kecik missy apply pakai BE flawless tahan lame.ade shimmer..i like.

3) dior so cheek
-senang blend n nampak natural..maybe sbb die dlm btk cream..ade shimmer gak..cun, but missy prefer color pink..yg ni mcm brown2 sket..bile time mood nak pakai color earthy,mmg bess la blush ni..tapi rasenye mcm sebabkan jerawat je,sbb kalau missy pakai so cheek lame2,naik jerawat kat pipi..

4) BE warmth
-yg ni plak ikut nasib..sbb tak reti nak budget amaun yg betul..selalu telebih..bile telebih,nampak gelap je muke ni..mcm sengaje nak nampak tan :cool: tapi kdg2 lucky,tak telebih pulak n cantik je..cume nak jadi lucky tu tak selalu la (tatau la bile nak reti pakai)..tapi slalu buat jadi eyeshadow,ok gak.. :cak:



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Post time 19-5-2006 02:14 AM | Show all posts

*'m not writing a novel *

Okay..perot pun dah lega..back to blushes..Kebetulan dalam topic gambar makeup, pernah post gambar blush, jadi bole lah ice guna balik pictures tu dalam thread ini..

My top of the pop:

My ultimate favourite blush currently is of course Tarte Cheekstain (Sorry chem & mrs..not trying to make korang terliur but this is the fact)..for the gorgeous stain, yummy fruity smell and staying power..Kena tahan la dia punya lekit sementara nak tunggu kering..but the result is worth the wait. Paling ice suka is the glow from within look..really-really natural looking and you cannot go wrong with it since the colour is buildable..boleh pakai as subtle or as bright as you want.

Currently i have three which is Tickled, Tipsy and Dollface..Case of indecisiveness dan bukannya tamak..Tak tahu mana yg cantik..mana yg best..last-last angkut je semua..Cuma Flush je hold dulu. Will probably get that later if i still cannot digest the fact that the other three will last me a lifetime.

Tickled: Paling kerap di pakai..I think kalau me tak purchase the other two pun takper coz Tickled satisfied all my cravings. I've been wanting Tarte for so long..sejak dia keluar kot..I've been asking Mutia sama ada Beyondpretty nak carry Tarte ke idok tp masa tu takde so me duduk diam-diam sambil berangan sebab time to takder credit card jadi takleh beli dr overseas. One fine day angan-angan jadik kenyataan. One fine day i managed to grab these little babies. wonder memang magazine Allure punya awards. Tickled is a warm red-peach-pink colour..will look gorgeous on Malay skin. It smells of peaches and i couldn't help opening the cap n inhaling the sweet peach smell sama ada kat office atau kat rumah. It's addictive. Looks dark in the tube but believe me, it's a great colour once on the skin.

Tipsy: Ini warna yg paling ice ndak..Tp bila dah dapat jarang pulak pakai...blame that on Tickled which i can't get enough of. It smells of Apricots. The colour is the same as in the tube..Red..Bright warm red. Nak pakai..gotta have the attitude..It's not-so-natural looking mcm Tickled but more of red yg sengaja dipakai to brighten the face..Looks great with Coral glosses. Haven't tried blending it with Tickled/Dollface tho to see what it looks like.

Dollface: Smells of Strawberries & Cream. Has slightly bigger shimmer particles than the others. The colour is as the name suggest- pink mcm anak patung...sebijik mcm tubenya, cuma tak lah seterang itu. In my opinion, banyak powder blush mempunyain warna mcm ini so it is not as unique as Tickled. Stil it is makes us look very-very sweet..Sesuai ngan baby pink gloss like Estee's Innocence and Lancome's Pampleousse..Satu famili warna dgn mereka tu..

I also like Elianto's Shimmer Blush in Peach. It's more coral than peach i think cause the pink in it nampak ketara juga..The perfect peach-pink blush for fair and medium skin. Saw babycake wearing it in my FOTD thread and it looks fantastic on her too.

Paling best adalah kerana harganya yg murah iaitu RM10 jer..and it's pigmented, lasting n does not cause breakout. It's a shimmer blush but the shimmer tak ketara. Cumanya, since it's cheap..the texture tidak sehalus blush mahal..But tak kisah..Yg penting warnanya cantik. Nampak fresh ajer..

My all time favourite would still be Dior's Blush Final in 821 Natural Rose. No longer available in M'sia but i think masih boleh dibeli overseas. Not sure if other people would like it but it gives the most natural hint of colour. I wore it the first time i met BFT rumah Tuna Sandwich di Puchong.

The colour as depicted is peach-pink. Mmg my preference is towards peachy-pink coz it looks more natural and manis. Sesuai nak pakai dgn lipgloss peach, coral and senang sangat nak match. Sebelum berchenta dgn Tarte..warna 821 ni lah blusher yg me pakai selalu.

What i like is that i have to apply 2-3 times in order for the colour to show up..while i think this will not be favourable for some is still good for me sebab mudah nak control supaya tak merah sangat. Kulit ice sensitove..kalau keluar dr bilik aircond atau ada perubahan cuaca..akan jadik merah so i have to be careful when choosing blushes..yg Dior ni mmg sesuai sgt dgn my case. I have it in 3 other colours iaitu

Bronze (tatau apa specific name)

929 Rose Delicate ( a lil bit like Tarte Dollface tp warmer)

Shade 819 ( nearly the same as 821 tp kurang peach n lebih rose)

Recently i also fell in lurve (not a first sight) with Lancome Blush Subtil Shimmer in 22, Rose Alchimie. I wrote a lil abt in in my Lancome thread.Not sure kat M'sia ada tak. US takder rasanya cause ini utk release in Europe. Saw it in France n Denmark punya lancome site/review site. I have another blush subtil in Peach Fever..i think it looks similar to the ever famous Nars Orgasm..It's pinky-peach with golden shimmer..So pretty but belum dapat pakai dengan kerap..haven't really taken a liking to it altho it looks pretty in the pan.

Back to Rose Alchimie, benda ni duduk terkonteng-konteng dalam makeup case tak terusik. Takut : tengok warna dia. Alangkah ruginya..lama berbulan-bulan dok bukak tutup cam tu jer..tak tergerak pulak nak cuba..rasa cam nak letak kat muzium, buat hiasan. Then one day i forgot to bring other blushes n pakai yg ni..Tengok dalam's fine..Not red..rupanya it blended well with the skincolour sbb ianya ada sedikit campuran brown..Brown Brick-Red gituhh...Blush Subtil nieh texture dia halus..Shimmer dia tak ketara kat kulit. Blends well..Puas hati. Been eyeing satu warna ni kat kaunter..Nombor 11 kot..Coral colour..Hmm..Jangan la..Puasa dr makeup. On a spending ban now.

Estee Lauder Blush All Day is also good..Dalam gambar, ianya yg kanan bawah sekali tu. Halus, mudah blend and looks natural. It long-lasting as the name suggests..even on my oily skin. Tapi me baru pakai dalam 2-3 kali sebabnya palette ni me simpan dalam gobok..Aderla somewhere inside there..Malas nak korek-korek..tu pasal tak pakai-pakai..Maybe i can dig the storage box n use this..but as off now what i can say is that ia nya blush yg mempunyai quality bagus.

Letting Go:

Givenchy Blushes like all European brand has an aura of class. Sama mcm Estee n has nice colour n texture and easy to blend. The cream blush is oil free..Good for oily skin so it does not slide off the skin manakala utk normal to dry skin, advisable pakai moisturizer dulu. However, ice nak let go both of these cause yg colour coral-orange tu tak sesuai ngan my skintone manakala yg pink tuh...warna nya lebih kurang sama ngan blush yg lain..

Dalam hajat nak let go tuh terpikat pulak kat Givenchy blush yg 'Prism' ala..yg ada empat kekotak kecik mcm YSL Blush Variation..2 warna terang and 2 warna light..Ya Allah comeynyaaaa...geram haku tgk..:geram:

Tested But Have Not Purchased:

Dah lama dah menjeling-jeling MAC Sheetone Blush in Pinch O'Peach dalam internet. Lepas tu dulu ternampak lagi dalam koleksi blush Dilah. Rasa macam kena try jugak niehhh..So masa gath kat KLCC, sempat jugak suruh SA pakaikan warna ini pada ice..Seingat ice warnanya memang cantik and if i run out of peachy-pink blush..i'm definitely buying this one.

Hanya dapat cakap dr segi warna sebab dr sudut lain, tak sempat nak evaluate coz pakai kejap jer..and malam pulak tu.

Review wanted!

Anyone yg ada review tentang YSL Blush Variation, let me know. Last year i bought warna ini iaitu Burgundy Fusion on impulse coz me rasa nak pakai ngan lipglass Lovechild since it's lebih kurang the same colour..

Until now ice belum pakai sebab sayang coz ia terlalu cantik. Honestly the casing/packaging is the most beautiful one i've ever seen and i've ever held in my hand. Mcm pegang jewel. Takut nak pakai, sayang nak pakai sampai tak pakai. Casingnya warna emas. The brush is leper but the bristles are soooo soft..And lepas tu pulak, casingnya ada sarung velvet ke apa ntah warna hitam..All that for a blush? Wow!! I'm impressed..sampaikan tak terpakai..

If anyone dah cuba..let me know how good it is..Maybe i'll use it for myself, maybe i'll resell it in YG.

Yang Dah Lama Berangan-Angan Nak Try:

'Sweep on a smile.... it's peach perfection for a happy complexion! This delightfully scented peach powder leaves skin warm and vibrant.
For a fresh complexion, lightly sweep this cheerful peach powder over your face."

Haritu ada nampak seller advertise dalam Ebay Malaysia, selalunya nampak kat overseas jer. I like it sebab ia peach colour n packagingnya yg sungguh menarik. It's supposed to be powder highlighter kot but some people use it as a blush..Some say it's too subtle n it doesn't show up so berangan jer..tak terasa nak beli sangat pun..But jika satu hari ice cuba and i love it...siap la gue canang satu BFT...kekeke..:nerd:

[ Last edited by  Ice_Q at 19-5-2006 02:54 AM ]

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 19-5-2006 02:14 AM
Okay..perot pun dah lega..back to blushes..Kebetulan dalam topic gambar makeup, pernah post gambar blush, jadi bole lah ice guna balik pictures tu dalam thread ini..

My top of the pop:

My ult ...

gile babun nyer yg wat haku :ting::ting:

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by peachlily^ at 19-5-2006 02:16 AM

gile babun nyer yg wat haku :ting::ting:

Weyyhh..udahler tuu...beli buku pulak...kekekeke

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 19-5-2006 02:52 AM

Weyyhh..udahler tuu...beli buku pulak...kekekeke

wakaka..buku potostat jer takpon kebas senior punye kuikuikui..
tak sesabar nak grad leh shopping cam hang :nerd:

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 19-5-2006 12:18 AM

ok eh?:hmm:
tu buy it now product:bgrin:

Bid lagik murah kot..(kalau bernasib baik ler..) but don't buy the small ones..the colour seems less pigmented n kalau tak silap tipsy yg kecik tu depa kata gritty.

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by peachlily^ at 19-5-2006 02:55 AM

wakaka..buku potostat jer takpon kebas senior punye kuikuikui..
tak sesabar nak grad leh shopping cam hang :nerd:

Tau dahhh..padan la manyak duit dier beli mekap..muahahaha....Haku zaman student dulu miskin jek..Tak best la grad & kejer..Study lagik best.

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Post time 19-5-2006 07:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 18-5-2006 05:54 PM
USD22 tu kira murah ke utk terte cheekstain?huhuhu
yela jual baper?

hari tu jual at rm88. lebih kurang la..except that us22 tu tak masuk shipping lagi kan?

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Post time 19-5-2006 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 19-5-2006 02:55 AM

Bid lagik murah kot..(kalau bernasib baik ler..) but don't buy the small ones..the colour seems less pigmented n kalau tak silap tipsy yg kecik tu depa kata gritty.

ha ah..if nasib baik! and ada yg jual cheaper buy it now...but tak ship outside of us pulak. so ikut nasib la...kena rajin shopping!

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Post time 19-5-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Allure at 18-5-2006 03:07 PM

wei woman....where got 10 laaaa

me too woman.....bobbi brown best kan.......not only their blusher and lip gloss...even their lipsticks........loving it :love:

mutia kurang suka lak ngan bobbi brown lipstick ... ianya little bit dry and baunya macam lipstick Chanel yg berbau kimia

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Post time 19-5-2006 08:53 AM | Show all posts
tak pernah masuk kat tak confident jek...tapi skrg rasa ok dah...nak pi cari blusher & brush......

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Post time 19-5-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by msd_brit at 19-5-2006 08:36 AM

mutia kurang suka lak ngan bobbi brown lipstick ... ianya little bit dry and baunya macam lipstick Chanel yg berbau kimia

kita if pakai lipsticks mana2 except lancome yg rouge a levres absolu sensation...sure pakai the lip conditioner first. that's why im partial to Px and BB lipglosses...coz tak drying. but mutia...camana ur bb lippie bau chemical ye? kita try kat counter, tak pulak.

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