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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 13-3-2004 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Alamal, kEk_KeL@d|... baca review utk tu rasa nak trus pegi tgk!

Rasa nak tgk jugak movie Jepun, Love Letter. Hmm...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 13-3-2004 04:04 PM | Show all posts

Ni satu movie animasi Korea, err... so boleh la letak kat sini kan? ;)



A story of a blind girl who takes care of her little brother, in search for their mother who is at where the breeze begins.

Takki's Rating: ***1/2

Takki's Review ^_*

Macam dalam kebanyakan cerita Korea, animasi ni punya cinematography yg baik. The sceneries are very beautiful and sweet. This story begins with the end of autumn so you could the gentle wind sweeps of falling brown leaves into clear streams, winter follows with its soft, white snow and ends with colourful spring when the flowers start to bloom and the birds sing happier notes.

Yg buatkan Takki tertarik dgn cite ni, Takki suke dgn hubungan rapat antara kakak (Ga-mi) n adik lelaki dia, Gil-sun. Camne diaorg survive dlm hidup, camne org lain terima diaorg, camne terseksanya kalo norma kehidupan kita berbeza dgn org lain n camne susahnya nak berdepan dgn org lain tak faham dgn kita. Cite ni tunjuk kehidupan drpd perspektif kanak2 yg terpaksa jadik dewasa sebelum masanya. As most Korean products (dramas, movies n vid-clips), the story is sad and poignant. The pace and narration are quite slow and quiet (somewhat like Il Mare ). It tells of everyday life, but it becomes different when you see it from a child's view. Oh yeah... you have to be open when watching because it's full with Buddhism philosophies, but I believe every religion guides us to have a good life. So, be open-minded and take things you can learn from.

Gil-sun... a very energetic and talkative 5-year-old. You'll easily warm over him because he's just too cute. :bgrin: A brave young boy who takes care of his beloved nuna (elder sister), quite naughty but has a kind heart. He wants to make friends with every living thing, at one time he tries to put on clothes for a goat just because winter's coming. You'll chuckle with him, cry and suffer with him. Life is hard for both of them, but it only makes them closer. It is through his innocence that everyone else learns from him at the end of the animation.

Ga-mi pulak sorang kakak yg sgt sygkan adik dia. Dia buta sbb satu insiden yg juga mengubah hidup diaorg berdua. Takki takleh nak bgtau nnt spoiler plak. Hehe. Ga-mi sgt lemah lembut, rajin n baik.

W/pun cite ni byk mengingatkan Takki kat satu lagi animasi Jepun, The Grave/Tombstone of Fireflies karya Hayao Miyazaki, pada Takki cite OSEAM  ni adalah versi yg lebih 'lembut'. Sbb Fireflies  lebih tunjukkan realiti perang yg sgt ganas @ harsh.

Kalo nak tgk cite ni, Takki cadangkan sediakan tisu awal2. Hehe. You'll laugh with it, cry with it and later, ponder your thoughts with it. :bgrin:

More detailed review from koreanfilms: (contains spoilers)

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 14-3-2004 at 07:06 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2004 06:06 PM | Show all posts

Korean Blockbuster: JOINT SECURITY AREA

This review is a re-post from the Beautiful Days thread in the Soap Opera sub board: ^_^


Sgt. Oh Kyung Pil - Song Kang Ho
Sgt. Lee Soo Hyuk - Lee Byung Hun
Private Nam Sung Shik - Kim Tae Woo
Private Jung Woo Jin - Shin Ha Kyun
Major Sophie Jean - Le Young Ae

L-R: Lee Byung Hun, Lee Young Ae & Song Kang Ho

This is one SAD movie. IMO, very impressive but sad and not to be missed.

Lee Byung Hun as Sgt. Lee Soo Hyuk was excellent in his performance. Berganding pula dengan Song Kang Ho, multiple Best Actor winner and one of the most respected actors in Korea. LBH was believable in the role, maybe sebab dia baru je selesai his military service in 1999 before the shooting of the film. And then, he's always the actor to watch, the one with impressive eyes' expressions. Soo Hyuk kalau kita tengok, dia jenis yang agak 'boastful' atau suka cakap besar tapi hatinya baik, especially pada Private Nam Sung Shik (Kim Tae Woo), his friend sejak kecil. But when he met the 2 North Korean soldiers in the "land-mine incident" (LBH's so funny, actually), Soo Hyuk was really, really impressed dengan Sgt. Oh. Nampak jelas sekali his admiration for this man. Even masa dia diinterview oleh Major Sophie, Soo Hyuk masih quote kata-kata Sgt. Oh.

Suka dengan cara pengambaran or the film's cinematography. It was IMHO very, very nicely done. The continuation was really impressive. Walaupun ada banyak adegan flashback, itu tak termasuk different versions from different individuals yang ditunjukkan tapi kita tak pening dibuatnya. Sebaliknya, everything falls into place perfectly. And we know why it happens the way it is. How the story took off from 'the eyes' of LBH (for instance) dari present time to flashback was really interesting.

For soldiers yang kena berkawal di border, tentulah boring if only there were 2 of them at both sides. Tentulah, mereka rasa nak tahu sangat about the other side, itu yang mendorong Soo Hyuk memberanikan diri 'berkenalan' dengan mereka. Lagipun dia terhutang budi dengan Sgt. Oh. And why not, since they speak the same language and are from the same ancestors. Hanya ideology yang memisahkan kedua negara, IMO. And then, when they became friends, it looked so normal to be together, like long-time friends in different uniforms. They still like the same stuff like women, stories, music, etc. Part they all main batu seremban dengan peluru tu was incredibly funny. Tak sangka pulak, orang Korea pun tahu main 'batu 5'.

Masa pertemuan antara Sgt. Oh & Soo Hyuk after the tragic incident, nampak mereka berdua cuba sedaya-upaya nak merahsiakan 'persahabatan' mereka tetapi Soo Hyuk dah terlalu lama menyimpan rahsia. Even after Private Jung dah mati pun, Sgt. Oh suruh mereka lari atas dasar percaya. It was really an unfortunate incident for all of them. Bila ditunjukkan pula tape Sung Shik cuba bunuh diri tu, Soo Hyuk dah hampir nak mengaku. The pressure was unbearable to him. Sgt. Oh memang tahu taktik ni, itu yang dia "serang" Soo Hyuk, to save them all. Suka part ni, brilliant acting from SKH especially and LBH, too.

The ending scene, from my point of view is because Soo Hyuk tak dapat menerima kenyataan that it was him who shot Private Jung Woo Jin (Shin Ha Kyun). Walaupun Sung Shik yang berkali-kali tembak Jung but it was Soo Hyuk's bullet that killed him. In the intense moment of confrontation bila 'rahsia' mereka terbongkar, masa tulah they were caught between friendship and duty. Soo Hyuk dan Sung Shik tentulah lebih merasa terancam (dan juga panik) when they were outnumbered tapi yang paling penting ialah both of them were on the WRONG SIDE of the border. Masa tulah, perasaan takut mulai menguasai mereka. Yes, 4 of them were friends but at the same time they're also enemies.

Soo Hyuk walaupun dia selalu brag of being the weapon expert and all tapi dia tak pernah menembak sesiapa apalagi membunuh orang lain. Dia memang tak sangka dia yang menyebabkan kematian Private Jung. Deep down inside, he's not going to be able to live with himself knowing the truth. The whole incident was giving him a lot of pressure. Itulah yang membuatkan dia membuat keputusan drastic begitu, the one thing that pushes him to the edge especially bila Major Sophie beritahu maklumat tersebut diperolehi dalam keterangan Sgt. Oh sendiri.

The only flaw atau kelemahan dalam filem ni ialah lakonan Lee Young Ae. As Major Sophie Jean, her spoken English was unfortunately, quite terrible. Sorry, no offence to anyone, kalau ambil Kim Min would be better. As Major Sophie Jean, LYA should at least sound a little bit more convincing in her English. It's funny when she speaks Korean (but of course) punyalah laju berbanding English padahal dia kononnya, baru je belajar bahasa Korea. At least speak English with a Swiss accent, but no, she sounded so unnatural.

All in all, it was and still an excellent film. The first Korean film I ever saw. Semuanya sebab nak tengok LBH after Beautiful Days but in the end the film itself won me over.

My Rating: ****1/2 (highly recommended)

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2004 05:19 PM | Show all posts

JSA - Review 2

For more information on the Joint Security Area or DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), click HERE.

Joint Security Area

Review by Darcy Paquet of

For the second year in a row, the Korean film industry has struck gold with a movie about North Korea. Many expected Joint Security Area (or JSA) to do well at the box office, given the current level of interest in North Korean affairs, but it has done much more than that, spawning headlines and breaking box-office records with ease. The film drew close to half a million viewers in Seoul alone its first week. On the following Saturday it set a one-day box office record, drawing 104,000 viewers in the capital. It broke the one million admissions mark in only 15 days -- last year it took Shiri 21 days to reach the same mark. By early 2001 it had become the best-selling film in Korean history (though it was eclipsed by Friend a few months later).

Park Chan-wook's film opens with a shooting in the truce village of Panmunjom which leaves two North Korean soldiers dead and one South Korean soldier wounded. With each country giving conflicting reports on what happened, the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) is asked to send in a Swiss military officer to conduct an investigation. After her arrival, however, she finds that no one is willing to talk to her, and the soldiers involved all seem to be hiding some secret...

JSA is described as a mystery/ human drama, and its structure is clearly divided into two parts: the investigation by Korean-Swiss Major Sophie Jean, and an extended flashback to the incident between the soldiers. I think most would agree that the film's biggest strength is the flashback, with actors Song Kang-ho and Lee Byung-heon excelling in their roles. This part of the film also features some breathtaking cinematography for the scenes that take place along the Demilitarized Zone.

The mystery element contains less tension, particularly if the viewer knows too much about the plot beforehand. Attention is focused not so much on what happened, but why. This part also contains a large number of scenes in English, which may have to be redubbed if the film opens in English-speaking territories. Nonetheless it has been noted by critics and audience members alike for its rare casting of a female actor (Lee Young-ae) in a non-romantic part.

The producers of the film spared no expense in recreating the setting around Panmunjom. Since shooting at the actual site would obviously not be permitted, Myung Film built a 90% replica of the village of Panmunjom at a cost of some $800,000. The site can be visited to this day at the Seoul Cinema Complex. JSA is also notable for being the first Korean film ever to be shot on Super 35mm film, a special format used in some Hollywood blockbusters that allows for a wide screen (1:2.35) with very clear definition.

The film has won more or less unanimous praise from every sector of Korean society, with one exception: the army. Many in the military have derided the film as pure fantasy, based on an event which could never happen in real life (probably true). In a bizarre incident on September 26, twenty older members of the JSA Veterans' Association stormed into the office of Myung Film, breaking windows and physically threatening the employees of the company. They demanded that the production company issue a public apology to the army and insert notices at the beginning and end of the movie stating that it is a work of fiction. After four hours, the employees of Myung Film acquiesced, and despite vocal objection from the film industry, the group's demands are being met.

Some have compared this film to Shiri because of its superficial resemblance, but it really is a much different work. As relations with North Korea change and the two nations draw closer together, this film perhaps serves best as a record of South Koreans' fears and hopes for reconciliation. (Darcy Paquet)

Image from PlanetBH0712

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Post time 14-3-2004 09:20 PM | Show all posts giler ker JSA ? Dvd dia dah ada...masih tak angkut lagi...DVD Friend(korea movie star by Jang Dong Gun) pun tak tonton lagi biarpun dah lama beli...tonton gitu-gitu jer pun nampak best......

saper laki dalam My Wife is Gengster tuh ? dia tuh lawak giler dalam film korea tajuk Cannot Live Without tuh memang hillarious ya amatt.....WIfe is Gangster susah btol nak cari DVD nyer...ari tuh ada...tak angkut, last2 susah nak jumpa balik....

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2004 01:23 AM | Show all posts

More on JSA

Originally posted by GAIA at 2004-3-14 09:20 PM: giler ker JSA ? Dvd dia dah ada...masih tak angkut lagi...DVD Friend(korea movie star by Jang Dong Gun) pun tak tonton lagi biarpun dah lama beli...tonton gitu-gitu jer pun nampak best ...

Hmm, macamana nak cakap ye? Kalau masuk ke discussion board filem Korea yang mana2 pun, 9 out of 10 peminat filem Korea akan menamakan JSA antara filem terbaik Korea dan juga filem yang paling direkomen untuk mereka yang baru nak berjinak2 dengan filem Korea.

In all honesty, JSA sebenarnya is more of a guy's movie. But girls actually like it, too. :ah: There is NO element of romance but pure friendship/brotherhood. It's not a war movie either walaupun berlatarbelakangkan the cold war & different political ideologies.

Friends pun jenis filem yang menitikberatkan tema persahabatan walaupun cerita ni penuh dengan elemen gangsterisme yang agak extreme, IMO.

JSA - 2000 (from

"The basic plotline of this pungent military drama...comes tightly tailored in the Hollywood style. Its interior, by contrast, is airy, subtle and playful, and showcases the best elements of modern Asian cinema." - Xan Brooks, The London Guardian

JOINT SECURITY AREA is a bizarrely proportioned movie. The biggest movie ever released in Korea (beating the previous box office record of every film, both foreign and domestic), sold for the highest price ever to Japan, opening at the top of the box office on its opening weekend there, filmed on the biggest and most expensive set ever built in Korea (an 80% replica of the Panmunjom truce village), and generally the BIGGEST! MOST EXPENSIVE! MOST! SUPER! ENORMOUS! HIT! in Korea, this stratospheric success is built around an intimate, character-driven drama that telescopes the psychic damage wrought by the entire Cold War into the lives of five, small people.

Winner, Best Picture, Best Actor (Song Kang-Ho), Best Art Direction (Kim Sang-Man),the 38th Grand Bell Awards.
Winner, Audience Award, Best Picture, Best Actor (Song Kang-Ho), Deauville Asian Film Festival.
Winner, Best Cinematography, Kim Seong-Bok, 21st Chongryong Awards
Runner-Up, Best Picture, Seattle International Film Festival.

To read the full article, click here.

Another review, here.

[ Last edited by katt on 15-3-2004 at 01:27 AM ]

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Post time 15-3-2004 06:33 PM | Show all posts
hah...baru jer sambar dvd J.S.A dengan L.I.E(bukan korean)...bukan aku yg sengaja taruk shortcut, tapi memang judul kat cover dah begitu...nanti aku tengok dulu baru komen....

tapi pada aku no guy's movie or gal's movie....filem adalah untuk semua sebab filem adalah naratif yang menggambarkan kehidupan....takkanlah film korea utk org korea saja kan....sama jugalah dengan gender....even girl pun boleh menonton gay's theme movie(bukan film gay porn).....sama sebab spt tadi, filem adalah naratif kehidupan....dari filem lah kita boleh mengenali suatu idea, pemikiran, sosial dan budaya yang agak berbeza dengan kita.....

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2004 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 2004-3-15 06:33 PM:
tapi pada aku no guy's movie or gal's movie....filem adalah untuk semua sebab filem adalah naratif yang menggambarkan kehidupan....takkanlah film korea utk org korea saja kan....sama jugalah dengan gender....even girl pun boleh menonton gay's theme movie(bukan film gay porn).....sama sebab spt tadi, filem adalah naratif kehidupan....dari filem lah kita boleh mengenali suatu idea, pemikiran, sosial dan budaya yang agak berbeza dengan kita.....

Ya, betul kata GAIA tu. Filem yang bagus memang untuk ditonton oleh semua regardless of race, religion and gender. Unless, filem2 yang terlalu extreme dari segi violence & other restricted elements which might be too offensive for some.

An interesting fact to share, dalam sebuah drama Korea (Love Letter, to be exact) ditunjukkan bagaimana watak dalam drama berkenaan sedang menonton 'Children of Heaven' with Korean subs. A good film certainly knows no boundary.

And speaking of gay-themed movies, there is one Korean movie Bungee Jumping of Their Own (lakonan Lee Byung Hun/JSA & Lee Eun Joo). Apart from the controversial theme of homosexual for conservative Koreans & Asian on the whole, filem ni ternyata amat menarik sekali. IMO.

Nanti GAIA, jangan lupa, share your opinion on JSA and the acting as well. Suka baca your film reviews, very open & thought-provoking. ;)

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mk This user has been deleted
Post time 16-3-2004 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kEk_KeL@d| at 8-3-2004 11:46 PM:
[size=-2]ni review yg di ambil dr soompi forum. saya tak reti nak buat review sendiri, tapi ni review yg saya rasa paling best.

[img] ...

Aku baru habis tengok filem nie....menarik...nak bagi review tak reti..
pasal hubungan mak ngan sweet....anak ngan kekasih dia
sedih tul lah filem nie

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 16-3-2004 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2004-2-29 11:10 PM:
Terima kasih Takki for the review of MTF. Appreciate it very much, knowing that you're going to be so busy with your finals. Walaupun ringkas, sangat2 menarik.....siap dengan goodies, ada downloads & stuf!

So see you later with more reviews, ok. ;)

katt, the saying goes... "You'll make time for something you love, no matter how busy you are." Hehe. :bgrin:

GAIA ~> Joint Security Area memang best! My big bro even compares it to The Silence of the Lambs sbb JSA pun menceritakan camne the quest of finding the truth helps one solves her own problem.

Berckp pasal filem dlm filem/drama... dlm All About Eve, wayang yg Woo-jin n Young-mi tgk ialah satu cerita Jepun lakonan Takako Matsu. Tapi Takki tak tau la cerita apa, sbb dia sempat tunjuk scene Takako Matsu naik basikal aje.

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 16-3-2004 11:40 PM | Show all posts

Il Mare - the lonely house by the sea

Originally posted by whitedove at 2004-2-27 12:03 PM:
...tapi lakonan yg paling menyerlah dalam filem ni ialah Lee Jung Jae...this guy is totally underrated...what strikes me the most is his very charming smile...walaupun tak se'hensem' hero2 lain yg lebih glamour, tapi lepas tengok filem ni, I keep hoping of seeing him even more... his expressive eyes totally make us 'feel' with the loneliness & the dilemma faced by Seung Hyun...

Btul sgt

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2004 12:21 AM | Show all posts


Reviews on page 1 (in order of postings):
Il Mare
My Sassy Girl

Reviews on page 2 (in order of postings):
The Classic
Il Mare
My Tutor Friend
My Wife is a Gangster (2)
JSA: Joint Security Area (3)

More reviews here:
Korean drama series ::: Reviews unlimited ::: >>> click here.

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2004 12:34 AM | Show all posts

The question on Il Mare

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2004-3-16 11:40 PM:
Tapi, ada satu persoalan yg rasanya sbbkan jln cite dia kurang logik...  SPOILER AHEAD! Last skali, Seung Hyun 'selamat' sbb dia dah baca surat yg Eun Joo kasik. Okey, TAPI Seung Hyun dtg jumpa Eun Joo *sebelum* Eun Joo letak kad Krismas tu kat the magic mailbox. Maknanya, Seung Hyun tak dpt la kad tu: the very first letter that triggers all the events in the movie. Tul tak?

Spoiler speculation:
The way I see it, SH memang dah terima kad krismas yang EJ, so he knows what to expect of the future. And he waited for 2 years (ikut tarikh pada  kad tu) before came looking for EJ at the beach-house. Bila dia sampai depan rumah EJ, kebetulan SH tiba masa EJ baru nak letakkan kad tu dalam mailbox but in reality, he already got the card 2 years before. It's all about the time-traveling thing. Err, does this make any sense at all?

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 18-3-2004 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2004-3-17 12:34 AM:
Spoiler speculation:
The way I see it, SH memang dah terima kad krismas yang EJ, so he knows what to expect of the future. And he waited for 2 years (ikut tarikh pada  kad tu) before came looking for EJ at the beach-house. Bila dia sampai depan rumah EJ, kebetulan SH tiba masa EJ baru nak letakkan kad tu dalam mailbox but in reality, he already got the card 2 years before. It's all about the time-traveling thing. Err, does this make any sense at all?

Hmm... actually, it gets more confusing. Hehe. But if she didn't send it in the first place, how could he receive it (although he did the first time over)??? :hmm: Takpe la... dah semakin pening. :lol

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Post time 19-3-2004 01:59 PM | Show all posts

The Back To The Future (1,2,3) parallel

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 18-3-2004 01:20 AM:

Hmm... actually, it gets more confusing. Hehe. But if she didn't send it in the first place, how could he receive it (although he did the first time over)??? :hmm: Takp ...

erm, macam mana nak terangkan ye...macam dalam movie Back To The Future 2 lakonan Michael J. Fox, Doc Brown bawak Marty (Michael J. Fox) ke masa depan sebab nak ubah future anak2 Marty yg sepatutnya masuk jail...sewaktu Marty di tahun 2015, Biff tua curi time machine tu & balik ke tahun 1955 (kalau tak silap) & bagi buku almanac tu pada Biff muda...bertolak dari situ, future dah terbahagi kepada dua iaitu yg Marty & Doc Brown kenal, dan satu lagi alternate future yg bermula dari Biff muda guna buku tu untuk jadi kaya & ubah sejarah...sebab tu bila Marty balik ke tahun 1985, semua dah berubah...jadi, kalau Marty nak selamatkan sejarah dia, dia kena bertolak balik ke tahun 1955 sebelum Biff tua bagi buku tu kat Biff muda, dan bukannya ke tahun 2015 sebelum Biff tua curi time machine tu...

erm, boleh faham ke? macam dalam kes Seung Hyun ni macam tulah...ikut istilah time travel, Seung Hyun telah hidup dalam 2 universe yg berlainan macam Marty, the real one & the alternate one...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2004 08:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 2004-3-19 01:59 PM:
erm, macam mana nak terangkan ye...macam dalam movie Back To The Future 2 lakonan Michael J. Fox, Doc Brown bawak Marty (Michael J. Fox) ke masa depan sebab nak ubah future anak2 Marty yg sepatutnya masuk jail...sewaktu Marty di tahun 2015, Biff tua curi time machine tu & balik ke tahun 1955 (kalau tak silap) & bagi buku almanac tu pada Biff muda...bertolak dari situ, future dah terbahagi kepada dua iaitu yg Marty & Doc Brown kenal, dan satu lagi alternate future yg bermula dari Biff muda guna buku tu untuk jadi kaya & ubah sejarah...sebab tu bila Marty balik ke tahun 1985, semua dah berubah...jadi, kalau Marty nak selamatkan sejarah dia, dia kena bertolak balik ke tahun 1955 sebelum Biff tua bagi buku tu kat Biff muda, dan bukannya ke tahun 2015 sebelum Biff tua curi time machine tu...

erm, boleh faham ke? macam dalam kes Seung Hyun ni macam tulah...ikut istilah time travel, Seung Hyun telah hidup dalam 2 universe yg berlainan macam Marty, the real one & the alternate one...

So desu ne... btul gak tu. TQ yek, whitedove. Bleh terima gak la explanation tu. :bgrin:

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Post time 21-3-2004 12:11 AM | Show all posts
kat maner yek nak beli VCD My Sassy Girl? Speedy ader jual tak?

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 21-3-2004 02:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharpman at 2004-3-21 12:11 AM:
kat maner yek nak beli VCD My Sassy Girl? Speedy ader jual tak?

Ada rasanya. Kalo kat area KL, carik la kat (as usual ) S&M near Kotaraya. ;)

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Post time 22-3-2004 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 21-3-2004 02:41 AM:

Ada rasanya. Kalo kat area KL, carik la kat (as usual ) S&M near Kotaraya. ;)

oooo tenkiu tenkiu

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Post time 23-3-2004 11:15 PM | Show all posts

worth to watch..sedih and touching... OST

****Beautiful One****


I hide my face with a veil so that on one can see it

i live in a glass cage , you can only stare but can not touch me
i am a bird without feathers

an ugly. creepy bird
seems like today is out of place , never can put my feet on the ground
i feel strange , my monster's out for everyone to see
My cuts run deep for everyone to stare at

I want to be touched
I want to be kissed
I want to be loved just like you
i want to be talked to
i want to be caressed
I want to be looked in my eyes and loved as i am

[ Last edited by sara on 23-3-2004 at 11:28 PM ]

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