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Author: novelloverzz

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Post time 30-1-2014 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Jan 30, 1933:                                                        
Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany                           

On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.
The year 1932 had seen Hitler's meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people's frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty. A charismatic speaker, Hitler channeled popular discontent with the post-war Weimar government into support for his fledgling Nazi party. In an election held in July 1932, the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag.
  Hindenburg, intimidated by Hitler's growing popularity and the thuggish nature of his cadre of supporters, the SA (or Brownshirts), initially refused to make him chancellor.  Instead, he appointed General Kurt von Schleicher, who attempted to steal Hitler's thunder by negotiating with a dissident Nazi faction led by Gregor Strasser.  At the next round of elections in November, the Nazis lost ground—but the Communists gained it, a paradoxical effect of Schleicher's efforts that made right-wing forces in Germany even more determined to get Hitler into power.  In a series of complicated negotiations, ex-Chancellor Franz von Papen, backed by prominent German businessmen and the conservative German National People's Party (DNVP), convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, with the understanding that von Papen as vice-chancellor and other non-Nazis in key government positions would contain and temper Hitler's more brutal tendencies.
Hitler's emergence as chancellor on January 30, 1933, marked a crucial turning point for Germany and, ultimately, for the world. His plan, embraced by much of the German population, was to do away with politics and make Germany a powerful, unified one-party state. He began immediately, ordering a rapid expansion of the state police, the Gestapo, and putting Hermann Goering in charge of a new security force, composed entirely of Nazis and dedicated to stamping out whatever opposition to his party might arise. From that moment on, Nazi Germany was off and running, and there was little Hindenburg or von Papen—or anyone—could do to stop it.

credit to ... ancellor-of-germany

Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 30-1-2014 01:25 PM



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Post time 30-1-2014 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1869-1948)

  • Born: 2 October 1869
  • Birthplace: Porbandar, India
  • Died: 30 January 1948 (assassination)
  • Best Known As: Non-violent leader of Indian independence
Revered in India as the "Father of the Nation," Mohandas K. Gandhi is also a worldwide icon of non-violent political resistance. Gandhi was born in India and studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa. He returned to India in 1914, eventually becoming the leader of the Indian National Congress. At the time, India was part of the British Empire, and Gandhi urged non-violence and civil disobedience as a means to independence. His public acts of defiance landed him in jail many times as the struggle continued through World War II. In 1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations with Britain that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic the next year. An advocate of simple living, Gandhi ate a vegetarian diet and made his own clothes; the spinning wheel became a symbol of his uncluttered lifestyle. His autobiography, The Story of My Experiments With Truth, was published in 1927. His birthday, October 2nd, is a national holiday in India.  
Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul"... His middle name was Karamchand... Gandhi wed Kasturba Makhanji in 1883, in an arranged marriage; he was 13 at the time. They had five children and remained married for nearly 61 years, until her death in 1944... Among his many famous quotes is the saying, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"... Gandhi was played by Ben Kingsley in the 1982 film Gandhi. The film won eight Academy Awards, including best film and best actor for Kingsley.  

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated in the garden of the former Birla House (now Gandhi Smriti) at 5:17 PM on 30 January 1948. Accompanied by his grandnieces, Gandhi was on his way to address a prayer meeting, when his assassin, Nathuram Godse, fired three bullets from a Beretta 9 mm pistol into his chest at point-blank range. Godse was a Hindu nationalist with links to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha, who held Gandhi guilty of favouring Pakistan and strongly opposed the doctrine of nonviolence.Godse and his co-conspirator were tried and executed in 1949. Gandhi's memorial (or Samādhi) at Rāj Ghāt, New Delhi, bears the epigraph "Hē Ram", (Devanagari: हे ! राम or, He Rām), which may be translated as "Oh God". These are widely believed to be Gandhi's last words after he was shot, though the veracity of this statement has been disputed. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru addressed the nation through radio


By Hindu tradition the ashes were to be spread on a river. Gandhi's ashes were poured into urns which were sent across India for memorial services.Most were immersed at the Sangam at Allahabad on 12 February 1948, but some were secretly taken away. In 1997, Tushar Gandhi immersed the contents of one urn, found in a bank vault and reclaimed through the courts, at the Sangam at Allahabad.[Some of Gandhi's ashes were scattered at the source of the Nile River near Jinja, Uganda, and a memorial plaque marks the event. On 30 January 2008, the contents of another urn were immersed at Girgaum Chowpatty. Another urn is at the palace of the Aga Khan in Pune (where Gandhi had been imprisoned from 1942 to 1944) and another in the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Los Angeles.

Raj Ghat
– Memorial marking the cremation spot of Mohandas Gandhi

The Martyr's Column at the Gandhi Smriti, (Birla House), the spot where Gandhi was assassinated.

credit to
http://eminent-personalities.blo ... das-karamchand.html

Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 30-1-2014 01:47 PM



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Post time 1-2-2014 12:58 AM | Show all posts
                1979: Exiled Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran
        Religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini has made a triumphant return to Iran after 14 years in exile.Up to five million people lined the streets of the nation's capital, Tehran, to witness the homecoming of the Shia Muslim imam.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 78, was imprisoned by the Shah in 1963 for his opposition to reforms and was expelled the following year, to Iraq - via Turkey.
He spent the last few months of his exile in France, near Paris, from where he co-ordinated the revolution in January that forced the Shah of Iran to go into hiding.
The Ayatollah - a title meaning Sign of God - emerged from his chartered plane looking tired and tearful to meet the 1,500 religious and political leaders allowed to meet him in the terminal building.
I will strike with my fists at the mouths of this government
                Ayatollah Khomeini  


                A force of 50,000 police quickly lost control of the crowds outside the airport clamouring to catch a glimpse of the man who has been their spiritual inspiration.Hands raised in greeting and appreciation, Ayatollah Khomeini made slow progress as his blue and white Chevrolet forced its way through a mass of people.
The cavalcade did not stop in Tehran itself but made the 12 mile journey south to the Cemetery of Martyrs where Mr Khomeini addressed 250,000 supporters.
He was openly belligerent towards the current government of Prime Minister Shahpur Bakhtiar.
"These people are trying to bring back the regime of the late Shah or another regime. I will strike with my fists at the mouths of this government. From now on it is I who will name the government," he claimed.
Dr Bakhtair responded by saying: "Don't worry about this kind of speech. That is Khomeini. He is free to speak but he is not free to act."
The government has tried to re-assert its authority by cutting TV pictures of Mr Khomeini's progress and holding a military parade through Tehran this evening.


                                                                        Nearly five million people clamoured to see the return of their spiritual leader


Millions welcome Khomeini back to Iran

In Context
                                                                                        Armed resistance to the government mounted as Khomeini's revolutionary forces became increasingly well-equipped.Shahpur Bakhtiar stepped down as prime minister less than two weeks later to be replaced by the Ayatollah's choice Mehdi Bazargan.
Mr Bakhtiar fled to Paris and in 1991 was found stabbed to death in his apartment.
Ayatollah Khomeini led the new regime from the theological seminary of Qum and declared an Islamic Republic in Iran at the beginning of April 1979.
In November he openly supported the storming of the US embassy in Tehran by student militants.
The Shah of Iran died in exile in Egypt in July 1980.
Ayatollah Khomeini died in June 1989.

credit to: ... 2521000/2521003.stm



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Post time 1-2-2014 01:01 AM | Show all posts
                1953: Violent storms claim hundreds of lives
        Hundreds of people living on the east coast of Britain have died in some of the worst storms ever recorded.Gale force northerly winds lashed the coastline and broke through flood defences from Yorkshire down to Kent throughout the night.
Swelling tides and high winds mixed to form a fatal combination which claimed dozens of lives and flooded thousands of homes on low-lying land all along the east coast.
Many people were forced to spend the night on their rooftops waiting to be rescued by over-stretched emergency services.
'Exceptionally strong winds'
The storm began on the west coast of Ireland yesterday morning, passed over Orkney and then funnelled down the North Sea, driving a deadly mountain of water before it.
The Princess Victoria ferry, travelling from Scotland to Ireland, was forced to abandon ship in the Irish Sea after it was caught in the heavy storms. The death toll reached 130.
Warnings of "rather high tides" issued by the Dutch authorities did not reach Britain and it is known many people in both Holland and Belgium also lost their lives.
The eye of the storm hit eastern Scotland at approximately midday yesterday as Dunstable Met Office warned of "exceptionally strong winds".
The first fatalities on land were reported at approximately 1700 hrs yesterday after 20ft (6m) waves crashed through flood defences in Lincolnshire. More than 40 people are feared drowned.
Throughout the night the high winds travelled down the east coast ripping through sea walls and claiming dozens of lives.
Counties worst affected were Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Kent.
In Canvey Island, Essex, the entire 13,000-strong population was moved to safety as the bad weather took hold. Essex police said they had recovered 30 bodies during the night.
Eye-witnesses up and down the country said water was gushing through streets and thousands of homes were flooded.       


                                                                        Sea defences could not cope with the force of the waves


In Context
                                                                                        Immediately following the floods urgent repairs were carried out on the sea walls along the coastline to prepare for the high spring tides two weeks later.Official figures compiled after the disaster revealed 307 British people lost their lives and 24,000 homes were flooded leaving more than 30,000 people homeless.
It was also revealed 50,000 animals were killed.
In the Netherlands more than 1,800 died.
Millions of pounds were spent on flood defences all along the east coast.
Although it was calculated that the 1953 storms were a freak of nature unlikely to happen more than once in 250 years, scientists believe factors such as global warming are now increasing the chances of a recurrence.

credit to: ... 3749000/3749771.stm

Last edited by nanacinta on 1-2-2014 01:12 AM



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Post time 1-2-2014 01:17 AM | Show all posts
                1952: Test drive for TV detector vans
        A new method for tracking down users of unlicensed television sets has been unveiled in the UK.The first TV detector van was demonstrated in front of Postmaster-General, Lord De La Warr and Assistant Postmaster-General Mr Gammans.
The detection equipment was developed at short notice at the radio experimental laboratories of the Post Office in Dollis Hill, London.

The units consist of three horizontal loop aerials fixed to the roof of a van which receives signals from TV sets and converts them to radio waves to give audio and video information.
Its inventors insist the system is sensitive enough to pick up the vast majority of television receivers, whether the aerial is external or internal.
We are most unwilling to start a snoop campaign
                Lord De La Warr, Postmaster-General


                Detector vans will pass slowly along roads and will be able to pin-point where receivers are in use.TV detection officers will make doorstep inquiries as they go along.
According to Post Office estimates there are between 100,000 and 150,000 people watching television without a licence.
Lord De La Warr said people without licences were receiving free entertainment subsidised by those who had paid.
He said he was determined to discover who the non-payers were, although he was sure many people had simply forgotten to get their licence.
"We are most unwilling to start a snoop campaign or to follow it up by prosecutions," he added.
The Post Office will begin its campaign to catch up with non-licence payers at the beginning of next week, when the first detector vans will be on the streets.
A spokesman said many more of the specially equipped vehicles will be in action in the near future.       


                                                                        Up to 150,000 people do not have a television licence


TV Licence Facts
                                                                                        The BBC took over responsibility for collecting the licence fee from the Home Office in 1991.

Rates of evasion halved but in 2002 the National Audit Office estimated it was running at up to 7.6% at a cost of £141 million a year.

The BBC issued a record number of TV licences in 2001. The figure of 23.7 million was a 20% increase over the previous 10 years.

TV Licence inspectors made 3,230,000 visits in 2001 and caught 400,000 evaders.

In the year to end of March 2004, licence fee evasion was estimated to be running at 5.7%, an all-time low.

credit to: ... 2521000/2521357.stm



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Post time 4-2-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts

February 4th: Mark Zuckerberg Launches Facebook    Mark Zuckerberg

On this day in history, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched a site called TheFacebook, that eventually became just “Facebook” after the company acquired the domain rights to for $200,000 in 2005.  The site was originally inspired by a project done by one of Mark Zuckerberg’s high school friends, Adam D’Angelo.  D’Angelo had developed a simple social networking site called Buddy Zoo at Caltech that was fairly popular in its short run until D’Angelo shut it down.  The popularity of this early social site and the implications of such a service on a large scale was frequently discussed by Zuckerberg and his friends, but they didn’t do anything about creating such a service initially.

This all changed when Zuckerberg was reading an article in The Harvard Crimson that mentioned a website he’d created and gotten in a lot of trouble for (FaceMash), including almost being expelled from Harvard.  FaceMash was a site that was more or less a Harvard-centric knock-off to Hot or Not.  The reason Harvard Administration had a problem with the site was that in order to get it going, Zuckerberg had hacked into Harvard’s student ID picture database in order to get pictures of students at the school in the nine different school dorm houses.  He then posted the pictures on his site, separated by dormitory and pitted pictures of people against one another, showing two pictures at a time with people choosing who’s hotter of the two shown.
Over 22,000 votes were submitted on FaceMash before it was shut down after just four hours due to people getting offended from having their pictures posted without their consent to be rated.   Once the administration got wind of it, they charged Mark with various things such as copyright infringement, violating people’s privacy, and the like.  All the charges were eventually dropped and he was allowed to continue attending Harvard.

In any event, The Harvard Crimson article specifically mentioned:
The potential benefits of a comprehensive, campus-wide online facebook are plenty…  Thanks to a little bit of ingenuity and lot of illicit hacking, a Harvard sophomore was able to obtain a great majority of the campus’ photos and compile them on one navigable site. This was an invasion of privacy, and HASCS must insure that its facebecause just a few months later he stated in The Harvard Crimson,”If I hadn’t launched it that day, I was about to just can it and go on to the next thing I was about to do.”
From there, it took just one month for half of the school’s students to sign up to TheFacebook.  Shortly thereafter, it was expanded to include other universities, initially focusing on Ivy League schools, but then expanding to the majority of colleges in North America.  Just six months after it was launched, TheFacebook was officially incorporated and Zuckerberg and co. moved to Palo Alto, California where they received funding from people like Sean Parker (already a wealthy young entrepreneur who, among other things, also helped found Napster) and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.  Shortly before this happened, Zuckerberg stated, “My goal is to not have a job… Making cool things is just something I love doing, and not having someone tell me what to do or a timeframe in which to do it is the luxury I am looking for in my life…  I assume eventually I’ll make something that is profitable.”

Since then, Facebook has been growing at an astounding rate both in revenue and number of users.  In 2006, just two years after its launch, Facebook earned $52 million.  The next year, they earned $150 million; then $280 million in 2008; $775 million in 2009; 2 billion in 2010; and, finally, $4.27 billion in 2011.  The user growth rate has been equally remarkable, growing to 100 million users in late 2008.  From there, the user base skyrocketed, gaining an average of around 100 million users every 160 days up to today, where they are rapidly approaching 1 billion users with their last reported tally on December of 2011 being 845 million members with 483 million daily active people.  They also reported well over one trillion page views per month in late 2011.  I guess Zuckerberg can check off from his To-Do list the goal to not ever have to get a job.
book is secure. But it is clear that the technology needed to create a centralized website is readily available; the benefits are many.

When Zuckerberg read this, a light bulb went off in his head and he thought, “I think it’s kind of silly that it would take the University a couple of years to get around to it. I can do it better than they can, and I can do it in a week.”  And, in fact, that’s exactly what he did, finishing the initial version in about a week.  Granted, during that week he reportedly did almost nothing else, including not sleeping much, nor socializing at all.  However, after the week, it was done.  This was lucky for him that he finished so quickly.



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Post time 4-2-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
4 FEB 1959

Patung Barbie dicipta

Barbie dicipta pada 4 Feb 1959 oleh Ruth Handler (pengusaha Syarikat Mattel). Nama Barbie adalah sempena nama anak perempuan Ruth YANG BERNAMA Barbara.

1st Barbie doll in 1959.

Fakta mengenai Barbie:

Nama penuh: Barbie Millicent Roberts
Asal:Willows, Wisconsin.
Pekerjaan:  teenage fashion model.

Patung pertama dijual dengan harga $3. pakaian salinan tambahan dijual daripada harga $1 hingga $5.

face skin tone for Barbie doll

Last edited by lobakjeruk on 4-2-2014 03:03 PM



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Post time 7-2-2014 03:38 PM | Show all posts
Feb 7, 1964:
Beatles arrive in New York

                On February 7, 1964, Pan Am Yankee Clipper flight 101 from London Heathrow lands at New York's Kennedy Airport--and "Beatlemania" arrives. It was the first visit to the United States by the Beatles, a British rock-and-roll quartet that had just scored its first No. 1 U.S. hit six days before with "I Want to Hold Your Hand." At Kennedy, the "Fab Four"--dressed in mod suits and sporting their trademark pudding bowl haircuts--were greeted by 3,000 screaming fans who caused a near riot when the boys stepped off their plane and onto American soil.

Two days later, Paul McCartney, age 21, Ringo Starr, 23, John Lennon, 23, and George Harrison, 20, made their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, a popular television variety show. Although it was difficult to hear the performance over the screams of teenage girls in the studio audience, an estimated 73 million U.S. television viewers, or about 40 percent of the U.S. population, tuned in to watch. Sullivan immediately booked the Beatles for two more appearances that month. The group made their first public concert appearance in the United States on February 11 at the Coliseum in Washington, D.C., and 20,000 fans attended. The next day, they gave two back-to-back performances at New York's Carnegie Hall, and police were forced to close off the streets around the venerable music hall because of fan hysteria. On February 22, the Beatles returned to England.

The Beatles' first American tour left a major imprint in the nation's cultural memory. With American youth poised to break away from the culturally rigid landscape of the 1950s, the Beatles, with their exuberant music and good-natured rebellion, were the perfect catalyst for the shift. Their singles and albums sold millions of records, and at one point in April 1964 all five best-selling U.S. singles were Beatles songs. By the time the Beatles first feature-film, A Hard Day's Night, was released in August, Beatlemania was epidemic the world over. Later that month, the four boys from Liverpool returned to the United States for their second tour and played to sold-out arenas across the country.

Later, the Beatles gave up touring to concentrate on their innovative studio recordings, such as 1967's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, a psychedelic concept album that is regarded as a masterpiece of popular music. The Beatles' music remained relevant to youth throughout the great cultural shifts of the 1960s, and critics of all ages acknowledged the songwriting genius of the Lennon-McCartney team. In 1970, the Beatles disbanded, leaving a legacy of 18 albums and 30 Top 10 U.S. singles.

During the next decade, all four Beatles pursued solo careers, with varying success. Lennon, the most outspoken and controversial Beatle, was shot to death by a deranged fan outside his New York apartment building in 1980. McCartney was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1997 for his contribution to British culture. In November 2001, George Harrison succumbed to cancer.





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Post time 12-2-2014 01:27 PM | Show all posts

Pada  hari  ini  dalam  tahun 1922,  Perdana   Menteri  Malaysia  yang  ketiga, Y.A.B  Tun  Hussein  Onn  telah  dilahirkan  di  Johor  Bahru.  Anak  sulung  kepada  pengasas  UMNO (United Malays National Organization),  Dato` Onn bin Jaafar  dan   Datin  Halimah  binti Hussein  telah  memulakan  pendidikan  awalnya  di Singapura  dan  Johor Bharu.  Pada  tahun  1940,  selepas  menamatkan  pelajaran di  English  College  beliau  telah  berkhidmat  dalam  Angkatan  Timbalan  Setia  Negeri  Johor  sebagai  Kadet  dan  telah  dipilih  untuk  mengikuti  latihan  ketenteraan  secara  intensif  di  Akademi  Tentera  India  di  Dehradun pada  1941.  Sekembali  ke  tanah  air  pada  1945,  beliau  telah   meninggalkan  kariernya  sebagai  seorang  pegawai  tentera  dan  memilih  untuk  berkhidmat  sebagai  seorang  Penjawat  Awam.  Beliau  merupakan  salah  seorang  nadi  penting  di belakang  Dato` Onn  Jaafar  di dalam  menentang gagasan  Malayan  Union.  Pada  tahun 1951,  Tun  Hussein  telah  melanjutkan  pelajarannya  ke Lincoln`s  Inn, England  dalam  bidang  perundangan  dan   telah  tauliahkan  sebagai  peguambela  dan  peguamcara  pada 1962.  Beliau  telah  kembali  bergiat  semula  dalam  arena  politik  bermula  pada  1968  atas  dorongan  Tun  Abdul  Razak.  Tun  Hussein  Onn  telah  dilantik  secara  rasmi  sebagai  Perdana  Menteri  Malaysia  yang  ketiga  pada  14 Januari  1976  dan  memegang  jawatan  tersebut  hingga  17  Julai  1981.  Bapa  Perpaduan  Malaysia,  ini  telah  kembali Rahmatullah  pada  tanggal  29  Mei  1990  dalam  usia  68  tahun.

Peranan dan sumbangan

Penyertaannya dalam kabinet Malaysia bermula pada September 1970 apabila dilantik menjadi Menteri Pelajaran oleh Tun Abdul Razak. Di bawah pentadbiran beliau, Kementerian Pelajaran terus meningkat maju. Beliau maju setapak lagi apabila dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO tahun 1972, beliau telah menjadi salah seorang daripada tiga orang Naib Presiden yang dipilih. Di dalam mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO pada 8 Ogos 1973, beliau dilantik menjadi Timbalan Presiden UMNO berikutan kematian daripada Tun Dr. Ismail. Apabila Tun Dr. Ismail meninggal dunia, beliau dilantik menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 13 Ogos 1973 sekaligus merangkap Menteri Perdagangan dan Perindustrian. Pemergian Tun Abdul Razak ke rahmatullah pada 14 Januari 1976 telah mengejutkan rakyat di seluruh negara ini.
Berikutan itu, dalam satu mesyuarat tergempar Majlis Tertinggi pada 17 Januari, beliau telah disahkan sebagai pemangku Presiden UMNO. Pada hari Khamis, 15 Januari 1976, Beliau mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ketiga di Istana Negara. Pada tahun 1978, beliau menang tanpa bertanding bagi jawatan Presiden UMNO. Ketika menjadi Perdana Menteri, beliau telah meneruskan agenda pembangunan yang telah digariskan oleh Tun Abdul Razak khususnya dalam menggerakkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, beliau arif tentang hal ehwal keselamatan. Beliau juga memberi penekanan kepada konsep Rukun Tetangga dan perjuangan terhadap ancaman dadah. Di bawah pentadbirannya, angkatan bersenjata Malaysia telah diperbesarkan dan dipermodenkan apatah lagi pada ketika itu, rantau di Asia Tenggara telah menjadi gempar ekoran jatuhnya kerajaan Vietnam Selatan ke tangan komunis dan terbinalah cita-cita "Teori Domino" komunis. Semasa pentadbirannya pada temboh darurat, usaha membenteras pengganas komunis di hutan dan bandar telah diperhebatkan malah golongan yang bersimpati dengan aliran komunis dipulihkan menerusi gerakan-gerakan pengitipan yang dikatakan berjaya.
Beliau akan sentiasa dikenang sebagai pemimpin yang menyebebkan Malaysia meniti arus pembangunan dengan konsisten tanpa banyak kontroversi. Dasar-dasar dan program-program yang diketengahkannya tidak pernah lari dari sasaran Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Walaupun pada ketika itu ekonomi negara terjejas oleh kemelesetan ekonomi dunia, beliau berjaya untuk mengawal keadaan dan membantu Malaysia berkembang dari segi ekonomi dan sosial. Beliau pernah menjalani rawatan jantung atau pintasan koronari pada awal 1981. Beliau juga telah berjaya melancarkan Rancangan Malaysia Keempat pada bulan April 1981. Beliau juga telah mengikuti jejak langkah bapanya yang sentiasa mencuba untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat Melayu yang agak ketinggalan jika dibandingkan dengan kaum-kaum lain terutamanya dari segi ekonomi. Dengan itu, pada 20 April 1981, beliau melancarkan pula Skim Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) yang merupakan satu dana amanah bumiputera yang membantu peningkatan ekuiti bumiputera dalam ekonomi negara. Keamanan negara yang diperkukuhkannya telah menarik pelabur luar untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang stabil dari segi politik dan ekonomi. Sumbangan beliau yang terbesar ialah menegakkan tiang keamanan yang kukuh.
Akibat kesihatan beliau yang merosot, beliau menyatakan hasratnya untuk tidak mempertahankan jawatan Presiden UMNO sekaligus mengundurkan diri daripada kepimpinan negara. Beliau mengambil keputusan untuk meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri pada 15 Mei 1981 atas sebab kesihatan dan diambil alih oleh timbalannya, Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (kini bergelar "Tun") pada 18 Julai 1981. Selepas beliau meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau masih aktif dalam pertubuhan-pertubuhan kebajikan seperti Tabung Mata dan ISIS semasa hayatnya. Disebabkan perkhidmatannya kepada negara, Hussein Onn dikurniakan dengan gelaran Tun yang merupakan anugerah diraja yang tertinggi di Malaysia.

Selepas persaraan

Selepas persaraannya sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau meneruskan sumbangannya kepada pertubuhan-pertubuhan kebajikan. Beliau memainkan peranan utama dalam pertubuhan Hospital Mata Tun Hussein Onn. Beliau juga pernah menjadi Pengerusi Institut Kajian Strategik dan Antarabangsa (ISIS) dan penasihat kepada Petronas.
Sewaktu krisis kepimpinan UMNO yang berlaku pada tahun 1987, hubungan beliau dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir menjadi buruk kerana beliau menyokong "Team B" bersama-sama dengan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Mulai dari saat itu, beliau dan Tunku telah menjadi pengkritik yang kuat terhadap pentadbiran Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada hari Selasa, 29 Mei 1990, sewaktu berumur 68 tahun di Pusat Perubatan Seaton, San Francisco, Amerika Syarikat kerana serangan sakit jantung, dan disemadikan pada hari Jumaat di Makam Pahlawan, Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur.


Beliau adalah seorang yang amat berhati-hati apabila membuat keputusan yang melibatkan hal ehwal negara. Beliau sangat tegas dan berpegang teguh kepada prinsip hidupnya. Pengalaman dalam bidang ketenteraan telah menjadikan beliau sebagai seorang yang berdisiplin dan mementingkan ketepatan masa. Beliau telah memberikan kebebasan kepada akhbar dan majalah untuk melontarkan kritikan dan komentar dengan harapan bahawa perkara itu akan meningkatkan prestasi pentadbirannya. Beliau adalah seorang negarawan yang disegani dan dihormati. Beliau juga terkenal dengan sifat merendah diri serta jujur. Dalam sejarah, beliau akan sentiasa dikenang sebagai "Penyambung Warisan Yang Terbilang". Usaha beliau dalam memupuk semangat perpaduan antara berbilang kaum telah berjaya dicapai dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia. Beliau mewarisi kepimpinan UMNO yang pernah disandang oleh ayahandanya serta pogram pembangunan yang dijana oleh sahabatnya dan melaksanakannya dengan penuh dedikasi. Malah, beliau juga telah mewariskan pentadbiran kerajaan serta UMNO kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir dalam keadaan yang stabil dan begitu kukuh pada ketika itu.


                        Buku ini diterbitkan sempena perasmian Memorial Tun Hussein                         Onn sebagai mengenang jasa dan sumbangan beliau sebagai                         Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ketiga. Buku ini mengandungi                         lima bab iaitu mengenai salasilah dan pendidikan awal,                         kerjaya politik, dasar dalam dan luar negara dan sumbangan                         beliau selepas bersara.
                        Tahun Diterbitkan :2006
                        Harga           :RM92.00

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Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 12-2-2014 01:32 PM



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Post time 12-2-2014 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Murder of James Bulger

James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990– 12 February 1993) was a boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was murdered on 12 February 1993, at the age of two. He was abducted, tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys, Robert Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982).[ Bulger disappeared from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle, while accompanying his mother. His mutilated body was found on a railway line two-and-a-half miles (4 km) away in Walton, Liverpool, two days after his murder. Thompson and Venables were charged on 20 February 1993 with Bulger's abduction and murder.
The pair were found guilty on 24 November 1993, making them the youngest convicted murderers in modern English history. They were sentenced to custody until they reached adulthood, initially until the age of 18, and were released on a lifelong licence in June 2001. In 2010, Venables was returned to prison for violating the terms of his licence of release.
The case has prompted widespread debate on the issue of how to handle young offenders when they are sentenced or released from custody.
MurderCCTV evidence from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle taken on 12 February 1993 showed Thompson and Venables casually observing children, apparently selecting a target. The boys were playing truant from school, which they did regularly.[7] Throughout the day, Thompson and Venables were seen stealing various items including sweets, a troll doll, some batteries and a can of blue paint,[8] some of which were later found at the murder scene. It was later revealed by one of the boys that they were planning to find a child to abduct, lead him to the busy road alongside the mall, and push him into the path of oncoming traffic.
That same afternoon, James Bulger (often called "Jamie" by the press, although never by his family),[10] from nearby Kirkby, went with his mother Denise to the New Strand Shopping Centre. While inside the A.R. Tym's butcher's shop on the lower floor of the centre at around 3:40 pm, Denise, who had been momentarily distracted, realised that her son had disappeared.[3][11] He had been wandering by the open door of the shop while she placed an order for lamb chops, and was spotted by Thompson and Venables.[10] They approached him and spoke to him, before taking him by the hand and leading him out of the precinct.[12][13] This moment was captured on a CCTV camera recording timestamped at 15:42.[14][15]
The boys took Bulger on a meandering 2.5-mile (4 km) walk across Liverpool to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal where he was dropped on his head and suffered injuries to his face. The boys joked about pushing Bulger into the canal.[7][16] During the walk across Liverpool, the boys were seen by 38 people.[17] Bulger had a bump on his forehead and was crying, but most bystanders did nothing to intervene, assuming that he was a younger brother.[18][19] Two people challenged the older boys, but they claimed that Bulger was a younger brother or that he was lost and they were taking him to the local police station.[20] At one point, the boys took Bulger into a pet shop, from which they were ejected.[16] Eventually the boys arrived in the village of Walton, and with Walton Lane police station across the road facing them, they hesitated and led Bulger up a steep bank to a railway line near the disused Walton & Anfield railway station, close to Anfield Cemetery, where they began torturing him.[7]

At the trial it was established that at this location, one of the boys threw blue Humbrol modelling paint, which they had shoplifted earlier, into Bulger's left eye.[10] They kicked and stomped on him, and threw bricks and stones at him. Batteries were placed in Bulger's mouth.[21] Police believed some batteries may have been inserted into his anus, although none were found there.[3] Finally, a 22-pound (10.0 kg) iron bar, described in court as a railway fishplate, was dropped on him.[22][23][24] Bulger suffered ten skull fractures as a result of the iron bar striking his head. Dr. Alan Williams, the case's pathologist, stated that Bulger suffered so many injuries—42 in total—that none could be isolated as the fatal blow.[25]
Police suspected that there was a sexual element to the crime, since Bulger's shoes, socks, trousers and underpants had been removed. The pathologist's report read out in court stated that Bulger's foreskin had been forcibly retracted.[22][26] When questioned about this aspect of the attack by detectives and the child psychiatrist, Dr. Eileen Vizard, Thompson and Venables were reluctant to give details; they also vehemently denied inserting some of the batteries into Bulger's anus.[3][17][27] At his eventual parole, Venables's psychiatrist until he was aged 21, Dr. Susan Bailey, reported that "visiting and revisiting the issue with Jon as a child, and now as an adolescent, he gives no account of any sexual element to the offence."[3]
Before they left him, the boys laid Bulger across the railway tracks and weighted his head down with rubble, in the hope that a train would hit him and make his death appear to be an accident. After Bulger's killers left the scene, his body was cut in half by a train.[28] Bulger's severed body was discovered two days later, on 14 February.[7] A forensic pathologist testified that he had died before he was struck by the train.[28]
The police quickly found low-resolution video images of Bulger's abduction from the New Strand Shopping Centre by two unidentified boys.[7] As the circumstances surrounding the death became clear, tabloid newspapers denounced the people who had seen Bulger but had not intervened to aid Bulger as he was being taken through the city, as the "Liverpool 38". The railway embankment upon which his body had been discovered was flooded with hundreds of bunches of flowers.[29]
The family of one boy, who was detained for questioning but subsequently released, had to flee the city. The breakthrough came when a woman, on seeing slightly enhanced images of the two boys on national television, recognised Venables, who, she knew, had played truant with Thompson that day. She contacted police and the boys were arrested.In popular culture
  • In June 2007 a computer game based on the TV series Law & Order, titled Law & Order: Double or Nothing (made in 2003), was withdrawn from stores in the UK following reports that it contained an image of Bulger. The image in question is the CCTV frame of Bulger being led away by his killers, Thompson and Venables. The scene in the game involves a computer-generated detective pointing out the picture, which is meant to represent a fictional child abduction that the player is then asked to investigate. Bulger's family complained, along with many others, and the game was subsequently withdrawn by its UK distributor, GSP. The game’s developer, Legacy Interactive, released a statement in which it apologised for the image's inclusion in the game; according to the statement, the image’s use was "inadvertent" and took place "without any knowledge of the crime, which occurred in the UK and was minimally publicised in the United States".[118]
  • In 2008, Swedish playwright Niklas Rådström used the interview transcripts from interrogations with the murderers and their families to recreate the story. His play, Monsters, opened to mixed reviews at the Arcola Theatre in London in May 2009.[119][120]
  • In August 2009, Australia's Seven Network used real footage of the abduction to promote its police show City Homicide. The use of the footage was criticised by Bulger's mother and Seven apologised.[121] A tie-in with this saw the Sunrise co-hosts asking the rhetorical question of whether the killers were now living in Australia. When the question was answered on 24 August 2009 edition, they used one minute and seven seconds to relate the Australian government's two-line denial that they had been settled in the country.[122]
  • A Hollyoaks storyline, set to begin in December 2009, was axed after the show gave Bulger's mother Denise Fergus a special screening. The storyline was to feature Loretta Jones and her friend Chrissy, who had been given new identities before arriving in the village, after being convicted of murdering a child at the age of 12.
  • Irish critical theorist Terry Eagleton introduces his book On Evil with the story of Bulger's murder

James Patrick Bulger
James Patrick Bulger
16 March 1990
Liverpool, Merseyside, England
12 February 1993 (aged 2)
Liverpool, Merseyside, England
Cause of death
Kirkby, Merseyside, England
White British
Known for
Murder victim
Home town
Ralph Stephen Bulger
Denise Bulger (now Fergus)

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Last edited by jiwakacau06 on 12-2-2014 02:02 PM


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Post time 12-2-2014 02:07 PM | Show all posts
continue of murder of james bulger

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Post time 13-2-2014 12:51 PM | Show all posts
World Radio Day                                                                                       
World Radio Day

Visual Identity of World Radio Day 2014
Observed by
UN Member States
13 February

World Radio Day
is 13 February. It was proclaimed on 3 November 2011 by UNESCO's 36th General Conference. It was originally proposed by Spain.


Following a request from the Spanish Radio Academy, on 20 September 2010 Spain proposed that the UNESCO Executive Board include an agenda item on the proclamation of a World Radio Day. UNESCO's Executive Board approved the agenda item in its provisional agenda, for the proclamation of a "World Radio Day" on 29 September 2011. UNESCO carried out a wide consultation in 2011 with diverse stakeholders, i.e. broadcasting associations; public, state, private, community and international broadcasters; UN agencies; funds and programmes; topic-related NGOs; academia; foundations and bilateral development agencies; as well as UNESCO Permanent Delegations and National Commissions for UNESCO. Among the answers, 91% were in favour of the project, including official support from the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB), the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the International Association of Broadcasting (IAB), the North American Broadcasters Association (NABA), the Organización de Telecomunicaciones Ibeoramericanas (OTI), BBC, URTI, Vatican Radio, etc. The results of this consultation are available in UNESCO's document 187 EX/13.
The Board recommended to the UNESCO 36th session of the General Conference that it proclaim a World Radio Day at its 36th session, and that this day be celebrated by UNESCO on 13 February, the anniversary of the day the United Nations established United Nations Radio in 1946. It also invited all United Nations Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, professional associations and broadcasting unions, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals, to duly celebrate World Radio Day, in the way that each considers most adequate. The Board further requested that UNESCO's Director-General brought the resolution to the attention of the Secretary-General of the United Nations so that World Radio Day could be endorsed by the General Assembly and celebrated by the whole system. The matter was subsequently treated by UNESCO's General Conference, which adopted resolution contained in the file 36 C/63. World Radio Day was thus unanimously proclaimed by all Member States of UNESCO in November 2011.
In December 2012, The General Assembly of the UN endorsed the proclamation of World Radio Day, thereby becoming a Day to be celebrated by all UN agencies, funds and programmes and their partners. File A/RES/67/124. Various radio industry bodies around the world are supporting the initiative by encouraging stations in developed countries to assist those in the developing world.At UNESCO the consultation, proclamation and celebrations were handled by Mirta Lourenco, Chief of the Sector for Media Development.

The first World Radio Day

In honour of the first edition of World Radio Day in 2012, Lifeline Energy, FrontlineSMS, SOAS Radio and Empowerhouse hosted a seminar in London. A variety of practitioners, academics and tools providers joined at the School of Oriental and African Studies to explore ways in which radio reaches even the most remote and vulnerable communities. Speakers included Guy Berger (Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development at UNESCO), Dr Chege Githiora (Chairman of the Centre of African Studies at SOAS), Birgitte Jallov (Empowerhouse/ Panos London), Amy O'Donnell (FrontlineSMS:Radio), Carlos Chirinos (SOAS Radio), and Linje Manyozo (LSE). The panel was moderated by Lucy Durán (SOAS, BBC Radio 3, Human Planet). At the University of Pisa in Italy, a public event was held on 13 February 2012 to commemorate World Radio Day. The event was organized by Italradio and the Faculty of Engineering and Telecommunication. The seminar focused on radio broadcasting being an easy and cheap access to information. Pisa was chosen as the first Italian city to host an intercontinental radio station built by Marconi in the early years of 20th century
In 2012 in Barcelona, Spain, a public event organised by College of Telecommunications Engineers of Catalunya (COETTC) was held on 21 February 2012 to commemorate World Radio Day. The event was organized with the help of the Government of Catalonia. There were panellists from radio stations and personalities from the world of radio broadcasting in attendance. The main event was a panel discussion entitled: "For a more global and competitive radio".In Switzerland, the European Broadcasting Union organised a Digital Radio Week. This was a series of technical events starting on 13 February 2012, with the participation of the main radio standardisation organisations: DRM Consortium, WorldDMB, RadioDNS. There was also a local digital radio transmission in DAB+ demonstrating the democratization of transmission for smaller structures, using CRC mmbTools open software defined radio tools.

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Post time 14-2-2014 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Feb 14, 1929:
Valentine's Day Massacre takes place

                In Chicago, gunmen in the suspected employment of organized-crime boss Al Capone murder seven members of the George "Bugs" Moran North Siders gang in a garage on North Clark Street. The so-called St. Valentine's Day Massacre stirred a media storm centered on Capone and his illegal Prohibition-era activities and motivated federal authorities to redouble their efforts to find evidence incriminating enough to take him off the streets.

Alphonse Capone was born in Brooklyn in 1899, the son of Italian immigrants from Naples. The fourth of nine children, he quit school after the sixth grade and joined a street gang. He became acquainted with Johnny Torrio, a crime boss who operated in Chicago and New York, and at the age of 18 Capone was employed at a Coney Island club owned by gangster Frankie Yale. It was while working there that his face was slashed in a brawl, earning him the nickname "Scarface."
In 1917, his girlfriend became pregnant and they married, and the couple moved with their son to Baltimore, where Capone attempted a respectable life working as a bookkeeper. In 1921, however, his old friend Johnny Torrio lured him to Chicago, where Torrio had built up an impressive crime syndicate and was beginning to make a fortune on the illicit commerce of alcohol, which was banned in 1919 by the 18th Amendment to the Constitution.

Capone demonstrated considerable business acumen and was appointed manager of a Torrio speakeasy. Later, Torrio put him charge of the suburb of Cicero. Unlike his boss, who was always discreet, Capone achieved notoriety as he fought for control of Cicero and was even tried (unsuccessfully) for murder.

In 1925, Torrio was shot four times by Bugs Moran and Hymie Weiss, who were associates of a gangster slain by Torrio's men. Torrio lived, but four weeks later he appeared in court and was sentenced to nine months stemming from a police raid of a brewery he owned. About a month later, he called Capone from jail to tell him that he was retiring and handing the business over to him.

Capone moved his headquarters to the luxurious Metropole Hotel, where he became a visible figure in Chicago public life as his crime empire steadily expanded. After a prosecutor was killed by some of Capone's henchmen, the Chicago police moved aggressively against his criminal operations, but they couldn't make any charges stick. Capone bought a luxurious estate in Miami as a retreat from all this unwanted attention.

Capone was in Florida in February 1929 when he gave the go-ahead for the assassination of Bugs Moran. On February 13, a bootlegger called Moran and offered to sell him a truckload of high quality whiskey at a low price. Moran took the bait and the next morning pulled up to the delivery location where he was to meet several associates and purchase the whisky. He was running a little late, and just as he was pulling up to the garage he saw what looked like two policemen and two detectives get out of an unmarked car and head to the door. Thinking he had nearly avoided being caught in a police raid, Moran drove off. The four men, however, were Capone's assassins, and they were only entering the building before Moran's arrival because they had mistaken one of the seven men inside for the boss himself.

Wearing their stolen police uniforms and heavily armed, Capone's henchmen surprised Moran's men, who agreed to line up against the wall. Thinking they had fallen prey to a routine police raid, they allowed themselves to be disarmed. A moment later, they were gunned down in a hail of shotgun and submachine-gun fire. Six were killed instantly, and the seventh survived for less than an hour.

Americans were shocked and outraged by the cold-blooded Valentine's Day killings, and many questioned whether the sin of intemperance outweighed the evil of Prohibition-era gangsters like Capone. Although, as usual, he had an air-tight alibi, few doubted his role in the massacre. The authorities, particularly affronted by the hit men's use of police uniforms, vowed to bring him to justice.

With a mandate from Herbert Hoover, the new president, the Treasury Department led the assault against Capone, hoping to uncover enough evidence of Prohibition offenses and federal income tax evasion to bring him to justice. In May 1929, Capone was convicted for carrying a concealed weapon and sent to prison for 10 months. Meanwhile, Treasury agents, like Eliot Ness, continued to gather evidence.

In June 1931, Capone was indicted for income tax evasion. On October 17, primarily on the basis of testimony by two former bookkeepers, he was found guilty on several counts. One week later, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison and $80,000 in fines and court costs. He entered Atlanta penitentiary in 1932 and in 1934 was transferred to the new Alcatraz Island prison in San Francisco Bay. By that time, Prohibition had been repealed, and Capone's empire had collapsed.

At Alcatraz, the syphilis Capone had contracted in his youth entered a late stage, and he spent his last year in prison in the hospital ward. In 1939, he was released after only six and a half years in jail as the result of good behavior and work credits. He was treated in a Baltimore hospital and in 1940 retired to his Miami estate, where he lived until his death in 1947. He was outlived by his rival Bugs Moran, who later died of lung cancer while serving a 10-year sentence in Kansas for bank robbery.

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Post time 17-2-2014 01:45 PM | Show all posts
17 Februari 1968:

Pada  hari  ini  dalam  tahun  1968,  Perdana  Menteri  Malaysia, Tunku  Abdul  Rahman  Putra telah merasmikan pembukaan  Pusat  Penyiaran  Malaysia  yang telah diberi nama "Angkasapuri".  Ianya  terletak di atas tanah seluas 33 ekar di Bukit Putra yang mengadap ke Lebuhraya Persekutuan. Sesungguhnya, sejarah perkembangan penyiaran negara telah bermula sejak tahun 1930 lagi apabila Persatuan Wireless Tanah Melayu di Kuala Lumpur telah memulakan siarannya di Bukit Petaling. Manakala studio sementara Televisyen Malaysia yang bertempat di Jalan Ampang berhampiran dengan Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman telah memulakan siarannya pada 28 Disember 1963.  Pada Peringkat awalnya, Kompleks Penyiaran Angkasapuri ini telah menempatkan Kementerian Penerangan manakala, Jabatan Televisyen yang beroperasi di Jalan Ampang hanya dipindahkan ke Angkasapuri pada 6 November 1969.  Keseluruhan pelaksanaan projek Pusat Penyiaran ini telah selesai sepenuhnya pada  tahun 1972, apabila Bangunan Radio (Wisma Radio) siap dibina dan memulakan siarannya pada 9 Mei 1972 tepat pada jam 12.00 tengah malam. Kini setelah 50 tahun negara mencapai kemerdekaan bidang penyiaran negara telah berkembang dengan pesatnya seiring dengan era globalisasi diperingkat antarabangsa.




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Post time 21-2-2014 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Feb 21, 1965:
Malcolm X assasinated

                In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated by rival Black Muslims while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights.

Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1925, Malcolm was the son of James Earl Little, a Baptist preacher who advocated the black nationalist ideals of Marcus Garvey. Threats from the Ku Klux Klan forced the family to move to Lansing, Michigan, where his father continued to preach his controversial sermons despite continuing threats. In 1931, Malcolm's father was brutally murdered by the white supremacist Black Legion, and Michigan authorities refused to prosecute those responsible. In 1937, Malcolm was taken from his family by welfare caseworkers. By the time he reached high school age, he had dropped out of school and moved to Boston, where he became increasingly involved in criminal activities.

In 1946, at the age of 21, Malcolm was sent to prison on a burglary conviction. It was there he encountered the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam, whose members are popularly known as Black Muslims. The Nation of Islam advocated black nationalism and racial separatism and condemned Americans of European descent as immoral "devils." Muhammad's teachings had a strong effect on Malcolm, who entered into an intense program of self-education and took the last name "X" to symbolize his stolen African identity.

After six years, Malcolm was released from prison and became a loyal and effective minister of the Nation of Islam in Harlem, New York. In contrast with civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X advocated self-defense and the liberation of African Americans "by any means necessary." A fiery orator, Malcolm was admired by the African American community in New York and around the country.

In the early 1960s, he began to develop a more outspoken philosophy than that of Elijah Muhammad, whom he felt did not sufficiently support the civil rights movement. In late 1963, Malcolm's suggestion that President John F. Kennedy's assassination was a matter of the "chickens coming home to roost" provided Elijah Muhammad, who believed that Malcolm had become too powerful, with a convenient opportunity to suspend him from the Nation of Islam.

A few months later, Malcolm formally left the organization and made a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, where he was profoundly affected by the lack of racial discord among orthodox Muslims. He returned to America as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz and in June 1964 founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which advocated black identity and held that racism, not the white race, was the greatest foe of the African American. Malcolm's new movement steadily gained followers, and his more moderate philosophy became increasingly influential in the civil rights movement, especially among the leaders of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.

On February 21, 1965, one week after his home was firebombed, Malcolm X was shot to death by Nation of Islam members while speaking at a rally of his organization in New York City.





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Post time 3-3-2014 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Hinamatsuri , also called Doll's Day or Girls' Day, is a special day in Japan. Hinamatsuri is celebrated each year on March 3. Platforms covered with a red carpet are used to display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period.

Origin and customsThe custom of displaying dolls began during the Heian period. Formerly, people believed the dolls possessed the power to contain bad spirits. Hinamatsuri traces its origins to an ancient Japanese custom called hina-nagashi , in which straw hina dolls are set afloat on a boat and sent down a river to the sea, supposedly taking troubles or bad spirits with them. The Shimogamo Shrine (part of the Kamo Shrine complex in Kyoto) celebrates the Nagashibina by floating these dolls between the Takano and Kamo Rivers to pray for the safety of children. People have stopped doing this now because of fishermen catching the dolls in their nets. They now send them out to sea, and when the spectators are gone they take the boats out of the water and bring them back to the temple and burn them.
The customary drink for the festival is shirozake, a sake made from fermented rice. A colored hina-arare, bite-sized crackers flavored with sugar or soy sauce depending on the region, and hishimochi, a diamond-shaped colored rice cake, are served. Chirashizushi (sushi rice flavored with sugar, vinegar, topped with raw fish and a variety of ingredients) is often eaten. A salt-based soup called ushiojiru containing clams still in the shell is also served. Clam shells in food are deemed the symbol of a united and peaceful couple, because a pair of clam shells fits perfectly, and no pair but the original pair can do so.
Families generally start to display the dolls in February and take them down immediately after the festival. Superstition says that leaving the dolls past March 4 will result in a late marriage for the daughter.

ElsewhereThe Hinamatsuri is also celebrated in Florence (Italy), with the patronage of the Embassy of Japan, the Japanese Institute and the historical Gabinetto Vieusseux.
The Hinamatsuri is also celebrated in Hawai‘i.

Dolls of the emperor, right, and empress sit
on the top tier (Asahi Shogakusei Shimbun)

March 3 is Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival or Girls' Festival), when people pray for the happiness and healthy growth of girls. Families with young daughters mark this day by setting up a display of dolls inside the house. They offer rice crackers and other food to the dolls.

Hina-arare rice crackers

The dolls wear costumes of the imperial court during the Heian period (794-1192) and are placed on a tiered platform covered with red felt. The size of the dolls and number of steps vary, but usually the displays are of five or seven layers; single-tiered decorations with one male and one female doll are also common.

The top tier is reserved for the emperor and the empress. A miniature gilded folding screen is placed behind them, just like the real Imperial throne of the ancient court.

On the second tier are three ladies-in-waiting, and on the third are five male court musicians. Ministers sit on either side of trays of food on the fourth step, and the fifth row features guards flanked by an orange tree to the left and a cherry tree to the right.

These children enjoy Hina Matsuri dressed up like dolls themselves. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The practice of displaying these dolls on the third day of the third month on the traditional Japanese calendar began during the Edo period (1603-1868). It started as a way of warding off evil spirits, with the dolls acting as a charm. Even today, people in some parts of the country release paper dolls into rivers after the festival, praying that the dolls take people's place in carrying away sickness and bad fortune.

Most families take their beautiful collection of dolls out of the closet around mid-February and put it away again as soon as Hina Matsuri is over. This is because of an old superstition that families that are slow in putting back the dolls have trouble marrying off their daughters.

credit to ... ch/hinamatsuri.html



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Post time 4-3-2014 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Estonian parliamentary election, 2007

Parliamentary elections were held in Estonia on 4 March 2007. It was the world's first nationwide vote where part of the voting was carried out in the form of remote electronic voting via the internet.

The election saw the Estonian Reform Party emerged as the largest faction in the Riigikogu with 31 seats. The Estonian Centre Party finished second with 29 seats, whilst the new Union of Pro Patria and Res Publica lost 16 seats compared to the 35 won by the two parties in the 2003 elections. The Social Democrats gained 4 seats, whilst the Greens entered the Riigikogu for the first time with 7 seats and the People's Union lost seven of its 13 seats.

The Centre Party, led by the mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar, had been increasingly excluded from collaboration, since his open collaboration with Putin's United Russia party, real estate scandals in Tallinn, and the Bronze Soldier controversy, considered as a deliberate attempt to split Estonian society by provoking the Russian minority.

In 2007 Estonia held its and the world's first national Internet election. Voting was available from February 26 to 28. A total of 30,275 citizens (3.4%) used Internet voting.

Electronic voting in Estonia began in October 2005 local elections when Estonia became the first country to have legally binding general elections using the Internet as a means of casting the vote and was declared a success by the Estonian election officials.
The electoral system was a two-tier semi-open list proportional representation system with a 5% (27,510.65 votes) election threshold.

Seats by electoral district
District numberElectoral DistrictSeats
1Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine districts in Tallinn8
2Kesklinn, Lasnamäe and Pirita districts in Tallinn11
3Mustamäe and Nõmme districts in Tallinn8
4Harjumaa (without Tallinn) and Raplamaa counties13
5Hiiumaa, Läänemaa and Saaremaa counties7
6Lääne-Virumaa county6
7Ida-Virumaa county8
8Järvamaa and Viljandimaa counties8
9Jõgevamaa and Tartumaa counties (without Tartu)7
10Tartu city8
11Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa counties9
12Pärnumaa county8
Invalid/blank votes
Registered voters/turnout
Source: Nohlen & Stöver,

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Post time 8-3-2014 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Hari Wanita Antarabangsa

Hari Wanita Antarabangsa atau Hari Wanita Sedunia disambut setiap tahun pada 8 Mac.

Kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan negara masih mengamalkan dasar atau undang-undang yang mendiskriminasi wanita.

Wanita hendaklah diberikan hak serta peluang yang sama rata sama ada dalam bidang pendidikan, kerjaya mahupun pembuatan keputusan. Wanita bergelut dengan kerjaya demi menyara keluarga dan diri, sedangkan pada masa yang sama, turut menjadi seorang ibu mahupun isteri di rumah.
Wanita terpaksa bertungkus-lumus mencari nafkah bersama-sama suami mahupun bersendirian. Ada ketikanya, mereka tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian kepada tanggungjawab membesarkan anak sepenuhnya.Ibu yang bekerja bimbang tentang keselamatan serta kebajikan anak yang ditinggalkan di pusat-pusat jagaan.Tambahan pula, kos menghantar anak ke pusat jagaan atau didikan awal yang menawarkan perkhidmatan atau kemahiran tambahan agak tinggi. Umumnya, perkhidmatan jagaan anak mahupun didikan awal kanak-kanak yang berkualiti merupakan prasyarat penting kepada wanita yang bekerjaya.
Tuntutan wanita
  • Cuti bersalin yang lebih untuk menjaga dan menyusu anak.
  • Insentif kepada suri rumah sepenuh masa.Pada 2004, seramai 2.79 juta wanita di Malaysia menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa.
  • Ujian saringan kesihatan asas percuma setiap dua hingga tiga tahun sekali.
  • Sistem kehakiman yang lebih `mesra wanita' dan cekap dalam menangani kes-kes berkaitan keluarga. Malangnya, hakim wanita masih belum dilantik di mahkamah syariah. Ramai yang tidak bersetuju perlantikan wanita menjadi hakim di mahkamah syariah.Kajian Prof. Madya Noor Aziah Awal (UKM) 2001 mendapati 19 % kes perceraian masih tertangguh di mahkamah syariah Negeri Selangor dalam masa 12 bulan berbanding 30 % di mahkamah sivil.
  • Keselamatan wanita dan kanak-kanak terjamin dan terpelihara terutama bebas dari ancaman mat rempit dan ragut.Contohnya kes pembunuhan adik Nurin Jazlin dan kehilangan Sharlinie .
Nabi Muhammad dan WanitaNabi Muhammad menjadi contoh ikutan kita semua. Nabi suruh wanita menutup aurat bukanlah kerana mahu mengurangkan hak wanita untuk dedah sana atau dedah sini. Tetapi meninggikan martabat wanita beriman itu menjadi seumpama mutiara yang tidak ternilai. Dalam sejarah, Nabi tidak pernah memarahi dan memukul isteri-isterinya. "Dikalangan lelaki, akulah yang paling terbaik melayan isteri". Syurga anak-anak berada di bawah telapak kaki ibunya.

Diraikan olehAlbania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia dan Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Afrika Selatan, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Itali, Israel, Kemboja, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rusia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Sepanyol, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Turki, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia
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Post time 15-3-2014 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Mexican banker/billionaire Alfredo Harp Helu kidnapped

Alfredo Harp Helú (born 1944) is a Mexican businessman of Lebanese origin, and as of 2011, with a net worth of $1.5 billion, is according to Forbes the 974th richest person in the world. He is also the cousin of Carlos Slim Helú, who as of 2013 is the richest person in the world as ranked by Forbes.


In 1994, Harp's family paid about $30 million after he was held for 106 days by his kidnappers in Mexico City. The release followed a dramatic television appearance in which his son, accompanied by a family lawyer and a priest, accepted the kidnappers' terms unconditionally. At the family's request, the police did not intervene, giving rise to fears that the huge ransom would encourage more kidnappings, and adding to concerns about Mexico's stability. In 1996, authorities claimed to have recovered nearly $10 million of the Harp ransom.
In 2008, Harp attended the funeral of Fernando Martí, 14-year-old son of the founder of a chain of sporting goods stores, who had been kidnapped and murdered, despite his family's payment of a ransom. He also paid for a full-page advertisement in newspapers calling on the government to put a stop to the rising kidnapping phenomenon in Mexico.

PhilanthropyHarp funds several charitable foundations:
  • Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú
  • Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca (involved in education, health, culture, and conservation in the state of Oaxaca).




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Post time 21-3-2014 02:40 PM | Show all posts
Ayrton Senna da Silva birthday

Ayrton Senna da Silva
(born on 21 March 1960 – 1 May 1994) was a Brazilian racing driver who won three Formula One world championships. He was killed in an accident while leading the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix. He is among the most dominant and successful Formula 1 drivers of all time and is considered as one of the greatest drivers in the history of the sport. He remains the most recent driver fatality in Formula One.
Senna began his motorsport career in karting, moving up to open-wheel racing in 1981, and winning the British Formula 3 championship in 1983. He made his Formula One debut with Toleman-Hart in 1984 before moving to Lotus-Renault the following year and winning six Grands Prix over the next three seasons. In 1988, he joined Frenchman Alain Prost at McLaren-Honda. Between them, they won all but one of the 16 Grands Prix that year and Senna claimed his first World Championship. Prost claimed the championship in 1989, and Senna his second and third championships in 1990 and 1991. In 1992, the Williams-Renault combination began to dominate Formula One. Senna nonetheless managed to finish the 1993 season as runner-up, winning five races and negotiating a move to Williams in 1994.
Senna has often been voted as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time in various motorsport polls.
He was recognised for his qualifying speed over one lap and from 1989 until 2006 held the record for most pole positions. He was also acclaimed for his wet weather performances, such as the 1984 Monaco Grand Prix, the 1985 Portuguese Grand Prix, and the 1993 European Grand Prix. He holds a record six victories at the prestigious Monaco Grand Prix, and is the third most successful driver of all time in terms of race wins. Senna courted controversy throughout his career, particularly during his turbulent rivalry with Alain Prost. Both the 1989 Championship won by Prost and the 1990 Championship won by Senna were decided by collisions between the pair at those years' Japanese Grands Prix.

Formula One career

  • Toleman (1984)
  • Lotus (1985–1987)
  • McLaren (1988–1993)
  • Williams (1994)


Already at the start of the race, Pedro Lamy and JJ Lehto were involved in an accident. Track officials deployed the Opel Vectra safety car, driven by Max Angelelli at the time, to slow down the field and allow the debris from the accident to be removed. The cars proceeded under the safety car for five laps. Before the sixth lap, David Brown told Senna via pit-to-car radio that the safety car was pulling off, and Senna acknowledged the message.
On lap 7, the second lap at racing speed, Senna's car left the racing line at the 190 mph Tamburello corner, ran in a straight line off the track and struck an unprotected concrete barrier. Telemetry shows he left the track at 310 km/h (190 mph) and was able to slow the car down by braking to 218 km/h (135 mph) in slightly under 2 seconds before hitting the wall. The car hit the wall at a shallow angle, tearing off the right front wheel and nose cone, and spun to a halt. After Senna's car came to a halt, he was initially motionless in the cockpit. After about ten seconds, from the close-up aerial footage, his head is seen to move about one inch to the left before returning to where it was. Then, he never moved again. What appeared to have happened was that the right front wheel shot up upon impact and entered the cockpit, striking the right frontal area of his helmet. The violence of the wheel's impact pushed his head back against the headrest, causing fatal skull fractures. A piece of suspension attached to the wheel had partially penetrated his Bell M3 helmet and caused trauma to his head In addition, it appeared that a jagged piece of the upright assembly had penetrated the helmet visor just above his right eye. Senna was using a medium sized (58 cm) M3 helmet with a new "thin" Bell visor. Any one of the three injuries would probably have killed him.
After the crash it was immediately evident that Senna had suffered some form of injury, because his helmet was seen to be motionless and leaning slightly to the right. The subtle movement of his head in the seconds that followed raised false hopes. Moments after the crash, Angelo Orsi, a photographer and a friend of Senna, took photographs of Senna in the car after his helmet was removed and Senna being treated before marshals blocked his view. Despite receiving numerous offers, the photographs have only been seen by Orsi and the Senna family who insisted that Orsi not publish the photographs.
Fire marshals arrived at the car and were unable to touch Senna before qualified medical personnel arrived. Senna was pulled out of the car minutes after the accident.[5] Television coverage from an overhead helicopter was seen around the world, as rescue workers gave Senna medical attention. Close inspection of the area in which the medical staff treated Senna revealed a considerable amount of blood on the ground. From visible injuries to Senna's head it was evident to attending medical professionals that he had sustained a grave head trauma. An emergency tracheotomy was conducted trackside to establish a secure airway through which the medical personnel could artificially maintain his breathing. The race was stopped one minute and nine seconds after Senna's crash. Williams team manager Ian Harrison went up to race control, finding a scene where many race officials were sensing that Senna's crash had been serious. Bernie Ecclestone later arrived in race control to calm the situation.[7]
Professor Sid Watkins, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, Formula One Safety Delegate and Medical Delegate, and the head of the Formula One on-track medical team, performed the on-site tracheotomy on Senna.
Watkins later reported:
He looked serene. I raised his eyelids and it was clear from his pupils that he had a massive brain injury. We lifted him from the cockpit and laid him on the ground. As we did, he sighed and, although I am not religious, I felt his spirit depart at that moment.
Watkins cleared the respiratory passages, stemmed the blood flow, replaced blood lost from the accident and immobilised the cervical area. Watkins radioed for a medical helicopter and asked the intensive care anaesthetist, Giovanni Gordini, to escort Senna to Maggiore Hospital.[3] Approximately 10 minutes after Senna's crash, a miscommunication in the pits caused a Larrousse car piloted by Érik Comas to leave the pit lane and attempt to rejoin the now red flagged Grand Prix. That incident with Comas was spotted by Eurosport commentator John Watson as the "most ridiculous thing I've ever seen at any time in my life". Frantic waving by the marshals at Senna's crash site prevented the Larrousse from risking a collision with the medical helicopter that had landed on the track.
Senna's car returned to the pitlane where officials impounded it. However, an unidentified person from Williams insisted that the black-box data carried on the car should be removed. At 3:00pm, the helicopter landed in front of the Maggiore Hospital. Doctors rushed Senna into intensive care; a brain scan confirmed the diagnosis made on the track. At 3:10pm, Senna's heart stopped beating, doctors restarted his heart, and he was placed on a life-support machine. Senna's brother Leonardo arranged for a priest to perform the last rites which occurred at 6:15pm. Senna's heart stopped beating at 6:37pm, and it was decided not to restart it. Senna was pronounced dead at 6:40pm with the official time of death at 2:17pm.
It was later revealed that, as medical staff examined Senna, a furled Austrian flag was found in his car—a flag that he had intended to raise in honour of Ratzenberger after the race.
Sometime after the race, Ian Harrison was called by an Italian lawyer informing Harrison of Senna's death and that it was being treated as a "road traffic accident". Early in the morning of 2 May, Harrison was called by another lawyer who took him to a mortuary. Harrison decided not to see Senna's body upon being asked.


extra info:

San Marino Grand Prix become as tragic place on 1994. Tragic events at this race proved to be a major turning point in both the 1994 season, and in the development of Formula One itself, particularly with regard to safety. The race weekend was marked by the deaths of Austrian driver Roland Ratzenberger and of three-time world champion Ayrton Senna in separate accidents. Other incidents saw driver Rubens Barrichello injured and several mechanics and spectators injured. In terms of driver fatalities, this was Formula One's darkest day since the 1960 Belgian Grand Prix; which was also an event that saw 2 drivers killed on a race weekend.
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