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Author: roy3

[Tempatan] 1MDB Dah muflis, Hutang Siapa Nak Bayar?

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wana89 replied at 23-5-2018 08:11 PM
Betul juga

dlm pelan rasionalisasi 1mdb ada tulis, 100% stake bandar trx akan digunakan utk bayar loan 2016 tu report pac 2016. mof mmg dah ambik alih bandar trx. bila dah bandar trx dah bwh mof, hutang2 yg akn dibayar guna duit trx tu pun akn jd tanggungjawab mof termasuklah payment2 utk projek trx. lge mcm biasa la biat2 terkejut padahal yg ikut kes 1mdb mmg dah sedia maklum 1mdb sekrg dah jadi mcm syt dormant. dah diexplain pun. biasa la penyokong ph ni. nanti 5,6 bulan lg lge buat2 terkejut lg sbb kena mof kena buat lg payment utk 1mdb, penyokong2 pun terkejut la lg sekali. gitu la kitaran hidup diorang rasanya sampa la abg jamil mampus.

p/s : tak blh tepek plan rasionalisasi sbb guna hphone

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 24-5-2018 05:35 AM
dlm pelan rasionalisasi 1mdb ada tulis, 100% stake bandar trx akan digunakan utk bayar loan 2016 t ...

loan 1mdb 2016 - 2039

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orion_pax replied at 23-5-2018 10:00 PM
Apa? Xleh nak bayar? Pastu yang parti lobai puas hati dgn penjelasan si arul ni yang mana pulak?kesi ...

Lobai hanya mampu check sama ada staff 1mdb tutup aurat ke tak. Bab lain tak reti.

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
maghrib2 pakat bukak thread lps tu meroyan mn pergi macai2 najib. lps ni bukak thread tu kasi awal sikit la, ok?

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hzln replied at 23-5-2018 07:57 PM
Maka ketahui lah oleh kamu duhai manusia, yg huruf2 di dalam A.R.U.L itu sama lah jua dgn huruf2 d ...

Taxpayers’ Money Secretly Used To Bailout 1MDB – Here’s Why Snake Oil Salesman Arul Should Be Jailed

Our previous article showed how the disgraced former Prime Minister Najib Razak mismanaged the country and plundered the national coffers to the brink of bankruptcy. After Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad expressed his displeasure, the new Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has confirmed that Malaysia is indeed saddled with over RM1 trillion debts.

One of the tricks deployed by Mr. Najib, who was also the then-finance minister, to hide the reality that RM1 trillion debts had been breached was to exclude the government-guaranteed debts. And 1MDB is a classic example of how government-guaranteed debts were being hidden and wrapped and protected under OSA (Official Secrets Act).

The declassified 1MDB audit report said the scandal-tainted firm had debt commitments totalling RM74.6 billion, inclusive of interest and borrowing costs, from November 2015 to 2039. But the best part of the scandal was reserved for Lim Guan Eng. The finance minister was shocked when he discovered that taxpayers have been bailing out 1MDB since April 2017.

Mr. Lim said – “I have been informed by Deputy Treasury-General Siti Zauyah Mohd Desa that among the most urgent items to be resolved during my first days of office is the payment of interest for 1MDB borrowings. This is because the amount of RM143.75 million is due to be paid by 1MDB on May 30.” Heck, why on earth does the government need to pay for 1MDB’s debt?  

Apparently, under Najib regime, the government had signed a back-to-back guarantee over 1MDB debt. What this means is in case of failure to pay its debt, 1MDB has nothing to worry because the guarantor – Government of Malaysia – would pick up the bill. In essence, taxpayers (that’s you, dude) will have to pay the billions of ringgit of debt accumulated by 1MDB.

So far, it was revealed that the finance ministry, under Najib Razak, had paid RM6.98 billion on behalf of 1MDB. The sum includes payments made to IPIC as part of a settlement agreement amounting to RM5.05 billion. Last year, then-Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Najib Razak reportedly had difficulty paying US$600 million of debt to IPIC.

Flashback – all hell breaks loose after the Malaysian fund (1MDB) defaulted on its bonds in 2016, sparking a dispute with IPIC, which asked a London court to arbitrate a claim totalling some US$6.5 billion. 1MDB claimed initially that it was “confident in its legal position” and had even submitted a “robust” response through legal counsel. Of course, 1MDB failed to prove its innocence.

The long and short of the infamous 1MDB scandal is this. The 1MDB was part of a “Ponzi Scheme“, which is the subject of money-laundering investigations in at least six countries, including the United States, Switzerland and Singapore. When the scheme was discovered and exposed, the bubble burst. It had accumulated debt of more than US$50 billion as of 2016.

The guy who has been running around telling all and sundry that 1MDB was in good health was none other than 1MDB President and CEO Arul “Anaconda” Kanda Kandasamy. The snake oil salesman is now caught with his pants down when Lim Guan Eng has instructed him to brief and clarify if 1MDB is able to pay the RM143.75 million due next week.

Even if Mr. Arul could pay the amount, which is unlikely, another chunk of RM810.21 million worth of interest is due between September and November this year. Of course, the snake oil salesman who is currently barred from leaving the country is nowhere to be seen, let alone speaks out against the bombshell that 1MDB has actually no money at all to pay its debts.

If Najib was guilty of secretly bailing out his “Ponzi Scheme” project by hiding it under “red files”, accessible only to certain parties, Arul was guilty of deceiving and misleading investors and financial markets by lying through his teeth. As far back as 2015, Mr. Arul had lied about the cash in the state investment firm’s BSI Singapore bank account.

He updated the 1MDB Board that the balance of US$939,874,085 had been redeemed and had been held as “cash” since 31st December 2014. On March 11th 2015, Mr. Najib himself confirmed that the remaining US$1.103 billion had already been “redeemed” from Brazen Sky’s alleged off shore fund in the Cayman Islands – stating that it was now being “kept in US currency” at BSI Bank Limited, Singapore.

In reality, not only there was no “CASH”, but documents supplied by 1MDB relating to its Brazen Sky Limited account in Singapore were false bank statements. After exposed by Sarawak Report, Arul Kanda, with his pants down, made a series of retractions before clarified that the assets held by BSI were in the form of “units” instead of “cash”.

Arul conveniently blamed it on “miscommunication”, when he had proudly telling all and sundry that 1MDB owned assets worth RM50 billion versus RM42 billion in liabilities. As it turned out, the so-called US$1.103 billion cash had been pledged to guarantee another loan by Deutsche Bank. Essentially, Arul knew that a new hole was dug to cover another hole of debt.

Snake oil salesman Arul, together with crook Najib, also trumpeted about TRX (Tun Razak Exchange). The Exchange 106 tower will be the tallest tower in Malaysia upon completion in 2018, says them. But after the stunning loss of his boss Najib in the 14th general election, it was revealed that TRX City Sdn Bhd “did not see a single cent” of funding worth US$3 billion (RM11.9 billion) raised in 2013.

The fact remains that since he came on board, not a single 1MDB annual reports has been released. If the company was indeed in the pink of health, there was no compelling reason not to publish its annual reports. Even during the May 9th election campaign, Arul was actively hitting the road, continued to scam and con people that 1MDB scandal was over.

This bald Arul boldly fooled the people that the 1MDB debt problems have been solved. What he didn’t tell the people was that the government has been bailing out the company; diverting taxpayers’ hard-earned money to cover gigantic debts accumulated after the “PonzI Scheme” was discovered, exposed and burst. Arul Kanda “Anaconda” Kandasamy deserves to be jailed, and the keys thrown away.

Finance Twitter
May 23 2018

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 24-5-2018 05:39 AM
Taxpayers’ Money Secretly Used To Bailout 1MDB – Here’s Why Snake Oil Salesman Arul Should Be J ...

ni pun recycle item. gitu la kan kitaran hidup korang. recycle, recycle, terkejut, terkejut

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 24-5-2018 05:42 AM
ni pun recycle item. gitu la kan kitaran hidup korang. recycle, recycle, terkejut, terkejut

Masih lagi delusional Badak? Terimalah hakikat yg 1mdb ni tool utk Najib menyamun kita

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dasar S.O.B!!!!

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macamana hang boleh terima kes 1MDB nie dengan tenang,aman dan tenteram?

pandai ye bang jib buat bisnes letak nama bapak hang guna duit rakyat... apa yang kau fikirkan Penyamun Bugis

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 24-5-2018 05:43 AM
Masih lagi delusional Badak? Terimalah hakikat yg 1mdb ni tool utk Najib menyamun kita

kes tak naik mahkamah lg kak. setakat ni takde bukti false dokumen dpd 1mdb. mcm yg sy bgtau hari tu, kita dah masuk level teknikal kak, bkn level andaian, persepsi lg dah.

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 24-5-2018 05:50 AM
kes tak naik mahkamah lg kak. setakat ni takde bukti false dokumen dpd 1mdb. mcm yg sy bgtau hari  ...

Di Singapore dah masuk Dik...dah kena sumbat pun yg bersekongkol tu...di Malaysia tak masuk lagi dik sbb AG yg nak dakwa si najib dah kena pecat dik...

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Post time 24-5-2018 05:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sub5zero at 24-5-2018 05:54 AM

PETALING JAYA: Former Public Accounts Committee (PAC) member Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir has called on the Government to act against 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) chief executive officer Arul Kanda Kandasamy (pic) and the company's board members for issuing misleading statements to the committee.

In a statement on Wednesday (May 23), the Umno lawmaker said legal action must be taken against all those who made false statements to ensure that the integrity of the PAC and Parliament is preserved.

Abdul Aziz slammed Arul Kanda and the 1MDB board members for not telling the truth during PAC proceedings, stating that it was an "insult" to the committee and the Dewan Rakyat.

"Although I did not expect 1MDB and the Finance Ministry to hide the true facts of the company's financial standing, I am not at all surprised with Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng's revelation that the Government has already paid RM7bil to 'bail out' 1MDB," he said.

As a former PAC member, he requested Lim to inform the rakyat what happened to 1MDB's investment through the Brazen Sky company, which is based in Hong Kong.

"At the time, PAC was told that over USD937mil (RM3.73bil) had been brought back, yet the balance was still in Hong Kong then. Thus, I request the Finance Ministry for certainty regarding the status of 1MDB money at Brazen Sky," said Abdul Aziz.


....Mmg betul2 ular la ini arul....

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2018 10:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade lg yg in denial..bodo gile

AMK gesa beku aset bekas menteri BN
24 Mei 2018, 7:17 pagi (Dikemaskini 24 Mei 2018, 9:36 pagi)

Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) menggesa kerajaan membekukan aset dan harta milik menteri kabinet dan anggota Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) di bawah pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak bagi memastikan tidak berlaku aliran wang keluar atau cubaan membawa lari aset dari dalam negara.

Timbalan Ketua AMK Dr Afif Bahardin berkata ini kerana AMK berpendapat isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) adalah satu kesalahan bersama dan beliau mendakwa setiap menteri kabinet dan angggota Parlimen BN ketika pentadbiran Najib turut sama 'bersubahat' membenarkannya terus berlaku.

"Angkatan Muda Keadilan terkesan dengan pengumuman Menteri Kewangan yang baharu Lim Guan Eng bahawa sejak April 2017, rakyat Malaysia melalui Kementerian Kewangan telah terpaksa membayar hampir RM7 billion bagi melangsaikan pembayaran hutang yang ditinggalkan daripada penyelewengan 1MDB.

"engumuman ini sememangnya telah membenarkan segala dakwaan kami selama ini bahawa regim Umno-BN telah menggunakan dana awam dan secara langsung memaksa rakyat untuk menanggung beban hutang daripada ketirisan dan kebocoran yang diakibatkan oleh pelaksanaan 1MDB,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.

Beliau berkata adalah tidak wajar hanya Najib seorang yang dipertanggungjawabkan kerana setiap anggota kabinet dan anggota Parlimen BN, kecuali mereka yang telah dipecat atau melepaskan jawatan sebagai tanda protes, mempunyai tanggungjawab bersama dalam perkara itu.

"Mereka bukan hanya gagal untuk menghalang perdana menteri tetapi turut meluluskan dan membenarkan jenayah 1MDB untuk terus berlarutan,” katan Dr Afif yang juga Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Seberang Jaya.

- Bernama

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Post time 24-5-2018 10:14 AM | Show all posts
kepala bapak ko stupid

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Post time 24-5-2018 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Edited by pembisikmaut at 24-5-2018 10:36 AM

Sebagai seorang patriot .. akan kusumbangkan minimal RM 1.0 million dengan ikhlas kepada negara ... kemudia juga seluruh hartaku kepada negaraku ...

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2018 11:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Updated:drama bermula...menteri kewangan enggan tandatangan dokumen byr 1mdbhabis laaaa..sp pulak nk bayar

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Post time 24-5-2018 11:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 24-5-2018 05:52 AM
Di Singapore dah masuk Dik...dah kena sumbat pun yg bersekongkol tu...di Malaysia tak masuk lagi d ...

itu 3rd party kak, bkn 1mdb

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Post time 24-5-2018 11:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 24-5-2018 11:06 AM
itu 3rd party kak, bkn 1mdb

Still berkaitan dgn 1mdb....dik jgn delusional...

Still rasa 1mdb ni bisnes halal ke dik?

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Post time 24-5-2018 11:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
resign je la lge dpd jd menteri kewangan kalau tak tau nak cari duit nak buat payment. tak pun pulang balik la trx bg 1mdb tak pun tubayar la lump sum harga trx 12 bilion++ tu bg 1mdb settle hutang dia sendiri kalau dah tak nak sign payment


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