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Author: BuDAk^_^CuTE

Lindsay Lohan..

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Post time 19-6-2004 01:50 AM | Show all posts
haku da tengok da drama queen ngan mean girls
antara dua tuh mean girls lagik besh kot

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cchayok This user has been deleted
Post time 21-6-2004 08:13 AM | Show all posts
kalo korang beli utopia yg latest punye (gambar spiderman kat depan),
nanti korang akan dpt poster 'mean girls' tu
cantik jugak poster dia.

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Post time 5-1-2006 12:18 PM | Show all posts

lindsay lohan...

NEW YORK -- Lindsay Lohan, who was hospitalized in Miami this week for an asthma attack, tells Vanity Fair in an interview that she has dabbled in drugs and battled bulimia.

The 19-year-old actress-pop singer says that following the success of 2004's "Mean Girls, she dabbled in drugs "a little," but quickly adds: "I've gotten that out of my system." The issue hits newsstands Tuesday.

When asked if her drug use included cocaine, Lohan denies it, saying, "I don't want people to think that I've done ... you know what I mean?"

She does, though, more openly discuss last year's drastic weight loss. Lohan acknowledges that she was suffering from bulimia: "I was making myself sick."

Lohan says that before hosting NBC's "Saturday Night Live," Tina Fey and "SNL" executive producer Lorne Michaels sat her down.

"They said, 'You need to take care of yourself. We care about you too much, and we've seen too many people do this, and you're talented,' and I just started bawling," Lohan says. "I knew I had a problem and I couldn't admit it."

"I saw that 'SNL' after I did it," she adds. "My arms were disgusting. I had no arms."

Lohan says she's doing much better: "You have to learn for yourself and you have to hit rock bottom sometimes to get yourself back to the top."

Lohan co-stars in Robert Altman's "A Prairie Home Companion," due in theaters in June. She has been filming "Bobby," directed by Emilio Estevez, about the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.

She's also set to begin shooting "Chapter 27," a film about John Lennon's killer, Mark David Chapman, in two weeks.

Lohan's mother and manager, Dina, told OK! magazine Wednesday, that her daughter was getting better after being hospitalized Monday night for an asthma attack.

I don't think people understand how truly terrifying it is to have an asthma attack," Dina Lohan was quoted as saying. "I'll be taking her home to New York to recuperate."

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Post time 5-1-2006 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Lindsay finally admits being bulimic...

korang baca x kt yahoo entertainment psl lindsay lohan mengaku dia mengalami bulimia dan pernah mengambil dadah?? akhirnya dia mengaku gak dia bulimic. aku rasa good for her la sbb finally she has come to terms with her body's condition. aku rasa mmg patutla dia mintak help drpd muntah setiap kali makan...aku nak tgk gak dia curvaceous balik....bila plak nicole nak mengaku dia bulimic or anorexic??.....she should also get help...

here's that article from yahoo, interview drpd vanity fair terbaru...
Lindsay Lohan got a little more personal in a recent magazine interview.

In a tell-all interview in the latest issue of Vanity Fair, on newsstands Wednesday, the Mean Girls star confesses that she experimented with drugs and struggled with bulimia, the latter to blame for whittling her body down to a skeletal figure that even she found "disgusting."

"I was sick," Lohan said in the interview. "I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.'"

Lohan, who was hospitalized Monday in Miami after suffering a severe asthma attack, also admitted dabbling in drugs, but claimed to have "gotten that out of my system."

When questioned further on her drug use, the actress reportedly became flustered and denied ever having tried cocaine. "I don't want people to think that I've know what I mean? It's kind of a sore subject," Lohan said.

(According to Vanity Fair, Lohan's rep contacted the magazine shortly after the interview in an effort to spike the references to drugs.)

Lohan's admission of her personal issues comes on the heels of a drama-packed year that included a messy divorce battle between her parents, her father's numerous run-ins with the law and subsequent jailing and several driving-related mishaps on her own part.

Just over a year ago, Lohan was hospitalized and treated for extreme stress and exhaustion. Shortly after she was released, she split from her first serious boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama, and her curvy figure began to noticeably diminish in size.

In the Vanity Fair interview, Lohan claimed her relationship ended because she smothered Valderrama until he was basically forced to break up with her, "because I didn't have anyone [else] to go to" with problems.

As for her weight loss, the actress has repeatedly denied in past interviews that she was in the grips of an eating disorder and attributed her extra-slim figure to exercise and diet.

However, Lohan confirmed to Vanity Fair that as recently as May, she was making herself vomit in order to keep her weight down.

"I was making myself sick," the actress said,

The teen queen credited Lorne Michaels for bringing her to the point where she realized was losing control. After Lohan appeared on Saturday Night Live, Michaels staged an intervention, forcing her to take stock of who she had become.

"I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem, and I couldn't admit it," Lohan said.

"I saw that SNL after I did it. My arms were disgusting. I had no arms."

After her Saturday Night Live wakeup call, Lohan got the final push she needed to get her life back on track when an paparazzi picture of her emaciated body clad in a "great whore's dress" appeared in a tabloid.

"I looked at it and was like, 'Jesus Christ,'" the actress said. "My sister, she was scared. My brother called me, crying."

While she's no longer the curvy teen whose figure launched a thousand boob implant rumors, the party-loving star seems to be on the road to recovery.

Lohan rang in 2006 by hosting a New Year's Eve bash at Miami's Prive Nightclub, where she told E! News that her New Year's resolutions included: "do[ing] more charity work" and "tak[ing] more time with my family."

"I'll think of more," Lohan said. "I give myself seven New Year's resolutions, because that's my lucky number."

Perhaps one of the actress' resolutions should be: "Stay healthy."

In two weeks, she is due to begin shooting her latest project, Chapter 27, an indie film centering on Mark David Chapman, John Lennon's assassin.

Lohan plays a fan who befriends Chapman before Lennon's slaying, while her oft-rumored beau, Jared Leto, plays the killer.

Of reports linking her to Leto, Lohan told Vanity Fair, "We're great friends."

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Post time 5-1-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
ni dia cover VF tu...

good for her dia ngaku bulimic + penah jadi cracker head.... blogger

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Post time 5-1-2006 02:32 PM | Show all posts
la..ingatkan asma jek..

hmmm..napalah obses sgt..tembam tembam kan kiut

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Post time 5-1-2006 02:54 PM | Show all posts
isk...badan dia penuh freckles...

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Post time 5-1-2006 04:12 PM | Show all posts
aku suka freckles...tapi byk sgt petanda risk of getting skin cancer...

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Post time 5-1-2006 08:04 PM | Show all posts
badan da sedang2 elok lawa, berisi + sihat walafiat
da sakit ...
tu ler ...... sape suruh
kan kene asma attack .......

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Post time 6-1-2006 08:11 AM | Show all posts
suka tgk dia...berlakon pon beshh....badan pon sedap...cuma cam sayangida kata la...badan dia banyak freckles...:love::love:

p/s; mod...kalu cenggini pon tak dapat kacang ke?? :bodek::bodek:

[ Last edited by halize at 6-1-2006 08:15 AM ]

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Post time 7-1-2006 10:23 PM | Show all posts
tak hairan nanti one day if she undergo for skin treatment.... maybe plastic surgery to hilangkan freckles dia.

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Post time 8-1-2006 01:04 AM | Show all posts
huh... ksian die... simpati aku...
aku tgk berisi jek... x sangke lak...

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Post time 8-1-2006 06:05 PM | Show all posts
dia comel ler..
tapi ada freckles

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Post time 8-1-2006 06:52 PM | Show all posts
dulu masa tgk dia ni belakon masa kecik2...muka dia banyak ni dah takde plak...apa dia buat yek?

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Post time 9-1-2006 02:32 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-1-2006 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kads at 8-1-2006 06:52 PM
dulu masa tgk dia ni belakon masa kecik2...muka dia banyak ni dah takde plak...apa dia buat yek?

erk... cuba ko tengok bebetul cover Vanity Fair yg aku paste kat atas tu... nampak jelas freckels dia... kalau gambar 1st tu sbb dia cover ngan make up tak nampak ler frecklesnyer...

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Post time 9-1-2006 08:30 PM | Show all posts
masa dia kecik pun (dlm the parent trap)
mmg byk bintik bintik tu

takot aku

anyway dlm vc theme song herbie fully loaded tu

pun nampak kering si lindsay neh

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 9-1-2006 10:16 PM | Show all posts
ee..huduh giler body dier..
byk sgt freckles dier tu..

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Post time 9-1-2006 10:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 Duta lover's post

jgn tak tau utk filem herbie tu ada certain scene boobs dia kena edit sbb besau beno + tak sesuai ditonton oleh kanak

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Post time 9-1-2006 11:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 aYuGiLeR's post

uh really?! lol bru me tau arini
anyways, jgn laa si lindsay ni kurus over sngt mcm nicole richie

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