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Post time 9-7-2015 06:25 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Lawyers pan Najib's legal letter to WSJ

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's legal letter to The Wall Street Journal has left lawyers puzzled.

For Lawyers for Liberty executive director Eric Paulsen, it is a "bizarre" document.

"How bizarre asking for clarification. Just read the articles yourselves.

"If you don't understand what was written by WSJ or you have something to hide, in all likelihood, the articles were not defamatory," he tweeted.

Contacted later, Paulsen (photo) said any letter of demand should be clear and to the point.

"For defamation, it must state which parts are defamatory, the meanings attributed, the loss of reputation etc. Here, the lawyers are unclear as to which parts are defamatory," he said.

It was reported that Najib's lawyers from the firm of Hafarizam, Wan Aisha & Mubarak, had today given Dow Jones, the publisher of WSJ, 14 days to confirm the international newspaper's articles that appeared on July 3 and July 6.

"We are instructed by our client to seek confirmation as to whether it is your position, as taken in the articles, that our client misappropriated nearly US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) from 1MDB?

"We are instructed to procure your position because the articles collectively suggest that you are unsure of the 'original source of the money and what happened to the money' whilst on the other hand, the general gist of the articles create a clear impression that our client has misappropriated US$700 million belonging to 1MDB," stated the e-mailed letter.

WSJ had earlier responded saying it stood by the article, while Dow Jones maintained a similar stand as well.

'Every sentence makes me cringe'

Another lawyer Azhar Harun (photo) commented on Facebook this was the first time he found lawyers asking their potential opponent the meaning of what they had published.

"The lawyers are asking their potential opponent the meaning of what they had published before deciding what to do next," he said, adding that almost every sentence made him cringe.

"If I were acting for Dow Jones, I would advise them to reply as follows : Dear lawyers, inability to grasp and/or understand what we had published is not a known or established ground for defamation suits. Thank you," he quipped.

Azhar or better known as Art Harun also joked that he was surprised Najib's lawyers did not ask Dow Jones to produce four trustworthy witnesses to back up their allegations and quote Hadiths and Quranic verses in an obvious reference to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

Hadi had suggested that witnesses be produced to back-up WSJ's claims on Najib, adding that they should be trustworthy and just people.

'Let PR people draft a spin'

Former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim (photo) also tweeted his views on the letter.

Zaid, who previously owned the biggest law firm in the country, said lawyers could write good letters if they are clear what the client wants.

"If the client wants a spin, ask his PR (public relations) guys to do it, not you," he said.

Meanwhile, lawyer Wan Azmir Wan Majid from the firm representing the prime minister said Dow Jones must respond to their letter within 14 days.

"At this moment, the most important issue is WSJ's confirmation with regard to the alleged misappropriation of funds from 1MDB that it claimed our client was involved in," he told Bernama.

Wan Azmir said should Dow Jones fail to respond to the letter within 14 days, the firm would send a letter of demand which it must reply within 14 days.
"Nevertheless, it is for our client to instruct us on the next course of action. What we are doing now is a normal process in any defamation suit," he said.

He said the suit could be filed anywhere, in Malaysia or the United States, depending on convenience.

He explained that three elements must be present in a defamation suit: the words complained of must be defamatory; the words complained of must refer to the plaintiff; and those statements must reach a third party.

"Delivery of the statements to a third party can be made orally or in writing. Because the WSJ's articles are also circulated through their portal or newspaper, this means that the third party that received them is in Malaysia.
"Hence why the action can be filed in Malaysia," he added.

Selangor exco member and lawyer Teng Chang Khim (photo) also expressed surprise.

“If the money did not go to your account, any reasonably competent lawyer will advise you to issue a statement categorically denying it and then issue a letter demanding for apology and in default of which legal action ensues.

“I don't know what happened to you or your lawyer,” he said.
...yang aku heran tu, duit beliyon2 tapi guna loyar murahan.... ...loyar ni menang tender legal services melalui direct award ke?

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Post time 9-7-2015 06:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Bateesta at 9-7-2015 07:36 AM ... zak-kepada-wsj.html

ini jawapannya

Sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal untuk peguam Datuk Seri Najib Razak menghantar surat meminta penjelasan kepada penerbit The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) yang mendakwa AS$700 juta (RM2.67 bilion) dipindahkan ke dalam akaun bank peribadi perdana menteri, kata peguam, sambil mencadangkan ia sekadar satu muslihat untuk melengahkan masa.

Mereka menegaskan, firma guaman yang bertindak bagi pihak pelanggan yang terkilan biasanya akan mula-mula menghantar surat tuntutan kepada penerbit dan kemudian memfailkan saman fitnah jika tidak dibuat penarikan balik dan permohonan maaf.

Peguam berkata surat itu seolah-olah menunjukkan Najib tidak pasti sama ada hendak membawa WSJ ke mahkamah atau tidak kerana mencemarkan reputasinya.

Peguam Fahri Azzat berkata, langkah yang diambil oleh peguam Najib untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan butiran lanjut merupakan satu "prosedur ingin tahu."

"Mereka tidak seperti dalam keadaan bersegera untuk memulakan tindakan saman fitnah terhadap WSJ," kata Fahri.

Peguam itu berkata, artikel yang disiarkan WSJ Jumaat lalu, mengenai sejumlah besar wang yang didepositkan ke dalam akaun bank Najib, berunsur fitnah dan surat tuntutan sepatutnya dihantar kepada penerbit berkenaan.

"Tetapi, akhbar itu menyiarkan keterangan dokumentari semalam untuk menyokong laporannya," katanya.

Fahri mengulas surat yang dihantar firma guaman Tetuan Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak kepada Dow Jones, pemilik WSJ memintanya bertindak balas dalam masa 14 hari menyatakan sama ada Najib menyelewengkan hampir AS$700 juta daripada 1MDB.

"Kami diarahkan anak guam kami (Najib) untuk mendapatkan pengesahan sama ada anda berpendirian, seperti dalam artikel itu, yang pelanggan kami menyelewengkan hampir AS$700 juta daripada 1MDB?

"Kami diarahkan mendapatkan pendirian anda kerana artikel itu secara kolektifnya menunjukkan anda tidak pasti 'sumber asal wang itu dan apa yang berlaku kepada wang itu', tetapi sebaliknya, kandungan umum artikel itu mewujudkan gambaran yang jelas mengatakan pelanggan kami menyalahgunakan AS$700 juta milik 1MDB,"kata surat yang dikirim melalui emel itu," katanya.

Surat itu merujuk kepada 2 artikel bertajuk "Malaysia leader's accounts probed" (Akaun pemimpin Malaysia disiasat) terbitan 2 Julai dan "Scandal in Malaysia" (Skandal di Malaysia) terbitan 6 Julai, kedua-duanya ditulis Simon Clark dan Tom Wright.

Surat itu juga menunjukkan kemungkinan kedua-dua penerbitan dan penulis akan didakwa.

"Sila maklumkan kepada kami sama ada anda melantik peguam di Malaysia untuk menerima penyampaian prosiding undang-undang bagi pihak anda dan bagi pihak wartawan yang menulis artikel itu jika prosiding undang-undang perlu diadakan," kata surat itu.

Peguam New Sin Yew berkata peguam yang layak menentukan sama ada sesuatu penerbitan itu berunsur fitnah atau sebaliknya.

"Ia bukan perkara biasa bagi peguam untuk mendapatkan penjelasan sebelum membuat keputusan memfailkan tuntutan di mahkamah. Hanya baca artikel itu dan putuskan sama ada perdana menteri difitnah atau tidak," katanya.

New berkata, surat kepada WSJ itu sama seperti meminta penerbit berkenaan membantu dalam membuat keputusan sama ada untuk memulakan tindakan undang-undang atau tidak.

"Ini satu surat yang pelik dan ia mendedahkan perdana menteri tidak pasti dengan pendiriannya," katanya.

Peguam N Surendran berkata, dakwaan terhadap Najib jelas iaitu sejumlah besar wang dipindahkan ke dalam akaun peribadinya.

"Tiada apa lagi untuk dijelaskan. Peguam beliau hanya perlu senaraikan permintaan mereka dalam surat tuntutan, termasuk satu aku janji yang WSJ tidak akan mengulangi dakwaan itu," katanya.

Katanya, langkah berikutnya ialah memfailkan saman jika tuntutan tidak dipenuhi.

Surendran berkata, beliau percaya WSJ akan mencabar sebarang tindakan saman oleh Najib di Malaysia atau di mana-mana bidang kuasa lain kerana akhbar itu berdiri teguh di belakang penulisannya, mengatakan ia berdasarkan bukti yang kukuh.

Khamis lepas, WSJ mendakwa sehingga AS$700 juta dipindahkan ke akaun peribadi Najib dengan AmPrivate Bank, sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Najib bagaimanapun berkata, beliau tidak pernah mengambil sebarang dana daripada 1MDB untuk kepentingan peribadi dan menyalahkan laporan terkini itu kepada bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, yang beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini sering menggesa Najib meletak jawatan.

Dokumen itu, menurut WSJ diperoleh daripada "siasatan kerajaan Malaysia," termasuk borang permohonan kiriman wang, surat kuasa deposit wang tunai dan carta yang menggariskan aliran wang.

Dalam borang itu, butiran pembayaran disenaraikan sebagai pemindahan dana untuk "program CSR" (tanggungjawab sosial korporat).


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 Author| Post time 9-7-2015 06:57 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 9-7-2015 06:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Najib is digging his own grave with c4 in his hand....

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:21 AM | Show all posts
Haahaaa...ada troll lg x ..blehla buat bhn bacaan raya2 ni boring duk umah kan...nak blik kampung duit x cukup...

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan setakat jadi bahan lawak kat lawyer2 jerk,  tapi dah jadi bahan lawak kat acik2 kerani gomen tudung paritdah....

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:27 AM | Show all posts
pelik kenapa najib pilih loyar caprut ni..
padahal ada berlambak loyar lain

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2015 07:34 AM | Show all posts
atira replied at 9-7-2015 07:27 AM
pelik kenapa najib pilih loyar caprut ni..
padahal ada berlambak loyar lain

ada orang kata, loyar ni kak mah yang rekomen...
sebab sepupu dia beli rumah kat kajang hari tu guna loyar ni..
OK...kata dia, duit loan bank keluar tak lah lambat sangat...

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Loyar tak terkenal pulak handle kes ni..apa ni bang jib..jgn lah bagi malu malaysia ni.. @PenyokongNajib apa hujah anda pula kali ni?

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:46 AM | Show all posts
zeed replied at 9-7-2015 07:40 AM
Loyar tak terkenal pulak handle kes ni..apa ni bang jib..jgn lah bagi malu malaysia ni.. @PenyokongN ...

loyar ni terkenal laaa...
dia yg dok skodeng si wan jijah tu datang haid ke idak..


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Post time 9-7-2015 07:50 AM | Show all posts
depa ingat WSL ni bosnya org perancis, x pandai inggeris

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:57 AM | Show all posts
zeed replied at 9-7-2015 07:40 AM
Loyar tak terkenal pulak handle kes ni..apa ni bang jib..jgn lah bagi malu malaysia ni.. @PenyokongN ...

toksah la seru dia...jpgi dia spin smua habis kalah puting beliung...x menjawab soklan..

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:57 AM | Show all posts
Bateesta replied at 9-7-2015 06:48 AM ... zak-kepada-wsj.html

ini jawapannya

tunjuklah acc dan buku bank PM baru org caya....

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Post time 9-7-2015 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Najib bagaimanapun berkata, beliau tidak pernah mengambil sebarang dana daripada 1MDB untuk kepentingan peribadi dan menyalahkan laporan terkini itu kepada bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, yang beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini sering menggesa Najib meletak jawatan.

tak kisah le ada amik ke tak dana tu...cuma nak tau betul tak ada transaction seperti jumlah yg di claimed oleh WSJ tu mengalir ke dalam akaun mu wahai jibby? jwb jgn tak jwb

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Post time 9-7-2015 08:00 AM | Show all posts
awat hire lowyer caprut ... pasai lowyer yang terkenal pun takut dan tak bernai nak handle dan manage case nie ... kowwwttt

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Post time 9-7-2015 08:01 AM | Show all posts
atira replied at 9-7-2015 07:46 AM
loyar ni terkenal laaa...
dia yg dok skodeng si wan jijah tu datang haid ke idak..



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Post time 9-7-2015 08:03 AM | Show all posts
Simunggu replied at 9-7-2015 07:57 AM
tunjuklah acc dan buku bank PM baru org caya....

x yah tgk pun dah tau si najib punya

cuma alasan cerdik najib BUKAN DIA GUNA DUIT tu

cuma duit tu masuk dlm akaun peribadi dia je, so apa salah dia


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Post time 9-7-2015 08:05 AM | Show all posts
bahan lawak di kalangan
macai je


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Post time 9-7-2015 08:06 AM | Show all posts
None of the bank accounts frozen belonged to the Prime Minister: AG


PUTRAJAYA: None of the six bank accounts ordered frozen on Monday in the on-going probe into allegations of financial discrepancies in 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) accounts belonged to the prime minister.

Expressing his concern, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail stressed yesterday the need to protect the integrity of the investigations. In a statement, Gani called for a full investigation into the leaking of documents to the media.

He added that the purported documents disclosed in the Wall Street Journal article, “Malaysia orders freeze of accounts tied to probe of alleged transfers to Prime Minister Najib”, dated Tuesday, were the subject matter of an investigation. “This was not a question of whistle-blowing because the matter is already under investigation. A further concern was that the documents were allegedly leaked from within the investigation itself.

“I would not hesitate to prosecute any person found to have leaked confidential investigation-related information as it is a criminal offence under section 133 of the Financial Services Act 2013 and section 145 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

“This includes any person who has access to any document or information relating to the affairs or account of any customer of a financial institution, including the financial institution or any person who is or has been a director, officer or agent of the financial institution, to disclose to another person any document or information relating to the affairs or account of any customer of the financial institution,” he said.

Gani added that the concern was shared by Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed.

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Post time 9-7-2015 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
itu macam ka??hihihihi

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