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Sejauh mana Pengetahuan+Kepercayaan Anda tentang Kewujudan the Iluminati?

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Post time 4-5-2016 09:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by manjalara_01 at 4-5-2016 09:50 PM

Salam semua...

Manja rasa mesti ramai antara forumers cari yg tahu tentang the illuminati ni.But just for fun kite buat poll ..Mati2 ingatkan lagu ni psl friendship

Occult and Prophetic Messages in Rihanna’s Umbrella
Warning: the analysis of this song deals with disturbing subject matters.
What is Rihanna’s Umbrella song about? First times I’ve heard this song,   I was confused. Is it about a woman’s unconditional friendship for her man? Is it a “sexy song”? At face value, it seems so. However, if you listen closely to Rihanna and Jay-Z’s words, you might notice that the lyrics do not make any sense. The vocabulary used in this song is not about a relationship between two lovers. The fact is, Umbrella is about a subject matter that is sinister, dark and disturbing: becoming possessed by evil.

What does “under my umbrella” mean?
In a nutshell, the song talks about a storm that’s about to take place and Rihanna offers her loved one protection under her umbrella. In this song, “You can stand under my umbrella” can have a sexual connotation but it mostly means “You can be under my protection”. When you are under something’s protection, this something has more power than you regarding your own security. You depend on it. It has control over you. IT possesses you. The song is not about love between woman and man, it’s about being protected. It is not an equal relationship. The one that protects basically owns the person that is protected.
Jay-Z’s  verse

So the song starts off with a verse of rapper Jay-Z. He plays the role of someone that has already been possessed and already “under the umbrella” of the Devil. Here’s his verse:
No clouds in my stones
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella
We fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better, You know me,
an anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?

No clouds in my stones
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones”

So the “storm” is in fact related to the economy and the financial world. “Coming down with the Dow Jones” reflects this situation. The Dow Jones is the main indicator of the health of the stock market. If it plummets, we can talk about a market crash. You’ll notice that the whole song has a pessimistic outlook concerning the future.  Jay-Z is saying “Let it rain”, he doesn’t care about the financial crisis,  he “hydroplanes in the bank”.  In other words, while the bank is being flooded by this storm and people are drowning in it, he’s above the water and  surviving the crisis.
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella

In other words, when the financial crisis will occur, we won’t be here to suffer through it. “Rocafella” is the name of Jay-Z’s record label. It also refers to John D. Rockefeller and his family, the biggest industrialists in American History and huge actors in the formation of the social-economic world we’re currently living in. Many historians claim the Rockefellers have engineered the crash of 1929 to be able to obtain a stronghold on America’s banking system. Congressman Charles A. Lindberg Sr. accurately proclaimed in 1930:

“From now on depressions will be scientifically created.”
We fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better, You know me,

“We fly higher than the weather” means that Jay-Z cannot be affected by the financial crisis because he is above the problem. He enjoys a protection that makes him invulnerable to the storm. The fact that he says “WE fly higher than the weather” implies that a select few can have the same kind of privileges he has. G5 is a kind of private jet so he will live in luxury even when the crisis strikes the rest of the world.
an anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay-Z says here that he was expecting this major crisis (the precipitation) and so he has prepared financially to face it. Seems like he had prior knowledge of the events that would occur in the future. Is he talking about the recession that is happening now?
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?

Jay aka “Rain Man”. He has been possessed by the Devil, contrarily to Rihanna, who he calls “little Ms. Sunshine”. Rihanna is the good girl. Jay-Z is already bad and he is asking Rihanna to join him.
So Jay-Z lyrics have NOTHING to do with love, friendship or any type of relationship. His lyrics are saying that he is part of the “chosen”, the elite, the secret group that cannot be harmed by the trials and tribulations of the “small people”. Even if there’s a major crisis, he’s associated with the very people that make those crisis happen, so he won’t be affected. This group however bows down and worships evil. If Rihanna wants to be part of them, she has to do the same.
Rihanna’s lyrics
You have my heart
And we’ll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you’ll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can’t see shiny cars
And that’s when you need me there
With you I’ll always share
Rihanna sings this part, but it is actually the Devil talking to Rihanna. He is “sweet-talking” her so she can accept the idea of the Devil entering her body. Here’s how we can translate the lyrics.
I love you
Even if I’m not from your world, I’ll never be far from you
You may be famous and in magazines
But you’ll always be MY star, nobody else’s
Because when you won’t be successful anymore
When you won’t be able to buy shiny cars and material things
That’s when you’ll need my protection
With you I’ll always share my riches

So the Devil is offering Rihanna a lifetime of riches and luxury, even when she’ll lose her popularity and stop generating money from her singing carreer. Tempting isn’t it?
When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be your friend
Took an oath I’ma stick it out till the end
Now it’s raining more than ever
But we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

When you shine from your success, we both profit from it
I will always be part of you
I will always be on your side
I promised you I would protect you and I will do it as long as necessary
Now the financial crisis is afflicting the world
But I’m still here with you
You can be under my protection
You can be under my protection
What’s up with the Ella Ella eh’s? It sounds catchy doesn’t it? The repetitive and hypnotic rhythm of this chant makes it very reminiscent of magical spells, conjurations or summons.
p/s: ade lagi sambungan...klik sini kalau nak bc lebih lanjut...

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Post time 5-5-2016 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iluminati ni katanya suatu agensi yg berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan peradaban manusia.

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2016 12:21 PM | Show all posts
barfi replied at 5-5-2016 12:59 AM
Iluminati ni katanya suatu agensi yg berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan peradaban manusia.

kalau kite pk kan..setiap perbuatan jahat tu slalunye bersebab...
org yg buat jahat tu slalunye akan dpt sesuatu  dari kejahatan yg dilakukan.....
cth..merompak, rasuah...etc...

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Post time 5-5-2016 12:39 PM | Show all posts
illuminati ni dalangnya adalah iblis

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2016 01:08 PM | Show all posts
unoryah replied at 5-5-2016 12:39 PM
illuminati ni dalangnya adalah iblis

part yg paling x best bile google sejarah iluminati malaysia...

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Post time 6-5-2016 11:44 AM | Show all posts
another bullshit form conspirashit theory..............

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Post time 7-5-2016 08:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
barfi replied at 4-5-2016 04:59 PM
Iluminati ni katanya suatu agensi yg berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan peradaban manusia.

illuminati ni cuma satu organization yang beberapa kerat je orang dia. diorang ni ikut kepercayaan aku akan bergabung dengan Negara besar China. . soalan kat sini kenapa China?

1) China negara miskin.penduduk ramai.
2) hasil negara China dulu dah di rompak oleh british dan negara barat lain.
3) Bangsa China merupakan bangsa yang sangat rajin especialy bila bab duit.dan keuntungan. Mereka boleh bekerja 365 non stop.
4)Aku x pasti majoriti umat China beragama apa. kat sana christian dan muslim minoriti kan?

Apa bukti statrment ?

1) jutawan yang teramai di dunia datang dari China.
2) china ada technology buat telur dan beras tiruan
3)Negara china tgh nak claim laut china selatan dan pulau spratly.
4) dalam movie 2012,"kapal nabi nuh" yang dalan citer tu di buat di mana? china kan?
5) orang kaya dari nnegara china sibuk membeli tanah tanah di luar negara.

6) perasan tak negara China 99% takde isu dengan Israel atau dengan Yahudi?
maksud aku diorang boleh berniaga. atau kahwin dengan kaum yahudi /israel?
orang kristian dan muslim mmg ada konflik dengan yahudi / israel ni.

7) markzukerberg pengasas facebook kahwin dengan ethnic mana? ce google.

aku percaya china akan menjadi kuasa hebat mengatasi Jepun dan US . Bila China akan menjadi kuasa hebat?

1) China dapat pegang telaga minyak.

2) hasil bumi di nusantara melayu dan negara islam lain dah kering kontang.

3) ada alternatif selain minyak , getah, yang boleh di cipta oleh China sendiri.

bende bende ni tak akan berlaku sekiranya tiada orang menurunkan ilmu pada mereka.  Siapa orang orang ini?



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Post time 8-5-2016 09:34 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk cite minions adaler.

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Post time 9-5-2016 01:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Illuminati ada office kat penang dah lama dah..

illuminati ni ahli dia pure yahudi yang sembah iblis..lepas tu ahli ni recruit ahli bawahan(boneka)(orang berpengaruh) contoh artis, para pemimpin dan sebagainya untuk sebarkan dakyah mereka kepada penduduk bumi..itu la yang timbul sign2 piramid, mata satu, dan sebagainya dalam mtv, iklan bahkan dalam kartun spongebob pun ada..contoh di atas dalam bentuk lirik lagu..kalau dikaji memang tak habis dan buat bulu roma meremang..

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2016 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-5-2016 11:21 AM
Amandaa replied at 9-5-2016 01:23 AM
Illuminati ada office kat penang dah lama dah..

illuminati ni ahli dia pure yahudi yang sembah ib ...

yg i x sedap hati ni...die org la org yg paling berkuasa kat dunia ni...
sbb jadikan org2 kuat US sbg puppet family rotchild banker terkaya & paling berkuasa..
memiliki 50% kekayaan amerika ke dunia?....menguasa ekonomi+politik..amerika...

yg paling membimbangkan die org  ni la yg dalang disebalik WW1+WW2 & mostlikely WW3....duit punye psl they all sanggup...
jadi dalang & kaut juta2....billion2...??......
dlm buku2 sejarah mmg x disebut...

& org yahudi illuminati ni jgk la yg cipta ideologi demokrasi+kapitalis+komunis...
kite pulak negara yg dijajah dulu...pun terikut2 la..ideologi die org ni yg sebenarnye x adil...
baru discover Unilever rotchschild rupenye...patut bile check shampoo conditioner yg jenama unilever ni xde cap halal...

kan..u?...x silap manja sejak british tibe kat tanah melayu lagi illuminati ni dh mula berusaha nak menapak kat malaysia...
pd i...pengaruh hiburan tu x kuat mana banding dgn pengaruh massa/news yg propa or fake..

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Post time 9-5-2016 02:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2016 11:00 AM
yg i x sedap hati ni...die org la org yg paling berkuasa kat dunia ni...
sbb jadikan org2 kuat US ...

Betul tu negara Malaysia pun illuminati pegang..

sebenarnya hidup kita semua sudah dikawal oleh illuminati..antara sedar dan tak je..

dari bab makanan, kerja, cara hidup, pendidikan, kewangan, macam2 lagi la..

tt sudah tengok documentari the arrival? Mengenai illuminati..meremang bulu roma bila saya tengok dahulu..

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Post time 9-5-2016 03:57 PM | Show all posts
X pasti nak percaya atau x.

Yang pasti bagi aku, teori konspirasi akan pasti menjadi fakta konspirasi. Hanya masa sahaja yang menentukannya.

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2016 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-5-2016 05:26 PM
Amandaa replied at 9-5-2016 02:57 PM
Betul tu negara Malaysia pun illuminati pegang..

sebenarnya hidup kita semua sudah d ...

yea ke?....mana u dpt info ni?....
kenapa i rs mcm terkejut tp mcm x terkejut pun yea..

i x reti bab2 banking sistem ni ape yg i tahu..1 day nnt bank dekat US x dpt menampung hutang...yg terlalu byk...
dari situ la akan bermulanye kejatuhan ekonomi yg sgt dahsyat to the point darurat, huru hara sampai org sanggup berbunuhan utk dptkan makanan...
mula2 bile i tgk youtube psl golongan preppers ni i ingatkan org US ni paranoid sgt ...then after i cube paham..kan situasi tu..
i was thinking...ya..actually mmg bijak la die org bersiap sedia...kan diri..

bukan nak kata like keadaan cuaca yg x menentu...bencana alam..kat sana kan mcm2 huricane etc...
so bile dh alami pengalaman buruk mcm tu..dari situ la die org belajar utk bersiap sedia...

hari tu i ade tgh ceramah Ustaz Kazim..he allz..kata..US ni senang2 bleh bom iraq, afghanistan..
bukan sbb zionis ni hebat sgt, sbb pemimpin rakyat berpecah belah...bile jadi gini..senang la musuh nak masuk...(back to kira..yea x?..)
tp yg sedih saudi takut sgt dgn US ni..cer tgk North Korea..Cuba..x gentar pun dgn US....
p/s: no i blum tgk the arrival..dh few days ni i dh stop tgk..psl NWO ke etc..sbb mmg scary u.....


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2016 05:28 PM | Show all posts
insulin replied at 9-5-2016 03:57 PM
X pasti nak percaya atau x.

Yang pasti bagi aku, teori konspirasi akan pasti menjadi fakta konspi ...

pd manja la kan..sometimes u don't need to believe..but what is more important is to be aware....cewah...


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Post time 10-5-2016 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2016 05:24 PM
yea ke?....mana u dpt info ni?....
kenapa i rs mcm terkejut tp mcm x terkejut pun yea..

Negara arab tu selfish..nak jaga diri sendiri, harta kekayaan mereka je..mereka memang kaum sebegitu sejak azali lagi..walaupun beragama Islam..

saya tengok di youtube dokumentari tu..memang insaf..menangis saya dibuatnya..betul skeri terlampau awak..nanti dah hilang skeri tu tengok tau..saya tak pasti ada lagi atau tidak..semua ada 53 episod tak silap saya..

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2016 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Amandaa replied at 10-5-2016 06:01 PM
Negara arab tu selfish..nak jaga diri sendiri, harta kekayaan mereka je..mereka memang kaum sebegi ...

tu la pasal....

byknye episods...x tau lagi bile nak tgk the arrivals tu...
ambik masa jgk nak ilangkan trauma........

u tau x...i cuber la google...preppers malaysia...mana tau kan..ade yg follow footsteps...kokesen..US...jadi preppers..
rupe2nye ade..walaupun hanye segelintir...masalahnye..nak jadi preppers ni kena ade duit extra...nak stock makanan, air, ubat-ubatan
buat bunker bawah tanah bagai...all needs money...dari segi skills pulak..kalau yg dah minat
1- camping/hiking/outdoor activities
2- pandai masak
3- minat cucuk tanam...
4- suke/ade kemahiran first aid/ade latar belakang..berkenaan perubatan like nurse etc...
5- ade kemahiran self-defence/ketenteraan etc....
6- ade kemahiran electrical engineer, pandai buat rumah,...toilet..

semua kemahiran/pengetahuan ni is priceless..dlm situasi...darurat+kecemasan....

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Post time 15-5-2016 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 10-5-2016 06:28 PM
tu la pasal....

byknye episods...x tau lagi bile nak tgk the arrivals tu...

Memang berangan nak jadi prepper tapi tak mampu.. kalau lah terjadi apa2..memang tak dapat lah selamatkan diri..mati katak je..

manja ada buat apa2 persediaan ke?..korek kubu bawah tanah ke..bercucuk tanam ke..pile up stock makanan ke?

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Post time 15-5-2016 02:57 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2016 05:24 PM
yea ke?....mana u dpt info ni?....
kenapa i rs mcm terkejut tp mcm x terkejut pun yea..

di arab saudick istana illuminati / freemasons (kingdom palace) ada dibina di atas bukit..local panggil istana dajjal....bangunan ni dibina diluar madinah dan jaraknya hanya 7km dari masjid rasulullah saw....raja saudick penaung iluminati di mid east..tgk ajelah simbol mata satu bersepah2 di sana.. kingdom tower yg menyerupai saurun tower another symbol ....

tgk video bawah ni...blardy saudick kingdom...


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Post time 15-5-2016 02:57 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2016 05:24 PM
yea ke?....mana u dpt info ni?....
kenapa i rs mcm terkejut tp mcm x terkejut pun yea..

di arab saudick istana illuminati / freemasons (kingdom palace) ada dibina di atas bukit..local panggil istana dajjal....bangunan ni dibina diluar madinah dan jaraknya hanya 7km dari masjid rasulullah saw....raja saudick penaung iluminati di mid east..tgk ajelah simbol mata satu bersepah2 di sana.. kingdom tower yg menyerupai saurun tower another symbol ....

tgk video bawah ni...blardy saudick kingdom...


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Post time 16-5-2016 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Percaya ke tidak, diorang terus bergerak. Sakit otak je mikir pasal diorang. Elok pikir camne nak bangunkan umat kita.

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