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OBESITY: ask your questions here..
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I jaga Obesity Clinic... now ni I buat research dalam obesity; if u ada questions, i try lah jawap sebaik mungkin InsyaAllah Last edited by ipes2 on 24-9-2014 08:50 PM
obesity dan metebolisme berkait rapat.. hehehe..
aku ske observe and study pola pemakanan masyarakat Malaysia especially orang melayu.. terlalu banyak makanan berasaskan goreng.. compare ngan kaum cina yang rata-rata makan makanan stim.. pada pemerhatian u doc, kaum mana yang paling tinggi masalah obesiti nie? |
storyboard posted on 24-9-2014 09:35 PM
obesity dan metebolisme berkait rapat.. hehehe..
aku ske observe and study pola pemakanan masyara ...
goreng ni depend lah apa minyak yg kita pakai..
if pakai saturated fat (palm oil and coconut oil cam kat mesia), maka ini adalah amat tak healthy.
risiko utk cardiovascular (CV) diseases ni is high.
if goreng guna olive oil (polyunsaturated fat), maka ini jauh lebih helathy... and mahal ha ha
sunflower oil pun ok gak, and taklah semahal olive oil.
overall, i believe chinese food esp sebab depa pakai byk sayur, maka they are healthier. HOWEVER, byk jugak chinese food yg tak elok dari segi lain.
summary: if u nak goreng, goreng guna unsaturated fat. |
memang olive oil a.k.a minyak zaitun tu terbaik tapi like u say.. rega tak tahan.. lagi satu, penyumbang kepada obesiti adalah cara hidup sihat.. kesedaran tentang senaman masih rendah pada masyarakat kita. aku selalu jog nad mostly majoriti yang jog or buat other cardio warga veteran.. hehehe..
nak tanya doc, kebanyakkan kes obesiti ni sebab faktor genetic ke? sebab kalau tengok parent dia badan besar, anak2 mesti ikut punya.. |
ipes2 posted on 24-9-2014 10:45 PM
goreng ni depend lah apa minyak yg kita pakai..
if pakai saturated fat (palm oil and coconut oil ...
Is it mean yg sunflower oil tu healthy?cmne plak ng canola oil?adakah both oil ni unsaturated fat?
Last edited by miz_hanne on 25-9-2014 01:46 AM
storyboard posted on 24-9-2014 11:48 PM
memang olive oil a.k.a minyak zaitun tu terbaik tapi like u say.. rega tak tahan.. lagi satu, penyu ...
Agak mahal u boleh la guna mcm nak grng sayur ke..msk nasi grng ke..sbb anak2 cousin i jenis suka nasi grng, bihun grng etc..then,she use olive oil..sbb nak tumis tu xdela byk klau u prefer sayur rebus2 lg bagus..
i have no problem makan makanan rebus.. infact itu yang i perlukan memandangkan sekarang nie tengah focus main gym.. ada buat survey rega olive oil. memang mahal compare untuk kegunaan harian.. tapi Insya-Allah, perlahan-lahan akan beralih ke minyak zaitun. Macam mana pula dengan minyak jagung? adakah khasiatnya setanding atau at least better than palm oil? |
storyboard posted on 24-9-2014 11:48 PM
memang olive oil a.k.a minyak zaitun tu terbaik tapi like u say.. rega tak tahan.. lagi satu, penyu ...
Betul; kita kurang faham tentang lifestyle modification.
Jogging is very good for cardiovascular (CV) health.
However, jogging is not great for losing weight.
1) it uses alot of calories, so much so that u jadi lapar after jogging, and you makan balik sama banyak dgn u bakar
2) obese persons cause alot of hentakan across their knees, hips and ankle joints and can cause alot of joint problems when they jog.
3) the foot arch will be very strained setiap kali your foot strikes the ground, impacting huge amount of stress across the arches.
No, tak semua obesity is genetic. Byk parents yg gemuk anak pun gemuk sebab food yg depa prepare for them (yg menyebabkan mereka gemuk) juga dimakan oleh anak anak mereka. Research have shown twins yg terpisah, and twin studies in eg Sweden, have shown each twin can be different depends on their lifestyle and their diet; those with poor diet would be obese |
sejak bila ada klinik obesiti |
miz_hanne posted on 25-9-2014 01:45 AM
Is it mean yg sunflower oil tu healthy?cmne plak ng canola oil?adakah both oil ni unsaturated fat? ...
yes, sunflower oil memang unsaturated fat punya oil; better lah for CV health.
yes Canola oil pon; canola oil ni dibuat dari rapeseed...if u naik train kat uk tu, kekadang u tgk padang kuning sejauh mata memandang..this is the rapeseed nyer growing fields. also, it has alot of omega-3 oil, which is very good for health |
ipes2 posted on 25-9-2014 02:52 AM
yes, sunflower oil memang unsaturated fat punya oil; better lah for CV health.
yes Canola oil p ...
So,which one is better?canola or sunflower oil?
miz_hanne posted on 25-9-2014 02:57 AM
So,which one is better?canola or sunflower oil?
both are low in saturated fats, and both have unsaturated fats in them, be it mono- or poly-.
as to which one you should choose, its up to you; both are healthy.
i'd go with Canoli, sebab ada omega-3, but that is just an opinion, and i do not say this in my capacity as a medical doctor, only as a comsumer.
to any sellers of above products, i want to stress again that i am a consumer also, so i have the right to cakap apa yg i lebih suka. Last edited by ipes2 on 25-9-2014 03:19 AM
CiliPadiSedap posted on 25-9-2014 02:43 AM
sejak bila ada klinik obesiti
its been runing since 2002; it is part of the Endocrine Department; it belongs to the Irish Goverment; only 2 in the Rep of Ireland.
A few more in the UK; alot more Obesity Department in the US. In Malaysia i dont know, i never worked there. |
Adik I dr kecik da obese. tp msh ok lg tahap keshatan dia. Bla buat med check up pn dr surprise.
Ada nashat x untk trunkn berat bdan dia. Cket pn xpe asalkn dia kekal sht |
storyboard posted on 25-9-2014 02:21 AM
i have no problem makan makanan rebus.. infact itu yang i perlukan memandangkan sekarang nie tengah ...
hmmm minyak jagung ek? hmm corn oil. ni i tak familiar.. i kene do some reading on this. eh, u all jgn byk sgt baca all these Fad pages tau, nnt jadi confused. also, boleh la belajar dari wiki ke ape, tapi ilmu yg tak berguru semacam tu tak elok utk di ajarkan. selingan..sorry!
palm oil memang tak elok utk CV. this is well known. however, it is really cheap n therefore di SEA memang byk diguna sbg minyak masak. bahay sebenarnya ni utk cholesterol u; habis cholesterol profile u rosak because of this (Total Chol, TG, HDL, LDL). |
ijannaruto posted on 25-9-2014 03:22 AM
Adik I dr kecik da obese. tp msh ok lg tahap keshatan dia. Bla buat med check up pn dr surprise.
childhod obesity ni memang dah menjadi jadi issue nyer.
semua producers of fast food and soft drinks kena hentam di sini.
soon, they will produce Sugar Tax; mana mana makanan yg high in sugar, akan di tax more; mana mana iklan fast food yg seemingly targetting children, they will be banned.
kita masa kecik petang petang main bola; budak sekarang main laptop, tablet, smartphone games.
dalam sepetang, berapa banyak dah beza calories yg depa simpan; dalam seminggu dah 7 kali ganda. dalam setahun??
also, food nowadays are processed, tak cam dulu. send your wafers to the food lab, suruh depa breakdown apa chemicals dalam tu.. banding kn dgn kita yg di masa kecik dulu makan mangga..
advice: kids should play out more, on the fields. makanan: bagi lah yg tak processed. |
ijannaruto, doctor adik u kene check his blood sugars, his cholesterol his cortisol his TFT..penting kot kot ada masalah endocrinology causing that. if takde, then pemakanan or lacking activities.
apa apa pun, rule out Medical causes dulu.
if he is obese and sehat now, I can promise you that he wont be sehat in adulthood. sorry, but this is the clinical reality. |
Yes. Dlu dia ada jumpa dr pakar. Mak I nurse and she really concern.
Memang mslh endocrine menurut dr. And guess what, cube diet pn da gagal.
So,mcm mana nak buat? Ada pelan permakanan yg jitu
Btw,dia da 20 tahun:-) |
hehe.. u remind me on those days... betul tu.. kanak-kanak sekarang manja dengan gadgets.. 24 jam dok ngadap tabs la, smartphones la.. result? sosial life 'koyak'.. plus makan lak processed foods. Dulu-dulu, kita dibesarkan dengan ikan segar, makan sayur, makan buah petik dari pokok.. la ni, semua frozen punya..
dulu-dulu, parents marah bila kita curi-curi keluar nak bermain.. nowadays, kita sebagai parents marah bila anak-anak tak nak keluar bermain.. dah terbalik pulak
thanks for the reminder.. dah kena start ubah rutin anak-anak nie..
ipes2 posted on 25-9-2014 03:15 AM
its been runing since 2002; it is part of the Endocrine Department; it belongs to the Irish Goverm ...
pk kt malaysia penat je akak google maps |
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