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macadamianut This user has been deleted
nak pergi venice italy any tips friends?
[ Last edited by chumpon at 8-12-2007 03:15 PM ] |
waa bes nyer... puteri plan nak g next year.. nanti dah pergi share ya your experience. |
What kind of tips do u want? I went to Venice last year. It was indeed such a beautiful and romantic place. I spent 3 days there.
When in Venice, most importantly, u have to get ur bearings right. Sbbnye, jalan dia looks the same everywhere u go. U'll get lost easily. Make sure u mark important landmarks. If u ada peta pun, er, it can be pretty confusing jugak. Trust me.
In summer, the hotels(3 star) are about EU120 per night. Oh yes, u pi Venice je ke? Apa2 pun, make sure u bring light/small luggages. Sbb u nak angkat bag tu naik ke hotel. Unless diaorg ada elevator/bellboy. Sometimes, tangga je and the steps are quite steep. Lagi satu, to get to Venice, u kena naik water taxi. So, kalau bag besar2, susah la sket nak handle.
If u nak naik gondola(just for the experience), u naik yang short one je. The ride will be about half a hour and the price is about EU70/80. Itu pun dah OK coz they don't skip the important attractions, i.e.,the MarcoPolo house. Oh yes, naik petang2 sket(almost sunset) coz the scenery lagi cantik. Nak ambik gambar pun terang lagik.
If u think the gondola ride is a bit expensive, u can take the water taxi. Yang tu, u can buy per day ticket, or point to point. Tapi route dia lain la ngan gondola nye route. But OK la if you are on a budget kan. Still cantik scenery dia.
Malam, u go to the Piazza. Situ dorang main music(siap lawan2 among the restaurants) and boleh la u have romantic dinner sekali. Siang, dorang jual souvenirs. Usually, if pi Venice, orang beli the gondola and the mask tuh.
Oh yes, malam2 ada orang jual macam2 handbags, i.e Gucci, Tods, LV, etc. Imitation of course. Yang lawak tu, dorang jual bag Gucci, dpn Gucci nye boutique. Hehe! Yang tu, u can get about EU20 for one handbag. Kalau dah tgh malam sgt, u try la bargain for cheaper price. If u're lucky, mmg dapat murah. If u want the original (since u are already in Italy kan), masuk je la mana2 boutique.
Situ ada museums, tapi I tak pi. Tak cukup masa. Hehe!
Hmm..apa lagi ye? Dah lupa lah. But Venice is more for couples. U seldom see kids running around. If u bawak kids, er, I'm not sure they'll enjoy it as much as u do.
Tu je la for now. If later I ingat lagi, I let u know. Bila nak pi ni? Have fun ya? |
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bawak duit banyak2...
tempat mahal... he he |
macadamianut This user has been deleted
Reply #3 jasmine_dpc's post
hey thanks for the tips...would look forward for those gucci handbags...hahahha... i book hotel murah gak la... EUR136 for 2 nights... only going for 3 days 2 nights....will tell my experience thanks! |
Originally posted by macadamianut at 7/24/06 00:37
nak pergi venice italy any tips friends?
Berapa lama nak jalan2 kat italy?
Alang2 nak sampai italy kurang 10 hari baru berbaloi,boleh pergi byk tepat.. |
Originally posted by karlreef at 7/24/06 20:28
btw...u nak gi venice time summer ni ke??....kalau u pi summer...selamat menghidu aroma yg k ...
betul tu...sekarang nie panas yg amat 40? C sehingga minggu depan..
kalau nak selasa mai sini sept. baru mula sejuk sikit...
skrg nie panass.. yg amatttt....:geram:
[ Last edited by FARINATA at 24-7-2006 08:41 PM ] |
macadamianut This user has been deleted
Reply #6 FARINATA's post
ohh i tak pegi from msia..departing from london instead so tak payah la spend byk2 hari lgpon mahal hotel hehehe |
macadamianut This user has been deleted
Reply #8 FARINATA's post
farinata which part in italy awak stay? |
Originally posted by jasmine_dpc at 7/24/06 16:11
What kind of tips do u want? I went to Venice last year. It was indeed such a beautiful and romantic place. I spent 3 days there.
When in Venice, most importantly, u have to get ur bearings right.
Oh yes, malam2 ada orang jual macam2 handbags, i.e Gucci, Tods, LV, etc. Imitation of course. Yang lawak tu, dorang jual bag Gucci, dpn Gucci nye boutique. Hehe! Yang tu, u can get about EU20 for one handbag. Kalau dah tgh malam sgt, u try la bargain for cheaper price.
Just take San Marco as Landmark than you will not get loss.Atas tu insyallah tak sesat punya.
Hati2 beli bag dengan Mat Black tu semua illegal..kalau kena tangkap naya panjang cerita dan it semua tiruan..
Saya nasihat jangan beli.CARABINIERI dia boleh tangkap dan dakwa.
DAN kalau tak nak naik Water Taxi ....boleh jalan kaki lagi cantik dan menarik syarat jgn ada banyak luggage ..k
alau anak anak2 kecik ok..letak dalam prem..saya suka buat macam tu...bawak jalan slow2.
Jalan2 lagi banyak yg kita dapat tengok.. |
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Originally posted by macadamianut at 7/24/06 22:51
farinata which part in italy awak stay?
Ooo kalau dari London lagi senang kan..tak bawa barang banyak-
Actually ITALY ni to be honest 10 hari tak cukup--tapi bergantung pada kita plan trip tu.
Bagi saya ROME sahaja need 3 days..banyak sangat tempat2 historical..kawan2 yg dah samapi mungkin boleh cerita pada
macadamianut, mesti ada kawan2 dah pergikan.
Saya dok Milan, dari sini berkereta 3 jam sahaja ke Venice dan ke florence. |
macadamianut This user has been deleted
Reply #11 karlreef's post
aah naik ryanair okla murah gak skrg dia charge check in luggage la walaupun 1 |
macadamianut This user has been deleted
Reply #13 FARINATA's post
yeah milan dkt dgn venice. btw authentic gucci sana lg murah ke compare to other places? |
tak pe jgn risau kalau sesat! Lagi best kalau sesat!
venice is the most romantic place i've ever been to! too bad, pegi dulu with mom & dad so diorg la yg enjoy sekali.. ! but don't worry! If you're single, pun best jugak pegi venice! Like i said, biar je kalau sesat! you never know who you might bump into! huhuhuuuu....
alang2 dah sampai Venice, rugi la kalau tak naik gondola.. tapi kalau u sorang je,.. tak naik pun tak pe lah! Not worth the money! Kalau pegi dgn husband baru worth the hole in the pocket!
It's not the Gondola rides that captured my heart. My favourite is the narrow lanes, the cobblestone streets, the colorful buildings & the architectures, & the laundry hanging above your head! a true peice of art!
Dont forget to get the Venetian Mask! Pandai2 la bargain dgn diorg! Speak Italian dgn diorg, boleh dpt discount lagi byk! Betul!!! If they like you, they might give you free gift! |
Just to share some experience
i have been to venice 3 times and the people are a bit rude!
mmg my italian friends pun cakap diorang nih kerek skit
ntah la naper...attitute probs kot
anyway dun miss out their ice creams (better than rome)
also polenta...yummy!! |
Originally posted by muslyn at 25-7-2006 04:11 PM
tak pe jgn risau kalau sesat! Lagi best kalau sesat!
venice is the most romantic place i've ever been to! too bad, pegi dulu with mom & dad so diorg la yg enjoy sekali.. ! but don't worry! ...
Hehe! Tak pernah lagi jumpa orang yang suka sesat. Good for you(if u suka sesat lah). I tak suka, buang masa to me. If dok lama, tak kisah la nak sesat. Ni dok pun 3 days je, so nak maximise time selagi boleh. Hehe!
I agree with you on riding the gondola alone. But if it's for the experience, why not? I mean, alang2 dah sampai kan? Unless u pi Vegas. Hehe, tapi tu tak sama lah. |
norelle This user has been deleted
I went to venice last yr for 4 days. Absolutely Magnificent! Mmg best la tmpt die. Actually, mula2 nak stay 3 hari, Nak dijadikan cite I missed flight! Disebabkan esok baru nak depart dek missed the flight, mlm tu I overnight di tgh-tgh bandar venice (piazza san marco), bukan di hotel tapi di tgh2 foyer. Kene plak mlm tu hangin bertiup kencang.. punyela sejuk.. walaupun 4 hari, tp mmg rase nak g lagi.
Peringatan sape nak g venice. Jgn beli air tin di stall tepi jalan die sbb mahal sgt! mmg there are so many stalls all the way di bandar venice tp die org jual drinks to xpensive = 2.50 euro. Actually, tgh2 dok jln2 tibe I found I supermarket name die BELLA (ala2 tesco italy). Bayangkanlah, air yg stall2 tu jual 2.50 satu tin, kat bella ni 30 sen je. Coke botol besar baru dlm 90 sen, kalo stall tu mahu 5 euro.
So, jgn lupe cari BELLA bila di venice ya! |
Reply #18 jasmine_dpc's post
sesat kat Venice tak pe, best! Tpt lain, buang masa!!
Kat Venice, mcm dlm maze! ask for directions in english, diorg bagi directions in Italian.. mmg kelakar.. adventurous laa.. nak cari St Mark square but tiba2 terjumpa muzium apa ntah.. |
Exactly! Sbb I ni mmg zilch in directions, my husband yang baca peta/ingat jalan. Harapkan I mau sesat sampai ke mana ntah. Hehe!
I pun on the last day jumpa that store. Before tu dok la beli air mahal tuh. Oh yes, pi Venice pun still nak makan McD. Hehe!
Tapikan, Italians ni buat muka heran bila I asked for hot water(except kat Burger King in Venice). Napa ek?
Excited tak dgr citer2 kitaorg ni? Bila u nak pi? I tumpang happy/excited. ;) |
Originally posted by norelle at 26-7-2006 09:12
I went to venice last yr for 4 days. Absolutely Magnificent! Mmg best la tmpt die. Actually, mula2 nak stay 3 hari, Nak dijadikan cite I missed flight! Disebabkan esok baru nak depart dek missed t ...
Ye ker dia charge mahal....tak kan macam tu kot..
Kat Veniice mana ada market kecik jer macam kat malaysia jer..kalau air 30 cent saya musykil takut dah expired...uhukkk sbb standard kat sini 50 cent and above.Kadang2 ada jugak dia org jual yg expired..itu sbb enforcement dia selalu buat checking. |
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