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No. 24, Wisma Lazim update : Jom buat GM Diet pg61
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Edited by lazim at 27-2-2015 10:04 AM
jemput masuk. jangan terkejut tgk avvy bru lazim tau
ha ni hani nak pesan..
bab sayur, lazim kene kuat dari segi mental..
petola boleh..ape jenis sayur pun boleh asalkan bukan kentang..kentang tu tuk pagi je...
jap hani try ambik menu untuk day 2..
Sample Diet Plan for Day 2 of GM DietBreakfast (8:00-9:00 AM) 1 cup boiled potato (with ghee, olive oil or butter) and 2 glasses of water Mid Morning (10:30-11:00 AM) 1 bowl of cabbage or red lettuce (raw) and 1-2 glasses of water Lunch (12:00-1:00 PM) 1 cucumber, 1 tomato and ½ boiled beet and 2 glasses of water Afternoon (4:00-5:00 PM) 2 tomatoes or 1 cup cherry tomatoes and 2 glasses of water Dinner (7:00-8:00 PM) Boiled broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus with salt and spices and 2 glasses of water
Sample GM Diet Day 1 Plan
Breakfast (8:30 AM-9:00 AM)
1 cup of diced apples and 1-2 glasses of water - yang ni hani campur.. epal + tembikai + honey dew lazim buat satu tupperware besar..tembikai ngn honey dew leh potong siap2..tapi epal tu makan cam tu je boleh..takut kang buruk epal tu jadi nye...
Mid morning Snack (10:30 AM-11:00 AM)
1 bowl raw papaya and 1-2 glasses of water - hani ambik jugak betik..pastu plus2 dengan buah lebih makan pagi td.. pun potong2 letak dalam tupperware kecik sikit la.ikut perut lazim...
Lunch (12:00 PM-1:30 PM)
1 bowl of watermelon or muskmelon and 1-2 glasses of water - tembikai boleh, labu boleh..strawberry pun boleh..satu tupperware kecik..sebab mesti ade lebih2 buah pagi td leh makan lagi..
Afternoon Snack (4:00-4:30 PM)
1 orange/sweet lime/chico fruit and 2 glasses of water - ambik la buah limau ke..ciku, kiwi, red dragon ambik la dalam 3 ketul..untuk isi perut
Evening (6:00-6:30 PM)
1 glass coconut water - air kelapa..kene ade.
Dinner (8:00-9:00 PM)
1 bowl of melon and 2 glasses of water - buah tembikai / honey dew..satu tupperware besar ataupun ikut perut lazim..
kdg2 makan buah pun leh kenyang cam tu je..tapi kene makan kerap gak la..
air kene byk...sebab nnt start hari ke 3..masa tu lazim dah pasan..air kencing dah jernih. sebab body dah detox. |
Edited by lil_honey at 27-2-2015 12:31 AM
GM Diet Day 4 Breakfast ( pisang + susu skim)
The best way to start Day 4 is by consuming a banana paired with a glass of warm milk (almond milk or a very lite coconut milk will be fine as well). Some followers prefer a bowl of sliced bananas on milk like those in breakfast cereals, only without the cereal content.
Skim milk should be used all day in this stage; full milk proves to be heavy on the stomach and filled with unnecessary nutrients that are not beneficial to the weight loss regimen.
GM Diet Day 4 Lunch ( sup sayur / sayur campur pun boleh )
Lunch served in Day 4 consists of a bowl of vegetable soup. Most soup bowls consist of various vegetable produce flavored with herbs and spices. Best vegetable soups that can be served during lunch include tomato soup and cabbage stew, as they are packed with natural flavors that the taste buds would savor even as the day ends.
GM Diet Day 4 Dinner ( sup sayur + banana shake, pisang tu lazim blend dengan susu skim pagi td )
Dinner in Day 4 may consist of a serving of vegetable soup and banana shake. This can be quite heavy to handle later at night, so followers may forego the shake and focus on the soup, as this alone can keep them full until the next morning.
GM Diet Day 4 Midday Snacks and Beverages
In Day 4, the only recommended snacks would be bananas and milk, which can be served in cold banana shakes. These snacks prove to be essential as they taste naturally delightful and at the same time are a popular drink even in conventional beverages.
GM Diet Day 5 Breakfast ( daging goreng + sup sayur , ikut suke lazim nak buat menu cam ne..sayur nak rebus ke..sayur ape pun tak kisah)
Breakfast may start with braised beef and soup. This will keep the stomach heavy and full for most of the day. The soup provides energy, while the meat becomes a source of protein, iron and fiber. It can be a bit boring to eat beef but it may be paired with a sliced tomato.
GM Diet Day 5 Lunch - lazim beli je patty beger tak pun daging cincang ramly tu..tayah beli byk..beli sikit pun takpe..goreng atau rebus, ikut citarasa lazim.
jgn makan ngn roti.makan gitu je ngn tomato..nak campur timun pun boleh...
A hamburger patty (no bread!!!) may be consumed during lunch time together with tomatoes. The hamburger (no bread!!!) may be baked or fried but not in too much fat, as it already contains its own fat material. Since the body will be producing extra uric acid, it is likewise recommended to drink extra glasses of water to flush the urine out naturally.
GM Diet Day 5 Dinner buat je sup daging..campur tomato..dah habis cite
Another hamburger (no bread!!!) may be eaten by dinner, although health experts recommend beef soup and tomatoes so that the body would feel more energized. The soup also supplements the water lost during the day.
GM Diet Day 5 Midday Snacks and Beverages
During Day 5, the only beverage allowed to be consumed is water, and not juice. It is because the body has already been given doses of juice for the past three days, and water helps a lot in flushing out the excesses for Day 5. Drink up to 14 glasses of water on this day so that the body system will be detoxified and get rid of unnecessary nutrients provided by the meat.
GM Diet Day 6 Breakfast = sup sayur + daging nak masak cam ne pun ikut suke lazim
Breakfast on Day 6 may be started off with a bowl of mixed vegetables. These vegetables may be sauteed or stewed, so that they would have a more tender bite and taste. Having a bowl of vegetable soup with beef cutlets is likewise recommended, as this would keep the stomach satiated throughout the rest of the day.
GM Diet Day 6 Lunch - ni pun same..pusing2 situ same gak..sup daging ke..sup sayur ke..raw sayur ke..patty beger ke..
During lunchtime, any form of mixed vegetables and beef may be eaten. Asian-style cooking is the best in this mealtime, as dishes under this cuisine consist mainly of beef and vegetables. A bowl of beef and broccoli may sound ideal for Western diet followers, but as much as possible do not include potatoes or bread.
GM Diet Day 6 Dinner = pun same gak..pusing2 menu..sayur ngn daging
Dinner may be served with vegetable soup and a hamburger (MEAT ONLY!!! NO BREAD!!!), especially when the follower has gone through a long and tiring day. The soup will light up the senses and replenish the lost energy, while the beef content brings back the protein, iron and fiber lost.
GM Diet Day 6 Midday Snacks and Beverages
Beef and vegetables may continue to be eaten during snacks, although it is recommended to munch on the greens during mid-mornings and beef during afternoons. This is because the appetite has to be contained at normal levels, so as the appetite would not crave for other types of food.
Water is still the best beverage on Day 6. Water keeps the lost sweat replenished and the senses rejuvenated. Coconut water may be taken during afternoons, but this may create bloating and loss of appetite by dinner. |
GM Diet Day 7 Breakfast - nasi goreng + buah jgn makan byk. kalau nak baik gune beras perang..kalau tak beras biasa pun ok.
A bowl of white or brown rice may be served during breakfast. It is best to consume rice in the morning as it would provide all the energy and carbohydrate requirements for the rest of the day. To those who want to save the rice for lunch, they may eat a slice of papaya or melon followed by 1-2 glasses of water.
GM Diet Day 7 Lunch nasi + sayur ( sup sayur pun bolehhh)
During lunchtime, a bowl of white or brown rice may be matched with cooked vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and asparagus. This can be a boring meal so it has to be followed up with a slice of mango or watermelon to keep the appetite satisfied.
GM Diet Day 7 Dinner sayur je la..tayah nasik..
Day 7 ends with yet another bowl of greens and white or brown rice. However, most followers prefer to only have vegetables as they don’t want to feel bloated at night. Rice can be heavy for dinner, so as much as possible increased fluid intake should be observed.
GM Diet Day 7 Midday Snacks and Beverages
Midday snacks should consist of fruits, mainly berries. Other fruits can prove to be a great snack especially during mornings, while strawberries (without cream) may be ideal for afternoons and after-dinners. Water should be consumed at 10-12 glasses, but at the same time fruit juice can be taken during midday snacks. |
wakakakakakkaka... lazim pki sarban |
sjibik sejiban lazim tiru takde inovatif langsong |
mohtip taleh tag hani
@lil_honey |
ehh napa lazim tuka plak.. |
eh eh..................... |
lazziiimmm awat tinggi nau serban |
mekasih gen tag hani |
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2014 02:50 PM
lazziiimmm awat tinggi nau serban
semak thread af kt gosip utk mkluman
| rumah apa nie...
mana boleh iklankan agent2 kat sini..abis la..datang momod kang kena lock la...
Untuk Gen...nt senang nak cari..cara2...panjangkan kredit 365 hari maxis..
1. Taip *100# pada handphone
2. Akan Keluar Menu banyak-banyak, pilih Seterusnya.
3. Lepas tu, pilih menu Hotlink Specials.
4. Pilih pulak Validity.
- Kat menu validity ni ada 2 pilihan setakat ni.
1. Validity 90 : 90 hari aktif pada RM 8.
2. Validity 365 : 365 hari aktif pada RM33.
5. Kemudian langgan.
6. Akhir sekali semak tarikh prepaid anda.. *122#
7. top up rm kredit utk wat call dan sms...yg rm33 tadi utk..yuran langanan selama 365 hari...
semoga berjaya...dan jgn lupa banje kula domino pizza... Last edited by akula203 on 24-9-2014 02:59 PM
hahahah....avvy mende pulok la lazim nie...
genchi posted on 24-9-2014 02:47 PM
tq tag ...
akula203 posted on 24-9-2014 03:00 PM
hahahah....avvy mende pulok la lazim nie...
seram skit
akula203 posted on 24-9-2014 02:57 PM
Untuk Gen...nt senang nak cari..cara2...panjangkan kredit 365 hari maxis..
akula203 posted on 24-9-2014 02:57 PM
Untuk Gen...nt senang nak cari..cara2...panjangkan kredit 365 hari maxis..
okeh.. nnt gen rujuk posting kula yg ni.. eheh maseh kula
tggu gaji dulu n tgk bajet..sbb gen nak balek kg bln dpn ni.. takot bajet lariii
ehheh sama2 hani.. |
selamat pagi kepada pekerja wisma lazim...
seperti yang gen jangka...pcb tolak 400...
nohorom toi... |
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