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[Dunia] Lee Kuan Yew: The Father of Modern China? - The Diplomat

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Post time 24-3-2015 08:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
fuhhhh, panas gak artikel dari The Diplomat ni, pengajaran penting dari artikel ni, tiada cara lain untuk managed bangsa cina ni selain menggunakan pendekatan kuku besi dan disciplinarian. Mao Tse Tung dan Deng Xiao Ping dah berjaya, LKY pun berjaya dengan pendekatan sama...

pemimpin melayu & bumiputra apa lagi yang ditunggu,masih nak berlembut lagi??....

Lee Kuan Yew: The Father of Modern China?Lee Kuan Yew’s influence helped shape the China we know today.

By Shannon Tiezzi
March 24, 2015

With the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister and one of the most influential Asian politicians, leaders and media outlets all over the world have put in their two cents on his legacy. In the Western world, analysis of his influence is generally mixed; the Washington Post, for example,led off its piece by calling Lee “the democratic world’s favorite dictator.” But in China, where Lee’s mix of authoritarian governance and economic reform proved hugely influential, reflections are far more glowing.
China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on March 23 saying that “the Chinese side deeply mourns the loss of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.” The statement praised Lee as “a uniquely influential statesman in Asia and a strategist embodying oriental values and international vision.”
For China, that high praise might actually be underestimating Lee’s importance. After the death of Mao Zedong, Beijing’s leaders knew that Maoist philosophy was not the way forward for China – but they were loath to adopt Western alternatives such as democracy and a free market economy.  In Lee’s Singapore, Chinese leaders found an alternative path, a path they could sell as being uniquely suited for Asian (or “oriental,” as China’s FM put it) values. That choice, to combine economic reforms with authoritarianism, shaped China as we know it today.
Jin Canrong of Renmin University told China Dailythat Lee’s greatest contribution to China was “sharing Singapore’s successful experience in governance.” In his biography of Deng Xiaoping, Ezra Vogel wrote that China’s great reformed was inspired by the example of Lee’s Singapore. Xi Jinping himself has said that China’s modernization process has been undeniably shaped by the “tens of thousands of Chinese officials” who went to Singapore to study Lee’s model. Lee himself visited China over 30 times and met with Chinese leaders from Mao to Xi Jinping, offering advice.
Perhaps Lee’s greatest legacy for China was inspiring not simply Deng’s economic reforms, but the very idea that reform and adaptation is a never-ending, essential process. As Lee put it in a 2007 interview with theNew York Times, Singapore embraces practicality rather than ideology: “Does it work? If it works, let’s try it. If it’s fine, let’s continue it. If it doesn’t work, toss it out, try another one.” That pragmatic stance is echoed in Deng Xiaoping’s famous statement that “it doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.”
Lee’s embrace of experimental reform is alive and well today in Xi and company’s emphasis on “comprehensively deepening reform.” In particular, China hopes to follow in the one area where its reforms veered away from Lee’s model – Singapore is known as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, while corruption in China has grown so great that leaders see it as an existential threat to Party rule. Legal analysts interviewed by the Wall Street Journalsay the Singaporean model is providing a blueprint for legal reforms in China today.
However, in their zeal for practical reforms, both Lee and China kept to one baseline – the idea that democracy (at least as defined by the West) is incompatible with ‘Asian values.’ Lee’s comment that China would “collapse” if it became a liberal democracy echoes similar themes popular among Chinese officials and state-run media.
Given Lee’s influence on China, it’s no wonder that Western leaders turned to him for advice on how to deal with Beijing. From Henry Kissinger to Tony Blair, Lee advised politicians for decades. Scholars even recently gathered together Lee’s advice for how to navigate the turbulent period as China becomes a peer competitor with the U.S., creating the book Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States, and the World (published just two years ago).
Lee realized far earlier than most that China’s rise would necessitate a shift in the international order. “It’s not possible to pretend that [China] is just another big player,” Lee said in 1993. “This is the biggest player in the history of man.” Such language delighted leaders in Beijing eager to believe in the unique power of China’s history and culture and the inevitability of China’s rise. For years, Chinese leaders trusted Lee to explain their country. As China Dailyput it, “When China encountered resistance in the international arena, Lee played an important role in mediating and interpreting for China.”
To observers in the West, Lee’s words now seem prescient – one wonders how history might have changed in Washington, for example, had taken Lee’s advice to heart 20 years ago. With Lee gone, both China and the West will have to figure out how to deal with each other without his guidance.


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Post time 24-3-2015 08:15 PM | Show all posts
China hutang budi dgn LKY. Malaysia tak mau belajar dari LKY. Lagi kasi rakyaat takut2 dengan LKY


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 08:20 PM | Show all posts
ada gak Singaporean yang komen dalam artikel ni dengan nada2 marah mungkin ketakutan dengan kebenaran dan rahsia management bangsa cina yang dah ribuan tahun terbukti berkesan mendisiplinkan bangsa ni sejak zaman2 maharaja mereka sampailah hari ini, LKY hanya meneruskan legacy disciplinarian ini walaupun dalam bentuk democracy....

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Post time 24-3-2015 08:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lee’s advice to heart 20 years ago. With Lee gone, both China and the West will have to figure out how to deal with each other without his guidance.

Dunia Barat usah risau macam mana nak deal dengan China dengan ketiadaan LKY. Masih ada seorang tokoh Cina yang berpengaruh di dunia yang berfikiran seperti mendiang LKY di mana beliau lantang bercakap kaum Cina perlu dikawal sebab kaum tersebut terkenal dengan sifat aggresif.
Nak tahu beliau siapa? Kerajaan kita baru saja kurniakan pingat Datuk untuk beliau baru-baru ini.

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Post time 24-3-2015 09:55 PM | Show all posts
memang hakikatnya total demokrasi gagal....hanya pemerintahan bersifat kuku besi atau separa authorotarian atau pemimpin yang berpengaruh dan ditakuti akan berjaya membawa negara.

mahahthir kira berjaya juga walau xsepenuhnya

contoh lain Saddam Hussein yg kejam tapi berjaya mengelak perpecahan Iraq dan mengekang naluri pengganas arab sama juga muammar gadddafi siap buat terusan buatan terbesar di dunia sehingga memakmurkan libya....skrg Yillek

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Post time 24-3-2015 10:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 24-3-2015 08:58 PM
Lee’s advice to heart 20 years ago. With Lee gone, both China and the West will have to figure out  ...

Ribuan Teh spesis kacang lupa kulit tu??

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 10:06 PM | Show all posts
kalau tak kuku besi, bagaimana China nak kawal lebih 1 billion penduduknya? lihat Taiwan, memang nampak maju tapi sebenarnya berpuak-puak secara political, dendam politik dan debat politik mereka macam gelanggang tinju dalam Parlimen, ada yang pro mentor Kuo Mintang Chiang kai shek yang anti-China, ada gak yang pro China. Kerana dendam politik, bila lawan politik mereka nak bentang sesuatu dalam dewan, yang anti ni pakat2 kunci dalam bilik lain supaya MP yang lain tak hadir mendengar nya dan macam2 lagi.

Bayangkan kalau India mengikut jejak China ni atau kalau nak democracy pun ikut acuan macam Singapore, mungkin dah setaraf macam China dah mereka sekarang, problem mereka pun sama, populasi terlalu besar dan sukar nak kawal. Parti politik pun ribuan jumlah nya disana, sikit2 nak tubuh parti, baru kalah debat atau berbeza pendapat dah merajuk nak tubuh parti baru.



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Post time 24-3-2015 10:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
taikor replied at 24-3-2015 10:03 PM
Ribuan Teh spesis kacang lupa kulit tu??

Hi Taikor, lama tak jumpa...

Bukan Riduan Tee lah tapi ialah YB Dato Jackie Chan Kong Sang yang bergaya mengenakan songkok di Istana Negara hari itu.

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Post time 24-3-2015 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku ada feeling Madey akan jeles kalau baca artikel ni...

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 10:33 PM | Show all posts
sepatut nya gomen kena pantau channel2 tv dari China ni yang hari2 main di Astro section chinese program, tak habis2 nak promote sejarah2 dalam bentuk drama air mata berkisar Chairman Mao, baru2 ni tentang Deng Xiao Ping pulak, bayang kan di zaman Mao, nak ternak ayam dan itik etc pun ada kuota 2-3 ekor je setiap jenis, cukup2 jer untuk satu family, kalau lebih siap lah menjawab dengan tentera PRC. Kalau ada lebih dari satu basikal tua pun dah boleh disoal siasat kerana nak tau darimana mereka mampu beli lebih dari satu biji basikal. Lawak gak tonton channel2 China ni kadang2, malangnya kadang2 tak ada subtitle pulak.


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 10:42 PM | Show all posts
ni antara komen2 yang menarik dari pembaca2 artikel ni, makin panas nampaknya beberapa post2 disana sambil dimeriahkan oleh nasionalis2 Singaporean....


Neuro Six • 2 hours ago

Turning Singapore into a tax haven city state is the biggest legacy that
rarely being pointed out by most people. Without those foreigners tax
evaders billions stolen from their respective country annually,
Singapore will never even dream to have a 1st world infrastructure and


Singa Slush Skye • 4 hours ago

Because he likes his democracy in India better. Because democracy in india has given him so much freedom to be poor.


eiji TV Monitor • an hour ago

how many great leader would pay visit to LEE TENG HUI funeral

because Taiwanese people (green sides) love to call him as "FATHER OF DEMOCRACY"

simply because he allow election for presidential race.

some people had gut to compare him to GREAT ACHIEVEMENT OF LEE KUAN YEW


dusjanbe Singa Slush • 4 hours ago

Singapore have no industrial capacity to speak of, beside finnance sector, logistic service and support for transportation.

Japan, Europe and the U.S reached industrialization almost 100 years go, it was about time that China caught up almost 150 years later on.

U.S is a joke ? LOL then why do so many Chinese filling the immigration quota each year ? Just comparing how many Chinese go to second rated university in the U.S (non Ivy Leauge) to Singapore's University which ranked much higher then them. But that doesn't mean much because carrer prospect is much more limited, more restriction on freedom and the living standard is much more unaffordable comparing the the U.S (comparing house to appartment)

The truth is Singapore is too cramped, doesn't have too much resources and laws that look like an IRL version of Silvester Stallone " Demolition Man" which was probably a satirical version what if the U.S were Singapore.

U.S is a Constitutional Republic, the most copied form of governance in the world, even China is a "Republic" with "Constitution". China economic development only gained the momentum after normalization with U.S during the 70's and 80's, China invited Americans and Japanese into China to teach them how to "industrialized". I fail too see how Singapore were of any relevance to Chinese development beside the "philosophical advice"


jim henson Singa Slush • 22 minutes ago

People migrate to Singapore to take advantage of it. Low taxes, great to launder money. Great place to move first to get Singapore PR and then move on to a better destination like the US, Australia or Canada. The out-migration problem in Singapore is well-known. Highly-educated and skilled Singaporeans are not sticking around. Native Singaporeans that are not so highly-skilled have limited social mobility and there is increasing inequality. This tension has expressed itself in race riots in recent years and growing opposition to continued immigration.

If Singapore is so fantastic, why do so many leave? Why so much tension? Why riots? Voice, loyalty or exit? Limited voice under the PAP-government-for-life quasi-democracy? no desire to be time to exit.

Comparing the US to Singapore is really silly by the way. One is a city-state, the other a real country.

One last thing, Why has no one remarked about Lee Kwan Yew's deep racism? Such a 'great leader' with such completely backward ideas that belong in the time of Social Darwinism and eugenics. While he can be respected for some successful policies, he certainly deserves criticism for being a very open racist.


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Post time 24-3-2015 11:16 PM | Show all posts
dcruins replied at 24-3-2015 10:33 PM
sepatut nya gomen kena pantau channel2 tv dari China ni yang hari2 main di Astro section chinese pro ...

Spidey rasa tak perlu nak pantau2 channel2 China as long as bukan ada elemen tidak baik seperti budaya kuning. Channel2 kita pun banyak mainkan filem2 berkisarkan sejarah dan kebudayaan barat.

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Post time 24-3-2015 11:19 PM | Show all posts
LKY is a probably a very open racist by some western interpretation.... until they know Malaysia where it is a sin not to be one...


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 11:23 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 24-3-2015 11:16 PM
Spidey rasa tak perlu nak pantau2 channel2 China as long as bukan ada elemen tidak baik seperti bu ...

kalau documentary yang boleh difahami semua orang macam channel discovery,history tu ok lah, ni drama2 air mata propaganda chung kuok Mao Tze Tung pulak ditayangkan untuk cina oversea yang dah jadi rakyat negara lain macam di M'sia ni, dalam tak sedar cina yang paham drama ni boleh jadi semangat mainlanders nya muncul kembali pulak jadi nya. Jangan pandang remeh hal2 sebegini...kalau nak tayang pun, ambil lah channel2 dari Hong Kong ke atau Taiwan yang memang anti China pun, cuba lihat berita2 CCTV yang version chinese tu, tiap2 malam asyik military dan geo-politics jer berita nya....


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Post time 24-3-2015 11:27 PM | Show all posts
dcruins replied at 24-3-2015 11:23 PM
kalau documentary yang boleh difahami semua orang macam channel discovery,history tu ok lah, ni dr ...

Mungkin Spidey belum pernah menonton drama2 China, jadi tak boleh komen....tapi kalau ada unsur hasutan sepertimana yang dikatakan oleh awak, maka Spidey bersetuju kerajaan untuk pantau.

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 11:32 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 24-3-2015 11:27 PM
Mungkin Spidey belum pernah menonton drama2 China, jadi tak boleh komen....tapi kalau ada unsur ha ...

belum sampai tahap hasutan, cuma mesej2 halus untuk mengubah persepsi cina2 oversea tentang zaman pemerintahan Mao dan seterusnya....


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Post time 24-3-2015 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Tadi ada dokumentari dia kat Discovery Channel...

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Post time 24-3-2015 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 24-3-2015 11:19 PM
LKY is a probably a very open racist by some western interpretation.... until they know Malaysia whe ...

Best summed up by anak buah aku yang 5 tahun....A DEMOCRATIC KOMUNIS....

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Post time 24-3-2015 11:35 PM | Show all posts
ice_sky92 replied at 24-3-2015 11:32 PM
Tadi ada dokumentari dia kat Discovery Channel...

Agak-agaknya kalau Spidey meninggal nanti, ada dokumentari pasal Spidey tak kat Discovery Channel?

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Post time 24-3-2015 11:40 PM | Show all posts
mungkin kerjaan msia perlu belajar dari mendiang~ kenapa mendiang begitu berjaya dalam setiap proses saman mahkamah terhadap musuh politik beliau.....sehingga ada yg bangkrup dikerjakannya

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