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Author: EJALTI

Lim Guan Eng Ditahan SPRM Atas Tuduhan Rasuah & Dihadap Ke Mahkamah Esok

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Post time 30-6-2016 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gede-bab replied at 30-6-2016 12:37 PM
ini bukan pasal tanah taman manggis + jual rumah murah kepada Guan Eng...tapi kes penzonan semula  ...

Bahan propa tu terlupa sebut...

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:01 PM | Show all posts
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — An influential Malaysian opposition politician who has strongly criticized financial scandals involving Prime Minister Najib Razak was arrested Wednesday on allegations of corruption.

The arrest of Lim Guan Eng, chief minister of northern Penang state, is likely to provoke accusations of a witch hunt by the government, which itself faces allegations of massive corruption in a multibillion-dollar scandal involving a state investment fund.

Lim has led Penang, one of three states run by the opposition, since 2008. His father, Lim Kit Siang, said Lim is expected to be charged Thursday with two counts of graft, including allegedly purchasing a house in Penang at below market value.

The anti-corruption agency said in a statement that a businesswoman, Phang Li Khoon, who sold the house to Lim has also been detained and that both will face charges in court.

Opposition leaders slammed Lim’s arrest as a double standard, noting that no one has been charged over the billions of dollars missing from state investment fund 1MDB.

Opposition lawmaker Charles Santiago said the arrest is an “act of intimidation and abuse.” Another lawmaker, Tian Chua, said it could be a “prelude to an all-out assault on the entire opposition.”

Lim’s party is part of a three-member opposition alliance.

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Lim has a record of clean government in Penang, introducing open tenders for contracts and publicly declaring his personal assets. He bought the house for 2.8 million ringgit ($700,000) and said it was an open transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller. Ruling party lawmakers have said the house is worth more than double that amount, and the anti-graft agency has been probing the sale since early this year.

Prime Minister Najib has been grappling with accusations of corruption and mismanagement over allegations that nearly $700 million was channeled into his personal bank accounts from 1MDB.

Under pressure to resign, Najib has denied the money came from the fund. The government cleared him in January, saying the money was a donation from the Saudi royal family and that Najib had returned most of it. The explanation was met with widespread skepticism.

1MDB, which Najib started in 2009, is mired in debt and is being investigated in several countries over alleged embezzlement. A Malaysian parliamentary inquiry also recently found massive unexplained payments and called for a police investigation of the fund’s former head.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. ... story.html#comments

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Again conveniently left out the willing buyer willing seller changes and amendments to a post transaction land deal between state government and the house seller.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Perhaps sotkabar Washington terkhilaf

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:07 PM | Show all posts
mendunia lagi

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:09 PM | Show all posts

mak ko pelacur mendunia di serata rumah pelacuran

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:11 PM | Show all posts
kafir harbi gigih defend kafir harbi lain yg fraudulent

NEXT ....

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Di saat geng2 politaik pro DAPig kaa El-juborree partai kaa kena, saat tu kita melihat betapa depa jaoh lagi bodoh dari org2 yang depa dok pggl dapat dedak ka apa kaa

Kalo kena tang umngok kaa BN kaa.. tgk depa bersorak & menghukum sesuka hati... kena dr sundri, pusing sana sini.. perangai budak2 kecik pun ada.. nape si A dr umngok tak tangkap, nape tokong lim ditangkap & didakwa .. dah tua tapi bangang serupa tu gak

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:22 PM | Show all posts
The 2 charges against me under the Malaysian anti-corruption Commission Act (MACC) and Penal Code for corrupt practice is a clear act of political persecution motivated solely to destroy me as Penang Chief Minister. I had explained to MACC that the purchase of the bungalow from Ms Phang Li Koon is above-board, an arms-length transaction on a willing buyer and seller basis without any coercion or special favours granted from me or the state government.
Ms Phang is a friend of my wife and has no active business relationship with the state government. She is not a housing developer and the bungalow she sold me for RM2.8 million was built in the 1980s.
There have been attempts to draw similarities between my case and former Selangor Menteri Besar, Mohd Khir Toyo. This is wrong. Unlike Khir Toyo’s case, Ms Phang did not make a loss of RM5 million but recorded a small profit of RM300,000-00 from her original purchase price of RM2.5 million. Unlike Khir Toyo’s case, Ms Phang is not a housing developer that has to be reliant on state government to continue her business.
On the second charge relating to the approval of Magnificent Emblem Sdn. Bhd. (MESB)’s application to re-zone its land from agricultural to residential, MESB’s did not succeed in re-zoning its property to residential. The property is still remain an agricultural land. What benefit is there to MESB when it could not get its re-zoning approval to agricultural when it could not get final approval by Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang.
I am also puzzled by what started off as a vicious political attack on me selling out Taman Manggis land meant for the poor has came to nothing. Why all the hype about Taman Manggis land by BN Ministers then? Clearly there is nothing wrong with Taman Manggis land sale and instead I am charged for making a decision for MESB that finally did not gain them any benefit.
Sadly there is no corruption with huge RM50 billion debts or RM2.6 billion or RM4 billion in your personal bank accounts. But it is now corruption even when the alleged corrupt party did not gain any benefit.
I will not submit to such dirty and vicious political plays to destroy my reputation or Penang’s image as the cleanest and best-run state in Malaysia. We are proud of our open competitive tenders and proud of our accolades from Transparency International and the annual Auditor-General’s Reports. We will not allow BN to throw mud to hide its own corruption scandals. We will prove our innocence in court.
We will fight to prove that the Pakatan government is a people centric government that upholds its principles of integrity, justice, freedom and democracy. There is still hope for a Malaysia that is clean and free from corruption, abuse of power and oppression. We must not allow BN to steal our children’s future as they have stolen ours.
What type of country do we want our children to grow up when those who gained benefits and donations amounting to billions of ringgit are not charged for corruption whilst those who gained no benefit are prosecuted for corruption.
BN can prosecute me but will not kill my passion to free Malaysia from corruption.
BN can victimize me but will not crush my spirit to free Malaysia from those who steal our children's future.
BN can even humiliate me by unnecessary detaining me overnight but will not succeed in changing white to black and black to white, right cannot become wrong and wrong cannot become right.
BN will not break my party's unity - we stand together as leaders and members to battle for reforms towards a better Malaysia with freedom, justice and democracy.
If BN feels that they can bend or break me by arresting me, they are wrong! I will die standing than live on bended knees. A free Malaysia, a fair Malaysia, a prosperous Malaysia for all is worth fighting for!

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:26 PM | Show all posts
vandergooh replied at 30-6-2016 01:45 PM
Anak nazri aziz yg tak pernah kerja apapun beli banglo mewah 7 juta... sprm taknjumpa ker..?

you dah lapor kat sprm?

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:28 PM | Show all posts
nirman replied at 30-6-2016 02:01 PM
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — An influential Malaysian opposition politician who has strongly criticized ...

proksi kafir harbi mula beraksi

media asing pro DAP yang jelas sempitkan sudut pandang sedangkan
pointnya semua ke laut


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Post time 30-6-2016 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ingat lagi Ummah Cina DAP Sekinchan pergi buat rombongan ke rumah Khir Toyo...macam beruk masing2 tengok rumah tu.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:31 PM | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 30-6-2016 02:29 PM
Ingat lagi Ummah Cina DAP Sekinchan pergi buat rombongan ke rumah Khir Toyo...macam beruk masing2 te ...

mak ko pelacur jual bontot

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nirman replied at 30-6-2016 02:22 PM
The 2 charges against me under the Malaysian anti-corruption Commission Act (MACC) and Penal Code fo ...

Soalan lagi:

Kalau phang beli rumah harga rm2.5juta mesti ada interest menjadikan loan dia dgn bank melebihi rm2.5juta kan? Takkan untung rm300k? Kalau 8% interest pun koman-koman dah rm200k interest dia kena bayar setahun (ampun kalau iols salah kira sbb x mahir bab2 jual beli rumah). Tak penah dengar plak org esp chinese sanggup jual murah mcm tu..

Disclaimer: iols bukan fanatik parti mana2. Just curious dgn kes ni. Sbb mcm eh, sama tp tak serupa.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:39 PM | Show all posts
judicata replied at 30-6-2016 02:37 PM
Soalan lagi:

Kalau phang beli rumah harga rm2.5juta mesti ada interest menjadikan loan dia dgn  ...

I pun tak pasti, I nak follow case ni. I memang orang DAP tapi kalau LGE salah, he should be jailed.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:40 PM | Show all posts
ULASAN l Kedua-dua pertuduhan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Kanun Keseksaan kerana perbuatan rasuah adalah jelas penganiayaan atau pendakwaan politik yang semata-mata untuk memusnahkan saya sebagai ketua menteri Pulau Pinang.

Saya telah menjelaskan kepada SPRM bahawa pembelian banglo dari Phang Li Koon adalah berdasarkan kerelaan pembeli dan penjual tanpa sebarang paksaan atau ganjaran khas yang diberikan daripada saya atau kerajaan negeri.

Phang adalah kawan isteri saya tidak mempunyai hubungan niaga yang aktif dengan kerajaan negeri. Dia bukan seorang pemaju perumahan dan banglo dia menjual saya untuk RM2.8 juta telah dibina pada tahun 1980-an.

Terdapat percubaan untuk menarik persamaan antara kes saya dengan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Dr Mohd Khir Toyo. Ini adalah salah.

Tidak seperti kes Khir Toyo, Phang tidak kerugian sebanyak RM5 juta tetapi mencatatkan keuntungan kecil RM300,000 hasil pembelian asalnya pada harga RM2.5 juta.

Tidak seperti kes Khir Toyo, Phang bukan seorang pemaju perumahan yang bergantung kepada kerajaan negeri untuk meneruskan perniagaannya.

Bagi pertuduhan kedua berkaitan dengan kelulusan kepada permohonan Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd (MESB) untuk pengezonan semula tanah daripada pertanian kepada kediaman, MESB tidak berjaya dalam usaha itu. Tanah itu masih kekal sebagai tanah pertanian.

Apa gunanya kepada MESB apabila ia gagal mendapatkan kelulusan untuk menukar staus tanah itu kerana tidak mendapatkan kelulusan akhir oleh Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang.

Saya juga hairan dengan apa yang bermula sebagai serangan politik ganas terhadap saya menjual tanah Taman Manggis yang dimaksudkan untuk golongan miskin tidak mendatangkan sebarang hasil. Mengapa semua gembar-gembur mengenai tanah Taman Manggis oleh menteri-menteri BN itu?

Jelas tidak ada yang salah dengan penjualan tanah Taman Manggis dan sebaliknya saya didakwa kerana membuat keputusan berhubung MESB yang akhirnya tidak mendapat sebarang faedah.

Malangnya, tidak ada rasuah besar dengan hutang RM50 bilion atau RM2.6 bilion atau RM4 bilion dalam akaun bank peribadi anda. Namun, ia adalah rasuah sedangkan pihak didakwa korup itu tidak mendapat apa-apa faedah.

Saya tidak akan melutut

Saya tidak akan tunduk kepada permainan politik kotor dan ganas ini untuk memusnahkan reputasi saya atau imej Pulau Pinang sebagai negeri paling bersih dan pentadbiran yang terbaikdi negara ini.

Kami berbangga dengan tender terbuka berdaya saing dan berbangga dengan pujian daripada Transparency International serta Laporan Ketua Audit Negara tahunan.

Kami tidak akan membenarkan BN untuk mempalitkan lumpur demi menyembunyikan skandal rasuah mereka. Kami akan membuktikan kami tidak bersalah di mahkamah.

Kami akan berjuang untuk membuktikan bahawa kerajaan Pakatan Harapan adalah kerajaan yang berpaksikan rakyat serta menjunjung prinsip integriti, keadilan, kebebasan dan demokrasi.

Masih ada harapan untuk Malaysia yang bersih dan bebas daripada rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan penindasan. Kita tidak boleh membenarkan BN untuk mencuri masa depan anak-anak kita kerana mereka telah mencuri daripada kita.

Negara apa yang kita mahu anak-anak kita membesar sedangkan orang yang mendapat manfaat dan sumbangan berjumlah berbilion ringgit tidak dikenakan tuduhan rasuah manakala mereka yang tidak mendapat sebarang ganjaran pula didakwa kerana rasuah?

BN boleh mendakwa saya tetapi tidak akan membunuh semangat saya untuk membebaskan Malaysia daripada rasuah.

BN boleh menjadikan saya mangsa tetapi ini tidak akan menghancurkan semangat saya untuk membebaskan Malaysia dari mereka yang mencuri masa depan anak-anak kita.

BN juga boleh menghina saya dengan mengurung saya semalaman tetapi tidak akan berjaya mengubah putih menjadi hitam dan hitam menjadi putih. Betul tidak boleh menjadi salah dan yang salah tidak boleh menjadi betul.

BN tidak akan mematahkan keutuhan parti saya - kita berdiri bersama-sama sebagai pemimpin dan ahli demi perjuangan untuk pembaharuan ke arah Malaysia yang lebih baik dengan kebebasan, keadilan dan demokrasi.

Jika BN fikir bahawa mereka boleh memaksa saya melutut dengan tangkapan ini, mereka adalah salah! Saya rela mati berdiri daripada hidup melutut. Negara Malaysia yang bebas, adil dan makmur adalah sesuatu yang berbaloi untuk diperjuangkan.

LIM GUAN ENG adalah Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dan Setiausaha Agung DAP.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:42 PM | Show all posts
GEORGETOWN - Pentadbiran Kerajaan Pulau Pinang akan berjalan seperti biasa sehingga mesyuarat khas DAP negeri diadakan dalam masa terdekat.

Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng berkata, mesyuarat itu akan membincangkan sama ada akan dilantik pemangku Ketua Menteri atau sebaliknya.

Menurutnya, pihaknya akan tetap lawan berikutan beliau tidak bersalah ke atas kedua-dua pertuduhan rasuah berkenaan.

"Urusan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri akan berjalan seperti biasa. DAP negeri akan bermesyuarat dalam masa terdekat untuk membincangkan berhubung keperluan pelantikan pemangku dan perkara berkaitan yang lain.

"Saya dan pimpinan kerajaan negeri dan Pakatan Harapan akan tetap lawan kerana saya tidak bersalah dalam kedua-dua pertuduhan ini," katanya pada sidang media, di sini, hari ini.

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Post time 30-6-2016 02:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nirman replied at 30-6-2016 02:39 PM
I pun tak pasti, I nak follow case ni. I memang orang DAP tapi kalau LGE salah, he should be jaile ...

Yup. Be fair & square..

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Post time 30-6-2016 03:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sapa boleh cari fakta kes, ini yg konkrit, simply tengok party mana , tak leh jadi fakta kes.

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Post time 30-6-2016 03:13 PM | Show all posts
nirman replied at 30-6-2016 02:39 PM
I pun tak pasti, I nak follow case ni. I memang orang DAP tapi kalau LGE salah, he should be jaile ...

you better join yem ai si la nirman

dalam DAP pun you yindian pun jadi kasta bawahan jugak

ada betul kah

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