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Author: dexa

Kebanyakkan Pemandu Malaysia Memang Teruk!

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2007 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Driving Nightmare: Why those jams are getting worse
By : A.G., Petaling Jaya

CARE to know why the infamous traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur are getting worse these days?

Here are my observations as a driver who drives along Jalan Bukit Bintang on a daily basis. Indiscriminate parking on both sides of the road has effectively blocked off two lanes (out of the four) at certain stretches.

While some drivers wait to pick up passengers, others just leave their cars by the roadside to run errands. Mind you, we are talking about Jalan Bukit Bintang, which stretches from Menara Keck Seng to Sun Complex, as well as from Lot 10 to Park Royal Hotel, supposedly a major tourist destination.

Even the wide pavements meant for pedestrians are not spared. Cars are parked all over the pavement. If you are wondering where the enforcement officers are, well, you can only see them when there抯 a high-profile international event in the vicinity.

To aggravate congestion, cement mixers and lorries are allowed to park by the roadside and unload construction material for the Pavilion shopping mall during peak hours.

Also worth mentioning are the frequent road works that are carried out there by the various government agencies. This is why driving in Kuala Lumpur has becomes a nerve-racking experience

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2007 06:28 PM | Show all posts
actually this article is not about speeding per se
but more about the space that not enough
for elephant to live -- cuz of the logging  etc etc...

however - in this stretches on east - west highway -
some drivers still drive too fast and in result of accident
with the wild life --
lets see what'd this elephant hafta say!! --


SLOW DOWN YOU S!@#*&%)*?H!

It抯 a competition for space that promises trouble. ELIZABETH JOHN writes about what happens when humans and elephants collide

Along came a timber truck... turning the elephant抯 amble into a sprint.
Once safely across, the animal turns around with a glare that seems to say,
揇rivers these days!

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Post time 30-6-2007 08:51 PM | Show all posts
ajor berok naik beskal lai berbaloi dari ajo oang mesia bab memandu di jalanraya

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dempol This user has been deleted
Post time 30-6-2007 08:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #203 ajinomotonosuga's post

bab memandu ni..malaysia mmang unik..pak lobai pun boleh berubah bile pegang stereng..apatah lagi kita rakyat marhain..

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2007 09:20 PM | Show all posts

Kepala anak putus, tercampak ke kaki ibu


PENDANG:  Seorang wanita dan anak lelakinya terbunuh setelah kereta yang mereka naiki dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur bertembung dengan sebuah lori di Kampung Alor Punti, Jalan Tanah Merah, dekat sini hari ini.

Kemalangan itu amat mengerikan kerana Mohd Radzi Ramli, 23, yang terbunuh terputus kepalanya akibat tercampak keluar daripada kereta manakala ibunya Esau Saad, 60, juga tercampak keluar dari kereta, dengan kepala Mohd Radzi yang terputus itu ditemui dekat dengan kaki ibunya.

Mayat kedua beranak itu berada pada jarak kira-kira empat meter.

Ketua Polis Pendang ASP Abdul Aziz Ahmad berkata semasa kejadian 6.45 pagi itu, kereta Proton Wira berkenaan dinaiki dua beranak itu dan dipandu rakan Mohd Radzi iaitu Mohd Farok Firdaus, 21, dalam perjalanan pulang ke Tualang dari Kuala Lumpur.

"Dipercayai kereta itu terbabas ke lorong bersebelahan lalu bertembung dengan lori yang tidak membawa sebarang muatan dan akibatnya kereta itu remuk teruk di bahagian depan, bumbung dan pintu sebelah kiri yang menyebabkan dua mangsa tercampak keluar," katanya di sini.

Abdul Aziz berkata pemandu lori itu Ayob Taib, 39, cedera parah dan dihantar ke Hospital Alor Star (HAs) untuk rawatan manakala Mohd Farok yang juga cedera parah dimasukkan ke Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) hospital yang sama


subhanallah - sampai begitu sekali --

di harap berita cam ni jadi iktibar pada kita --
memandu dengan lebih berhati hati ---

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Post time 30-6-2007 10:28 PM | Show all posts
biasalah tuh drebar Lori Hantu

[ Last edited by  HangPC2 at 30-6-2007 10:29 PM ]

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Post time 30-6-2007 10:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #205 dexa's post

masyaallah ngerinya...kdg2 mcm pelik pon ade..sebab kepale tu boleh tercampak..but sume kuasa Tuhan....

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Post time 30-6-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #204 dempol's post

peh..jgn memain...pak lebai pon ade yg merempit...aku pon leh kecut...

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dempol This user has been deleted
Post time 30-6-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #208 033589's post

siap mulut terkumat kamit lagi..tak tahu apa dibacanya..doa ke..sumpah seranah..

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Post time 30-6-2007 10:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #209 dempol's post

##$%^&*&%&&***&*% kate pak lebai..


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Post time 2-7-2007 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Salam semua,

Sebenarnya bukan dekat Malaysia sahaja menghadapi masalah pemandu teruk ini. Negara2 lain yg lebih maju juga menghadapi masalah yg serupa. ;)

Bersyukurlah kerana majority pemandu negara kita masih lagi waras dan pandai membezakan yg mana baik dan buruk.

Blazing car crashes into airport
Man being arrested. Pic by Michael McRanor

Man 'tackled driver'
A car which was on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport.

Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.

They have also described seeing two Asian men, one of whom was on fire, who had been in the car.

Strathclyde Police said two people had been arrested and detained in connection with the incident.

The airport has been evacuated and all flights suspended following the incident at 1515 BST.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has chaired a meeting of Cobra - the emergency committee.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said the national terrorism threat level had been raised to its highest level of "critical", meaning an attack was expected "imminently".

A&E closed

First Minister Alex Salmond has activated emergency procedures.

The accident and emergency department of the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley has been closed.

A spokesman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said this was due to the police investigation into the events at the airport.

One of the suspects was being treated at the hospital.

There was an Asian guy who was pulled out of the car by two police officers
Richard Gray
Mr Gray's account

Eyewitnesses' accounts
Your pictures of the incident
UK terror threat 'critical'

Emergency patients are being taken to Glasgow A&E departments at the Southern General Hospital and Western Infirmary.

However, the rest of the Royal Alexandra Hospital, is operating as normal.

The incident comes a day after two cars were found containing explosives in central London.

The cars contained petrol, gas cylinders and nails but the devices did not detonate.

One eyewitness at Glasgow Airport said: "I heard the sound of a car's wheels spinning and smoke coming out.

"I saw a Jeep Cherokee apparently as if it was trying to get right through the doors into the terminal building.

"There were flames coming out from underneath then some men appeared from in amongst the flames.

"The police ran over and the people started fighting with the police. I then heard what sounded like an explosion."

Molotov cocktails

Eye-witness Richard Gray told BBC News 24: "A green Jeep was in the middle of the doorway burning.

"There was an Asian guy who was pulled out of the car by two police officers, who he was trying to fight off. They've got him on the ground.

"The car didn't actually explode. There were a few pops and bangs which presumably was the petrol."

Firemen at airport
Dozens of emergency personnel attended the scene

Stephen Clarkson said he helped police restrain one of the men.

"I managed to knock the fellow to the ground," he said.

"By this time there were four policemen who got on top of him and restrained him.

"His clothes had partially burned from his body. His hair was on fire.

"His whole body was on fire."

Thomas Conroy, a maintenance worker at the airport believes the men deliberately tried to set the car on fire.

"It looked like they had Molotov cocktails with them," he said.

"They sort of burst them round about the flames to make sure the car would go up big style.

"Within minutes it was up and the terminal caught as well."

Glasgow Airport has been closed until further notice
All roads around the airport are cordoned off
A number of flights bound for Glasgow have been diverted to Prestwick
Prestwick Airport was operating as normal
Edinburgh Airport is closed to vehicles, though flights are operating as normal

Airport closed

Dr Rak Nandwani was at the airport building to pick up relatives when he saw a plume of black smoke.

He said: "The whole place has come to a standstill, the terminal building has been evacuated. I have spoken to my relatives and they have been moved to outside the building.

"They were told they could not pick their baggage up from the baggage collection area.

"There must be about 50 police cars at the airport. Me and my son, along with everyone else, have been moved to the car rental area."

Taxi driver Ian Crosby said: "This was no accident. This was a deliberate attack on Glasgow Airport."

The car ablaze at Glasgow Airport
Witnesses said the car was driven at the building deliberately

The reaction of members of the public was not to help the men in the car, but to restrain them, he told the BBC.

Mr Crosby, who said he served in Northern Ireland, told how he shepherded people away from the scene in case of a secondary explosion or a nail-bomb.

Two men, one of whom was reported to be badly burned, were seen being led away in handcuffs.

Michael McRanor from Glasgow, photographed the arrest of one of the men.

A number of people are stuck on aeroplanes and on the airport strip while others have been told they might not be able to leave the airport complex until at least 2100 BST.

Edinburgh Airport has been closed to vehicles which are being turned away on approach however, flights are operating as normal.

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Post time 2-7-2007 08:39 AM | Show all posts
asian men? maybe mesian la kot drebar tu

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Post time 2-7-2007 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pseudo_kl at 2-2-2007 09:12 AM
nak citer skit

Kat highway kl-seremban, jem teruk kat Nilai.
Aku kat lane paling kiri, Bas blakang aku nih sajer jer himpit kiri skit supaya orang tak ikut emergency lane. Ader ler mamat ni  ...

:setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju:

Aku pun akan buat mcm bas tu jugak..

Mcm siallah.. suka2 hati nak potong queue!!!

Apahallah plak nak buat kat aku??

Sah2 aku yg patut buat camtu kat dia..


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Post time 2-7-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts
terutamanya pe...............

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Post time 2-7-2007 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by evolutionary at 2-7-2007 09:42 AM
terutamanya pe...............

perempuan ke??

sapa kata pompuan tak ganazz.. amoi2 cina banyak je yg kurang ajar..


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 Author| Post time 2-7-2007 08:15 PM | Show all posts

just so evolutionary  POST #214 take a good look at this --
and who is killing who, eh...


Tiga wanita maut dilanggar pemandu khayal
02-07-2007 07

TANAH MERAH:  Tiga wanita yang berhasrat menyaksikan Forum Perdana di bandar ini malam semalam, terbunuh setelah sebuah treler membawa muatan kayu bergergaji seberat 16 tan yang dipandu seorang lelaki di bawah pengaruh dadah methamphetamine, terbabas lalu menghempap kereta yang mereka naiki.

Ketua Polis Daerah Tanah Merah DSP Anuar Mohamad berkata dalam kejadian di Kampung Kelewek di sini kira-kira 8.45 malam, Maimunah Mat Yaakub, 39, Wan Som Yaakub, 57, dan Norma Che Hassan, 34, meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian akibat kecederaan parah di kepala serta badan setelah dihempap treler itu.

"Pemandu kereta jenis Proton Wira itu, Mat Azwan Mat Yaakub, 21, bagaimanapun hanya cedera ringan walaupun tersepit di tempat duduk pemandu sebelum dikeluarkan oleh pihak bomba," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama di sini, hari ini.

Anuar berkata bapa Mat Azwan, Mat Yaakub Ngah, 52, yang duduk di sebelah pemandu juga cedera ringan dan mendapat rawatan pesakit luar di Hospital Tanah Merah.

"Siasatan awal mendapati treler yang dipandu oleh seorang lelaki berumur 38 tahun itu dikatakan hilang kawalan ketika cuba membelok untuk masuk ke sebuah simpang sebelum terbalik dan menghempap bahagian penumpang belakang kereta yang berhenti di simpang tersebut," katanya.

Beliau berkata ujian air kencing terhadap pemandu treler yang berasal dari Kuala Ketil, Kedah itu mendapati dia positif dadah jenis methamphetamine.

"Pemandu itu kini ditahan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Tanah Merah untuk siasatan lanjut dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 41(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987," katanya.

Sementara itu, Nur Amalin Fadzil, 13, anak sulung Norma berkata sebelum kejadian, dia ingin mengikut ibunya pergi menyaksikan Forum Perdana itu.

"Emak tak benarkan saya pergi dengan alasan keadaan di situ sesak dan bimbang jika tidak sempat sampai sebelum forum bermula. "Sebelum itu ayah hantar emak ke rumah sepupu berdekatan untuk pergi bersama ke tempat forum sebelum ayah pulang semula ke rumah," katanya.

Kesemua mayat dihantar ke Hospital Tanah Merah untuk bedah siasat sebelum dituntut anggota keluarga untuk dikebumikan


harap sebelum dia ni dihukum gantung / bunuh  biar dia
regret for the REST of his insufferable life for killing 3 women
while DUI!!
orang macam ni tak boleh bagi duduk dengan society --
biarlah justice prevail --

alfatihah untuk ketiga tiga arwah --

kebanyakkan pemandu malaysia tiada hemah, tak bermaruah (DUI)
and killers --  just obnoxious!! --

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Post time 2-7-2007 08:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #216 dexa's post

syukur.. mereka dlm perjalanan tgk FORUM PERDANA..

[ Last edited by  dexa at 2-7-2007 08:26 PM ]

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Post time 4-7-2007 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Ubah cara memandu
Oleh Badrila Jamlus

KUALA LUMPUR: Hasil Kajian Pemanduan dan Penjimatan Petrol 2007 yang membabitkan 300 responden atau pemandu di negara ini mendapati, hampir 60 peratus pemandu bersikap menunggu sehingga tangki minyak kosong atau lampu amaran berkelip sebelum mengisi petrol.

Kajian itu turut mendapati lebih 50 peratus pemandu pula tidak mengubah cara pemanduan mereka meskipun sedar mengenai kenaikan tinggi harga petrol dan lebih 60 peratus tidak pernah cuba memperbaiki pemanduan ke arah penjimatan petrol.

Pakar dalam bidang perancangan pengangkutan dan penilaian impak sosial dari Universiti Malaya, Profesor Dr Jamilah Mohamad, berkata laporan hasil kajian peringkat global itu membabitkan 3,326 pemandu di 11 negara meliputi Eropah, Amerika Latin dan Asia Pasifik termasuk Malaysia.

Beliau berkata, mengikut kajian itu, rakyat Malaysia, Singapura dan New Zealand lebih kerap memandu berbanding pengguna kenderaan di negara lain yang mana lapan dari 10 rakyat negara ini memandu ke tempat kerja serta sekolah.

Hampir 57 peratus rakyat negara ini memandu setiap hari dengan 78 peratus perjalanan membabitkan ke tempat kerja atau sekolah dan lebih 60 peratus daripada responden ini tidak pernah cuba memperbaiki kaedah pemanduan ke arah penjimatan petrol.

揔ajian turut mendapati kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia tidak menitikberatkan aspek mendapat lebih perbatuan dalam memilih kereta yang mahu dibeli selain ciri penjimatan minyak,

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Post time 4-7-2007 08:30 PM | Show all posts
tadi aku p mobil...nak isi minyak...

selalunya aku matikan enjin dulu br kuar dr kete...ntah camne arini aku tak matikan enjin..trus kuar... pastu kereta plak terkunci dari dalam.

yg aku nak share kat sini ialah sikap prihatin masyarakat yg datang menghulur bantuan tanpa aku pinta. india, cina, melayu..tua, muda yg berhenti kat situ tanya apa masalah aku... masing2 cari pembaris besi dalam kereta,dlm beg dorg...dlm boot. sorg pun tak jumpa pembaris

pastu ada sorg lelaki india...pas dia isi minyak, dia p parking kete...pastu dia cari kayu... dia amik pisau dr boot dan mula menghiris kayu tu smpi tipis. sblm tu mamat pam atendan tu tgh cuba guna tak sampai. aku puji sikap lelaki india ni yg sungguh2 nak tolong aku...

pastu dtg plak lelaki melayu... dia pun nak tolong gak... so dia, lelaki india n adik atendan tu berusahalah nk bukak pintu kete aku... alhamdulillah akhirnya terbukak jugak... adalah dalam setengah jam aku tersadai kat mobil tu.

aku puji sangat2 sikap mereka2 yang sudi bertanya dan menghulurkan bantuan... anneyy... i love u!!

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Post time 4-7-2007 08:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #219 nazurah's post

itu la kelebihan mereka..

tak macam sesetengah umno totok yg mmg ramai kat pekan koboi tu

sebelum hulur bantuan.. dia tanya dulu

" Tu ORANG KITA ke???"

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