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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2003 08:36 PM | Show all posts
[quote:3da6dbfee3="mbhcsf"]SALAM DAN SELAMAT SEJAHTERA

Dear Yellow Bellmont,/ yg berkenaan ,

Have you manage to watch even or to catch a few scenes today..
I sempat tengok bewteen 6: 20 - 6: 25 je.....

I saw that pompuan yg malukan kaum tu kena slapped by the guy.. what happened actually...
cares to fill in the gap...

sorry la asyik menyusahkan sebab waktu nilah  I gi aerobic class....

[color=blue:3da6dbfee3]sorry..lambat reply..aku tak dpt nak post reply sejak semalam..ada masalah nak log in FORUM CARI..tu la pasal..ramai gak org kena problem nie..kes kes kes..anyway..babak Mei Na kena slap aku tak nampak la..

erm..aku dah try carik lagu Les Pas tuh..tapi masih blom dpt d/load lagi..tau tak siapa penyanyinya?..susah la nak cari..erm..lagu Les Pas nie sering dimainkan kan?..jgn2 tu la lagu yg buat aku tertarik nak tgk citer nie..sbb dulu masa memula tgk citer nie..ader 1 lagu yg sound very interesting for me sampai aku tertarik nak tgk citer nie..tadi aku cuba dgr bahasanya..tapi tak dpt nak make sure samada itu bahasa French atau bahasa Korea..mungkin itulah Les saper ader info?[/color:3da6dbfee3]

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Post time 2-4-2003 11:15 PM | Show all posts
[quote:d19338177e="yellow belmont"][quote:d19338177e="mbhcsf"]SALAM DAN SELAMAT SEJAHTERA

Dear Yellow Bellmont,/ yg berkenaan ,

Have you manage to watch even or to catch a few scenes today..
I sempat tengok bewteen 6: 20 - 6: 25 je.....

I saw that pompuan yg malukan kaum tu kena slapped by the guy.. what happened actually...
cares to fill in the gap...

sorry la asyik menyusahkan sebab waktu nilah  I gi aerobic class....

[color=blue:d19338177e]sorry..lambat reply..aku tak dpt nak post reply sejak semalam..ada masalah nak log in FORUM CARI..tu la pasal..ramai gak org kena problem nie..kes kes kes..anyway..babak Mei Na kena slap aku tak nampak la..

erm..aku dah try carik lagu Les Pas tuh..tapi masih blom dpt d/load lagi..tau tak siapa penyanyinya?..susah la nak cari..erm..lagu Les Pas nie sering dimainkan kan?..jgn2 tu la lagu yg buat aku tertarik nak tgk citer nie..sbb dulu masa memula tgk citer nie..ader 1 lagu yg sound very interesting for me sampai aku tertarik nak tgk citer nie..tadi aku cuba dgr bahasanya..tapi tak dpt nak make sure samada itu bahasa French atau bahasa Korea..mungkin itulah Les saper ader info?[/color:d19338177e][/quote:d19338177e]

salam.. thanks anyway...
tau dak i tak leh d/load  'coz   ( BLUSH BLUSH) my computer ni windows nye version dinosaur!!! ( yr. 95.. "GLAD TO TELL")
so mampu dengaq jelah...

why don't you try  OR

by the bye semalam pun I ade masalah yg sama ... tak leh log in......oh you dan semua org jugak ke.. I ingat they "BARRED" me....


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Post time 3-4-2003 04:13 PM | Show all posts
salam dan selamat sejahtera semua.....

HARI NIE kan.. dinner treat ade pukul 5:00 petang pulak.. tajuknya SWAT????? mana invitation...????ini utusan malaysia

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2003 08:44 PM | Show all posts
salam.. thanks anyway...
tau dak i tak leh d/load  'coz   ( BLUSH BLUSH) my computer ni windows nye version dinosaur!!! ( yr. 95.. "GLAD TO TELL")
so mampu dengaq jelah...

why don't you try  OR

by the bye semalam pun I ade masalah yg sama ... tak leh log in......oh you dan semua org jugak ke.. I ingat they "BARRED" me....

:mrgreen:..versi dinasour ek..hehe..

about [b:60c63b2b76]Les Pas[/b:60c63b2b76]..guess what?..rupanya Les Pas yg ko suka tu la background music yg aku tertarik masa first time tgk citer nie..Les Pas dan lagu yg aku suka tu lagu yg sama rupanya..keskeskes..just like what you said before..the song is nice & sweet..cuma memula dgr tak pula terasa dancy..but then..bila ko cakap so dancy..pabila aku dgr lagu tu lagi..barulah aku terasa lagu tuh mmg sesuai untuk berdansa..bila dgr..blh imagine rentak tariannya..lagu tu juga..kalau aku dgr..seolah-olah ada elemen moden & lama bergabung jadi 2 in 1..ntahla..apa pun lagu tu mmg BEST bg aku..

by the way..aku rasa Utusan Malaysia silap bg info tuh..sbb kan..tadi citer nie main macam biasa..5.30 pm [/color:60c63b2b76]

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Post time 4-4-2003 09:20 PM | Show all posts
salam dan selamat sejahtera...

tadi i watched the serial the whole hour and MEI YAN jahat giler...
she arranged a meeting with the bloke who knocks her well kita namakan  abdul , ye? Ok dia cakap kat abdul tu suruh jumpa kat hotel lobby/restaurant/ but at the same time dia jugak suruh her GOOd frieng yg deeply in love with this abdul  jumpe dia gak!!!

lepas tu bertembung  they all three!!and then she buat all the annoying / cheeky acts... sampai abdul tu cakap

what are you doing actually....

lepas tu I tak larat nak cite.. Ya RABBi......

you know , dah abdul tu tak suke, macam mane nak bagi suke... cari alah samat ke.. abu ke..ah kaow, jang hyuk ke aahh won bin pun tak pe???geram betul .. ini dah epi 14 ke 15?


wicked mei yan....

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2003 01:53 AM | Show all posts
[color=blue:3cb9093388]opss.. ops: ..aku tersalah cakap la sebelum nie..actually Mei Yan..tapi aku tercakap Mei Na plak..hehe..sorry ops:

oh..dia sendiri yg arranged supaya diorg bertiga jumpa tu ek..aku ingatkan kebetulan..sbb aku tak nampak part sebelum tu..lagi pun aku sangka dia dah buat keputusan nak biarkan mereka..bila switch jer ntv7..tub tub lelaki tu[Sheng Zhen] left the place..

yg tadi tu episod 15 ikut news..

eh!..tadi tgk sampai habis plak yer..takder aerobic the way..nak mp3 Les Pas tak?..[/color:3cb9093388]

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Post time 5-4-2003 08:41 PM | Show all posts
[quote:96d7319b88="yellow belmont"][color=blue:96d7319b88]opss.. ops: ..aku tersalah cakap la sebelum nie..actually Mei Yan..tapi aku tercakap Mei Na plak..hehe..sorry ops:

oh..dia sendiri yg arranged supaya diorg bertiga jumpa tu ek..aku ingatkan kebetulan..sbb aku tak nampak part sebelum tu..lagi pun aku sangka dia dah buat keputusan nak biarkan mereka..bila switch jer ntv7..tub tub lelaki tu[Sheng Zhen] left the place..

yg tadi tu episod 15 ikut news..

eh!..tadi tgk sampai habis plak yer..takder aerobic the way..nak mp3 Les Pas tak?..[/color:96d7319b88][/quote:96d7319b88]

actually mp3 tu  pun i dunno what it stands for but i know it is one of the tool/? program utk d/load..lagu, kan?

so with my advance pre-historic , jurassic dynasty kind of ahem..ahem so " called" WINDOWS,, i dunno........

kalau you suka french song you must like this song sung by ALIzee  entitled  lolita....mtv europe sure ade video clip dia.. atau you can visit ini lagi BESTTTTTTTTTT../. " you can ade mp3"????


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 Author| Post time 5-4-2003 11:06 PM | Show all posts
actually mp3 tu  pun i dunno what it stands for but i know it is one of the tool/? program utk d/load..lagu, kan?

so with my advance pre-historic , jurassic dynasty kind of ahem..ahem so " called" WINDOWS,, i dunno........

kalau you suka french song you must like this song sung by ALIzee  entitled  lolita....mtv europe sure ade video clip dia.. atau you can visit ini lagi BESTTTTTTTTTT../. " you can ade mp3"????


[color=blue:62b6751c0f]frankly speaking..I also don't know what does mp3 stands for.. ops:

but if u want to..try to d/load yahoo messenger@YM..if u can & willing to do that..then I'll send Les Pas mp3 to u using that YM..I think there should be no problem to send u that mp3 if u can d/load YM..but..if u can't get YM..then its the fullstop..

by the way..thanks for sharing..I'll try to find that song..and one more thing..I just want to tell you something..just in case u misinterpret me..I love Les Pas because how it sound to me..not because it is French..

~juz another broken english~[/color:62b6751c0f]

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Post time 5-4-2003 11:54 PM | Show all posts
[quote:1ec40849f4="yellow belmont"][color=blue:1ec40849f4]
by the way..nak mp3 Les Pas tak?..[/color:1ec40849f4][/quote:1ec40849f4]

Hi [b:1ec40849f4]yellow belmont[/b:1ec40849f4].... 8)

Saya tak tengok [b:1ec40849f4]Invitation[/b:1ec40849f4] ni but following your conversation dengan [b:1ec40849f4]mbhcsf[/b:1ec40849f4] about [b:1ec40849f4]Les Pas[/b:1ec40849f4], teringin pula nak dengar the music ops: .

Mind sharing the download link :? ?

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 Author| Post time 7-4-2003 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Hi [b:75652d8149]yellow belmont[/b:75652d8149].... 8)

Saya tak tengok [b:75652d8149]Invitation[/b:75652d8149] ni but following your conversation dengan [b:75652d8149]mbhcsf[/b:75652d8149] about [b:75652d8149]Les Pas[/b:75652d8149], teringin pula nak dengar the music ops: .

Mind sharing the download link :? ?[/quote:75652d8149]

[color=blue:75652d8149]aku d/load guna [b:75652d8149]Kazaa[/b:75652d8149]..try ar..tapi..kalau lagu tu tak best macam yg aku gambarkan..jgn salahkan aku ek.. ..salahkan mbhcsf sorang jer..kuikuikui  :mrgreen: [/color:75652d8149]

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Post time 7-4-2003 01:08 PM | Show all posts
[quote:d335b7566d="yellow belmont"][quote:d335b7566d="katt"]
Hi [b:d335b7566d]yellow belmont[/b:d335b7566d].... 8)

Saya tak tengok [b:d335b7566d]Invitation[/b:d335b7566d] ni but following your conversation dengan [b:d335b7566d]mbhcsf[/b:d335b7566d] about [b:d335b7566d]Les Pas[/b:d335b7566d], teringin pula nak dengar the music ops: .

Mind sharing the download link :? ?[/quote:d335b7566d]

[color=blue:d335b7566d]aku d/load guna [b:d335b7566d]Kazaa[/b:d335b7566d]..try ar..tapi..kalau lagu tu tak best macam yg aku gambarkan..jgn salahkan aku ek.. ..salahkan mbhcsf sorang jer..kuikuikui  :mrgreen: [/color:d335b7566d][/quote:d335b7566d]

salam dan selamat sejahtera

why on earth do you want to blame me for....???????

YOU are such a provocateur!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it's all depends really....well kalau tak suka les pas you can  "LEPAS" kan dia... but then if you like go and  listen to this nice sweet frech  elle called MOI lolita by alizee

it's  dancy gilerrr.. the wording well if you know a little bit of french.. sounds .well it's for you to judge...

by the by.. i am not mad just  " shock"... and  blurrred !!!

eh  i probably will go to my usual aerobic class today.. would care to share with  us the rst of the serial with  us????

seee ya later..............

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 Author| Post time 7-4-2003 04:37 PM | Show all posts
[color=blue:6855c93b24][b:6855c93b24]mbhcsf[/b:6855c93b24]..aku gurau jer laa  ..don't get me wrong[/color:6855c93b24]

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Post time 7-4-2003 06:08 PM | Show all posts
[quote:3367183b2d="mbhcsf"][quote:3367183b2d="yellow belmont"][quote:3367183b2d="katt"]
Hi [b:3367183b2d]yellow belmont[/b:3367183b2d].... 8)

Saya tak tengok [b:3367183b2d]Invitation[/b:3367183b2d] ni but following your conversation dengan [b:3367183b2d]mbhcsf[/b:3367183b2d] about [b:3367183b2d]Les Pas[/b:3367183b2d], teringin pula nak dengar the music ops: .

Mind sharing the download link :? ?[/quote:3367183b2d]

[color=blue:3367183b2d]aku d/load guna [b:3367183b2d]Kazaa[/b:3367183b2d]..try ar..tapi..kalau lagu tu tak best macam yg aku gambarkan..jgn salahkan aku ek.. ..salahkan mbhcsf sorang jer..kuikuikui  :mrgreen: [/color:3367183b2d][/quote:3367183b2d]

salam dan selamat sejahtera

why on earth do you want to blame me for....???????

YOU are such a provocateur!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it's all depends really....well kalau tak suka les pas you can  "LEPAS" kan dia... but then if you like go and  listen to this nice sweet frech  elle called MOI lolita by alizee

it's  dancy gilerrr.. the wording well if you know a little bit of french.. sounds .well it's for you to judge...[/quote:3367183b2d]

Don't worry....I won't blame any of you .  I'm sure it's a nice track. Maybe will  try to watch Invitation before it ends, mungkin dapat dengar the song...

Hmm...guna [b:3367183b2d]Kazaa[/b:3367183b2d] ye.  Anyway, thanks [b:3367183b2d][color=orange:3367183b2d]yellow belmont[/color:3367183b2d][/b:3367183b2d] for the tip.

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Post time 7-4-2003 07:48 PM | Show all posts
[quote:752f02e665="yellow belmont"][color=blue:752f02e665][b:752f02e665]mbhcsf[/b:752f02e665]..aku gurau jer laa  ..don't get me wrong[/color:752f02e665][/quote:752f02e665]

salam.. i am fne actually.. i just play along with it....

but how was it, today? did you manage to watch it?????

khamis nie is the end ....may be ...

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2003 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Don't worry....I won't blame any of you .  I'm sure it's a nice track. Maybe will  try to watch Invitation before it ends, mungkin dapat dengar the song...

Hmm...guna [b:6b1c509781]Kazaa[/b:6b1c509781] ye.  Anyway, thanks [b:6b1c509781][color=orange:6b1c509781]yellow belmont[/color:6b1c509781][/b:6b1c509781] for the tip.[/quote:6b1c509781]

[color=blue:6b1c509781]ur welcome  :wink: ..kalau ade pa per problem nak dptkan lagu tu..just inform me key [/color:6b1c509781]

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2003 01:11 AM | Show all posts
salam.. i am fne actually.. i just play along with it....

but how was it, today? did you manage to watch it?????

khamis nie is the end ....may be ...[/quote:e1d1e3bb93]

[color=blue:e1d1e3bb93]hehe..glad to hear that.. I just manage to watch a few scene..nothing much to fact..I'm not good in telling stories  :? ..sorry..[/color:e1d1e3bb93]

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Post time 8-4-2003 11:07 PM | Show all posts
salam and selamat sejahtera to all ..
today i have to miss the serail 'coz i have to balik kampung tengok tok wan I yg sakit...

anybody  would like to recap whatever happened to these three girls, today..?
thank you.. by the by..where are you YELLOW belmont......????

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2003 02:17 AM | Show all posts
[quote:945e95c308="mbhcsf"]salam and selamat sejahtera to all ..
today i have to miss the serail 'coz i have to balik kampung tengok tok wan I yg sakit...

anybody  would like to recap whatever happened to these three girls, today..?
thank you.. by the by..where are you YELLOW belmont......????[/quote:945e95c308]

[color=blue:945e95c308]ader nie.. ..
oh..ko balik kg tadi ek..jadi nie post msg dr kg ker?..atau kg tu dekat jer jadi nie dah sampai umah?..err..ano..tok wan tu aper?..nenek ker datuk?..dah ok ker?..

by the way..tadi aku aderlah jugak tgk tapi bukan dr mula..ermm..tadi Ying Zhu nangis sedih gila sbb Dong Xi cakap nak lepaskan dia..maybe Dong Xi sanggup tarik diri masa dia sedih tu dia pegilah nak mengadu kat kawan dia sorang tu..masa tu kawan dia kat rumah Mei Yan..jadi tiga2 org la berkumpul 1 rumah jawabnya..tgh si Ying Zhu nangis2..tiba2 Mei Yan naik darah lalu pegilah tempelak si Ying Zhu sbb dia tak puas hati kenapa si Ying Zhu nak sedih2 lagi walhal Ying Zhu sendiri yg nak berpisah ngan Dong Xi dulu..lepas tu..Ying Zhu blah..sambil on the way ntah nak pi mana..dia asik pikir kenapa Mei Yan marah sgt kat dia pun pi patah balik nak tanya Mei Yan..dalam pd tuh..kawan pompuan yg sorang tu pegi jumpa Sheng Zhen bg ceramah Sheng Zhen pun pegilah jumpa Mei Yan sbb Mei Yan tgh sakit gak waktu tu..sekali dah berjumpa..berderai pulak air mata diorg berdua..tgh2 nangis Ying Zhu plak sampai kat luar pintu..pastu Mei Yan suh dia pulang jer sbb dia ada tetamu..then..bila Ying Zhu dah berlalu pergi..Sheng Zhen pi keluar macam nak kejar jer..masa Ying Zhu dalam teksi on the way nak balik dah tetiba dia ternampak Sheng Zhen kat luar bangunan tu tgk tercari-cari..dia pun jadi pelik..barulah dia terfikir bahawa tetamu yg Mei Yan maksudkan tu ialah Sheng Zhen..jadi tunggulah episod seterusnya..[/color:945e95c308]

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Post time 9-4-2003 07:39 PM | Show all posts
salam dan selamat sejahtera..

hai everybody.. how are you guys??

I  am so happy today because:-

again I have watched this serial  for 60 minutes, and I am really truly proud of mei yan....

haaa.. but kali nie she 's no more the  wicked  ones dan lepas ni ape jadi pada dia pun tak pe......

dia  punya prisip begitu terserlah kali nie.. pandai berlakon betoi la , minah nie...

OK pada sesiapa yg melihat dialog  dia dengan abdul sheng zhen tu pasti berasa bangga dan terharu...

dialog tu truly reflecting that

1) whatever happens,  dia akan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya,  Ok bukan mudah ya nak  abort nie sebab psychological impact nie very high..tapi abdul tu....sanggup kata malang sungguh anak nie...
tapi mei yan balas balik.. kalau dia bunuh  ( abort) lagi malang...
tapi dalam budaya kita , nak tu memang tak bersalah tapi malanglah.. tapi I respect cara dia handle this complicated crisis

2) DIA FINALLY LEPASKAN>>>nie lagi satu .. sanggup berkorban.. tapi  well itulah yg sebaiknya kalau org tak suka.. biar kan lah...
dan dia tak revelaed the fact that she is conceived.. well... semata-mata nak jaga  hati kawan.. walaupun MARAH teramat

3) minah siti tu ( OK I tak tahu nama kawan Mei yan, I namakan Siti) tu pun baik gak, tapi tak  sedarkah dia,  does she aware that this guy nie is not fit to be anyone  other 1/2???
you bayangkan kawan you sendiri yg suffers tengok your re'ship with the same guy that you truly love, and the fact that you have not known about it???

4) lelaki sememangnya tak berguna, tapi ini mungkin bias, ape perasaan abdul nie sbb she really  said to him that you are off the blah and get  married...with SITI
samada dia guilty gila, sbb ade lady yg truly love him to pieces  but he denies that loved and better still knocking her out ( xcuse language), laki ni gilerrrr atau cold blooded . commitment - phobic  type of bloke???

5) love hurts, therefore should avoid this feeling at all costs!!!

Ok setakat itu shj
tapi tomorrow kalaulah the end... saya akan watching. if god willing...

p/s: disebabkan 3  SARS cases telah berlaku di tempat saya di KEDAH nie.. ( BASED on UM yesterday), jadi saya terpaksa mengelakkan diri dari berada di tempat awam ( public places which are poorly ventilated or public places yg tertutup)


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 Author| Post time 10-4-2003 01:57 AM | Show all posts
[color=blue:5ea3598514]a ah..nampaknya Mei Yan tu dah jadi 'baik'..mungkin kembali menjadi dirinya yg sebenar..

pasal kandungan tu..mmg agak Sheng Zhen..kesian kat anak tu sbb kalau dilahirkan agak malang Mei Yan plak..lbh malang bg anak tu kalau dia dibunuh..aku pun tak tau mana 1 pilihan yg akan membuatkan anak tu jadi lebih malang..

pasal pengorbanan..walaupun begitu marah & terluka..tapi masih juga dia simpan rahsia pasal bayi tuh..kira hebat jugak tu..

minah siti tu nama dia Ying Zhu..tak sedarkah dia?..erm..dah suka punya pasal..bak kata pepatah..cinta itu buta..

lelaki tak berguna?..mmg watak Sheng Zhen tu tak berguna..dah bg mengandung anak org pun..dia masih blh jatuh cinta & tinggalkan Mei Yan..mungkinkah cinta itu diluar kawalan?..berubah hati & jatuh hati tanpa kerelaan?..adakah begitu?..blh dikatakan mmg ramai lelaki yg tak berguna..tapi perempuan pun apa krgnya..

love hurts, therefore should avoid this feeling at all costs?..apa maksud ko?..harus menghindari perasaan jatuh cinta? atau menjauhkan diri dr kecewa bercinta?

erm..dah ada 3 kes SARS ek kat sana?..kat sini aku dgr ade 1..tapi ntahlah confirm ker tidak tuh..[/color:5ea3598514]

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