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Author: dauswq

[TvN] Reply 1988 - Sung Dong Il, Hyeri [❤Jung Hwan xxx Dok Sun❤]

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 06:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by dauswq at 18-1-2016 06:24 PM

Over tau

@wonto @naqibnasuha ... etitions_share_skip

Change ni biasanya utk political purpose
Drama pun leh masuk
Esok2 naik signature 1000,  tvn patut watch out ni

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Post time 18-1-2016 07:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by naqibnasuha at 18-1-2016 07:56 PM

Another story abt ending of R1988

I've heard of another version for the finale lately. Anyway the drama actually ended, but the feeling of incompletion, emptiness and rushness i've been experiencing for the last 24 hours after watching ep 20 makes me share it with you. It was a spoiler elsewhere after ep 19 aired (and was deleted right then). And this is how the story goes:

1) Based on a true story: a young pilot whose surname is Kim died in an air crash while trying to fly the craft away from a building. He was under 30 then, had a brother with heart issues (just like JB) and their parents were preparing for 30-year anniversary. So (according to this source) originally Kim Jung Hwan was destinied to die. The kiss scene at the airport with DS, the parents' wedding, the flashback when he secretly cared for his first love, etc are imaginations and recalls at his last minute.
2) About how Taek finds out DS's secret about her first love with SW, it was revealed by JH when Taek came to see him at the camp. Acc to the spoiler, T came and spent a night there with JH, they talked about DS, her feelings for SW at first, when T started his feelings for DS (then comes the flashback of childhood as seen in ep 20). JH gave Taek the ring, telling him to care for DS and give it to DS on behalf of him (that's why someone here and there sees something inside DS's pink sweater - in the scene she greeted Taek at the gate and they hugged - it's supposed to be the ring, she wears it with her necklace). The ring wasn't left unanswered as we have been wondering all the time!
3) A week later (after Taek's visit), Hwan came home. SW and BR dating was unveiled. The parents protested while the children supported them. Taek and DS went out for movie, holding hands and kissed (DS kissed T to the cheek and he smiled )). DS came in and see Hwan, he intended to say something to her but hesitated, instead told her that he wished her happiness; she wished him the same,
4) The night Hwan came back to the camp, mother Mi Ran suddenly felt uneasy and anxious. She cried right after the moment he's gone (like how we saw in ep 20).Father Kim comforted her and the old couple talked about JB-JH childhood.
5) The accident happened. JH died in the crash. Mother Mi Ran fainted, JB had a heart attack, Taek cancelled a baduk competition, DS came back from Japan. The block suddenly became dreary. The mothers cried, hugging eachother. The fathers sadly sat together, drank wine and sighed. Mother Mi Ran didn't cry, staring at the sky. The children looked older. Taek hugged DS when she was crying, BR leaned on SW's shoulder, both crying. DR was the host of the funeral, did not cry, looked like a really grown-up man. JB made a lot of blue paper planes with his and his brother's face on their wings. Mi Ok was beside him then. DR silently stood before Hwan's photograph, cried and shouted at him, remembering every moment between them since they were kids then went to school etc.
The narration goes: "The ones we love will not be with us forever. Someday they will surely leave us. Through loss we grow up" (or something like that).
After the funeral, the block was still flooded with sadness. Mother Mi Ran was ill, sleepless and talked less. She often dreamed of JH coming back at night, woke up and went to the living room to wait for him(as a scene in ep 20). Father Kim woke up with her and they sat there for a very long time.
7) DS worn the ring with her necklace as a memory to the past. (Taek gave it to her after the funeral).
8) SW and BR decided to get married. While BR's mother seemed unapproved, mother Mi Ran told her: "Let the children do whatever makes them happy, we can't be with them for the whole lifetime." Then the wedding took place without JH's attendence (of course!). DR, as the host, introduced a blank chair beside Taek as JH's seat, and in every wedding then, they will leave him a chair so that he can share the happiness with them. The father-daughter issues solved, everyone (and the blank chair) took a photo together.
9) After a match in China, Taek came home and the doves (Taek-Sun) met at the gate (as in ep 20). Taek told DS that he was introduced to a very beautiful girl that day, but he was busy looking after his cat which is cruel and jealousy but very pretty, that's why he couldn't go out with that girl. DS pinched him, telling him that he recently has become more soapy. He said "I am normally a man. Do you want to be Mrs Choi soon by provoking me like this?" (haha cheesy). Then he said with seriousness that it's time they changed their relationship status.
10) T & DS came to visit JH's grave, brought him white daisy and informed him of their wedding in Jan. They also told him about their family moving out due to the clearance plan, SW became a baby sitter )), JB and MO on honeymoon, DR is dating and opened more restaurants. They recalled it when they announced the wedding to their parents, DS's appa and omma were overjoyed, repeatedly asked them if Taekie had been forced and terrorized to get married with DS (sheep sound and DS stupid face). The friends didn't surprise at all. DR said: "You two always hold hands and hug in the front gate, we're not blind not knowing anything." )
11) The families really moved out. Mother Mi Ran stood in Hwan's room, father Kim led her out. Ssangmundong was abandoned, Taek's room door's open and we see again the gang watched a movie together - as the last scenes on ep 20 last night.

According to the source, too, when asked to change the script (that's why we had ep 17 delayed), the writer didn't want to change the ending, thus she just cut the scenes related to the accident. This means, she just didn't mention the accident, yet whether it happened or not remains unanswered.

It's really a complete and fully answered ending to me. Though it's sad, but such is life.

A small detail i've been wondering since the very first episodes: the Kim family suddenly won the lottery and their life changed - but they didn't have to exchange anything for it. To my opinion, there's no such thing like a grant from God. It's always trade-off. To escape from poverty, the Kims should have exchanged something as trade-off - and the bigger the prize is, the more precious thing they will have to pay - in this case (well i'd rather not say - it's so painful).


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 08:04 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-1-2016 07:48 PM
Another story abt ending of R1988

aku lebih rela story ni dimainkan ,  dr dibiarkan wtk jung hwan senyap gtuh jah tanpa pembelaan
at least writer ade alasan  boleh dikaitkan dgn 'true story'


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Post time 18-1-2016 08:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
patut ramai yg kata strange ending...mcm feel titanic dejavu...mgkin nas minority kt sini...psl nas suke ending mcm spoiler kt tgk epi last taek dgn deoksun mmg de terlintas di hati merasakn si junghwan mati dlm exciden crash...sebab ms scene last deoksun mcm rindu kisah lama dia...pnh sblm ni nas kt mgkin thn 2016 tu mmg ade slh seorang yg akn mati..nas ms tu mmg fikir jung bong...mgkin writer n pdnim ubah last minit tu nas rase nape scene jh mcm xde sgt utk epi 2 last ni....mgkin if writer buat junghwan meninggal rase ramai lg thp membara meroyan dek kemarahan......inilh realitykn..reality tidak seindah pe yg kite bygkn atau berakhir reply ni ibarat nas say goodbye utk kisah silam nas n my life must goes on.....mcm deokson yg mahu if blh kembali ke masa lalu btl2 mirip my wish sewaktu dulu..sob sob sob..

nk mikir nk buat review lak..

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Post time 18-1-2016 08:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2016 08:04 PM
aku lebih rela story ni dimainkan ,  dr dibiarkan wtk jung hwan senyap gtuh jah tanpa pembelaan :l ...

yup btl2...mmg setuju jika buat ending cam kat atas tu...

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Post time 18-1-2016 08:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2016 06:20 PM
Over tau  

@wonto @naqibnasuha

daus tu yg writer tkt nk buat ending seperti spoiler tu...if buat jh mati rase mahunya tvn kn attack lg besar dr petition tu..hahahahahaa..rase naslh if writer buat jh n ds bersama rase x mcm kot org nk masing2 mmg tau taek lbh kpd second lead je...mgki dr awal mmg writernim mmg nk bikin jh bl tgk rating yg tinggi mencanang br terfikir mgkin msa nk shooting singkat pastu skrip x smpt nk oter last minit tu jd strange ending tu..

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Post time 18-1-2016 09:11 PM | Show all posts
even iols suka taek-ds..

tp xpuati gak baca spoiler jh mati...

penat2 je lyn smp ep 20...patu nk mati2 lak..

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Post time 18-1-2016 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wupenya ramai yg lyn reply ni....ari2 nas n daus duk meroyan kt sinicptlh sub...nk tutup buku dah citer reply ni...hehehe...

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Post time 18-1-2016 09:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nurelle replied at 18-1-2016 09:11 PM
even iols suka taek-ds..

tp xpuati gak baca spoiler jh mati...

hehehe...tu yg writer x buat..dh tau ramai yg akn mengamuk..hahaha..

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 09:19 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-1-2016 09:18 PM
wupenya ramai yg lyn reply ni....ari2 nas n daus duk meroyan kt sinicptlh sub...nk tutup buku ...

kan? selagi tu, sukar nk layan drama baru lelain dgn hati yg tenang

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Post time 18-1-2016 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2016 09:19 PM
kan? selagi tu, sukar nk layan drama baru lelain dgn hati yg tenang

mmg x tenang slg x lyn dgn khatam jgk drama ni..hehehe

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 09:26 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-1-2016 08:08 PM
patut ramai yg kata strange ending...mcm feel titanic dejavu...mgkin nas minority kt sini...psl nas  ...

aku lebih berpendapat fans tak marah kot
tgk ending misa , stairway to heaven
wlpn watak utama dlm drama2 tersebut tu mati, tp drama tu masih dikenang antara drama yg 'hebat' pernah ditayangkan sekian lama dulu
ade jugak yg masih layan kini bbrp kali wlpn tau hero/heroin akn mati di penghujung

jadi, ending dgn berlandaskan true story lebih relevan drpd dibiarkan ending yg meninggalkan tanda tanya ttg ape yg jd pd wtk 2nd lead yg kian menghilang dipenghujung cerita..
bg aku, lebih baik dimatikan wtk jung hwan tu, follow the true story
barulah ending nice


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Post time 18-1-2016 10:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2016 09:26 PM
aku lebih berpendapat fans tak marah kot
tgk ending misa , stairway to heaven
wlpn watak utama  ...

ssh nk fhm fans skrg ni...nas pun lbh setuju part dimatikn wtk jh end epi reply ni...mcm citer 49 days ending heroin mmg tetap ditakdrkn mati tp sgt terfikir jgk pe yg buat writer ni berubah plan??hrpn nas reply yg mendatang jgnlh buat plot siapa husband heroin lg..udah2lah...hehehehe

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Post time 18-1-2016 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 17-1-2016 04:03 PM
byk kali aku duk ulang lagu lee sung hwan - empty heart
dgr lagu ni jek, terbayang momen jung hwan  ...

Aku nk jd mcm shipper jh-ds
Anggap yg epi 18 tu last epi
Mls nk donlod epi 19-20
Trgt muka jh tsengeh2 ms kna hmpap pntu
Lps tu kt mja mkn,jh thn gelak psl ds dok lyn sengal apak jh

Ada yg kta writer nk mtikn wtk jh sebnarnya
Ya ka?

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Post time 18-1-2016 10:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2016 06:20 PM
Over tau  

@wonto @naqibnasuha

Kuat tul penangan jung hwan ni
Smp buat ptition
Ko mampu?

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 10:08 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 18-1-2016 10:05 PM
Aku nk jd mcm shipper jh-ds
Anggap yg epi 18 tu last epi

kau bacelah spoiler nas tepek kt tu
aku rase lg fitted dgn ending

kau dh tgk epi 18 dh ker?

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Post time 18-1-2016 10:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wonto replied at 18-1-2016 10:05 PM
Aku nk jd mcm shipper jh-ds
Anggap yg epi 18 tu last epi

based on spoiler mcm ye wonto..nas pun setuju..hehehe..ramai tul shipper jhds kat sini..enko pun sama wonto..hehehe...

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 10:11 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 18-1-2016 10:05 PM
Aku nk jd mcm shipper jh-ds
Anggap yg epi 18 tu last epi

darah kuar tu tak leh thn...

plg penting momen epi 18  specially utk jung wan jek epi ni... siannye tgk jung hwan meratapi kesedihan di dalam jeep diselangi dgn hujan yg lebat turun & ditemani dgn lagu lee moon sae feveret dia


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 10:13 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-1-2016 10:03 PM
ssh nk fhm fans skrg ni...nas pun lbh setuju part dimatikn wtk jh end epi reply ni...mcm citer 49  ...

writer ni suka permain perasaan penonton kot
dr drama family yg emosional sehinggalah ke kisah cinta yg klu tak boleh tak mau puaskn ati penonton
semuanya melangkaui mainstream

tabiklah writer pompuan ni


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2016 10:15 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 18-1-2016 10:07 PM
Kuat tul penangan jung hwan ni
Smp buat ptition
Ko mampu?

siang td aku tgk br 20 signature
la ni dh beratus2 dah .. kau ker yg sign?


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