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Author: haniatiqah

New Diet Plan:- ATKINS DIET

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lizzymizzymizzy This user has been deleted
Post time 26-4-2005 10:23 AM | Show all posts
khaleeda....doktor mane punye resepi nir makan nasi impit ngan rendang pagi2? meh sini nak :ketuk: sikit..degil ni.....buat ler konon2 cam bulan puase....tahan nafsu....rase nak kurung khaleeda dalam chamber seminggu pastu hari2 kasi..roti 3 keping, milo 3 mugs  and air mineral..3 botol besar..lepas seminggu baru bebaskan dia hehehehe ...kejam tak?

hujung minggu ade byk agenda aar..rase cam dah naik balik tension ni....semalam dah start least dapat weekday pun jadi...sbb weekends memang hancus...ade jer acara org ajak makan..tak makan kang org ingat mengade2..bile dah makan..sendiri dok menyesal..serba salah dibuatnyer...

semalam nyer menu :
pagi - epal hijau sebiji ngan kopi o tarak gula
lunch - rojak buah
malam - makan tomyam seafood ngan udang goreng tepung

hari lak :
pagi tadi : toast sekeping ngan soya bean
lunch ngan dinner akan menyusul nanti

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Post time 26-4-2005 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Hari bawa rendang dah kanto diet.
Bayangkan malam tadi masak dgn santan, kerisik...

Atur strategi lunch tadi suruh opis mate panaskan kat
microwave...then khaleeda masuk subang parade jalan cepat
sampai ujung bangunan....kira excerise lah gak....
Balik dah ckp dgn kawan tu tinggalkan sikit je...
Hish...sampai opis badan jadi panas..tapi tak kuar peluh.
Dalam acond tak rasa seju..bukak pulak kipas...kepanasan..

Sampai kan opis mate sebelah(lelaki) cakap.."oooiii dah sejuk
apasal bukak kipas" member tu pun pakai lak sweater.
Kat opis ni memang company bagi sweater sorang satu ada
companinyer khaleeda pun jawab "orang gi subang
parade lah penat nih....
Makan sikit pun dah rasa kenyang....cos minum air putih banyak2.
Macam rasa kembung lak.....

Macam ni pun ada orang diet.
Pas tu kawan yang makan kat luar tu bawa balik lah kacan  salut
tepung....masyaallah...rosak lagi diet aku ni....

Banyak dugaan dan cabaran nak diet ni...
Macam nak amik exam lak....Pass ke fail.

Bagi menu malam nanti...

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2005 03:32 PM | Show all posts

bravo !!!

semangatnya kawan2 kita ni berdiet. Hani dah lama kantoi ni. dr last saturday pagi.. buat puding castard makan ngan fruit cocktail & susu, pas.. ptg hubby kata ada member nak dtg mlm ni.. hani bantai buat kek coklat kukus resepi mesmerize dlm f & resepi. minggu lepas memang burn la.

camna ni kwn2 ? tak tahan la... iman tak kuat ???!!

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Post time 26-4-2005 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Banyak sangat dugaan dan cabaran thread kita ni....

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Post time 27-4-2005 07:43 AM | Show all posts

selamat pagi semua jemaah diet atkin

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lizzymizzymizzy This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2005 02:33 PM | Show all posts
khaleeda, hani..

kite bertiga saje ke yg berminat nak kurus ni?

ok semalam menu : pegi makan dekat american chillies so order 'fajitas' tapi makan ayam + daging grilled + salad jer..roti tak sentuh...kusssss payah gak time tu..tapi nampak keliling slim2 jer kuat jer semangat tetiba.

hari ni nyer menu:
pagi : epal merah sebijik ngan teh o tarak gula
lunch : ayakkkkkkkk ade kedai baru bukak masak style kpg...habis lingkup diet..dah makan nasi goreng kampung ngan sambal belacan..sedap giler

malam karang : nak makan green salad SAHAJA!! dah pesan kat husband suruh makan siap2 sebelum balik.

waktu ni..2.45petang...tgh minum kopi lak

MOTIVATION : nak slim byk2 sebelum khaleeda jadi ratu atkins

doa hari ni : Ya Allah ya tuhan ku bukak lah pintu hati khaleeda untuk makan nasi ngan sate ngan rendang ngan lontong hari ni. Amin

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2005 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 27-4-2005 02:33 PM:
khaleeda, hani..

kite bertiga saje ke yg berminat nak kurus ni?

ok semalam menu : pegi makan dekat american chillies so order 'fajitas' tapi makan ayam + daging grilled + salad jer..roti t ...

takpe la kita 3 orang je pun. meh kita challenge sapa dulu jadi ratu atkin. Apa kata kita set dateline ke? .. cam 30 Mei ni sapa berjaya turun berat paling banyak ... dialah akan dinobatkan sebagai Ratu Atkin .. he he ! jom khaleeda, lizzy dan sapa2 yang berminat.

baru la lebih bersemangat !!! amacam kengkawan seme ??

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Post time 27-4-2005 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Lizzy, Hani,

Hari b1st khaleeda makan roti fiber 2 kpg dgn milo je.
Lunch pun macam tu...tapi geram sangatlah coz malam
tadi terrrrrrrrrrrmaakan sup ekor lak


Tahan dugaan if tak pagi, lunch or dinner. ada saje yang hancusssss.

malam ni gi erobik.....

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Post time 27-4-2005 03:48 PM | Show all posts
gurlz, pls count me in...

so far, dah 1 minggu on this low-carb, high-protein diet.  Belom kantoi

ni I punye typical menu:

breakfast: telor..telor..dan telor lagi.  Jgn muka ni jadi cam telor atau cam muka ayam dah la..Cara makan lak, kekadang rebus, or scramble or goreng letak kicap sikit..fuyoo sedappp..Memang akak ni suka sgt ngan telor.  Masa memula gi study kat Canada dulu, tak reti masak pemenda pun.  Dok tibai telor hari-hari.

lunch: ayam goreng / tauhu sumbat.  Ni pon feveret.  So tak de problem nak telan.

dinner: lauk-lauk yg maid kat rumah tu masak.  hentam je lah.  tapi tak makan nasi.  Amik just the ikan or the daging or apa-apa yg dirasakan berprotin.

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Post time 27-4-2005 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Sapa yang dah jadi Ratu Atkins kat sini :hmm:
Attach weight pada yang dah buat Atkins Diet sebelum/selepas

Selamat Berdiet semua..Atkins memang effective kalau ikut dengan betul. Coz I dah pernah tengok Atkins Diet Film for those yang betul2 nak turun berat badan. Follow the rules given mmg jadi dan boleh turun banyak.

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Post time 27-4-2005 04:17 PM | Show all posts
has anyone come across the book 'Eating right for your blood type'? lebih kurang cam tu lah tajuk dia.

anyway, the author says that in order for you to lose weight, there are certain types of food that you can eat / cannot eat, and these largely depend on your blood type.

Contohnya, org yg blood type dia B, they can eat dairy food like cheese, etc.  But this is a no-no to those of type A.  So, although cheese is high-protein, kalau org tu of type A, should elakkan.  Nanti kantoi diet wey..

Sebenornye I belom habis baca everything in the book.  Dulu my ex-colleague penah beli and tunjuk kat I.  Masa tu nengok-nengok cam tu je.  Tapi sekarang ni ingat nak bukak balik.  Problem is, I don't have the book.  Nak gi pinjam dari my brother.  He has a copy.  Nantilah, kalau dah baca, I can share more info with my cyber friends in this forum.

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Post time 27-4-2005 07:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zul_khaleeda at 27-10-2004 01:03 PM:


Kekadang terigin juga nak cuba masakan baru.
Kalau kita masak sure kantoi...nyer diet kita kan?

Lunch hari makan roti fiber je dgn air milo

semalam diet mrs kantoi:cry:
pg makan oat
tghari makan sup tofu
petang makan pizza
malam makan burger:cry:

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lizzymizzymizzy This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2005 07:57 PM | Show all posts
heheheh mrs kantoi habis tu...

swift i've read about this method somewhere but i dont think so i am able to follow that...quite tidious lah..some of the list in the nutrition list for my blood type i cant avoid dah ler i have to avoid so hard from eating carbo.

hmmmmmmmm i think it is a  good idea to put our starting weight and then report kat sini on a weakly basis..prefer friday...kalau monday cam takde hasil sbb selalu nyer weekend yg paling kantoi !!

i started bad, after my last pregnancy with twins i was all the way up to 68kg... i started atkins when i was 65kg.....sekarang 61kg and i have to go all the way down to 52kg-55kg ideal for my height of 5'6", tapi kalau dapat 55kg pun dah leh raya sakan.

so i will count this week at 61kg...since esok dah thursday..kite report on friday and the following every friday ok?

ahem ahem :stp: tgh tunggu jawapan khaleeda lak!! and the rest.

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Post time 27-4-2005 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Swift at 27-10-2004 03:48 PM:
gurlz, pls count me in...

so far, dah 1 minggu on this low-carb, high-protein diet.  Belom kantoi

ni I punye typical menu:

breakfast: telor..telor..dan telor lagi ...

welcome to the club:clap:

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Post time 27-4-2005 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 2005-4-27 02:33 PM:
khaleeda, hani..

kite bertiga saje ke yg berminat nak kurus ni?

ok semalam menu : pegi makan dekat american chillies so order 'fajitas' tapi makan ayam + daging grilled + salad jer..roti t ...

Yg di sini sangat-sangat berminat..tapi yg disini dah mula terasa bosan eliminate carbs setelah yg disini hanya makan nasi di kenduri kahwin sahaja selama dua tahun, dan hanya menyentuh mee, meehon semua tu enam bulan sekali..

Oleh kerana yg disini telah penat berdiet selama 2-3 tahun, maka yg disini terpaksa mencari alternative lain disamping kurangkan carbs (ubat/meal replacement + low carbs diet). Yg disini telah setahun setengah stop buat makanya yg disini sudah domokkk yg amat..Anyway yg disini amat-amatlah ingin menekankan that it's not impossible to lose n menten weight with  high protein diet/low carbs..esp utk org yg dulunya takder harapan nak kuruskan yg mmg dari budak-budak lagik montel..mcm yg disini..hehe

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Post time 27-4-2005 08:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Swift at 2005-4-27 04:17 PM:
has anyone come across the book 'Eating right for your blood type'? lebih kurang cam tu lah tajuk dia.

anyway, the author says that in order for you to lose weight, there are certain types of fo ...

I flipped through it tapi tak beli haritu..anyway if you know where to find
the free version aka tell..:bgrin:

Me darah O..kalau tak silap org darah O kena makan daging ke all that stuff..sangat bersesuaian dgn gue yg karnivor nih..

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Post time 27-4-2005 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honey_dew at 2005-4-27 03:52 PM:
Sapa yang dah jadi Ratu Atkins kat sini :hmm:
Attach weight pada yang dah buat Atkins Diet sebelum/selepas

Selamat Berdiet semua..Atkins memang effective kalau ikut dengan betul. Coz I  ...

This round, i'm not on a hardcore low carbs but yes it works jika follow properly.

Kalau nak kira penurunan dgn atkins/high protein turun from 65 to 54kg.

Tapi kalau nak kira semua turun dr 82kg kepada 54kg iaitu 28 kg..
From seluar size 36 hingga seluar size 29 (sebenarnya 27 tp tak muat tang peha)..dari size XXL hingga ke size M..:pray:

But now..lebaaarrrr balik...insyallah you all will see a brand new me maybe dalam 6 bulan lagik ke..

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Post time 27-4-2005 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 27-10-2004 07:57 PM:
heheheh mrs kantoi habis tu...

swift i've read about this method somewhere but i dont think so i am able to follow that...quite tidious lah..some of the list in the nutrition list for my blo ...

good idea!:solute:

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lizzymizzymizzy This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2005 08:54 PM | Show all posts
ice i think i saw your pic somewhere and you look fine to me

myself same problem skarang kalau beli seluar mesti kene ambik pinggang besar sbb standard aar bontot ngan pehe hindostan ni...lebar lebih..

yg tak turun muke ngan wrist to elbow area..kalau lain tu senang sgt naik..nak turun ya rabbi rase nak siat2 jer....

kalau ice tak dapat e-free copy , nanti i find somewhere that i saw it last time and scan for you.

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Post time 27-4-2005 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 2005-4-27 08:54 PM:
ice i think i saw your pic somewhere and you look fine to me

myself same problem skarang kalau beli seluar mesti kene ambik pinggang besar sbb standard aar bontot ngan pehe hindostan ni...leb ...

Oh baiknya dia nak scan..:pray:

Lizzy pun kes peha besa ek..pear shape..mmg pinggang longgar peha ketat lah kan..

I'm :no: Ok..lizzy maybe naik kat face..maybe just a lil chubby but people kennot guess that i'm really-really overweight by just looking at my my face. Tapi kalau tgh kurus muka panjang la pulak..Long face :agr:

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