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Tragedi Tsunami 26/12/2004 [dalam kenangan...]

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Post time 19-12-2006 09:47 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by Syd at 28-12-2009 12:25


KOMBINASI gambar menunjukkan perubahan ketara yang wujud di Aceh Besar dari segi pembangunan semula kediaman penduduk, dua tahun selepas bencana tsunami melanda kawasan berkenaan. - AFP.

Dalam seminggu lagi rakyat Aceh akan memperingati ulang tahun kedua bencana tsunami yang melanda wilayah itu.

Sepanjang tempoh yang sukar ini, penduduk Aceh menjalani kehidupan seharian seperti biasa walaupun dalam keadaan serba kekurangan.

Jika Aceh merupakan sebuah bandar hantu selepas tsunami melanda pada 26 Disember 2004, kini wilayah tersebut bernyawa semula.

Pelbagai projek pembangunan semula seperti pembinaan kediaman baru untuk penduduk yang terjejas teruk akibat tsunami telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan sebagai langkah meringankan penderitaan penduduk.

[ Last edited by  amazed at 27-12-2008 04:43 PM ]



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Post time 19-12-2006 04:58 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-12-2006 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 19/12/06 09:47 AM

KOMBINASI gambar menunjukkan perubahan ketara yang wujud di Aceh Besar dari segi pembangunan  ...

wah.. byk nye rumah dekat masjid tuh. kang kalo tsunami lagi.. senang sket nak lari masuk masjid. :lebai:

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2006 12:07 PM | Show all posts


Tsunami disaster

The western coastal areas of Aceh, including the cities of Banda Aceh, Calang, and Meulaboh, were among the areas hardest-hit by the tsunami resulting from the Indian Ocean earthquake on December 26, 2004. While estimates vary, approximately 230,000 people were killed by the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh, and about 500,000 were left homeless. The tragedy of the tsunami was further compounded on March 26th when a second off-shore earthquake measuring 8.7 on the Richter scale struck the sea bed between the islands of Simeulue in Aceh and Nias in North Sumatra. This second quake killed a further 905 people on Nias and Simeulue, displaced tens of thousands more and caused the tsunami response to be expanded to include Nias.

The population of Aceh before Dec 2004 tsunami was 4,271,000 (2004). The population now is 4,031,589 (as September 15, 2005), almost 2% of the Indonesian population.

As of February 2006, more than a year after the tsunami, a large number of people are still living in barrack-style temporary living centers (TLC) or tents. Reconstruction is visible everywhere, but due to the sheer scale of the disaster, logistical issues, and the lack of funding, progress is slow.

The ramifications of the tsunami went beyond the immediate impact the lives and infrastructure of the Acehnese living on the coast. Since the disaster, the Acehnese rebel movement GAM, which had been fighting for independence against the Indonesian authorities for 29 years, has signed a peace deal (August 15th 2005). The perception that the tsunami was punishment for insufficient piety in this proudly Muslim province is partly behind the increased emphasis on the importance of religion post-tsunami. This has been most obvious in the increased implementation of Syariah law, including the introduction of the controversial 'WH' or Syariah police. As homes are being built and people's basic needs are met, the people are also looking to improve the quality of education, increase tourism, and develop responsible, sustainable industry. Well-qualified educators are in high demand in Aceh.

While parts of Banda Aceh, the capital, were unscathed, the areas closest to the water, especially the areas of Kampung Jawa and Meuraxa, were completely destroyed. Most of the rest of the western coast was severely damaged, and many towns completely disappeared. Other towns on Aceh's west coast hit by the disaster include Leupung, Lamno, Patek, Calang, Teunom, and the island of Simeulue. Affected or destroyed towns on the region's north & east coast include Pidie, Samalanga, and Lhokseumawe.

The area is slowly being rebuilt after the disaster. The government initially proposed the creation of a two-kilometer buffer zone along low-lying coastal areas, within which permanent construction is not permitted. This proposal was unpopular among some local inhabitants and proved impractical in most situations, especially fishing families that are dependent on living near to the sea.

Most of the reconstruction work is being performed by local people using a mix of traditional methods and partial prefabricated structures, with funding coming from many international organizations and individuals, governments, and the people themselves.



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 Author| Post time 20-12-2006 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Comparative imagery overview of area of Bandah Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

link: ... tsunami-imagery.htm



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ikankiut This user has been deleted
Post time 20-12-2006 09:24 PM | Show all posts
26hb ni kan?
sampai sekarang mereka tinggal dalam kanvas.

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akmala This user has been deleted
Post time 21-12-2006 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Sampe sekarang belum semua tertangani, terutama di daerah2 terpencil

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Post time 21-12-2006 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Sedih tgk yg kehilangan ahli keluarga, anak2 kecil yg jd yatim piatu......

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2006 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Saintis ramal sebahagian Sumatera lenyap

PADANG: Sekumpulan saintis dunia meramalkan kejadian tsunami baru akibat gempa bumi kuat dalam masa 30 tahun lagi bakal meragut sehingga 60,000 nyawa di Indonesia selain melenyapkan sebahagian besar pesisiran pantai Sumatera.

Kawasan itu kini didiami kira-kira 900,000 penduduk. Pakar geologi Amerika Syarikat yang disegani, Kerry Sieh dan sekumpulan penyelidik lain membuat kesimpulan membimbangkan itu selepas mengkaji keadaan gelinciran di kawasan terbabit selepas gempa bumi besar 9.3 pada skala Richter yang mencetuskan tsunami atau ombak besar di Asia pada 26 Disember 2004.

Pendapatnya turut dikongsi bersama saintis universiti dan institusi kerajaan lain.

揋elinciran yang terbentuk di pesisiran pantai barat Sumatera sepanjang 200 kilometer itu juga menjadi titik pertembungan kerangka tektonik Eropah-Asia dan Pasifik yang saling menolak sejak bertahun-tahun lalu, menyebabkan pembentukan tekanan,

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Post time 26-12-2006 08:36 PM | Show all posts
teringat dulu terkejut gile
i was at my fren's place (dia dok xde internet kaedahnya)
so that night kitorg kuar gi this one book store nk baca online news+cek mails
terus terbaca psal tsunami nie..terkejut giler
terus kol family kt kampung

alih2....dah 2 tahun yer berlalu
rase mcm br jer lepas

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Post time 27-12-2006 02:53 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-12-2006 03:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 candiew's post

Terlupa nak tgk.....ade sesape tgk tak?

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Post time 27-12-2006 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 19-12-2006 09:47 AM

KOMBINASI gambar menunjukkan perubahan ketara yang wujud di Aceh Besar dari segi pembangunan  ...

rumah bumbung warna merah tuh tak silap aku dibina oleh pihak malaysia ker..??

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Post time 26-12-2008 07:19 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia peringati 4 tahun tragedi tsunami

MEULABOH: Indonesia hari ini memperingati empat tahun berlalunya tsunami, dengan mengadakan solat hajat beramai-ramai selepas negara itu landa malapetaka paling dashyat di dunia.

Kejadian itu mengorbankan lebih 168,000 orang selepas ombak sebesar bangunan memusnahkan Pulau Nias, di Wilayah Aceh, kawasan paling teruk dilanda tsunami.

Ribuan penduduk Aceh berkumpul di sebuah pangkalan tentera di pekan Meulaboh, kawasan paling teruk musnah dengan mengadakan solat dan aktiviti keagamaan lain.

“Empat tahun berlalunya tsunami mempunyai makna yang begitu mendalam kerana di sinilah kami menyaksikan ombak besar melanda Aceh," kata Ketua Kerajaan Ramli Mansur.

“Kami di sini untuk mendokan mereka yang terkorban dan juga berdoa agar kami terus diberi kekuatan untuk memulihkan semula Aceh," katanya.

Sembahyang hajat juga diadakan di masjid di seluruh wilayah berkenaan, termasuk di kubur besar di nama mangsa tsunami dikebumikan di tengah ibu negeri Banda Aceh.

Indonesia juga mengadakan majlis memperingati tragesi itu di Sulawesi, termasuk di Manado yang dihadiri Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, lapor agensi berita Antara.

Bencana pada 2004 itu menyaksikan lebih 220,000 maut, termasuk di Sri Lanka, Thailand dan India.

Lebih AS$7.2 bilion bantuan kemanusiaan disalurkan ke Aceh dan Nias dalam masa sebulah selepas tsunami. - AFP

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Post time 26-12-2008 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Aceh mula pulih

GAMBAR Banda Aceh dirakam 5 Januari 2005 menunjukkan
kerosakan teruk akibat tsunami yang turut mengorbankan
lebih 170,000 nyawa.

BANDAR ACEH - Usaha pemulihan di beberapa bahagian negara Asia yang teruk terjejas akibat tsunami empat tahun lalu masih belum menyeluruh.
Kerja-kerja membina semula Aceh dan Pulau Nias iaitu dua wilayah yang ranap akibat gempa bumi serta tsunami pada 26 Disember 2004 sudah mula menunjukkan perubahan.

Beberapa pegawai tempatan memberitahu, jumlah rumah yang dibina semula di dua kawasan tersebut kini jauh melebihi keperluan di mana terdapat penduduk yang mengambil kesempatan untuk mengaut keuntungan dengan menyewakan rumah mereka.

Agensi pembinaan semula Aceh-Nias (BRR) memberitahu, pihak berkuasa sudah membelanjakan sekitar AS$6.7 bilion (RM23.2 bilion) daripada dana bantuan berjumlah AS$7.2 bilion (RM24.9 bilion) bagi membina hampir 125,000 buah rumah dan infrastruktur seperti sekolah, jalan raya dan jambatan.

Bagaimanapun, keadaan sebaliknya berlaku di Sri Lanka apabila perang berterusan antara gerila Tamil dan kerajaan menjejaskan usaha membangunkan semula kawasan-kawasan yang musnah di rantau tersebut.

KAWASAN perumahan yang dibangunkan semula di Lambung
susulan gempa bumi dan tsunami.

Sehingga hari ini masih terdapat 10,000 rakyat negara Sri Lanka yang tinggal di kem-kem sementara. Sebanyak 31,000 penduduk negara itu maut akibat ombak besar tsunami.

Di Thailand di mana 5,400 orang terbunuh - separuh dari mereka pelancong asing usaha memulihkan sektor pelancongan mula menampakkan hasil tetapi dijejaskan oleh pergelutan politik yang berlanjutan.

Beberapa pertubuhan juga menyatakan usaha pemulihan di Malaysia yang merekodkan 68 korban nyawa berhadapan kelewatan tetapi ia berjaya diselesaikan.

Menurut mereka, keadaan itu menyebabkan terdapat rumah yang dibina bagi mangsa-mangsa tsunami berada pada kualiti kurang memuaskan. - AFP

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Post time 27-12-2008 08:01 AM | Show all posts

Sebahagian mangsa tsunami memohon doa di bawah kapal
yang tersangkut di bumbung sebuah rumah di Kampung
Lampulo, Banda Acheh semalam.



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Post time 27-12-2008 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Remembering tsunami 2004

Two unidentified estern tourists spend a quiet moment on Patong
beach, Phuket, which was hit by the tsunami, Thailand .

MEULABOH (Indonesia): Nations across Asia marked four years since the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami yesterday with prayers and remembrances.

A woman praying at a mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Residents gather for a praying at a wrecked house on which a boat was left after the 2004 tsunami in Lampulo village, Banda Aceh, , Indonesia yesterday. — Agency pictures

Thousands gathered in fields, on beaches and by mass graves to commemorate the disaster that killed around 220,000 people when walls of water smashed into coastal communities across the region.

In Indonesia, Aceh was the hardest-hit region with at least 168,000 killed.

Thousands of people gathered in the shattered remains of a military base here yesterday for a sombre prayer ceremony.

"The four-year anniversary of the tsunami holds deep meaning, because right here we witnessed the first place the waters of the tsunami came into Aceh," local government head Ramli Mansur told the crowd.

"We are here to remember the martyrs who were killed in the tsunami and to give us momentum to rebuild a better Aceh," he said.

"I came here to remember my beloved mother, my son and my brothers and sisters who were killed in the tsunami," said Sariani, a teary 20-year-old street seller.

In Sri Lanka, the country that suffered the second highest death toll from the tsunami, the government asked people to observe two minutes of silence in memory of the victims.

Religious services were held across the island's coastline for the estimated 31,000 people who died in the disaster.

In Thailand, where 5,400 people were killed, half of them foreign tourists, hundreds of people gathered along the country's southwest coast to place wreaths, float lanterns and release sea turtles to commemorate the disaster.

In the tourist hotspot of Phuket, around 1,000 residents and tourists gathered on the main Patong beach, with other events held elsewhere on the island.

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Post time 28-12-2008 08:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 adieha's post

Kat keliling masjid tu semua rumah...tapi sebab binaan tak kukuh...kena sapu le....

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Post time 30-12-2008 01:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 alphawolf's post

Memang rumah keliling mesjid tepi pantai tu rata2 hancur-hancur belaka.

Tetapi terdapat juga rumah sesebuah yg bersekelompok dengan rumah yg hancur berkecai di sekelilingnya,..
...bukan tanah tinggi, tiada benteng dan sebagainya, tidak terjejas langsung. Hairan.

Adakalanya situasi yg berlaku memang menjangkaui batas logik dan sains.

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Post time 30-12-2008 02:25 PM | Show all posts
banda aceh dh membngun kmbali skrg ni..bapak n ibu mertua aku baru ja pulang dr aceh n akn pergi lg awal bulan januari ni..

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