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Ag-Factor™ Anti-Aging and Skin Whitening Food

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Post time 6-11-2010 10:18 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
dah search mcm xde lg thread ni.....mcm best je....ada yg dh terbaca or menerai ke? iklan ni kat fb.....

The secret of staying young is to eat the right food. From ancient time, milk has been linked with beauty-it is an elixir for slowing the effects of aging. Ag-Factor™ Cysteine Peptide is derived from milk using sophisticated separation technology and patent pending knowlegde. The result is a lactose free and highly nutritious component of milk (whey protein) that FDA has approved with GRAS ( Generally Recognized as Safe) status.
Cysteine Peptide is a powerful food for youthful skin and for safeguarding our internal organs and brain from the devastating effect of free radicals. How young we stay relative to our age are determined by our body's most powerful antioxidant - Glutathione. Production of Glutathione however declines as we age from twenty onwards.
Cysteine is a precursor of glutathione, an anti-oxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body especially in the liver where it is abundantly present. Glutathione not only defend our body from the effects of aging, it also neutralizes toxic pollutants and is a most effective prevention against diseases such as HIV and Cancer.

health and vitality, improved tone, smoother skin, and less wrinkles.
Most benefits would be noticeable within 3 months.
Ag-Factor™ delivers anti-aging nutrients directly to the skin by:
Reduce Fine lines & wrinkles
Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu), once bound to a protein, have been shown to be very effective in regenerating new tissue and increasing the synthesis of structural proteins such as collagen.
Improving the Brightness and Radiant of the Skin
Promotes the production of Pheomelanine, a red-yellow form of pigment of melanin, found in abundance in fair-skinned people.
Promoting Firmness & Elasticity of the Skin
Supports the natural protein structure of the skin and assists the skin to bind moisture. Ag-factor™ proteins have a significant rapid and long-term effect on skin firmness through increased elasticity and moisture retention.
Reducing redness associated with inflammation or sensitive skin
Able blocks PGE2 production, the major biochemical pathway leading to inflammation and redness in the skin. If left unchecked, over time, this inflammation will lead to a further breakdown of important structural protein in the skin.

Who should take Ag-Factor™?
AgFactor is perfect for anyone who:
  • Wants to take a pro-active approach to supporting health and longevity
  • Is looking for the ultimate in total-body antioxidant protection
  • Detoxify the body from harmful effects of alcohol, caffeine, and drugs
  • Encourage deep state of rest during sleep, and increases energy and vitality
  • Is serious about protecting their skin and improving its appearance—diminish signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Control melanin production, leaving your skin with an even and light tone. Progressively lighten freckles, age spots and other pigmentation
  • May be exposed to an increased amount of free radicals, i.e. those who live in urban areas, who smoke or work around chemicals, who exercise frequently, who eat a processed foods diet, or who have been or still are frequently exposed to sunshine
Read this if you are taking Collagen Products

Recent years, Collagen products actively tight together with ANTI-AGING topic. A lot of beauty product company widely introduce collagen product to those who wish to stay young and smooth skin etc. But the responde from most of the collagen user, their feedback is Collagen only gives Short-term Effects, Once stop taking it, rapidly restore to previous condition within few weeks. Reason is collagen easily break down, especially under the sun.That is why necessary to maintain. Is it a wise way to spend for such a short-term effects yet need long-term investment. "Ag-Factor™ let Your body decide what it's want or need"
The full spectrum of amino acid in Ag-Factor™ is trigger for our body to produce our own source of collagen.
Both zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu), once bound to a protein, have been shown to be very effective in regenerating new tissue and increasing the synthesis of structural proteins such as collagen.

Ag-factor™ proteins have a significant rapid and long-term effect on skin firmness through increased elasticity and moisture retention.

Have you wondered why early childhood photos of many celebrity show a much darker skin colour than they have now? Their secret is eating the right food. Most of us may think is due to whitening skincare, but did anyone know what most of whitening skincare will cause breakout and dry to our skin, this is due to the ingredient that been using in the product.Now, let's look at some "bad" ingredients for skin whitening products (Cream). Avoid:
  • Hydroquinone, may increase cancer risk/causes serious adverse reactions, including the appearance of permanent dark bumps
  • Mercury, extremely toxic substance that builds up in the body's organs
  • Alpha hydroxy acids, not effective for inhibiting melanin production, cause redness and irritation
  • Kojic acid, may be carcinogenic
  • Vitamin C, can cause irritation, only effective at large doses, which are not found in cosmetic formulations

For skincare, we always advice to choose hydrating series of product. Yes, this is the wise choice. Water/Hydrating is the most basic keys to own a nice and smooth skin. But to have fair and bright skin, eating the right food is always the best solution. Ag-Factor™ cysteine peptide will enable our body to produce sufficient glutathione. Glutathione is clinically 100% Proven and effetively for SKIN Whitening.

"Ag-Factor™ - A natural way for the skin to become grow and fairer "Improving the brightness and radiance of the skin, giving the face a more even, creamy complexion.

Ag-factor™ Promotes the body's own natural antioxidant activity. And production of Pheomelanine, a red-yellow form of pigment of melanin, found in abundance in fair-skinned people.

Oxidative stress from UV exposure and other environmental pollutants can cause the production of melanogenesis (the production of brown colour pigments associated with tanned skin). Use of Ag-factor™ antioxidants can slow or even reverse this process creating a brightening effect for skin.

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Post time 6-11-2010 10:27 AM | Show all posts
i pun ade bace kat fb. ok ke .sape dah try. katenye the most powerful compared to collagen.

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2010 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2# hunnymadu

tu la.....katanye better than collagen...adakah tu sekadar tuk tarik perhatian wanita yg obses nak cantik mcm kite

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Post time 6-11-2010 11:37 AM | Show all posts
i mmg obses nak cantik tp tamo la drastik2 cucuk  tang sana tang sini . huhuhu. i pegi yang manja2 punye je. golek2, sapu2. hehhehe.

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Post time 6-11-2010 02:36 PM | Show all posts
harga pon beshhh.....2++

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Post time 6-11-2010 02:48 PM | Show all posts
mahal je. i makan esteme dulu pun baru 160. mierica pun 150. aduh.

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Post time 6-11-2010 02:51 PM | Show all posts
mahal je. i makan esteme dulu pun baru 160. mierica pun 150. aduh.
hunnymadu Post at 6-11-2010 14:48

    itu la nak maintain suplemet kurus da 2++...jamu/maajun da lak utk skin suplement 2++...belum campur lain2 isian lagi...adeww laaa....duit oo..duit.......

nak cantek+pitis=.....................

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Post time 6-11-2010 05:55 PM | Show all posts
kerana nak cantik habis duit ku......

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2010 06:59 PM | Show all posts
klu betol bkesan xpe takut cam yg dh diterai sblm ni...perabih duit je :9

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Post time 6-11-2010 07:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 9# 220796

    haruskah wanna yg kene jd tester.....:re:
errmmm.....pantang nmpk produk baru..........robek hatiku lagu ni...

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2010 09:14 AM | Show all posts
try wanna jgn x try..pstu share testimoni....hikhikhik! ayu nak try gak tp bukan wktu tdekat ni.....hehehehehe! kene ada tempoh bertenang....give up gak xde produk yg serase.....

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Post time 7-11-2010 09:57 AM | Show all posts
tolong tolong tolong lah wanna try. i pun dah give up.huhuhuhu. i nak putih. makan mirica x putih2 pun. memang la ade perubahan . tang putih tu xde. org kata stem cell therapy bagus, tang mana nak cari tu.

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2010 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Success StoriesKaren Tan
Ag-Factor™ Sales Representative

"Every day I deal with customers from all over the world, each with individualized needs and concerns. Even though it is impossible to meet the needs of every person, most desire one thing: glowing and beautiful skin. Our products can help them to achieve just that. And the best part of my job is to hear feedback from our satisfied customers.
Nora Aishah , 32

I am collagen user for the past 2 years, until I get to know about Ag-factor. Starting I was unsure should I stop collagen and switch to Ag-factor. But after did some research on Glutathione. without doubt and make my 1st order. I can see my face and whole body skin finer and radiant. I feel more energetic and younger.

Maggie Tam, 40+

Once I celebrated my fortieth birthday, I started to look with increasing fear at my face, which was aging faster than my husband was. We are of the same age. Whereas he retains his youthful look, my hips were growing wider, tummy more noticeable. Worse, of all, no matter what cream I used, my face was getting more saggy, lines more pronounced at the corner of my eyes, smiles lines deepening, and it seems like the light that gives my face this radiant look has diminished. Lately, I have found a way to short-circuit my biological clock to fool my friends into believing that I went for a face-lift. I cannot believe it is so simple. Lately, my friends remarked that I look different. I radiate life.

Jamilah osman, 28

I strongly recommended this product to my friend and family after my 1st bottle. I am going to order more. Since 3 bottles can save a lot.

Samantha Thani, 36

This is a Good Product. I highly recommended. It is not just give me better skin. Most important I have better sleep now. And feel more energetic. I even recommended this product to my friends and family. Thanks, Ag factor!

Boon Lee, 28

I do not believe I am consuming health food regularly like a religious nut since I started on AgFactor. I am lazy, financially challenge (my wallet is always empty), and used to suffered regularly from mouth ulcers because I am always testing my latest computer games until the wee morning. My boss threatened to fire me for being the most-sick person in my company. Luckily, he cannot because of the labor law and because I am good at my job. Nevertheless, I was sick of being sick. One day, while having a hair cut at this unisex salon, my hairdresser ordered me to dole out out RM228 for a bottle of food that is in capsule forms that are derived from whey protein. I was skeptical until I realized I have not been sick for since the day I started on Ag-Factor half year ago. Aside from this, I no longer suffer from scaly skin (a side effect of taking too much steroidal cream for skin inflammations caused by allergens). I believed AgFactor cleanse my liver of toxins and returned my skin to its former state.
Elisa, Kota Kinabalu , 46

Glad to make the right decision to try Ag-factor. Now my skin brighter and fairer ! Thanks to Ag-factor.


My products were received and I am as happy. I believe in your product... My skin looks better, feels better, is noticeable by those who have no clue what I'm doing... Thank you Ag-factor!

Sandy Wayas, 35

I did almost 6 times of whitening injection, but can't see the result at all. I was so upsad, till I saw the Ag-factor ad in facebook. So I decide to try it. Just 2 weeks, even my family noticed my skin become brighter and radiant. One more thing, I notice my skin smoother.

Xue Er

When I gave birth to my daughter, everyone remarked of her beautiful skin. She looked like a beautiful salmon sashimi pink. Both my husbands and I are not what you would describe as those that can qualify for the-who-is-the-fairest of all contests. Both of us have quite tanned skins. But when my Melinda was born, my friends had a big surprise on their face—my little girl had the most beautiful skin—flawlessly translucent skin like that of a pink pearl. She is now two years old. Already, I can see that she will grow into a very beautiful woman. I do not know whether I am biased. But Melinda is also very smart and extra precocious for a child of her age. I am not supposed to talk so much here about Melinda. I am supposed to reveal my secret, which I believe is responsible for my beautiful child and mine too lately. I say this to every child, woman and man—do not leave home without AgFactor.

Nancy Loren, 52

Since I gave birth, my skin look dull and sag. I lost confident. So I start to source product for anti-aging and makes my skin radiant. Until my friend told me that she is taking Ag-factor just 1 month and she realize that her skin become smoother and brighter. So without any doubt I order and consume it. And I simply LOVE it. Even my husband also taking it, because he drink and smoke. It is good to detox the toxic in his blood.

Kelly Fong, 26

i am a model, beautiful skin is very important to me. So I try many product in the market, none of them are promising. I felt so lucky to get to know about Ag-factor. I find this is truely a great product. I have brighter and smoother skin. My make up can stay longer and still looks good.

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2010 10:15 AM | Show all posts
baca success story tu bg teruja lg....huhuhu!

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Post time 7-11-2010 11:02 AM | Show all posts
boleh ke percaya? aku makan estime bertahun2 then stop

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Post time 7-11-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
try wanna jgn x try..pstu share testimoni....hikhikhik! ayu nak try gak tp bukan wktu tdekat ni..... ...
220796 Post at 7-11-2010 09:14

    dr dulu smpai le nii...beluma de jodoh lagi.....?
wanna nk try..coz byk2 produk skin yg gune paling3....suke is KB.....yg lain2 ok aje.......
nk terai la nii...coz d yang nk blanje wanna..huahahha.....

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Post time 7-11-2010 12:13 PM | Show all posts
tolong tolong tolong lah wanna try. i pun dah give up.huhuhuhu. i nak putih. makan mirica x putih2 p ...
hunnymadu Post at 7-11-2010 09:57

    klw nk putih mybe susah..cerah bole kot...huhu...hola..wanna nak try la ni...2++ tu...adewww

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Post time 7-11-2010 01:30 PM | Show all posts
dah search mcm xde lg thread ni.....mcm best je....ada yg dh terbaca or menerai ke? iklan ni kat fb. ...Cysteine is a precursor of glutathione, an anti-oxidant that is prevalent in every cell in the human body especially in the liver where it is abundantly present. Glutathione not only defend our body from the effects of aging, it also neutralizes toxic pollutants and is a most effective prevention against diseases such as HIV and Cancer.
220796 Post at 6-11-2010 10:18

Ag  tu jenama..

kandungan dia glutatione....

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Post time 9-11-2010 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Ag Factor Da sampai.....Malam ni bole try Test...huhu.....
dlm pamplet ada bagi tau 4weeks je da nmpk kesan....

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Post time 9-11-2010 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Rupenye ade 2 jenis suplement food ni...
1-AG FACTOR-The secret of staying young is from within(Glowing skin & whitening)

2-PRAVENTAC-A safe & Natural way to acne free skin(untuk skin jerawat)

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