
Title: Israeli Military Hardware (ex- Israeli Armour) [Print this page]

Author: ef/x    Time: 25-5-2006 10:20 PM
Title: Israeli Military Hardware (ex- Israeli Armour)

The D9R has proved to be a most enduring platform, surviving 100 kg belly charges and rocket-propelled grenade hits

Merkava Mk 4 MBTs during an armoured battalion exercise in the Negev desert in October 2005

A Merkava Mk 4 equipped with the Trophy Active Protection System

The IDF has also, in recent years, added a protected vertical extension to some of its Nagmachon APCs and dubbed the conversions Mifletset (Monster)

Credits: bdmilitary

[ Last edited by  alphawolf at 19-9-2006 08:29 AM ]
Author: ef/x    Time: 25-5-2006 10:25 PM

In July 2005 the IDF took delivery of the first of some 130 Rafael Armament Development Authority Ze'ev (Wolf) 4 x 4 light armoured vehicles

The IDF is also set to evaluate the Wildcat truck-based APC

M113 armoured personnel carrier with insensitive reactive armour

Upgraded M113 APC with IMI L-VAS hybrid ballistic armour, combining both passive and reactive armour

The Electronic Jammer Against Bombs (EJAB) can be programmed to counter "virtually all types of radio bands used by IEDs". The system's antenna is shown above

Credits: bdmilitary
Author: ef/x    Time: 25-5-2006 10:40 PM
The namera (tigerss), an apc based on merkava mk1 chasis

Achzarit apc, based on t-54/55 mbt chasis.

Puma APC

Nagmasho't apc

Nakpadon apc

Zelda 2 apc, upgraded m113.




Credits : isr agent
Author: tankee1981    Time: 26-5-2006 03:51 PM
The IDF have some of the most weid looking vehicles in their armour forces. But none the less very effective.
Author: insignia    Time: 27-5-2006 12:48 PM
nice pic..!!

Author: Debmey    Time: 27-5-2006 03:07 PM
I love these vehicles. Hope we can have them soon.
Author: ef/x    Time: 27-5-2006 07:08 PM
Title: Reply #4 tankee1981's post
Agreed..., I think its based on their experience in Urban Warfare

The Achzarit apc, is based on t-54/55 mbt chasis that was captured from the egyptians during the last war. It seems to me the israelis too (like the pinoy in previous topic) good at recyling & upgrading :ah: Hope MY will follow this trend..
Author: jazim    Time: 27-5-2006 08:01 PM
How about Merkava 1, 2 & 3? upgraded to Merk 4 standard, put in storage, retired, sold?
Author: Robotech    Time: 29-5-2006 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Debmey at 27-5-2006 03:07 PM
I love these vehicles. Hope we can have them soon.

Highly unlikely.

If that thing plastered with "Made in Israel", Msia won't buy it ... outta principle we currently support.
Author: Eokboy    Time: 29-5-2006 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Robotech at 29-5-2006 04:36 PM

Highly unlikely.

If that thing plastered with "Made in Israel", Msia won't buy it ... outta principle we currently support.

LOL. Lurk moar.
Author: ef/x    Time: 30-5-2006 12:36 AM
Title: Reply #9 Robotech's post
Aku pernah came across imported citrus from Israel in The Store Batu Pahat..... & I heard MitV actually buy/using israel Technology
Author: alphawolf    Time: 30-5-2006 11:09 AM
Pic #1 - Bulldozer on steroids!
Author: alphawolf    Time: 30-5-2006 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Robotech at 29-5-2006 16:36

Highly unlikely.

If that thing plastered with "Made in Israel", Msia won't buy it ... outta principle we currently support.

Dude...that guy is referring to his country...not ours.
Author: Robotech    Time: 30-5-2006 11:57 AM
Originally posted by alphawolf at 30-5-2006 11:11 AM

Dude...that guy is referring to his country...not ours.

Oooh, you mean our dear Debbie is from SG, kah?

Then buy the whole truckload of 'em. Besides, SG is one of the top foreign Israeli military export.
Author: Debmey    Time: 30-5-2006 09:06 PM
Originally posted by jazim at 27-5-2006 08:01 PM
How about Merkava 1, 2 & 3? upgraded to Merk 4 standard, put in storage, retired, sold?

No lah, they can still be used by reserve units. They have lots of reserve units.
Author: Debmey    Time: 30-5-2006 09:11 PM
Originally posted by ef/x at 27-5-2006 07:08 PMAgreed..., I think its based on their experience in Urban Warfare

The Achzarit apc, is based on t-54/55 mbt chasis that was captured from the egyptians during the last war. It seems to me the israelis too (like the pinoy in previous topic) good at recyling & upgrading Hope MY will follow this trend..

Not advisable to upgrade M113.
I think its not worth it. The mechanism and engine sucks big time. Singapore modify the M113 only for support roles such as anti aircraft platform and make a new APC.
Author: GhostRecon    Time: 31-7-2006 03:44 PM
Title: golani brigade equipments

we cant deny that israel-made weapon systems are considered one of the best in the not saying they are the best..they are one of the best.and bear in mind no weapon system is perfect.ok enuf with that.i'd like to discuss with u guys bout the equipment used by their elite 'Golani' brigade in urban warfare.the concept is very goes..

IDF Achzarit

The Achzarit (אכזרית in Hebrew: "cruel woman") is a heavily armored armored personnel carrier manufactured by the Israeli Defence Forces Corps of Ordnance.

Rear view of an AchzaritThe Achzarit is based on the Soviet-built T-54/T-55 tank, beginning with those captured from Arab armies during the Israeli-Arab wars. The IDF took the old T-55 tank and removed its turret. The chassis was modified for troop carriage by adding a troop compartment and a rear door. The original Soviet-made water-cooled diesel engine was replaced with a more compact and powerful diesel engine, and other internal systems were upgraded. Reactive armor was installed over the original armored tank chassis.

The Achzarit Mk 1 has a 650-hp engine, while the Mk 2 has an 850-hp engine.

It is armed with 7.62 mm machine guns, including one machine gun controlled from within the cabin, developed by the Israeli Armament Development Authority (Rafael).

Because of its heavy armor, the Achzarit is sometimes called a heavy APC (HAPC). Achzarit APCs are in service with the IDF Golani Brigade, which operates near the Lebanese border and in the northern part of the West Bank.

Achzarit APCs took part in Operation Rainbow in Rafah, after a comparatively lightly-armored M-113 APC was destroyed by an RPG round.

dont u think it suits urban battlefield well?it was developed by IDF based on their experience..having an APC which is based on a tank chasis can provide better protection for the least better than normal APC..i guess.remember our Condor in Bakara Street..where one of our soldier dier bcoz of RPG.. in this achzarit the driver is better protected bcoz its jz the same as the tank my opinion la...
In malaysian perspective..our built-up area is getting bigger..mybe in the future we might end up in a conflict jz like what's happening in the middle east rite now..having a tank regiments which are supported by infantry escort in the same chasis is great isnt it..n it'll be easier in terms of maintainance n spareparts...

what do u guys think?
Author: IceMallet    Time: 31-7-2006 04:01 PM
APC ni la yg aku dok tgk dlm CNN tuh..nampak mantap..
Author: jerai    Time: 31-7-2006 04:10 PM
ada rupa macam BMP apc russia tak
Author: GhostRecon    Time: 31-7-2006 09:31 PM
lagi satu yang menarik tentang armoured vehicle IDF ni..merkava tank die bleh bwk 1 section..rmai tuh,cmne bleh letak dlm tank tuh.tank ni jgk ade 1 mortar 60mm on board...tinggi btul firepowernye yeh..

dgr cite merkave 5 nak pkai 140mm...
Author: Debmey    Time: 31-7-2006 10:25 PM
Some armies would want mass and speed over protection.
HAPC may not suit most armies. Even IDF does not use it as a standard APC.
Author: GhostRecon    Time: 31-7-2006 11:13 PM
but when u enter a city which has jz being bombarded by the artillery..there's not many place 4 u to go speeding around in ur APC aite.mybe when soldiers want to conduct house to house search..n at the same time need the protection from armoured vehicles..this achzarit is a better choice than a normal APC i guess..
Author: Debmey    Time: 1-8-2006 12:00 AM
No turret. Looks like its mean more for a pure troop carrier, not a fighting vehicle cum troop carrier type like Bionix and Bradley.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 2-8-2006 12:29 AM
photos of some minor damages on Merkava 4.....

Author: bravotwozero    Time: 2-8-2006 12:57 AM
and yet they are using their armoury against an unarmed civils........what a shamed
Author: Debmey    Time: 2-8-2006 02:20 AM
You have been fooled mr.bravo, hezbo mujahideens have been wearing civies and using human shields.

Anyway I hope we can have T72 chasis for our APCs.
Author: lipans    Time: 2-8-2006 03:56 PM
hizb is parttime fighter. not a fully army like your regular army deb.

what you expect from them? buat kuaters hiszbullah kat padang pasir ke? hahaha...
Author: lipans    Time: 2-8-2006 04:00 PM
i like their armor. cool.
Author: HangPC2    Time: 2-8-2006 06:12 PM
banyak betul pasang RPG cage...
Author: tankee1981    Time: 4-8-2006 03:15 PM
Originally posted by lipans at 2-8-2006 03:56 PM
hizb is parttime fighter. not a fully army like your regular army deb.

what you expect from them? buat kuaters hiszbullah kat padang pasir ke? hahaha...

Abang, our SAF is not regular army, but mainly made up of conscripts.

Personally i think it is a terrible idea to invade South Lebanon by Isarel, this is because this will not destroy the Hizbollah but the effects are quite the opposite. The massive destruction caused on the civilian infrastructure and the huge human casualties will sway international opinion against Isarel even though the Hizbollah have been firing rockets and kidnapping IDF soldiers as well. At first Lebanese are split in their support for Hizbollah but now due to the invasion by IDF,more Lebanese will join Hizbollah and the neighbouring muslim countries will continue to support this organisation. The IDF may ultimately win the battle but will lose the war.
Author: BeachBoys    Time: 5-8-2006 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Debmey at 1-8-2006 12:00 AM
No turret. Looks like its mean more for a pure troop carrier, not a fighting vehicle cum troop carrier type like Bionix and Bradley.

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 25-8-2006 09:42 PM
Artikel Lepas

Hancurnya Legenda Merkava (by Ninok Leksono)

Perang terakhir di Lebanon telah berakhir dengan diberlakukannya gencatan senjata tanggal 14 Agustus 2006. Namun, hingga hari ini kalangan militer masih banyak yang memperbincangkan perang tersebut.

Dari sisi politik, serbuan atau agresi Israel ke Lebanon disejajarkan dengan serbuan AS ke Irak, yang ditandai dengan lemahnya dukungan sekutu AS. Dari sisi militer, agresi Israel ini juga ditandai oleh munculnya perlawanan kuat dari Hezbollah. Hal ini sempat memunculkan kesimpulan sementara bahwa militer Israel yang selama ini dianggap amat superior dibandingkan dengan militer negara-negara Arab di sekelilingnya telah menyusut keampuhannya.

Salah satu yang coba diangkat sebagai bukti adalah rapuhnya kekuatan tank Israel di hadapan misil-misil Hezbollah. Seperti dilaporkan oleh kantor-kantor berita, Hezbollah telah menggunakan rudal antitank secara efektif, menyebabkan Israel kehilangan banyak tank di Lebanon selatan. Selain tank, penggunaan rudal yang disebut dibuat oleh Rusia dan Iran juga telah menjadi penyebab tewasnya 68 tentara Israel dalam konflik ini.

Pekan silam harian laris Israel, Yediot Aharonot, melaporkan, dari 25 rudal antitank yang ditembakkan, sekitar seperempatnya telah merobek lapisan baja tank yang ditembak dan menimbulkan banyak korban.

Surat kabar itu menurunkan laporan berdasar penuturan seorang pejabat militer senior, yang antara lain mengatakan bahwa pihak Hezbollah mengetahui di mana titik lemah tank, dan dengan itu menghantamnya secara telak. Hal ini amat mengecewakan Israel, khususnya Angkatan Daratnya, yang selama ini amat membanggakan tank Merkava III dan IV yang dianggap sebagai salah satu tank berat (MBT/main battle tank) yang paling kuat di dunia, dengan lapisan baja dan sistem pelindung yang amat tangguh (AFP/Jakarta Post, 12/8/06).

Tank Merkava

Berangkat dari pengalaman mengoperasikan tank berat seperti Centurion (buatan Inggris), juga dilandasi oleh kekhawatiran bahwa di masa depan ia tidak akan selalu bisa mengandalkan kendaraan tempur lapis baja dari Inggris, AS, atau Perancis, dan juga menyadari bahwa sebagian besar tank tersebut tidak memenuhi spesifikasi yang ia tentukan, Israel lalu mengembangkan MBT-nya sendiri, yakni Merkava, atau kereta tempur (chariot). Program arahan Jenderal Tal ini dicanangkan tahun 1977, dan tank produksi pertamanya muncul tahun 1979. Hingga tahun 1982, Israel diyakini telah memproduksi tak kurang 250 Merkava, dan pertama kali digunakan di medan tempur untuk menghadapi tank-tank T-72 Suriah di Lebanon selatan musim panas tahun 1982.

Merkava memiliki sejumlah fitur desain yang unik, seperti keseluruhan bagian depan yang dihuni oleh mesin, transmisi, sistem pendingin dan tangki bahan bakar. Selain itu, turetnya ditata sedemikian rupa kemiringannya guna memberi perlindungan lapis baja sebaik mungkin, dan juga penampang melintang kecil, yang membuatnya sulit untuk dijadikan sasaran.

Persenjataan utama tank ini adalah meriam 105 mm yang sudah teruji, dengan kemampuan menembakkan berbagai macam amunisi, termasuk peluru APFSDS-T yang dikembangkan oleh Israel Military Industries. Peluru ini dalam kancah konflik Lebanon terdahulu diklaim bisa menembus lapisan baja depan tank berat buatan Soviet T-62 dan T-72.

Memang, dibandingkan dengan MBT lain yang dikembangkan di tahun 1990-an, Merkava punya kecepatan yang jauh lebih rendah, juga rasio tenaga-berat yang buruk, meskipun tolok ukur yang digunakan mungkin tidak tepat, karena merujuk pada situasi taktis Eropa Tengah yang berlainan. Orang tidak melupakan bahwa Israel merupakan negara yang punya lebih banyak pengalaman perang menggunakan kendaraan lapis baja dibandingkan dengan negara lain sejak Perang Dunia II (Directory of Modern Military Weapons, Orbis, 1999).

Dalam merancang Merkava, Israel menekankan unsur keselamatan (survival) awak sebagai yang amat penting. Dengan penduduk hanya nyaris tujuh juta jiwa, setiap personel yang terlatih diupayakan mendapat perlindungan maksimum.

Hezbollah vs Merkava

Seperti dimuat di The Military Balance 2006 (IISS, London, 2006), sekarang ini Israel memiliki 3.657 tank MBT, 1.681 di antaranya dari tipe Merkava (407 Mk I, 375 Mk II, 378 Mk III, dan 80 Mk IV). Israel juga masih memiliki MBT lain, seperti Magach-7, M-60, serta Centurion dan M-48.

Namun, jelaslah Merkava yang menjadi kebanggaannya, karena di tank inilah Israel juga menumpahkan kemampuan desain tank dan sistem persenjataan. Jadi, di dalam Merkava tidak saja terdapat keunggulan teknologi, tetapi juga akumulasi pengalaman pertempuran tank Israel, dan dengan itu juga kebanggaannya.

Akan tetapi, Hezbollah seperti menjungkirkan kebanggaan itu. Merkava yang bermesin 1.200 tenaga kuda dan dilengkapi dengan sistem elektronik maju yang diandaikan membuatnya menjadi salah satu tank paling aman dan paling lincah di dunia, tiba-tiba mudah dimangsa oleh misil Hezbollah. Padahal, tank merupakan andalan Israel tatkala menggelar operasi di negara seperti Lebanon. Selain lalu mudah dihancurkan oleh Hezbollah, kemudian juga diketahui Merkava kurang berkinerja baik di kawasan berbukit dan berhutan.

Pejabat militer Israel mengakui pejuang Hezbollah semakin terlatih, dan juga gagah-berani, termasuk ketika menembak Merkava dari jarak dekat.

Seperti disebutkan oleh Yiftah Shapir dari Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, sebagian besar senjata antitank Hezbollah merupakan buatan Rusia, meskipun beberapa di antaranya dibuat di Iran. Diyakini, rudal paling efisien untuk menaklukkan Merkava yang digunakan Hezbollah adalah tipe Metis-M dan Kornet yang diserahkan ke Suriah tahun 1990-an.

Menurut Shapir, rudal ini maut karena memang dirancang untuk bisa menembus baja aktif di tank modern yang diperkenalkan oleh Israel untuk pertama kalinya tahun 1980-an. Selain Metis-M dan Kornet, Hezbollah diyakini juga memiliki rudal Sagger, senjata buatan Rusia yang diproduksi di Iran, dan Spigot.

Senjata-senjata tersebut mampu menembus lapisan baja setebal sampai satu meter dan memiliki jangkauan 1,5 sampai 5 kilometer. Israel sudah mengetahui bahwa Hezbollah punya beraneka ragam rudal, tetapi mungkin mereka tidak mengira para pejuang itu memiliki Metis-M dan Kornet.

Menyusul runtuhnya pamor Merkava, kalangan militer Israel pasti sibuk melakukan analisis mendesak. Hal ini didorong oleh kekhawatiran bahwa hal itu bisa mengerosi kebanggaan militer lainnya. Juga, seperti ditulis harian Yediot Aharonot, ketidaksiapan Angkatan Darat untuk menghadapi ancaman senjata antitank dianggap sebagai kegagalan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kegagalan yang mendahului Perang Yom Kippur tahun 1973.

Zaman tampaknya memang telah berubah. Aliran kemajuan teknologi yang masuk ke tangan kelompok seperti Hezbollah secara perlahan telah menggerogoti kehebatan militer Israel. Jadi, meskipun secara menyeluruh Israel masih memiliki arsenal yang amat menggentarkan, tetapi efektivitasnya di medan tempur tampak susut.

Kalau misalnya saja kelak Hezbollah juga bisa memiliki rudal antipesawat yang sama hebatnya seperti Metis-M dan Kornet untuk antitank, bukan tidak mungkin F-16I pun akan kehilangan kedahsyatannya. Apalagi bila selain unsur alutsista juga dimasukkan pula unsur kedisiplinan dan semangat berani mati Hezbollah, yang tampak tidak takut sedikit pun menghadapi Israel, bahkan terkesan malah bisa mengimbangi militer Yahudi.*

* tulisan ini dimuat di harian Kompas, 22 Agustus 2006.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 07:30 AM
Tough lessons for Israeli armour
By Jonathan Marcus  BBC diplomatic correspondent

One of the major military surprises of the fighting in Lebanon has been the apparent vulnerability of Israeli armour to Hezbollah anti-tank rockets.

No detailed figures are available and it is clear that many more tanks may have been hit than actually destroyed.  But a significant proportion of Israeli casualties have been among tank crews.

Hezbollah has also used its anti-armour weapons to bring down buildings around sheltering Israeli troops, again causing multiple casualties.  Hezbollah has fielded some of the most modern Russian-made anti-tank weapons, which the Israelis insist have come via the Syrians.


The potency of infantry anti-armour weapons is nothing new for the Israelis.  In 1973, after Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal, Israel tank units learned the hard way about what Russian-made missiles could do.

The Egyptians put across the canal large numbers of soldiers armed with wire-guided Sagger missiles.  As long as the operator kept the target tank in his sights, signals sent along the unreeling wire would guide the missile to its target.

As counter-attacking Israeli tanks raced towards the canal, they were met by barrages of these missiles.  You can be sure Israeli Defence Forces planners... will be studying these engagements in detail

Commanders spoke of vehicles emerging from the fighting festooned with wires from the missiles, and many tanks were destroyed.  Since then a complex design battle has been underway between the tank and the infantry anti-armour weapon.

For the foot-soldier the key is penetration but also weight: What can easily be carried into battle?

Tandem charge

For the tank, too, there are weight considerations as more and more armour places heavier strains on engines and running gear and also potentially limits the areas in which a tank can operate.

In Lebanon Israel has come up against some of Russia's most modern anti-tank weapons.  The AT-13 Metis or Saxhorn is a modern tube-launched successor to the Sagger.

Its tandem-shaped warhead can punch through armour of up to 46cm (18 inches) thick.  The tandem warhead is designed to counter reactive armour as used on many Israeli vehicles.

Reactive armour is essentially made up of explosive pads or bricks on the outside of the tank which explode outwards when hit by an incoming missile.  This disrupts the effect of the missile warhead, which needs to impact upon the surface of the tank to achieve its penetrative effect.

A twin or tandem charge is designed to get around this.  The first warhead triggers the reactive armour and the second penetrates the tank.  

Hezbollah is also reported to have used the RPG-29; a shoulder-fired weapon, again with a tandem charge.

Infantry carriers

And a journalist from the London-based Daily Telegraph newspaper reports also seeing abandoned Kornet missiles in Lebanon.

The Kornet was first shown by the Russians in 1994 and represents state-of-the-art technology.  It has either an optical or a thermal sight - effectively "riding" a laser beam to its target. It again has a tandem warhead.  It has a range of up to 5km (three miles) and is said to be able to penetrate armour up to 1,200mm thick.

The Kornet has been exported by the Russians to only a few countries, including Syria.  And all the evidence suggests that the Syrians have passed them on to Hezbollah.

Israel is so concerned that it has despatched a team of officials to Moscow to show the Russians the evidence of what they say can only be Syrian weapons transfers.

In the longer term, the experiences of 1973 played an important part in shaping the philosophy behind Israel's Merkava battle tank.

The Merkava or Chariot is among the most modern in the world, but its unique feature is the extent to which crew protection figured in its design.  Quite apart from carrying highly sophisticated armour, it is almost unique in having the engine in the front, affording additional protection to its crew.

The need for well-armoured infantry carriers that can keep pace with the tanks has led Israel to convert a large number of older tanks to carry troops.

The Achzarit is a good example. It is based on the Russian T54/T55 tank which Israel captured in large numbers during the 1973 war.  Its turret and main gun have been removed and various other changes made to allow it to accommodate a crew of three along with seven infantrymen.

New armour

But all of these enhancements have not proved sufficiently effective against the most modern anti-tank systems operated by determined fighters on the ground.

You can be sure Israeli Defence Forces planners and indeed military observers from around the world will be studying these engagements in detail.  Part of the answer may be to adopt new kinds of armour.

But, as ever, part of the answer will be tactical - changes to the way tanks are employed and the way they operate in concert with other elements of ground-power, like infantry and artillery.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/08/15 14:39:29 GMT
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 07:40 AM
a very interesting video, i like it....but i hate the music background, because it sounds like a pasar malam vendor selling cheap outdated techno music....

Merkava Mark 4:
Author: ef/x    Time: 26-8-2006 09:24 AM

Arab TV analisis - Merkava weak point

Source :
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:30 AM

This Magach7c wasnt hit by anything - probably just poor driving skills
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:31 AM

Magach 7C
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:32 AM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:38 AM
Aug. 1, 2006 2:42 | Updated Aug. 1, 2006 12:11
Merkava tanks prove their mettle

"It was a small hit; we thought they were only mortar shells," recalled Sec.-Lt. Yotam. His Merkava 4 tank had been directly hit by two anti-tank missiles. The four crew members evacuated to another tank, unscathed.

Their tank was dragged back to the Israeli side of the border, south of Metulla, and technical crews clambered over it, astonished at the way it had withstood the attack. Among them were members of the Defense Ministry's Merkava Project Directorate, some with a 20-year record in the development of Israel's main indigenous weapon system. The look of satisfaction on the face of Lt.-Col. Baruch Mazliah, head of the armor department in the Merkava Project, said it all. "It did the job it was supposed to do," he said, patting the tank's side.

But the success of the latest version of the Merkava did little to hide the frustration of the soldiers at the fact that despite their efforts, Hizbullah anti-tank teams were still acting, hidden in positions so near the border, within mortar range of Israel's northernmost town.

The tank crews of Brigade 401 spent 36 hours in Lebanon over the weekend, cooped up in their tanks, taking "Stopit" tablets to control their bodily functions, and hunting for Hizbullah fighters in the villages of Kilah, Adisah and A-Taibe. Despite the success of the tanks and soldiers of the Nahal infantry brigade in killing about 20 Hizbullah members in and around the villages, they were still unable to eradicate their presence, as was proved by the anti-tank missile firings at the tanks returning on Monday morning.

"We saw a missile flying over the border road behind us," said a tank commander. Two tanks that were hit and an engineering corps Puma AFV that had overturned just within the fences had to be dragged out by other tanks, while the artillery supplied covering fire on the hills opposite Metulla. Smoke bombs were also fired to hide the force from Hizbullah gun-sights. Altogether nine soldiers were lightly wounded in the fighting.

The consensus was that with less well-armored tanks, the toll would have been much higher. "Actually most of the time it was a bit boring," complained Yotam. "My tank barely did any shooting. It was very hard to see them from inside the tank."

The company commander said that he had done quite a bit of shooting. "Now we're waiting to go back in again. It wasn't easy sitting in the tank for 36 hours, but that's what we're trained to do and what the tanks are built for. We'll go back in for as long as it takes," he said.

The continuing presence of Hizbullah around the border villages caused the IDF to spread a wide security perimeter around Metulla. Squads of reserve soldiers, called up 10 days ago, were stationed next to the border. This is one of the first operational tasks to be carried out by the reserve units, who haven't yet taken part in battles across the border.

The fighting around Metulla hasn't allowed the local farmers to pick the apples, most still hanging ripe on the trees, some already rotting on the ground. Only the reservists have been enjoying them.

On Monday night, the government was expected to authorize the use of these soldiers in wider ground operations planned to take place over the next few days within Lebanese villages.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:44 AM
two Merkavas in a mine field

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 10:46 AM
What the Arab street reports(don't know the validity considering the source)
Author: ef/x    Time: 26-8-2006 10:59 AM

[ Last edited by  ef/x at 26-8-2006 11:40 AM ]
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 11:01 AM
Hit by Anti Tank Missile.....
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 11:03 AM
From Jane's:

Key Points:

* The IDF has encountered a wide array of ATGMs since its incursion into south Lebanon, including the Kornet-E 9P133, Metis-M 9M131, the 9K113 Konkurs (AT-5 'Spandrel') and the 9K111 Fagot (AT-4 'Spigot')

* More than 20 IDF personnel have been killed by ATGMs since the start of the conflict

An arsenal of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) is emerging as the most effective weapon being deployed by the Islamic Resistance's (the military wing of the Lebanese Shi'ite Party of God - Hizbullah) against Israeli forces in southern Lebanon.

"It is the most extensive encounter between Israeli armour and Russian-made ATGMs since the October 1973 war," retired brigadier general Avigdor Klein, a recent chief armour officer in the Israel Defence Force (IDF), told Jane's.

The IDF has encountered a wide array of ATGMs since its incursion into south Lebanon.
These include the Kornet-E 9P133, claimed to be able to penetrate 1-1.2 m of armour protected by explosive reactive armour (ERA); the Metis-M 9M131, equipped with a tandem high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead; the 9K113 Konkurs (AT-5 Spandrel) and the 9K111 Fagot (AT-4 'Spigot') ATGMs.

"This massive supply of ATGMs reaffirms our concerns that advanced Russian weapons sold to Syria were forwarded to Hizbullah," a senior Israeli defence source told Jane's. Iran manufactures its own version of the Konkurs, the Towsan-1/M113 and has also developed improved versions of the 9K11 Malyutka (AT-3 'Sagger') under the local name of Raad, both of which have surfaced with Hizbullah in Lebanon.

During the first month of fighting, 13 IDF armour personnel were killed by ATGM hits on Israel's most protected main battle tanks (MBTs); the Merkava Mk 2, 3, and 4.

"To put it in perspective," said a senior IDF source, "out of more than 500 ATGMs fired at us in the first month of fighting, only some 40 tanks sustained hits, with 10 being penetrated."

IDF commanders defined the Russian ATGMs as their "most dangerous challenge" in the fighting. "We are paying a heavy price to the ATGMs," admitted Major General Udi Adam, head of the IDF's Northern Command.

Several senior IDF sources have expressed disappointment in the IDF's decision to defer the procurement of Rafael Armament Development Authority's Trophy armour protection system (APS), which they believe could have turned the odds in the fighting.

"When we designed the Merkava Mk 4, we realised that the ERA is not sufficient to protect from advanced Russian ATGMs and that's why the Mk 4 was designed to carry an APS," said Klein, who is currently employed by Rafael.

"The Mk 4 provides excellent protection from all missiles in most of the tank's sectors, but some sectors are vulnerable to the advanced missiles. "An APS such as the Trophy could have defeated all ATGM threats," claimed another defence source. "Moreover, it would have required the designers of ATGMs to develop a whole new concept for anti-tank missiles."

IDF field commanders echo these claims. "The decision not to acquire an APS was simply a matter of wrong priorities. It could have completely changed the pace of our advancement in Lebanon and save lives," said Gen Adam.

"Nonetheless, if it wasn't for the high level of protection inherent in the Merkava design, the results could have been worse. You have to recognise how many lives the Merkavas' armour have saved."

While Hizbullah anti-tank teams appear well-trained and familiar with the MBTs weak spots, some of their successful hits are attributed to the tactics employed by the IDF in the first weeks of the fighting.

"Most of the armoured units were deployed on rescue and covering missions, rather than leading a wide offensive," said Klein. "This is contradictory to the IDF armour doctrine and unnecessarily exposed the tanks to the missiles.

"The small formations used to take over the small south Lebanese villages were unsuited for the threat," he added. "Employing the right tactics could significantly reduce the number of tanks hit.

"We were attacked by hundreds of ATGMs," Colonel Amnon Asulin, commander of the IDF's Sa'ar Armoured Brigade 7, told Jane's.

"These were young troops who were sent there, inexperienced in that kind of warfare, but as they are gaining experience and become familiar with the terrain they also adapt and improve their tactics."

"We were amazed by the vast quantity of weapons that we've discovered and encountered in Lebanon," said Gen Adam, "but we are becoming more efficient at dealing with them."

In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israeli armour was surprised by the quantity and efficiency of Egyptian and Syrian anti-tank teams, equipped with Russian-made Sagger ATGMs, which caused severe damage to hundreds of tanks.

"Hizbullah is not the same kind of surprise," said Gen Adam. "It only requires some adaptation from us."

At the same time, Israel is launching a diplomatic effort to stop Russian arms sales to Syria. "For years, we have been warning the Russians that their weapons would end up in the hands of Hizbullah, while they claimed to be selling arms only to responsible states," a senior diplomatic source told Jane's. "This has clearly proved to be false." ... ?t=88852&page=4
Author: ef/x    Time: 26-8-2006 11:18 AM
Originally posted by spiderweb6969 at 26-8-2006 10:30 AM

This Magach7c wasnt hit by anything - probably just poor driving skills

How about the above pic ? :ketuk:
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 11:34 AM
Israeli special forces! this time the background music are nicer.....doesnt sound like pasar malam.....
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 12:59 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 01:02 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 26-8-2006 01:05 PM

Author: alphawolf    Time: 27-8-2006 09:09 AM
Well, at least it shows that Russian-built weapons aren't really crap, are they?
Author: windof    Time: 27-8-2006 02:41 PM
Meet the objective to give the adversaries a bloody nose.....
Author: gancity    Time: 27-8-2006 03:08 PM
Originally posted by ef/x at 26-8-2006 11:18 AM

How about the above pic ? :ketuk:

mayb they always thk thier MBT is the best in the world able to do wat ever they can...even they can drive in a "wild" way... :nerd:

[ Last edited by  gancity at 27-8-2006 03:09 PM ]
Author: ef/x    Time: 27-8-2006 07:08 PM
Title: Reply #52 gancity's post
Arrogant & over confident is their downfall..... Lesson to learn : never underestimate your enemy
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 28-8-2006 11:46 PM
Commander: Not many tanks harmed during war,7340,L-3296462,00.html

Commander of 401 Armored Corps Brigade, Colonel Moti Kidor: 'During war hundreds of antitank missiles fired, 18 damaged'

Hanan Greenberg Published:  08.28.06, 00:07  

As the war continued in the north, more and more tanks were damaged. Many voices were heard in the past declaring the Merkava MK 4 model as "the safest in the world," but it turned out that many of these tanks were damaged by Hizbullah antitank missiles, causing the IDF a significant number of losses.

Colonel Moti Kidor, Commander of the 401 Armored Corps Brigade, however, says that "those who ask these questions simply don't understand the field, and unfortunately these include senior IDF officers. When you look at the full picture, one understands that during the war hundreds of antitank missiles were fired, and in total 18 tanks were damaged. Of those, missiles penetrated only five or six. To my sorrow, eight soldiers were killed in these incidents."

He added: "Like every tank in the past and in the future, the Merkava MK 4 is vulnerable. It's basically like asking why a chopper fell.If you strike it, it falls. I don't think there is any surprise here, and whoever is surprised simply doesn't understand. It's true that eight soldiers were killed in tanks, and that every soldier is a world in himself, but in relation to the number of missiles fired at us
Author: Debmey    Time: 29-8-2006 07:51 AM
I think I'll Matadors can do better than those RPGs in penetrating reactive armour.
Reactive armour is useless actually.
I see the wisdom of SAF not to reply on heavy tanks now but on speed instead.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 7-9-2006 06:23 AM
Sep. 3, 2006 23:28 | Updated Sep. 4, 2006 9:33
Post-battle probe finds Merkava tank misused in Lebanon
By YAAKOV KATZ ... PArticle%2FShowFull

On July 12, just a few minutes after Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were abducted in a cross-border Hizbullah attack, the IDF Northern Command issued the infamous Hannibal Directive, standard procedure in the event an IDF soldier is abducted.

Receiving the order on the ground near Moshav Zarit - scene of the kidnapping attack - was Battalion 82 of Armored Brigade 7. Led by Lt.-Col. Moti Basayuk, the unit was ordered to chase the kidnappers. Capt. Elad, commander of Company A, was given the directive and dispatched a Merkava 2 tank into Lebanon, for the first time since the IDF withdrawal in 2000. But after traveling just 50 meters, the tank drove over a massive explosive device buried underground that exploded, destroying it and killing its four crew members.

After that initial foray, the IDF sent another 400 tanks into Lebanon to participate in the fighting against Hizbullah. Tanks assisted soldiers from the Golani Brigade during the fierce fighting in Bint Jbail and surrounded the villages of Maroun A-Ras and Ayta A-Shayeb. They were also used during the IDF's last-minute push to the Litani River on August 11, hours before the United Nations Security Council approved a cease-fire.

At the height of the war, commanders hailed what they were calling the "successful integration" of tanks in the warfare and fighting against Hizbullah. But now that the dust has settled and the tanks have departed Lebanon, the military has been busy investigating the integration of these armored vehicles, with some officers already concluding that the military acted "negligently and irresponsibly" in its use of the tanks during the war.

From testimony collected in preparation for the commissions of inquiry set up to investigate the war, the Armored Corps has put together an ominous picture regarding the use of the Merkava tanks. Said to be the "best-protected" tank in the world, the Merkava featured prominently during the war. In total, out of the 400 tanks in Lebanon, close to 50 were hit by the thousands of anti-tank Hizbullah missiles, and 22 were penetrated, leaving close to 30 crew members dead.

According to one of the officers involved in the investigations, the Merkava tanks' protective elements were effective, and had the tanks been used correctly, the number of casualties would have been drastically reduced.

One example the officer gave was the tank's ability to create smokescreens to hide from enemy sights. "There are many different systems on the tank that were just not used," the high-ranking officer told The Jerusalem Post. "The tanks' outer shield proved to be effective in stopping many of the missiles but there were many other systems aboard the tanks that were not used and for no clear reason."

According to the officer, even during the Battle of the Saluki, when 24 tanks from Brigade 401 were stuck in a valley under heavy Hizbullah anti-tank missile fire, the commanders failed to utilize the smokescreen system.

One of the reasons behind the tank crew's failures to properly operate the armored vehicles in Lebanon was their commanders' relatively little amount of hands-on tank training. "All of the brigades have spent the past year operating in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and mostly without tanks," he said. "They were not trained in advance of the war in preparation for the fighting in the Lebanese terrain."

As a lesson of the war, the IDF is now interested in purchasing active-protection systems for the tanks similar to the Rafael-manufactured Trophy system or the Israeli Military Industries Iron Fist system, and is even asking the Treasury for a supplement to the defense budget that would fund the project, valued at hundreds of millions of shekels.

"First the tanks need to be used effectively during the war and not negligently like they were," the officer said. "Once the commanders start to use the machines the way they are meant to be used we will be able to add on the active-protection system which will also defend them incoming anti-tank missiles."
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 7-9-2006 06:26 AM
Aug. 15, 2006 23:11
Tank hits not as bad as it seemed
By YAAKOV KATZ ... p;cid=1154525881698
With 40 damaged tanks and 30 tank crew members killed in fighting in Lebanon, the Armored Corps began Monday to gear up for its next battle - this coming October when it tries convincing high-school graduates to enlist in its ranks.

Thousands of antitank missiles were fired over the days of fighting at tanks and infantry forces in southern Lebanon. But while soldiers told stories of deadly missile attacks on tanks, OC Armored Corps Brig.-Gen. Halutsi Rudoy revealed Tuesday that out of the almost 400 tanks that operated in Lebanon, only a few dozen were hit by antitank missiles and only 20 were actually penetrated.

"The fighting was fierce and they fired hundreds and possibly thousands of missiles," he told The Jerusalem Post in his first interview since a cease-fire went into effect. "But if I compare the number of casualties in this war to the first Lebanon War in 1982 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973; then there were thousands killed in tanks and here only 30."

Rudoy said the antitank missiles soldiers confronted in Lebanon were some of the most advanced in the world. He said Hizbullah had thousands of Soviet-built Sagger, Cornet and Fagot antitank missiles, the French MILAN and the US-built TOW, all supplied by Iran and Syria. These missiles are usually fired by a two- or three-man team, the IDF has said.

But the missiles are not only used against tanks, despite their official title. Aware that in close-range combat the IDF has an advantage, Hizbullah fighters set up positions kilometers away from Israeli forces and also used antitank missiles against infantry forces. More than 70 infantry soldiers were killed in antitank missile attacks on the homes they had commandeered in Lebanese villages and as they moved throughout the hilly terrain.

Rudoy said it was possible new recruits might be scared to enlist in the Armored Corps, but he believed that when they were told the real numbers and how tanks were responsible for killing dozens of Hizbullah fighters they would come and serve.

"We were at war, and in war the soldiers and the tanks at the front are the ones that get hit the most," Rudoy said. "It could have been worse, and thanks to the high professional level of the tank crews, the damage was far less than what was expected in the beginning."

Referring to the Trophy, a Rafael-developed active protection system that creates a hemispheric protected zone around armored vehicles such as the Merkava 4 tank, Rudoy said he would demand that his tanks be fitted with the defense system once it was deemed operational.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 7-9-2006 06:29 AM
Aug. 29, 2006 22:52 | Updated Aug. 30, 2006 15:50
Wadi Saluki battle - microcosm of war's mistakes
By YAAKOV KATZ ... PArticle%2FShowFull

The battle of Wadi Saluki will be remembered as one of the fiercest fights of the second Lebanon War.

It was during the push to the Litani River - a few hours before the UN-brokered cease-fire went into effect - that a column of Merkava tanks from Brigade 401 began crossing Wadi Saluki in the face of fierce Hizbullah resistance.

Friday night, August 11, was a turning point in the war. The cease-fire resolution was approved by the UN Security Council, and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered the IDF to take control of Lebanon up to the Litani River, the area from which Hizbullah had fired most of its Katyusha rockets.

Crossing the Saluki meant the troops and tanks had to climb a steep hill while exposed to attack from mountains on every side. Understanding the risk to his tanks, Brig.-Gen. Guy Zur, commander of Division 162, deployed Nahal Brigade infantrymen on the high ground outside Andouriya and Farun, to provide cover for the armored column below.

The wadi was described later by senior officers from Division 162 as the "gateway to the Litani." Crossing it was deemed to be the first, essential step in a sweep west across southern Lebanon.

Commanded by Col. Moti Kidor, Brigade 401's Merkava tanks had been waiting for the push to the Litani for close to a week. Twice, they had received the word to go, but when they began rolling, they were immediately told to stop. But on August 11, just before 5 p.m., orders came that were not canceled and at 8 p.m. the tanks began to move.

The Hizbullah fighters were waiting. Kidor's men had been standing by for nearly a week and the enemy knew that the only way west ran through the Saluki. At least 100 guerrillas had deployed with their most advanced anti-tank missile - the Russian-made Cornet.

By early morning on August 13, 24 hours before the cease-fire was scheduled to go into effect, the soldiers succeeded in crossing the wadi and climbing the hill, at a heavy price. Twelve soldiers were killed - eight tankists and four infantrymen. Some 80 Hizbullah gunmen were killed.

Then orders came to halt the advance, leaving Kidor and his men wondering why they had been sent in the first place. Why were they ordered to cross the Saluki when it was clear that the cease-fire would be approved? What did these 12 soldiers die for?

The Battle of the Saluki was a microcosm of all the mistakes that were made during the war in Lebanon. Soldiers waited for a week, like sitting ducks, for orders that were twice received and twice canceled, reflecting a total lack of clarity and confidence within the General Staff, and perhaps the political echelon.

When the orders finally came, they made no sense; why push to the Litani hours before the UN was set to approve a cease-fire? What was the point of the brief, bloody operation, the soldiers asked, especially given the fact that two days after crossing the Saluki, they crossed it again - this time heading home?

Senior officers criticized the operation this week, saying it was launched at the last minute in an effort to influence public opinion in Israel and in Lebanon ahead of the UN Security Council vote on the cease-fire resolution. "The army wanted to show that it could conquer ground," one officer said. "They wanted to prove that they were capable of doing it."

There was also the way the tanks were employed. Twenty-four tanks participated in the operation, and 11 were hit by anti-tank missiles. When the tanks began moving through the wadi, the Hizbullah fighters began firing missile after missile at the vulnerable armor. The men in the tanks asked for help, but because of the large number of Nahal infantrymen present, the Northern Command refrained from calling for assistance from artillery or helicopter gunships.
The committees set up by Peretz and IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz will have to deal with these and other issues. Peretz has appointed former chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Amnon Lipkin-Shahak to head the investigation of the army's management of the war, and Halutz has asked former chief of staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Dan Shomron to act as liaison between approximately 10 internal IDF investigatory committees.

"There were many professional mistakes made in the use of the tanks," one officer said. "The soldiers were not trained properly for this battle and the division lacked experience in using tanks and infantry units operating together and in this type of terrain."
Author: taiaha    Time: 7-9-2006 01:26 PM
"There were many professional mistakes made in the use of the tanks," one officer said. "The soldiers were not trained properly for this battle and the division lacked experience in using tanks and infantry units operating together and in this type of terrain."  Now that comment is surprising. So what have they been practising all these while for? A war with Romania?
Author: areguard    Time: 7-9-2006 02:57 PM
Taiaha, all these while they were practising with stone-throwing Palestinians
Author: niceghost2005    Time: 7-9-2006 08:55 PM
Originally posted by areguard at 7-9-2006 02:57 PM
Taiaha, all these while they were practising with stone-throwing Palestinians

:setuju: 100%(1st time sokong 100%): Bravo......areguard
Author: Nick_Perelman    Time: 8-9-2006 10:00 AM
Originally posted by taiaha at 7-9-2006 01:26 PM
"There were many professional mistakes made in the use of the tanks," one officer said. "The soldiers were not trained properly for this battle and the division lacked experience in using tanks and infantry units operating together and in this type of terrain."  Now that comment is surprising. So what have they been practising all these while for? A war with Romania?  

Like all tankers in the world they practise full scale war against another army, mainly against other tanks.

Taiaha, all these while they were practising with stone-throwing Palestinians

Palestinians have plenty of RPGs.

Author: Nick_Perelman    Time: 8-9-2006 10:16 AM

This is a pic from previous kiddnap attempt which failed. Tank suffered 7 hits, but crew survived. 4 Hezies were killed and Israel returned their bodies. Unfortunally they understood good will of Israel as weakness and attacked again.
Author: mmc    Time: 8-9-2006 10:29 AM
aaahhh dubuk dah bersalin menjadi katak hjau ...kulit dubuk dia terlalu kena siat la tu..kalau korang cari nama mamat ni..gaya memang sejibik kat porem lain....

[ Last edited by  mmc at 8-9-2006 10:31 AM ]
Author: alphawolf    Time: 8-9-2006 10:31 AM
Hmmm samada dubuk yang sama atau sepupu-sepapat mamat ni lama dah aku tengok mendiamkan diri...
Author: areguard    Time: 8-9-2006 11:58 AM
Mak aii.. dubuk panggil reinforcement komando dari Jurusalem siap reading access 6 pulak tu. Memang hebat geng
Author: ef/x    Time: 9-9-2006 02:48 PM
Originally posted by mmc at 8-9-2006 10:29 AM
aaahhh dubuk dah bersalin menjadi katak hjau ...kulit dubuk dia terlalu kena siat la tu..kalau korang cari nama mamat ni..gaya memang sejibik kat porem lain....

Noted !! wakakaka :ketuk:
Author: alphawolf    Time: 9-9-2006 04:20 PM
Originally posted by areguard at 8-9-2006 11:58
Mak aii.. dubuk panggil reinforcement komando dari Jurusalem siap reading access 6 pulak tu. Memang hebat geng

Errr bukan semua'King' RA 6? Dubuk tu siap RA 8 lagi....
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 10-9-2006 11:39 PM
Movie click below....

UN (Finnish) vs Israel
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 10-9-2006 11:58 PM
Movie click below....
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 12-9-2006 10:15 PM
aku rasa semua israeli weapon taruk kat sini sua....malas sey nak cari

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 13-9-2006 07:36 AM
Bad BDA Bites Israel In The Ass

September 11, 2006: In southern Lebanon, Israeli troops are frantically trying make up for some major mistakes by Israeli air force and intelligence units. Despite the best efforts of Israeli intelligence, and clear knowledge of what was going on, Hizbollah's efforts to secretly build bunkers in southern Lebanon were largely successful. The Israelis knew Hizbollah was fortifying the areas along the Israeli border, which Israel abandoned in 2000 ( in an effort to bring peace to the area). Israel knew something was going on, and depended largely on aerial reconnaissance (jets, UAVs and some spy satellites) to identify what Hizbollah was doing. Based on this intelligence, the Israelis worked out plans for how their troops would deal with Hizbollah if war came. War did come last July, and it was quickly discovered that Israeli intel had missed many of the bunker complexes. These were then discovered, with some difficulty, by Israeli ground troops.

Blame it all on BDA (Bomb Damage Assessment). This is the business of figuring out what to bomb, and what the impact on the enemy is after you bomb. The problem, of the guys in the air getting fooled by the guys on the ground, began during World War II. Right after that conflict, the U.S. did a thorough survey, of the impact of strategic bombing on Germany and Japan. It was discovered that the impact was far different from what BDA during the war had indicated. The air force fellow vowed to do better next time. But as experience in Korea (1950-3), Vietnam (1965-72), Kuwait (1991) and Kosovo (1999), Iraq (2003) and Lebanon (2006) demonstrated, the enemy on the ground continued to have an edge when it came to deceiving the most energetic BDA efforts. The only proven technique for beating the BDA problem was to have people on the ground, up close, checking up on targets. The Israelis did not want to do this, because of the risk of some of their commandos getting killed or captured, and because the intel and air force people were sure that they knew what Hizbollah was up to down there.

What happens now? The U.S. Air Force has demonstrated, over half a century, an inability to solve the bad BDA problem. Will the Israelis be any better? We'll just have to wait and see.
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 13-9-2006 09:48 PM
3 weeks after being hit by and Iranian missile INS Hanit is back to operational service

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 13-9-2006 09:49 PM
Soldiers of the 900 brigade, (Kfir-young lion) will get a new beret, shoulder tag and a badge.

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 13-9-2006 09:51 PM
New Commander of the Samaria brigade

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 13-9-2006 09:54 PM
Galil AR

Author: taiaha    Time: 14-9-2006 08:41 AM
Originally posted by spiderweb6969 at 13-9-2006 09:49 PM
Soldiers of the 900 brigade, (Kfir-young lion) will get a new beret, shoulder tag and a badge.

Berets look like the ones SOG used to wear in Vietnam. Thanks spiderweb!
Author: HangPC2    Time: 14-9-2006 09:48 AM
Originally posted by spiderweb6969 at 13-9-2006 09:54 PM
Galil AR

Klon AK kan..... sama macam Versi AK dari Afrika Selatan...
Author: ef/x    Time: 14-9-2006 02:58 PM
Betul ler tu..... :hatdown:


IMI Galil Assault Rifle

IMI Uzi Submachine Gun

[ Last edited by  ef/x at 14-9-2006 03:06 PM ]
Author: d'zeck    Time: 14-9-2006 03:19 PM
Title: Reply #77 taiaha's post
ada iras2 lambang 10 briged para kita..
tak salah thai punya army pun ada pakai beret yg ada camo kan..
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 15-9-2006 06:46 AM
Krav Maga Israel martial arts.....awesome. ... related&search= ... d&v=iRxOAbOQn0Y ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search=
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 15-9-2006 06:55 AM
Commando Krav Maga Clips- the Israeli Fighting Systems ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search= ... related&search=
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 18-9-2006 10:22 PM
A collection of Israeli Weapons sytems




Merkava ARV



Wolf - Multi-Purpose Armored Vehicle

Storm & Abir


Armor Protection - Rafael

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 18-9-2006 10:23 PM



Tycoon - Upgrade Kit for Spike

Shipon & B-300


LAR - Light Artillery Rocket System

Trophy - Active Protection System for AFVs

Carpet - Mine Breaching System


History - Israeli Small Arms


Corner Shot

OWS - Overhead Weapon Stations
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 18-9-2006 10:23 PM



Weapons Systems

Gabriel - Sea-Skimming Missile

Barak - Ship Point Defense Missile System


Electronic Warfare

Acoustic Warfare
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 18-9-2006 10:24 PM


Python 4 - Short Range Air-to-Air Missile

Derby - Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile



Hawk - Surface-to-Air Missile



Arrow - Anti-Ballistic Missile System

MTHEL - Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser

Flight Guard

Aero Gem




Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 18-9-2006 10:25 PM







UAV - Pioneer

UAV - IAI Malat

UAV - Casper 250

UAV - Blue Horizon 2

UAV - Sparrow

UAV - Aerostat

UAV - Butterfly
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 09:07 PM
Sep. 20, 2006 0:12 | Updated Sep. 20, 2006 1:44
New AWACS enhance IAF's vision

Amid growing concern that Iran's refusal to suspend its enrichment of uranium could lead to military action against its nuclear sites, the Israel Air Force on Tuesday received its first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) surveillance plane.

Called the Eitam - white-tailed Sea Eagle - the AWACS arrived at a festive ceremony at the Lod Air Force base near Ben-Gurion Airport attended by US dignitaries and the head of the IAF, Maj.-Gen. Eliezer Shkedy. The plane will join the Nahshon Squadron, which also operates intelligence-gathering planes called Shavit (Comet).

"The arrival of this AWACS enhances our long-range capabilities," Deputy Squadron Commander Maj. I. told The Jerusalem Post, "It extends our range of sight and our operational capabilities."

The AWACS plane that arrived on Tuesday is the first of three Gulfstream G-550 jets to be delivered to the IAF over the next three years. The plane, usually built as a top-tier business jet and purchased from the US-based General Dynamics, was built according to IAF specifications and outfitted with more than $100 million worth of radar and command-and-control systems. The equipment was developed by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aircraft Industries.

The plane is capable of flying at 35,000 feet and has a range of 10,000 km. Equipped with radar systems capable of creating a 360 degree aerial picture over enemy countries during combat, the Eitam could also replace, Maj. I. said, ground-based command-and-control stations if they were destroyed by enemy action.

Israel has not had an airborne radar capability since 1994, when the IAF took a squadron of older-model AWACS, called the Hadiya, out of service.
The new arrival, Maj. I. said, was a big step forward for the IAF as the plane was "relevant to all of the current threats against Israel."

Speaking at the ceremony, Shkedy said the Eitam was an essential operational tool that would be utilized to create aerial pictures deep inside enemy territory while at the same time serving as a warning system for incoming aerial threats.

Hinting at a connection between the arrival of the new aircraft and Iran's race to obtain nuclear weapons, Shkedy said, "Throughout the years of Israel's existence, defense of the skies has been the IAF's primary mission. Over the years, however, the threats have changed... and the potential for an existential threat to the state is taking form while the bells of peace are still, to our misfortune, far away."

Nissim Hadas, CEO of Elta Systems, told the Post that the radar aboard the Eitam had a range of "several hundred kilometers." The plane, he said, was capable of carrying up to 20 passengers and was compact and fuel efficient.

"The plane doesn't need to enter enemy territory," Hadas said. "It can fly far away while creating and projecting the aerial picture above the country in which the IAF wants to operate."

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 09:08 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 09:12 PM
accident happen.....

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 09:14 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 09:17 PM

Author: Nick_Perelman    Time: 20-9-2006 09:20 PM
Israel has not had an airborne radar capability since 1994, when the IAF took a squadron of older-model AWACS, called the Hadiya, out of service.

Hmmm Israel had Phalcon ... halcon/Phalcon.html
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 10:13 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 10:17 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 10:38 PM

Author: gancity    Time: 20-9-2006 10:40 PM
Originally posted by spiderweb6969 at 20-9-2006 09:07 PM
Sep. 20, 2006 0:12 | Updated Sep. 20, 2006 1:44
New AWACS enhance IAF's vision

Amid growing concern that Iran's refusal to suspend its enrichment of uranium could lead to mil ...

Singapore like interested on tis for replace thier old hawkeye

[ Last edited by  gancity at 20-9-2006 10:51 PM ]
Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 10:44 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 20-9-2006 10:46 PM

Author: spiderweb6969    Time: 21-9-2006 12:48 AM

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