
Title: Führerbunker [Print this page]

Author: bluezink    Time: 2-2-2012 01:05 AM
Title: Führerbunker
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 2-2-2012 21:25

The Führerbunker (German, literally meaning "shelter for theleader" or "the Führer's shelter") is a common name fora complex of subterranean rooms in Berlin, Germany, where Germandictator Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide duringWorld War II.

Layout of Hitler's bunker
untok memahami,Apa yg sbenarnya yg berlaku dlm bunker tu..kamu seme di saran nonton trailerr

“Der Untergang” (Kiamat aka downfall)

Fuhrerbunker: the last picture of Hitler
The Führerbunker was built beneath the New Reich Chancellery in Berlin. This subterranean complex was constructed in two phases, the first in 1936 and the second in 1943. It was the last of the Führerhauptquartiere (Führer Headquarters) to be used by Hitler.
He took up residence in the Führerbunker in January 1945 and, up until the last week of the war, it served as the nucleus of the Nazi regime.

It was here, during the last week of April 1945, that Hitler married Eva Braun; less than 40 hours later, it was also here that they both "committed suicide".

Inside the Führerbunker

Vorbunker  Führerbunker

Hitler Bunuh Diri?Apa yang sbenarnya teerjadi ngan “mayat” Adolf Hitler?Di akhir WW2, kiter diberitah u oleh para penulis sejarah di barat bahwa hitler mati "bunuh diri". Namun benerrrkah gitu?{:4_245:}
Author: halimi78    Time: 2-2-2012 09:38 PM
Reply 1# bluezink

sambung lg plis... err, jgn lupa taruk sos skali ye...
Author: B.K    Time: 2-2-2012 09:40 PM
aku pernah download filem downfall tu... tpi kt laman website arab, subtitle dia pun ada bahasa arab, nanti aku try cari balik mana tah letak tengok pun xhabis...
Author: bonquiqui    Time: 3-2-2012 07:47 PM
currently reading the diary of a youg girl - anne frank..memang teruk apa yg hitler lakukan di zaman penaklukan oleh tentera german dulu..people are "rid of" like cockroaches just because they are jews by birth.. biarlah die dapat balasan setimpal di akhirat nanti..wallahualam.
Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 4-2-2012 12:39 AM
Post Last Edit by zaharul_asriq94 at 4-2-2012 00:41

Reply 4# bonquiqui

ada orng kata diary of anne frank tu pelesu.... aku sndiri pun tak pasti, original copy diari anne frank tu entah kat mana dah
Author: AzzaAzman    Time: 4-2-2012 08:21 AM
entah2 byk cerita yang diada ada kan oleh orang jews...
Author: hyazinth79    Time: 5-2-2012 12:10 PM
diari anne frank tu mmg palsu , dah disahkan , sbb apa palsu, diarituditulis dgn ballpen , waktu tu ballpen belum dicipta lagi , yahudi kantoi
Author: bluezink    Time: 5-2-2012 03:42 PM
Title: hitler doppelganger aka Hitler's double
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 6-2-2012 15:34

rumour mngatakan hitler mmpunyai ramai doppelganger aka " kembar"

They was supposed to be a  total look-a likes, and they was trained to “be” Hitler and was  supposedly going to die a martyr’s death on the battlefield so that  Hitler could be glorified without dying. The erratic rumors about  Hitler’s doubles were soon to be accepted by many as facts.

According to  one report: “The doubles were given voice and movement instruction, and  they mastered Hitler’s soft conversational voice and distinctive walk.  Their faces and dental work were altered, and even their spines were  broken in the same place where Hitler had been injured in the First  World War. Germany efficiency left nothing to chance. But the one thing  that none of these doppelgangers could ever hope to duplicate, was  Hitler’s hypnotic, charismatic public speaking style.

His ability to  sway a crowd had never been matched or equaled.
The doubles would be  good for public appearances, parties, or maybe meetings or briefings  where Hitler was not expected to have that much interaction with his  underlings.”

This body was discovered by the Russian contingent in Berlin and assumed to be Adolf Hitler. It is actually Gustav Weler, Hitler's doppelganger (body double), who was executed with a gunshot to the forehead. ...tat looks like charlie chaplin
Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 5-2-2012 04:04 PM
Post Last Edit by zaharul_asriq94 at 5-2-2012 16:15

Reply 8# bluezink

kalau mcm tu, where the hell was Hitler????!!!


petikan2 dari video atas tu:
--- There are other report that Hitler was not in Berlin at all...he may still be alive
--- no solid proof of Hitler's end
--- IT WAS A DECOY, A BAD DOUBLE OF HITLER, AND NOT HITLER HIMSELF--- the real hitler is not dead
--- he has escaped
--- an unidentified man is laid to allowed him to flee
--- NO SIGN of Hitler
--- The Allies don't know where he was
--- A horrible nightmare have come true, HISTORY'S GREATEST VILLAIN have fooled the Russians and cheated the world
--- His doppleganger, Gustav Weber were always with Hitler

kalau mcm tu, misteri smpai skrng.....where the hell was Hitler???!!!
Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 5-2-2012 04:17 PM
Reply 8# bluezink

marilah kita bersama2 membaca surat khabar berita terkini..hitler di amerika selatan.....

Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 5-2-2012 04:20 PM
dokumen CIA tahun 1954, lokasi: Colombia

orang kat atas tu merupakan ADOLF HITLER yang pernah huru hara kan dunia... Hitler! Sieg heil!!
Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 5-2-2012 04:26 PM
hitler boleh/berpotensi jadi penyamar....... sieg...heil!!!

Author: bluezink    Time: 5-2-2012 05:02 PM
Reply  bluezink

kalau mcm tu, where the hell was Hitler????!!!

petikan2 dari video atas t ...
zaharul_asriq94 Post at 5-2-2012 16:04

pe kata kiter soh horatio bongkar ne mysteriii
Author: bluezink    Time: 5-2-2012 05:08 PM
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 5-2-2012 18:55
hitler boleh/berpotensi jadi penyamar....... sieg...heil!!!
zaharul_asriq94 Post at 5-2-2012 16:26


Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 6-2-2012 03:03 AM

pe kata kiter soh horatio bongkar ne mysteriii
bluezink Post at 5-2-2012 17:02

Author: nazadiyah    Time: 6-2-2012 03:11 AM
entah2 byk cerita yang diada ada kan oleh orang jews...

AzzaAzman Post at 4-2-2012 08:21

mmg pun depa ne suka exxagerate cerita, aku sokong hitler
Author: nazadiyah    Time: 6-2-2012 03:17 AM
gud source, more  info plsssss.....ape nama buku dia ya? aku nak beli....
Author: alphawolf    Time: 6-2-2012 07:55 AM
Hitler mmg masih hidup...dan sekarang jadi pengarah drama di Malaysia
Author: Dzulqarnain    Time: 6-2-2012 10:18 AM
Hitler ade masalah pedophillia ke?
Author: alphawolf    Time: 6-2-2012 11:31 AM
Nape ko kata camtu?
Author: zaharul_asriq94    Time: 6-2-2012 01:47 PM
Reply 19# Dzulqarnain

kenapa anda berkata begitu kepada mein fuhrer? hehhehe {:4_503:}
Author: AzzaAzman    Time: 6-2-2012 02:18 PM
mmg pun depa ne suka exxagerate cerita, aku sokong hitler
nazadiyah Post at 6-2-2012 03:11

   kita pun tak tau kan cerita sebenar...
Author: bluezink    Time: 6-2-2012 05:30 PM

does tat make hitler a pedophile?

Author: Dzulqarnain    Time: 6-2-2012 07:03 PM
Sekadar bertanya...dan lg,

Apa plk kaitan 'Holocaust'nya dgn penubuhan negara Israel?
Siapa Godfather Hitler?
Knp dia yg Euro-Christian (Protestant) sgt berminat dgn Yahudi?
Adakah Nazi cabang Zionist?

p/s: Byk plk soal ye...
Author: mssuci    Time: 6-2-2012 09:40 PM
ada citer sal ni tk silap aku...tajuk dia the boy who wears pyjamas...buku pn dlm citer tu mg kutuk german lah.....urmm anyway if its true...sgt sdh
Author: Dzulqarnain    Time: 6-2-2012 11:19 PM
Kedai mamak yg best,
bkn ikut jumlah lalat yg berjaya direnjat.
Tp, rasa masakan² yg dihidang.

Mungusir Yahudi ke Palestine (Gaza-Baitulmaqdis) ???
Hangit² Zionisme je tu...
Author: bluberi    Time: 21-2-2012 11:14 AM
misai trademark tuuu
Author: shamsadis    Time: 28-2-2012 06:30 PM

Hitler's bunker in 1946. The dome-shaped structure is the shelter for the guards

This is where Hitler and Eva Braun's bodies were burnt

The canisters of fuel that were used to burn the bodies

The ruins of the Fuhrerbunker after it was demolished in 1947
Author: shamsadis    Time: 28-2-2012 06:32 PM

July 1947 photo of the rear entrance to the Führerbunker, in the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Hitler and Eva Braun were cremated in a shellhole in front of the emergency exit at left; the cone shaped structure in the center served as the exhaust and bomb shelter for the guards.

The spot where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were burnt hurriedly. Russian forensic experts at the site

The spot again. The bodies were burnt and buried here

Reconstruction of the gruesome end of Adolph Hitler

Author: shamsadis    Time: 28-2-2012 06:34 PM

Semyon Budyonny at the Fuhrerbunker. Buyonny (April 25 O.S. April 13 1883 – October 26, 1973) was a Soviet cavalryman, military commander, politician and a close ally of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.

Churchill at the Fuhrerbunker. He must have enjoyed it.
Author: shamsadis    Time: 28-2-2012 06:41 PM

Dead German soldiers lie strewn about after fierce street fighting at Breslau. March 1945. Soviet soldiers seen in the distance are a part of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

tak dapat bayang camner diaorang leh mati...kene mesingan ker?

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