
Title: Juara Tangkap Keli Gergasi (36 photos) [Print this page]

Author: abgsedapmalam    Time: 8-6-2012 10:13 AM
Title: Juara Tangkap Keli Gergasi (36 photos)
The hunt for catfish.  

  I wonder why they catch these giants?  I did not fisherman, but that's what I read about KGS.

  An old soldier told me that the war he had personally caught a catfish weighing 40 kg.  And indeed, when he "sawed" - inside a strong smell of mud, was a very unpleasant odor.  After all, catfish eat everything that swims in the water, all that is "moving."  So it is better to let the will of the som, let them live up to a 80-year-old ...

  like a fish to eat som shit.  Once I saw a dead horse in the water and a bunch of KGS, even looking at them I can not still smell vspominayu.V india soma grow very large in relation to local rites of burial.

  Yes, scavengers, as well as burbot.  My uncle stopped eating them, too, from his youth, when the seine caught burbot, climbing boots drowned in the

  Absolutely meaningless trophy in all respects.  And so - it is a fish-nurse, which passes through a bunch of "any" in the first place every fall.  In theory they should be no catch and release, if by chance will fall.


  remembered.  Last year in Astrakhan smoked catfish ate a couple of days ....  The liver is not handled on the second day, and catfish rushed out in the middle of the night and left for three days, perhaps.  The fact that he is not skinny - that's a plus of course

  So what is the hunt for catfish?  It's just entertainment?  Fishermen - tell us!

















Author: shernazz    Time: 8-6-2012 10:14 AM
bosar gile..kalo dipanggang 3 hari 3 malam blom tentu masak
Author: yusryimran    Time: 8-6-2012 10:21 AM
adoilah bapak besornya ikan,
Author: wrdzin    Time: 8-6-2012 10:40 AM
Perrrghhhhh, ni kalau goreng garing2 ni...............dgn nasi panas n sambal belacan......fffuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh....
Author: mrs.wentworth    Time: 8-6-2012 10:57 AM
gelinye..molot die bsr gle
Author: Loloq89    Time: 8-6-2012 11:22 AM
cm toman pon ade
Author: solstice    Time: 8-6-2012 12:07 PM
Aku suka keli
Tapi kalau besar sangat sedap ke
Author: Artemesiaa    Time: 8-6-2012 12:13 PM
Mak aiii besau gedabak
Author: makbudakcomel    Time: 8-6-2012 12:17 PM
eee membuatkan aku geli nak makan ikan geli lepas ni
Author: merry01    Time: 8-6-2012 12:59 PM
ni kalo bawak balik sekor kenduri sekampung la jwbnya.....
Author: Stila    Time: 8-6-2012 04:16 PM
Feveret iolss... Tp klau cenggini la beso nye, geli plak nk mkn...
Author: ejai601    Time: 8-6-2012 04:19 PM
ikan besor2 ni..daging dia xsedap lg2 ikan air tawar hehehe
Author: miss_jay    Time: 8-6-2012 04:38 PM
Reply 9# makbudakcomel

  ikan keli lah, bkn ikn geli
tp mmg geli pon bosar2 mcm tu
Author: amyainsamad    Time: 8-6-2012 04:45 PM
Author: makbudakcomel    Time: 8-6-2012 05:24 PM
Reply 13# miss_jay

    ohh my doter panggil ikan geli ... tgh rindu kat anak la td tu gamaknye
Author: pakwetizzaqyah    Time: 8-6-2012 08:21 PM
aku penah tangkap ikan puyu gergasi..... nk caye ke tidak lantak korang la kan...heh
Author: kukukatablog    Time: 8-6-2012 08:24 PM
geli lah besar sangat makan pon x sedap kot nih....
Author: Arlina    Time: 8-6-2012 09:01 PM
thats so huge...bigger than a person
Author: yakboktam    Time: 8-6-2012 09:20 PM
mak oii besarnyer ikan
Author: sapeka    Time: 8-6-2012 09:27 PM

tak lalu nak makan
tengok gambar dah rasa macam hanyir sangat
Author: novelloverzz    Time: 8-6-2012 09:47 PM
tu diaa besor dr org pn ada...
Author: nreezt    Time: 8-6-2012 09:58 PM
sedap ke? macma keras jeeeee?
Author: Spiral    Time: 8-6-2012 10:08 PM
besar nyaaa
Author: firdaruddin    Time: 8-6-2012 10:13 PM
no 24 bukan keli.
Author: mizlily    Time: 8-6-2012 10:38 PM
besarnye..geli nak makan
Author: cik_pocoyo    Time: 8-6-2012 10:43 PM
xde maknenye nk makan besar2 nih...ntah sedap ke tidak...
Author: zaliyana    Time: 9-6-2012 12:15 AM
suka ikan kalo beso2 ni mmg takutla nk mkn...
Author: izumiza    Time: 9-6-2012 12:24 PM
Author: ciksurie    Time: 9-6-2012 02:27 PM
ngeri nak makan.......
Author: donut_1752    Time: 9-6-2012 04:48 PM
x liat kew klo beso sgt ni...
ari 2 dpt keli 8 kilo...
hazab nk ngunyah
Author: wak_parjo    Time: 9-6-2012 05:45 PM
welsh catfish.
kebanyakannyer pic tu.ikan terbesar kat Europe.
Author: cucusaddam    Time: 9-6-2012 09:45 PM
besarnya umur ikan tu agaknya...200tahun ada ker
Author: HaMiZiE    Time: 9-6-2012 10:02 PM
wels fish ... spesis cat fish yang hidup kat sunga sungai di eropah

setakat ni .. rekod dunia menangkap ikan wels menggunakan joran dipegang oleh sorg british yang menangkap ikan ni kat sungai ebro, spain...

ada tgk dokumentari pasal ikan ni ... the monster fish ditayang kat learning channel
Author: ctaz    Time: 10-6-2012 12:20 PM

kat malaysia pun ada......
cuma tak panggil ikan kucing jer la....
tapi pangge ikan tapah
Author: ctaz    Time: 10-6-2012 12:22 PM

Author: ratna    Time: 10-6-2012 02:38 PM
uikss...ikan betul ke tu..
besorrrrrr sgt!!!
Author: moyas    Time: 10-6-2012 02:50 PM
agak2 wat ikan keli penyet sedap x erk?
Author: nesmilan    Time: 10-6-2012 07:21 PM
ni masak kompom tak sedap..mesti liat macam lantun gotah sekorap
Author: achyp    Time: 11-6-2012 08:20 AM
mesti keli ni liat sbb dh tue2 bru org tangap....
Author: loslocos    Time: 11-6-2012 08:43 AM
gile .. besar dr orang . nk mandi sungai pon takot
Author: hot_ice    Time: 13-6-2012 12:40 AM
woih! sebona ek keli ni ade sgat ke tak? tgk doang ni selambe vadak je pgang sambil plok2 ni....
Author: haniryan    Time: 13-6-2012 12:48 AM
monster catfish ni makan orang x?
Author: annadellia    Time: 13-6-2012 08:12 AM
ohh.. tidak.. x sanggup nak makan.. loya kang tekak.. besor sangat..
Author: mayong    Time: 13-6-2012 09:50 AM
besarnye...geli plak tengok
Author: callance    Time: 13-6-2012 11:13 AM
uitttt...sedapnye keli bakar..hehe.. x kene sengat ke ni...
Author: akughl    Time: 13-6-2012 11:53 AM

beso siot
Author: aini_peza    Time: 13-6-2012 05:30 PM
mak ai bosa giloo...
Author: ILoveN    Time: 14-6-2012 10:58 AM ne nk mkn ikan ni...
Author: knk~pooh    Time: 14-6-2012 11:41 AM
geli lak besar sangat ni..mesti rasa liat daging ye
Author: jofizo    Time: 21-6-2012 12:22 PM
takut arrr ikan besor2 camnih.........
Author: fifie_olin    Time: 21-6-2012 12:35 PM
eii takotnya leh mkn bg free pon aku x nk....
Author: HannahMontana    Time: 21-6-2012 09:34 PM
omputih tu bukan nak makan sgt ikan keli tu...nak menyeksa ikan tu saja....kesian pula aku tengok, aku kecam sikap buruk mcm tu. Biarlah ikan tu hidup di air.
Author: md_nana    Time: 22-6-2012 02:53 PM
tak sedap laaa bile besar sgt

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