Title: Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah [Print this page]
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 01:58 PM
Title: Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah
Edited by FanTasyCreaTioN at 17-3-2021 05:59 AM
Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera,
Untuk makluman semua forumer bod PD sama ada yang aktif atau SR saya buka thread bertajuk
'Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah' untuk kita menghayati dan mengingati sejarah lampau dalam konteks yang berbeza. Ok straight to the point, semua forumer
CARI digalakkan meyumbang info.
Sebagai contoh date mcm hari ni 15 Mei so
previous peristiwa dunia jatuh pada tarikh yg sama (forumer kena letak
pic/video, detail cerita dan complete source link). Lagi banyak pic lagi baik.
Kredit sebanyak
+10 hingga +20 akan diberikan untuk setiap info yang
lengkap bergantung pada artikel dan bahan2.
Credit to @ciksurie for the brilliant idea
** sebarang komen amat la dialu2kan **
Last edited by novelloverzz on 22-5-2013 09:15 AM
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 02:15 PM
Mercedes-Benz W 154 Silver Arrow: Historic Triple Victory
On May 15, 1938, at the Tripoli Grand Prix, the Mercedes-Benz Silver Arrows rode all the way to a triple victory at the first major race of the season.
Hermann Lang won the GP after logging 2:33:17.14 over 40 laps driving in the new car, but he was followed across the finish line by teammates Manfred von Brauchitsch and Rudolf Caracciola, who would be subsequently named European Champion.
The W 154 was brought about by changes to the Grand Prix vehicle specifications. It was designed by head engineer Rudolf Uhlenhaut, and had a V12 engine capable of getting the car 468 horsepower. The vehicle’s body showcased a unique aerodynamic design, prompting racing managerAlfred Neubauer to say that the W 154 “looked more like a silver ray than a silver arrow,” though it was the latter nickname that stuck.
The Silver Arrow actually debuted at the Pau Grand Prix earlier that year, but it was more of a preseason test, as Tripoli was the actual kickoff to the season. The team also achieved triple victories at the French GP in July and the Swiss Grand Prix in August. Caracciola secured his title by finishing third in Italy in September.
Author: cikatilia Time: 15-5-2013 02:20 PM
novelloverzz posted on 15-5-2013 02:15 PM
Mercedes-Benz W 154 Silver Arrow: Historic Triple Victory
yesza... akan menambah berita2 berkenaan!
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 02:25 PM
cikatilia posted on 15-5-2013 02:20 PM
yesza... akan menambah berita2 berkenaan!
x kisah cite apa janji peristiwa dunia..dan banyak pic..kadang2 best tgk pic dari baca kan..cika..tolong war2kan kat warga PD leh tepek biodata kalau nak tacang..
Author: primarikey Time: 15-5-2013 02:31 PM
Pada hari ini 15.5.1971 Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara telah ditubuhkan dan dirasmikan serentak oleh Perdana Menteri Tun Abdul Razak di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Penubuhan ini adalah berikutan dari tuntutan Majlis Belia Malaysia yang meminta agar para belia diberi pengiktirafan oleh Kerajaan sebagai salah satu golongan yang berhak dalam proses menentukan dasar pemerintahan. Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara mempunyai seramai 28 orang ahli, 13 daripadanya dilantik oleh kerajaan dan 15 dilantik oleh Majlis Belia Malaysia. Mereka adalah terdiri dari wakil-wakil jabatan kerajaan yang terlibat secara langsung dengan kegiatan belia dan juga dari pertubuhan-pertubuhan belia yang aktif dari seluruh Malaysia. Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara adalah merupakan parlimen belia bagi membincangkan segala aspek kegiatan belia, perancangan serta perkembangannya. Ia adalah sebuah Majlis yang berperlembagaan berasaskan akta parlimen dan bertanggungjawab untuk menyatukan seluruh kegiatan belia dan membantu mengurangkan jurang generasi menerusi aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan. Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara juga akan membantu melaksanakan matlamat Kerajaan bagi membentuk satu masyarakat tanpa mengira asal keturunan dan mengeratkan perpaduan. Menerusi Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara ini sebarang isu, bantahan, teguran dan rancangan yang ditujukan kepada kerajaan dikemukakan dengan cara berdiplomasi. Rancangan-rancangan belia dikaji dan ditapis oleh majlis ini supaya kegiatan-kegitan yang benar-benar aktif, sihat dan dinamik, berpotensi dan berperanan besar ke arah membentuk corak kehidupan yang maju dapat dilaksanakan. Mesyuarat yang pertama Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara telah diadakan sebaik-baik sahaja ia dirasmikan oleh Perdana Menteri dan dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan, Dato' Hamzah Abu Samah. Dato' Hamzah berkata bahawa belia bertanggungjawab menentukan corak pimpinannya sendiri dan turut terlibat dalam memajukan Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Mereka perlu berfikiran sihat, bersikap progresif dan berdisiplin. Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara ini telah diletakkan di bawah penguatkuasaan Kementerian Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan sesuai dengan pergerakan dan penglibatan belia dengan pihak kerajaan. Dengan tertubuhnya Majlis Perundingan Belia Negara pada hari ini dalam tahun 1971, golongan belia telah mendapat satu pengiktirafan sebagai satu golongan anggota masyarakat yang sama-sama memainkan peranan penting dalam proses menentukan tampuk pemerintahan dan pembangunan negara.
Last edited by primarikey on 15-5-2013 02:41 PM
Author: primarikey Time: 15-5-2013 02:33 PM
15 Mei ini genaplah Ulang tahun an-Nakbah (the great catastrophe) yang menandakan berdirinya entiti haram Israel pada tahun 1948.
Setelah 65 tahun, Israel berada di ambang kejatuhannya. Bukan sahaja rakyat Palestin mencipta kemenangan demi kemenangan. Bahkan pergolakan geopolitik di timur tengah (Arab Spring) dan kebangkitan masyarakat sipil (madaniy) di seluruh dunia meletakkan Israel dalam keadaan yang sangat terdesak. Di saat genting inilah jentera-jentera propaganda Zionis Kristian dengan segala aparatnya cuba untuk mengalih atau memberikan persepsi bahawa apa juga perubahan politik yang berlaku di peringkat global, serantau bahkan tempatan maka di sana ada tangan-tangan ghaib yang memandu dan mencorakkannya. Mereka amat bimbang kerana bukan sahaja Israel berada dihujung nyawa, bahkan kelestarian hegemoni politik US itu sendiri terancam. Mereka hendak wujudkan satu senario bahawa tumbangnya Regim Bashar Assad hanya akan menguatkan Israel. Mereka wujudkan satu persepsi bahawa kerajaan Mesir pasca Mubarak yang ditunjangi oleh Ikhwan Muslimin sebenarnya adalah proxy yang didalangi oleh US. Di saat minda umat Islam dimomokkan oleh senario kacau bilau inilah kita di jengah oleh 14 Mei, tarikh di mana bendera entiti Israel Star of David berkibar di bumi Palestin dan keesokkan harinya pada 15 Mei, negara haram Israel diistiharkan dengan rasminya pada tahun 1948.
Ketika berdepan dengan perang saraf ini, Aqsa Syarif mengajak rakyat Malaysia untuk memperingati ulang tahun Nakbah dengan harapan keadilan dan kasih sayang akan menyelubungi dunia kerana pembebasan Palestin sudah dekat waktunya insyaAllah.
Last edited by primarikey on 15-5-2013 02:42 PM
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 02:55 PM
May 15, 1941:First Allied jet flies
On May 15, 1941, the jet-propelled Gloster-Whittle E 28/39 aircraft flies successfully over Cranwell, England, in the first test of an Allied aircraft using jet propulsion. The aircraft's turbojet engine, which produced a powerful thrust of hot air, was devised by Frank Whittle, an English aviation engineer and pilot generally regarded as the father of the jet engine.
Whittle, born in Coventry in 1907, was the son of a mechanic. At the age of 16, he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) as an aircraft apprentice at Cranwell and in 1926 passed a medical exam to become a pilot and joined the RAF College. He won a reputation as a daredevil flier and in 1928 wrote a senior thesis entitled Future Developments in Aircraft Design, which discussed the possibilities of rocket propulsion.
From the first Wright brothers flight in 1903 to the first jet flight in 1939, most airplanes were propeller driven. In 1910, the French inventor Henri Coanda built a jet-propelled bi-plane, but it crashed on its maiden flight and never flew again. Coanda's aircraft attracted little notice, and engineers stuck with propeller technology; even though they realized early on that propellers would never overcome certain inherent limitations, especially in regard to speed.
After graduating from the RAF college, Whittle was posted to a fighter squadron, and in his spare time he worked out the essentials of the modern turbojet engine. A flying instructor, impressed with his propulsion ideas, introduced him to the Air Ministry and a private turbine engineering firm, but both ridiculed Whittle's ideas as impractical. In 1930, he patented his jet engine concept and in 1936 formed the company Power Jets Ltd. to build and test his invention. In 1937, he tested his first jet engine on the ground. He still received only limited funding and support, and on August 27, 1939, the German Heinkel He 178, designed by Hans Joachim Pabst von Ohain, made the first jet flight in history. The German prototype jet was developed independently of Whittle's efforts.
One week after the flight of the He 178, World War II broke out in Europe, and Whittle's project got a further lease of life. The Air Ministry commissioned a new jet engine from Power Jets and asked the Gloster Aircraft Company to build an experimental aircraft to accommodate it, specified as E 28/39. On May 15, 1941, the jet-propelled Gloster-Whittle E 28/39 flew, beating out a jet prototype being developed by the same British turbine company that earlier balked at his ideas. In its initial tests, Whittle's aircraft--flown by the test pilot Gerry Sayer--achieved a top speed of 370 mph at 25,000 feet, faster than the Spitfire or any other conventional propeller-driven machine.
As the Gloster Aircraft Company worked on an operational turbojet aircraft for combat, Whittle aided the Americans in their successful development of a jet prototype. With Whittle's blessing, the British government took over Power Jets Ltd. in 1944. By this time, Britain's Gloster Meteor jet aircraft were in service with the RAF, going up against Germany's jet-powered Messerschmitt Me 262s in the skies over Europe.
Whittle retired from the RAF in 1948 with the rank of air commodore. That year, he was awarded 100,000 pounds by the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors and was knighted. His book Jet: The Story of a Pioneer was published in 1953. In 1977, he became a research professor at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis,Maryland. He died in Columbia, Maryland, in 1996.
ambil sini -
Last edited by rokarina on 15-5-2013 03:09 PM
Author: cikatilia Time: 15-5-2013 02:55 PM
novelloverzz posted on 15-5-2013 02:25 PM
x kisah cite apa janji peristiwa dunia..dan banyak pic..kadang2 best tgk pic dari baca kan..cika.. ...
for sure bebeh.. tp nothing attracts me plak today
selain dari berita palestine & israel which udah ada yang mengepaste
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 03:02 PM
cikatilia posted on 15-5-2013 02:55 PM
for sure bebeh.. tp nothing attracts me plak today
selain dari berita palestine & israel which ...
x pe..nov pun dah ada interesting history nak tepek tp date x sampai lg..tgg...
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 03:08 PM
May 15, 1963:
The flight of Faith 7
On May 15, 1963, Gordon Cooper is launched into space aboard Faith 7 on the longest American space mission to that date. Faith 7 was the capstone of Project Mercury, the NASA program that put the first American into space in 1961 and the first astronaut into orbit in 1962. Cooper completed 22 orbits of the earth and spent 34 hours in space. He was the first American astronaut to spend more than a day in space. On the afternoon of May 16, Faith 7 landed safely in the Pacific Ocean, four miles from the recovery ship Kearsarge.
Cooper was honored by parades in Hawaii and Washington, D.C., where he addressed a joint session of Congress, and in New York City, where he was greeted by a massive ticker-tape crowd. Later Shawnee, Oklahoma--Cooper's hometown--celebrated the return of the sixth Mercury astronaut from space.
sumber - ... flight-of-ifaith-7i Last edited by rokarina on 15-5-2013 03:14 PM
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 03:10 PM
rokarina posted on 15-5-2013 02:55 PM
1941 England Jet Airplane Flight
sry, terkomen 2x sbb td refresh hilang pastu dah komen 2nd time ada pulak..
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 03:10 PM
kakak dah edit
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 03:11 PM
rokarina posted on 15-5-2013 03:10 PM
kakak dah edit
ok dah kasi tacang
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 03:16 PM
novelloverzz posted on 15-5-2013 03:10 PM
sry, terkomen 2x sbb td refresh hilang pastu dah komen 2nd time ada pulak..
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 03:31 PM
May 15, 1756:
The Seven Years War begins
The Seven Years War officially begins when England declares war on France on 15 May 1756. It was a worldwide series of conflicts fought from 1756 to 1763 for the control of Germany and for supremacy in colonial North America and India, and involved most of the major powers of Europe. The North American segment of the conflict, known as the French and Indian War, was fought between Great Britain and its American colonies against the French and their Algonquian allies. The Indian phase, known as the Third Carnatic War, established British domination in India.
The Seven Years War ended with the signing of the treaties of Hubertusburg and Paris in February 1763. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas. The treaty ensured the colonial and maritime supremacy of Britain and strengthened the 13 American colonies by removing their European rivals to the north and the south. Fifteen years later, French bitterness over the loss of most of their colonial empire contributed to their intervention in the American Revolution on the side of the Patriots.
sumber ... ars-war-begins.html
Author: rokarina Time: 15-5-2013 03:41 PM
May 15, 1896 Tornado kills 78 in Texas
The May 1896 tornado outbreak sequence was a series of violent and deadly tornado outbreaks that struck much of the Central and Southern United States from May 15 to May 28, 1896. It is considered one of the worst tornado outbreak sequences on record. There were four particularly notable tornado outbreaks during the two-week period. It produced three F5 tornadoes as well as the third deadliest tornado ever in United States history. A total of 484 people were killed during the entire outbreak sequence by at least 38 different tornadoes which struck Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kentucky and Michigan. Last edited by rokarina on 15-5-2013 03:43 PM
Author: day2 Time: 15-5-2013 03:42 PM
Peristiwa Nakbah (Perang Arab-Israel)
Tanggal 15 Mei 1948 merupakan tarikh yang amat penting untuk disingkap oleh semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Tarikh penting tersebut adalah detik hitam bagi penduduk asal bumi Palestin, orang Arab dan dunia Islam secara keseluruhannya.
Pada tarikh tersebut, penubuhan negara haram Israel di atas bumi Palestin telah diisyhtiharkan secara rasminya. Peristiwa tersebut turut dikenali sebagai “nakbah”. Nakbah bermaksud malapetaka atau bencana besar.
Dalam peristiwa nakbah, Yahudi Zionis telah bertindak kejam dengan mengusir lebih daripada 60 peratus rakyat Palestin (lebih kurang 800 ribu orang daripada sejumlah 1.39 juta) ke luar negara, manakala 30 ribu lagi diusir ke daerah-daerah yang ditakluki mereka.
Daripada jumlah 580 perkampungan rakyat Palestin yang wujud sebelum perang 1948, rejim Zionis telah menghancurkan 478 buah kampung serta terlibat dalam lebih 34 jenayah pembunuhan beramai-ramai rakyat Palestin.
Rejim Zionis telah bertindak di luar batas kemanusiaan. Nyawa penduduk Palestin bagaikan tiada nilai di mata mereka. Pelbagai peristiwa pembunuhan beramai-ramai telah berlaku sepanjang peristiwa Nakbah.
Antaranya peristiwa yang paling tragis ialah tragedi Deir Yassin pada 9 April 1948 yang melibatkan pembunuhan seramai 254 orang termasuk orang tua, wanita dan 52 kanak-kanak.
Petugas Palang Merah dan Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) sendiri menyaksikan bagaimana rumah-rumah rakyat Palestin dibakar dan orang yang cuba menyelamatkan diri ditembak.
Sejarah kejatuhan bumi Palestin ke tangan Yahudi bermula apabila Britain melalui setiausaha negara hal-ehwal luarnya, Arthur Balfour, telah mengeluarkan satu kenyataan bertarikh 2 November 1917 yang menjanjikan masyarakat Yahudi satu tanahair di Palestin.
Pengisytiharan itu telah digelar 'Ominous Declaration' (Pengisytiharan Celaka).
Palestin menjadi isu antarabangsa apabila kerajaan Britain pada 2 April 1947 mendesak supaya isu Yahudi dan Palestin dimasukkan sebagai agenda PBB. Tidak lama selepas itu, sebuah Jawatankuasa antarabangsa telah ditubuhkan untuk mengkaji dan membuat laporan mengenai isu Palestin.
Cadangan dasar jawatankuasa ini adalah pembahagian wilayah Palestin yang tidak adil iaitu kepada negara Arab dan negara Yahudi yang merdeka, dan Jerusalem (Baitul Maqdis) diletakkan bawah tanggungjawab antarabangsa. Jelas sekali bahawa PBB sendiri bersubahat dalam proses pendudukan haram Yahudi di Palestin dan menjadi boneka kepada Yahudi.
Author: cikatilia Time: 15-5-2013 03:47 PM
ok cik nov, found 1.. crime is my favourite article..
May 15, 1976:
A young woman and her married lover kill her family
Patricia Columbo and Frank DeLuca are arrested for the brutal slaying of Columbo's parents and brother in Elk Grove, Illinois. Twenty-year-old Columbo had left her family home two years earlier to live with DeLuca, a 36-year-old married man. The pair later killed Frank, Mary, and Michael Columbo in order to receive the family inheritance, unaware that the Columbos had written Patricia out of their wills years earlier.
As a 16-year-old, Columbo worked in a suburban coffee shop where she met pharmacist Frank DeLuca, who managed the pharmacy next door. He soon hired her to work in his store and the two began an unusual sexual relationship; Columbo showed classmates pictures of her having sex with DeLuca's dog. (ewww)
In April 1974, DeLuca brought Columbo to stay in his own home, despite the fact that he still lived with his wife and five kids. Her parents were relieved when she later told them she was going to move into her own apartment, and even provided her with money. However, they soon learned that DeLuca had left his wife and moved in with their daughter, prompting Columbo's father to beat DeLuca severely.
On May 4, 1976, Patricia Columbo, then 19, and Frank DeLuca, 39, decided to carry out the plan themselves. They crept into the Columbo family home and shot Columbo's parents. They then bludgeoned Mike with a bowling trophy and stabbed him nearly 100 times with scissors. Police questioned Patricia but had no reason to suspect her until the following week.
Inspired by the promise of reward money, a friend led police to the men who had discussed killing the Columbo family with Patricia. After the couple was arrested, DeLuca's employees revealed that they had seen him washing and burning bloodstained clothes on the day after the murders. Apparently, he had kept them silent by threatening their families. While in jail, DeLuca attempted to have these witnesses killed by a cellmate, but another inmate thwarted the plan by telling the police.
The jury convicted Patricia Columbo and Frank DeLuca, and they were each sentenced to 200 to 300 years in prison. But Columbo managed to keep herself in the spotlight: In 1979, it was reported that she had assisted in organizing sex orgies involving guards and wardens at her prison in Dwight, Illinois. High-ranking officials at the prison, including the warden, were forced to resign in the wake of the scandal.
lagi sumber:,0,545346.photogallery
Mary and Frank Columbo
Michael Columbo
Patricia Columbo, incarcerated at Dwight Correctional Center, is serving a sentence of 200 to 300 years for the 1976 slayings of her mother, father and brother.
Frank DeLuca, convicted with Patricia Columbo, in the 1976 killings of her parents and 13-year-old brother.
another news during that day.. sgt kejam this lady/girl
Bet She Doesn’t Get Many Visitors
On May 7, 1976, Chicago police found a car belonging to Elk Grove resident Frank Columbo abandoned after apparently being stolen. They notified their counterparts in Elk Grove and the responding officer encountered a gruesome sight in the Columbos’ neat home.
Frank, 43, had been shot four times in the head. Before he died, however, he had been cruelly tortured and beaten. Police said he had been beaten with a bowling trophy and a lamp so severely that the back of his head “disintegrated.” There were several cigarette burns on his body. He had also been stabbed in the throat and chest.
His wife, Mary, 41, was shot once between the eyes. Her throat had been slashed and she also had been beaten, this time with a glass vase. She was clad in a nightgown and her underwear had been pulled down to her ankles. Her autopsy revealed no signs of sexual assault, however.
Their son, 13-year-old Michael was also dead. He had also been shot, beaten with the bowling trophy and stabbed more than 80 times — mostly in the neck — with a pair of sewing scissors. There were indications that he had been sleeping when the attack occurred and was awakened and forced out of bed by his killers.
Despite the fact that the family’s car had been found miles away in Chicago, there were no indications that anything else in the house had been disturbed or taken. This was obviously no ordinary crime.
According to the Elk Grove Daily Herald, then-Village President Charles Zettek said “the community was literally drowned in shock.”
Ray Rose, the investigating detective who is now the chief of police for Mundelein, said recently that he has never been able to forget what he saw that day. “Evil, death, tragedy,” were his initial thoughts when he saw the carnage.
“Frank was shot in the back of the head and his teeth came out,” Rose told The Chicago Sun-Times. “(Mary was probably dead before she hit the floor. I can still see the rage on Michael’s body.”
The only survivig member of the family was the Columbos’ 19-year-old daughter, Patricia, who was living apart from her family with a 37-year-old co-worker, Frank DeLuca. Her behavior immediately raised red flags to investigators.
“What I saw was very curious,” Rose told the Sun-Times in May 2006. “If you had just found out your whole family had been killed, you’d run to the scene.”
Instead Patricia went to the police station and began suggesting possible motives and leads. One, which was quickly ruled out, was that Frank Columbo was the target of a mob hit. There was never any indication that he was in any way connected to organized crime.
Lying to police in the course of a murder investigation is never a good idea, and when you are the sole surviving member of the family, it is an even worse decision. As a result of her statements and behavior after the crimes, Patricia Columbo became the chief suspect.
“She could turn it on and turn it off,” Rose told reporters. “Smoking and joking, and then at one point laying over the casket and crying.”
It took police just 10 days to make an arrest in the murders. On May 17, 1976, Patricia was charged with murder, solicitation of murder, and conspiracy.
It turns out that Frank Columbo and his wife had a strong dislike for the married man and father of five — twice their daughter’s age — who was involved in a sexual relationship with Patricia. At one point, Frank approached DeLuca at the drug store where he worked as a pharmacist and cracked him in the jaw with a rifle. Assault charges were filed and then dropped due to Patricia’s pressuring.
DeLuca and Patricia met when she was 16 years old and their relationship quickly became physical.
“There wa a lifestyle that Frank introduced me to,” Patricia Columbo said years later. “That included sex with other couples. With other people.”
DeLuca photographed Patricia in sexually provacative poses, including one where she was naked with a German Shepard.
Fallout from the love affair prompted Patricia to move out of the family home. She lived with DeLuca and his wife for a while and then DeLuca separated from his wife and he and Patricia rented an apartment.
In the summer of 1975, Patricia met two men that she seduced and tried to hire to kill her family (Patricia claims one of the men forced her to have sex). She provided them with a diagram of the Columbo home and photos of the family.
The men did not act on her request and on May 4, 1976, she and DeLuca entered the home and attacked her family.
“I wanted to beat my father to the punch,” she said in a police interview, claiming she feared he had “ordered a hit” on her and her lover.
“It’s not an occurrence that took place over a five-minute period like a bar-room brawl,” prosecutor Algis Baliunas told the jury in the couple’s 1977 trial. “It’s a preplanned, premeditated, systematic eradication of three people that started six to eight months before the murders occurred.”
Evidence showed that both were willing participants with Patricia acting as a decoy to be admitted to the house. When Frank Columbo opened the door and turned around, DeLuca entered and shot him with a .32-caliber handgun.
“Frank DeLuca did the shooting,” Rose said. “And the mutilation, the stabbing and the bludgeoning of the bodies was done by Patty.”
After a monthlong trial filled with lurid accounts of sex and photographs of unimaginable horror, the pair was convicted. They were both sentenced to a minimum 200 years in prison.
In July 2006 Patrica was denied parole for the 12th time. Most of her relatives have repeatedly urged the Parole Board to keep her in prison.
Last edited by cikatilia on 15-5-2013 04:30 PM
Author: day2 Time: 15-5-2013 03:53 PM
15 may 1949 (Tornado Armarillo)
AMARILLO -- The May 15th, 1949 tornado was not the biggest or the deadliest to hit the Panhandle, but it is thus far the strongest storm to directly affect Amarillo.
The tornado remains the costliest in Amarillo's history and is a storm Amarilloans around at the time will never forget.
Gracie Haddox was a teenager when the tornado struck.
"It was a terrible terrible thing and it tore up a lot of Amarillo." Mamie Soloman was a young mother, "The electricity went out and all the guys went to the car to listen to the radio. They went to where it happened to help direct traffic." The tornado moved across the southern and eastern part of Amarillo in the early evening. Winds of up to 84 miles per hour damaged or destroyed over two hundred homes. The cost to the city was nearly $5 million, by 1949 standards. "With an F4 tornado, homes would be totally destroyed but debris would still be on foundations," said Warning Coordination Meteorologist Steve Drillette. The storm also traveled out to the then brand-new Tradewinds Airport. There, the doors and roofs blew off the hangers allowing the storm to damage 45 aircrafts. The tornado killed seven Amarilloans and injured more than eighty, but warning sirens did not exist at the time and many believe the death toll could have been much higher. "Warnings started in the fifties," says Drillete, "tornados weren't mentioned at all in forecasts." But in this case, a weather service meteorologist decided to break the rules and warn the city. "We were listening to the radio and we kept hearing a tornado was on the way," says Soloman. Haddox also recalls the storm. "Well first, just before it hits, there is a deadly silence and then a big roar and then it hits." "It was a scary situation. That's the closest I've been to one and it was close enough," says Soloman.
Source: |
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 04:14 PM
cikatilia posted on 15-5-2013 03:47 PM
ok cik nov, found 1.. crime is my favourite article..
May 15, 1976:
taste kita sama le..crime & murders..
Author: cikatilia Time: 15-5-2013 04:31 PM
novelloverzz posted on 15-5-2013 04:14 PM
taste kita sama le..crime & murders..
best kan??
i will put more.. now tgh membaca artikel2 berkaitan kes di atas.. sgt kejam!!!!
i suka channel C.I kat astro sana...
Author: ciksurie Time: 15-5-2013 04:37 PM
iols mai menyinggah nov....
esok lusa nanti iols mai tepek info
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 04:43 PM
cikatilia posted on 15-5-2013 04:31 PM
best kan??
i will put more.. now tgh membaca artikel2 berkaitan kes di atas.. sgt kejam ...
dah unsubscribe sbb x de masa nak tgk.. x pe ada nnt tepek lagi..
Author: novelloverzz Time: 15-5-2013 04:44 PM
ciksurie posted on 15-5-2013 04:37 PM
iols mai menyinggah nov....
esok lusa nanti iols mai tepek info
ok ciksurie..jap nak pegi say hai2..bye2..kat rumah the legend..
Author: day2 Time: 15-5-2013 09:52 PM
In 15 May 1800, President John Adams ordered the federal government to be moved to Washington, D.C.
President Adams was pleased by his decision to move the seat of government from Philadelphia to Washington.
On this day. 1800: President John Adams ordered the federal government to leave Philadelphia and move to the new capital city: Washington, D.C., which stood for "District of Columbia." Washington officially became the U.S. capital on June 11, 1800. At the time the entire federal workforce numbered about 125.
What is today known as the White House was still under construction, so when Adams arrived in Washington, he took a room over a Capitol Hill tavern, Tunnicliff's, at the corner of 1st and A NE. Adams enjoyed it. In a letter to his wife, Abigail, on June 13, 1800, he said:
"I like the seat of government very well and shall sleep or lie awake next winter in the President's house.... (Secretary of State John) Mr Marshall and (Secretary of War Samuel) Mr Dexter lodge with me at Tunnicliff's City Hotel very near the capitol. The establishment of the public offices in this place has given it the air of the seat of government and all things seem to go on well."
source :
best jugak kutip tacang sambil bace bnyk info br..hehe..
Author: day2 Time: 15-5-2013 10:00 PM
15 may 1958-U.S.S.R launced Sputnik III
It was orbited at an angle of 65 degrees to the equator. Initial reports place its apogee at 1,880 kilometres. It takes 106 minutes to circuit the Earth. It was detached from the carrier rocket, which is travelling along a similar orbit.
At 1.41 p.m. (Moscow time) on May 15 it passed over Moscow from the south-west to the north-east.
Soviet Sputnik 3 is in the form of a cone 1.73 metres in diameter at the base and 3.57 metres in height, excluding the protruding antennae.
It weighs 1,327 kilogrammes. The weight of the instruments for scientific research, the radio measuring apparatus and the sources of electric power aboard weigh 968 kilogrammes.
Instruments are installed in the sputnik to study the pressure and composition of the atmosphere in its upper layers; the concentration of positive ions; the magnitudes of the electric charge of the sputnik and the tension of the Earth's electrostatic field; the tension of the Earth's magnetic field; the intensity of the Sun's corpuscular radiation; the composition and variation of primary cosmic radiation, the distribution of the photons and heavy nuclei in cosmic rays; micrometeors; the temperature in the sputnik and on its surface.
The programme planned for the sputnik will make it possible to study a number of geophysical and physical problems with the aid of the instruments taken up by the sputnik to great heights.
A multi-channel telemetering system with a high selectivity has been installed on the sputnik to transmit the data to recording stations on the Earth. The sputnik is equipped with special transmitting devices which enable the co-ordinates of its trajectory to be measured.
With the aim of enlisting broad scientific circles in the observation of Soviet Sputnik III, a radio-transmitter has been installed in it which constantly emits powerful telegraph-beats on a frequency of 20.005 megacycles lasting 150-300 milliseconds.
A programme device controls the operation of the scientific and radiotechnical instruments aboard the sputnik. Apart from electro-chemical batteries the sputnik is equipped with solar batteries.
A thermal regulating system which, with the aid of special devices, changes the coefficients of radiation and reflection of the sputnik's surface serves to ensure a temperature regime for the normal operation of the apparatus on board.
Observations of the sputnik, registration of the scientific data and the measurement of the co-ordinates of its trajectory are being carried out by specially organised stations equipped with great quantities of radiotechnical and optical instruments. The data on the sputnik's co-ordinates received by the radar stations are processed automatically, reduced to a standard astronomic time and transmitted by communication lines to a co-ordinating and calculating centre.
The measurements received by the calculating centre from the various stations are automatically fed into high-speed electronic computers which determine the basic parameters of the sputnik's orbit and the calculations of its ephemerides. A great number of optical observation posts, astronomical observatories, radio clubs and radio amateurs are engaged in the observation of the sputnik.
The sputnik and its carrier rocket will be visible in the rays of the rising and setting sun.
Soviet Sputnik 3 - a new stage in the extensive research of the upper layers of the atmosphere and in the study of cosmic space - is a major contribution by Soviet scientists to world science.
Sumber: Youtube &
Last edited by day2 on 15-5-2013 10:03 PM
Author: ciksurie Time: 16-5-2013 08:42 AM
May 16, 1929 - First Academy Awards Event
The first Academy Awards ceremony, Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (1929) | Photo courtesy of
The first Academy Awards honored the best films of 1927 and 1928 and were presented at a private dinner on May 16, 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Named for President Theodore Roosevelt, the hotel opened in 1927 and was financed by a group that included Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and Sid Grauman. The ceremony was held in the hotel’s Blossom Ballroom, where 270 guests each paid five dollars per ticket to attend the dinner and watch the presentation. Winners were announced three months before the ceremony, which was not broadcast on radio or television. The event was hosted by Academy President Douglas Fairbanks, who presented all of the golden statuettes in fifteen minutes.
Sumber : ... ademy-awards-venues
Author: cikatilia Time: 16-5-2013 09:21 AM
ciksurie posted on 16-5-2013 08:42 AM
May 16, 1929 - First Academy Awards Event
The first Academy Awards ceremony, Hollywood Rooseve ...
vavava tahun 1929 udah ada award.. kelas gitu.. hiasan pon simple2 aje kan..
Author: cikatilia Time: 16-5-2013 09:35 AM
Japan 2010 Japan Couple Married by Robot 16th May, 2010 : Japan conducts the first wedding in which the couple was married by a robot. The couple had a connection to the robotics industry and wished for the robot, the I-Fairy, to officiate their wedding in Tokyo.
Japan has hosted the world's first wedding to be conducted by a robot.
The automated creature, known as the I-Fairy, oversaw the wedding of Tomohiro Shibata and Satoko Inoue in the capital, Tokyo.
The couple decided to use the robot as they are both connected with Japan's thriving robotics industry.
Since robots had brought them together in the first place, they said, having one officiate at their wedding was a natural choice.
During the ceremony, I-Fairy - which has flashing eyes and plastic pigtails - instructed the groom to lift the bride's veil for the kiss.
The wedding took part in a rooftop restaurant in the Japanese capital.
Almost everyone stood when the bride walked down the aisle in her white gown, but not the wedding conductor, because she was bolted to her chair.
The nuptials at this ceremony were led by “I-Fairy,” a 4-foot tall seated robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails. Sunday’s wedding was the first time a marriage had been led by a robot, according to manufacturer Kokoro Co.
“Please lift the bride’s veil,” the robot said in a tinny voice, waving its arms in the air as the newlyweds kissed in front of about 50 guests.
The wedding took place at a restaurant in Hibiya Park in central Tokyo, where the I-Fairy wore a wreath of flowers and directed a rooftop ceremony. Wires led out from beneath it to a black curtain a few feet away, where a man crouched and clicked commands into a computer.
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 17-5-2013 04:44 PM
Author: bianglala Time: 18-5-2013 10:04 AM
18 MEI 1970. Penubuhan UKM : Pencarian Kakitangan Perintis
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia telah ditubuhkan secara rasminya pada 18 Mei 1970, dan ianya beroperasi dalam bulan yang sama di kampus sementaranya, iaitu di Maktab Perguruan Persekutuan di Lembah Pantai. Penggunaan premis tersebut dilakukan setelah 80 orang pelatih tahun dua maktab berkenaan dipindahkan ke Maktab Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim, Johor Bharu. Dalam pentadbiran mana-mana organisasi sekalipun, modal insan adalah modal yang utama, justeru bagi UKM, pengambilan modal insan perintis bagi UKM perlu dilaksanakan.
Sebaik sahaja kerajaan bersetuju untuk menubuhkan sebuah universiti kebangsaan, jawatankuasa penubuhan universiti kebangsaan yang dipengerusikan oleh Tun Syed Nasir telah memohon kerajaan memilih segera calon-calon yang bakal mengisi jawatan Naib Canselor dan Pendaftar bagi universiti tersebut. Selain daripada itu, program latihan bagi bakal pensyarah juga perlu dilaksanakan dengan segera, ianya bagi memastikan mereka sudah terlatih untuk mengajar bakal pelajar perintis UKM. Kumpulan pertama tutor yang dihantar ke luar negara bagi melanjutkan pengajian adalah seramai 8 orang, pada masa yang sama, 2 orang pensyarah telah terlebih dahulu dihantar ke luar negara atas tujuan yang sama.
Kerajaan kemudiannya melantik Tan Sri Rashdan Baba sebagai Naib Canselor UKM yang pertama, dan Tun Abdullah Salleh, selaku pendaftar yang pertama. Tan Sri Rashdan Baba dan Tun Abdullah Salleh kemudiannya turut menyertai Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia, Tun Abdul Rahman Ya'akub ke Indonesia bagi mencari calon yang sesuai sebagai ahli akademik UKM, rombongan ini juga turut disertai oleh Dato' Dr. Hassan Ahmad yang ketika itu merupakan pemangku Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Misi rombongan ini adalah mencari calon pengajar yang mampu mengajar subjek sains dengan menggunakan bahasa penghantar Bahasa Melayu. Sebelumnya, kementerian pendidikan sendiri telah mengadakan tinjauan bagi mengenalpasti calon bagi tujuan yang sama dari kalangan anak tempatan. Seterusnya pelantikan Tun Abdul Razak sebagai Canselor UKM yang pertama pula diumumkan, persetujuan Tun Abdul Razak menerima pelantikan tersebut telah diumumkan oleh Pemangku Menteri Pendidikan, Tan Sri Hj, Ghazali Jawi. (Berita Harian, 27 Ogos 1970:5).
Berita Harian, 27 Ogos 1970, P. 5
Menurut Tun Abdullah Salleh (The Straits Times, 24 November 1969), sebelum mula beroperasi dalam bulan Mei 1970, Universiti Kebangsaan perlu mengisi lebih kurang 20 jawatan kosong yang merangkumi jawatan seperti berikut;
1. Pensyarah
2. Penolong Pendaftar
3. Pustakawan
4. Pembantu Kewangan
5. Pembantu Makmal
Antara kaedah yang digunakan dalam mengisi jawatan-jawatan kosong ini ialah melalui pengiklanan di akhbar-akhbar tempatan, dan menurut Tun Abdullah, kaedah ini amat berkesan kerana UKM telah menerima permohonan yang sangat menggalakkan bagi jawatan-jawatan yang telah diiklankan.
Iklan jawatan Penolong Pustakawan. Sumber : The Straits Times, 30 Mac 1970.
sumber : ... ian-kakitangan.html
Author: cikatilia Time: 18-5-2013 10:08 AM
1927 – The Bath School Disaster: forty-five people are killed by bombs planted by a disgruntled school-board member in Michigan.
On May 18, 1927, 45 people, mostly children, were killed and 58 were injured when disgruntled and demented school board member Andrew Kehoe dynamited the new school building in Bath, Michigan out of revenge over his foreclosed farm due in part to the taxes required to pay for the new school.
Author: ciksurie Time: 19-5-2013 08:45 AM
May 19, 1962 "A birthday salute to U.S. President John F. Kennedy takes place at Madison Square Garden, New York. The highlight is Marilyn Monroe's infamous rendition of Happy Birthday."
Happy Birthday, Mr. President
"Happy Birthday, Mr. President" was a song sung by actress and singer Marilyn Monroe on Saturday, May 19, 1962, for then-President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, at a celebration of his forty-fifth birthday, ten days before the actual day of his 45th birthday (Tuesday, May 29). Sung in a sultry voice, Monroe sang the traditional "Happy Birthday to You" lyrics, with "Mr. President" inserted as Kennedy's name.
Monroe continued the song with a snippet from the classic song, "Thanks for the Memory", for which she had written new lyrics specifically aimed at Kennedy.
Thanks, Mr. PresidentFor all the things you've doneThe battles that you've wonThe way you deal with U.S. SteelAnd our problems by the tonWe thank you so much Afterwards, President Kennedy came on stage and joked about the song, saying, "I can now retire from politics after having had Happy Birthday sung to me in such a sweet, wholesome way," alluding to Monroe's delivery, her racy dress, and her general image as a sex symbol.[1]
The song and Monroe's performance have been remembered for numerous reasons. First, it was one of her last major public appearances (Monroe died August 5, 1962). In addition, there are persistent rumors that President Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe had had an affair,[2] giving Monroe's performance another layer of meaning.
Monroe's performance was accompanied by jazz pianist Hank Jones.[3]
sumber : http://encyclopedia.thefreedicti ... ay%2c+Mr.+President
Last edited by ciksurie on 19-5-2013 08:46 AM
Author: novelloverzz Time: 19-5-2013 12:12 PM
An Unsolved Mystery
On May 19th, 1780 a sense of doom swept over New England andparts of Canada at around noon. The darkness was seen as far north asPortland, Maine and as far south as New Jersey. However, it was notseen in Pennsylvania.
Much of the region was plunged into darkness. Chickens settleddown to roost and frogs began their nighttime croaking. When nightactually came in, the moon was as red as blood. There was no eclipseto blame for the blanket of darkness which would require the use ofcandles from noon on. For several days prior to this dark occurrence,the sun appeared to be red and the sky yellow.
Many people concluded that the Day of Judgement had come. Mostpeople found the sudden darkness baffling and inexplicable. Sciencecould not explain the phenomenon. Therefore, leaving it open toreligious interpretations. The Dark Day of 1780 is still regarded bymany as a supernatural event caused by God.
A response to the fears of his colleagues from Connecticutlegislative, Abraham Davenport, made him famous. His response was, “Ichoose, for one, to meet Him face to face, No faithless servantfrightened from my task, But ready when the Lord of the harvestcalls; And therefore, with all reverence, I would say, Let God do Hiswork, we will see to ours. Bring in the candles.”
The only possible cause may have been a high-altitude pall ofwind-bourne soot from huge forest fires burning in the West. Duringthe “blackout,” soot was seen collecting in rivers and in rainwater. This suggests the presence of smoke. Some recalled morningrain, indicative of cloud cover.
The blanket of darkness would linger until the middle of thenext night and to this day remains an unsolved mystery.
Author: cikatilia Time: 19-5-2013 09:35 PM
novelloverzz posted on 19-5-2013 12:12 PM
An Unsolved Mystery
On May 19th, 1780 a sense of doom swept over New England andparts of ...
wooo!! mcm seram aje.. tiba2 gelap kan??
good info miss nov!!
Author: cikatilia Time: 19-5-2013 09:42 PM
Sejarah Bendera malaysia
Sejarah penerimaan Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ialah melalui perjanjian dengan Majlis Raja-Raja di mana sebuah Jawatankuasa telah ditubuhkan dalam tahun 1949 untuk menimbang dan membuat perakuan berhubung dengan reka bentuk Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.
Satu pertandingan Peringkat Kebangsaan telah diadakan bagi memilih Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang baru. Pertandingan ini diadakan oleh Majlis Perundangan Persekutuan dalam tahun 1949. Seramai 373 karyawan telah mengambil bahagian di mana tiga reka bentuk bendera dipilih ke peringkat akhir.
Reka bentuk pertama ialah lambang keris bersilang di tengah-tengah dengan dikelilingi oleh 11 bintang pecah lima. Reka bentuk kedua hampir serupa dengan rekabentuk pertama kecuali 11 bintang pecah lima itu disusun dalam dua bulatan mengelilingi Keris Bersilang tersebut. Reka bentuk ketiga ialah 11 jalur biru-putih dengan Bulan Bintang berwarna kuning di bahagian tepi kiri.
Majlis Perundangan Persekutuan menjemput orang ramai memberikan pendapat kepada ketiga-tiga reka bentuk tersebut. Pendapat umum itu telah dikelolakan oleh akhbar The Malay Mail. Keputusan akhir yang disiarkan pada 28 November 1949 menunjukkan majoriti orang ramai memilih reka bentuk ketiga. Reka bentuk tersebut adalah ciptaan seorang Arkitek Kerajaan di Johor iaitu Encik Mohamad bin Hamzah.
Fakta: Bendera Malaysia dicipta berdasarkan Bendera Johor
Reka bentuk bendera tersebut dengan beberapa pindaan telah mendapat perkenan Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja pada 22 dan 23 Februari 1950. Pada 19 April 1950 Majlis Perundangan Persekutuan telah meluluskan usul yang dibentangkan oleh Pemangku Ketua Setiausaha Negara.
Reka bentuk bendera tersebut telah mendapat kelulusan King George VI pada 19 Mei 1950. Pertama kali Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dikibarkan ialah dalam majlis menaikkan bendera tersebut yang dianjurkan oleh Pesuruhjaya Tinggi British pada 26 Mei 1950 di perkarangan Istana Sultan Selangor dengan dihadiri oleh D.Y.M.M. Raja-Raja Melayu dan Pegawai-Pegawai King George VI.
Bendera Malaysia adalah berasal dari Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja Melayu dan Tuan-Tuan Yang Terutama Gabenor-Gabenor dalam satu Persidangan Majlis Raja-Raja menjelang pembentukan Malaysia telah memperkenankan iaitu reka bentuk Bendera Malaysia hendaklah mengikut reka bentuk Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dengan pengubahsuaian pada bilangan jalur-jalur dan bintang pecah 14 bagi menunjukkan 14 buah negeri baru bagi Persekutuan Malaysia.
ercantuman Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu telah melahirkan sebuah negara baru iaitu Malaysia. Bendera Malaysia telah dikibarkan dengan rasminya di seluruh negara untuk melambangkan lahirnya Melaysia pada 16 September, 1963.
Sungguhpun Singapura berpisah daripada Malaysia pada 9 Ogos 1965, namun jalur-jalur dan bintang pecah 14 terus dikekalkan hingga sekarang. Kini jalur-jalur dan bintang pecah 14 itu membawa maksud keanggotaan yang sama dalam Persekutuan 13 buah negeri dan Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Author: novelloverzz Time: 20-5-2013 08:15 AM
cikatilia posted on 19-5-2013 09:35 PM
wooo!! mcm seram aje.. tiba2 gelap kan??
good info miss nov!!
Masa tu 1780 diorg ingat dah Day of Judgement...scary kan?
Author: ciksurie Time: 20-5-2013 08:35 AM
May 20, 1932: Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across Atlantic
May 20, 1932: Aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across Atlantic on this day in 1932 – five years before she mysteriously disappeared.
The American celebrity adventurer took off from Newfoundland, in eastern Canada, and spent 14 hours and 56 minutes in the air before landing in Northern Ireland.
Earhart, 34, – nicknamed Lady Lindy due to her likeness to the first transatlantic aviator Charles Linbergh – was filmed by British Pathé being cheered by villagers.
She is also seen grinning as she shook hands with farm labourer Dan McCallion, who first asked in his identifying Irish brogue: “Have you flown far?”
She had hoped to emulate Lindbergh’s feat and land near Paris – but was forced to come down near Londonderry after her Lockheed Vega plane began leaking fuel.
The footage also shows her in London, which was described by the plummy-voiced Pathé reporter as “pelting with rain, thunder and lightning, good old English weather”.
Amelia Earhart with Mr and Mrs Laughlin, the first people she met after her solo trans-Atlantic flight ended in …
The newsreel also included a clip of her landing in Wales four years earlier when she became the first woman to fly over the Atlantic as part of a crew.
Her 1928 endeavour – made while she was still social worker with a flying hobby – propelled her to fame.
But the former Crayola heiress, whose family blew the fortune before she could inherit anything, is probably best known today for her disappearance.
She vanished on July 2, 1937, while flying over the Pacific during her attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
Neither her body nor her plane has ever been discovered, although debris found last year suggests she may have plunged into the ocean near Nikumaroro island.
sumber : ... 542864.html#ZTxP3FL
Author: novelloverzz Time: 20-5-2013 08:40 AM
ciksurie posted on 20-5-2013 08:35 AM
May 20, 1932: Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across Atlantic
dia hilang mcm tu je ke @ciksurie ?
Author: ciksurie Time: 20-5-2013 08:52 AM
novelloverzz posted on 20-5-2013 08:40 AM
dia hilang mcm tu je ke @ciksurie ?
a'ah...yg kiter baca...dia hilang dlm penerbangan dia
ader teori mengatakan bangkai kapal terbangnya dijumpai
tapi tiada kesahihan...
Ada satu filem tentang tentang kisah hidup Amelia
"Amelia" pada 2009 yg bintangi oleh Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor
Author: cikatilia Time: 20-5-2013 09:49 AM
novelloverzz posted on 20-5-2013 08:15 AM
Masa tu 1780 diorg ingat dah Day of Judgement...scary kan?
tula... kalau la jadi time skang.. sure panic gila..
and huru hara la jawabnya... sbb semua takut tak sempat nak bertaubat..
dah la tu slow2 matahari naik wrna kemerahan plak...
tp certain area aje la kan kat situ..
and sicne its 1780s.. xde gambar jelas.. utk evidence
Author: cikatilia Time: 20-5-2013 09:54 AM
ciksurie posted on 20-5-2013 08:52 AM
a'ah...yg kiter baca...dia hilang dlm penerbangan dia
ader teori mengatakan bangkai kapal terbang ...
ada baca gak pasal dia..
last year google ada buat front page khas utk dia time birthday tu
time tu la i terbaca kesah kehilangan beliau..
Last edited by cikatilia on 20-5-2013 09:55 AM
Author: Spiral Time: 20-5-2013 04:00 PM
aci tak letak gini
Historical Events on 20th May
325 - 1st Christian ecumenical council opens at Nicaea, Asia Minor
1217 - The Second Battle of Lincoln is fought near Lincoln, England, resulting in the defeat of Prince Louis of France by William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke.
1293 - Earthquake strikes Kamakura Japan, 30,000 killed
1293 - King Sancho IV of Castile creates the Study of General Schools of Alcalá.
1303 - Treaty of Paris restores Gascony to British in Hundred Years War
1310 - Shoes were made for both right & left feet
1347 - Rienzo calls Rome for people's tribunal
1495 - French King Charles VIII leaves Naples
1498 - Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama arrives at Calcutta India
1501 - Joao da Nova Castell discovers Ascension Islands
1521 - Ignatius Loyola seriously wounded by a cannon ball
1524 - Duke of Albany leaves Scotland
1570 - Egidius Coppens publishes Abraham Ortelius' "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum"
1571 - Venice, Spain & Pope Pius form anti-Turkish Saint League
1591 - Spanish troops in Zutphen surrenders to Willem Louis/Mauritius
1609 - Shakespeare's Sonnets are first published in London, perhaps illicitly, by the publisher Thomas Thorpe.
1631 - Magdeburg in Germany seized by forces of the Holy Roman Empire under earl Johann Tilly, most inhabitants massacred, one of the bloodiest incidents of the Thirty Years' War.
1639 - Dorchester Mass, forms 1st school funded by local taxes
1690 - England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II
1704 - Elias Neau forms school for slaves in NY
1734 - 1st Jockey Club forms in SC
1774 - Britain gives Quebec, Labrador & territory north of Ohio
1775 - Citizens of Mecklenburg County, NC declare independence of Britain
1784 - England & Netherlands signs peace treaty (Peace of Paris)
1825 - Charles X becomes King of France
1830 - 1st railroad timetable published in newspaper (Baltimore American)
1830 - D Hyde patents fountain pen
1835 - Otto is named the first modern king of Greece.
1840 - York Minster was badly damaged by fire
1845 - 1st legislative assembly convenes in Hawaii
1845 - HMS Erebus and HMS Terror with 134 men under John Franklin sail from the River Thames in England, beginning a disastrous expedition to find the Northwest Passage. All hands are lost.
1861 - Cornerstone of University of Washington laid in Seattle
1861 - Kentucky proclaims its neutrality in Civil War
1861 - North Carolina becomes 11th & last state to secede from Union
1861 - US marshals appropriate previous year's telegraph dispatches, to reveal prosecessionist evidence
1862 - Homestead Act provides cheap land for settlement of West
1864 - Battle at Ware Bottom Church, Virginia, 1,400 killed or injured
1864 - Spotsylvania-campaign ends after 10,920 killed/injured
1867 - Brit parliament rejects John Stuart Mills law on women's suffrage
1867 - Royal Albert Hall foundation laid by Queen Victoria
1868 - Republican National Convention, meets in Chicago, nominates Grant
1870 - Second Chamber abolishes capital punishment
1873 - Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent first blue jeans with copper rivets
1875 - Intl Bureau of Weights & Measures forms by treaty
1879 - 5th Kentucky Derby: Charlie Shauer aboard Lord Murphy wins in 2:37
1882 - Germany/Austria-Hungary/France sign Triple Alliance
1882 - Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts" (Gengangere) premieres in Chicago
1882 - St Gotthard-railroad tunnel between Switzerland & Italy opens
1891 - History of cinema: The first public display of Thomas Edison's prototype kinetoscope.
1892 - George Sampson patents clothes dryer
1892 - Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy & Austria forms
1895 - 1st commercial movie performance (153 Broadway, NYC)
1896 - The six ton chandelier of the Palais Garnier falls on the crowd resulting in the death of one and the injury of many others.
1900 - 2nd modern Olympic games opens in Paris (lasted 5 months)
1902 - Cuba gains independence from Spain
1902 - US military occupation of Cuba (since Jan 1, 1899) ends
1910 - Funeral for Britain's King Edward VII
1911 - Edwin Boaler Alletson hits 189 in 90 mins Notts v Sussex
1913 - 38th Preakness: James Butwell aboard Buskin wins in 1:53.4
1915 - Bataafsche Petroleum Me begins oil extraction of Maracaibo
1916 - Codell, Kansas hit by tornado (also on same date in 1917 & 1918)
1916 - Saturday Evening Post cover features Norman Rockwell painting
1917 - Turkish government authorizes Jews to return to Tel Aviv & Jaffa
1918 - 1st electrically propelled warship (New Mexico)
1919 - Volcano Keluit on Java, erupts killing 550
1920 - Policemen raid the Cubs' bleachers & arrest 24 fans for gambling
1922 - "Egypt" sinks off Ushant after colliding with "Seine," killing 90
1922 - Babe Ruth & Bob Meusel, suspended on October 16, 1921, by Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis, return to the NY lineup & go hitless
1923 - Stanley Baldwin, becomes PM of UK
1926 - Belgian government of Jaspar takes power
1926 - Congress passes Air Commerce Act, licensing of pilots & planes
1926 - Railway Labor Act became law
1926 - Thomas Edison says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies
1927 - At 7:40 AM, Lindbergh takes off from NY to cross Atlantic for Paris
1927 - Saudi Arabia becomes independent of Great Britain (Treaty of Jedda)
1930 - 1st airplane catapulted from a dirigible, Charles Nicholson, pilot
1930 - University of California dedicates $1,500 to research on prevention & cure of athlete's foot
1932 - Amelia Earhart leaves Newfoundland 1st woman fly solo across Atlantic
1932 - Engelbert Dollfuss becomes chancellor of Austria
1939 - "3 Little Fishies," by Kay Kyser hits #1
1939 - 1st regular transatlantic airmail (Pan Am: NY to Marsseille France)
1940 - Gen Guderians tanks reach The Channel (British expeditionary army)
1940 - Soccer team HZVV forms in Hoogeveen
1940 - Trailing 7-1 in 9th to Pitts, Phils win 8-7
1941 - Archer's "Christian Calendar & Gregorian Reform" published
1941 - Former Dutch PM Colijn says Neth Indies not ready for independence
1941 - Germany invades Crete
1941 - White Sox Taft Wright sets AL record of RBIs in 13 consecutive games
1942 - US Navy 1st permitted black recruits to serve
1943 - French, British & US victory parade in Tunis Tunisia
1944 - US Communist Party dissolves
1945 - Keith Miller scores 105 in the 1st Victory Test Cricket at Lord's
1946 - Cubs Claude Passeau makes his 1st error since September 21, 1941, ending pitcher's fielding record of 273 consecutive errorless chances
1948 - 1st use of Israeli Air Force & 1st war victory, defeating Syrian army
1948 - Cleve Indians tie AL record of 18 walks (beat Red Sox 13-4)
1950 - 76th Preakness: Eddie Arcaro aboard Hill Prince wins in 1:59.2
1954 - Chiang Kai-shek becomes president of Nationalist China
1955 - Argentine parliament accepts separation of church & state
1956 - Atomic fusion (thermonuclear) bomb dropped from plane-Bikini Atoll
1956 - Jordan government of Samir resigns
1958 - US performs nuclear test at Enwetak (atmospheric tests)
1959 - Ford wins battle with Chrysler to call its new car "Falcon"
1959 - Japanese-Americans regain their citizenship
1959 - Shah of Persia visits Netherlands
1959 - Yanks sink to last place, 1st time since May 25, 1940
1960 - Baseball game in Milwaukee postponed due to dense fog
1961 - 87th Preakness: Johnny Sellers aboard Carry Back wins in 1:57.6
1961 - Henzes opera "Elegy for Young Lovers," premieres in Schwetzingen
1961 - Mauritania adopts constitution
1961 - White mob attacks "Freedom Riders" in Montgomery, Alabama
1962 - Patty Berg wins LPGA Muskogee Civitan Golf Open
1963 - Sukarno appointed president of Indonesia
1964 - Buster Mathis defeats Joe Fraizer to qualify for US Olympic team
1965 - Pakistani Boeing 720-B crashes at Cairo Egypt, killing 121
1965 - Yorkshire all out for 23 v Hampshire at Middlesbrough
1967 - 10,000 demonstrate against war in Vietnam
1967 - 93rd Preakness: Bill Shoemaker aboard Damascus wins in 1:55.2
1967 - BBC bans Beatle's "A Day in the Life" (drug references)
1969 - US troop capture Hill 937/Hamburger Hill Vietnam
1970 - 100,000 march in NY supporting US policies in Vietnam
1970 - 2 die in a NYC subway accident
1970 - Beatles' "Let it Be" movie premieres in UK
1971 - Pentagon reports blacks constitute 11% of US soldiers in SE Asia
1972 - "Different Times" closes at ANTA Theater NYC after 24 performances
1972 - "Hard Job Being God" closes at Edison Theater NYC after 6 performances
1972 - 5th ABA Championship: Indiana Pacers beat NY Nets, 4 games to 2
1972 - 98th Preakness: Eldon Nelson aboard Bee Bee Bee wins in 1:55.6
1972 - Cameroon adopts its constitution
1972 - Republic of Cameroon declared as constitution is ratified
1973 - "2 Gentlemen of Verona" closes at St James Theater NYC after 613 perfs
1973 - 25th Emmy Awards: Waltons, All in the Family & Mary Tyler Moore
1973 - Donna Caponi Young wins LPGA Bluegrass Golf Invitational
1974 - Soyuz 14 returns to Earth
1976 - USSR performs nuclear test at Sary Shagan USSR
1978 - 104th Preakness: Steve Cauthen aboard Affirmed wins in 1:54.4
1978 - 3 PFLP members kill a cop near El Al airlines in Orly Airport, Paris
1978 - US launches Pioneer Venus 1; produces 1st global radar map of Venus
1979 - "I Love My Wife" closes at Barrymore Theater NYC after 864 perfs
1979 - 1st western pop star to tour USSR-Elton John
1979 - Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Coca-Cola Golf Classic
1980 - 710 families in Love Canal area (Niagara Falls NY) are evacuated
1980 - Drummer Peter Criss quits Kiss
1980 - Fire in nursing home in Kingston Jamaica, kills 157
1980 - In a referendum, 59.5% of Quebec voters reject separatism
1981 - Ipswich Town wins 10th UEFA Cup at Amsterdam
1983 - Larry Holmes beats Tim Witherspoon in 12 for heavyweight boxing title
1983 - Michael Dokes & Mike Weaver fight to a draw in 15 for hw boxing title
1983 - Phillies Steve Carlton passes W Johnson with 2nd most strike outs
1984 - "On Your Toes" closes at Virginia Theater NYC after 505 performances
1984 - Barb Bunkowsky wins LPGA Chrysler-Plymouth Charity Golf Classic
1984 - Boston's Roger Clemens beats Twins, 5-4, for his 1st victory
1985 - 1150 Lebanese/Palestinian prisoners exchanged for 3 Israelis
1985 - Dow Jones industrial avg closes above 1300 for 1st time
1985 - FBI arrests John A Walker Jr, convicted of spying for USSR
1985 - Indians-Brewers game at Cleve Stadium is 1st rain-out of 1985, ends record string of 458 ML games since Opening Day without a rain-out
1985 - Israel exchanges 1,100+ Arab prisoners for 3 Israeli soldiers
1985 - Larry Holmes beats Carl Williams in 15 for heavyweight boxing title
1985 - US began broadcasts to Cuba on Radio Marti
1986 - Christy Fichtner, 23, (Texas), crowned 35th Miss USA
1986 - Flintstones 25th Anniversary Celebration airs on CBS-tv
1987 - Gutenborg wins 16th UEFA Cup at Dundee
1987 - Wrestler Jerry Lawler sues WWF & Harley Race for trademark name "king"
1988 - Howard Stern fans disrupt WMMR's & John DeBella's "Louie Louie" parade
1988 - Mike Schmidt hits his 535th HR, moving into 8th place
1989 - 115th Preakness: Pat Valenzuela aboard Sunday Silence wins in 1:53.8
1989 - China declares martial law in Beijing
1989 - Toonces The Cat takes the wheel on Saturday Night Live
1989 - Walter McConnel, 57, is oldest to reach 27,000' Mt Everest top
1990 - "Truly Blessed" closes at Longacre Theater NYC after 33 performances
1990 - Cindy Rarick wins LPGA Planters Pat Bradley Golf International
1990 - Hubble Space Telescope sends 1st photograph's from space
1991 - Chic Bull Michael Jordan, named NBA's MVP
1991 - Jeff Reardon gains his 300th career save
1991 - Soviet parliament approves law allowing citizens to travel abroad
1992 - FC Barcelona wins 373 Europe Cup 1 at London
1992 - India launches its 1st satellite independently
1992 - Rap singer raps 597 syllables in under 60 seconds
1993 - 10m meteor comes within 150,000 km of Earth (1993KA)
1993 - 274th & final "Cheers" on NBC
1993 - Ukraine Premier Leonid Koetsjma resigns
1994 - Bobcat Goldthwait charged with misdemeanors for fire on Tonight Show
1994 - Miss India (Sushmita Sen) selected Miss Universe
1994 - Sony Theaters & Cineplex (NYC) hike movie ticket prices to $8.00
1995 - 121st Preakness: Pat Day aboard Timber Coutry wins in 1:54.4
1995 - CBS News fires co-anchor Connie Chung
1995 - Twins Marty Cordova ties rookie record of HRs in 5 consecutive games
1997 - Cosmos Zenit-2 Launch (Russia), Failed
1997 - Thor-2A Delta 2 Launch (Norway/USA), Successful
1997 - White Sox Frank Thomas reaches base safely for 15th straight time
2002 - The independence of East Timor is recognized by Portugal, formally ending 23 years of Indonesian rule and 3 years of provisional UN administration (Portugal itself was the former colonizer of East Timor until 1976).
2012 - Tomislav Nikolić elected president of Serbia
2012 - 6.0 magnitude earthquake kills 6 and injures dozens in northern Italy
Author: cikatilia Time: 20-5-2013 04:53 PM
Spiral posted on 20-5-2013 04:00 PM
aci tak letak gini
Historical Events on 20th May
sekali sapu utk 20th may ye??
keji yus..
Author: novelloverzz Time: 21-5-2013 08:02 AM
Spiral posted on 20-5-2013 04:00 PM
aci tak letak gini
Historical Events on 20th May
mmg dah betul tp general sgt. Cth ambik 1 tajuk pastu cari info mcm pic or video, detail dan source. Bole tgk contoh2 forumer lain yg dah dah post sebelum ni.
Author: ciksurie Time: 21-5-2013 08:43 AM
21 May 1991
Rajiv Gandhi's assassination 1991
Was reading about the 1991 Rajiv Gandhi's assassination and thought of sharing here how the Indian Police, solved the case.Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1991, at Sriperumbudur near Chennai, by belt-bomb assassin Dhanu who belonged to the LTTE.A day after the murder, a forensic expert, Professor P Chandrasekharan, revealed that the killer was a woman who had acted as a human bomb by wearing a denim belt loaded with RDX.On May 24, 1991, the CBI formed the Special Investigation Team under D R Karthikeyan, the senior Central Bureau of Investigation officer.
sumber : ... ssination-1991.html
Rajiv Gandhi, the 46-year-old former Indian prime minister, has been assassinated.
He was campaigning for the Congress Party on the second day of voting in the world's largest democratic election when a powerful bomb, hidden in a basket of flowers, exploded killing him instantly.
At least 14 other people were also killed in the attack in the town of Sriperumbudur, about 30 miles from Madras, the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu.
No-one has admitted carrying out the murder but it is being blamed on Mr Gandhi's arch enemies, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a violent guerrilla group fighting for a separate homeland for Tamils on the island of Sri Lanka.
End of a dynasty
Rajiv Gandhi's death has shocked the world and marks the end of the Nehru dynasty that had led India for all but five years since independence from Britain.
After his brother Sanjay was killed in an air crash in 1980, he gave up his job as an airline pilot and was elected to Sanjay's parliamentary seat.
He became prime minister after his mother, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by her own Sikh bodyguards in 1984.
Often seen as a reluctant leader, he and his Congress Party won a record majority later that year.
He encouraged foreign investment, a freer economy and rejuvenated his own party, ridding it of his mother's unelected cronies.
After he lost the election in 1989, Rajiv Gandhi resigned.
This time, the Congress Party was expected to win the largest number of parliamentary seats - but not overall control - against the Hindu BJP Party and the Janata Dal, now split into two parties.
The campaign has been marred by sectarian violence between Hindus and Muslims in what has proved to be the most violent election in Indian history. Two hundred people have already been killed.
It later emerged that a female Tamil Tiger (LTTE) suicide bomber had assassinated Rajiv Gandhi.
In 1987 Mr Gandhi, then prime minister, had sent Indian peacekeeping forces to Sri Lanka in a disastrous attempt to impose peace in the country. The move proved unpopular both at home and abroad and his troops pulled out in 1990.
A year after Mr Gandhi's death, the Tamil Tigers were outlawed in India.
PV Narasimha Rao, succeeded Gandhi as Congress leader and became India's prime minister later that year.
After a number of bribery scandals, the party was heavily defeated in the 1996 elections. But its popularity was revived in 1998 by Mr Gandhi's Italian-born widow Sonia who took over as leader and returned the party to power in the 2004 elections.
She refused to become prime minister herself, however, and the job went to former finance minister Manmohan Singh.
sumber : http://incidentstookplaceinindia ... i-assasination.html
Author: novelloverzz Time: 21-5-2013 08:50 AM
ciksurie posted on 21-5-2013 08:43 AM
21 May 1991
Rajiv Gandhi's assassination 1991
1st pic tu Dhanu kan?
Author: ciksurie Time: 21-5-2013 09:00 AM
novelloverzz posted on 21-5-2013 08:50 AM
1st pic tu Dhanu kan?
a'ah Dhanu @ nama sebenar dier Thenmozhi "Gayatri" Rajaratnam
Author: ciksurie Time: 21-5-2013 09:01 AM
Spiral posted on 20-5-2013 04:00 PM
aci tak letak gini
Historical Events on 20th May
spiral..lama tarak nampak
Author: Spiral Time: 21-5-2013 10:56 AM
ciksurie posted on 21-5-2013 09:01 AM
spiral..lama tarak nampak
surie pun lama tarak nmpk.. nah munge
Bob Marley's funeral, 21 May 1981: a day of Jamaican history
Richard Williams was at Bob Marley's funeral 30 years ago in Jamaica. He recalls an extraordinary carnival of music, prayer and full Rasta pageantry
Bob Marley in 1975, two years before he was diagnosed with the malignant melanoma that would lead to his death in May 1981. Photograph: Jonathan Player/ Rex Features
They buried Bob Marley on 21 May 1981 at Nine Mile, the village where, 36 years earlier, he had been born. His heavy bronze coffin was carried to the top of the highest hill in the village and placed in a temporary mausoleum painted in the colours of red, green and gold. Alongside Marley's embalmed corpse, the casket contained his red Gibson Les Paul guitar, a Bible opened at Psalm 23, and a stalk of ganja placed there by his widow, Rita, at the end of the funeral ceremony earlier in the day.
On the night of his death, on 11 May, I had gone to the Island Records studios in an old church in Notting Hill, west London, where Aswad had been cutting tracks in the very basement studio where Bob had completed Catch A Fire, his breakthrough album, nine years earlier. But it was long after midnight, and the musicians had gone home after watching the tributes to the dead man hurriedly assembled by the British TV networks. The only people left were a caretaker and one of Aswad's roadcrew, both Jamaicans.
"A sad day," I said, unable to think of anything more profound or perceptive.
They raised their eyes, and the roadie paused in the middle of rolling his spliff.
"Jah give," he replied, "and Jah take away."
That was the mood in Kingston when Marley's body arrived on a flight from Miami a few days later. There was no reason to grieve, the Rastas told anyone who expressed sorrow. Death meant nothing. Bob hadn't gone anywhere. He was still among us.
The announcement of the country's national budget was postponed by several days to accommodate Marley's state funeral. Invitations had to be sent out, the mausoleum had to be constructed, and security had to be organised at the National Arena, where the main ceremony would be held. And the prime minister, Edward Seaga, had to prepare his eulogy.
On the day before the funeral, the coffin was placed in the arena, a large, gymnasium-like building. The lid was open and the public – an estimated 100,000 of them – were allowed to file past to take a final look. Marley's head was once more covered with dreadlocks; but this was a wig which covered his bald skull, his own hair having been lost during his treatment for cancer in New York, Miami, Mexico, and finally the Bavarian clinic of Dr Josef Issels, following the diagnosis of a malignant melanoma four years earlier.
In Jamaica, everyone claimed to be Bob's friend. "Sure I knew him," the cab driver who picked me up at Norman Manley Airport said. "He smoked the herb of life." And he passed his spliff over his shoulder to his friend in the back seat, a uniformed policeman.
The day of the funeral began with an hour-long service for family and close friends at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity on Maxfield Avenue, presided over by His Eminence Abuna Yesehaq, the church's archbishop in the western hemisphere, who had baptised Marley in New York the previous November, just after his last triumphal concerts at Madison Square Garden. Bob's baptismal name was Berhane Selassie – "Light of the Trinity".
At the end of the short service the coffin was transported to the National Arena, where the 6,000-strong congregation were assembling under the eyes of cameras and reporters from around the world. Above the entrance, a huge banner proclaimed: "Funeral Service of the Honourable Robert Nesta Marley, OM". The Order of Merit had been conferred a few weeks before his death.
The casket was carried into the hall on the shoulders of a score of white-jacketed guards of the Jamaica Defence Force. Inside and out in the street, a powerful public address system blasted out Bob's records, while in the surrounding avenues the hawkers of badges, posters, soft drinks and ganja worked the large numbers of people who had arrived without invitations and were prepared, if they could not get in, to listen to the ceremony as it was relayed by the loudspeakers.
"Babylon system is a vampire," Bob's voice wailed as the coffin was deposited on a trestle table in the middle of the broad stage and covered with two flags, the green, gold and black of Jamaica and the red, green and gold of Ethiopia. The decorations were the work of Neville Garrick, the creator of all the Wailers' album cover art from 1976's Rastaman Vibration to 1980's Uprising. The balconies were open to the public, and filled up quickly, but on the floor the rows of chairs were marked with signs: Family, Government, Press, Twelve Tribes of Israel, Musicians.
Photographers swiftly surrounded Cedella Booker, Bob's mother, in whose Miami home he had died, as she took her place. She was followed by his widow and some of his children, including his sons Ziggy, aged 12, the nine-year-olds Steve and Robert Junior, born to different mothers, and Julian, aged five, and his daughters Cedella, 13, and Stephanie, six. Applause saluted the entry of Michael Manley, the former prime minister, whose pro-Cuban policies had provoked the disastrous enmity of the US government and the International Monetary Fund, and who had been deposed by Seaga at an election six months earlier.
The Rastafarians, in particular, still saw Manley as a friend of the oppressed, and there was an obvious contrast with the polite but tepid response accorded to Seaga, who hurried to his seat surrounded by uniformed guards. The governor-general of Jamaica,Sir Florizel Glasspole, ON, GCMG, CD, the Queen of England's official representative, arrived from his residence, the palatial Devon House, to provide an appropriate symbol of the island's colonial history, a living reminder that the ancestors of most of those present had been brought from Africa four centuries earlier to form the world's only entirely slave-based economy.
The formal guard of the Ethiopian church, elderly men and women in white robes, took their places around the coffin and the centre of the stage was soon filled with the church's elders, in robes of varied and vivid design. On the right of the platform a riser had been built for the choir and for the United Africa Band, a group consisting of several percussionists, a bass guitarist and organist, directed by Brother Cedric Brooks. To the left, another riser was covered with amplifiers, keyboards and drums, all stencilled with the legend "Bob Marley and the Wailers".
A voice came over the loudspeakers. "Brothers and sisters, this is a funeral service for the late Bob Marley. Please don't forget that. The selling of all merchandise must stop now." In the row in front of me, the producer Harry J, accompanied by his latest protegee, the singer Sheila Hilton, was in conversation with a Rasta wearing a red, green and gold tam o'shanter. "There has to be a revolution to get a solution," the Rasta proclaimed. Harry J didn't seem to be entirely in agreement. I wondered if, under the armpit of his glossy silk suit, he was stillpacking the silver Smith & Wesson revolver I'd seen him remove from the glove compartment of his Oldsmobile as he took Chris Blackwell and me to a Catch A Fire session in his studio nine years earlier, the day after Marley and Blackwell had signed the deal that would set the whole phenomenon in motion.
A little while after the scheduled hour of 11 o'clock, the service began with an Anglican hymn, "O God, Our Help in Ages Past", accompanied by the drummers of the United Africa Band. As the familiar 18th-century melody – written by William Croft, an Oxford scholar and composer to Queen Anne, whose remains lie in Westminster Abbey – died away, the archbishop, standing beneath a parasol held by an acolyte, began to read passages from the Anaphora of John, Son of Thunder and the Anaphora of St Mary, rendered in Ge'ez, the ancient tongue of Ethiopia, and Amharic.
The governor-general stepped forward, a small, portly figure, to read the first lesson, taken from 1 Corinthians: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." The congregation sang another hymn, coincidentally a favourite of Elvis Presley: "Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee/ How great Thou art, how great Thou art." Manley read from 1 Thessalonians: "Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith/ For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord."
Then, to the delight of the Rastas in the balcony, it was the turn of the dreadlocked Allan "Skill" Cole, Jamaica's finest footballer and one of the dead man's closest friends. Cole was wearing the raiment of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, a popular sub-sect of Rastafari founded in Jamaica in the late 1960s and with whom Marley had long been associated; his inclusion in the proceedings had been tolerated by the Ethiopian elders, to whom the Rasta doctrines represented a form of heresy, only under protest. He had been scheduled to read from Psalm 68, which bears the subtitle "To the chief musician, a psalm or song of David".
Instead he announced that he proposed to deliver passages from Corinthians and Isaiah particularly dear to Rastafarian hearts. Mutterings and shufflings among the church dignitaries on the platform were answered by sounds of delighted approval from the congregation. Their mood turned to boisterous glee as the footballer refused to heed urgent requests to leave the platform, continuing with his reading before returning to his seat amid the sounds of triumph.
The archbishop, clearly annoyed, recovered his composure in time to read the Beatitudes – "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" – and to lead the Lord's Prayer before Seaga delivered a eulogy memorable only for its closing benediction: "May his soul," intoned the man in the dark business suit, "rest in the arms of Jah Rastafari." Even the Twelve Tribes could scarce forbear to cheer this explicit recognition of their usually ignored presence within Jamaican society.
The archbishop's address contained an implicit rebuke of Skill Cole in a direct address to the Rastas in the hall. Why advocate repatriation to Africa, he demanded, when it would profit them more to work together for a better life in Jamaica? "Jah!" they shouted in defiance as he spoke. "Rastafari!"
The most extraordinary moment of the ceremony, the most beautiful and un-European, came after the members of Marley's old band mounted the stage. The I-Threes – Rita Marley, Judy Mowatt and Marcia Griffiths – sang "Rastaman Chant" to a ponderous and mournful rhythm before the Wailers, directed by the guitarist Junior Murvin, struck up "Natural Mystic".
It was during this song, while the crowd was getting to its feet and moving towards the stage to join what had suddenly been transformed from an obsequy to a celebration, that Ziggy and Stevie Marley could be seen dancing among the musicians. Identically dressed in maroon suits and white shoes, they performed joyous imitations of their late father's distinctive stage choreography, and the resemblance was such that the congregation gasped at the sight. When the engineer at the mixing desk superimposed a recording of Bob's voice above the band's heavyweight rhythm, the effect was hallucinatory.
Cedella Booker closed the service. Accompanied by two other women, she delivered "Amen" – written by Curtis Mayfield, whose music had inspired Marley's earliest efforts – in a powerful voice as her listeners swayed to the rhythm.
Then the musicians put down their instruments, lifted the coffin on to their shoulders and carried it through the hall and out into the roadway, where it was placed in a hearse, ready for the 50-mile journey to the place where Marley's life had begun.
As the cortege left Kingston, it passed by the house at 56 Hope Road whose walls still bore the scars from the bullets that narrowly failed to kill Marley in a politically motivated attack in 1976. On South Camp Road, outside the Alpha Boys School, where many of Jamaica's finest musicians had been taught to play by an inspiring teacher named Ruben Delgado, pupils sang "No Woman, No Cry" as the procession headed towards Marcus Garvey Drive and out of the city on the road towards Spanish Town .
Crossing the parish of St Catherine to the town of Bog Walk, where the road splits right to Port Maria and left to Ocho Rios, the cars turned north-east through Moneague and past the 2,000ft peak of the mountain called Friendship, taking the left fork past Claremont and into the parish of St Ann, skirting the foothills of the Dry Harbour Mountains and on through Brown's Town. All along the route, people came out of houses, schools, farms and workshops to stand by the roadside. Finally, in mid-afternoon, the dead man and his companions arrived at Nine Mile, a hamlet set at the end of a single-track road among gentle, verdant red-clay hills.
A helicopter buzzed overhead, carrying a film crew, their cameras trained on slopes covered with white-robed figures. Rastas from all over the island had set off early to be in place when the cortege arrived. Policemen fingered machine guns but disorder was minimal, despite the crush as the coffin was removed from the hearse and carried by many willing hands up to the small temporary mausoleum.
Nine Mile turned out to be no more than a scattering of shanties, with one or two bars and a small single-storey stone building consecrated, according to a handwritten sign, to the use of the Holy Baptist Church of the Fire of God of the Americas. This was a place where workers in the sugar plantations set in the flatlands towards the sea had built their homes and quietly cultivated their modest crops. It was here, on 6 February 1945, that Cedella Booker had brought Bob Marley into the world, and it was here, only a few paces away from the mausoleum, in a tiny two-room shack, that Bob and Rita had returned for a year at the end of the 1960s, to nurture their first child.
After a brief ceremony of interment, the convoy departed, followed by the police. Only the Rastas remained. For the last time, Junior Murvin and Neville Garrick climbed the low mound to the mausoleum, picking their way through empty Red Stripe cans, the music they helped to send around the globe throbbing from cassette players.
As the light began to fail, the vendors of ice creams and soft drinks packed their goods away. The thump of the helicopter's rotors receded. The white-robed members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel melted into the dusk. Bob had come home.
Bob Marley 1945-1981
1945 Born in Nine Mile, Jamaica to white Jamaican father Norval Sinclair Marley and black mother, Cedella Booker.
1955 Norval dies when Marley is 10. Marley acknowledges his mixed ethnic roots but identifies himself as a black African.
1960s Becomes a Rastafarian.
1963 Forms ska and rock steady group the Teenagers with Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh, and three others. Marley, Wailer and Tosh went on to become the Wailers.
1966 Marries Rita Anderson.
1967 First daughter, Cedella, is born. Marley had 11 children in all.
1972 While on tour in London, the Wailers are dropped by their label, CBS. Marley visits Island Records who promptly sign the band.
1973 The Wailers' first major album, Catch A Fire, is released worldwide. .
1974 Marley's profile is raised by Eric Clapton's cover of "I Shot the Sheriff". Shortly after, the Wailers break up. He continues to perform as "Bob Marley and the Wailers", with the I-Threes, three backing singers, among them his wife, Rita.
1975 "No Woman, No Cry", his first hit outside Jamaica, is released.
1976 Marley and Rita are wounded at their home on 56 Hope Road in a politically motivated shooting. They exile themselves to London for several years. Marley records Exodus and Kaya.
1977 Diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma. He keeps recording and performing until 1980.
1981 Dies in hospital in Miami, Florida.
Author: cikatilia Time: 21-5-2013 07:54 PM
Spiral posted on 21-5-2013 10:56 AM
surie pun lama tarak nmpk.. nah munge
dah dekat 40 tahun dia ni mati
tp lagu2nya masih kekal dlm ingatan gitu
Author: cikatilia Time: 21-5-2013 08:00 PM
Kenya Accused Witches Burned in Kenya 21st May, 2009 : Eleven people accused of being witches were burned to death in Kenya. Villagers formed a mob and attacked the elderly people, eventually killing the eight women and three men who were all over the age of eighty.
The pensioners being burned alive as witches by their own FAMILIES... so they can profit from lucrative land
- Land owner Sadaka Muruu, 100, 'dragged naked from her home by relatives'
- But councillor arrived in time to save woman and drove her to rescue centre
- Cllr Teddy Mwambire's probe finds relatives can arrange killing for only £30
- Shocking video emerged in 2009 showing five villagers burned in Nyamataro
Growing desires for land along Kenya’s Indian Ocean coastline are allegedly causing a rise in ‘witch lynchings’ by residents to intimidate their elderly relatives who own the title deeds of desirable areas.
Sadaka Muruu, 100, who owns 12 acres of sought-after land in coastal Kilifi county, claimed she was told by her grandchildren that they would burn her alive after investors asked about purchasing it.
The frightened grandmother was allegedly dragged naked from her home in January by relatives who had turned up without notice, and told neighbours they had caught her doing witchcraft.
But she was saved at the last minute by local councillor Teddy Mwambire, who drove her away to a rescue centre for elderly men and women accused of witchcraft, reported the Sunday Times.
Relatives are the top suspects in almost all of the killings. But police are struggling to bring cases to court because they cannot get anybody to give evidence.
Most victims who escape death and end up at guarded rescue centres are too scared to ever return home as they risk death if their angry relatives see them again, reported the Sunday Times.
Many poor communities in the African country rely on spiritual healers, sorcery and black magic.
Three years ago uproar was caused after a video emerged on the internet showing five people burned in the village of Nyamataro, Kisii, in the west of Kenya, over witchcraft allegations.
Author: Spiral Time: 22-5-2013 08:33 AM
cikatilia posted on 21-5-2013 08:00 PM
Kenya Accused Witches Burned in Kenya 21st May, 2009 : Eleven people accused of being witches were b ...
jahat nye dorg ni
Author: cikatilia Time: 22-5-2013 08:38 AM
Spiral posted on 22-5-2013 08:33 AM
jahat nye dorg ni
kesian warga2 emas
nasib ada yg dpt diselamatkan
tp yg mati di bako.. so seksa and sedih..
Author: novelloverzz Time: 22-5-2013 09:18 AM
cikatilia posted on 21-5-2013 07:54 PM
dah dekat 40 tahun dia ni mati
tp lagu2nya masih kekal dlm ingatan gitu
paling suka lagu no woman no cry..
Author: novelloverzz Time: 22-5-2013 09:38 AM
cikatilia posted on 21-5-2013 08:00 PM
Kenya Accused Witches Burned in Kenya 21st May, 2009 : Eleven people accused of being witches were b ...
x de perikemanusiaan sbb yg dituduh tu ahli keluarga sendiri..nak harta cara keji..
Author: ciksurie Time: 22-5-2013 09:45 AM
cikatilia posted on 21-5-2013 08:00 PM
Kenya Accused Witches Burned in Kenya 21st May, 2009 : Eleven people accused of being witches were b ...
Author: novelloverzz Time: 22-5-2013 10:07 AM
158 killed in Mangalore air crash, 8 survive
Date: 22nd May, 2010 Time: 0605 IST Aircraft Detail: Air India Express Flight No 812 Type : Boeing 737-800 Registration: VT-AXV From/To: Dubai to Mangalore Total Persons on Board: 166 (137 adults, 19 children, 4 infants and 6 crew) Weather Conditions: Visibility 6 Kms, Wind Calm, No rain at the time of incident
Mangalore In the country's worst air disaster in a decade, a Boeing 737 plane of Air India's low budget carrier overshot the airport runway here and burst into flames early this morning killing 158 persons but eight others survived.
As the Air India Express flight from Dubai came into land at the Bajpe airport at around 6.30 A.M. in cloudy weather but good visibility, it went beyond the touchdown area, broke up and caught fire even as some passengers jumped out. The aircraft, carrying 160 passengers and a crew of six, hit a concrete localiser instrument, a navigation aid, and fell into a ravine 200 to 300 metres deep. The passengers included four infants and 19 other children. Crash Status The status of the ill-fated Air India Express aircraft at the time of the mishap at Mangalore Airport today as received from Chairman, Airport Authority of India:
Author: bianglala Time: 22-5-2013 10:55 AM
22 Mei 2012 - World’s tallest tower, the Tokyo Skytree, opens to public in Japan
Tokyo Skytree, the world’s tallest free-standing tower at 2,080 feet, has opened to the public in the Japanese capital.
Tokyo Skytree dominates the capital’s skyline (Picture: Reuters)
The vertigo-inducing structure opened its doors after nearly four years of construction, with more than 8,000 visitors entering to take advantage of its 360-degree views of Tokyo via two observation decks.
Operated by Tobu Railway Company, the tower will serve as the new base for Japan’s biggest television and radio broadcasters in addition to its new status as one of the city’s top tourist attractions.
Tokyo Skytree’s top is frequently shrouded in cloud (Picture: AP)
Standing at 2,080 feet it has snatched the Guinness World Record for the tallest tower in the world from Canton Tower in Guangzhou, China, which measures just under 2,000 feet tall.
It also houses hundreds of shops and restaurants in its base along with an aquarium and planetarium.
Many visitors arrived wearing Skytree costumes (Picture: EPA)
The first visitors to the Skytree’s dual observation decks were decided via lottery, with regular admission set to start from July.
Pop star Lady Gaga beat the queues however, being given a sneak peak inside the tower during her visit to the Japanese capital last week.
sumber : ... ic-in-japan-434562/
lagi gambar-gambar Tokyo Skytree.
The Sky Tree is expected to bolster television and radio transmissions in the capital region. Owners hope it will also become a new tourist destination in Tokyo. Picture: Aflo / Rex Features
Sorakara, the Tokyo Sky Tree mascot, poses at the observation deckPicture: EPA/EVERETT KENNEDY BROWN
Buildings are seen from an observatory at the Tokyo Sky TreePicture: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg
sumber : ... r-in-the-world.html
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 22-5-2013 02:21 PM
22 May
Pada hari ini 22.5.1950 satu era baru dalam bidang telefon telah bermula di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan London, melalui Singapura. Pihak BBC telah memasang alat perhubungan khas tersebut di Singpura untuk tujuan program Perkhidmatan Penyiaran timur jauhnya. Sebagai permulaan satu talian sahaja telah disediakan untuk berhubung dengan London dan akan ditambah kemudian. Pada tahun 1939 perkhidmatan seperti ini pernah digunakan di Stesen Radio Jalan Cochrane Kuala Lumpur ke Bandung, di Indonesia. Stesen Bandung pula menerima panggilan dari London melalui Amsterdam. Walaupun perkhidmatan ini melalui talian yang amat jauh tetapi ia telah berjalan dengan amat memuaskan. Perkhidmatan ini terus berjalan sehingga timbulnya perselisihan faham di antara pihak Kerajaan Indonesia dengan Britain pada tahun 1939 hingga menyebabkan perkhidmatan ini terpaksa dihentikan di atas sebab-sebab keselamatan. Setelah dihentikan, usaha-usaha lain telah dijalankan untuk menghidupkan semula perkhidmatan ini. Akhirnya pada hari ini dalam tahun 1950 perhubungan telefon di antara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dengan London telah disambung semula melalui Singapura. Perhubungan telefon di antara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dengan London ini telah dibahagikan kepada panggilan persendirian, panggilan rasmi dan panggilan perniagaan. Kemajuan Perkhidmatan ini dapat dilihat 6 tahun kemudiannya iaitu pada tahun 1956 apabila sebanyak 19,500 panggilan luar negeri telah dapat dikendalikan. Pada tahun 1957 angka ini telah meningkat lagi kepada 24,000 panggilan. Perhubungan telefon ini akan dapat memberi kemudahan yang amat besar bukan sahaja untuk kegunaan rasmi tetapi juga untuk tujuan perniagaan dan perdagangan.
Author: ciksurie Time: 22-5-2013 03:47 PM
bianglala posted on 22-5-2013 10:55 AM
22 Mei 2012 - World’s tallest tower, the Tokyo Skytree, opens to public in Japan
Tokyo Skytree, ...
Author: cikatilia Time: 22-5-2013 10:25 PM
bianglala posted on 22-5-2013 10:55 AM
22 Mei 2012 - World’s tallest tower, the Tokyo Skytree, opens to public in Japan
Tokyo Skytree, ...
cerah mata ku
sbb gayat
Author: cikatilia Time: 22-5-2013 10:45 PM
novelloverzz posted on 22-5-2013 10:07 AM
158 killed in Mangalore air crash, 8 survive
kesiannya budak kecik..
Author: cikatilia Time: 22-5-2013 10:51 PM
sesiapa belajar pc zaman 90-an sure ingat benda alah ni
May 22, 1990 The Windows 3.0 operating system is released by Microsoft.
canggih gitu kannn???
1990–1994: Windows 3.0–Windows NT—Getting the graphicsOn May 22, 1990, Microsoft announces Windows 3.0, followed shortly by Windows 3.1 in 1992. Taken together, they sell 10 million copies in their first 2 years, making this the most widely used Windows operating system yet. The scale of this success causesMicrosoft to revise earlier plans. Virtual Memory improves visual graphics. In 1990 Windows starts to look like the versions to come.
Windows now has significantly better performance, advanced graphics with 16 colors, and improved icons. A new wave of 386 PCs helps drive the popularity of Windows 3.0. With full support for the Intel 386 processor, programs run noticeably faster. Program Manager, File Manager, and Print Manager arrive in Windows 3.0.
Author: cikatilia Time: 22-5-2013 10:58 PM
May 22, 1970 Arab terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus
The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border withLebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC.[1]
Early in the morning, the bus departed from Avivim heading with its passengers to two local schools. This route had been scouted by the militants, believed to have infiltrated from Lebanon, and an ambush was set up. As the bus passed by, ten minutes after leaving Avivim, it was attacked by heavy gunfire from both sides of the road. The driver was amongst those hit in the initial barrage,[3]as were the two other adults on board. The three were killed as the bus crashed into an embankment as the attackers continued firing into the vehicle. The attackers were never apprehended.
memorial peringatan utk kejadian
budak2 gak mangsa.. so sad..
Last edited by cikatilia on 22-5-2013 10:59 PM
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 09:15 AM
jom belajar sejarah negara kita.. .
Tarikh Peristiwa: 23.5.1997
Pada 23 Mei 1997, dua wira Malaysia iaitu M. Magendren dan N. Mohandas telah berjaya menakluki Gunung Everest yang setinggi 8,848 meter, gunung yang tertinggi di dunia. M. Magendran merupakan rakyat Malaysia pertama yang berjaya menakluki Gunung Everest yang terletak di Himalaya, dan di ikuti 15 minit kemudiannya oleh Mohanadas Nagappan.
Mereka berdualah yang bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan Jalur Gemilang berkibar megah di puncak gunung Everest itu. Usaha mereka untuk menakluki gunung tersebut telah mendapat liputan harian secara langsung selama 55 hari dengan kegigihan sembilan anggota Projek Everest 97' dari RTM.
sumber berita:
berita ENGLISH
On the 23th May 1997, two Malaysians, M.MAGENDREN and N.MOHANDAS made Malaysia proud by conquering the world highest peak which is 8848 meters above sea level. They were the FIRST MALAYSIAN TO CONQUER MOUNT EVEREST. It took 42 years since Everest was first conquered by man... 15 years of experience of mount climbing and vigorous training programmes before they are fit to conquer mount Everest.
Many mountaineers had died trying to reach this highest peak in the world. over 150 people had died. the odds are 1 to 6 who died climbing this mountain. Yet these statistics did not stop our heroes. On May 22, 11pm our heroes left camp 4 for their final destination. It took them 13hours to reach the summit.It was -30°C out there with 80km/h cold wind blowing on them. They had to go through steep terrains and the path is littered with dead bodies. At one point our heroes needed to crawl to the peak due to extreme strong wind.
Reaching at the top they proudly planted our Jalur Gemilang and shouted into the wind.
Thank God! Thank God!' was the first thing gushed out from M.Magedren mouth. The sacred mantra Aum Namah Shivaya was in his mind too. Both of them prayed when they reach the summit and celebrated their victory.
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 09:36 AM
Pasangan perompak pemes Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
23rd May 1934 : Bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were ambushed and gunned down with over 100 rounds of ammunition by police in Black Lake, Louisiana. Following the deaths of Bonnie and Clyde slain in Louisiana by federal agents, their bodies are being transported back to Texas and are to be buried in separate graves in different parts of Dallas. They were inseparable in life committing robberies and murders side by side across the nation but in death Bonnies mother has stated Clyde took her daughter away from her but she will take her daughter back in death against bonnies last wishes.
Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were notorious during the great depression years as outlaws, they were featured in newspapers through out the country because of their escapades robbing banks , small stores and gas stations. They became notorious not because they robbed and killed so many but because of the authorities inability to catch them. Many thought them as heroes because of their status as a modern day "Robin Hood" but reality is they killed ordinary people and did not "Give To The Poor".
the real bonnie & Clyde
gurau2 pon pakai pistol yo...
bonnie.. RIP. & emaknya yang menangis masa funeral anaknya...
keratan akhbar tentang kematian..
byk lagi gambar and artikel di sini -
kisahnya byk juga di filemkan dan juga dilagu kan oleh beyonce & jayz
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 23-5-2013 11:18 AM
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 23-05-1983
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1983 Perusahan Automobil Nasional Bhd. (Proton) lahir secara rasmi melalui persetujuan yang ditandatangani antara perbadanan Industri Berat Malaysia (Hicom) dan kumpulan Mitsubishi dari Jepun di Kuala Lumpur. Dalam upacara menandatangani persetujuan ini, Hicom diwakili oleh Tan Sri Datuk Jamil Rais Mohd Jan, Pengerusi Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC), Dr. Tomio Kubo mewakili syarikatnya dan Pengarah Urusan Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) Yoshio Morita menandatangani bagi pihak MC. Melalui persetujuan ini Proton dipertangungjawab mengendalikan pengeluaran kereta-kereta buatan Malaysia yang pertama mulai tahun 1985 di kilangnya yang sedang dalam pembinaan di Shah Alam. Antara persetujuan dan kontrak lain yang dipersetujui oleh Hicom, MMC dan MC ialah persetujuan usahasama, persetujuan bantuan teknikal, persetujuan pinjaman pemegang saham, kontrak pembinaan dan bahan dan kontrak bekalan alat-alat kereta. Juga dipersetujui ialah pihak Hicom akan memegang saham proton sebanyak 70%, MMC 15% dan MC 15%. Jelasnya, persetujuan yang dicapai pada hari ini dalam tahun 1983 yang melahirkan Proton telah mencatat sejarah dalam usaha merealisasikan cita-cita Kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengeluarkan kereta buatan tempatan.
Evolusi logo Proton [1983-Present]
Last edited by ultraman_nexus on 23-5-2013 11:24 AM
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 23-5-2013 11:31 AM
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 23-05-1954
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1954, Perwakilan Perikatan UMNO-MCA ke Rundingan Pilihanraya 1955 di London yang diketuai oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra telah selamat pulang ke tanahair. Keputusan untuk menghantar anggota perwakilan ini telah dicapai dalam satu Mesyuarat Agong Tergempar UMNO yang telah diadakan di Melaka pada 18 April 1954 yang telah turut dihadiri oleh pemimpin tertinggi MCA sebagai pemerhati. Antara yang turut serta dalam perwakilan yang berlepas pada 21 April 1954 ini, ialah Dato’ Abdul Razak Hussein dan Encik T.H Tan selaku Setiausaha Perwakilan. Pertemuan serta rundingan hanya dapat diadakan pada 14 Mei 1954 dengan Setiausaha Tanah Jajahan British, mengenai Penyata Pilihanraya Persekutuan yang tidak menepati kehendak rakyat yang diwakili oleh Perikatan UMNO-MCA. Perikatan menuntut agar 60 orang ahli daripada 100 orang ahli Dewan dipilih melalui pilihanraya dan juga berkenaan dengan kelayakan pengundi-pengundi. Berikutan daripada itu pada 19 April 1954 Setiausaha Tanah Jajahan telah menerima lima tuntutan pihak perwakilan kecuali satu iatu tiga perlima daripada ahli Mesyuarat Undangan Persekutuan hendaklah dipilih oleh rakyat melalui Pilihanraya Umum. Sesungguhnya usaha-usaha ini telah membuka laluan kepada kemerdekaan negara pada 31 Ogos 1957.
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 11:46 AM
ultraman_nexus posted on 23-5-2013 11:18 AM
Tarikh Peristiwa pada 23-05-1983 ...
wah proton muda lagi dari aku
dah 30 tahun!!
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 23-5-2013 12:00 PM
cikatilia posted on 23-5-2013 11:46 AM
wah proton muda lagi dari aku
beze berape tahun agaknye tu...hehehe
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 12:04 PM
ultraman_nexus posted on 23-5-2013 12:00 PM
beze berape tahun agaknye tu...hehehe
less tahn 5 years la.. wakakakaka
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 23-5-2013 12:11 PM
cikatilia posted on 23-5-2013 12:04 PM
less tahn 5 years la.. wakakakaka
mude lagi tu cik liza...hahhaa
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 12:16 PM
ultraman_nexus posted on 23-5-2013 12:11 PM
mude lagi tu cik liza...hahhaa
wakakakakaka.. haipp...
sebut nama bebeno nampak
Author: ultraman_nexus Time: 23-5-2013 12:20 PM
cikatilia posted on 23-5-2013 12:16 PM
wakakakakaka.. haipp...
sebut nama bebeno nampak
betol ke name awak?? saya men teke2 je...hehehe
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 12:25 PM
ultraman_nexus posted on 23-5-2013 12:20 PM
betol ke name awak?? saya men teke2 je...hehehe
aaa aa
ya benar
salam kenalan yah...
jom mesra2
Author: cikatilia Time: 23-5-2013 02:15 PM
1430 - Joan of Arc was captured by Burgundians. She was then sold to the English.
Painting, ca. 1485. An artist's interpretation, since the only known direct portrait has not survived. (Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris, AE II 2490)
Born January 6, c. 1412 [1]
Domrémy, Duchy of Bar, Kingdom of France.[2]
Died 30 May 1431 (aged approx. 19)
Rouen, France
(then controlled by England)
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Anglican Communion[3]
Beatified 18 April 1909, Notre Dame de Paris by Pope Pius X
Canonized 16 May 1920, St. Peter's Basilica, Rome by Pope Benedict XV
Feast 30 May
Patronage France ; martyrs; captives; military personnel; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; soldiers, women who have served in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service); and Women's Army Corps
Joan of Arc, in French, Jeanne d'Arc, also called the Maid of Orleans, a patron saint of France and a national heroine, led the resistance to the English invasion of France in the Hundred Years War. She was born the third of five children to a farmer, Jacques d'Arc and his wife Isabelle in the town of Domremy on the border of provinces of Champagne and Lorraine. Her childhood was spent attending her father's herds in the fields and learning religion and housekeeping skills from her mother. Both parents were intensely pious.
When Joan was about 12 years old, she began to hear "voices" of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret, believing them to have been sent by God. These voices told her that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne. They told her to cut her hair, dress in man's uniform and to pick up the arms.
By 1429, the English, with the help of their Burgundian allies, occupied Paris and all of France north of the Loire. The resistance was minimal due to lack of leadership and a sense of hopelessness. Henry V of England was claiming the French throne.
Joan convinced the captain of the dauphin's forces, and then the dauphin himself of her calling. After passing an examination by a board of theologians, she was given troops to command and the rank of captain. At the battle of Orleans Joan led the troops to a miraculous victory over the English. She continued fighting the enemy in other locations along the Loire. Later, Joan persuaded the dauphin that he should be crowned Charles VII. At the coronation she was given a place of honor next to the king.
In 1430 she was captured by the Burgundians while defending Compiegne near Paris and was sold to the English. The English, in turn, handed her over to the ecclesiastical court at Rouen to be tried for witchcraft, heresy and for wearing male clothing, which was considered an offense against the church. Joan was convicted and on May 30, 1431 she was burned at the stake in the Rouen marketplace. Charles VII made no attempt to come to her rescue.
In 1456 a second trial was held and she was pronounced innocent of the charges against her. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920.
joan of arc versi filim
Author: bianglala Time: 23-5-2013 04:08 PM
23 MAY 2008
International Court of Justice (ICJ) Rules on Singapore-Malaysia Pedra Branca / Pulau Batu Puteh Case
In a historic moment marking a milestone in Malaysia-Singapore relations, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has made its ruling on the dispute over the sovereignty and ownership of an island and its two rocky outcrops in the eastern entrance to the Straits of Singapore, off the South China Seas.
The three geographical entities that are the subjects of the claims from Singapore and Malaysia comprise :
The island of Pedra Branca, referred to as Pulau Batu Puteh (Malay for 'white rock island') by Malaysia;
Middle Rocks - an outcrop of rocks 0.6 nautical miles off Pedra Branca;
South Ledge - an outcrop of rocks further to the south, visible only during low tide.
The ICJ made known its ruling in a two-hour brief starting at 23 May 2008 08:00 UTC at its headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands. The results awarded Pedra Branca to Singapore, Middle Rocks to Malaysia and left the question of who owns South Ledge unresolved. Specifically, the court found that "sovereignty over South Ledge belongs to the State in the territorial waters of which it is located", indicating that it considers the sovereignty of the waters surrounding South Ledge to be open to contention. The 16-member adjudication panel of judges voted as follows:
Pedra Branca / Pulau Batu Puteh - 12 votes for Singapore vs 4 for Malaysia;
Middle Rocks - 15 votes for Malaysia vs 1 for Singapore;
South Ledge - 15 votes vs 1, for finding "that sovereignty over South Ledge belongs to the State in the territorial waters of which it is located.".
Both the Singapore and Malaysia governments had previously affirmed their mutual understanding that they will accept the ICJ's ruling and work to facilitate the operational management of the island which lies in a high-traffic sea-way for international maritime transport. The Horsburgh Lighthouse (named after Captain James Horsburgh, a hydrographer with the East India Company in the 19th Century) was erected on the island by the British in 1851 and is currently managed by Singapore.
Middle Rocks.
Pulau Batu Putih.
sumber artikel : ... ca-pulau-batu-puteh
sumber gambar : ... is-more-better.html
sumber peta : ... ra-brancapulau.html
Author: bianglala Time: 24-5-2013 12:40 AM
On May 24, 1983, the 100-year anniversary of the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge was marked by parades, a flotilla of tall ships, and a massive Grucci fireworks show. President Ronald Reagan led a procession of vehicles across the bridge, repeating the route that President Chester Arthur had taken 100 years earlier.
The official Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Celebration 1883-1983 brochure, produced by the 1983 Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Commission. It lists dozens of exhibitions, lectures, and performances that ran from May to October, 1983. The cover image was created by Andy Warhol for the Commission.
The Brooklyn Public Library got into the festive spirit by redesigning its seasonal bulletin to be reminiscent of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
A stamp printed in USA shows Brooklyn Bridge, centenary of Brooklyn Bridge, circa 1983
Commemorative T-Shirt (Brooklyn Bridge, 100th Birthday), 1983. Jersey fabric. Brooklyn Museum Archives, Exhibitions: The Great East River Bridge, 1883–1983.
We see the some of the 100th anniversary celebration for it on May 24, 1983. Thousands walking the FDR drive, a parade of boats and fireworks! Someone with a bullhorn gives a speech.
sumber :
Author: cikatilia Time: 24-5-2013 10:51 PM
24th may 1943
70 years ago
Josef Mengele becomes chief doctor at Birkenau, an extermination camp at Auschwitz, where he supervises medical experiments and is nicknamed “Angel of Death.”
NAME: Josef Mengele
OCCUPATION: War Criminal
BIRTH DATE: March 16, 1911
DEATH DATE: February 07, 1979
EDUCATION: University of Frankfurt am Main
PLACE OF BIRTH: Günzburg, Germany
PLACE OF DEATH: Enseada da Bertioga, Brazil
Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp who selected prisoners for execution in gas chambers and led medical experiments on inmates.
dia juga femes dgn pelbagai experiment keji & kejam.
An ardent Nazi, In 1943 Josef Mengele was appointed by Heinrich Himmler to be chief doctor at Birkenau, the supplementary extermination camp at Auschwitz, where he and his staff selected incoming Jews for labor or extermMengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. He was particularly interested in identical twins; they would be selected and placed in special barracks. He recruited Berthold Epstein, a Jewish pediatrician, and Miklós Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jewish pathologist, to assist with his experiments.
As a forced-labor prisoner under Mengele's direction, Epstein proposed a study into treatments of the disease called noma that was noted for particularly affecting children from the camp.[15] While the exact cause of noma remains uncertain, it is now known that it has a higher occurrence in children suffering from malnutrition and a lower immune system response. Many develop the disease shortly after contracting another illness such as measles or tuberculosis.[16]
Mengele took an interest in physical abnormalities discovered among the arrivals at the concentration camp. These included dwarfs, notably the Ovitz family – the children of a Romanian artist, seven of whom were dwarfs. Prior to their deportation, they toured in Eastern Europe as the Lilliput Troupe.
Mengele's experiments also included attempts to change eye colour by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, various amputations of limbs, and other surgeries such as kidney removal, without anaesthesia.[17] Rena Gelissen's account of her time in Auschwitz details certain experiments performed on female prisoners around October 1943. Mengele would experiment on the chosen girls, performing sterilization and shock treatments. Most of the victims died, because of either the experiments or later infections.
Once Mengele's assistant rounded up fourteen pairs of Roma twins during the night. Mengele placed them on his polished marble dissection table and put them to sleep. He then injected chloroform into their hearts, killing them instantly. Mengele then began dissecting and meticulously noting each piece of the twins' bodies.[13]
At Auschwitz, Mengele did a number of studies on twins. After an experiment was over, the twins were usually killed and their bodies dissected. He supervised an operation by which two Roma children were sewn together to create conjoined twins; the hands of the children became badly infected where the veins had been resected; this also caused gangrene.[13]
Jewish twins kept alive to be used in Mengele's medical experiments. These children from Auschwitz were liberated by the Red Army in January 1945.
The subjects of Mengele's research were better fed and housed than ordinary prisoners and were, for the time being, safe from the gas chambers, although many experiments resulted in more painful deaths.[18] When visiting his child subjects, he introduced himself as "Uncle Mengele" and offered them sweets. Some survivors remember that despite his grim acts, he was also called "Mengele the Protector".[19]
Mengele also sought out pregnant women, on whom he would perform vivisections before sending them to the gas chambers.[20]
Former Auschwitz prisoner Alex Dekel has said:
I have never accepted the fact that Mengele himself believed he was doing serious work – not from the slipshod way he went about it. He was only exercising his power. Mengele ran a butcher shop – major surgeries were performed without anaesthesia. Once, I witnessed a stomach operation – Mengele was removing pieces from the stomach, but without any anaesthetic. Another time, it was a heart that was removed, again without anaesthesia. It was horrifying. Mengele was a doctor who became mad because of the power he was given. Nobody ever questioned him – why did this one die? Why did that one perish? The patients did not count. He professed to do what he did in the name of science, but it was a madness on his part.[21]
A former Auschwitz prisoner doctor has said:
He was capable of being so kind to the children, to have them become fond of him, to bring them sugar, to think of small details in their daily lives, and to do things we would genuinely admire.... And then, next to that,... the crematoria smoke, and these children, tomorrow or in a half-hour, he is going to send them there. Well, that is where the anomaly lay.[22]
The book Children of the Flames, by Lucette Matalon Lagnado and Sheila Cohn Dekel, chronicles Mengele's medical experimental activities on approximately 1,500 pairs of twins who passed through the Auschwitz death camp during World War II until its liberation at the end of the war. By the 1980s only 100 sets of these twins could be located. Many recalled his friendly manner towards them, and his gifts of chocolates. The older ones "recognized his kindness as a deception—yet another of his perverse experiments to test (our) mental endurance."[23] He would also kill them without hesitation, sometimes administering injections to the children or shooting them himself, and would dissect them immediately afterwards. On one evening alone he killed fourteen twins.[12]
In 1960, Hans Sedlmeier returned from Asuncion, Paraguay, with a statement from Mengele that said, "I personally have not killed, injured or caused bodily harm to anyone." Mengele repeatedly insisted that he had not committed any crime, and that instead he had become a victim of a great injustice.[24][25]
In the 1985 documentary The Search For Mengele Wolfram Bossert, who befriended Mengele in Brazil,[26] claimed that Mengele said, "I didn't make any experiments, it's all lies. The people volunteered because they got more food if they allowed me to take blood samples." He also claimed that Mengele assured him that he "deserves a statue from the Jews because as a doctor in the camp he saved many Jewish lives."[27]nation and where he supervised medical experiments on inmates to discover means of increasing fertility (to increase the German “race”).
more news : Last edited by cikatilia on 24-5-2013 10:55 PM
Author: novelloverzz Time: 25-5-2013 12:01 AM
cikatilia posted on 24-5-2013 10:51 PM
24th may 1943
70 years ago
scary dan kejamnya..
Author: cikatilia Time: 25-5-2013 12:21 AM
novelloverzz posted on 25-5-2013 12:01 AM
scary dan kejamnya..
kejam gila!!
dah experiment pi bunuh plak!!!
After an experiment was over, the twins were usually killed and their bodies dissected.
tp dia mati simple je.. xde sapa bunuh tp mati lemas/sakit jantung dlm air..
Mengele's health had been deteriorating for years, and he died on 7 February 1979, in Bertioga, Brazil, where he accidentally drowned, or possibly suffered a stroke, while swimming in the Atlantic. He was buried in Embu das Artes under the name "Wolfgang Gerhard", whose ID card he had used since 1976.[35]
Author: cikatilia Time: 27-5-2013 09:12 AM
| Walt Disney's "3 Little Pigs" released |
Three Little Pigs is an animated short film released on May 27, 1933 by United Artists, produced by Walt Disney and directed by Burt Gillett. Based on a fairy tale of the same name, the Silly Symphony won the 1934 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. In 1994, it was voted #11 of the 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field. In 2007, Three Little Pigs was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Practical Pig, Fiddler Pig and Fifer Pig are three brothers who build their own houses with bricks, sticks and straw respectively. All three of them play a different kind of musical instrument – Fifer Pig "toots his flute, doesn't give a hoot and plays around all day," Fiddler Pig "with a hey diddle diddle, plays on his fiddle and dances all kinds of jigs" and Practical Pig plays the piano. Fifer and Fiddler build their straw and stick houses with much ease and have fun all day. Practical, on the other hand, "has no chance to sing and dance for work and play don't mix," focusing on building his strong brick house, but his two brothers poke fun at him. An angry Practical warns them "You can play and laugh and fiddle. Don't think you can make me sore. I'll be safe and you'll be sorry when the Wolf comes through your door!" Fifer and Fiddler ignore him and continue to play, singing the now famous song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?".
As they are singing, the Big Bad Wolf really comes by, and blows Fifer's house down (except for the roof). Fifer manages to escape and hides at Fiddler's house. The wolf pretends to give up and go home, but returns disguised as an innocent sheep. The pigs see through the disguise ("Not by the hair of our chinny-chin-chin! You can't fool us with that old sheep skin!"), whereupon the Wolf blows Fiddler's house down (except for the door). The two pigs manage to escape and hide at Practical's house. The Wolf arrives disguised as a Fuller Brush man to trick the pigs into letting him in, but fails. The Wolf then tries to blow down the strong brick house (losing his clothing in the process), but is unable. Finally, he attempts to enter the house through the chimney, but smart Practical Pig takes off the lid of a boiling pot filled with water (to which he adds turpentine) under the chimney, and the Wolf falls right into it. Shrieking in pain, the Wolf runs away frantically, while the pigs sing "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" again. Then Practical plays a trick on the others by knocking on his piano, causing the other two pigs to think the Wolf has returned and hide under Practical's bed.
1st house di buat dari straw & stick
2nd hse made of woods
2rd hse dibuat dari brick
Author: novelloverzz Time: 27-5-2013 11:21 AM
Yiruma married Son Hye-Im on May 27, 2007.[4] The piece "27.May" is about his marriage to Son Hye-Im. ("27.May" was released on an album in 2003, though) Son Hye-Im's younger sister is the Korean actress Son Tae-young, who attended Yiruma’s concert with her husband, Kwon Sang-woo,[5] while she was pregnant. Their daughter, Loanna, was born on Oct 7, 2007.[6]
On his spiritual viewpoint, Yiruma has stated, “I’m a Christian, and I am not a New-age artist. Most people misunderstand me.” In his album H.I.S Monologue (2006), the artist composed a piece titled, “Lord...Hold my Hand”.[7]
may,27 is his wedding day!!
he looks so happy with beautiful fiance.
Note : song title is 27. may
Yiruma is the stage name of Lee Ru-ma (born February 15, 1978), an internationally-known pianist and composer from South Korea. Yiruma frequently performs at sold-out concerts in Asia, Europe and North America. His alma mater, King's College London, England helped him gain European popularity and recognition. Among his most popular pieces are "River Flows in You", "Kiss the Rain" and "May Be". Yiruma's most popular album, First Love, was released in 2001.
He began playing the piano at the age of five and moved to London when he was eleven, in 1988, to study at The Purcell School of Music. He held dual citizenship, South Korean and British, until 2006, when he gave up his UK citizenship to serve in the South Korean Navy.
"River Flows in You"
"Kiss the Rain"
"May Be"
Lee Ru-ma was born and raised in South Korea, and educated in England. Yiruma began playing the piano at the age of five, and subsequently moved to London at the age of eleven (1988), for the purpose of studying at The Purcell School of Music. In December 1996 he participated in the album The Musicians of Purcell (Decca). Graduating from Purcell School of Music in July 1997, Yiruma continued his musical aspirations and completed a Composition major from King's College London in June 2000. While studying at Kings College, this promising pianist released his first album "Love Scene" through DECCA records.
Additionally, during his time in college, he participated in a musical tour in Europe. Making a historical impact for his country, Yiruma was the first Korean artist to receive an invitation to perform at the 2002 MIDEM in Cannes, France. Early in his career, his albums were released in Europe and Asia, they are now available internationally through various online sources such as iTunes, Amazon, and Yiruma's recording label STOMP Records.
In 2001 he released his most popular album to date, "First Love". His #1 selling piece "River Flows in You" was on this album and since 2001 this piece has been released on two other albums (First Love [Repackaged] and Wedding Essentials: The Ceremony) Yiruma released his third album, From The Yellow Room in 2003. Pre-order sales topped 30,000 copies and the album was top-ranked on many popular music charts, including Yes24, Phono, and Hot Tracks. His 12-city Korean tour was a sellout, as well as his November concert at the Seoul National Arts Center.
His fourth album is POEMUSIC. In 2006, the following year, he composed a main theme piece for a popular KBS drama, Spring Waltz. In his fifth album, h.i.s monologue, he utilized prepared piano. Yiruma has composed soundtracks for musicals, films and plays. While being successful in the music industry, Yiruma decided to serve in the South Korean military. Hence, in 2006 he gave up his British citizenship and enlisted in the Korean Navy.
Upon completing his service in the Korean Navy, he began the 2008 Yiruma Come Back Tour, Ribbonized, in 20 cities across Korea. Additionally, on January 1, 2009, he became a DJ for KBS1FM Yiruma's Music from All Around the World.[1]
In September 2010, Yiruma gave Stomp Music a contract cancellation and signed with Sony Music Entertainment Korea. Stomp Music then filed an injunction to prohibit Yiruma from selling his music, and the request was accepted by the court in April 2011. Yiruma immediately filed an objection against the injunction, and the court finally gave Yiruma the upper hand.
Author: cikatilia Time: 27-5-2013 05:44 PM
Gempa bumi Yogyakarta 2006
Gempa Bumi Yogyakarta Mei 2006 adalah peristiwa gempa Bumi tektonik kuat yang mengguncang Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah pada 27 Mei 2006 kurang lebih pukul 05.55 WIB selama 57 detik. Gempa Bumi tersebut berkekuatan 5,9 pada skala Richter. United States Geological Survey melaporkan bahwa gempa terjadi sebesar 6,2 pada skala Richter.
Tanggal 27 Mei 2006
Kekuatan 5.9 Mw
Negara yang terkena Indonesia
Korban: 6,234 tewas
mcm kejap aje baru berlalu tp rupa2nya dah dekat 10 tahun!!!
Author: novelloverzz Time: 28-5-2013 03:35 PM
The May 2010 Lahore attacks also referred as Lahore Massacre occurred on May 28, 2010, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, during Friday prayers. 94 people were killed and more than 120 were injured in nearly simultaneous attacks against two mosques of the minority Ahmadiyya Community. After the initial attack, a hostage situation lasted for hours.[1] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, as well as their Punjab wing, claimed responsibility for the attacks and were also blamed by the Pakistani Police.
BackgroundThe Ahmadiyya movement was started in 1889 and follows the teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who they believe was sent by God as the Promised Messiah and Imam Mehdi prophesied in Islam "to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and re-institute morality, justice and peace." It is estimated there are between 3 - 4 million Ahmadis in Pakistan.[3]
The Ahmadiyya Muslims have previously been targeted by Sunni groups, while they have also suffered discrimination in Pakistan in the past, most significantly during the Lahore riots of 1953.[4] Pakistan does not recognize the Ahmadis as Muslim, because the latter do not recognize the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad, a core tenet of mainstream Islam.[1] They were declared non-Muslim in Pakistan in 1973 by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and were legally banned from identifying themselves as such in 1984 during General Zia-ul-Haq's Islamization as per Ordinance XX, despite Ahmadis calling themselves Muslim and following the rituals of Islam.[5] The ban occurred when jihadist ideology became embedded in Pakistan's state and education system.[1] The Media in Pakistan are legally barred from referring to an Ahmadi place of worship as a Mosque.[6]
Human Rights group in Pakistan said that they had warned of threats to the Ahmadi community center in Model Town for more than a year, saying the government took inadequate steps to provide security.[3][7] The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir; an independent expert on minority issues, Gay McDougall; and the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Philip Alston, claimed that because Ahmadis have been declared non-Muslims and have been subject to a number of restrictions, in many instances institutionalized discrimination, opinion makers are emboldened to seek to fuel hatred, and perpetrators of attacks against religious minorities find cannon fodder.[7] According to Minority Rights Group International, Pakistan had the world's highest increase of threats against minorities last year and was ranked the sixth most dangerous country for minorities overall.[8]
Lahore has also been the site of various interval attacks by militants, including on visiting Sri Lankan cricketers and the police academy, amongst others.
More pictures:
Last edited by novelloverzz on 28-5-2013 03:36 PM
Author: bianglala Time: 29-5-2013 01:06 AM
29 MEI 1982
Restoran makanan segera McDonald's sudah ada di mana sahaja pelusuk dalam negara ini. Tidak kira bandar atau kampung, restoran yang memainkan lambang huruf 'M' ini pasti ditemui. Tapi, anda terfikir atau tidak, dimanakah restoran Mcdonald's pertama di buka di Malaysia?
Ia telah dibuka pada 29 Mei 1982 di Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. Restoran yang beralamat di Lot 120-120A, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur itu diuruskan oleh Golden Arches Restaurants Sdn Bhd. Sempena hari pembukaan yang bersejarah tersebut, restoran McDonald's Bukit Bintang telah menghadiahkan pelanggannya yang pertama sekali membeli burger Big Mac di Malaysia dengan memberinya satu Big Mac percuma pada setiap minggu selama setahun! Kenyang habis siapakah yang bertuah itu. Makan free siapa tidak mahu bukan?
Selain Big Mac, restoran McDonald's Bukit Bintang yang dibuka setiap hari dari pukul 8 pagi hingga 12 malam itu turut menjual hidangan lain seperti Fillet-O-Fish, French Fries, Apple Pie, Milkshake dan lain-lain lagi. menu tersebut sama seperti yang ada sekarang ini. Atas sambutan yang luar biasa dari pelanggan, McDonald's telah membuka satu lagi cawangannya di Plaza Yow Chuan, Jalan Pekeliling/Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Restoran terbabit dibuka pada setiap hari dari pukul 10am sehingga 10pm.
sumber : ... lds-pertama-di.html
Author: ciksurie Time: 29-5-2013 09:22 AM
29 May 1914
RMS Empress of Ireland ... Sunk after colliding with another ship due to fog in 1914
Miss Tiria Townshend, age 17, of Blenheim, New Zealand, possibly the only New Zealander survivor of the Empress of Ireland sinking
Empress of Ireland - Passenger's List< Sank in the St Lawrence 1914
Ship rams Canadian ship Empress of Ireland on St Lawrence R; 1024 die
A tragedy almost equal to the Titanic's unfolded in the fog-shrouded St. Lawrence River in the spring of 1914, only a few months before the outbreak of the Great War.
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[size=-2]The Empress of Ireland. Credit
Ironically, had both ships involved exercised less caution, the accident would likely not have happened.The culprit was fog, but a fog peculiar to the St. Lawrence at this time of year, when the warm air of late spring encounters a river chilled by icy meltwater. The two main actors in the drama were the Canadian Pacific steamship Empress of Ireland, outbound from Quebec, and the Norwegian collier Storstad, steaming upriver and loaded to the waterline. Their stage was a stretch of water just east of Rimouski near the St. Lawrence's south shore, where the river opens up and navigation becomes simple and safer. The Empress, having just dropped her pilot at Father Point, was still quite close to shore. The Storstad, about to pick up her pilot for the voyage up river to Montreal, was hugging the coastline.
The ships sighted each other near 2:00 a.m. on May 29, until then a calm, clear night. On the bridge of the Empress of Ireland, Captain Henry Kendall guessed that the approaching ship was roughly eight miles away, giving him ample time to cross her bow before he set his course for more open water. When he judged he was safely beyond the collier's path, he did so. If he held his new course, the two ships should pass starboard side to starboard side, comfortably apart. Movements after he had executed this maneuver, a creeping bank of fog swallowed the Norwegian ship, then the Empress.
Although nothing like the Titanic in terms of size and elegance, the Empress of Ireland was the class of the Liverpool-Quebec City run that linked Canadian Pacific's steamships with its transcontinental railroad. Celebrities on board were few, notably the actor Laurence Irving, famous son of the legendary Henry, and his wife, the actress Mabel Hackney, returning from a successful Canadian tour. They and most of the other passengers, which included roughly 170 members of the Salvation Army heading to a big convention in London, were by this time of night sound asleep. So were most of the crew.
Worried by the fog and the proximity of the other ship, Captain Kendall gave three blasts on his whistle, indicating to the other ship that he was ordering his engines full astern. Soon the 14,191 ton liner had slowed to a crawl, but Kendall kept her bow pointing on the course he had chosen and waited for a clear sign that the other ship was safely past. The next thing he saw were two masthead lights materializing out of the murk to starboard and heading straight at him. The two ships were already too close to avoid a collision, but Kendall ordered a sharp turn to starboard in a vain attempt to swing his stern enough away from the approaching vessel that it would deliver a glancing blow. The impact when it came was deceptively gentle. The Storstad's bow, however, "had gone between the liner's steel ribs as smoothly as an assassin's knife," wrote James Croall in his account of the disaster. And the wound was fatal.
Water poured into the starboard side of the ship so fast that most of the people sleeping in starboard cabins didn't have a chance. There was no time for the prerogatives of class to be tested, beyond the simple reality that residents of the higher-up first-class cabins were more likely to have some chance of survival. As the Empress of Ireland listed sharply to starboard, water began rushing into portholes left open despite the rule requiring their closure once a voyage was under way. The list quickly became so extreme that only five or six boats could be successfully launched. After 10 minutes, the liner lurched and lay on her side with hundreds of passengers perched on her hull, a situation that momentarily seemed "like sitting on a beach watching the tide come in," according to one survivor. A mere 14 minutes after the collision, she sank. And by the time the last nearly frozen survivor had been fished from the water, the death toll was staggering. Of the 1,477 on board, 1,012 lost their lives, including 840 passengers, eight more than had died when the Titanic sank.
What had happened? According to the first mate of the Storstad, who didn't rouse his sleeping captain until after all the crucial decisions had been made, he and his colleagues on the bridge had distinctly seen the Empress of Ireland's red navigational light just before the fog closed in. If that were true, that red light meant her portside was showing, which signaled that the big ship had turned to pass them to portside. And this is what the men on the Storstad's bridge assumed. After a few minutes groping blindly forward, the Storstad's mate grew nervous and ordered the collier to turn to starboard, away from what he now presumed to be the other ship's course. In reality he was turning the Storstad into the Empress's side.
Captain Kendall, who had been thrown off his bridge when the ship lurched onto its beam ends, swore to his dying day that he had altered course cleanly and maintained it faithfully as the fog closed in. He always blamed Norwegian negligence for the disaster. "You have sunk my ship!" were practically the first words he uttered when he was pulled on board the Storstad to encounter her skipper. But perhaps his helmsman had swung her too far before she settled in on her proper course. Perhaps, as one of his crew later testified, there was a problem with the steering that caused his ship to wobble unpredictably on her course. Or perhaps the many lights of the brightly lit passenger vessel confused those on board the Storstad. No one will ever know for sure. For certain, fog had once again proved to be a treacherous enemy. Yet had the two ships simply kept their courses and held their speeds, they would have passed each other without incident.
Coming as it did so soon after the sinking of the Titanic, the loss of the Empress of Ireland underlined the difficulty of building a ship that couldn't sink, even of building a ship guaranteed to sink so slowly that rescue was inevitable. True, the Storstad was the worst imaginable ship that could collide with the liner. Her longitudinal bracing, designed to break through ice, made her a lethal weapon; the fact that she was fully loaded meant she punctured the Empress well below the waterline. (She penetrated the liner to a depth of at least 25 feet and left a gaping a hole at least 14 feet wide.) The Empress sank too fast for her safety features to be fully operational. She had enough lifeboats for all her passengers and crew but could not launch them in time. Many of her watertight doors, operated manually, could not be closed with the ship listing sharply and water rushing in.
But despite the scale of the tragedy, it never achieved anything like the Titanic's fame or enduring fascination. The Empress of Ireland was not a particularly famous or fashionable ship, and she sank so soon before the outbreak of the war that attention soon shifted to graver matters. The commission of inquiry, chaired by the same Lord Mersey who presided over the hearings into the sinking of both the Titanic and the Lusitania, was held in Quebec City, far from the international limelight. But the lessons from the Empress of Ireland's demise would have to be relearned barely 40 years later during the sinking of the Andrea Doria, when once again fog proved more than a match for the latest in seagoing technology.
Exploring the Empress of Ireland
[size=-2]by Robert Ballard
[size=-1]Today the Empress of Ireland lies in about 130 feet of water, well within the reach of scuba divers. But because the St. Lawrence is a frigid 34 degrees Fahrenheit even in summer and has tidal currents
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[size=-2]The wreck of the Empress of Ireland. Credit
[size=-1]that run up to five knots and can limit visibility, this is a dive for experts. Nevertheless, the Empress has been visited hundreds of times since it was "rediscovered" in the mid-1980s. Some divers have treated the wreck with respect and increased our knowledge of her tragedy; others have left a trail of senseless damage.[size=-1]Modern divers follow a highway that was blasted into the heart of the ship in the summer of 1914, mere weeks after the disaster. Canadian Pacific hired a salvage company to retrieve the first-class mail, the purser's safe and $150,000 in silver bullion (more than $2 million today). Descending through the explosion hole down to the first-class baggage and mail room, one will encounter a dangerous tangle of wire and an interior debris field of shattered suitcases and their decaying contents.
[size=-1]Although the ship rests on a gravel, sediment-free river bottom, the insides of the Empress of Ireland are half-hidden by the silt steadily deposited by the St. Lawrence River over the years. Because the ship rests at so sharp an angle, the starboard side of every interior room is buried, along with all the items set loose as the ship sank. In the mail room, one diver discovered a whole box of neatly bundled and tied newspapers, the paper still white, the type still readable, dated May 27, 1914, the day before the ship left port. The next time he returned, the silt had shifted, burying the evidence.
[size=-1]In the ship's dining saloon, oak chairs and tables appear to float in the silt like flotsam and the remains of light fixtures dangle from the steeply angled ceiling. In the adjoining pantry, most of the first-class china that was still in its racks as late as the early 1980s is now gone, as are most other moveable objects in the accessible regions of the wreck, including the ship's bell, one of its propellers, the main bridge telegraph and the telemeter. Sadly, some divers have taken the bones of the more than 1,000 people who died when the Empress of Ireland went down.
sumber :
Author: novelloverzz Time: 29-5-2013 09:38 AM
39 Juventus's Fan Killed By Scousers in Heysel Brussels Tragedy
On May 29 1985, 39 football fans died when a wall collapsed at the Heysel stadium in Belgium. What should have been one of the greatest nights in the club's history turned into a nightmare.
Instead of leaving Brussels having seen our team lift a fifth European Cup, Liverpool supporters travelled back to England having witnessed the deaths of 39 football fans including 32 Italian fans of Juventus, four Belgians, two from France and one man from Northern Ireland.
Liverpool had objected to the choice of ground to stage the final well before the friendly banter outside the stadium began to turn nasty inside. Aside from the fact that the stadium appeared to be crumbling, Liverpool's main concern was that there was to be a neutral section of the ground set aside for football fans from Belgium. The club argued that only Liverpool and Juventus should be allocated tickets. Setting aside a neutral area would only lead to both sets of fans being able to buy tickets off Belgium touts thus creating a dangerous mixed area. As history has since proved, this neutral area was soon filled with Italian supporters.
As tempers became frayed inside the ground about an hour before kick off, both sets of fans baited each other through a segregating fence made from chicken wire. After a sustained period of missiles being thrown by both sets of supporters, some Liverpool fans charged at their Italian counterparts and, as chaos took over, Juventus fans fled only for a wall blocking their escape to collapse on top of them. Thirty-nine football supporters died where they fell.
Later that night, Juventus won the European Cup 1-nil. It's a match nobody wants to remember.
Kenny Dalglish, Liverpool's greatest ever player, will never forget what happened in Belgium though.
"The fact that fatalities might result wouldn't have occurred to the Liverpool fans when they ran across."
Dalglish admits that it wasn't until the following morning that the Liverpool players finally realised exactly what had happened inside the stadium.
"We saw the Italian fans crying, and they were banging on the side of our bus when we left the hotel," he recalls. "When we left Brussels, the Italians were angry, understandably so; 39 of their friends had died. I remember well one Italian man, who had his face right up against the window where I was sitting. He was crying and screaming. You feel for anybody who loses someone in those circumstances. You go along to watch a game. You don't go along expecting that sort of ending, do you? Football's not that important. No game of football is worth that. Everything else pales into insignificance."
Almost 20 years after that terrible day, Liverpool and Juventus were drawn together again for the first time in the quarterfinals of the Champions League. It was if fate had brought the two teams together to join forces and honour those who had lost their lives at Heysel.
"There is a friendship between the two clubs and supporters," Liverpool Chief Executive Rick Parry revealed after the draw had been announced. "As soon as the draw paired us together for the first time in 20 years, memories of the Heysel Stadium disaster were naturally in people's minds, both in Turin and here on Merseyside. The two clubs built bridges and forged powerful links after Heysel. The bond between us remains strong, but we still want all Juventus fans to know that we are very sorry about the fact that 39 people lost their lives. We moved forward in a spirit of friendship after Heysel and the clubs continue to work together in a spirit of mutual respect."
May 29th remains a day of remembrance for both Juventus and Liverpool supporters.
In Memoria e Amicizia
In Memory and Friendship
- Rocco Acerra
- Bruno Balli
- Alfons Bos
- Giancarlo Bruschera
- Andrea Casula
- Giovanni Casula
- Nino Cerullo
- Willy Chielens
- Giuseppina Conti
- Dirk Daenecky
- Dionisio Fabbro
- Jacques François
- Eugenio Gagliano
- Francesco Galli
- Giancarlo Gonnelli
- Alberto Guarini
- Giovacchino Landini
- Roberto Lorentini
- Barbara Lusci
- Franco Martelli
- Loris Messore
- Gianni Mastrolaco
- Sergio Bastino Mazzino
- Luciano Rocco Papaluca
- Luigi Pidone
- Bento Pistolato
- Patrick Radcliffe
- Domenico Ragazzi
- Antonio Ragnanese
- Claude Robert
- Mario Ronchi
- Domenico Russo
- Tarcisio Salvi
- Gianfranco Sarto
- Giuseppe Spalaore
- Mario Spanu
- Tarcisio Venturin
- Jean Michel Walla
- Claudio Zavaroni
Rest in Peace
Last edited by novelloverzz on 29-5-2013 09:56 AM
Author: cikatilia Time: 30-5-2013 12:42 PM
bianglala posted on 29-5-2013 01:06 AM
29 MEI 1982
wahhh first mekdi..
i did remember makan mekdi masa kecil2
apakah yg ini?
Author: bianglala Time: 30-5-2013 12:53 PM
cikatilia posted on 30-5-2013 12:42 PM
wahhh first mekdi..
i did remember makan mekdi masa kecil2
mungkin jugak. cika pergi dengan siapa? parents? cuba tanya, kalau-kalau orang yang bawak tu, ingat.
Author: cikatilia Time: 30-5-2013 02:06 PM
bianglala posted on 30-5-2013 12:53 PM
mungkin jugak. cika pergi dengan siapa? parents? cuba tanya, kalau-kalau orang yang bawak tu, i ...
dgn parents la of cos.. hehehe rasanya around tahun 86++
yg pasti iols skolah rendah lagi..
makan fries, eskem.. best sgt
tp zaman tu mekdi mahal kot lagi kan sbb mana de mcvalue lunch bagei
Author: cikatilia Time: 31-5-2013 12:35 PM
31st May, 2012 : Interpol has added Luke Rocco Magnotta, suspected killer, to their most wanted list. Magnotta is suspected of murdering Jun Lin, a Chinese student who was possibly in a relationship with him, and sending body parts of the victim to political party offices in Ottawa. Magnotta had fled Canada was found by police in Berlin and was taken into custody on June 4th .
Luka Rocco Magnotta (born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman; July 24, 1982) is a Canadian pornographic actor and model accused of killing and dismembering Lin Jun, a Chinese international student, then mailing his severed limbs to political parties and elementary schools. After a video allegedly depicting the murder was posted online, Magnotta fled the country, becoming the subject of an Interpol Red Notice and prompting an international manhunt. He was apprehended at an Internet café in Berlin while reading news about himself.
ps/Lin Jun is a HE..
this is Lin Jun / Justin Lin
MONTREAL—A Quebec judge has ruled there is sufficient evidence for alleged killer Luka Magnotta to face first-degree murder charges in the slaying and dismemberment of Chinese exchange student Jun Lin.
Magnotta sat impassively and expressed no visible emotion when the ruling was delivered to a packed court room. He was dressed all in white and shackled at the wrists during the brief appearance.
The decision by Judge Lori-Renée Weitzman, handed down Friday afternoon, clears the way for a criminal trial that is not likely to proceed until early 2014.
Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier said he was “very satisfied” by the ruling and looking forward to the ultimate next phase of the legal process, which begins later this month and will end with a jury deciding Magnotta’s fate.
Photos View gallery
“I wish to salute the hard work done by the police officers in this case. They worked very hard and there’s still a lot of work to be done,” he told reporters in a brief statement.
Magnotta’s Toronto-based defence lawyer, Luc Leclair, had argued that the more appropriate charge against his client was second-degree murder, one that applies to unplanned killings, but the judge was not persuaded.
The reasons behind Leclair’s argument, as well as testimony that was heard by more than 30 Crown witnesses in the preliminary hearing phase of the judicial process, cannot be reported because of a publication ban on the evidence.
Magnotta, a one-time escort and gay porn actor, is alleged to have killed and dismembered Lin on May 25, 2012 and mailed some of his severed body parts to the headquarters of the federal Conservative and Liberal parties in Ottawa as well as two schools in Vancouver.
The victim’s torso was discovered in a suitcase that had been put out for garbage pick-up and his head was found in a Montreal park weeks after the slaying.
A gruesome video appeared on the Internet in the days after the killing that purported to show Lin bound and gagged on a bad and then brutally cut into pieces. The killing sparked an international manhunt for Magnotta, now 30, that eventually located him in a Berlin Internet cafe. He was reportedly trolling the web for news about himself when German police arrested him.
Scarborough-born Magnotta, whose birth name is Eric Clinton Newman, is also facing charges of publishing obscene material, criminal harassment, mailing obscene material and committing an indignity to a body.
Court documents released last week from a 2005 Ontario fraud charge involving Magnotta revealed that he had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and had been both hospitalized on several occasions and prescribed a regimen of prescription drugs.
A psychiatrist testified at the sentencing hearing that Magnotta’s symptoms included paranoia, auditory hallucinations and fear of the unknown.
Author: bianglala Time: 31-5-2013 01:31 PM
31 MAY 2010
Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet
At least 19 people killed after troops storm convoy of ships trying to break Gaza siege
Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country's siege on Gaza.
At least 19 people were killed and dozens injured when troops intercepted the convoy of ships dubbed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, Israeli radio reported.
The flotilla was attacked in international waters, 65km off the Gaza coast.
Avital Leibovich, an Israeli military spokeswoman, confirmed that the attack took place in international waters, saying: "This happened in waters outside of Israeli territory, but we have the right to defend ourselves."
Footage from the flotilla's lead vessel, the Mavi Marmara, showed armed Israeli soldiers boarding the ship and helicopters flying overhead.
Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, on board the Mavi Marmara, said Israeli troops had used live ammunition during the operation.
The Israeli military said four soldiers had been wounded and claimed troops opened fire after "demonstrators onboard attacked the IDF Naval personnel with live fire and light weaponry including knives and clubs".
Free Gaza Movement, the organisers of the flotilla, however, said the troops opened fire as soon as they stormed the convoy.
Our correspondent said that a white surrender flag was raised from the ship and there was no live fire coming from the passengers.
Before losing communication with our correspondent, a voice in Hebrew was clearly heard saying: "Everyone shut up".
Israeli intervention
Earlier, the Israeli navy had contacted the captain of the Mavi Marmara, asking him to identify himself and say where the ship was headed.
Shortly after, two Israeli naval vessels had flanked the flotilla on either side, but at a distance.
Organisers of the flotilla carrying 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid then diverted their ships and slowed down to avoid a confrontation during the night.
They also issued all passengers life jackets and asked them to remain below deck.
Al Jazeera’s Ayman Mohyeldin, reporting from Jerusalem, said the Israeli action was surprising.
"All the images being shown from the activists on board those ships show clearly that they were civilians and peaceful in nature, with medical supplies on board. So it will surprise many in the international community to learn what could have possibly led to this type of confrontation," he said.
Meanwhile, Israeli police have been put on a heightened state of alert across the country to prevent any civil disturbances.
Sheikh Raed Salah,a leading member of the Islamic Movement who was on board the ship, was reported to have been seriously injured. He was being treated in Israel's Tal Hasharon hospital.
In Um Al Faham, the stronghold of the Islamic movement in Israel and the birth place of Salah, preparations for mass demonstrations were under way.
Condemnation has been quick to pour in after the Israeli action.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, officially declared a three-day state of mourning over Monday's deaths.
Turkey, Spain, Greece, Denmark and Sweden have all summoned the Israeli ambassador's in their respective countries to protest against the deadly assault.
Thousands of Turkish protesters tried to storm the Israeli consulate in Istanbul soon after the news of the operation broke. The protesters shouted "Damn Israel" as police blocked them.
"(The interception on the convoy) is unacceptable ... Israel will have to endure the consequences of this behaviour," the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.
Ismail Haniya, the Hamas leader in Gaza, has also dubbed the Israeli action as "barbaric".
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists, including a Nobel laureate and several European legislators, were with the flotilla, aiming to reach Gaza in defiance of an Israeli embargo.
The convoy came from the UK, Ireland, Algeria, Kuwait, Greece and Turkey, and was comprised of about 700 people from 50 nationalities.
But Israel had said it would not allow the flotilla to reach the Gaza Strip and vowed to stop the six ships from reaching the coastal Palestinian territory.
The flotilla had set sail from a port in Cyprus on Sunday and aimed to reach Gaza by Monday morning.
Israel said the boats were embarking on "an act of provocation" against the Israeli military, rather than providing aid, and that it had issued warrants to prohibit their entrance to Gaza.
It asserted that the flotilla would be breaking international law by landing in Gaza, a claim the organisers rejected.
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Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 02:25 PM
May 31st BC - Rameses II (The Great) (19th dynasty) becomes pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
Ramesses II
Ramesses II (c. 1303 BC - July or August 1213 BC), referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC - 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth Dynasty. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire. His successors and later Egyptians called him the "Great Ancestor".
Ramesses II led several military expeditions into the Levant, re-asserting Egyptian control over Canaan. He also led expeditions to the south, into Nubia, commemorated in inscriptions at Beit el-Wali and Gerf Hussein.
At age fourteen, Ramesses was appointed Prince Regent by his father Seti I. He is believed to have taken the throne in his late teens and is known to have ruled Egypt from 1279 BC to 1213 BC for 66 years and 2 months, according to both Manetho and Egypt's contemporary historical records.
He was once said to have lived to age 99, but it is more likely that he died in his 90th or 91st year. If he became Pharaoh in 1279 BC, as most Egyptologists today believe, he would have assumed the throne on May 31, 1279 BC, based on his known accession date of III Shemu day 27.
Ramesses II celebrated an unprecedented 14 sed festivals (the first held after thirty years of a pharaoh's reign, and then every three years) during his reign - more than any other pharaoh. On his death, he was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings - his body was later moved to a royal cache where it was discovered in 1881, and is now on display in the Cairo Museum.
The early part of his reign was focused on building cities, temples and monuments. He established the city of Pi-Ramesses in the Nile Delta as his new capital and main base for his campaigns in Syria. This city was built on the remains of the city of Avaris, the capital of the Hyksos when they took over, and was the location of the main Temple of Set. He is also known as Ozymandias in the Greek sources, from a transliteration into Greek of a part of Ramesses's throne name, Usermaatre Setepenre, "Ra's mighty truth, chosen of Ra".
Ramesses II had 200 wives and concubines, 96 sons and 60 daughters.
Buildings and MonumentsRamesses built extensively throughout Egypt and Nubia, and his cartouches are prominently displayed even in buildings that he did not actually construct. There are accounts of his honor hewn on stone, statues, remains of palaces and temples, most notably the Ramesseum in the western Thebes and the rock temples of Abu Simbel. He covered the land from the Delta to Nubia with buildings in a way no king before him had done. He also founded a new capital city in the Delta during his reign called Pi-Ramesses; it had previously served as a summer palace during Seti I's reign.
His memorial temple Ramesseum, was just the beginning of the pharaoh's obsession with building. When he built, he built on a scale unlike almost anything before. In the third year of his reign Ramesses started the most ambitious building project after the pyramids, that were built 1,500 years earlier. The population was put to work on changing the face of Egypt.
In Thebes, the ancient temples were transformed, so that each one of them reflected honor to Ramesses as a symbol of this divine nature and power. Ramesses decided to eternalize himself in stone, and so he ordered changes to the methods used by his masons. The elegant but shallow reliefs of previous pharaohs were easily transformed, and so their images and words could easily be obliterated by their successors. Ramesses insisted that his carvings be deeply engraved in the stone, which made them not only less susceptible to later alteration, but also made them more prominent in the Egyptian sun, reflecting his relationship with the sun god, Ra.
Ramesses constructed many large monuments, including the archeological complex of Abu Simbel, and the Mortuary temple known as the Ramesseum. He built on a monumental scale to ensure that his legacy would survive the ravages of time. Ramesses used art as a means of propaganda for his victories over foreigners and are depicted on numerous temple reliefs. Ramesses II also erected more colossal statues of himself than any other pharaoh. He also usurped many existing statues by inscribing his own cartouche on them.
Abu Simbel
The Abu Simbel temples are two massive rock temples in Abu Simbel in Nubia, southern Egypt. They are situated on the western bank of Lake Nasser, about 230 km southwest of Aswan (about 300 km by road). The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the "Nubian Monuments," which run from Abu Simbel downriver to Philae (near Aswan).
The complex consists of two temples. The larger one is dedicated to Ra-Harakhty, Ptah and Amun, Egypt's three state deities of the time, and features four large statues of Ramesse II in the facade. The smaller temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, personified by Nefertari, Ramesses's most beloved of his many wives.
The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari, to commemorate his alleged victory at the Battle of Kadesh, and to intimidate his Nubian neighbors. However, the complex was relocated in its entirety in 1968, on an artificial hill made from a domed structure, high above the Aswan High Dam reservoir.
The relocation of the temples was necessary to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. Abu Simbel remains one of Egypt's top tourist attractions.
Construction of the temple complex started in approximately 1264 B.C. and lasted for about 20 years, until 1244 B.C. Known as the "Temple of Ramesses, beloved by Amun," it was one of six rock temples erected in Nubia during the long reign of Ramesses II. Their purpose was to impress Egypt's southern neighbors, and also to reinforce the status of Egyptian religion in the region. Historians say that the design of Abu Simbel expresses a measure of ego and pride in Ramesses II.
In 1959 an international donations campaign to save the monuments of Nubia began: the southernmost relics of this ancient human civilization were under threat from the rising waters of the Nile that were about to result from the construction of the Aswan High Dam.
One scheme to save the temples was based on an idea by William MacQuitty to build a clear fresh water dam around the temples, with the water inside kept at the same height as the Nile. There were to be underwater viewing chambers.
In 1962 the idea was made into a proposal by architects Jane Drew and Maxwell Fry and civil engineer Ove Arup. They considered that raising the temples ignored the effect of erosion of the sandstone by desert winds. However the proposal, though acknowledged to be extremely elegant, was rejected.
The salvage of the Abu Simbel temples began in 1964 by a multinational team of archeologists, engineers and skilled heavy equipment operators working together under the UNESCO banner; it cost some $40 million at the time. Between 1964 and 1968, the entire site was carefully cut into large blocks (up to 30 tons, averaging 20 tons), dismantled, lifted and reassembled in a new location 65 meters higher and 200 meters back from the river, in one of the greatest challenges of archaeological engineering in history Some structures were even saved from under the waters of Lake Nasser.
Today, thousands of tourists visit the temples daily. Guarded convoys of buses and cars depart twice a day from Aswan, the nearest city. Many visitors also arrive by plane, at an airfield that was specially constructed for the temple complex.
Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 05:34 PM
Tragedy On Derby Day31 May 1911
The New King Attends the Derby
Image Source Illustrated London News 03 Jun 1911
Owing to the coronation of King George V in early June, the Derby of 1911 was held a week earlier than usual on the 31 May. Despite this, an estimated gathering of over 100,000, surpassing all previous records, had made their way to the Downs for the races on a warm sultry afternoon.
After the main race had been run, the oppressive heat was interrupted by a few hailstones bouncing around the feet of the crowd. Suddenly there was a vivid flash of lightning followed by a terrific crash of thunder and it appeared "to let loose all the elements of rain and hail in a merciless torrent" People trying to leave the course on foot or in open carriages were soaked to the skin and women in their fine summer dresses were left drenched and bedraggled. The roads into Epsom became muddy flowing rivers and people were forced to a standstill.
A photograph taken at the 1911 Derby
A group of 20 people who had already left the Downs, ran to take shelter against the wall of the reservoir on Banstead Downs, eight of them were struck by lightning and two killed outright, George Curran from West Ham and William Storr from Lower Sydenham. The coroner at the inquest later said that he thought the lightning had been attracted by a wet bowler hat that was being worn by one of the deceased. A bicycle nearby had its handlebars broken by the lightning and the boots of one of the victims were split apart.
As another cyclist coming from the Downs approached the reservoir he decided to stop there, remarking to a colleague, "I think I'll get off and shelter under this wall" No sooner had he spoken then he was struck and knocked unconscious, suffering severe injuries.
Back at the racecourse, one of the victims of the violent storm was a young greengrocer named Wilfrid Noah Wetherall, aged just 17 and who came from Beddington near Croydon. The fate of young Wilfrid, who was sitting in the back of his employer's horse drawn cart at Buckle's Gap, went unnoticed for some time as the thunder and lightning crashed all around. The terrified horse began to panic and several people tried to restrain it, calling to Wilfrid to help them. It was then that he was seen sitting with his hands raised as if to ward off a blow. The crown of his straw hat had been cut out by the lightning and the brim had slipped over his face. The horse was also struck and killed but amazingly people sitting around them were unaffected.
Later at the Epsom mortuary the boy was found to have a fern-leaf design on his body as a result of the lightning strike. A survivor said he had seen a ball of fire and that he tasted sulphuric acid in his mouth. Several others were said to have been "rendered quite deaf for a considerable time".
At Tattenham Corner a group of eight men working as job-masters were standing in a tent when they were struck. One man was seriously injured with severe shock to the system, burns to his arms and legs and loss of muscle action down the right side. Another man was leaning on the rails by the course when he was struck, he remained unconscious for over two hours and was taken to Epsom Cottage Hospital.
The chaos was not only restricted to the Downs as the storm reached out as far as Mitcham, Morden Bletchingly, Godstone and Redhill it caused immense damage to property and several people were seriously injured. Among them was a ten year old boy in Bletchingly who was hit and was found to have a scar in the shape of a fern-leaf, similar to that of Wilfrid Weatherall. Fortunately the boy survived. Water rose to over three feet high in places and in Godstone, hail the size of marbles lay six inches deep, bringing traffic to a standstill.
In nearby Tadworth the hail was so fierce that people were left with bleeding hands and faces and in the North Looe smallholdings in Ewell, 50 chickens were drowned.
Huge amounts of rain fell that afternoon but the greatest downpour was at Banstead where 3.59ins [92mm] fell. By the end of that awful afternoon, five people were dead and scores were severely injured many of them needing hospital treatment. At the inquest into the Derby deaths the coroner said he had heard many people say that the storm was a judgement on those who visited the races He described the remark as "a very foolish one".
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Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 05:50 PM
On May 31, 1889, a neglected dam and a phenomenal storm led to a catastrophe in which 2,209 people died. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history.
The Johnstown Area Heritage Association receives many inquiries about the 1889 flood. Please visit the 1889 Flood Resources page on the Archives & Research section of this site for a broad range of links, essays, downloadable information and more.
The following narrative about the 1889 flood is by Edwin Hutcheson, excerpted from "Floods of Johnstown: 1889-1936 -1977," published in 1989 by the Cambria County Tourist Council.
By the morning of May 31, 1889, there was water in the streets. Business people were moving their wares to the upper stories of their buildings. Families moved furnishings and supplies they would need to wait out the deluge.
Johnstown had been built into a river valley on the Appalachian Plateau. The Little Conemaugh and the Stony Creek Rivers, which ran along the peripheral of the town and merged to form the Conemaugh River at the western end, drained a 657 square mile watershed which dropped in the rivers from mountains 500 feet above (Click here for a map of the area, published shortly after the flood). At least once a year, one or both of the rivers overflowed into the streets sending the town's residents into a scurry to protect what they could of their homes and belongings.
Some of these floods were caused when heavy snows melted too quickly in the spring. And others, at any season of the year, when a heavy rain fell over the area. Whichever, floods were a fact of life to the nineteenth century resident of this industrial community in southwestern Pennsylvania. And, in the late afternoon of May 31, 1889, people were gathered in the upper stories of their homes, waiting out the worst of it, just as they had done many times before.
Even as the residents of Johnstown prepared for their long wait, activity at the South Fork dam, just 14 miles above the city was frantic. The South Fork dam held back Lake Conemaugh, the pleasure lake of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, a prestigious club which included such famed entrepreneurs as Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick on its membership rolls. (Clickhere for more information about the club and the dam; a list of club members is also available there). Officials there feared the dam would fail. Since midmorning, they'd worked to avoid this, because they feared the consequences. The lake was a little over two miles long, a little over a mile wide at its widest spot, and 60 feet deep at the dam itself.
Among the attempts were efforts to add height to the dam, then to dig a second spillway to relieve pressure from the breast, and finally to release the heavy screens placed on the overflows to keep the stocked fish from escaping into the streams below. By a little after 3 p.m., when most people in Johnstown were settling in to be marooned for the evening, club officials and the laborers they recruited, as well as a good sized audience from the little community of South Fork just below the dam, watched in dumbfounded horror as the dam "just moved away. "
Within the hour, a body of water which engineers at the time estimated moved into the valley with the force of Niagara Falls, rolled into Johnstown with 14 miles of accumulated debris, which included houses, barns, animals and people, dead and alive.
Those who saw it coming described it as a rolling hill of debris about 40 feet high and a halfamile wide. But most only heard the thunderous rumble as it swept into the city to add Johnstown to a wake that already included bits and pieces of the communities of South Fork, Mineral Point, Woodvale and East Conemaugh.
Some continued to wait out the disaster in their houses, others were picked up by the flood wave for a wild ride through the town to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Stone Bridge where debris piled 40 feet high and over 30 acres, then caught fire. Still others were shot down the Conemaugh River to die or be rescued at Nineveh, Bolivar or other communities downstream.
Six-year-old Gertrude Quinn Slattery was one of those caught in the flood wave. Years later she would write about her experience as she was hurled through the torrents on what she describes as a "raft with a wet muddy mattress and bedding.''
"I had great faith that I would not be abandoned," she wrote. "While my thoughts were thus engaged, a large roof came floating toward me with about twenty people on it. I cried and called across the water to them to help me. This, of course they could not do. The roof was big, and they were all holding on for dear life, feeling every minute that they would be tossed to death. While I watched I kept praying, calling, and begging someone to save me. Then I saw a man come to the edge, the others holding him and talking excitedly. I could see they were trying to restrain him but he kept pulling to get away which he finally did, and plunged into the swirling waters and disappeared.
Then his head appeared and I could see he was looking in my direction and I called, cried, and begged him to come to me. He kept going down and coming up, sometimes lost to my sight entirely, only to come up next time much closer to my raft. The water was now between fifteen and twenty feet deep.
"As I sat watching this man struggling in the water my mind was firmly fixed on the fact that he was my saviour. At last he reached me, drew himself up and over the side of the mattress and lifted me up. I put both arms around his neck and held on to him like grim death. Together we went downstream with the ebb and flow of the reflex to the accompaniment of crunching, grinding, gurgling, splashing and crying and moaning of many. After drifting about we saw a little white building, standing at the edge of the water, apparently where the hill began. At the window were two men with poles helping to rescue people floating by. I was too far out for the poles, so the men called:
'Throw that baby over here to us.'
"My hero said: 'Do you think you can catch her?'
"They said: 'We can try.'"
"So Maxwell McAchren threw me across the water (some say twenty feet, others fifteen. I could never find out, so I leave it to your imagination. It was considered a great feat in the town, I know.)"
The response to the disaster was immediate as over 100 newspapers and magazines sent writers and illustrators to Johnstown to recount the story for the world.
Although not noted for their accuracy, the reports touched the hearts of the readers. People sent money, clothing, and food. Medical societies and doctors and hospitals sent medicines and bandages. Doctors left their practices and hurried to Johnstown to assist. Lumber was sent for rebuilding houses and businesses.
The dead were lined up in morgues throughout the city and in communities further down the Conemaugh River until some survivor in search of a loved one came to identify them. Although damaged itself, the Presbyterian Church on Main Street was the site of one of the morgues. A reporter from the New York Evening Post described the scene there.
"The first floor has been washed out completely and the second, while submerged, was badly damaged, but not ruined. The walls, floors, and pews were drenched and the mud has collected on the mattings and carpets an inch deep. Walking is attended with much difficulty, and the undertakers and attendants, with arms bared, slide about the slippery surface at a tremendous rate. The chancel is filled with coffins, strips of muslin, boards and all undertaking accessories. Lying across the top of the pews are a dozen pine boxes each containing a victim of the flood. Printed cards are tacked to each. Upon them the sex and full description of the enclosed body is written with the name of the known." (Click here for a list of flood victims, their addresses, ages and burial places).
The living set up tents, often near to the places their former homes had been located and began what must of been perceived of as the impossible task of cleaning up and starting life again. Clara Barton and her Washington, D . C . contingent of the Red Cross built hotels for people to live in and warehouses to store the many supplies the community received (click here for more on the Red Cross in Johnstown). By July 1, stores opened on the Main Street for business. The Cambria Iron Company reopened on June 6. Five years later, an observer would have been hard pressed to imagine the destruction in the valley on May 31, 1889.
Yet no city, county, or state legislation was enacted to protect people from similar disasters in the future. Suits were filed against the members of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, but in keeping with the times, the courts viewed the dam break as an act of God, and no legal compensation was made to the survivors.
The city would continue to suffer nuisance floods, with water in the streets and in people's basements especially in the spring of the year. It would be another 47 years, and not until more property was destroyed and more lives lost, until some constructive efforts were made to control the waters that flowed through Johnstown.
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Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 05:59 PM
The Union of South Africa 31 May 1910
It is often assumed that the discovery of gold at the Rand was the chief cause of the South African War. This is not completely true, as British imperialism was chiefly concerned with expanding its territory in Southern Africa, in so doing enforcing dominion over all the inhabitants of annexed territories. The Boer Republics, however, were chiefly concerned by British attempts to annex their self-declared republics, a move that would once again put them at the mercy of capital and politics as dictated by England proper. A further concern was that the Boers were chiefly agriculturalists, with little or no skill in industry and manufacturing, and their conceptualization of their relationship to the land was less utilitarian and more Romantic/Calvinist. Finally, denying the franchise to foreigners in the Boer republics, by their reasoning, was repayment for the treatment the Boers received at the Cape.
The Union Buildings were designed by the British Architect Sir Herbert Baker and inaugurated in 1913. The two wings symbolised the Union of the 'two races' in South Africa: the English speakers and the Afrikaners.
The abortive Jameson raid and the issued ultimatum thereafter assured that a confrontation would occur between the Boer republics and the British colonial machine. Initial confrontations between the Boers and British resulted in a number of victories for the Boers; however, this momentum could not be sustained, because Britain as a superpower had more resources and manpower to realise its expansionist policy. Secondly, with the institution of Kitchener’s scorched earth policy, Boer commandoes were denied any material support. Finally, by arming a large number of Blacks – in addition to employing them as ditch diggers, scouts and logistical support – they ultimately tipped the balance in the direction of the British. Only the realization that, as a population, Europeans were vastly outnumbered by the Black population of South Africa, prevented the British from exterminating the Boers. By this, I mean that the British realised that for racial domination to be viable, they would need to forge an alliance with the Boers – hence the generous terms of the Treaty of Vereeniging.
The result of the South African War was a polarising of South African politics into conservative and liberal streams. This is evident when one examines developments before, during and after South Africa became a Union. These would include the loss of life during the South African War, both in combat and within the internment camps, the tension between the ‘bittereinders’ and the ‘hensoppers’ (those who refused to surrender and those who saw the conflict as futile). A number of issues resulted from the arming of large numbers of ‘blacks’ to fight on both sides of the war. This became a source of tension that made difficult an alliance between a Boer and British. Lastly, an increasing number of educated ‘blacks’ were emerging from the mission education system, and this challenged the notion that ‘blacks’ could be denied the vote because of an inferior educational status.
On 31 May 1902, Representatives of the Boer Republics and the British government signed the Peace of Vereeniging. From the outset of the negotiations, British Prime Minister Chamberlain intimated that Britain would negotiate a peace that fostered unity among the settler populations, with the condition that British culture and loyalty to the crown would be the foundation of this peace. Kitchener went as far as to suggest that the Boers accept the terms of a British peace and tie their hopes for independence to regime change, which would surely, he said, speed up the process. Among the more notable consequences of this treaty was that the Dutch language was granted equal status to English in legislation and that self-rule would eventually be granted to the Union colonies. In order to make this peace acceptable to the Boer republics, it was decided to exclude from the terms an insistence on universal franchise for both Black and White. This would have far-reaching consequences, as Britain in effect abdicated its responsibility to influence the policies and laws enacted by South Africa. During this process, Britain continued the subjugation of traditional African structures of governance through its policies of indirect government.
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Last edited by BeasT on 31-5-2013 06:03 PM
Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 06:05 PM
Pilihan raya kecil Penanti 31 Mei 2009
Pilihan raya kecil Penanti 2009 merupakan pilihan raya kecil yang diadakan pada
31 Mei 2009 setelah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri
PenantiMohammad Fairus Khairuddin meletakkan jawatan sebagai ADUN
Pulau Pinang[1][2]. Pada
8 April 2009, Fairus meletakkan jawatan sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 selepas beliau disiasat berhubung dakwaan rasuah membabitkan operasi kuari di Pulau Pinang.
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Last edited by BeasT on 31-5-2013 06:07 PM
Author: BeasT Time: 31-5-2013 06:26 PM
Battle of Jutland : 31 May 1916
The High Seas Fleet was commanded by Vice-Admiral Reinhard Scheer, and the Grand Fleet by Admiral Sir John Jellicoe. The German fleet's intention was to lure out, trap, and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet, as the German naval force was insufficient to successfully engage the entire British fleet. This formed part of a larger strategy to break the British blockade of Germany and to allow German mercantile shipping to operate. Meanwhile, the Royal Navy pursued a strategy to engage and destroy the High Seas Fleet, or keep the German force contained and away from Britain's own shipping lanes. The German plan was to use Vice-Admiral Franz Hipper's fast scouting group of five modern battlecruisers to lure Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty's battlecruiser squadrons into the path of the main German fleet. Submarines were stationed in advance across the likely routes for British ships. However, the British learned from signal intercepts that a major fleet operation was likely, so on 30 May Jellicoe sailed with the Grand Fleet to rendezvous with Beatty, passing over the locations of the German submarine picket lines while they were unprepared. The German plan had been delayed, causing further problems for their submarines which had reached the limit of their endurance at sea. On the afternoon of 31 May, Beatty encountered Hipper's battlecruiser force long before the Germans had expected. In a running battle, Hipper successfully drew the British vanguard into the path of the High Seas Fleet. By the time Beatty sighted the larger force and turned back towards the British main fleet, he had lost two battlecruisers from a force of six battlecruisers and four battleships, against the five ships commanded by Hipper. The battleships, commanded by Rear-Admiral Sir Hugh Evan-Thomas, were the last to turn and formed arearguard as Beatty withdrew, now drawing the German fleet in pursuit towards the main British positions. Between 18:30, when the sun was lowering on the western horizon, backlighting the German forces, and nightfall at about 20:30, the two fleets – totalling 250 ships between them – directly engaged twice. Fourteen British and eleven German ships were sunk, with great loss of life. After sunset, and throughout the night, Jellicoe maneuvered to cut the Germans off from their base, in hopes of continuing the battle next morning, but under the cover of darkness Scheer broke through the British light forces forming the rearguard of the Grand Fleet and returned to port.[3] Both sides claimed victory. The British lost more ships and twice as many sailors, and the British press criticised the Grand Fleet's failure to force a decisive outcome, but Scheer's plan of destroying a substantial portion of the British fleet also failed. The Germans' 'fleet in being' continued to pose a threat, requiring the British to keep their battleships concentrated in the North Sea, but the battle confirmed the German policy of avoiding all fleet-to-fleet contact. At the end of the year, after further unsuccessful attempts to reduce the Royal Navy's numerical advantage, the German Navy turned its efforts and resources to unrestricted submarine warfare and the destruction of Allied and neutral shipping which by April 1917 triggered America's declaration of war on Germany.[4] Subsequent reviews commissioned by the Royal Navy generated strong disagreement between supporters of Jellicoe and Beatty concerning the two admirals' performance in the battle. Debate over their performance and the significance of the battle continues today
Illustrated London News depiction from 1916 showing the British Grand Fleet (in the foreground) and its first sight of the German High Seas Fleet during the Battle of Jutland. Three British battle-cruisers, accompanied by destroyers, advance toward the German battle formation in the first stage of the battle. As the battle unfolded, misty weather and calm seas made the German ships difficult to pin down in an era before the existence of radar. Below: A photo of the pre-dreadnaught German battleshipPommern which was sunk by the British during the battle. |
Below: The Opposing Admirals. On the left is Germany's Admiral Reinhard von Scheer who wanted to break British control of the North Sea to end the British-imposed naval blockade which severely undermined Germany's entire war economy by cutting off all sea imports. On the right is Britain's Admiral John Jellicoe who had put to sea on the evening of May 30, 1916, to confront Von Sheer, based on British analysis of German Morse code radio transmissions indicating the entire German High Seas Fleet was moving into the North Sea from its home ports. After the battle, Von Sheer and his High Seas Fleet chose not to venture out again to fight Jellicoe in the North Sea. But in the newspapers, a second Battle of Jutland of sorts unfolded as German and British officials, including Jellicoe himself, provided repeated press statements describing the battle scenario, only to read vigorous counter-claims each time. This back-and-forth in the press lasted for several weeks until other events in the war captured the world's attention. |
source : Last edited by BeasT on 31-5-2013 06:28 PM
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