
Title: Poster Propaganda IRA Ketika Kegemilangan Mereka Pada Tahun 80an-90an. (40pics) [Print this page]

Author: abgsedapmalam    Time: 26-8-2013 04:54 PM
Title: Poster Propaganda IRA Ketika Kegemilangan Mereka Pada Tahun 80an-90an. (40pics)
Posters of the Irish Republican Army 70th - 80th yearsA selection of images
After the previous compilation " All against all - German election posters 20's - 30's"wanted to continue the theme of radical politics, but at a more approximate to the modern period of time. And the result is ready.
So, for those who are not quite aware of the Irish Republican Army - a military-revolutionary organization, whose aim is to achieve complete independence of Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom and the reunification of the area with the Republic of Ireland. It was established in 1916, and from 1919 began to lead an active guerrilla war against the British troops. After the conclusion in the 1921 Anglo-Irish Agreement, which has been recognized by the establishment of the Irish State (but with the condition of leaving the UK in the northern part of the island - Northern Ireland), IRA was split. Part of its functionaries, getting prominent positions in the Irish National Army, concentrated its activities on new endeavors, while others prefer to go underground and turn their weapons against their former comrades and not the principal (who have agreed to give London the northern part of their island). During the outbreak of civil war in the country of the Irish Republican Army actually defeated and was forced to end the armed struggle.
Since 1926 IRA leadership was engaged in distribution to the members of their organization leftist ideas that gradually turned into its active involvement in the political life of their country. However, their desire to transform Ireland into a socialist republic came into conflict with the interests of the supporters of the Catholic faith. As a result, the Irish Republican Army again suffered a political defeat.
IRA Manual, realizing that seriously increase the degree of influence of the organization in the Republic of Ireland's traditional political means unlikely, since 1949, has taken steps to migrate their core activities territory of Northern Ireland, and in 1969 moved to the use of the tactics of urban guerrilla warfare (guerrilla warfare in an urban environment) against the British. At the same time it took the use and political leverage - in the form of the organization and promote the public protest actions of representatives of the Catholic communities of Northern Ireland (through the political wing of the organization under the name of Sinn Fein - Sinn Fein).

In its quest to become an officially recognized political force Irish Republican Army in 1972, announced the cessation of active hostilities. But because the British government refused to conduct any negotiations with her ​​(referring to all its members, as to nerukopozhatym separatists), the militants of the organization soon resumed the exercise of its terrorist acts, as in the Northern Irish Ulster and in England itself.
Only in November 1985, when between Britain and Ireland finally signed an agreement on the participation of the latter as a consultant on issues for Northern Ireland, the case has moved forward. In December 1993 between the two countries signed a declaration of non-violence and the possibility of the formation of Northern Ireland local parliament. This declaration is then repeatedly violated IRA, whose leadership proved to frown half-heartedness of these policy decisions and on this basis was willing to further strengthen its credibility in the eyes of the Irish. It was only in 2005, the leadership of the Irish Republican Army has issued a formal order for the cessation of armed struggle, the surrender of weapons and the transition to a political solution of the conflict. By now most of its basic structures dissolved, and the number of other reduced. According to observers, the organization is not planning terrorist operations and does not provide any financial assistance to illegal groups in Ulster.

And now actually own posters, which at different times published guidance of the Irish Republican Army in order to promote their organization and put forward its ideas.

The Irish Republican Army: "Our aim is to force the British to withdraw from Ireland and establish a democratic, socialist republic" (1970)

For the Socialist Republic (1970)

Irish volunteers - Belfast Brigade (1970)

We are able to give a decisive answer! (1970)

Calls are intemperate lives. In the taxi on the phone, in the clubs and bars, football, at home with friends - anywhere you would not have said - do not blurt out too much (1970)

They can kill the revolutionary, but can never kill the revolution (1970)

Join the volunteer soldiers of the Belfast Brigade (1970)

Victory or Death (1970)

Paramilitary soldiers of the Irish Association of Women (1970)

Resist the British Rule (1970)

1916 - 1974 years - A poster in support of the Irish Republican Army (1974)

This soldier can stand next to you (masquerading as an ordinary person). Keep an eye on what you say! (1974)

British troops - out of Ireland! For the opportunity to self-determination for the people of Ireland (1975)

Ireland is not yet a republic. Join the ranks of Sinn Fein (the political wing of the socio-IRA) and help in achieving this! (1975)

Members of the "Provisional" IRA - join the People's Army ("Official" IRA) (1975)

Poster of the Irish Republican Army with a photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, carrying a banner reading: "For the IRA - against the British imperialism" (1980)

There is no freedom as long as a woman is not free! (Early 1980s)

Workers of the world unite. Freedom for all political prisoners Irish (early 1980s)

Lethal ammunition - British soldiers and portraits of 2 Irish girls who were killed as a result of careless use of plastic bullets (early 1980s)

Prison inmates who have died as a result of a hunger strike in protest. How many prisoners have to die? (1981)

Resistance. In Ireland, under no circumstances will be no peace until the British forced the foreign presence will not be eliminated (1981)

Wanted as a butcher and murderer of Irish political prisoners (the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Margarette) (1981)

The Irish Republican Army in Action (1982)

International Women's Day (from the Irish women's paramilitary Association) (1982)

You can kill the revolutionary, but you can not kill the revolution. First anniversary of Bobby Sands memory (deputy member of the IRA and the British Parliament), martyred in British jails 5 May 1981 (1982)

North is to the Irish. Do not engage in cooperation with the British. Fail the bill put forward by (early 1980s)

The victory of the Irish Republican Army (early 1980s)

End restrict freedoms - vote for Republican Association (poster Sinn Fein) (1985)

Author: boria    Time: 28-8-2013 08:57 PM
tamil eelam sri lanka belajar dari ira lah..tunjuk ajar dtg dari mereka ni..
kristian dah habis perang mahzab khatolik-protestan kini giliran islam pula perang sunni-syiah.

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