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Author: limau

Rumah 'Heartbeat' AC ~ Version ke 117:

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2010 11:02 AM | Show all posts
ramai da blah da....

dlm memo meeting kul 10.00

tpi bilik meeting ckp kul 9.00 sudahnyer xder  ...
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:00

    ptg lah tu kots....

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:02 AM | Show all posts
sky azabbb

esok citer aper yg ko nak kasi??

maksud aku DVD...??

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2021# limau

    malas dahhh...

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts
laa ya ke...limau pernah sekali gak...

mkn2 punyerlah sedap nyum2, sekali mak kata tu d ...
limau Post at 28-7-2010 10:59

    sedap mmg biler tau..rasa macam tak lalu nak telan...sedey tgk arnab comey2 tuh..

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts
tucen ko landing atas katil??

aku tak gemorr aaa... takut dia kencing
limau Post at 28-7-2010 11:01

kucing umah.. kucing bela, x penah lak dorg kencing merata sumer dh di ajar kencing luar umah kucing umah ktorg x berlegar luar umah... duq umah jek sbb tu kalu tido atas katil, ak x kisah... kdg2 biler tyme tido xder, tp biler jage esok pagi... tetiber ade jer sebelah aku

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2014# limau

    cube bayarkan daging tuh cam tikus besar2

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2010 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply  limau

    malas dahhh...
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:03

    emm..tak yah lah attend

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:04 AM | Show all posts
sky azabbb

esok citer aper yg ko nak kasi??

maksud aku DVD...??
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:02

    eeehh!!! apa kes? sok aku MC la..nak demam...

ramai dah tegur sore seksi serak aku neh sbb batuk2..wwuuaahh!!

smalam kuar ngan muun..gigih ngumpat uols..

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2010 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply  limau

    cube bayarkan daging tuh cam tikus besar2
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:04

    wei ~~!! errrrrrr

geli laaa...kekkeke...mau termuntah saat tu jugak

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply  limau

    cube bayarkan daging tuh cam tikus besar2
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:04


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Post time 28-7-2010 11:05 AM | Show all posts
cam bese...aku masuk tuk lepas geram jeh.....

ok hout.....
nzhass79 Post at 28-7-2010 10:59

ngko lepas geram kt saper ni

zue ~~~ kalu lah incase ngko x leh dtg tyme gath nanti... inform taw kalu ngko x leh dtg.. ak nk g umah ngko sajer nk jumper ngko

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2028# skymania

    wehhh...ko jgn macam2 :@

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2010 11:05 AM | Show all posts
sedap mmg biler tau..rasa macam tak lalu nak telan...sedey tgk arnab comey2 tuh. ...
skymania Post at 28-7-2010 11:03

    yelah, tp dah lama tak mkn daa..

@ muun ~ ooo ko dah latih yaaa

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
manis ek ? org kter sedap
muun Post at 28-7-2010 11:00

    sedap la aku makan tuh berger arnab..

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Reply  limau

    cube bayarkan daging tuh cam tikus besar2
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:04

hoyyyyy !!!!! :@ hazaabbb btul ngko ni

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2030# skymania

    wehh ciner2 kat tanah besar tuh sedap jer duk mencerna daging tikus tuh....

berjejeh jer air liur dorg.....

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:06 AM | Show all posts
eeehh!!! apa kes? sok aku MC la..nak demam...

ramai dah tegur sore seksi serak aku  ...
skymania Post at 28-7-2010 11:04

teky ~~ ngko batuq2 cm tercekik x smlm ggih berbakul ktorg ngumpat ngko

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply  skymania

    wehhh...ko jgn macam2
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:05

    motip marah???????

trus rasa temprature  badan dah naik,...

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2029# limau ker muntah..kot2 telan bailk jaa

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Post time 28-7-2010 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply  skymania

    wehh ciner2 kat tanah besar tuh sedap jer duk mencerna daging tikus tuh... ...
teky Post at 28-7-2010 11:06

    alah....orng thai ngan vietnam kat sini lgk best...hunt hanjing ngan kucen buat lauk..

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