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Author: dauswq


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Post time 2-12-2012 03:58 PM | Show all posts
ok, bc sinopsis dia mcm mengarut dan berbelit.

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Post time 5-12-2012 01:56 PM | Show all posts
cite yg best..luv every scene dlm cite ni..SRK still the best..

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Post time 5-12-2012 06:06 PM | Show all posts
nak tengok cerita ni. sebab selalu cerita ada srk ni best

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Post time 7-12-2012 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Sbb srk kiss mulut wat aq x tgok kat wayang..namun nak cari jugak cite ni...huhu

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Post time 9-12-2012 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Akan tonton.........nanti

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Post time 11-12-2012 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Sudah tengok ceta ni, sorry lah aku nak review lebeh2 tak pandai sangat,
bagi aku movie ni tak best, plot jalan cereta tak kuat & mengarut.
Tapi scene view & lagu best.


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Post time 23-1-2013 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Dalam filem ni...SRK sebagai seorang muda yang hepi2 di kota London....kemudian menjadi askar pakar bom yang macho dan serius....kemudian hilang ingatan dan personalitinya kembali pada zaman ketika dia muda......hmmm tak brapa strong sgt watak dia x leh mng Best Actor thn ni.....tapi dlm filem ini dia dh langgar prinsip dia yg dia x akan kiss heroin di mulut......dlm filem ni dia kiss rasanya 3 kali.......overall citer ni best but ada yg mcm mengarut sikit especially masa part dia hilang ingatan......apa lar nk smpi duduk bersama ngan katrina kaif serumah utk pulihkan ingatan dia nk berlakon konon dah kawin......

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Post time 23-1-2013 09:31 AM | Show all posts
my review pulak :

filem ni pada mulanya mmg typical Yash Chopra movie.......
but of course, being an ardent fan of SRK and was curious to see Chopra's last film, I just had to watch this..... and I think I kinda like it...

Story & Plot : as I said earlier, it started off typically.... even reminds me a bit of Veer Zaara..... and I think the core concept is almost the same......but as the story went along, I find myself fascinated by it..... it's a bit far-off at times but still, it's just a movie, a Bollywood movie, so what do u expect? but nice twist with the amnesia thing....

Music & Choreography : Music is by the great maestro, AR Rahman.... love all the songs, Saans (very romantic picturisation - including that of THE KISSES!), Jiya Re (very lively feel to it .. Anushka is simply great in it), Heer (the Punjabi song that Meera learned from Samar how to sing it properly), Challa (a song featuring SRK as a wanderer and street artiste, very catchy)....but my favourite is the title song at the end (the song was put on the closing credits along with clips of Yash Chopra doing his directing ...feeling a bit of sorrow watching this).......

choreography for Ishq Sava is awesome.... love it when Kat wiggles her sexy ass! haahaa ...... but although I love the score and all, but can't help feeling that it wasn't Rahman's best work.... I miss those days when Rahman made some spectacular music that I will remember even after watching the movie .....

Cinematography : gorgeous! especially the beauty of Kashmir...... and the scene in Ladakh where Akira jumped in the water, now I remember where I saw that breathtaking place! Recently watched '3 Idiots' on TV3 and it was the same place at the ending scene.... and taking my mind further, it was also a place where SRK danced with Manisha Koirala in a red sarong in the superb 'Dil Se' ..... all and all, the cinematography deserves a Filmfare award...

Acting : SRK is my main reason..... and I love him to bits! Sexy, smouldering as always, it's your typical SRK..... can never hate him in a role! hahaha.... about the much-hyped kisses with Katrina, well, all I can say is, I did feel awkward seeing him doing it! Coz he's broken his vow of not doing it in his movies after all these years.... if it's Aamir, I won't feel a thing (although I love Aamir too, but he's so used of doing that in his movies) ..... well, it's about time for SRK to change a bit I guess.... playing Samar with 2 different personalities as the character gets older was not an easy feat....and he excels in that.....

Katrina Kaif gives an okay performance... quite improved compared to her other previous movies, but at times, she's quite wooden despite being drop-dead gorgeous..... she really needs to brush up her cying skills in films..... her cries didn't feel natural to me.....and her chemisrty with SRK was not that good.... there is a chemistry but not enough for me to feel for them... still, she has the best chemistry with Akshay Kumar ....

Anushka Sharma has always been my favourite after watching her in her debut, Rab Ne Bana De Jodi.... not that beautiful, but she has a gorgeous smile...... she just lights up the room with her smile.... and her vibrant personality.... and she has more chemistry with SRK even....... some time in the movie, I even wanted Samar to be with Akira... coz I just adore them together..... she delivered Akira superbly...... can't help falling in love with Akira becoz of Anushka...... simply irresistible!

Overall : it's good but not that great..... but highly recommended for SRK fans ....... enjoy the movie, enjoy the songs...

just my two cents.... Last edited by ladydolph on 23-1-2013 09:39 AM



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 Author| Post time 23-1-2013 09:37 AM | Show all posts
ladydolph posted on 23-1-2013 09:31 AM
my review pulak :

filem ni pada mulanya mmg typical Yash Chopra movie.......

setuju part acting tu tp part jln cerita tu tak berapa agree..kecewa sbb tak sehebat kal ho na hoo, dilwale,  veer zaara even sekalipun...
sbb for me, byk perkara tak logik diketengahkan dlm cerita ni...

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Post time 24-2-2013 02:55 AM | Show all posts
nak review jugak la sbb baru tengok

hoh mengarutnyer cite....nak buat love story buat la yang sweet dan menyentuh tah pape motif cite....sia-sia 10 tahun atas kepercayaan karut pompuan heroin tuh...nak doa, doa je lah buat apa nak kene nazar2 yg sampai camtu pulak....hero pulak bawak diri merajuk konon nak dekatkan diri dgn maut la sbb tuh keje skuad pemusnah bom...motippp? nak provoke tuhan? asal tak try bunuh diri jah terus...kan senang lepas tu aku nyampah kat doktor tuh motif sangat bersubahat menipu patient...create citer dah kawin nak pulihkan ingatan dia atau nak cipta memori baru ke mcm mana ni....lain la kalau hero tuh mmg sakit kanser nak mati lagi 6 bulan tipu jelah kalau itu bleh buat dia happy....ini sah-sah orang tuh ada masa depan elok lagik...dan takdenyer samar tu nak stress sampai tumbuh tumor dlm otak kalau dia tau kebenarannya dia da berpisah 10 tahun dgn meera tuh...lepas tu aku ingatkan ending dia time scene last tuh meera dah convert ke hindu sbb dia nak putuskan perjanjian dia dgn Jesus...dah la scene tu elok jer pakai tradisi india kan..rupanya tak   nasib baik aku skip lagu...itu pun aku rasa 3 jam jugak la...kalau dengar lagu? mau 4 jam apa cite ni   pasal kiss scene tuh aku rasa ok jer...bukan extreme pun...sentuh bibir je ke aku ada tertinggal hardcore punya?

aku bagi 4.5/10 Last edited by parasitology on 24-2-2013 03:00 AM



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Post time 24-2-2013 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Nice film

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Post time 7-3-2013 09:02 PM | Show all posts
layan citer nih gan hubby
last2 dia yg terlebih emo

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Post time 26-5-2013 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
azaming fim

lagu pun best2..

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Post time 28-5-2013 04:57 PM | Show all posts
saya suka film india klu heronya syah rukh

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Post time 9-6-2013 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tgk kt astro best. Suka sgt dgn cinematography cerita ni

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Dah tengok. Okay filem ni. Tak macam typical filem hindustan.

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Post time 24-4-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts
HellO uOls..
maaf la kalau up balik thread yg dah terhumban jauh ke belakang..
baru2 ni ngk lagi Jab Tak Hain Jaan kat astrO,sedar x sedar dah lebih 4 kali layan citer ni..
recOrd...ulang...layan....feeling balik.
harap mOd x marah eh..nak bagi sket review pasal watak2 dlm citer ni.

Samar Anand/Mejar Samar Anand - Shah Rukh Khan.
org yg sama tp mempunyai perubahan dua karektOr...dlm masa 10 tahun kerana cinta.Sebagai anak muda yg berhijrah ke kOta LondOn utk berjaya,melakukan pelbagai kerja dan jatuh cinta dgn anak org kaya,Meera.Mana2 pemuda biasa yg gigih mencari sedikit kesenangan akan terpana dgn perwatakan gadis seperti Meera...cantik,bijak dan misteri.Samar membawa diri pulang ke India kerana perjanjian Meera & Tuhan demi memastikan Samar hidup.Utk org biasa,perasaan marah tentu ada hingga mengubah perjalanan tidak bagi sesetengah org yg kurang memahami kOnsep kasih sayang Tuhan.Bersumpah jadi mainan,atur hidup dan matlamat.Sedangkan Tuhan ada utk manusia dlm banyak cara.Kerana ini Samar menjadi pakar pemusnah bOm kerana baginya,ajal maut bukan percaturan dan perjanjian mana2 dalam hati dan jiwanya,hanya Meera yg wujud walaupun 10 tahun berlalu.Akira pula dtg sebagai gadis periang yg wat segmen ttg tentera India utk DiscOvery Channel.But,still Samar x leh jatuh cinta pada Akira kerana Meera adalah nyawa dan keghairahan jiwa Samar.Mcm biasa,lakOnan SRK x pernah mengecewakan..lebih2 lagi masa scene Samar dah bOleh ingat balik siapa dia skrg.Hati iOls pun terasa sakit dan pedih bila Samar tOlak/tepis Meera dlm church.Sedih.

Meera - Katrina Kaif.
gadis yg pOlos,cantik,berjaya dan misteri kerana kitaran hidupnya.Ibunya lari demi cinta,tinggalkan Meera bersama ayahnya yg baik dan kaya.Kerana itu,sejak kecil bila Meera meminta sesuatu melalui perjanjian dgn Tuhan atas setiap keputusan.Hingga saat Meera jatuh cinta dgn Samar...menyelamatkan Samar dari kemalangan dgn perjanjian Tuhan juga.Terpisah kerana itu.To me,lakOnan Katrina menepati watak Meera...feel tu sampai,langkah yg tersekat,jiwa yg pedih dan getaran cinta pada Samar mmg susah nak disembunyikan.Hatta terpaksa berpura2 menjadi isteri Samar demi mengembalikan ingatan Samar yg langkah terbatas.Jiwa dan cinta bertelagah dlm diri.Sukar sebenarnya jadi mujur lah Akira dtg memberitahu selama yg dia kenal Samar hanya jasad yg x bernyawa.Samar hanya hidup bila Meera bernafas disegenap jiwanya.Sekaligus menyedarkan Meera,cinta dan hidupnya hanya pada Samar.
Live with ur Love.

Akira - Anushka Sharma.
gadis periang,gila2 dan suka cabaran..simple.Gadis muda yg berani menyahut cabaran,jatuh cinta dgn Mejar Samar Anand.Watak Anushka kali ni agak ringan dan mudah.Dan menepati watak Akira.Akira mmg digambarkan sebegitu,jadi x mudah utk Samar jatuh cinta padanya meskipun Akira gadis yg baik.Mana2 pun,lelaki seperti Samar sukar nak jatuh cinta pada Akira jika dah bertemu dgn gadis seperti Meera.(maybe la kan?)Sebab Meera cepat meresap dlm jiwa walaupun muncul di 2/3 jln cerita...and hOnestly,if me pun as Samar Anand...x mungkin berubah hati utk gadis seperti Akira.Yes,she's a gOOd girl,smart and funny...but lOve is mOre than that.Love is life...

lagu best,jln cerita simple dan watak2 semua bagus...
iOls bagi 4/5 utk citer ni.
terima kaseyyyyyy....

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Post time 24-4-2014 06:22 PM | Show all posts
mmg feel time lagu Saans nih...gOjes sgt Kat.


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Post time 24-4-2014 06:26 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-10-2014 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Mujur langgan Astro puas hati tgk pemandangan Kashmir yg macam lukisan....cantiknya rasa nk fly p tengok. Habis kul 2 pagi..puas hati.
London mcm biasa, vibrant and lively tp aku suka babak countryside.
Apa pun cerita yg romantic..kalau nk lojik aku tgk Discovery je lah.

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