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Author: dauswq

[SBS] Jealousy Incarnate - Gong Hyo Jin, Jo Jung Suk [Review spankee_fili pg 89

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Post time 17-11-2016 07:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Lesson #3: Beanies for over 30!

Perfect for: For the over 30 readership who had retired their beanies to the back of their wardrobe. It's time to pull them out!

Lee Sung Jae, who plays the asexual chef, gave us pretty solid yet safe looks. But this one in particular was a winner, simply for being so laid back! I love how tiny the beanie is, and that nonchalant slouch at the top is all kinds of adorable. But pairing it with a denim jacket? Genius!

Lesson 4: Pearls are still pretty perfect!

Pearls are so last season....NOT! The creamy bauble is having a major moment under the trendy sun, and you best be making the most of it!

Park Ji Young might play a senior journalist, but her fashion choices were anything but serious! The seasoned actress gave her character a playful look by pulling off suspenders, jumpsuits, fluffy sweaters and some serious hardware. Case in point, this beautiful pearl and gold necklace that is anything but conventional. While it might be tough finding this exact same piece, we recommend looking for unconventional pearl jewelry with gold undertones! It's a combination that can posh up the dullest of looks!

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Post time 17-11-2016 07:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lesson #5 :Even big girls wear ribbons!

If you thought this cute hair tie style was strictly for little girls, then Gong Hyo Jin is here to give you a major rethink!
Being a news anchor, her character Pyo Na Ri regularly pulls off ribbons and bowties like it's no biggie! I mean, look at this image, will you? Matching it with her purple jumper, the pretty actress is sending a strong message to all her fans: If you're not matching your ribbons to your dress, you're pretty much not living! Message received, Gong Hyo Jin, message received!
Lesson # 6: Gold-framed glasses aren't just for your grand daddy!

Be loud, proud and unabashed about your nerd status!
Stop hiding behind pseudo-cool frames! The latests in eye wear trends involves going back to the good old days. When classic shapes were the trend du jour and gold rims ruled! Case in point, these round gold frames Jo Jung Suk proudly wears in the drama. They are at once vintage and cool, without being pretentious! Such a major style lesson for those of us who have to wear glasses.

What do you think of these major trends from Jealousy Incarnate? Chat with us in the comments section below! And be sure to marathon all 24 episodes now on DramaFever!

Jealousy Incarnate

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Post time 17-11-2016 07:27 AM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 06:51 AM
Sebenarnya 3 point ni ada je poremer discuss according to epsd semasa masa tgh on air.cuma x sedet ...

Haha, yeke. Nada meroyan jap pagi tadi, tu saja taip panjang2


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Post time 17-11-2016 07:34 AM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 14-11-2016 12:04 PM
cari video hwashin nyanyi lagu ni tak jumpe.. dgr sore je laa

Haha, bila dengar lagu 'Wrongful Encounters' ni, automatically, kepala nada goyang2 sekali ikut beat lagu, sebab catchy kan

Selain OST yang boleh tahan sedap, nada puji juga dengan ke'detail'an team JI ni sebab pilih lagu yang bersesuaian untuk membuatkan satu situasi tu lebih 'feel' dan nampak 'real'. Especially orang Korea lah, kita ni harapkan subtitle jelah,

Selain 'Wrongful Encounters', nada suka juga lagu NaRi karaoke dekat episod 8 tu. Dan lirik dia kena betul dengan situasi Hwashin-Nari tu,huhu. Tulah, masa NaRi ajak duet waktu crush dulu, boleh pula si HwaShin tolak mentah2, last2 duet pula ngan Soo Jung. Bila NaRi dah nak move on, sibuk pula HwaShin ni kacau Nari karoks, haha.

Part NaRi : I am always longing for you. Where have you gone to? My love, please come back to me.
Part HwaShin : Please come back to me, return to me, all my thoughts are filled with you, I can't escape this passionate love for you, my love, come back...

Lagi satu nada suka episod 24 yang HwaShin jadi DJ tuk slot Lee Hwa Shin's Health Journal, A Conversation About Your Body.  

Hwa Shin  :  Please post your questions and stories about uterine myoma. Let's take a break for a song. This is Kim Seunghwan's "Don't Ask"

PD Choi  : Music, cue!. Hey, the social media page is going crazy. There are a lot of listeners.

Lepas explain pasal symptom uterine myoma, ada sesi Q&A, boleh pula pasang lagu 'Don't Ask', dan ironinya ramai je yang dengar dan tanya soklan kat dia, haha. Sian Hwa Shin


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Post time 17-11-2016 07:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Claudia_Lestat replied at 16-11-2016 10:29 AM
174 tu iols rasa mcm tinggi je sbb iols rendah jw memanglah nampak tinggi.
yg G ...

Huhu..nk jgk share dgn uols ni .

Jo Jung Suk is living the good life.

In a recent interview, the Jealousy Incarnate star opened up about his personal life and thoughts following the finale of his latest SBS series. Viewers were so taken by his incredible on-screen chemistry with Gong Hyo Jin; they worried about his real life romance with singer Gummy. He quickly set the record straight.

Jo assured everyone that his relationship with Gummy was good, and that they didn't have any problems.His celebrity lover is so mature and secure in their almost 3 year relationship. Even his love scenes don't faze her! "She doesn't get jealous. She knows it's all acting," he said.

The 35 year-old is in a good place in his career, and he is delighted that fans enjoyed his Jealousy Incarnate role so much. "I'm happy that people are reacting well to my acting. It makes me really happy to hear, 'Their acting is so real that it makes me want to date.' I'm thinking that Gong Hyo Jin and I did a very good job."

Despite all the ups and downs Lee Hwa Shin (Jo) and Pyo Na Ri (Gong) had to endure in Jealousy Incarnate, the characters were able to have a lovely wedding filled with flash-forward extras! Unless it's a daily show, it's rare to see two leading stars actually make it to the altar for a fairy-tale happy ending. This show definitely delivered!

I wonder if life will imitate art. Do you think Jo Jung Suk and his girlfriend will have their own fairy-tale wedding soon? Or, do you think their relationship is just great the way it is?  

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Post time 17-11-2016 07:50 AM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 07:27 AM
Lesson #5 :Even big girls wear ribbons!

If you thought this cute hair tie style was strictly for ...

Thanks for sharing @pauliza
Selain daripada 6 points ni, nada ada baca dekat Soompi.

Kita semua tahu betapa obsesnya Hwa Shin dengan baju kan, boleh tahu dari episod 1 masa dia gaduh pasal baju kat kelab malam Thailand tu. Sangat teliti team JI untuk tunjukkan sisi HwaShin ni sampaikan dekat hujung lengan belah kiri baju2 kerja Hwa Shin tu rupanya siap ada initials H.S.Lee. Wow, sampai tahap macam tu sekalilah diorang ni. Bravo2

Hmm, nada masih belum pandai nak upload gambar, so, boleh tengok gambar2 tu dekat thread JI Soompi,page 182


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Post time 17-11-2016 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Edited by nada89 at 17-11-2016 08:19 AM
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 07:38 AM
Huhu..nk jgk share dgn uols ni  .

Jo Jung Suk is living the good life.

Untunglah Gummy, hihi   
Despite all the ups and downs Lee Hwa Shin (Jo) and Pyo Na Ri (Gong) had to endure in Jealousy Incarnate, the characters were able to have a lovely wedding filled with flash-forward extras! Unless it's a daily show, it's rare to see two leading stars actually make it to the altar for a fairy-tale happy ending. This show definitely delivered!

Nada suka komen yang ni. Bila ada happy ending untuk drama, bukan saja OTP kahwin, tapi tunjuk after-married life OTP selepas 1, 10, dan 40 tahun, dan revelation HwaShin untuk menjadi 'octopus' dalam hidup NaRi sampai ke akhir hayat. So, secara tak langsung, drama tu akan ada soft spot dalam hati kita dan nilai untuk rewatch drama ni sangat tinggi. Nada dapat rasa, kalau nada tengok drama ni selepas setahun atau beberapa tahun, feeling tu akan tetap sama macam nada tengok drama ini untuk pertama kali

Love their last conversation


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Post time 17-11-2016 08:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 17-11-2016 07:50 AM
Thanks for sharing @pauliza
Selain daripada 6 points ni, nada ada baca dekat Soompi.

Eh naper xleh post gambar?kalau guna tab laptop lg senang .guna phone ,klik dkt icon gambo tu ,pilih documents ,pilih gambo.cuma kalo gambo screenshot tu selalu x dpt upload sebb size besar kot.jadi iols crop bg kecik.lps tu dpt upload.

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Post time 17-11-2016 08:16 AM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 15-11-2016 09:29 AM
JI ni xtau naper.lain mcm btol kemaruk dia   .
JJS dlm runningman epsd 327 .

Geram betul tengok baby HwaShin-NaRi ni, comel sangat, haha.. Pandai team JI pilih baby ni, nampak macam betul je anak HwaShin-NaRi. Punyalah jeles HwaShin kat baby dia, try jugak pakai spek & hisap puting baby dia, kot2 NaRi akan alih perhatian kat dia, last2 NaRi fokus kat baby je.. Sabar na Hwa Shin


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Post time 17-11-2016 08:20 AM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 08:09 AM
Eh naper xleh post gambar?kalau guna tab laptop lg senang .guna phone ,klik dkt icon gambo tu ,pil ...

Haha, mungkin saiz besar kot, takpe nanti nada cuba lagi kay

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Post time 17-11-2016 08:26 AM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 14-11-2016 12:04 PM
buffet atau sup ?siap kata kat mak dia ,kalau tak suka sup tak payah datang!wakaka...dialog dlm dr ...

Haha, bengong kan diorang ni, sampai ke finale pun, Jealousy Incarnate masih mengekalkan identiti dia dengan dialog yang menghiburkan

Jom ulang tengok scene yang berkenaan min 0:52 tu yang paling epik, haha.


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Post time 17-11-2016 08:50 AM | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 17-11-2016 02:15 AM
Jom, ulang tengok scene muzikal ni berulang2 kali sampai lebam okay

Original song  ...

baru nak tanya....
oooo lagu PSY ke

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Post time 17-11-2016 08:53 AM | Show all posts
x leh move on lagi laaa dr citer nih
smlm ulang tgk lagi

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Post time 17-11-2016 08:57 AM | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 17-11-2016 07:12 AM
Semalam jalan2 kat benang JI Soompi, rupanya GHJ ada cakap kat IG ye, yang part ending JI macam ada  ...

oooo ye ke....ada tgk part byk gak cut2 x jadi dia org nih


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Post time 17-11-2016 10:17 AM | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 17-11-2016 02:15 AM
Jom, ulang tengok scene muzikal ni berulang2 kali sampai lebam okay

Original song  ...


uols blm move on ke?

iols dh move on dh

cer layan cite louis plak mesti uols terhibur


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Post time 17-11-2016 10:54 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2016 01:11 PM | Show all posts
nada89 replied at 17-11-2016 12:08 AM
Thanks @dauswq dah tag nada, tapi tulah, macam forummer yang lain, nak buat review dengan style ke ...

nada kena tulis cepat2 tau..tak sabo nak baca ulasan nada tp make sure ikut format tu supaya auditor boleh key in
nnt lupa nk tulis psl ape.. lagi2 mase tu org dh move on


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2016 01:15 PM | Show all posts
bdhia replied at 15-11-2016 11:54 AM
X pernah buat review...suka bc review org je

kalau camtu, @bdhia anto pencalonan kt sini
copy, edit sket pastu paste

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Post time 17-11-2016 04:20 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 06:57 AM
Ada ,uols tgk lah ,Beum muncul kt epsd 7 .dia jd adik tiri 2nd lead & bdk psiko yg selalu stalk Na ...

laaaaa yeker.. satgi nak tgk.
scene dia kejap je ke?

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Post time 17-11-2016 04:21 PM | Show all posts
pauliza replied at 17-11-2016 07:38 AM
Huhu..nk jgk share dgn uols ni  .

Jo Jung Suk is living the good life.

gummy? sapa gummy?

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