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Author: green~tea

Sexless marriage, stay or just build new life?

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2022 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kimoree replied at 28-12-2022 03:06 PM
Tak tahu kebetulan ke apa. Sekarang ni janda lagi ramai lelaki suka.
I mean janda yg ada good Care ...

I rasa sekadar convenience juga laa kan...

Sapa taknak janda lawa, ada career and emotionally stable... mmg berebut nak potong queue, masuk queue ler.. hahahhahaha

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Post time 28-12-2022 03:52 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 28-12-2022 03:43 PM
Eh ada juga couple camni eh no sex punya marriage... mcmana diorg manage that nafkah batin punya e ...

ni local couple tau and kat oversea ramai saja mcm ni. Tidur sekatil cuma tak ML.Entah lah...for me both of them ada same demand and supply so happy saja.
Atau both low sex drive kot.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2022 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AraBellaJuan87 replied at 10-12-2022 03:01 PM
Bila baca pengalaman dan luahan hati wanita2 hebat dalam ni,
Masalah saya takdelah besar mana pun. ...

Bila baca pengalaman orang lain.. rasa insaf sangat.. rasa cam diri ni dah byk dugaan.. tp ternyata orang lain ramai yg lebih hebat dugaan...

Sometimes we're just forget to count our blessings... dengan sekecil2 perkara pun tp sbb tak bersyukur and being content, terus kita yang lupa diri dan kufur nikmat....

I ni banyak lagi benda yang i nak improve pasal diri i..

Even though i may not be able to make drastic changes.. making small step changes and achieving mini goals sikit sikit lebih penting sebenarnya, in order to win the actual target...

Suami sy selalu pesan.. sometimes it is okay to lose some small battles, in order for u to win the WAR... what is your end game? Yang penting all the results/action yang achieve sekarang ni support the end game... so jangan putus asa, dont feel demotivated,  sbb perjalanan tu masih panjang, belum berakhir.... ini kata2 nasihat suami sy yang akan sy pegang sampai bila2

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Post time 28-12-2022 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 28-12-2022 03:48 PM
Ada possibility tak.. kalo lama2 ignore the sexual needs.. lama2 padam terus nafsu tu??. meaning b ...

Nk kata sexual needs padam tu blom lg kot...sbb bila dtg time tak tahan tu i tgk porn gak.. sbb time horny dtg mmg tk boleh tido..arrr stresss btul.. im 36 years..facing this problem dr age i 20 an lagi...

Cuma skrg horny tu dlm 2-3 hri je... So mmg kene kontrol la.. u bygkan ada suami tp i mcm org gila tahan nafsu ni.. i x pndai nk masturbate smua tu. I rasa bdosa sgt tgk porn..i akan tgk masa foreplay je..lepas tu rasa bersalah sgtttt......


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Post time 31-12-2022 11:16 AM | Show all posts
sadis curhat dalam nie..

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2023 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dewa19XKangen replied at 31-12-2022 11:16 AM
sadis curhat dalam nie..

Yes... setiap kali baca curhat dlm ni rasa sedih juga... setiap org hadap jalan berliku masing2

Dan masing2 ada kelebihan masing2.. their own ups and downs   

One thing paling penting... jgn pernah putus asa utk improve life... mentally physically emotionally spiritually financially

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Post time 10-2-2023 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Aril5300 at 10-2-2023 02:50 PM

Nice thread...tq TT

Same situation with me, my late wife cantik, lemah lembut, baik, good mother, but she is asexual, or low libido at least. We both have sex once every 2-3 month, pernah jgk 6 bulan x penah sex. I layan dia baik jer, beri nafkah lebih dari cukup tp dia susah nk naik nafsu. Kitaorg jrg bergaduh and nmpk loving couple. Siblings and kwn2 dia sllu jeles dgn wife i sbb we both nmpk bahagia dan happy.  

Dia x de masalah kesihatan pun. Sllu check darah semua okay. Walaupun jarang sex, tp my late wife i ni subur. Dh kawin 12 tahun kitaorg dh ada 3 org anak.

I need sex every 2-3 days (requirement for normal men i guess). Most of the time, I masturbate je la sorang2. Masturbate sebelah wife dia x kisah pun.

Nk kata wife x cintakan i, i rsa dia mmg sayangkan i sungguh2. Sebelum kawin, dia yg kejar i smpi dia sanggup minta break dgn bf dia haha. Dia pun boleh layan noty2 masa couple, tp bila dh kawin, dia dh jdi kurang berminat dgn seks pulak. I rsa dia angap seks ni beban jer.

Sejak jdi single dad, I mmg hot dude la (bukan angkat bakul yer, ini realiti hehe). Sllu je dpt msg nk berkenalan. Rsa mcm jadi muda balik pulak. Student pompuan yg 1st time nmpk i biasanya akan terpegun tgok i (Now u all can guess i keje ape kan haha).
Ramai kolig nk kenen dgn kwn2 andartu or janda. Tp entah la, i rsa mcm dh serik nk kawin lg. Takut dpt lg jenis asexual type. Ada juga pompuan yg i berkenan, tp bila i test cuba borak sex, sexting, diaorg offended, so i pun turned off la.

I really need sex. So skrg i psg sugar. Jgn tnya mcm mana i dpt sugar haha. Jgn ckp psl halal haram yer. Tp x de la i byr girl tu smpai belas2 ribu, just 4 figure je.

I teringin nk kawin lg, my kids need a mother figure. But i takut dpt wife yg x boleh cater sex demand i, takkan nk cerai pulak kan bila dh kawin. Nk cari pompuan yg boleh layan baik dgn kids i pun satu hal jgk. Nasib baik la i ada adik andartu yg boleh layan anak2 i, so boleh la anak2 tumpang kasih kt adik i tu huhu..


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2023 03:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aril5300 replied at 10-2-2023 12:16 PM
Nice thread...tq TT

Same situation with me, my late wife cantik, lemah lembut, baik, good mother,  ...

Your wife meninggal? Sakit apa? Takziah ya...  

Ya lah, seeloknya u kawen lg.. ramai je pompuan normal yg suka sex... pompuan normal perlu sex 2-3 times a week.... dengan syarat.. pompuan tu kena orgasm setiap kali sex.. like betul2 punya orgasm, bukan fake orgasm... baru dia akan continuously perlukan sex sama je dgn lelaki frequency tu...

Normal la perempuan yg beragama akan avoid notty2 sexting.. especially dengan org tak kenal /familiar.. bukan sbb deme religious sgt, tp pompuan ni biasanya setia pada yang satu... kena warm up dulu laa baru hati & nafsu tu terbuka...

Mcm i dgn husband.. awal2 kenal dia gatal bebenor siap forward gambo air balang jual tepi jalan tapi typo "HornyDew" instead of Honeydew... i sound jugak dia sbb apsal gatal sgt awal2 kenal... tp dia tak putus asa to msg me daily, politely and warm....  lepas tu baru i setuju dating jumpa dia.. skali bila dating, eh i didnt even glance at my watch walau dah 2 jam kitorg borak..

At that point of time, i already knew he's the one... few months after that kitorg terus je kawen.. glad sex life mmg normal... masa honeymoon within 1-2 bulan, mmg sex everyday hahahahahaha

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Post time 10-2-2023 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aril5300 at 11-2-2023 10:22 AM
green~tea replied at 10-2-2023 03:00 PM
Your wife meninggal? Sakit apa? Takziah ya...  

Ya lah, seeloknya u kawen lg.. ramai je pompuan n ...

Passed away sbb car accident, internal bleeding. Down jgk i masa tu, tp lps 2 minggu i dh okay. Cpt kan i heals, mungkin sbb jrg sex, so i dont feel so connected to her. Ini cerita 3 tahun lps.

Tu la, bcoz of previous marriage, i dh seolah2 assume most women asexual or low libido. Bca cerita2 dlm ni, x sangka pulak women pun boleh depressed kalau lama x dpt seks. Btul jgk kata u @green~tea, i cpt sgt menggatai padahal bru je fasa berkenalan hehe

I rsa nk stop sugar2 ni. Then maybe i slow2 buka hati utk kwn serius dgn janda2 yg okay. Mmg btul ckp ada forumer dlm ni, lelaki especially 30s lebih suka janda berbanding anak dara, termasuk la i hehe

Ada sorng doktor, umur dh nk masuk kategori andartu suka kt i. Cantik orgnya, tp sbb dia ada vibe my late wife, so i turned off dgn dia. Huhu

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Post time 21-2-2023 10:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aril5300 replied at 10-2-2023 12:16 PM
Nice thread...tq TT

Same situation with me, my late wife cantik, lemah lembut, baik, good mother,  ...

Pelik naw xde nafsu dgn orang yang dicintai? Biasanya, if betul2 dilamun cinta, you will really want to have sex with that person. Atau your late wife jenis susah nak panas? Jenis macam ni perlu foreplay yang lama. Janganla asyik2 time u nak tu, terus2 cakap "suck my d***". Klu I pun taknak layan if laki I macam tu. Nafsu sendiri belum bangkit, what do u expect? Pompuan if dah betul2 bangkit nafsunya, willing to do anything

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Post time 28-2-2023 08:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebenarnya kan i pn nak tanya sbb bila kita ML dgn husband apa perasaan husband tu eh? Dia rasa disayangi ke tak eh?
I pn rasa mcm nak ke arah sexless marriage sbb payah nau nak mintak kt husband. Bila ML pn rasa mcm bkn nya make love rasa mcm f*** buddies je takde cuddle takde post coital hug ke ape ke terus dia masuk tido tak pn main fon

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2023 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aril5300 replied at 10-2-2023 10:45 PM
Passed away sbb car accident, internal bleeding. Down jgk i masa tu, tp lps 2 minggu i dh okay. Cp ...

U listen to ur gut feeling... kalo u rasa ada vibes sama, then probably is...

U couple2 laa dulu and lepas quite some time, cuba la test water.. kalo respon gatal insyaAllah nafsu dia normal

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2023 09:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thecatnextdoor replied at 28-2-2023 08:26 PM
Sebenarnya kan i pn nak tanya sbb bila kita ML dgn husband apa perasaan husband tu eh? Dia rasa disa ...

Dah lama kawen mmg kurang la cuddle2 time tu.. sbb both hectic daily life...

Tp sparks tu sentiasa ada. Yg penting ORGASM most of the time when both of u make love...

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Post time 28-2-2023 11:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 28-2-2023 09:38 PM
Dah lama kawen mmg kurang la cuddle2 time tu.. sbb both hectic daily life...

Tp sparks tu sentia ...

Entahla nak kata penat tu husband i kerap pg gym at least 3x seminggu, i yg dok rumah jaga anak2
Both of us mmg kerja seharian and i sendiri taking master degree sambilan
Sbb tu i pelik kenapa dh mcm lifeless sex life ktrg huhu

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2023 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thecatnextdoor replied at 28-2-2023 11:50 PM
Entahla nak kata penat tu husband i kerap pg gym at least 3x seminggu, i yg dok rumah jaga anak2
B ...

Ada a few la i can share....

1. Continue improving life.. kdg2 kita lagha and exposed to sihir2 so tambahkan amalan ..kitorg pernah kena sihir pemisah.. alhamdulillah pulih... pastu sex drive terus cam baru kawen hahahahahahahahaha

2. I & husband kdg2 kena tengok porn sbb letih dan takde nafsu sbb penat and byk fikir... tp bukan perlu tengok lama2 pun, just utk get in the mood aje..  

3. Jarang2 sangat i tak dpt orgasm sbb byk berfikir.. tp husband dah orgasm dulu.. so i ada sex toy utk husband gunakan pada i... vibrator la, bukan dildo... so consider having this option bagi hari2 yang tak nampu orgasm

4. Tease husband, pakai seksi.. or even kalo kita period pun.. kita tease dia lagi teruk.. blowjob sampai dia kalah laaa.. or HJ pakai oil yg wangi mix dgn essential oil... or beli tenga eggs yang ada mcm2 pattern ribbed tu haaa be creative....

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2023 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sex toys ni kalo pandai pakai... buleh membantu menghangatkan hubungan....

P/S: came across this cute "teddy bear"... mula2 cam nak beli... tpi tak beli alaaaa rugi tak beli.. koleksi sex toys plushies

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2023 12:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gambar sekadar hiasan

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Post time 1-3-2023 12:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 1-3-2023 12:01 AM
Ada a few la i can share....

1. Continue improving life.. kdg2 kita lagha and exposed to sihir2  ...

I pernah ada vibrator and i pernah guna but maybe sbb tak pandai guna tu tak efisien sgt, even dgn husband dia kata tak payah pakai. So if i berkehendak tp dia takde or malas layan i, mmg i lepas sendiri je
I taktau kenapa rasa mcm dingin je
Dahla nak dpt tu susah, dgn anak2 taknak tido tp lps tu takde after care
Waktu bersama tu i nak jugak foreplay lama2 tp husband i tu nak cpt2 je
Kdg2 mmg marah sgt lps dia cum even if i tak orgasm lg i terus bangun n mandi sbb rasa mcm tak guna ckp dgn dia

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2023 12:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thecatnextdoor replied at 1-3-2023 12:33 PM
I pernah ada vibrator and i pernah guna but maybe sbb tak pandai guna tu tak efisien sgt, even dgn ...

Vibrator tu utk u letak kat clit luar tu je sis.. utk stimulate clit je sampai orgasm.. u can use baby oil or lubricants supaya clit tak sakit...

Kalo u sayang marriage tu, stay je laa tp kena pandai2 kawal diri and please urself..

jangan makan luar plak

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Post time 1-3-2023 02:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 1-3-2023 12:39 PM
Vibrator tu utk u letak kat clit luar tu je sis.. utk stimulate clit je sampai orgasm.. u can use  ...

Tulah bahaya u
Kalau i ni jahat mmg lama dah i makan luar sbb nafkah batin tu rasa mcm tak benar2 diberikan

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