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Author: deaf4ever

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dak_angelz This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 08:29 PM | Show all posts
..skrg susah nak cakap...the living standard in Spore is getting more hectic & pressure..lagi2 skrg is a rat-race out there ...apa tak depression......bila baca such news is very saddened & tragic to hear ...aku pon curious apasal pulak pompuan tu commit suicide kat blk tu...:hmm::hmm:

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 09:25 PM | Show all posts
memang stressful if you are in the rat race.kalau you are not in it...orang cakap you me i don't have the five Cs.....but i've learn to be happy with what i have.matz pun always cakap alhamdulilah.....lord thank you for thy don't really need the five Cs...look at our parents....they managed to raise us without their riches.i'm not ashamed not being born rich,but i feel rich having my parents raise me with their honest blood,sweat and tears.thank you mak and thank you bapak.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2004 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dak_angelz at 26-3-2004 08:29 PM:
..skrg susah nak cakap...the living standard in Spore is getting more hectic & pressure..lagi2 skrg is a rat-race out there ...apa tak depression......bila baca such news i ...

dak angels...

ko pegi Straits Time punya internet news footage...ada pasal soalan ko ni...

Yang blok Chin Swee Rd tu kan, ialah the highest HDB flat yang kita boleh nampak dari Hotel 81 Chinatown...

Jadi mungkin si pompuan ni buat survey dari hotel dia..malas nak jalan jauh agaknya.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2004 12:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 26-3-2004 09:25 PM:
memang stressful if you are in the rat race.kalau you are not in it...orang cakap you me i don't have the five Cs.....but i've learn to be happy with what i have.matz pun always cakap  ...

tu ah matz....

kita kena pilih ah, apa kita nak dalam hidup kita la....

ni cakap sini ah , aku share ngan korang satu story jadi kat aku sendiri pasal Sporeans ni...

ada satu kawan ah...dah 5 tahun kot tak jumpa, tak dengar berita...

so out of nowhere, satu malam ah, dia talipon rumah aku...

so conversation dia cam ni ah ...

kawan - hello deaf, ni xxxx la...
aku - eh, apa kabar...
kawan - baik , ko keja mana skarang?
aku - ooo aku keja kat xxxx
kawan - eh, gaji berapa?  $ xxxx ada?

aku terus sedih la...siot la...korang bayangkan la...
so then dia pun start la, ceta pasal career dia.... siot la...

dah lama tak jumpa....tak dengar kabar...
by 2nd and 3rd question dia tanya aku pasal benda ni semua....
ni kawan aku ke yang 5 tahun dulu sama2 susah senang ngan aku? ( people change ye :hmm: )

sebab tu ah, kita kat Spore kan....

society kita dah memang cam gini ah...

taraf kita kat society ialah pangkat kerja kita, gaji kita, financial power kita.

korang hati baik ke, hati busuk ke, society kita tak pandang.....

jadi ni ialah satu penyakit yang akan makan makin ramai sporeans tiap2 hari...

semua orang asyik ingat $$$ je.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 27-3-2004 07:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-3-2004 12:20 AM:

tu ah matz....

kita kena pilih ah, apa kita nak dalam hidup kita la....

ni cakap sini ah , aku share ngan korang satu story jadi kat aku sendiri pasal Sporeans ni...

ada satu kaw ...

deaf...ko punya last statement.....sum it all up

as the song money it's a rich man's world
yang tak kaya pulak,takkan this world is not belong to them ??
orang cakap,we are masters of out own fate,but kadang2 pulak it's already fated? macam mana eh ??

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 27-3-2004 10:09 PM | Show all posts
attemted suicide...matz nampak sekali.around 6 plus in the morning.matz dengar orang pekik2...this time round lain dari yang lain,macam kecemasan gitu.matz lari towards tingkap dapor...and on the 11 floor of the opposite block...ada somebody, badan dia dah terkeluar hanging kat luar tingkap.ada 2 or 3 people yang nak tarik this person in.they were frantically trying to pull this person in,matz cuak jugak...kalau cengkaman terlepas...pasti plunge to death.lucky thing they managed to pull the person in.,tak salah 2 kereta bomba besar datang,ada traffic jam kat carpark,maklum lah 6 plus in the morning budak2 nak ka school.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 28-3-2004 06:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-3-2004 10:18 PM:
sedih ah.....

actually, memang terjadi la kes suicide dan attempted suicide terjadi kat Spore...

kat mana2 la..baik budak sekolah, teenagers, orang dewasa, orang tua...

tapi semua hush h ...

this is the harsh reality of life....ada yang tak leh handle...and the one and only solution is taking your own life.

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Post time 28-3-2004 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Lepas tu ada lagi skat Sengkang tahun 2001 ke 2002,  ada couple budak2 melayu, umur tak salah less than 20 years. terjun flat kat Sengkang sama2 pasal family tak kasi dorang kawan or something like thatatu kes, yang tak banyak orang tahu jugak...

Betul ke ni Deaf? Jarang kan orang kita terjun bunuh diri? Sedih betul lah.

Anyways, Chic pun ada kawan satu ni apparently suicide jugak. Dia kawan sekolah menengah Chic and also kita join flying together. We did a few flights together in fact. The most memorable was Osaka coz we went everwhere together and worked together on flight. Budak pompan Jepun tergila2 kan dia, sampaikan tak boleh keje kita dibuat nya. Diorang beratur mintak autograph. Sekali tup tup, Chic dengar supposedly dia terjun diri a few months after that after watching one soccer game and receiving a phone call. Chic tak boleh tido so many nights after that, asik terbayang2kan muka dia. Frankly to this day Chic tak percaya dia terjun sebab dia ni very happy go lucky and jovial. Kira joker jugak lah dia ni.  But no one can proof otherwise. That was a real shock to us and his death is still a question mark.

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2004 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 28-3-2004 04:16 PM:
Lepas tu ada lagi skat Sengkang tahun 2001 ke 2002,  ada couple budak2 melayu, umur tak salah less than 20 years. terjun flat kat Sengkang sama2 pasal family tak kasi dorang kawan or ...

yep, masuk paper straits time the next day...

tak kasi banyak info, siap ngan gambar motorbike mamat tu kat bawah blok..

lepas tu terus takde news lagi... kesian ah...

pasal kita orang islam, tak bleh buat cam gini..

kawan ko tu, sedih ah jugak.... mesti ada problem kot.

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2004 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Sunday times hari ni punya artikel.

'You are gone but you pass on the pain'

There's a suicide a day in Singapore. On Wednesday, a housewife who had cancer of the womb tied herself to her two young daughters and leaped from an apartment block. Madam Yap Cheng Chui said she didn't want to burden the family. But for those left behind, a loved one's suicide is a heavy load they can never shed. One woman tells Tracy Quek of her family's anguish after her nephew killed himself.


HE WAS just 15 when he decided to end it all. Ten months ago, he jumped from his apartment block because he could not bear the stress of school work and exams any more.

He left a note telling his mum and dad not to worry about him. But when he died, we felt like a part of us died with him.



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Post time 29-3-2004 07:46 AM | Show all posts
def, aku ingat lagi tu couple double suicide... dorang nyer neighbourhood time tu masih baru lagi...

Last year pun.... kalau korang ingat betol

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Post time 29-3-2004 09:28 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by herokampong at 29-3-2004 07:46 AM:
def, aku ingat lagi tu couple double suicide... dorang nyer neighbourhood time tu masih baru lagi...

Last year pun.... kalau korang ingat betol

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Post time 29-3-2004 04:55 PM | Show all posts

pasal kapel melayu yang terjun pat sengkang tu, actually yang meninggal hanya yang lelaki. Arwahnya punya makcik is my ex-colleague. Loli tgh2 keje tau2 aje kakak ni amik urgent leave terus blah. that time baru 10am plus. Khabar2 angin katanya ada family emergency tapi that time tak pasti lah. She took urgent leave for 2-3 days gitu.

Bila dia balik, she was very very sad. Ada some of us datang tanya kenapa cuti and what kind of emergency. dengan lelehan airmata dia kata nephew dia committed suicide at sengkang. the whole story tak salah Loli macam ni : Arwahnya planned nak terjun dengan gf dia. reasons were sebab his family was against their relationship. Menurut ex-colleague Loli ni, walaupun arwahnya dah dewasa (ard 20-21 tahun) his family still treated him like a kid eg kalau by 10pm belum balik, either the mother/father (tak ingat) will call his hp and marah2 tanya bila nak balik, that kind of thing lar. In the end, Loli rasa arwahnya rasa depressed and decided to end his life together with the gf.

Bila sampai rooftop flat tu with the girl, masa at the last minute nak jump tu, Loli dengar2 the girl changed her mind, terus lepaskan tangan dia from tangan arwah. Of course by that time dah too late lah kan, arwahnya dah melompat.

Loli pun dgr from ex-colleagues yang lain yang family arwahnya ni, masa sampai kat hospital, especially the parents, tak menunjukkan sebarang reaksi pun. Not even a drop of tear. Datang cuma kata orang tu setakat buat syarat aje. Tunjuk muka lepas tu balik. Tu yang ex-colleague Loli macam sedih sangat, becos 1 thing dia dengan arwahnya very very close. Loli pun tak sure if the girl terjun jugak sebab seingat Loli newspaper report kluar pasal arwahnya aje. Tapi Loli rasa kalau the girl masih living pun sure super duper traumatised punyalah.


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 Author| Post time 29-3-2004 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 29-3-2004 09:28 AM:

Yang ini budak India kan HK? Is it yang pasal PSLE marks dia?

tak salah, ni kaum punjabi.

bapak dia ah, harapkan sangat anak dia tu masuk stream express...

jadi anak dia sedih or takut la, bila dia cuma dapat masuk normal akademik..

jadi anak dia dah palsukan result slip aggregate score... dan bapak dia tak perasan dan masih ingat anak dia berjaya dapat express stream.

lepas tu bila nak tunggu posting dapat masuk sekolah mana, tu ah budak tu pun terjun...

eiii...kesian ah... baru12 tahun...  time dulu2, budak 12 tahun tengah sibuk main bawah blok.

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2004 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 29-3-2004 04:55 PM:

pasal kapel melayu yang terjun pat sengkang tu, actually yang meninggal hanya yang lelaki. Arwahnya punya makcik is my ex-colleague. Loli tgh2 keje tau2 aje kakak ni amik urgent l ...

Lolipop, aku sedih ah baca post ko...

serious punya sedih ah...:sad::sad:

tapi tak salah, memang dua2 lompat ah....   
kalo boy tu ajak, takkan tu girl pun ikut eh? takkan dua2 takde fikiran lagi kot...

tu ah , jadi parents tak senang ah..   kongkong salah, tak kongkong salah.

tapi kesian ah budak tu, mesti kepala hotak dia dah kena mental stress teruk2 kot.
Untuk family girl tu pulak, mesti fikiran habis ah....

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Post time 29-3-2004 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 29-3-2004 18:44:
tak salah, ni kaum punjabi.
bapak dia ah, harapkan sangat anak dia tu masuk stream express...
jadi anak dia sedih or takut la, bila dia cuma dapat masuk normal akademik..

def / chics...

Tak lah... tu citer lain. Ni quite recent.... like maybe 6 mths back ajer... Budak primary 5 kalau tak salah... cina...

Tapi pasal tu citer punjabi nyer family, aku ingat jugak... pasal bapak dia nak sangat anak dia masok express.... bla bla bla.... kalau tak silap aku... ni citer tu bapak pernah pegi fortune teller tanyakan pasal anak pompan dia ni yang selalu sakit

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nixzanna This user has been deleted
Post time 29-3-2004 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Nixz paling tak suka kalau dia orang nih nak commit suicide bikin pat blok.... carilah tempat lain

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dak_angelz This user has been deleted
Post time 30-3-2004 01:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-3-2004 12:11 AM:

dak angels...

ko pegi Straits Time punya internet news footage...ada pasal soalan ko ni...

Yang blok Chin Swee Rd tu kan, ialah the highest HDB flat yang kita boleh nampak dari Hote ...

ooooo..begitu...nak suicide pon ada rasa malas nak jalan eh ..mcm2...:kerek::kerek:

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Post time 30-3-2004 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dak_angelz at 30-3-2004 01:02 AM:

ooooo..begitu...nak suicide pon ada rasa malas nak jalan eh ..mcm2...:kerek::kerek:


Entah lah Angelz...mana lah kita tau apa yang ada dalam kepala hotak diorang tu....

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Post time 30-3-2004 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 29-3-2004 04:55 PM:

pasal kapel melayu yang terjun pat sengkang tu, actually yang meninggal hanya yang lelaki. Arwahnya punya makcik is my ex-colleague. Loli tgh2 keje tau2 aje kakak ni amik urgent l ...

Ya ke Loli? Kesian'uzubillah minzalik....jauh kan lah....

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