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Author: mder

camno nak ajar anak bersosial

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Post time 29-12-2006 02:17 PM | Show all posts
mder, anak kita perangai lebih kurang kot, umur pun sebaya... mmg communication skill amatlah membimbangkan sebab dia still byk ckp german, walhal yg sebaya dia dah started to build sentences. Sama jugak, lasanya Ya Allah, kalau pegi rumah orang tu memang asyik terjerit jerit sebab dia akan panjat apa saja, dan pegang apa saja, kira lasak tak hingat. Pegi jalan, janganlah dilep[askan tangan nescaya kejap je bedesup lari sana sini.. Malulah kalau gi rumah orang tu. Tgk anak orang lain buleh aje senang parents control, buat rasa malu lak, cam kita tak reti ajar anak... ish.... tapi budak2 kalau dahlasak, what else can the parents do?
Tapi dia lasak terlebih-lebih tu tak de kacau orang. Dia nak akwan and dia kawan gitu2 aje but becoz he can't speak properly yet, dia cam ikut2 orang byk. Sekarang ni started tunjuk perangai aggresive terikut oran g- lempar barang bila marah atau frustrated..

tak tau la cemana nak handle, cam u jugak.. kekadan gtu, nak gi jalan, malas sunggguh memikirkan perangai anak ni.. nak ajar and kasik reasoning, dia cam anak u lah, tak mau dengar/ buat dek/pusing ke lain and i think dia paham tapi tak pernah lekat kat otak dia apa yg pernah kita pesan...

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Post time 31-12-2006 07:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mder at 21-11-2006 12:33 AM
aku pening kepala memikirkan perangai anak aku lately......anak aku lately develop habit suka tolak or push budak tak kira besar or kecik from him...he think it's funny....kalau diaorang lari dia s ...

trust me day when your son grows up he's gonna be one macho tuff guy..n mesti jenis yang kuat buli orang kat skolah.n die jugak akan ade banyak pengaruh ke atas org lain..mcm leader of his gang la..cousin aku kecik2 mcm tu jugak..skarang dh skolah menengah pun..dgr cite kuat buli org lain..but takde la nak pukul2 atau peras ugut etc

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2007 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amir1976 at 31-12-2006 07:26 AM

trust me day when your son grows up he's gonna be one macho tuff guy..n mesti jenis yang kuat buli orang kat skolah.n die jugak akan ade banyak pengaruh ke atas org lain..mcm lead ...

amir, forgive me if I'm not jumping with joy dengaq hang punya assesment...........

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 10-3-2007 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mder at 21-11-2006 02:33 AM
aku pening kepala memikirkan perangai anak aku lately......anak aku lately develop habit suka tolak or push budak tak kira besar or kecik from him...he think it's funny....kalau diaorang lari dia ...

ini sama kes dgn my cousin. kalau gi play group ke hapa, budak semua nyampah dgn dia. semua tak nak main dgn dia coz she is soo ganas. then gi sekolah, pun gitu... always kena denda duduk kat naughty corner coz kacau budak lain esp masa waktu makan. she is not afraid at all. once she took a bath with 2 of my sons. she cuba tenggelam kan one of them dlm air (which it took him 6months to get over his phobia... he was only 15months then)

mmg dia hyper. my aunt kena bawak to the hospital almost every week since she was 9months. and my aunt pun kena gi psychiatric evaluation becoz of my cousin. sometimes, my cousin just goes out of the house without telling anyone. twice, hilang in the hutan simpan (my aunt stays tepi council punya hutan simpan) so my aunt kata every time mau jemur baju, she has to ikat my cousin to the tree.

she is 4 now. dah getting better...... ganas tu tetap ganas la but not as bad as she was a year ago. after all i think most kids in australia mmg a bit on the aggresive side.

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2007 07:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spidernfly at 10-3-2007 04:29 PM

twice, hilang in the hutan simpan (my aunt stays tepi council punya hutan simpan) so my aunt kata every time mau jemur baju, she has to ikat my cousin to the tree.

spider, dulu ader gak terpikir masa gi mall nak ikat tangan dia masa jalan-jalan.....tapi pikirkan kalau buat ni masa jalan jalan memang orang kat m'sia ni akan jeling jer la everyday....... kalau pegi playground memang I have to on alert all the time.......perati kiri kanan, nak protect anak orang if he decided to "communicate"...........

kekadang tu rasa sedih gak, coz ader gak member sound kata kita manjakan sangat anak sebab tu dia behave this way.....tapi lantakla orang nak kata over protective ke pampered terlebih ke........

sekarang ni dalam dilemma.....some people said, better hantar dia gi dia boleh socialize........tapi with limited vocab yg dia ader for his age dia maybe dia akan jadi frustrated kalau orang tak paham apa yg dia hendak.....

sekarang kalau tempat ramai budak-budak i will remind him first......if u want to makes firends, u go and salam first.....habih semua budak tak kira bangsa, kecik ka besar ka yg dia suka especially girls la..... dia akan gi cium tangan......silap silap dia nak hug and kiss nose sekali....... ...masa tu memang kena tarik tangan dia la.......sia-sia kang diaorang tuduh aku yg ngajor anak aku bukan bukan.............

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 12-3-2007 07:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #25 mder's post

its not pasal pampered or not.... mcm my cousin's case mmg dia ada ADHD. but i guess the difference here is, sini byk activity kot. everyday ada saja playgroup or classes you boleh attend. mcm my cousin by 3yrs old jadual sudah penuh. swim class, art class, music class, playgroup, then she has nursery twice a week..... now at 4, she just signed up for pee-wee soccer club. so her hyper-active ness tu tak la teruk sgt now

here nurseries carer's mmg have the qualification to deal with ADHD punya kids. and nurseries kat sini they asingkan ikut age.

ekekeke my sons i baru nak ajar salam... otherwise mmg diorang dok cium org. coz probably all their other friends do that. i dont find that weird, cuma bila balik m'sia sekali sekala.... people tgk mcm pelik.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2007 12:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 spidernfly's post

       kekadang tu rasa ader advantage gak duduk least budak-budak tak dilabel yg bukan bukan.......and ada
lots of channel to release their energy..........

[ Last edited by  mder at 13-3-2007 12:05 PM ]

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