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Author: zasssss

[Idea] Membudayakn pemikiran orang cina

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Post time 14-3-2007 06:25 AM | Show all posts
plus, the "gong xi fa chai" is not happy chinese new year in mandarin
it mean
"taniah jadi kaya!"
so, it is obvious, every chinese goal of success is to get rich!

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Post time 14-3-2007 06:36 AM | Show all posts

maksud i, ambil komponen yg baik buang yg tak Jadi bangsa kita akan jadi lebih gemilang...
Harap jangn bagi tangapan nagatif pd tulisan i...

Keburaukan org cina lak.
1. suka menipu
2 tak percaya tuhan
3 suka berjudi
5 Kasar didik anak
6 Suka berpura-pura...
dan bnyak lagi...

Kita perlukan kombinasi utk lebih gemilang..
Jangan malu akui kelemahan...

please do not GENERALIZE
every race has the kind of people stated above!

agama bangsa cina lain dari islam dan kristian... buddhism dan taoism lebih kepada falsafah hidup..... kebanyakan patung tuhan cina dulu adalah orang dimana mereka melakukan sesuatu yang melampaui batas orang biasa dan seterusnya di agung-
agungkan dan di sembah agar nilai nilai mereka dapat dipupuk!

5 Kasar didik anak
ajaran confusim dan taoism yang menitikberatkan hormat orang tua. jadi, jika anak anak kurang ajar akan di ajar kasar sedikit....
saya masih ingat masa saya kecik saya marah dengan mak saya pasal tak beli remote car pas tu saya cakap benda kurang ajar sikit.... mak suruh saya lutut depan
patung buddha selama 4jam... sampai lutut pun tak ada rasa....
tambahan.... jika mulut saya keluar sepatah kata kasar, cili padi akan diisi dalam
mulut saya.... sampai sekarang, saya amat hormat orang tua, baik cina, melayu,
india atau apa pun.... jadi, don generalize.....

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Post time 14-3-2007 07:18 AM | Show all posts
one more thing... bout buddhism which governs the mindset of chinese.....  
unlike islam o kristian, there the law in
al quran and bible must be obey....
buddism provide guidelines that u can follow o not. its a guide to better life.
i`ll give you few examples which i prefer.....

when you win, don feel happy, when you lose, don feel sad as the win might
consist of lose while lost consist of win

those who think they own property, actually property own them (we come to
tis world with nothing and leave with nothing; so why wana care so much on
material? donate more)

if you are being truth to yourself, no one in this world can lie to you!

besides religion, language is the most impact tat govern chinese mindset......



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Post time 16-3-2007 09:36 PM | Show all posts
those who succeeded...

1. Charles Wang (60 yr old), 搕he guru of the digital planet

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Post time 16-3-2007 09:37 PM | Show all posts
4. The story of how single-handedly Lim Goh Tong set himeself a goal to build a world-class resort, Genting Highlands atop 1800-metre hillock, exemplifies the highest motivation he has. Furthermore the perseverance to achieve goals against all odds, never ever to give up, is all part of the remarkable man.

5. Everyone that succeeds in a field will have a special talent that sets them apart from the rest. In the case of Tan Sri Robert Kuok, Malaysia抯 wealthiest man, it is his ability to befriend the right people made him what he is today. Robert wants to lead a peaceful life. He seems to be following the idiom, 憈alk less, works more

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Post time 22-3-2007 01:43 PM | Show all posts
I just wonder falsafah apa yang jepun ikut yang dapat membuatkan mereka berubah dari negara tertutup menjadi maju dalam masa kurang lebih 50 tahun sahaja (zaman maharaja meiji). APa kah falsafah itu berasal dari CHina? I just analayse cause everything that is in Japan right now is based from China, even the science that people learn in Japan uses Chinese term rather than latin term ie naming body organs.



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Post time 28-3-2007 03:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 keep88's post

falsafah bila ditindas...diboikot...lebih kurang zaman Tanah Melayu
apabila adanya campur-tangan penjajah...dats y sometimes being
in a comfort zone is actually a killer in its own...

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Post time 28-3-2007 11:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 keep88's post

it is from history that japanese and korean are chinese.....
tapi mereka tak ngaku.. korea guna tulisan cina sampai 1944
u can see the movie the myth oleh
jackie chan......

cerita nye gini.....itu maharaja kejam yang bina great wall.... die nak higup abadi.. jadi suruh banyak orang pergi cari air yang boleh membolehkan dia hidup abadi..... orang yang di hantar ini gagal..... jadi, mereka pun lari sebab takut dibunuh... separuh gi korea, separuh gi japan........



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Post time 29-3-2007 07:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 wei_loon5063's post

ooo cam tuh ker

but they hav totaaly diff. culture.. esp japan...

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Post time 1-4-2007 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 14-3-2007 07:18 AM
besides religion, language is the most impact tat govern chinese mindset.........

Interesting.... and yes, I totally agree with you. But I'd appreciate if you could explain how Chinese language (Mandarin, Cantonese) influences a person's mentality. Thanks.

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Post time 1-4-2007 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RedAlert at 1-4-2007 02:26 PM

Interesting.... and yes, I totally agree with you. But I'd appreciate if you could explain how Chinese language (Mandarin, Cantonese) influences a person's mentality. Thanks.

Yes, do tell...

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Post time 2-4-2007 08:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #30 RedAlert's post

erm... do you know the difference between cantonese, mandarin and hokien etc???
basically, they are the same.. all of them use same mandarin words..... and china are so big
that people from different places speaks differently a bit.. and as time pass by, people from
one place do not understand each other... like malays... a malay from KL would face difficulties
if he go to kelantan... its the same malay words and they use pronounce it differently....

what influenced them are mainly proverbs, pharases.......... the sad thing is that many chinese do not learn ancient good phrases.. in fact many learn phrases from movies, tvs, etc....
mostly are fiction....

tell me wat field you wan to know.. i`ll try to quote a few...
love? money? friendship?..........??



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Post time 2-4-2007 08:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 True-X's post

yeap......... sebab masa dan tempat berjauhan dari china...... boleh kah kamu sure melayu yang
migrated ke negara lain beratus tahun dahulu akan ada budaya sama macam kamu sejkarang? walaupun mereka islam dan melayu????

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Post time 22-2-2010 05:17 PM | Show all posts
suka menipu
2 tak percaya tuhan
3 suka berjudi
5 Kasar didik anak
6 Suka berpura-pura...
dan bnyak lagi...
not only chinese,japanese and korean also do the same thing,korean  dan japan lebih suka berpura pura,but suka berjudi,im a christian so i didnt,,and who said we dont believe in god?we also have our religion but our religion is different  than yours,suka menipu,sorry la,not all, actually chinese also very hate this kind of people,u know,u said we like to tipu org,we also said orang china dari negara china like to  tipu orang juga.



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Post time 21-6-2010 05:09 PM | Show all posts
suka menipu
2 tak percaya tuhan
3 suka berjudi
5 Kasar didik anak
6 Suka berpura-pura...
dan bn ...
xiaomimi Post at 22-2-2010 17:17

betul, kesimpulannya, don't generalizad....but, ada something nak tanya, apa perbezaan terbesar sekali cina Malaysia dgn cina dari China? I mean, dari segi mentaliti ...

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Post time 1-7-2010 05:22 PM | Show all posts
yg aku nampak dr boss aku..
-jimat berbelanja..beli benda perlu je. kat rumah dia xde pun biasa je asal leh tgk, katanyer..
-pakai kete biasa2 je..asal boleh jalan x mendatangkan masalah..kancil jer..minyakpun jimat, katanyer..
-beli rumah-jdkan opis bhgn bwh, derang dok atas je..2in1 katanyer..
-beli bangunan kedai..sewakan pd bank, monthly instalment terus potong dr sewa jer..mcm dpt pree jer,katanyer..
-ms aku mula2 keje dgn dia, opis ni dia sewa..kecik je..blkg owner duduk.slps 8thn, dia berjaya "meracun" fikiran owner tu sampai terjual le seluruh bangunan ni pd dia..dia buat baru cantik sgt2..maka byk le peluang biz yg dtg cari dia sbb bangunan ni dh cukup memberi gambaran kejayaannya..skrg dia sombong sikit dan jual mahal plk

dia prnh kata pd cina pakai kete biasa2 jer..duduk rumah biasa2 jer..sbb depa nk biakkan duit dgn cara buat biz..dan depa cuma akn beli kete besar dan rumah besar bila dh betul2 kaya jer..



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Post time 2-3-2013 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Aku xpernah nampak cina hebat...

aku nampak cina mmg struggle utk hidup ,utk duit..

apa2 cara , xkisah


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Post time 12-3-2013 01:00 AM | Show all posts
role model kita bukan cina bukan islam...sebagai umat islam ialah nabi kita lah...sunnah nya..nabi juga berniaga...ikutlah cara sunnah nabi berniaga....buat apa nak membudayakan pemikiran cina lak..

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Post time 12-3-2013 01:09 AM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 14-3-2007 06:22 AM
Mereka saling bantu membantu sesama mereka. Falsafah mereka " Cina kena tolong cina maaa!! ...
think another critical reason is that malay special rights. we do not have it, so we gotta work more harder.....
in the nut shell, do not generalize.... it is all dependent on each individual on
adakah kamu nak tunjukkan pemikiran org cina adalah racist seperti kamu menulis seperti diatas....adakah dalam perlembagaan kata hak keistimewaan org melayu atau bumiputera????...dan siapa kata kaum cina tak ada even tiada hak mcm bumiputera...tapi gomen bantu jugak...jgn cakaplah korang pun tak minta tongkat...minta itu ini dari gomen untuk kepentingan kaum korang malah menyentuh hak kaum lain untuk kepentingan kaum aku kurang setujulah work harder je....kroni cina dalam politik pun ada beberapa ialah kat malaysia ni politic n busniss artnership memang wujud....

satu lagi kena faham sejarah sikit sebab apa bumi dapat hak istimewa ..??....



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Post time 16-3-2013 03:27 AM | Show all posts
berfikir lah dgn cara sendiri, kita masing-masing diberi akal, jiwa, jasad. Be creative,
Selama ni kita terpesona dengan cerita2, orang sekeliling kita,
Dari zaman dahulu kala lagi kejayaan diukur dgn brp byk duit dlam bank, emas, kereta, rumah, pangkat....


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