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Author: naen


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Post time 7-10-2008 03:52 PM | Show all posts
tp kenapa jarang ade orang pakai rock type nyer pokemon aku pon tak pnah terniat nak gi tangkap nosepass sume tu.

cume pnah terjumpa shining graveler masa dok double battle dalam gua mana tu ntah

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2008 08:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 MetalFire's post

pachirisu? aku suka, sbb comel
aku punya pachirisu sekarang level 71!!! hahaha
punya aa beriya aku naikkan level, sbb nak ability pickup dia tu
so dapat aa pickup dusk/dawn/shiny stone!

aku suka tangkap pikachu, tapi aku tak suka guna .. sbb defense sgt lemah
jadi, since zaman RSE, aku just guna minun je .. defense jauh lebih baik drpd pikachu
pastu transfer eevee utk dapatkan JOLTEON .. arghhh best gileeee

eh eh, aku pun rasa crobat tu cool
tapi utk flying type, aku suka skarmory .. sbb steel type, so tak risau pasal kena poison
grass type banyak poison2 kan .. tu pasal aa .. aku rasa skarmory the best!
just .. breedkan dgn male dodrio utk move DRILL PECK! perghhhh! puas hati!

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #21 MetalFire's post

rock type?

speed kureng .. apa lagi ek .. type advantage ngan apa je? flying? baik pakai electric je
pastu bleh kena electric attack gak (kalau rock je, bukan rock/ground) .. so kureng aa
lagipun .. aku rasa kebanyakan rock type - rupa buruk gilaaaaa!

tapi aku rasa cranidos & rampardos tu cool

tapi masing2 ada fav sendiri kan .. just rock type tu bukan type yg aku suka

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Post time 8-10-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts
ye la rampardos tu la cool sket.golem kire ok ape.agak bulky.cume men kat pc mane leh trade.

ramai suke minun ek? mase aku men RSE dulu,fav electric is electrode.sbb senang je nak carik.carik voltorb lvl tinggi2 cam da nak evolve tu kat new mauville.sng ade mase la gak nak level up pokemon yg rase emerald nih paling senang la sbb nk lawan elite 4 tu kire ok gak.sbb da ade pkmn level tinggi2

dulu pakai Blaziken,Sharpedo,Electrode, Rayquaza(da tentu2 level 70), pastu lagi dua aku tak ingat.rasenye ade psychic aku ade dua water.

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Post time 8-10-2008 10:09 AM | Show all posts
btw,men DP nih leh gune wifi kan? so bleh trade ek pakai wifi?

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2008 10:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #24 MetalFire's post

prefer minun banding pikachu .. lagipun masa RSE dapat minun/plusle dulu kan

ngelat2 aa .. sebelum lawan brawly tu, pegi slateport dulu tangkap minun/plusle
pastu naikkan level kat granite cave .. tapi agak leceh sbb ada quick attack je
naikkan 2 - 3 level (jadi level 13), dah dapat spark

rayquaza? ramai gak yg suka rayquaza ek
aku ni entah aa .. aku kurang gemar guna legendary pokemon .. suka tangkap je
paling lama sekali aku guna dulu2 entei ngan raikou je .. zaman gold/silver

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2008 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #25 MetalFire's post

boleh pakai wifi .. setkan/configure wifi connection tu dulu
ada 2 cara untuk trade thru wifi ..

GTS (kat jubilife city)
yg ni kita boleh cari/offer pokemon untuk trade ngan sesapa je
tapi terhad untuk pokemon yg kita pernah nampak/jumpa je aa
kalau nak cari pokemon, kita just browse je list2 offering daripada orang lain,
pastu kita balas aa dgn pokemon apa yg dia nak (selalunya legendary yg ngarut2 aa)
tapi kena careful sbb .. byk pokemon yg dioffer tu dapat dari cheat/hack
terhad kepada trading pokemon je

wifi club (kat tingkat bawah pokemon centre)
yg ni aa .. yg kita kena daftar & ambik code PAL PAD tu
masukkan friend code .. so nanti boleh chat/trade/battle/share record
yg ni kalau nak trade, bleh trade terus .. macam GTS, kita kena nampak dulu pokemon tu kan
yg ni takyah .. terus terjah je! asalkan, ada friend code & kawan tu online pada masa yg sama

tapi ko pakai pc, so takleh aa guna function2 ni
kasi perembat NDS seketul aa mod!

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts
peh lama siut tak masuk sini...
sorry naen, aku lupe la nak antar kat ko starter2 tu..
sbb modem aku kt umah mcm ade sket sengal.. so nak gi cc kena bwk lak aku nye nintendo usb wifi tu dgn nds.. dulu aku wat gitu budak2 ramai nak tgk nds aku.. sibuk tul..

btw, masa lwn elite 4 aritu aku nye team:

Empoleon, Luxray, Staraptor, Meganium, Blaziken dgn Alakazam

Meganium dgn Blaziken tu trade dgn member aku since diorg Chikorita n Torchic.. tp masa dpt tu diorg takde dlm Pokedex la..

DP ni aku sker sbb dia nye starters sume bila evolve akan jadik 2 type..

Skrg aku tgh layan Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness.. Actually aku tak bape pandai main game dungeon2 ni tp yg ni lama lak aku blh follow... dh la thru soklan2 tu aku dpt skitty.. useless tul skitty.. sibbaik la bila org attack dia org tu kena charm, so attack berkurang...

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:31 PM | Show all posts
aku sakit jiwa maen pokemon mysterious dungeon ni.nk2 masa zaman gba dlu.aku dpt mudkip.

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Post time 8-10-2008 05:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 MetalFire's post

ooo ko main yg red rescue team kan?
aku main yg blue kt nds tp tak abis main..
ni yg second ni leh lak aku stick smp skang

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 03:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #28 farixwan's post

ye aa .. busy kat tnse ekk

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 03:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #29 MetalFire's post

eh eh sama aa kita .. rasa 'lemas' bila main mystery dungeon tu

ntah .. actually rasa lemas gak bila main game pokemon yg biasa - kat dalam gua ..
maybe .. aku ni ada something wrong kot .. eee lemas!

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 05:09 AM | Show all posts

p/s : highlight utk usha pokemon list & level


Gym Leader : Roark [Coal Badge + TM 76 (Stealth Rock) + use Rock Smash outside of battle]
Pokemon : Geodude - L 12
                Onix - L 12
                Cranidos - L 14

Gym Upgrade : none


Gym Leader : Gardenia [Forest Badge + TM 86 (Grass Knot) + use Cut outside of battle]
Pokemon : Turtwig - L 20
                Cherim - L 20
                Roserade - L 22

Gym Updragde : There is an area with two blades in the middle with four exits on it. To make the blades move, you have to battle each of the trainers in there until you finally get to Gardenia


Gym Leader : Fantina [Relic Badge + TM 65 (Shadow Claw) + use Surf outside of battle]
Pokemon : Duskull - L 24
                Haunter - L 24
                Mismagius - L 26

Gym Updragde : You can now enter the gym and challenge Fantina the first time you get to Hearthome. It appears you are in a darkened maze, with only a flashlight illuminating the area directly in front of you to find a pattern that opens up doors. Bordered up with Duskull lamps, you will be able to see where other trainers are. Your task is to get through the maze to find Fantina and battle her.


Gym Leader : Maylene [Cobble Badge + TM 60 (Drain Punch) + use Fly outside of battle]
Pokemon : Meditite - L 28
                Machoke - L 29
                Lucario - L 32

Gym Upgrade : Instead of sliding slits of wood into place to open a path, this time you have to move punching bags to knock out obstacles to make a path, battling trainers on your way.


Gym Leader : Crasher Wake [Fen Badge + TM 55 (Brine) + use Defog outside of battle]
Pokemon : Gyarados - L 33
                Quagsire - L 34
                Floatzel - L 37

Gym Upgrade : none


Gym Leader : Byron [Mine Badge + TM 91 (Flash Cannon) + use Strength outside of battle]
Pokemon : Magneton - L 37
                Steelix - L 38
                Bastiodon - L 41

Gym Upgrade : none


Gym Leader : Candice [Icicle Badge + TM 72 (Avalanche) + use Rock Climb outside of battle]
Pokemon : Sneasel - L 40
                Piloswine - L 40
                Abomasnow - L 42
                Froslass - L 44

Gym Upgrade : none


Gym Leader : Volkner [Beacon Badge + TM 57 (Charge Beam) + use Waterfall outside of Battle]
Pokemon : Jolteon - L 46
                Raichu - L 46
                Luxray - L 48
                Electirive - L 50

Gym Upgrade : none

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Post time 9-10-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #32 naen's post


lepak tnse tu pun aku bnyk lepak thread borak dia..

aku main pokemon biasa pun rasa lemas bila dlm gua.. blk2 jumpa zubat, geodude.. jauh sikit golbat, graveler, onix.. tensen.. biasanya klu aku ade mission dlm gua aku guna repel je.. maleh nak layan diorg.. cuma klu nak level up aku nye pokemon grass/air je aku sker jln2 dlm gua tu..

tapi bila main mysterious dungeon aku tak kisah sgt sbb aku leh nampak pokemon jahat, so blh elak or get ready..

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 02:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #34 farixwan's post

sama aa .. pasal gua tu .. memang sangat rimas!
actually .. kalau tgh surf pun aku rasa rimas gak - tentacool tu!!!

majulah repel untuk negara

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 02:15 PM | Show all posts

Alternate ROTOM Formes

Rotom is a rather unique Pok閙on in that it has multiple forms within the game. These forms are all obtained by having the Secret Key. This is given over WiFi in Japan from September 28th to November 4th. International Dates will be known upon release.

Once you get the Secret Key, go to the Eterna Galactic Hideout. If you have emptied Eterna of Team Galactic, you can go to one of the rooms and use the Secret Key between a bookcase and a wall. This will open up a whole new room in the building.

When you go into the room, you will see 5 different appliances on the floor. If you have Rotom with you, you can go up to any of them and select it. Once selected, Rotom will possess the appliance and thus you now have one of the new Rotom Forms. However there are a few things to note.

When you select the appliance and Rotom takes possession of it, Rotom will have the ability to learn a new attack. This is dependant on the Form that is is taking. This attack can only be kept upon this particular form. Once you change to another form, Rotom will forget that attack and learn a new one.

To change back to Rotom's normal form, all you have to do is select the area that the appliance once was and Rotom will revert. Although Rotom's stats will lower, this is the only way to get the original Rotom back. Rotom will also forget any specialised attack it had.

Below are the forms of Rotom, the items you need to select to get to it and the attacks that each form knows.

FROST ROTOM [Move Learned : Blizzard]

WASH ROTOM [Move Learned : Hydro Pump]

CUT ROTOM [Move Learned : Leaf Storm]

SPIN ROTOM [Move Learned : Air Slash]

HEAT ROTOM [Move Learned : Overheat]

aisehhhhhh .. event thru WiFi pulak dah ..
ada harapan ke kat malaysia bleh dapat secret key tu? tskk ..

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Post time 9-10-2008 04:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 naen's post

ya betul..
tu sbb la klu ko tgk sume generasi pokemon games, tentacool, zubat, geodude tu sume mesti ade dlm pokedex region tu..

a'ah, secret key tu dpt thru wifi.. tak tau la international punye dia bg camne.. lg satu, item yg nak tukar shaymin drp land forme -> sky forme pun dia bg thru wifi gak kan? *Sigh..

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2008 09:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #37 farixwan's post

kalau zubat ngan geodude tu aku leh tahan lagi
tapi tentacool tu .. iskkk! dah aa bunyi dia bingit sikit!

ntah aa farix, hari tu dah bersemangat dah bila tau pasal rotom formes ni
tapi .. uhuk uhuk .. aku keciwa ..

ntah bila aa nintendo nak buat events kat KL atau region south east asia

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Post time 10-10-2008 08:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #38 naen's post

a'ah.. sedih kan kita ni..
diorg main game, kita pun main game..
tp nintendo takde usaha nak satisfy kita yg duk luar jepung n us nih..
aritu masa movie ke-11 kuar, diorg duk bg regigigas kan..

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2008 07:09 PM | Show all posts
itu aa .. kalau takmo buat kat KL pun,
at least buat aa kat singapore ke .. bleh gak kita turun singapore
asalkan kat region ni - south east asia ..

kalau kat jepun, masa movie keluar pun dia bagi macam2 ..
movie yg the rise of darkrai tu, depa bagi darkrai ..
movie yg hari tu depa bagi regigigas ek? bukan shaymin ke?

lahai .. frust nonggeng2 je tengok legendary pokemon tu semua
takkan nak hack kot .. aisehh .. tak suka aa hack2 ni ..

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