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Author: JUSTcircle

BEAST/B2ST 4th House ~ Hyunseung officially leaves B2ST to go solo

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Post time 19-12-2010 12:48 AM | Show all posts
suweet Post at 15-12-2010 07:17 PM

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ the macro.

and my lil sis mesti a confirmed attendant at this event......

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Post time 20-12-2010 12:09 AM | Show all posts
congrat dah masuk rumah baru!!!

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Post time 20-12-2010 03:45 AM | Show all posts
masuk gak....
tetibe plak.....
congratz jesi bukak umah baru tuk dak b2st nie....

iols sapot b2st gak even xdpt join kpop digi live next jan...
have fun sumenya yea...!!

Use magic Report

Post time 20-12-2010 03:46 AM | Show all posts
masuk gak....
tetibe plak.....
congratz jesi bukak umah baru tuk dak b2st nie....

iols sapot b2st gak even xdpt join kpop digi live next jan...
have fun sumenya yea...!!

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2010 10:20 AM | Show all posts
thanks pada semua yg ada kat sini.. sila2 bercerita ttg beast kat sini yerk?

hehehe! thanks twink updatekan video.. kot saper yg rajin, tolong tepekkan parody Orang caramel yg kiwi ada tu erk? thanks semua.

JC kesibukan skrg.

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2010 11:09 AM | Show all posts

[NEWS] BEAST’s Lee Kikwang showed off anger when his kiss scene was taken by Yoon Doojoon

[Newsen Park Junghyun Reporter]

The story behind BEAST’s Lee Kikwang getting his kiss scene during a photo shoot taken by Yoon Doojoon had been revealed.
In MBC ‘Section TV’ broadcasted on the 19th of December, the scene of BEAST’s first solo concert was revealed. During an interview, the issue of Yoon Doojoon’s exclusive photoshoot came up.
However it was revealed that the main character behind the photoshoot was supposed to be Lee Kikwang. But then minutes before the actual photoshoot, it was taken away from him by Yoon Doojoon. To this the members stated, “You could have clearly seen that Lee Kikwang was mad.”
Yoon Doojoon had stated before that the members were jealous of him, but the members revealed, “We were not jealous. If you get jealous, then you already lost. We were just observing close by.”
Meanwhile in the broadcast, the performance of BEAST was aired as well. The concert with 10,000 fans was a complete success. However, perhaps it was because of the nervousness, Yoon Doojoon had fallen during in the midst of the performance. Despite the fall, there was a smile on his face and the fans had enjoyed the show as well.


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts

Fenomena Beast tidak terbendung
Oleh Elrafaei Sapi (yang mengikuti Universal Music Malaysia menyaksikan Konsert Beast di Seoul, Korea, baru-baru ini)

JERITAN peminat bergema di segenap ruang. Menariknya, sorakan padu peminat pada enam artis pujaan mereka yang meng�gelar diri sebagai Beast begitu menggamatkan suasana.
Ini dapat dilihat sejam sebelum persembahan bermula jam 5 petang waktu tempatan hingga berakhir dua jam selepas itu, momentum sorakan yang diberikan peminat masih bertenaga dan berterusan.

Peminat terdiri daripada golongan remaja sanggup berasak depan pentas semata mahu melihat lebih dekat anggota Beast beraksi.

Hampir 10,000 peminat sudah tentu gadis belia mengambil peluang menyaksikan persembahan Beast yang mengadakan konsert solo julung kali.

Dua jam sebelum konsert bermula, Beast berkesempatan mengadakan sidang media untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka mengadakan persembahan di Jamsil Indoor Stadium, Seoul, Korea Selatan, baru-baru ini.

Anggota Beast terdiri daripada Yoon Doo Joon, Jang Hyun Seung, Yong Jun Hyung, Yang Yo Seob, Lee Gi Kwang dan Son Dong Woon hanya meluangkan masa selama 25 minit untuk sesi temu bual bersama media tempatan dan antarabangsa termasuk dari Malaysia, Thailand dan Taiwan manakala fotografi hanya lima minit.

Ketua kumpulan, Doo Joon berkata, sukar menjelaskan perasaan dalaman mereka mengenai persembahan yang dianggap istimewa itu dan ia menjadi penghargaan pada peminat mereka.

“Kami sebenarnya tidak mempunyai masa panjang berlatih untuk persembahan kali ini, tetapi kami tetap gembira menghiburkan peminat yang hadir.

“Persembahan seperti ini memberi peluang pada kami memperkenalkan lagu baru hasil ciptaan sendiri. Begitu juga, sepanjang hujung tahun ini hingga 2011, kami akan meneruskan persembahan jelajah dan bertemu peminat termasuk di Malaysia pada 13 Januari nanti.

“Dalam memantapkan persembahan, kami pernah bertanya pandangan artis senior lain mengenai pengalaman mereka ketika berada di pentas. Kata mereka, setiap persembahan memberi pengalaman berbeza.

“Atas alasan itu, kami juga mahu terus mengadakan persembahan lain selepas ini dan ia memberi ruang pada kami mendekatkan hubungan bersama peminat,” katanya.

Seperti mana artis Korea yang lazim terbabit dalam bidang lakonan, anggota kumpulan ini tidak menolak ingin aktif berlakon jika ada tawaran yang menarik dan sesuai.

Buat masa ini, hanya dua anggota mereka yang aktif berlakon iaitu Doo Joon dan Hyun Seung. <<--- sepatutnya Kikwang.

“Tidak kisah siapa antara kami yang berlakon, masing-masing tetap menyokong satu sama lain. Dalam meluas pengaruh dalam muzik, kami berazam mahu meraih lebih ramai peminat baru pada tahun depan.

“Dalam pada itu, kami harus bekerja lebih gigih melakukan promosi ke peringkat antarabangsa. Kami sebenarnya berbangga perjuangan muzik K-pop (Korea pop) apabila mencetuskan fenomena global.

“Namun dalam berhibur, kami berharap muzik dapat membantu masyarakat dunia menjurus pada suatu perkembangan positif dan kehidupan sihat,” katanya.

Menyaksikan konsert sulung mereka dikenali Welcome To Beast Airline, Beast tampil dengan persembahan penuh bertenaga.

Memulakan persembahan menerusi lagu Special, pembukaan yang disertai letupan mercun dan pancaran lampu laser menambah keterujaan peminat berhibur.

Persembahan berterusan dalam seleksi lagu popular seperti Soom, Bad Girl, Mystery, Easy dan Lights Go On Again membuatkan suasana semakin gamat.

Tidak ketinggalan, lagu Beast Is The B2ST, Clenching A Tight Fist, Mastermind dan Lightless memperlihatkan kombinasi antara anggota kumpulan cukup serasi menyanyi bersama.

Untuk lagu Hot Issue, mereka menampilkan kelainan dengan konsep acapella.

Dalam rancak beraksi, mereka sempat meluangkan masa berinteraksi bersama peminat.

Kejutan buat peminat apabila mereka membawa kek meraikan hari jadi Jun Hyung ke-22.

Sambutan hari jadi kali ini memberi makna mendalam buatnya kerana ia diraikan bersama anggota keluarga dan peminat yang hadir pada konsert itu.

Sepatutnya, ibu Jun Hyung berhasrat meraikan hari jadi anaknya itu pada tahun lalu, tetapi tertangguh kerana anggota Beast sibuk melakukan latihan untuk persembahan pentas.

Jun Hyung yang terharu dengan kejutan itu bergurau dengan peminat hadir agar tidak menceritakan insiden dia menitiskan air mata di Internet.

Katanya, rakan anggota Beast yang lain banyak membantu memberi semangat padanya untuk terus berjuang dalam bidang seni.

Malah, dia menghargai semangat persahabatan antara mereka cukup kuat menaikkan populariti kumpulan mereka hingga hari ini.

Beast yang dikenali dengan B2ST merujuk pada singkatan Boys To Search for Top dianggap berjaya mencipta nama di pentas muzik antarabangsa.

Biarpun masih baru sejak ditubuhkan setahun lalu, kehadiran mereka tetap memberikan variasi baru pada perkembangan muzik K-pop.

Dalam menghangatkan persembahan, mereka mengundang dua artis popular yang juga rakan mereka iaitu kumpulan 4Minute dan G.Na tampil sebagai artis jemputan.
Terdiri daripada lima gadis lincah dan seksi, persembahan 4Minute menerusi dua lagu iaitu Hot Issue dan HUH cukup membangkitkan suasana.

Penyanyi solo G.Na tidak menghampakan peminat apabila dua lagu yang disampaikan, I’ll Back Off So You Can Live dan I Want To Do When I Have A Lover turut menerima sorakan gemuruh peminat.

Kembali Beast menghiburkan peminat dengan lagu seterusnya seperti I’m Sorry, Shock, Beautiful, Oasis, V.I.U dan I Like You The Best membuktikan persembahan mereka masih bertenaga.

Nyata, persembahan Beast bukan sekadar aksi artis muda bertenaga di pentas. Sebaliknya, Beast membuktikan penerimaan muzik mereka berjaya menembusi pasaran di luar negara seperti Jepun, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia dan Singapura.

Walaupun Beast selesa menggunakan bahasa ibunda mereka sendiri sebagai perantara dalam muzik, tetapi ia bukan halangan diminati ramai peminat di seluruh dunia. Mungkin fenomena K-pop yang dibawa mereka termasuk artis Korea lain seperti Super Junior dan Wonder Girls memberikan jenama kuat sebagai pengenalan pada peminat.

Beast yang muncul dengan album keempat, Lights Go On Again berada di pasaran sejak 3 November lalu sudah melancarkan album istimewa untuk peminat mereka di Jepun.

Album Beast-Japan Premium Edition dilancarkan pada 24 November lalu.

Bagi peminat tempatan di sini yang menantikan kehadiran Beast, Universal Music Malaysia bersama syarikat telekomunikasi, DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd selaku penaja akan menganjurkan persembahan DiGi Live K-pop Party 2011 di Stadium Negara pada 13 Januari tahun depan.

Menariknya, konsert kali ini turut menyaksikan persembahan bersama penyanyi G.Na dan kumpulan 4Minute. Jika kunjungan Super Junior ke Kuala Lumpur pada 20 Mac lalu berjaya menarik perhatian 15,000 peminat manakala Wonder Girls menarik perhatian ramai pada persembahan mereka di Genting Highlands pada 11 Disember lalu, tidak mustahil Beast bersama 4Minute dan G.Na nanti akan mencipta sambutan di luar dugaan.

taken from

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Post time 21-12-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
SR tegar tinggal jejak kat sini..

tahniah opening umah baru!!!!!


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 Author| Post time 21-12-2010 09:51 AM | Show all posts
SR tegar tinggal jejak kat sini..

tahniah opening umah baru!!!!!
amyhisashi Post at 21-12-2010 09:43 AM

    baru aku tau ko SR kat sini..

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Post time 21-12-2010 09:52 AM | Show all posts
baru aku tau ko SR kat sini..
JUSTcircle Post at 21-12-2010 09:51

kekeke...x larat nak msk sume...amik hapdate, sedut ape yg patut..pastu gelak sorang2...

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2010 10:45 AM | Show all posts

101213 Lee Kikwang's mother advises "You're no good as an artist, so succeed as an actor"

BEAST's Lee Kikwang will be acting in an official drama for the first time through "My Princess".

On the episode of MBC 'Sunday Sunday Night- Hot Brothers', there was a portion of the show with the theme "Become a model son", where they made phone calls to their own parents in order to learn about what kind of son they were.

On this day, Lee Kikwang phoned his mother. He said, "These days I have a lot of schedules, it's tiring. Also, I think I'm bad at acting." He revealed that he had originally wanted to reject the part in the drama.

Subsequently, normal mothers would say that their largest concern about their son would be their health. However when Kikwang actually said he wanted to give it up, she persuaded him saying, "Lots of people watch mini series so you have to do it. It's time."

Following this, as soon as Lee Kikwang had whined "It's like the limits of my body are being tested." she persuaded him by saying, "You're making a fuss. You're no good as a singer, so you should act and then come out as a soloist."

In order to succeed at the mission to get the parents to say 'Our son is a model son', Lee Kikwang had said "Mom, what kind of son am I?" She replied "The best son. You have to become a world star", giving off the force of a company president, causing the audience to erupt into laughter.

Meanwhile, the drama that Lee Kikwang's mother is anticipating so much has been revealed as the MBC drama 'My Princess' starring Song Seungheon and Kim Taehee. After the MBC sit com, 'High Kick through the Roof', this will be the first time that he will be acting in an official show, and his fans are in much anticipation.



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 Author| Post time 21-12-2010 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by JUSTcircle at 21-12-2010 10:59

BEAST's first duet unit Doojoon and Dongwoon will reveal 'When the Door Closes'

[Newsen Lee Uhnhyuk Reporter]

BEAST’s Yoon Doojoon and Son Dongwoon have appeared as the first duet unit.

At 5PM KST on the 21st, BEAST will be releasing the first song in the series of 3 duet songs and the full song version of ‘Lights Go On Again’ with the first track ‘When the Door Closes’ a part of the digital single album ‘My Story’.

‘When the Door Closes’ has a sad melody line along with Yoon Doojoon and Son Dongwoon’s melting voice. Like the concert stage where the two men played the piano on the stage together, it plans to give that many emotions to the listeners as well.

Before that at 11AM KST, BEAST will be revealing the teaser clip for ‘When the Door Closes’ via their official fan café and their official youtube channel. The video will contain the clips of them participating in the composing process.



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 Author| Post time 21-12-2010 06:12 PM | Show all posts
[CLIP] MCD BEAST Unit 12.23.10

[AUDIO] BEAST (&#48708;&#49828;&#53944;) DOOJOON-DONGWOON - &#47928;&#51060; &#45803;&#55176;&#47732; WHEN THE DOOR CLOSES (FULL)

cr : b2r + mybeastboys

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Post time 21-12-2010 09:46 PM | Show all posts
With eng sub!!! sedey2!!!


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2010 08:52 AM | Show all posts

I've found a good news for those who didnt attend the BEAST Airline Concert in Korea...Well,now we can watch it online coz Channel V Thailand will be boardcasting "BEAST Airline Concert" on New Year Eve 31st Dec 2010 & 3rd of Jan 2011...So here's the link :-

Channel V Thailand :

Time : 5am/12pm/6pm

FYI : Thailand time will be 1 hour slower than us...OK!!!

cr : Jazzy@myb2uty

akhirnya dapat gak tengok nanti!!!! tak payah tunggu DVD.. lambat lagi kuar DVD.. huhuhu!! yay! yay!

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2010 08:57 AM | Show all posts

Park Jinyoung reveals his reason to dropping Lee Kikwang from JYP

Park Jiyoung revealed the reason behind the elimination of Lee Kikwang while he was still an JYP trainee.

On KBS-2TV broadcasted on the 21st, Park Jiyoung made an awkward laugh when MC Kim Seungwoo asked, “If Kikwang was a JYP trainee, why did he end up debuting under a different management?”

To this Park Jinyoung stated, “When I first saw Lee Kikwang, I thought both of his dancing and singing skills were excellent. However he did have one negative side.”

He added, “It was disappointing to know that Kikwang thought that he was talented himself. A trainee needs to be focused and always leave a room for improvement, but I feel that Lee Kikwang knew by himself that he was talented on his own.”

Then he revealed, “Now, after hearing that he is working harder than anyone else, I called him separately before and told him that ‘I was really proud of hearing that he is working hard now’.”



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 Author| Post time 22-12-2010 09:07 AM | Show all posts
With eng sub!!! sedey2!!!
suweet Post at 21-12-2010 09:46 PM

    lirik dorg tu kan? pasan x? kira mcm sesuai tok drama2 korea kan? sesuai tok watak2 2nd hero.. ekekek! selalu kena tinggal and bahagiakan heroin.

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2010 09:30 AM | Show all posts
[B2STLYSUBS] 100817 V Channel (Jiu Shi Ai JK) - BEAST Interview

cr : b2stlysubs

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2010 09:58 AM | Show all posts

[NEWS] 101222 BEAST unit Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob’s ‘Thanks To’ will be revealed today

[Newsen Lee Uhnhyuk Reporter]

After BEAST’s Yoon Doojoon and Son Dongwoon, the hiphop track from Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob will be revealed.
Management Cube Entertainment had revealed that the hiphop number ‘Thanks To’ from Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob will be revealed on the 22nd as the second duet song on the ‘My Story’ digital album.
According to the management, the teaser video for ‘Thanks To’ will be revealed on the official fancafe and the official youtube channel at 11AM KST on the 22nd. The one minute clip will be filmed in a mini drama style with BEAST’s late departure story. At 6PM KST, the live teaser video will be available.
Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob had showed off their skills as idols stars by writing and composing ‘Thanks To’. With the fresh hiphop beat as the base, Yong Junhyung’s rapping will mix with Yang Yoseob’s vocals making a smooth and fierce sound overall.
With lyrics ‘Thank you to all who always watched over us. You, You, Thank you, For you’, this song will be a love letter written to the fans for their love and consideration.


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Post time 22-12-2010 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 34# suweet

jatuh cinta dah dgn lagu ni..
dr mlm td repeat lagu ni je

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