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Author: maffa


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Post time 23-3-2011 01:52 PM | Show all posts
kalau kau boley install game tu kat pendrive most likely the data structure is ok.Maybe dia rosak part padding,splitvid atau ape ape la bahagian lain yang takde kene mengene ngan data dia.Kalau kau dapat bypass copy error tu and cuba repair ngan abgx,maybe dia akan ok.Not sure kalau abgx boley repair part part lain dalam structure 360 iso tu,ni kau kene coba seniri.

Pasal region tu kau boley cek via abgx jugak.Caranye sama,just gunekan option scan burned dvd and kau boley nampak info region dia.Kalau dia NTSC/J je memang takde harapan la nak check and fix.Kalau dia ade combine region or RF,kau boley cube cek and most likely dia akan ade maklumat dalam database dia.

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Post time 23-3-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Ohh... for ur information, aku install kat pendrive tu pon berjenuh la gak.. sbb install x sampai 20% je trus kuar "disc unreadable" tp berkat aku rajin restart xbox aku and reinstall game tu.. akhirnye dpt gak, tu pon lucky je aku rase.. lps install nk men still kene pki dvd die rite? kadang2 1st try trus leh men tu pon naseb je, mostly kene restart / off onn blk xbox sampai die leh read dvd tu.. aku rase dvd tu rosak truk structure die rite? what do u think?

Check pki option burned dvd tu kene tunggu whole process die complete ke? sbb last time aku gune method tu dekat 1 hour bro huhu...

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Post time 28-3-2011 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Bro... Asal ade satu game ni.. Lepas aku burn die x leh men ek? Time nk loading tu die mcm hang.. die mcm loading forever je... Die leh read, tp time aku select race je dia loading je... For ur info, game tu NFS Hot Pursuit.. Region NTSC.. Tujuan aku burn game tu coz aku nk simpan lame.. dvd asal die mmg x de problem pon men.. elok je.. tp copy die lak x leh men... Whats the problem? Aku da fix kat abgx da.. sume hijau.. Except satu part tu je kuning, tp aku rase part kuning tu x penting kot.. ayat yg warna kuning tu berbunyi spt berikut "AntiPiracy25 Media" tu je...

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Post time 29-3-2011 10:52 AM | Show all posts
hmm...yang ni ade pelik sikit,aku pon tak sure nak cakap ape tapi it looks like a bad burn case i guess.Bab AP25 tu pastikan dia ijau lepas repair as that part is important.Kau dah try install to hdd from that burned disc and try main?Kalau tak boley gak,means ade something yang tak kene time burning proses.

biasela,shit happens jugak sometimes due to random reasons walaupon kite buat carefully.Aku pernah kene gak bad burns sometimes and I just reburn the disc.But make sure that the iso is good by comparing it with abgx data.

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Post time 29-3-2011 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Maybe sbb region die kot... sbb sblom ni aku repair game lain, die nye region free.. x de kuar NTSC nye.. first time aku encounter bende ade region ni... yg bab AP25 tu aku da run byk kali kat abgx, sume hijau kecuali tu je... aku ingt x de ape2 la.. x tau lak leh jd cm tu.. haish... abis satu dvd...

x pe la..... maybe game tu x leh fix kot...

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Post time 29-3-2011 11:41 PM | Show all posts
game tu region dia is ntsc/j ngan ntsc/u so its should be verified on abgx.Everything yang ade combination regions most likely ade verified kat abgx.Yang Ap25 tu aku rase memang dia kuning,cume make sure yang part "AP25 replay sector is currently verified" tu yang musti hijau.Kau dah try install to hdd and try main?

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Post time 30-3-2011 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Ohh ye ke? sbb slalu game aku try to fix region die free.. x de NTSC... by the way region die NTSC/J (Excludes China) NTSC/U.... Erm aku da try install... die ckp DVD aku maybe scratch and cant read.. so aku buang la.. da mmg rosak... nk wat cm ne kalo x leh pki..

Aku encounter something new... Ade game ni (Assassin's Creed 2) aku men kat xbox aku mmg ok.. tp aku nk install kat hdd x leh.. die sangkut sparuh jln.. and bile aku try create image die kat imgburn pon same... Aku saje nk copy sbb aku nk wat collection game tu.. bkn game tu ade masalah ke ape.. Tp aku pelik asal x leh install kat hdd atau create image die? Bese kalo ade masalah mcm tu mostly game tu mmg x leh men kat mesin aku...

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Post time 30-3-2011 01:42 AM | Show all posts
kalau camtu most likely tu kes bad burn la.Just reburn balik and it should be ok considering that your iso source is good.

Btw,kegunaan abgx tu selain dari merepair iso yang rosak in certain aspects adalah untuk make sure that the iso you have is good.Macam mane kau nak tau dia good?Abgx akan compare crc for matching game IDs dalam db dia and kalau match after crc test,we could confirm that the iso you have is good.Bab region tu actually just an identifier je,ape sebab aku cakap camtu?Sebabnye abgx ONLY keeps record of games that is mainly in ntsc/u,pal or rf.Kalau game tu purely ntsc/j,memang tak akan ade rekod dalam abgx.Kite perlukan rekod abgx ni bile time kite nak repair corrupted iso sebab kite perlukan crc data dia untuk make sure yang the final repaired iso is good.Crc tu macam fingerprint data yang tentukan yang what you have is the real and accurate one.Lets say,the crc for your iso is 200 while abgx verified crc for the same game is 210.So dia tak match,means it could have errors anywhere within the iso.One thing you need to know is,most of the pirated stuffs on the internet/shops always comes from a same source most of the time.So they are mostly identical unless altered for other reasons.

Game assassins creed 2 tu kau dah abis main ke?Kalau dapat main habis with no problem,most likely dia rosak kat part non critical area macam padding or video wave.Kalau camni,kau boley try copy and skip je part yang ade bad readings tu.Pastu kau boley try repair ngan abgx and hope it will repair the damaged part.Kalau memang tak boley habis main,means memang dia ade problem with the disc and data dia.Kalau sangkut separuh jalan tu biasenyela is layerbreak problem.Media tu mungkin mengalami bad burn mase dia nak write the second layer of the disc.Kalau rosak camni,aku consider it bad and should search for another good source.



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Post time 30-3-2011 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Ohh i see.... Tp tu la aku pelik... Sbb aku x pena encounter mcm tu... So its new for me... Thnx coz make it clear for me... I'll try reburn balik...

Psl game Assassin's Creed 2 tu aku x men abis lg... Tp so far main ok je... No problem... X tau la kalo late game tu nnt mcm ne...

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Post time 30-3-2011 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Lagi satu aku nk tanya... Asal dvd yg kedai game jual nye lg nipis dr dvd DL yg aku beli ek? Ketara sgt.. kalo beza kit x pe... tp dorg nye dvd DL mcm dvd biase je

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Post time 2-4-2011 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Mat aku ade problem baru ni.. Aku rase mcm nk baling xbox tu pon ade gak.. huhu.... nyirap gler aku... Recently aku ade cite psl Asassins Creed 2 tu yg x leh copy rite tp still work fine kat xbox aku.. tp aku men sampai sparuh jln sangkut, da x leh men.. aku pon gi tukar.. tp result die same.. aku da fed up aku download la.. and lps tu mcm biase la aku fix kat abgx.. then aku burn kat dvd baru.. Tp problem die aku play kat xbox aku die x leh nk men.. aku pelik tul, kat abgx test sume da green light tp bile men kat xbox disc error... aku ingt bad burn ke ape.. then aku try dvd lain yg aku burn sblm ni yg leh men.. yg peliknye yg sblm ni leh men pon jd x leh men... asal ek?

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Post time 3-4-2011 10:36 PM | Show all posts
hmmm payah gak kes kau ni...honestly aku memang tak boley nak tolong kalau secara theory je sebab mende camni dia kene test side side ngan 360 lain dari segi dvdrom dan disc gamenye untuk pinpoint the exact problem.Ape yang aku boley cakap secara theorinye are most likely kau punye burner isn't doing the job properly or your 360 dvdrom is on its way out.Kes kau ni interesting actually tapi kau really need another test 360 to determine the problem.

Kalau kat JB,firstly aku akan test disc game aku kat 360 kau and kalau ok,means something is wrong with your burned dvd(the burner is to blamed).Kalau same tak ok,means something is wrong with your 360 dvdrom,i will try to clean it,reflash it or even swap it with another test 360 drive.I will also try to play your burned dvd to confirm that it's ok.So tula antara test method yang aku akan try and kau boley try with your members gak for those yang ade 360 to verify.

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Post time 4-4-2011 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Aku rase burner aku x kene kot.. or maybe blank media aku pki x kene.. i dunno ... pening da kpala aku... sbb game aku download (AC 2) tu pon aku da fix pon x leh men.. nk install pon x lepas... tp game2 yg aku beli sblm ni sume leh men.. yg aku burn je x leh and yg da rosak tu... it really drive me crazy... ermm bab nk verify tu, membe aku x de sorg pon pki 360... so its a bit of problem ar...
maybe die kene pki burner and blank media mcm ko ckp br nk jadi kot.. burner aku TSST Corp (Toshiba-Samsung)

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Post time 6-4-2011 12:33 AM | Show all posts
Bro nk tnya la.. ade x cara nk men .iso file meaning file game tu trus tanpa burn dlm dvd? mcm install kat hdd ke atau pendrive?

and one more thing, is it ok to use usb burner? coz im using laptop, and aku wat research, ade dvd burner jenis usb.. just plug in n play... ok ke kalo burn game xbox cm tu?

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Post time 6-4-2011 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Only jtagged 360 can play iso/files from hdd and jtagg can only be done on older 360(sebelum jasper and have particular dashboard version).Macam kau punye 360 memang tak boley buat jtag and besides jtag is recomended for tech savvy person only because of its complexity in maintaining.

I haven't tried a usb burner yet but theorically it should be ok.If you are looking for one,try getting a liteon or a pioneer and avoid LG and samsung if possible

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Post time 6-4-2011 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Hmm... mcm tu lak... Aduhai... About burner tu ramai suggest pioneer aku tgk..lite on pon ade.. Burner ni asalkan ade burn DVD R-DL da cukup kn? atau ade specific model utk burn game xbox?

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Post time 6-4-2011 01:41 PM | Show all posts
yes go for pioneer or liteon or maybe others yang might be compatible.Semua burners zaman sekarang is multi-format(excluding Blueray) so no problem with that.Kalau boleyla and i think its quite mandatory,make sure that the burner is able to booktype the +R medias to -ROM.Bab ni kau kene baca review burners specification as ade yang boley and ade yang tak.

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Post time 6-4-2011 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Maksud ko die ade DVD ± R DL?
how about this? ok x external burner ni? ... -2011-05-Sale-P.htm

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Post time 6-4-2011 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Tak bukan bab DVD ± R DL tu,dia bab booktype aka bitsetting.Bitsetting to -ROM are needed for some system/machine namely xbox360 for compatibality purposes.Tapi aku rase most burners nowadays should have that ability,i guess.Kalau tak pon,you can change it in imgburn settings if the burner firmware allows it.

hmmm kalau bab recommendation ni payah sikit aku nak kate.According to some reviews,diaorang cakap secara amnye drive lite-on ade buat bitsetting and quite good overall.Harga burner yang kau tunjuk tu is expensive,so kalau still problem gak after this,musti kau rase tensen aku tak berani nak recommend as aku pon biasenye kene trial and error baru dapat tau.Bile dah tau,aku usually stick to only that particular burner and buy additional one for spare purposes just incase dia phased out in the future.

Macam aku dulu first sekali pakai drive benq,pioneer,LG and currently liteon.LG tu is experimental and it failed to burn 360 isos properly.So immediately I bought a liteon after that and luckily its compatible.Sebelum aku beli tu,I've read countless reviews,opinions and finally decided.

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Post time 7-4-2011 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Ohh... ok... Ermm aku pon ade byk tgk review... Byk ckp pioneer and ade suggest lite on.. and ade gak suggest yg brand aku x familiar sgt.. tp byk yg sebut pioneer la.. tp aku rase dorg maybe compatible ngan dvd rom xbox dorg as aku wat research sblm ni xbox ade kuar dvd rom yg berlainan and aku check aku nye xbox nye dvd drive... aku nye jenis lite on maybe mostly yg kat m'sia nye dvd drive lite on kot.. aku just guess la... coz byk yg luar dr m'sia pki Ben q and Samsung...

So aku rase maybe lite on burner yg sesuai utk mesin xbox kat m'sia kot... About price die ko ckp mahal? nape? biase nye bape leh dpt kalo model tu?

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