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Author: green~tea

Persiapan utk Retirement

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Post time 17-7-2020 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-7-2020 10:31 AM
i rasa kalo dah spesifik fashion tu u kena belajar dekat private classes laa yg ajar teknik2...

So far takde.. kalo ade pun harga tak mampu milik

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Post time 17-7-2020 11:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-7-2020 12:59 AM
U dah ada asb? If u bumiputra.. u masuk situ dulu.. takyah fikir mende lain lg

Yes I am. Tapi tak Ada. Hahaha. But is it fine now utk letak ASB?

Btw Ada ke channel YouTube ke someone Yang you boleh recommend for me to have basics? Even buku pun bila I Cari too complicated for me to understand.

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2020 11:19 AM | Show all posts
makbedah replied at 17-7-2020 11:13 AM
Yes I am. Tapi tak Ada. Hahaha. But is it fine now utk letak ASB?

Btw Ada ke channel YouTube ke ...

ASB is the only investment that's being guaranteed by both investment institution (PNB) and backed by government... takde investment lain yang guaranteed mcm ni, so my advice would be... fixed rate summore .... RM 1 for 1 unit... utamakan ASB dulu.. u can consider ASB financing if monthly income u kukuh....but u must remember... jgn gunakan financing tu untuk buat duit.. gunakan financing tu utk beranak pinakkan your cash value/ ASB limit... as a tool for leveraging

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2020 11:21 AM | Show all posts
makbedah replied at 17-7-2020 11:13 AM
Yes I am. Tapi tak Ada. Hahaha. But is it fine now utk letak ASB?

Btw Ada ke channel YouTube ke ...

youtube ada kot.. entah la.. usually i banyakkan membaca as well as borak dgn husband..... dekat bod ekonomi dan usahawan dah ada byk sharing pasal ASB and others dah bincang lanjut.. try godek2 sana..

ebook semua best la bagi i...

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Post time 17-7-2020 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Saya still struggling nak buat apa bila retire nanti. Pasif income pun tak buat lagi. Sedang mencari2 idea apa business atau investment yg boleh dibuat sebagai pasif income (later bila retire akan jadi main income). Any idea anyone?

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2020 12:25 PM | Show all posts
ally9970 replied at 17-7-2020 11:43 AM
Saya still struggling nak buat apa bila retire nanti. Pasif income pun tak buat lagi. Sedang mencari ...

same as me... i takde idea nak business apa lagi... i do have some plans and dah start buat beberapa.. and utk retirement i tanak la business pagi petang siang malam buat bisnes.. sbb its not really to generate extra money, bg i sufficient utk generate enough income and fill my time nnti i retire...

whats your target? u kena tengok ur passion... and match it with market demand... learn few skills, kdg2 extra skills tu la yang membantu boost your actuak business focus...

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Post time 18-7-2020 03:31 PM | Show all posts
I umur 35 baru start ada job with salary and benefits yang I rasa sepadan dengan pengalaman
rezeki baru nak ada (ini I cakap pada diri)
and I pun baru start saving in ASB last month
selepas a forumer adviced untuk open up an ASB account
semua duit bonus tahun ni I masukkan dalam asb
dengan harapan I tak keluarkan
walau sesak mana sekalipun
ini je lah simpanan I ada selain daripada tabung haji
which I  cuba untuk istiqamah tambah duit every month

now, I manage to save 10% of my monthly income
syukur sangat after 13 tahun bekerja

luckily I still afford to maintain EPF 11% di musim covid 19 ni
though the company offered to reduce. I said no.
I selalu doa agar rezeki I dekat company ni semakin murah
and this company bertahan lah forever and ever
and the company's financial situation will get better soonest
Since the company ada generate income through property investment too
and agak terjejas jua sekarang ini

duit dlm bank i memang biasanya ngam2 sampai hujung bulan je
pandai2 la manage saki baki after dah tolak 10% saving and segala hutang

itu saja lah perancangan yang i mampu adakan pada masa ini
i pray that the economic and pandemic situation will get better faster
so kuranglah sikit bebanan I untuk tanggung family
and I can have more for myself

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2020 03:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gekkou replied at 18-7-2020 03:31 PM
I umur 35 baru start ada job with salary and benefits yang I rasa sepadan dengan pengalaman
rezeki ...

Thats a good start sis.... utamakan yang patut.. takyah beli property lg.. lepas diversify, leverage stabil cash investment baru pikir lain

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2020 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gekkou replied at 18-7-2020 03:31 PM
I umur 35 baru start ada job with salary and benefits yang I rasa sepadan dengan pengalaman
rezeki ...

dulu2 i selalu savings last balance2 je lepas settle commitment and belanja... nowadays, i mmg dah reduce commitment, and terus tolak savings (10-20% of salary) balance tu baru buat belanja.... mula2 tukar style belanjawan camni, i mmg rasa sangkakkkkkk sgt.... tp lama2 dah biasa..  

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Post time 21-7-2020 09:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by makbedah at 21-7-2020 09:57 AM

Owh I nak share juga lah I pernah Beli EMAS. Kumpul because my mum Yang ajar. Tapi tak byk lah. Since I pun tak sampai 10tahun kerja. EMAS ni time murah best Beli. Kalau tak, menangis lah tgk harga dia. I baru kumpul 10 kg mcm tu tapi kawan I ckp EMAS jongkol (tak tahu mcm mana nak eja) lagi mahsyuk kalau Beli.

I come from a family Yang tak pandai sgt savings (mostmalays I kenal pun Sama) but my dad murah sgt rezeki dia. Sentiasa berduit.  Jarang lah tak berduit. I Rasa itu berkat dia Jaga adik2 dia since he was 18 sampai skrg. Tapi dia memang tak pandai savings so I hope I pun Ada knowledge on this matter so that my family can improve on money management.  

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Post time 21-7-2020 09:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-7-2020 11:19 AM
ASB is the only investment that's being guaranteed by both investment institution (PNB) and backed ...

Owh thank you. Thank you.

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2020 12:10 PM | Show all posts
makbedah replied at 21-7-2020 09:54 AM
Owh I nak share juga lah I pernah Beli EMAS. Kumpul because my mum Yang ajar. Tapi tak byk lah. Sinc ...

bg iols, emas selayak dibeli as perhiasan sahaja, bukan untuk investment...

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Post time 21-7-2020 12:21 PM | Show all posts
saya pun mula buat plan dgn suami..saya lagi 14 tahun dan suami lg 13 thn (inshaallah bersaralah). Plan2 nak buka niaga makan..nak bina rumah kat kg.. yalah tua2 nanti tinggal kami berdua aje.. saya pun mula nak belajar menjahit baju. la nie saya rajin buat patchwork. buat yg mampu aje x adalah mcm org pro buat. alhamdulilah ada sambutan.

doakan rancangan kami berjaya ye

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2020 12:23 PM | Show all posts
mamaida28 replied at 21-7-2020 12:21 PM
saya pun mula buat plan dgn suami..saya lagi 14 tahun dan suami lg 13 thn (inshaallah bersaralah). P ...

aamiiin... dont worry u still have plenty of time there to try and error... yang penting u tau target u apa...

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Post time 23-7-2020 07:27 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 16-7-2020 01:31 PM
if u dont mind, how old are you? bagus u start ealry ni.. jarang ada kesedaran...

iols baru gia ...

hi greentea, pasal umo tu angka 2 kat depan.. huu.. baru berjinak2 dalam cari, x sangka byk info tips yg best2 kat sini selaen hot newz haha
btw, thanks for your info tau byk sangat yg berguna untuk i yg baru bertatih

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2020 11:13 AM | Show all posts
biskutbulat replied at 23-7-2020 07:27 PM
hi greentea, pasal umo tu angka 2 kat depan.. huu.. baru berjinak2 dalam cari, x sangka byk info t ...

Okay, thats why i nak tau umur u berapa, so that i can gauge your "health", beginner level ke, intermediate ke... anyway, since you're 20+++.. i would suggest u utamakan cash investment (paling liquid).... kat bawah ni i susun ikut priority, dividen yg bagus and guaranteed cash savings u: -

1. ASB 1 (amek loan ASB penuhkan and biar ceiling simpanan naik setiap tahun, this is for leveraging, to target volume, you can aim to get your fund beranak pinak sampai jd rm 2mil by the time of your retirement, up to you)
2. ASB 2 (max cash 200k sini xleh loan, lepas tu biar je ceiling saving naik every year sama konsep ASB1), some people keluarkan dari EPF, but i dont recommend you to do it, walau u bleh buat
3. Amanah hartanah (under maybank)
4. ASW
5. Tabung Haji

Unit trust tu kalo u rajin monitor or u have good agent ok lah... i mmg ada good agent yg uruskan my unit trust investment... i tak rekemen u keluarkan KWSP masuk unit trust tau... PLS DONT... sila jangan terpengaruh dengan agent2 di luar sana.. diorang nak cari makan je sbnrnya

better utamakan fund yang confirmed diurus PNB, dan dijamin kerajaan...  dari nombor 1 until 4 tu, u penuhkan satu demi satu ikut target simpanan u... mcm i mula2 focus asb1.. lepas settle, fill in asb2... Tabung haji plak i mmg target stakat 150k saje, pastu i stop sbb i mmg target nak amek pakej haji private gitu nnti ada rezeki sampai giliran..

gitu je la cara i diversify.... i approach maybank few year back, masa tu amanah hartanah tak bukak tambahan investment, so maybank nasihat i simpan kat retirement fund maybank smartcash... ia macam fixed deposit lah... sini mmg xleh usik minimum 15 tahun...  setiap tahun dia ada cash back... i park sini 200k je lah, tak berani letak fixed deposit banyak2......

lepas tu bulan 4 haritu i heard maybank dah bukak amanah hartanah 400 mil fund.. dividen 2X setahun, dah siap tolak zakat.. so boleh la kalo u nak, gi register nnti kat cawangan maybank.... tp rasanya cepat je penuh balik.. so i am waiting for moratorium period ni habis... lepas tu i nak approach lg maybank kot AHB ni ada open for additional investment lagi ke tak


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 Author| Post time 24-7-2020 01:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makbedah replied at 21-7-2020 09:54 AM
Owh I nak share juga lah I pernah Beli EMAS. Kumpul because my mum Yang ajar. Tapi tak byk lah. Sinc ...

Hi dear, if i may add... i actually always treat emas as savings and barang perhiasan sahaja.... u boleh korek2 further about "why gold is not an investment"... dalam islam, utk tidak menggalakkan orang islam melabur dalam emas, maka zakat emas dikenakan....

U boleh baca ebook yg free or murah2 dalam rm10 je kat google playbook tulisan syarif rahman....  bawah ni i ss content ebook dia... u baca lah... byk tulisan2 buku dia yang bagus....

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2020 06:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 24-7-2020 06:18 PM
mamaida28 replied at 21-7-2020 12:21 PM
saya pun mula buat plan dgn suami..saya lagi 14 tahun dan suami lg 13 thn (inshaallah bersaralah). P ...

U buat beberapa plan la... lets see which one suits your passion and your surrounding demand.. i sendiri ada buat beberapa plan.. dah work on it pun....

1. 2nd beach resort (dah 5% progress, delayed sbb PKP haritu je).. dah ada tanah, dah settle architecture drawing, nak submit KM je ni

2. Ladang ternakan lembu... i dah beli tanah 7 ekar, tp i belum usahakan tanam rumput etc... i nak penuhkan ilmu dulu dengan berkursus dan membaca

3. Plan taking over Stesen minyak.. tp application tengah closed ni... semoga ada lah rezekinya

But for now, i dengan husband disamping kerja hakiki (yes weols makan gaji), kitorg mmg ada side income in residential properties and commercial properties...  dulu ada 5 residential property kasi sewa, now dah jual 4 (sold between 2017-2020).. so now tinggal rumah landed weols duduk, dengan satu apartment kasi sewa je sbb tenant bagus sangat and sebenarnya kitorg sayang location residential tu....

commercial prooperties kitorg ada 6 tenants, so far tak plan nak jual... because haritu dpt increase tenancy rate.. might as well simpan sahaja these commercial properties.....

I have 1 existing resort, badly impacted during covid haritu 3 bulan tutup.. i only OWN this resort, sbb i pump duit for construction etc.. tp i tak operate resort ni, so the cashflow from the resort i just let my family manage it...

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2020 07:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anyone, if you have any ideas utk new ventures, boleh throw in here, boleh discuss jugak kat sini...  berforum dengan berilmiah.. i will try my best to give my opinion, based on my little humble experience managing business portfolios and cash flow, and maybe others boleh menyampuk as well...

In my previous posting, i did mention that i nak reccee in venturing into marketing business - stesen minyak.... sbb im very2 interested dengan business model of CODO - company Own, Dealer Operate... zaman2 dulu bisnes stesen minyak ini berbentuk DODO - dealer own, dealer Operate.... so bila Company Own, Dealer Operate CODO ni.. means that big oil giants will provide u land (yang dirog dah take over, based on their startegic fit study), they will provide u all the trainings, the facilities... u just sediakan capital requirement, and make sure u attend training and comply to their set standards...

I suka business model CODO ni.... and if the company has a lot of aspiration utk diversify the stations facilities... i wanna grab that opportunity.... semoga ada rezeki

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2020 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 27-7-2020 04:28 PM

i wanna share 6 pillars of Financial Management, where in order to ensure completeness in your financial management, make sure uols buat semua ni......

1. Wealth Creation - your income, Employment, Business

2. Wealth Protection - your physical asset, income protection, insurance, takaful

3. Wealth Accumulation - Money generating money like Unit Trust, Shares, Properties,

4. Wealth Management - Taxation, cashflow management

5. Wealth Distribution - will, hibah, harta sepencarian

6. Wealth purification - zakat, donation, derma etc

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