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Author: ziela657

~~Lokasi mane yg sesuai utk beli rumah~~

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Post time 19-12-2006 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by suraya77 at 19-12-2006 04:10 PM

semi D nih double storey ke???? klu double storey...kira ok la rega tuh..
mana nak dapat rega tuh klu area sedia ada..

Semi D tu single storeykan...apa2pun hari tu jambu call developer...dan akan naik umah 2 1/2 tingkat kat situ dalam RM250+++...kalo berminat bulan 3 nanti launch...

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Post time 19-12-2006 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Dgn harga minyak dan tol yg semakin naik ni....lebih praktikal kalau kita beli rumah dekat dgn tempat nak g keje.....kalau rumah lawa2 n murah pun tp jauh dan makan duit minyak n tol banyak pun lastly kalau dihitung2 sama gak dgn beli rumah mahal sikit tp dekat nak g pdgn sy je la.......

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Post time 19-12-2006 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nally at 19-12-2006 04:25 PM
Dgn harga minyak dan tol yg semakin naik ni....lebih praktikal kalau kita beli rumah dekat dgn tempat nak g keje.....kalau rumah lawa2 n murah pun tp jauh dan makan duit minyak n tol banyak pun las ...

sebenarnya ada pro & kontra...ada setengah org suka jauh2 sebab bila penat balik keje suka suasana yg aman damai tak sesak....most rumah yg dekat dengan opis...dah crowded

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Post time 19-12-2006 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Betul tu juju ikut taste memasing la kan....maybe sbb tempat keje sy ni pun area yg tak bz sgt rasa everything here memudahkan sy dan menjimatkan....semua dlm jarak yg tak terlalu tu la satu je area sy ni kalau nak rmh yg lawa ikut impian kita tu memang ler tak mampu nak syukurlah apa yg ada at least kita puas hati dan ia milik kita....

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Post time 20-12-2006 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Ina beli rumah kat kawasan Subang Bestari. Kawasan dia boleh dikatakan sedang rancak developement. Ina sebenarnya nak cari kat Kota Damansara tp cepat sangat habis sbb agent habis kebas, masa dok cari rumah. Sekarang ni ada rumah teres 2 tingkat tgh naik kat Kota Damansara, harga tak pasti tp maybe dlm lingkungan > 320k kot. Area situ very nice, husband Ina beli apartment kat situ senang gak dpt penyewa.
Just to share, member satu office ada beli rumah semi-d cluster kat Rawang tak ingat nama kaw. dia, sekarang member Ina tinggalkan gitu aje rumah dia sbb dia beli condo kat Ampang. Dia cakap selalu jam, keluar awal pagi sampai rumah lewat malam. Dia ckp dah tak larat nak mengharungi jam tiap2 hari pergi balik ke office, badan dah penat. Office kami kat Bangsar aje.

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Post time 20-12-2006 08:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 ziela657's post

hi ziela -
the most important thing u have to look at
bila nak beli rumah is LOCATION...
the second thing is LOCATION
and the third thing is LOCATION  -

adakah location yang u nak beli ni --
good location --
adakah rumah di situ will have an appreciation
in upcoming years --

adakah easy transportation and the area
will be bigger  in the near future--

u have to survey this sort of thing --
cuz it is a long commitment --

i just bought a house in Ampang
it is a great location  - and yes  a fairly bit expensive location
tapi sebab dah simpan duit memang nak beli kat Ampang -
and it is close to everywhere i wanna go --

therefore -- focus kan mana location yang u rasa
nak dan sesuai - -- bincang dengan husband if u are married -
or with your family --

i wish you the best and will get the house and the great
location that u deserve --

[ Last edited by  dexa at 20-12-2006 08:11 PM ]

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Post time 21-12-2006 08:48 AM | Show all posts
musim ujan nih br teringat..kalo leh elakkan beli umah yg senang naik banjir..nangis woooo...

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Post time 21-12-2006 10:28 AM | Show all posts
satu lagi area yang boleh disurvey ialah puchong..kawasan puchong pun construction perumahan makin rancak..
bukan semua kawasan puchong tu lombong.. so kena tengok/tanya betul2 pada pemaju.. saya beli rumah di puchong sebab harga dan keluasannya dan dekat dengan tempat kerja dan juga tepi hiway.. dan kedudukan di atas bukit..pemaju pun much better than T***M.  Kriteria yg saya lihat sewaktu membeli,

1) lokasi
1) harga vs keluasan / bank interest pun kena tgk
1) Rekod pemaju

Memang pening sikit nak beli rumah sebab banyak perkara kita perlu fikirkan.

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Post time 21-12-2006 03:24 PM | Show all posts

aku copy paste from sumwhere.....

Property information expert Ho Chin Soon has identified six property hot spots in the Klang Valley. These are Sungei Buloh-Damansara; Puchong-Seri Kembangan; South of Klang town; Kajang and its surroundings; Shah Alam 2 and its neighbours; Wangsa Maju, Mont'Kiara and parcels near the golden triangle

There are five significant developments here - Kota Damansara, Mutiara Damansara, Damansara Perdana, Sunway Damansara, and Damansara Damai. Two smaller ones are Saujana Damansara and Prima Damansara. Together, these projects provide a wide array of housing facilities, both affordable and the high-end type.

RRIM East's neighbours include Bandar Sri Damansara, Bandar Utama, the Tropicana Golf & Country Resort and the up-and-coming Country Heights Damansara. To the north are the Sierramas and Valencia housing enclaves. In the vicinity are shopping facilities like the popular 1 Utama, Centrepoint, Ikea and Tesco. An interchange is being built to link Kota Damansara to the PLUS Highway.

aper macam?? :cak:

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Post time 21-12-2006 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Juju at 18-12-2006 10:08 AM
another place nak beli Rawang coz ...ada ura2 Kampus Ke 2 UITM akan dibina di Rawang....exact location tak sure sgt...kat area Perodua x silap......this area mesti naik punya

setahu aku, main campus uitm yg sedang dibina adalah di Puncak Alam/Shah Alam 2.....tgh heavy construction now...

Rawang rumah masih murah, tp yg kureng aku tgk rawang nie...jln rawang-kl ada 2 alternative ajek termasuk highway dier....itu pon jalan kecik + jam + padat sesak giler....

derang tadek plan nak buat laluan alternative ker eh? ikotkan rawang tadekla jaoh sgt dari jalan dari rawang tue....aduss....tak larat....

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Post time 21-12-2006 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina^^ at 21-12-2006 03:29 PM

setahu aku, main campus uitm yg sedang dibina adalah di Puncak Alam/Shah Alam 2.....tgh heavy construction now...

Rawang rumah masih murah, tp yg kureng aku tgk rawang nie...jln rawang-kl  ...


tu campus no 1 - kat Puncak Alam, nie campus no 2...setiap UITM akan ada 2 kampus bagi setiap Johor - satu kat Segamat, satu lagi akan dibina di JB...jln Templer Park ke Selayang dah dibesarkan - heavy construction right now...dari 1 lane ke 2 lane...on to of that....komuter dari Rawang akan disambung terus ke Ipoh....highway dari Rawang ke Bukit Beruntung pun diluaskan...nie under construction .....apa lagi ye....ok Bandar Rawang pun dah ada alternative way nak ke Serendah witout masuk Bandar Rawang yg jammed

mmg rumah consider murah gak ...tapi tengok kat Kuang - exit Guthrie Highway...teres 2 tingkat pun dah RM157K...kira mahal gak le....facilities dalam pun kureng

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Post time 22-12-2006 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina^^ at 21-12-2006 03:24 PM
Property information expert Ho Chin Soon has identified six property hot spots in the Klang Valley. These are Sungei Buloh-Damansara; Puchong-Seri Kembangan; South of Klang town; Kajang and its sur ...

to developers,
kalau nak project jadi hot spots, letak la nama damansara.

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #72 smeetasmitten's post

betul tu mcm trend skrg, kat kuantan pun ada damansara kuantan kalau x silap

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 20-12-2006 08:10 PM
hi ziela -
the most important thing u have to look at
bila nak beli rumah is LOCATION...
the second thing is LOCATION
and the third thing is LOCATION  -

adakah location yang u nak beli ni - ...

:setuju: location location location !!

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #74 misy's post

tingat lak kt minah kirstie kat ch 4 klu x silap... yg rancangan berkaitan ideal home tu.. hehe

apa pun mmg setuju

location location location

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Some tips kalau nak consider beli apartments type houses either for investment or self-own.

Stratified considerations

Most units in residential strata schemes such as flats, apartments and condos are small in size so that they can be affordably priced to suit the budgets of home-makers just starting out in life, such as singles and newlyweds.

This price is often coupled with an attractive sales pitch: You only need a small downpayment, while the monthly repayment on the mortgage will be equivalent to renting a similar unit in the area! And as the icing on the cake, there are the recreational facilities and services promised to make a deal almost irresistible. Yes, many a homemaker has been seduced by the glamorous images of life in a stratified unit in the sky. Unfortunately, the actual act of living in one can be quite different. Here are some things you have to be mindful of:

Service charge
Consider the monthly service fee a developer might impose on you. As owner of one of the building抯 units, you抮e required to pay this charge, which covers maintenance and management of the project抯 common areas. However, unlike a mortgage, you never pay it off - it抯 a recurring expense you have to accept until the day you sell your property.

Nap-shot, the service fee is also guaranteed to rise over time, due to inflation and the expensive maintenance cost of equipment such as lifts, swimming pools, landscaped gardens and even the security services. As any long-time apartment owner will attest, your contribution to service charges can actually be a compounding cost which is not tax-deductible.

In fact, some strata unit owners are required to also pay service tax on their monthly fees.

Strata titles
It抯 taken a long, long time for many stratified homes to be issued with their own titles, and even in such a situation, it抯 only happened in cases where the developer is still around to apply at 搃ts cost and expense

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Just to share my experience when purchasing my landed house.

i) I rajin pergi survey MAPEX, PKNS and surf internet nak cari latest info pasal property.
ii) Pergi tgk sendiri actual kawasan rumah yg you ingin beli or berminat nak beli.
iii) Rajin2 tanya developer past track records etc and future projects this may indicate the developers cash flow. Tanya juga any news ttg development di sekitar kawasan yg you nak beli - expansion jln or highway, other neighbouring commercial or residential properties etc;
iv) Kalau ada show house pergi tgk dan tanya berkenaan apa yg akan disediakan oleh developer, show house selalunya akan ada banyak add-ons. Tanya the properties exact progress (dah berapa % dah)
v) Tanya pasal financial facilities yg mereka ada kalau tak dpt company loan;

Bila dah setuju & put a deposit, baca terms & conditions dlm agreement jgn ambil mudah aje.

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Post time 22-12-2006 02:12 PM | Show all posts
I lak insya allah akan dok kat kota dsara, umah tgh tgu dpt kunci je lagi, area sekyen 5. Rasanye berbaloi kot area sini. Skrg dok menyewa lagi kat dsara indah, mmg tak berbaloi langsung, tapi tu lah dulu tak reti nak cari area kota dsara...hubby nak cepat je.

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Post time 22-12-2006 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by elmosofea at 22-12-2006 02:12 PM
I lak insya allah akan dok kat kota dsara, umah tgh tgu dpt kunci je lagi, area sekyen 5. Rasanye berbaloi kot area sini. Skrg dok menyewa lagi kat dsara indah, mmg tak berbaloi langsung, tapi tu l ...

Wah.....sofea beli rumah teres 2 tingkat yg tgh naik tu ye : Woooo berapa ye harga rumah tu???

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Post time 22-12-2006 03:15 PM | Show all posts
dikawasan bangi ni pun banyak perumahan baru telah dibangunkan. bagi mereka yang bekerja di PUTRAJAYA rasanya tidak jauh utk berulang alik bekerja dari destinasi ini.
Ini adalah salah satu gambaran kawasan perumahan yang terdapat dibandar baru bangi seksyen 7........

Jenis apartment



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