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[MERGED] -- All about insurance utk anak2

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Post time 26-2-2006 06:41 PM | Show all posts
I tak penah buat comparison mase amik insuran utk anak-2 dulu..
Tapi all of us.. stick with one ejen.. sbb servis die mmg bagus.. she'll everything for us..

Tapi tak penah study ape yg die cover and not cover...
now dah ade ejen kat sini.. boleh compare ekk.. ;)

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 27-2-2006 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lovingmom at 26-2-2006 06:41 PM
I tak penah buat comparison mase amik insuran utk anak-2 dulu..
Tapi all of us.. stick with one ejen.. sbb servis die mmg bagus.. she'll everything for us..

Tapi tak penah study ape yg die cove ...

instead, maybe you pun boleh share polisi yang you ada utk anak2 you. Kita kat sini mostly nak sharing info utk anak2 kita semua..

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Post time 27-2-2006 03:38 PM | Show all posts

Abang ipar Ain jadi ejen HLA...dia cakap rate utk insurans dah naik by Bank Negara.

Betui ke?

Ain belum lagi ambik apa2 insurans utk anak I, next month dah 1 tahun.

Peninglah...sana offer sini offer..tak tahu mana yg suit utk Ain, dahlah Ain ni bodo pasai insurans. Tangguh nye tangguh sampai setahun dah ni. Takut kine tipu.

Abg ipar i cakap HLA bagus, sat ni ckp takaful elok. Adoiii....

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 27-2-2006 05:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WeAiNe at 27-2-2006 03:38 PM

Abang ipar Ain jadi ejen HLA...dia cakap rate utk insurans dah naik by Bank Negara.

Betui ke?

Ain belum lagi ambik apa2 insurans utk anak I, next month dah 1 tahun.

Peninglah... ...

Saranan saya, AiNe cuba bagitau apa yang AiNe nak. Maybe boleh listkan your need from insurans/takaful. Samada protection sahaja, samada investment return sahaja (which is low if to compare to other investment property yang lain), samada nak medical benefit sahaja, ataupun ke3-3 protection, investment, dan juga medical benefit in one subscribe policy.

2nd you boleh minta our fellow agent-fren here to quote for you based on your details. Jika utk anak :-

Bilangan anak.
Umur anak (birthdate)
Umur ibu/bapa
minumum/maximum premium that you can afford to allocate for your kid(s).

From there (from the quotation), only then you can decide dan dapat clearer picture what's best and suits your interest.

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Post time 2-3-2006 09:06 PM | Show all posts
saya amik takaful sarjana, bulan2 byr 126++ sbb minta beberapa benefit cam ble claim rm50 tuk satu hari kat spital for me n anak, penyakit kritikal rm 20,000, keilatan rm 20,000, n beberapa lagi..

tempoh matang masa anak umur 21 thn tp 3 thn sebelum tempoh matang ble kuarkan beberapa peratus. rate takaful yg baru nih dah naik sket sbb tgk quo baru  hari tuh jumlah masa tempoh matang naik sket dari jumlah masa mula2 ejen propose dulu..

[ Last edited by adhwan at 2-3-2006 09:07 PM ]

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Post time 3-3-2006 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alfredfx at 25-2-2006 11:41 AM
u can actually buy term life + medical card + critical ilness then convert to education plan if you are affordable. PM me if you are interested.

Yeap.. for those who like have extra money, why not pay more and you get more in return.

At one time, a client ask me, what is the difference between normal insurance/takaful and medical card?

Can you explain on that....I am sure a lot people like to know more

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Post time 3-3-2006 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lovingmom at 26-2-2006 06:41 PM
I tak penah buat comparison mase amik insuran utk anak-2 dulu..
Tapi all of us.. stick with one ejen.. sbb servis die mmg bagus.. she'll everything for us..

Tapi tak penah study ape yg die cove ...

It is good for you to stick with one agent....excellent..since the service is good, please ask him/her anything you are not sure...especially what are the benefits availaible....

Do not wait so long.. you are paying the company monthly without fail.. so you are entitled to know everything.. don't you think so?

Are you planning to take additional one?..Sometimes it is good to have more than agents too...It is like having two different cars at one is japanese is made in Malaysia..even if you luv the first car so much, .if somethin wrong with the 1st car...can't start.. you can use the other car... ..then only you will appreciate the latter..

It happened to me once..last few weeks.. I had an accident.. so I had no choice to use the 2nd car..even I hardly used it..maybe it was too old..old fashion..not to my standard..stuff like that..Finally I started to appeciate it more..


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Post time 3-3-2006 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WeAiNe at 27-2-2006 03:38 PM

Abang ipar Ain jadi ejen HLA...dia cakap rate utk insurans dah naik by Bank Negara.

Betui ke?

Ain belum lagi ambik apa2 insurans utk anak I, next month dah 1 tahun.

Peninglah... ...

Pn Ain,

Congratulations! sebab pertamanya dah ade kesedaran untuk mengambil perlindungan. Untung la anak you tu.. beranak la banyak2 lagi... tak rugi anak2 ade ibu macam you..

Pasal rate nak tu betul la.. Persatuan insurance has been asking for quite sometimes.. cuma I tak sure berapa banyak naik... dgn kalau naik 10%..adakah perlindungan jugak naik 10%..? Then we have to wait for it..

Pn Ain,

Kenapa you perlu cakap tak pandai pasal insuran/takaful.. make use la abang ipar you punya expertise..I am sure he can explain to you a lot..

But just because he is closed to you, does not mean you can't seek from others....

Macam ni la Pn Ain ..I just nak elaborate sikit.. or maybe sama apa yang ace tulis...

Before you nak ambil mana2 insuran/takaful, you patut kaji/tanya/pilih perkara2 berikut:

a. Firstly, you kena pilih nak ambil insuran conventional ke atau takaful. Then you dah streamline the
    number of companies available.  
b. What is your net income and how much you are willing to pay? The reliable agen will advice what is
    good for you..All you gotta do is ASK..ASK.. then you boleh tau whether the agen is
    commission-driven-type or a customer-driven-type...
c. What kinda plan you like to choose? Is it 3-in-1 (protection+saving+investment), 2-in-1 or even
     only one? If one, it means that you are looking 100% for protection, so on so forth
d. How long do you wanna get insured.. The agent will be able to focus on which plan wrt to number
    of years

With these all questions, you will be able to decide what is good for you ..


[ Last edited by sany48 at 3-3-2006 10:13 AM ]

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Post time 3-3-2006 10:43 AM | Show all posts
i ambik insurans prudential. masa kena operation hari tu, bagi medical card jek, pastu yg lain2 tu diorang yang setelkan. bil pembedahan RM6000+ setel and i just walk out of the hosiptal without paying a single cent. lepas tu, prudential bagi cek rm2000+ after one month.
i paid rm150 per month until i'm 70 years old. time ambik tu, i kerja swasta. skrg keje gomen, boleh save medical card tu. pegi hospital kerajaan je lepas ni.

for my daughter, i ambik yippiecare. mahal jgk payment dia. sebulan rm260 tapi kalau nak claim apa2, mesti within three days and kena bayar dulu then claim balik. so, i ambik prudential satu lagi for her. rm100 sebulan just for medical and saving shj. tapi i kekalkan yippiecare tu for her future. bila matang boleh dapat rm77000+ ler.

kami one family ambik prudential. tapi kadang2 polisi dia berubah2. now, kalau apa2 jadi, pelanggan hanya bayar 10% daripada bil hospital. luckily, in my case, prudential cover 100% for my hospital bills.

tapi kalau ambik takaful pun ok jgk. lebih islamik.

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Post time 3-3-2006 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mariamaria at 3-3-2006 10:43 AM
i ambik insurans prudential. masa kena operation hari tu, bagi medical card jek, pastu yg lain2 tu diorang yang setelkan. bil pembedahan RM6000+ setel and i just walk out of the hosiptal without pa ...


Yeap.. with no doubt.. you have taken the good step ahead of anyone else..

Actually kita ambil protection dari insuran/takaful bukan untuk menempah maut.. tapi juga protection jika berlaku kemalangan.. atau jika kita hidup sampai umur 70.. macam polisi you least anak2 tak kan buat lebih kurang..sebab dorang tau.. mak bapak dia "berharga"

Well done mariamaria..

tapi kalau ambik takaful pun ok jgk. lebih islamik.

Oh ya.. untuk pengetahuan semua, produk takaful ni bukan hanya nak memikat peserta dgn title Islamik sahaja. Sebenarnya ade criteria2 lain dalam takaful yang memihak kenapa peserta.


Dalam takaful ikhlas, kalau tiba2 peserta nak terminate polisi selepas 1 tahun, syarikat akan memulangkan balik % dari sumbangan tadi.

Then selepas 5 tahun, peserta boleh meminjam duit sumbangan sendiri..tapi syarikat tidak akan mengenakan sebarang interest...

Lagi, syarikat akan mencredit balik duit lebihan dari akaun taburra jika terdapat lebih ke akaun peserta. Jadi ini memberi keuntungan kepada peserta.

Katakan la.. peserta menyumbang RM100.00 sebulan.. so setahun akan RM1200..dari RM 1200 tadi,

RM150 akan diletakkan di bawah Personal Investment Acc (PIA)
RM50 akan diletakkan di bawah Personal Risk Investmet Acc (PRIA)
RM1000 akan di letakkan dibawah Tabaruu' Acc

PIA+PRIA adalah hak peserta itu sendiri dari tahun pertama. sebab itu jika peserta surrender awal, kesemua wang akan dikembalikan.

Taburra acc adalah pool of money from all takaful ikhlas client thought Malaysia. So dalam setahun tu..tak semua orang kan kemalangan..sakit.. so kalau ade lebihan dari duit acc ini. maka akan dikembalikan kepada peserta..

Tidakkah ini memihak kepada peserta? Jadi syarikat takaful bukan hanya bergantung on title Islamic sahaja untuk memikat peserta...


[ Last edited by sany48 at 3-3-2006 12:08 PM ]



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Post time 8-10-2006 10:42 AM | Show all posts

insuran untuk anak?

saya baru baca satu artikel, anaknya kena pneumococcal infection. Kesian, meninggal tapi dia kena bayar hhospital bill dekat RM60,000. Penyakit ni serang bayi bawah 2 tahun. Sesiapa sini tahu ke insuran yang cover penyakit2 bayi macam ni? Ada sesiapa ambil?

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Post time 9-10-2006 10:38 AM | Show all posts
i tak tahu lah....tapi i mmg ada amik insuran utk anak byr seratus....
penyakit tu bukan penyakit pnemonia ker (betul ke ejaan aku ni) alah yg sakit paru2 berair tu kan? ---> ini pun aku tak baper konfirm...ekeke...almkalumlah aku ni term2 medical ni mmg fail lah......tapi sebagai langkah berjaga2.....tak salah amik insuran utk anak...sebab kanak2 ni selalu je sakit
kanak2 skang tak sama ngan kanak2 dulu...dulu tak byk sgt pencemaran..skang byk..dulu takde fast food...skang byk sgt fast food yg lebih byk mendorong kepada keburukan dari kebaikan......



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lmokhtar This user has been deleted
Post time 9-10-2006 10:45 AM | Show all posts
pneumococcal infection ni adalah penyakit yg disebabkan oleh sejenis bakteria yg boleh membawa kpd pelbagai penyakit seperti meningitis, pneumonia, middle ear infection dan a few more yg aku dah tak ingat.

Apsal nak amik insuran? Amik vaccination dia lagi bagus. The inection cost about RM300 kalo tak silap aku, oklah tu rather then you tambah premium kat policy you tu...



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Post time 9-10-2006 12:09 PM | Show all posts
tq cheapmon, tapi boleh kasi tahu nama insurans tu?

I memang kasi baby vaccination yg macam2 sama yang dicadangkan oleh paed. Actually kita tak tahu apa akan jadi pada anak kita, jadi adakah insuran yang cover benda2 macam ni utk bayi? Sue baca artikel dalam majalah Parenthood, this parent memang bawa baby tu ke hospital terbaik buat macam2 tapi gagal juga. Treatment yg dia buat tu, memang Su rasa tak mampu bayar, tapi kalau terjadi pada anak, tak mahulah nanti wang menghalang dari anak kita dapat the best treatment. Ia mungkin penyakit, atau kemalangan kenderaan atau kemalangan dalam rumah...ada ke sesiapa ambil insuran orang dewasa, untuk anak?

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Post time 9-10-2006 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Bagi saya, insurans ni sgt penting krn my hubby business sendiri, so segala medical expenses ditangung sendiri. So, utk long term i ambil insurans utk anak-anak i. My expereince sendiri, my son pernah admitted hospital selama 1 minggu, Bil hospital rm3500. Alhamdulillah segala expenses semua ditanggung oleh insurans. Premium bulanan rm150. Insurans ni pon bagus sbg saving utk kita jugak!I suggest ambil insurans yg combination tu, iaitu medical & saving. Nak harapkan simpan duit utk anak dekat bank, kadang-kadang missed jugak. Tapi kalau insurans ni terpaksa jugaklah.

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Post time 9-10-2006 12:46 PM | Show all posts
so far baru amik education insurance utk izzati..sebulan RM50
memang plan nak amik health insurance jugak..

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Post time 9-10-2006 01:10 PM | Show all posts
nie kisah tig...

apply for insurance time aiman baru 4mth.. tak sangka time tu dia nak masuk hospital pasal muntah² cirit birit.. then 2nd time masuk again same thing.. then time tu dah apply tu.. then aiman kena asthma pulak.. time tu dia dah 6mth.. then agent AIA tu cakap nak report from doc pasal aiman dah more than 2 kali masuk hospital.. dengan rota virus ngan asthma ngan muntah and cirit dia.. so dalam masa 3 bulan kehidupan aiman tu mostly kuar masuk hospital la.. insurance tak lulus lagik nie.. last² dah dapat report and tig kena baya 105 for that report agent tu cakap sorry tak lulus yang lulus cuma education fund.. so tig totally rejected.. by this time aiman dah almost 6 kali masuk hospital.. setiap kali masuk 1k++ so tig dah baya hospital bill je dekat 7-8K arghhh... so kat sini just to let u know that insurance nie memang important.. penah bawak GH murahkan.. tapi my son like tak dilayan.. imagine baby sekecik 4mth muntah sampai takder apa lagik nak kuar dah.. sampai lembik and very pale.. so i opt for specialist..

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Post time 9-10-2006 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sue_y05 at 8-10-2006 10:42 AM
saya baru baca satu artikel, anaknya kena pneumococcal infection. Kesian, meninggal tapi dia kena bayar hhospital bill dekat RM60,000. Penyakit ni serang bayi bawah 2 tahun. Sesiapa sini tahu ke in ...

sue_05,i pun nak kongsi experience i
my son bulan 12 ni dah 3 tahun, sebelum ni i memang takde amik apa2 insurance kat anak i,
plan dah lama sejak dia lahir nak amik tp dok tangguh2
bulan 8 yang lepas dia didiagnose kena bronchitis,batuk teruk pastu susah nak napas
kena admit 4 hari utk treatment,bill kena rm3200++  tak tmasuk kos xray dan rawatan klinik yang pergi sebelum tu dlm 3 kali sebab batuk tak baik2.
lepas dr kes tu terus gi amik insurance utk dia.

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Post time 9-10-2006 02:03 PM | Show all posts
lupa nak jawab soalan, x sure la penyakit pnemucoccal(betul ke eja?) tu depa cover ke tak.
i amik prudential.sebulan rm150.
harap ada org yg arif pasal insurance tolong jawab

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Post time 9-10-2006 03:03 PM | Show all posts
saya amik prudential education plan + medical card. memang dah plan nak amik masa tgh pregnant lagi. so bila dia keluar je, terus amik. Sebulan bayar RM150.

Alhamdulillah, dah 2 kali dia masuk hospital, tak keluar sesen pun. semua insuran bayar.
pasal sakit yg ditanya kat atas tu, saya tak pasti lak, insuran cover ke tak. dlm polisi ada la disebut penyakit2 yg tak dicover. tp polisi kat rumah lak.

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